V gE ilDernaric vvrver H.L.STORY ; :: : - Editor and Publish - -toifi t, thA nnst. nffin at Edenton, Entered as second class manr nui, . ' : r i ,,niAi tha Art. nf March 3. 1879. ' JJ , . Published Every Friday ADYEBTISING BATES FURNISHED CTS . APPLICATIOK SUBSCPIPHON $1.00 PB YEA IS ADVANCE. Six Months'5lc; . " Tbree Months: 25c. Tne Editor will not De responsible lor the views or statements ol correbpooueuLS ua reserves the right to revise or reject ny part or all of acy article. CorrSSSents aSooMrite only on one side of the paper ami should be sure. vviitoi-v" x. ovinia mnot ho imm1 hv. f he flnrTP.ntn- to 3 oeli proper namea correcuy. w wa, j dehiT wnosJname will nor be pubHhed without nis or her consent. Edenton, N. 0., Friday, Mar. 12, 1915. WARNING. For the last two weeks we have carried in this paper and adver tisement f 'Money to Loan" by the Southern Mortgage and Loan Association, Atlarlta, Ga. No satisfactory references as to this company have yet. been received and .we advise our readers not to invest a cent or make -any con tract with these people until they are sure about their responsibil ity. We regret that their adver tisement was inserted. MR. R. M. RIDDICK'S PORKER. The following from our esteem ed contemporary in Elizabeth . City calls forth a remark : C;. An Elizabeth City citizen wishes to ask through the columns of the Advance how Mr. B. M. Biddiek of Gatesvllle scalded his eight-Ieet long porktff, whether he had a bran new cauldron made Ito order for this particular pur pose, or whether he did it on the in stalmebt plan? But we'll give it to Mr. Riddick that his unusual ability did not fail him In that crisis, after going po far as to produce the hog. All the same, we should be glad to hear how It was done." We are not at all surprised at such a question question being asked by-'a citizen of- that burg ven ".-by the editor himself, but out of the blest of feeling we must add a word or two. Way down below in Pasquotank Where bullfrogs7 jump from bank to bank A man would make himaelf a crank To learn to scald a hog like this. For firstly he can't raise the hogs Instead of pens, he has old logs And stagnant water for his frogs, TfTi '11 i 1 vi men dows ana arrows never miss. Instead of corn, he lets them sun From bank to bank they swim for fun And than he shoots them one b) one ' And straightway takes them home - for "Sal." And that is why these men can' A cauldron from for a full grown pig. ' They think they'd certainly have T to dig .'- Another :Panama Canal. . And then they'd wonder how to heat A place so big to scald this mea And put it down a hopeless feat Like Lilliputians as they are.. And now, my friend in. Gates, you see ; .How such a question came to be So make your explanation free . Lest you their - cherished hopes may mar. THE BONDS FOR FARM LIFE SCHOOL HELD VAL ID, BUT PROJECT CON FRONTED WITH DIFFI CULTIES. The Supreme court has at last i rendered a decision as to the! validity of the 'bonds votpl cn the Edenton Graded School district for the Farm Life .School. i i The bonds are held valid, but whether or not the people of our district would favor the bonds it i it Deino; soia unaer me circum .starces is xiuestionable. This school, if established, is to , bene fit the peoplev of the county as well as the .people of the, district and yet, under the exisiting cir cumstances, there is no certainity whatever of obtaining the 2,500 yearly from the county for main tenance ot the school. BeftTre this could become a certainty it would require a vote of all the people. of the county. Morever the state appropriation of the same amount is dependent upon this county appropriation, which two appropriations, if defeated by ballot would make the Farm Life School proposition undesir able for tjie school district, inas much as the district would have the entire expense while the county at large would receive its portion of the benefits. . There is a division of opinion as to the advisibihty of submitting an elec tion to the county on this matter under the depressing circum stances, as the people would be inclined to vote against any proposition in which the word "tax" appeared, regardless of its benefits This matter of a school has certainly come to be complicated. Already there has passed the legislature another bill allowing, the Edenton school district to votebonds to build its own school in the event the bonds were not held valid. But since they are declared valid and the election already having pass ed calling for their "sale, it re solves itself into a question as to whether the sale of these bonds was conditioned on county and state appropriations. If they were, nothing can be done till the county election is held. If the project should meet with de feat in the election, of (course the whole matter would be defeated and the people--of the district would be compelled to act in dependently of the county and state This they are authorized to do by the present act of the legislature.' .. the conference committees of rthe -house and senate having been adopted by both branches Mon day riight. The democratic legis lature has complied with the platform pledge of its party land, since start has been made; the present law can be perfected as occasion.deruands ... One feature of the machinery that should ap peal to candidates is- that which orders the election officers to.give all candidates good positions on the tickef. bv alternating the names of candidates at the top, middle, and bottom positions. It three men snoaid be running (for governor, far example, the name of one man would; be placed rst oi a third of the ballot second on another third and last on another third . In this way - the .-name of every candidate would be in first position on a third of the ballots. This would prevent any one candidate fiom securing the advantage of position." iiiii J. W. NO WELL TO BE HONORED. Dr. Chas. E. Brewer, professor! of chemistry in Wake Forest college, has accepted the" presi dency of Meredith college to succeed Dr. R. T. Vann, the ; i latter haviDg resigned to become! secretary of the Baptist State Board ot Education, it seems to be generally conceded that Dr J. W. Nowell. well known in Chowan county, will succeed Dr. Brewer at' Wake Forest. Ajnup-trdateremedyJfor colds. That is what Ppruna is. In successful; use oyer 50 years;.. Colds? are, caught hi many ways: . IUy ventilated rooms; rooms that have direct draughts ; crowded; rooms ; ; damp houses ; stuFy school rooms; omces illy heated. f , A dose of Peruna at the right time, at the first symptom of cold, before the bones begin to ache, befiore the tethrdat manifests itself, or the couglvor the discharge from the nose, just a dose or two of Peruna before these sympt6mshegin is gener ally sufficient.' But after the cold is once established with the above symptoms prominent, a bottle of Peruna, or maybe two, will be necessary. ; "For several years I Have been troubled : with colds at each change of season. 1 took Peruna and have not been troubled with the slightest cold this entire season.' ' Mr. Harry Fisher. 1928 Mosher St.. Balti more, Md. "X give .the children Peruna if they have cold, and It always relieves them." Mtb. J, D. Hayes. 1937 Druid HUl Ave, Baltimore, Md. "When I feel a cold coming on I take a little Peruna, and it doe me good." Mr. Charles S. Many, 12 Water 8U Ossinlng, N. T. . "No famuy shouior ever De wunout Parana- tar it ia an unfailing cure for colds." JMrs. IL F. Jones, Burn Ins Serines, Ky- - - . . i . " - , " -' - . - ' - . ". .'. , . . - . e. i - : (rJi 2 p HAVE YOU YOUR OWN HOME? vnii n home which vou can call jjr yovtr own? ' Or. are -you one of the many who are working from year to year - witn nornmg to snow ior it ( When yottr earning days are passed will you show rent receipts, or will you proudly show the deed to your own home?; . : -s Few have the money to buy a home out right. It must be acquired by systematic saving. Opf n an account here. Call it ybur home account If ' you do this yod wV.' scon enjoy the happy occasion in every trie's life and tip"; "s ihs time you " make your first payment i on your own honio. THE- CITIZENS Sel win News. Mr. Nepolou Hollowell Belvidere speut Suuday here with his parents Mr. aDd Mrs. Daniel Hollowell. ' m - Mrs. T. D. Hollowell spent Saturday afternoon as the guest of Mrs. N. L. Buncb. Miss Sinnie Hollowell is ' suffer ing with the mumps.' Mr. Daniel Hollowell spent Dr. Griffin to be in Gatesville Saturday iu Norfolk, Va. Dr. E J. Grifnn (dentist) wish- Mrs. Jennie Jones is ill at this es to announce that he will be in writing. Gatesville next week for the con- Misses Horn and Williams venience of , his Gates county sPenk Saturday and Sunday as SAFETY- .SEroE-COlIRTfiSlf Every Jadv in this town and county can get a Beautiful Tail ored Spring Suit or Coat at bur store, where you get the newest and best We'll show the lar gest and assortmeht- p ret ties t Every patrons. Willeyton Items. -Mrs Eure and daughter the guest of Miss Ira Hollowell. Mrs. Willie Hollowell and children visited relatives Sunday. Mr. D. Hollowell made a busi- o ness trip to Suffolk Monday. Miss Tannie Hobbs is visiting Rnre. N. C. are visitine Mrs. Eure'e crandson Mr. W. B "lolCi at 11,10 W"MU tt jMr. and Mrs... J. H. Bunch Mrs. L. W. Parker and little .v,81tea ms blbiers aames cr,i,,,.,.i rr.,o a t? ch j 1 i . p . i -j Liuwaiu i-uouu auu a x Oball- r I - Tl J t O .. . 1 r Miss Bridiucr Parker to her school lDs xuesaa OI oanay ross- near Hobbsville N. C, and were the guests of Misses Mattie and 8Peut VVeanesQtay mgm aS guesc oi rnr. ana iwrs. r. u. Hollowell Josephine White on Tuesday. The Brigade- of Kittrell's church will have an Easter Egg hunt on the church grounds on Saturday evening the 3rd of April. Mr. H. B. Cross ol Suffolk Va. was in our town one day last week on business. . Miss Madeline Harrell went to Suffolk on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Farmer of Hertford passed through here last week enroute to Hobbsville to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winslw and children of Hickory spent v a, Sunday .with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stailings and while there Mr. Winslow was called home to the bedside of his brot her Mr A. L. Winslow. Mr. B. W Copeland of Ryland J. H. For Appearance's bake One day Pat appeared on the A i 1 1 ... .1 street witn a nuce tear in his coat visited his sister Mrs. 8leeve, Bunch Tuesday. "Look hear, Pat," protested a friend, " why don't you get that hole mended?" 1 1 XT L : t . "xot wi, sor, saia rat: " a hole may be the result of an acci Ryland News. Dr. I. A. We acknowledge with thanks an invitation to be present at the Inauguration of- President Gra ham of the University of North Carolina Wednesday, April 21. We are publishing, for' 'the in ...formation of our readers the full s-text of amended anti-ju law Ttbat has recently passed the THE PRIMARY LAW. Chowan has already given the primaiy law a try-out and found it t-bfr: great improvement on the old county convention plan In What particulars the Chowan law differs from the State law recently passed wevare not pre pared to say.; The following from the Raleigh" Times may throw some light on the subject: "Nominations in North Caro Una hereafter will he made z in a Ward of Belvidere dent, but a patch is a sure sign Passd thtou8h here. Mouday of poverty. Wood's Productive Seed Corns. We offer all the best prize-winning and profit-making varieties The high price at which corn i9 selling should encourage increased acreage and the planting of im proved varieties of seed coxn every where. Wood's Descriptive Catalog gives full descriptions and informa tion about all the best and most im proved varieties, telling what to plant to make largest and most profitable crops. We are also headquarters for Millets, Sorghums, . v Cow Peas, Soja Beans, ! Sudan Zr Rhodes Grass, v and all Seasonable Seeds. Write for Catalog and prices of any seeds required. WOOD O SONS, Miss Gertrude Ward' left Fri day for Edenton where she will spend sometime visiting her sister Mrs. T. . Hoskins. Jr. Mr. Jim Asbell and Miss Lenna. Fleetwood were ont "joy riding Weduesday. Little Miss Maebelle Ward is very sick with pneumonia. Messrs George Davidson, Rich ard Eason, and Edria,Asbell, call ed on Miss Lessie Ward Saturday night. .-' Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Byrum 9 pent ;. Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Penina Ward. Messrs.: Wijiie Evans. Richard Eason audi Cuthbert Ward were the guests ot the Misses Fleet wood Sunday: afternoon. , MisdamesTUJ.' T. and P'eniha X . - - Ward called at the home-tf Mr, W. C WardTuesday- afternoon suit different No two alike. Prices $10, $12.50, $1 5, $18, $20 $22.50 and $25100. All the Hew Silks and Dress Goods at the most reasonable prices. in ' flu verett iiodard 0 Dili llil 111 "Leaders of Low Prices" To The Public of lSdeuton: 1 I now have a nice stock on hand of WALL PAPEt. with modern designs lor 1915 ir the sample book now ready to show to the public, that they may select from You will fiud borders with paper to suit every room in the' house from the Kitchen to the Parlor. Please call me up at ray office by Phone 129 and I will take pleasure and call to see you aod bring my sample book with me for you to select from. Truly yours- and oblige, . FHIIiIalF HiOSSrtf BURG, Proprietor. spent Sunday with Mr. Mclver Spivey. Mr, Jim Asbell called on Mhs Lenna Fleetwood Saturday uight Holly Grove News. Miss Faye Savage eutertained Sunday afternoon, celebrating her thirteenth birthday. Fruit cake, pickle, and various kinds of home made candy and peanuts were served. Those that partieipdted were Misses Gladys Beamon, Alene Savage, and . Evely n Hobbs Masters Eugene Gilllis and Mur ray Pti ldick. Not withstanding the bad weather the happy little party enjoyed themselves simply grand land amid joy and laughter depart ed for their homes wishing Miss Faye many happy returns of the day. . Misses die Williams, Rebficca Manning of Sunbnry visited Mrs. J; E. L. - Morgan; Saturday and Sunday. , Ikfrs.-R. T. Savage went to Suf folk; Tuesday making ' spring purchases. 'v Miss Ruth Lamb teacher; at and Sunday with ner aunt Mrs. R. H. Parker. Miss Belle Beamon who was very, sick last week is much better at this date. Dr. O. L. Harrell was a visitor in our yillage Saturday. Rev; T. .M. Grant dined at the home -oi Mr. and. Mrs. E F. Beamon Tuesday. -There will be a play held at Gorapeae graded school house March 19 th beginning 7:30 after noon, jititle The Mischierous Negro. Everybody is cordially invited. NOTICE A meeting of the STOCK HOLDERS of Beaver Hill Ceme tery is called to be held in the Court House in Edenton, . C, ... on the evening of Monday, Mar. 15th 1915 at 8 o'clock. It is desired ; that every stockholder shall be present. ALL are urged to come. ; R. F. CHESHIRE, 1 .; President, "legislature,. - jtate-wdroaTHe "ijgajjfe at 1 -'-4' -r' 1. . - '4

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