i :. 77 Wrcv - " II II II Tt I .. . (Misses Q. & y nu fire uuiuicui y a" 1 & Sormg Tuesday (At Mitcheuer's old Stand) Mrs. H. H. Preston usco news. The Farmers Union of Center Hill, Local No. 2225 met at Bro. W. D. Perry's Monday evening a member ill with pneumonia to cut his wood They cat more bard wood than he asked for and " . T 1 enough pine wood to last him the year. The president E. E. Top ping, Vice President, W. T. Forehand and . Chaplain, Parker Moiids and a large number of members were present and helped cut. Bro Jimmie Monds a mem- '2. a -WW 1 -w ' m T T ber of tenter mil l-ocai uuion jwas helped at the last meeting bis dues paid in full by the members tor this year besides a -nun and will continue to help him Tney also cut his wqpcl last batur- iimv hvhiiii n. ii I in I ii m ua - uuu "J ' o r - met with the misfdxbuue of getting his leg broke by a stamp puller i .1 .i i i i leaver mas Droite auu suuuk ui::i bard enougn to nit mm up so as to fall on h is head. Center mil Local Union has been faithful to - their sick and distressed members has been organized about 3 years and has paid in cash money near three hundred dollars saying nothing about the work they have given in the way of cutting wood, working-and housing crops for their sick members. Benton's X Roads Mr. J. E. Small was a caller in Savage Saturday morning. Mrs. J. M Savage is much better at this writing. - Mr. V., F. Hoeeard is very il at this writing. , Those who called on Miss Minnie Small Sunday were Mezsrs. Raleigh and Lycurgus Small Chester Powell, Kenneth Harrell and V. P. Etoggard. Mr. Ruffu3k,and Frank Ward spent a few days in Ryland the past week. Misses Maggie Bentou and Helled, Leih spent Saturday night with Miss Eunice Beamonl Mr. Isaac Speight was tne guest of Miss Elsie Powell Sun day afternoon. - - -- -v Oak Grove Christian; church will hold a quarterly meating Safc urdry . evening at two o'clock uMembers and friends are invited. He Was Unanimously Elected When the term of the old negro preacher had Expired he arose a Dd said: ; - "Bredden, de time am heah fo "tfe delection ob yo pastor for a u . ndder yeali. All dose f aborin me fo pastoh Will please say 'Aye' " The tfd, preacher had made him- self rather anpopalar and there was no response . :. "Ha," v? aid; 'silence gibs : consenl-allns.''.' Tse yb pastor fo' anudder yeah," v see day Ji Ji 11 n 11 E. Bond.( Summer Report of the condition of the Citizens Bank at Edenton, N. C, at the close of business Mar. 4, 1915. , RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts . $117,116.50 Overdrafts secured fc unsecured. 1,458.78 All other Stocks, Bonds, Mtgs. 4.120.00 j Banking Houses, Fur. and Fix 9,000.00 Demand loans 29,695 . 50 Due from Banks and Bankers . . 48.36J .55 Cash Items. .(.'. 1,762.39 Gold Coin ........... K . . .1,305.00 Silver coin Including all : minor coin currency .1 547.25 National banK and U.S. notes. . 6,393.00 TOTAL $220,759.97 LIABILITIEI3. Capital Stock paid in 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. . 19,636.51 Dividends unpaid 30.00 Notes & bills lediscounted Time Cetif cates of Deposit. . . . 5,169.00 Deposits subject to check.. .. 104,899.01 Saving Deposits : 60,625.06 Due to Banks and Bankers 4,385.73 Cashier's Checks outstanding 1,014.66 TOTAL late of North Carolina, County of Chowan. $220,759.97 SS: I, Chas. H. "Wood, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my belief and knowledge." CHAS. H. WOOD, cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of Mar . , 1915. W. H. WARD, Notary Public. Correct Attest: H. C. Privott, L. F. Zeigler, Directors. Patrick Matthew. Report of the condition of th c Bank of Edenton at Edenton, N. C, at the close of bus iness on the 4ht day of Mar., 19i5. . RESOURCES. Loan9 and discounts... .......223,203.13 Overdrafts sec. and unsecured , . . . 380.44 All other stocks, bonds, mtg3. . 76,100.00 Premium on Bonds 650 00 Banking House, fur. and fix 21.000.00 All other real estate owned 6,072.72 Demand Loans '2.05tf. 00 Due from Banks and Bankers 30,987.78 Cash Items 1.045.63 Gold coin .. 837.50 Silver Coin, including all Minor Currency ,...1,595.58 National BanK and U.S. Notes. . 4,911.00 Total $368,839.78 LIABILITIES Capital Stock 50,000.00 Surplus fund 25 . 000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. . .3,909 47 Notes and bills red iscounted 5,000.00 Bills Payable - 40,000.00 Time Certificates of Deposits 14,914.06 Deposits,Subject to Clreck 120,007.04 Saving Deposits 109,564.31 Cashier's checks outstanding 223 98 Certified Checks 149 25 Acerued interest due depositors 66.67 Total .$368,839.78 fctate of North Carolina, County ofj Chowan. I, E. C. EEA, Cashier of the Bank of Edenton do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. e:c. EEA, - - . . 3ashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 10th day of Mar. A. D. 1915. ; ' D. M. WARDEN Notary Public. Correct attest : 1 M. G. . Brown, J: G. Wood, ; W. A. Leggett, Directors. f t3jikleii-s rbica Salve Its Osst Sslvo b Tha Wcrli Opeomg Mar. 16. Muddy 1 Cross .$ News. Mr. Lynnie Spivey called to Miss Maggie Moora Wednes night.' v ' Misses Annie and Sallie llioi- dick entertained a number of their friends last Tuesday night. ? V.- Messrs. Marshall Hobbs, Luther Boyce, John Dave Hobbs, and Joe Overman called to- see Misses Auuie and -Sallie - Biddick Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Riddick spent Sunday with her parents . Messrs Lee and Willie Rid dick and Lycurgus Overrhan were the guests of. Misses Anme and Sallie Riddick Sunday afternoon. A few of the boy 8 and girli around Muddy Cross attended revivat services at Bosley church Wednesday night. Mr . Frank Moore called to see Misses Mary and Nina Riddick Saturday night. ' Mrs. Bertha Riddick and Miss Annie Riddick spent Monday afternoon with Miss, Zena Blanc hard Messrs. Herlie Rountree and Lloyd Carter were tne guests of Misses Moore's Saturday night.- Death Of Lora Augustus Winslow On .March the seventh 1915, God called from earth to heaven our dear beloved brother Lora Augustus Winslow, age 26 years 4 months 15daySj, The son of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Winslow. near Hickory Cross. He has 9 been a sufferer for many years, - 1 but for the past year has suffered j much pain, but bore it patiently, trusting in his Savior for help. He gave himself to Christ and joined Sandy Cross Baptist church in 1913 and was a aithfnl member. The funeral services were conducted by his pastor Rev. T S. Crntchfirld, and his body laid to rest in the family burying ground His dying words were Deautitul, touching the hearts of those that heard them. He leaves to mourn his loss an aged father and mother three brothers and one sister be sides a host of friends. May the Lord bless the dear ones and keep them close to his side. SISTER-IN-LAW. ' Report of the condition of Hertford Banking Company. at Hertford, in the State of N. c., at the close of business Mar. 4 1915: BESOTJKCES. Loans and discounts . $ 182,099.00 Overdrafts, 269.60 United States Bonds on hand 1,000.00 Banking; Houses. Furniture. and Fixtures , 10,000.00 Due from Banks and Bankers 23.811.99 Cash items " 230.20 Gold coin ' s 265.00 Silver coin, including all mir nor coin currency 1.308.S3 National banK notes and other U. S. notes ' 4.062 00 Total $223,046.76 Liabilities j Capital stock 25,000.00 Surplus fund - . 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur- ' j rent expenses and taxes pd. 2,167.7f Dividends unpaid 24.00 Bills payable 6,000 00 Time certificates of Deposit. 63.496.0Q Deposits subject to check. . . . 102,045.17 Cashier's checks outstanding 156 6 Certified . Checks 163.10 Total ' State of North Carolina, County of Perquimans, $223,046.72 I, Ii. -W. Norman, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my -knowledge and beUef. -L. W. Norman, Cashier. Subscribed and ' sworn to before me this 9th day of Mar.. 1915. Chas. Johnson, - Clerk S. Court . Correct Attest: W. 3. Blanchard T. S White - I Directors.' ' Reyncldson News Items; Friday evening Feb 2t, Mr Carlton Pittman . entcitained a large numben of- hisv friends- in honor of his fifteenth birthday, j The parlors, hall and idining room were beautifully decorated for the occasion. Games were played until eleven o'clock, when the summons came for all to go, to the dinin'g room where a sump- tous feast was served to. these lads and lasses of sixteen, more or less. - Ou returning to the parlors some good - music was rendered' by Misses Compton, Lawrence arid Pittman. Those present' were Misses Edmonds, Beard, Compton, Jeanette and Lucy Costel), Lucille Hines, Hardy Pittman, Essie , Eure, Lydia Story, Margie Lowe, Yel- ma and Joyce Hines, Messrs. Malory, Tdm and Gladstone Pitt man, Christopher Early, Clifford Lawrence, Jack Ellenor, B. and Shirley Parker, Harry Lee and John Carroll, Mesdames M. D. Harrell ana Fred March. Miss Margie Lowe was the guest of Miss Hardy Pittman Saturday and Sunday. The Misses Hines enrertained Mrs M D. Harell, Misses Lucille Blood, Lydia" Story and Lois Lawrence, Messrs. Douglas Dar den, Shirley Carter, Joe Winslow and Emmett Hines Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Malory Pittman and Christopher Early were the guests of Mr. Carlton Pittman Saturday land Sunday. Misses Lucille Blood. Velma Hines, Messrs. Shirley Carter and Joe Winslow spent? Monday with Mr. and Mrs. L C. Carter. . Miss Helen Lee spent the week end at home. Miss Phyllis Lee spent the week-end with Mrs. George Ellis of Somerton, Va. Mr. Harry Lee has a new auto. Misses Joyce Hines and Jennie Bess Pittrnan spent the week end at Mr. Ebb Story's near Eure. Mesdames W. H. and W. T. Pittman called to see Mr. Ned Freeman, who continues feeble, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. S. M. Pittman called on Mrs. C. W. Lawrence Monday afternoon . Messrs. Tom Pittman and. Er nest Rawls were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Wilmer Pittman last Sunday. Misses Compton, Beard, Jones., Edmonds and Lee, Messrs. Harry Lee and Cleveland Cratling- dined at Mr. Ernest Smith's last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Ellis visit ed in Somerton Sunday. Willow Notes. Mrs. J. W. Brown of Gatesville was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Hud- gins one night last week. Mr. A. M. Hudgins of Sunbury was in town Saturday. . Mr. Leigh Trotman was in our midst Monday. Sunday being so inclement quite a few of our young people were disappointed although some of them paid their usual call de spite the rain. Mrs. Mary Layden of Edenton, aaras the guest of of her Ulster, .Mrs. A. S. Hudgins, last week. Mr. Charles Brown, Jr., o uatesvuie. spent oaturday and Sunday with his grandfather, Mr 0. 0. Brown. Mr. James Hudgins and little son are on the sick list: " Mrs. E c A. Blanchard and little son Earl e spent Tuesday with her : tnotherV M rs. Nathan Riddick, J r ' R. Wr Simpson Jbf Trotville was in j Willow Friday. Mr. Hubert liountree made his usual call Sunday. 7 v Miss Sallie Hudgins entertain t et us take your measure now for that Easter Suit. We'll take the measure rig ht and fit you perfectly TIi? suit will reach you on time- Suits to order $16.50, $14.95, 2500 and EverettWoodard "Leaders of ed Messrs. C P. Hathaway and G. C. Hudgins Saturday night. C. R. Howell of Bosley passed through here Thursday. J. P. Blanchard and little daughter Alma were callers .here Wednesday,. Sign Pim Items Misses Dollie Spivey and Berta Twine spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. J. B. Spivey of Gliden. Madems J. A. Spivey and E. White and children spent Thurs-, day with their sister Mrs. V. Q Berry man. Misses Viola Winslow and Violetta Perry spent Sunday with Misses Mae and Bessie Perry. Mrs. J. W. Spruill ajnd son Clayton spent Sunday evening with her brother Mr. M Y. Blanchard of Trotville. Mr. and Mrs. Y. O. Berrymau and Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Ward and son took a joy ride a cross the mill pond Saturday evening to see friends Mrs. J.R. Brinkley and son spent Thursdaj With her sister Mrs. J. W. Spruill. Miss Blanche Boyce called on Mrs. L. L. Ward Thui sday after school. Mrs. P. L. Hobbs of Myrtle, Va , spent Wednesday night with her daughter Mrs. D. E. Baker and is now spending some time with her daughter Mrs. J. D. Ward. Mr. A. T. . Blanchard 8Qnday in Gates County. spent Misses Berta Twine and Dollie Spivey called to see Mrs. V. O. Berryman Sunday evening. f miaa Annie ,1 wine called to seer her sister Mrs, L. N. WarH Stitiday evening . :Y- -v;?. "James Ward spent part of last week with his. grandmother Mrs. J. W. SpruilV : ; ;; :- : M isses; H Yioletta Perry and 1000, 1 8.00, up- any Low Prices." Glrdys Twine s-ent Thursday night with Miss Lillie White. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Ycztq Always bears the Signature of Tyner News. Messrs. O . E. Lane and O. E'. Ward were in E. City Friday ou business. Mr. Neooiab Bunch called t see Miss Millicent Chappell Sun day afternoon. Mr. O. E. Ward has recently purchased a new Page automobile. Mr. ,and Mrs. Hinton Chappell of Hertford spent Sunday with Mr. J. P.Chappell and family. Mr. -John Bryant of Rich Square, N. C. spent the week-end with his sister Miss Ellen Bryant of the school faculty. Mesdames O. E. Lane aud E. B. White visited Mrs. Tim White Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. A. Russell and Miss Millicent Chappell called to see Miss Irene Hollowell Saturday who is ill with pneumonia. Misses-Anna Mae Lane and . Millicent Chappell visited Mrs J. A. Russell Monday evening. Mrs. Robert Brinn has returned to her home in Hertford after spending several weeks with Mrs E. B. White. Messrs. J . : E. and O. E. LaBe attended services at Pine Woods Sunday morning. Rev. J A. Rnssell filled his regular appointment at the M. E Church Sunday morning and preached an excellent sermon. Messrs. ' Jim Bovce, Nathan Dail and Ernest Hollowell accom panied M r. 0. E.- Lane to Eden ton Thursday. We are sorry to report Mr. C. W. Perry ill, hope he may sooa -recover; Comp