1,1 i; . T A ill 3T' 9 is 1A. 1 T.-mifnt oroof of the fact tint "li??;-. .-.:vs$i7?!vj(r,ic. -: uesire . . !--.. " '..1 better buildings art tor.tne pci- v7$735V lterment - of tber : communuy- Jlaa 1W; ; These remarks were wormy-, oi Ul,e CODSIUCfltVU VM ua - lowing these remarks a summary of the rural survey questions was read and a brief . discussion of these followed, which was led by Mr. Alderman. ;The band then gathered in frontof the building and furnished music while the children gathered on each side and then marched up and took their places in th.e form of a aem rtrfile itl..t HI front of the build- aSf F?Ett e!tni?. the first arade leading in the i J march. The school then sang Wis. SerSemr 1,, a m.,,W after which Mr. Berrv - , TDJheiitn ao -vp i man in an iiucrciuiK-. uuv aw luuiiuia niw . .; . I eruna . - --. -" .- . r-;.".S f-- . ilia As t- Tonifc&nd Strength v: r . o resds:t tjpgtitm:. sn: iq-w. Vimesive manner presented 'wsrt.ii- fcn a nervous WTfca. r- v a not Steep, eat or. rest propea ; TJnited States, flag, which was fetotfes of Verona then wavi.S.in great splendor, to look at life to a different tt. he school. - The students of the " -JZF'Ln? 'ovS'MooK higher grades then sane , "Red mwiikxu. iiutra .m-j - r- ... m ra o nearly four months, at me tfaat time- I was better tfcan I yf , haa been before. I had a apdid color ana never weighed more la say Ufe. - f - - v y n certalab.thtolc Jena ljg rM) M a tonic and fetrenftn Duuaer. ana tlr . - Mr, Charles Browtu.R- R. . Box 7 Bogersvffle, Texuu. write: "I hare tried many different remediea ..but have found that Peruna to the tjreat est tonic oa earth, and p perfect .eya-, Item builder." i I ;v y:- White and B. up." During the intermission which followed much - . '- - . . .. ... enjoyment was manifested, when! the ladies i of the 'cornmunity spread their lunch which they had so willingly prepared for the occasion And not alone in eat ing was this period of intermis sion enjoyed but also in observ ing the close game of ball which the school boys played. At 2:80 o'clock the crowd again assem bled in the auditorium, and after the song Carolina," Mr Berry- man made a very appropriate News Iterris From Beech speech He, too, spoke of . the V Fork . Irirosperity of a community being raaniicsicu uy uic crctuuii ui North Carolina At Beech Fork. Day ; f ... . . f . t .- - . r-' - ) I " - : - ' T m I 11 1 II II I. II" ' ' ' mmmmmmmmmmmr--7T - . ; .. . .J-iV..:.' CHASE THE CHILL ' FROM THE BREAKFAST ROOM A -i.'M BSMSMM 1 HESTERS START the Perfection Heater going five minutes before the breakfast hour; by tKb time :the family - gets down the whole rpom is warm and cozy. ' - 4, Thie food tatte better emybody feels better. It's a bully morning send-off for me whole family. The Perfection far ah ever-ready comfort. It is light you cai -y it wherever : extra heat is srid sewingt-ioom or cellar, bedroom or p 'or. Jt burns keroeeae ear to handle an-d inexpensive and costs nothing when not in use, h s tacoeless and! odorless. s At fisJein sad fbauture itores mnaymten. Look for the Triangle Xrade-Merk. el j 'ak jEs eaaeL TadfsJDtC RD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) BALTIMORE Charlotte. N. C Ci - 'eC ; 'V.Va. D()C I THE FARMS BASK OF EURE Eunis, ; tt. c. ' This is indeed a representative institution- Your Bank so so to speak, representing all lines of business enterprises in this section. AFbr this reason, especially, y bu asm safely make this Bank your Bank, being sure' that your account, large or small, Checking, or Savings, will be appreciated and carefully handled, your needs understood and provided for in satisfactory manner. We offer you all facilities of a thor oughly equipped modern Bank and cordially solicit yourac account. Four Per Cent, paid on time certificates of deposit. Mr. W. T. Perrv made a busi- S0 schol buildings, and how ness trip to'NoVfolk lat week Mr. u. l,. uavenport, Mr. anqt-rr," . wr? r Mrs. Miller and children. Mtf. P? i aay are tne men oi to- Broderick of Norfolk, VMrssesWow," he said, 'and perhaps Sophia and Annie Wood, Messfs some of the leading men of tr Alma Fofehandiand' Jofin1,ood,: -morrow will be the boys who are Jr., orEdentonere visitSra at 0 studying: at. Beech Fork Mf W T Pprrv' finHatr aftr-lSChOOi. J3Wt Tlfi . aiSO tOlO. the rroOn '-"r!18 tnat along witn tneir tearn- Miss Goldie Perr is spehdlajr fin3. they must learn to love; the a few days with Mfss Lillfan or the rural communities of Forehind , M y : t TO state, and in fact this whole Mr. Branning Perry is . serving "North State1' of ours. As a re- as.a juror in the December term sPofle to this, the students arose oi court whicji convenerl hi Eden- f nd 8ave the toast to Carolina ton Monday. " , ff ' land sang MoIior Carolina." Notwithstanding the inclement W tc? other brief discus- weather, quite a number of sons yie audience was dismissed friends, together with : ihe; stu- lV V Alderman. dents of the school gathered at I. A was a big day for Beech TW frt I Fork, and we hone that the in- celebrlte North XJarolina Dayv f wSlSg messages brought to the Beautif Ul Pearl Handle Kni VeS, Onaway quite a-i;numberlucar5? ;P lnese nowwe. men : . J in Christmas Boxes or Poirthes. of tne men of .the commMmty w.tf cause them to continue to Carvers and other Table Cutlery. went out to the school and thev. I rally to the cause of education, V with the -teachers r and :-"stuiid'"-Ata kooi'one of the Haunting Coate, Guns and Ammunition; the building both inside and, out teachers Miss Mary Newby White t Handy Flash Lights, Chowan Cobnty; Before the Clrk Jiiiien. VBeasley, wldo Bealey) deceased. of M. V.y Beaev. w v 1IKHM An husband, R. a Beasley and Robert&u Smith, Eexecutor of Valentine BeaL To.M. V. BEA.SLEY : 7' YOU WILL' HEREBY TAKE NOTlrp That a special proceeding entitled : ab9ve ha& beei. conimenced before undersized Clerk qthe Superior pf Chowan county,, that the purpo S said proceeding is to have allotted i said Ellen Beasley '.widow of Valenu Be4a)ey, deceased, her dower in T lands of her lata httsband 6 ' Y0U WIL! FUBTHEB TAKE NO TIOBCthatyoi ar hfeby required to t and appearbeforvthe uuderala!! Clepk of the Superior Court of choWT county, 6n. Man Jay, the 11th day January 1915 and answer or demur to the Petition; of. the Plaintiff, - or tt relief -therein pruyud for will be granted This 2nd daycof December 1P14. - j F W. HOBBs ' . C S. 0. Chowan Co, : NOTICE! - The books of Dr. J. B. Paiker, con taining; ' all cash accounts have been placed in my hands for collection, parties indebted to said Pa,ker are hereby called on to make immediate settlement and thus save cost of jU(g. ment, also worry and 'troubles as all the accounts must.be settled. W.. S. PKIVOTT, Att'v KEdenton, N. C. ThisNov". 30, 1914. S.BH5ILtEclC0., JJo.7 Fulton Fish Market. NEW YORK WHOLESALE COMMISSION riSEl DEALERS SPEi lAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE HALE OF NORTH CAROLI NA SHAD. , , , . ' Saudis and Stationary furnlshodon , Useful Christmas Presents at Bond's Hardware Store. was of Belvidere as principal and baseball jMisses;' Annie Bush of Tyner and ti J Lillian plarbouroi SmithBeld, N! C. , as assistants. - CASTOR I A Per Xsfaats esd Chilfrea In Uco Per Over 0 Vccra I Always bears the; t - ' - Bethel News Notes. a notable feature of which i the. formation of a ' ground for the -school The house waa decorated in autumn leaves ana m pine boughs - and every thingwas'put in readi ness for th following day. ;6n Friday ihe , audience was deligfitfully. entertained .with music ly -the Bocky Hock brass ' "band until the Speakers of the ;; day, Ex-Senatoi 0. Si Vann Mr. : W. J. Beraan, : ,a jnembar, oif the Board of Educatiod, and Supt : r ". 7 V.T - "'"VrMissea An Mae Wolfe and . irom iaenton. At -thebecrhv nr t tj , , :- s - V- - 4 Mary Long were in Edenton v : mnS of th.e: motmng programnhe Saturday. ' " .7 ::T 8 "! J. H. Long of Norfolk rs xxo, .wp. was .o. amJ x a, Long of Edenton were k lowed hv ': (iSfinnal pvprricpcl . . - . , , .; ..V " --Tr: IT I wed home bunday on, account 7 , . "7 ;T1 " V ,,f,of-the illness of their father, Mr. V. rerry,'criairmanoi. the schooljT J Long ' r;mmittve a W ' welcome and then introduced Ex Jur- o.j -r , . - ,'v--w - Jixr. oiancy ajong ana xuiss uer- - .:tor Vann.i In.th.remtrki nice Williams called at Mr. W. -Mr.V.nn made he compar- a. Munde.i Sunday afternoon. ;!.!56l .Misa It L, Pratt and 0. J. proverwnt teWt?t d Fieetwoodcsal jir. w. ,A. "a5 vtt IS'.-d "d Uuilden'Sunday evening. . , csh6ol, buildings thouldbe some tit r t m . '- j -7 Z Mr. C J. Fleetwood went -to ' 1W rP"?eBW.-.v the-play -Tempest and Sunshine" also compared theold ; one,roota fa - JUmSallieagleiTisTted Mrs: To The Pulic of Edenton: I now have a nice stock on hand of WALL PAPER with modern designs for 1915 in the sample book now ready to show to the public, that they may select from. You wifl find BORDERS with paper to suit every room the house from the Kitchen to the Pailor. Please call me up at my office by Phone 129 and I will take pleasure and call to see you and bring my sample bodk with me for you to select from. Truly yours and oblige, , v i Phillip Roconburg, Prop. i These quotations will bo revised each week with the assislaye of Ode 11 Bros. Commission Merchantis, Norfolk, Ya., and will be found as accurate us it is possible to make them. Dressed Hofjs 10 to 12 Dressed Hens - pouud 19 to 20 Dressed Geese, ea;h $1.00 to 1.15 Hen Eggs per dozen . ... . . . . . . . 32 Chickens, live, per pound. . . . , 15 to 16 Hens, live, per pound : 7'. : . .1-4 to 15 Turkeys, live, per pound . . . 17 to IS Turkeys dressed, per lb.'.-. . . . . .20 to 23 Calves, live, per pound 5 to 7 Hams per. pound . ..... 18 to 25 Butter per pound .2 to 2 Hides per pound 14 to 16 Geese, live, each. . . .. . . . ... ... .75 to 85 Ducks live, each. .... .... . . . .30 to 40 Haymon Sweet Potatoes, Bbl. .. .,$1.50 Nancy Hall Sweet Potatoes Bbl. . .$1.75' Keifer Pears t Bbl. ........... .$2.00 Cabbage, Bbl ..... . . $1.25 Bees Wax; ; per pound...... ....... .28 Cattle, live; per pound 3 to 5 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. iiavmg quaiined as Executor of Vn.1ant.infl "RoQclaTr Jaaaj i'. Chowan County, N. .0., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit tkem to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of November 1915, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ' All perHns indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 9th day of November, 1914. - KOBT. W. SMITH, Executor ' Hertford, N. C. For any pain, - burn " scald or bruise, apply Dr. Thomas'J Eclectic Oil- the v . household remedy. Two sizes 2oc and 50c at all drug stores. - advfc. yf hJnmf ! W; U. WUUams Saturday. -Z -citocay, ana gaia t-ea euch I rTT-ru.n Wr--i WO .256 lit ECsoiiB Dee Qi'CC!d . p Th best Coal Value! in town is to be had here. Our coal burns longer, gives plenty of heat, and leaves very little ' ash. Phone or mail us an order for what you need and have us put some real satisfactory coal in your cellar. The kind that mean re-orders. ; . ' 7W: ;- Doau's regulets are re5 niend ed;bj; many who say they operate eaaily without gripe ami without all drufr 1 1 ' J '.ntv-r."" ' 1 1 . 1 1 t vyspepaia la America s curse. WP V Vrestore digestion, normal Weight, good health and - purify the 1)1 ood use. Burdock i : Blood Bitters. Sold, at all drug, gtores. R. d. . COWPER & SON, Gatesville, N.C. . Dealers, iu GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Furnitnre, ' Wire Fencing, American Steel Fence Posts, Paints, Oils, Etc. Stop The Child's Colds They Often Result Serious " 'y - Colds, Group and Whooping Cough, rare children's ailments whioh need lin mediate attention. The after-effects are, often most. serioys. Don'tke the risk you don't have .' to; Dr King's New Discovery checks the Cold. ' r - - v , - soothes the Cougn, j allays the Iuflammation kills the Germs aud allows Natare to do", herr healing work. ; 50c; at;;ybiir Drngfgist Ba a . bpttlc, to-dyr 1 adyt ,r S Happy the boy or iirl who finds a KODAK ' in the Christmas stock ing. What more appro priate for Xmas than a gift that keeps the, happy times of that day and all the days to come. Write us for Catalogue. G. L flail Optical Co. "Evegfess and Kodak Experts" NORFOLK 144 and 146 Granby St RICHMOND 211 E. Broad St. LYNCHBUEG 813 Main St. 1 Norlolh souihcpd M ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Schedule in effect Jan. 11th I'M- IT t : rii .- . flfrlirfiS sx.&. xne iouowing scueumo , rg published as information only ana are not guaranteed, t TKAINS LEAVE EDENTON." SOUTHBOUND 12:01 p. m'.,'dail3, NIGHT EXPEESJ ' r Pullman Sleeping Cars for Baleign V Goldsboro and interniediato Bta-"-- tions. 2 :00 P.M., DaUy, for Raleigh, ' boro. Beauiort and iuwna"" slationd. Parlor Oai servic ' Washington and Newbern '. : NOETHB0UND . 4:49 a. m. L dailv. Night Express f Norfolfc. i vv.rfolk 1 :27 p. m.. daily, Express for and intermediate stations. rlWr 2 :25 P." M, Daily for Norfolk and-I1 x stations . 7 .-00 A. Ml , Daily, except Sunday, r - r,... . u.,wib 9:20 A- ouuojk arrive ouu" - - i .-I . , 12 :4V P. M., - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, arrive at Suiioi. For partieulax-s apply to W. S. B Agent at Edenton. v . LEAB-f. Norfolk, Va. W. A. WITT. , Gen, Supt. H. S. ! T ' X T trt- TJv fmft little Dli .

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