3 1 r 1 , v - I iv vis r rt fifil) Hit L ftdmotc lii'bs ana lr nwafnc:u ui NARCOTIC. RmtirJtrn JtniseSttd Alway The Kind You Have s Bought Bears the Signature - Of ignnea Sump Aperfcct Remedy forConsfipa-" VYorms.tonTOisiansJevErisa: ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. 1 facsimile Signature cfv NEW YOKK. P' ft i l rwn r ,rr " i 1 ft I" rffj- Use VP For Over Thirty Years - Guaranteed under the Food Exact Copy of Wrapper. a TMK eKMTAUN MHMNT, HM VPUlt CITT. i Oati Grovo Netrs ;;Mr. Chester Powell entertain - "r nis mends Sun- aay afternoon; Mr. T. R. E1HS as the guest i ivir. w. li Small Sunday. Mr !ini M.. t; m - s. jimmie rsripgs visiiea ner parents Mr. and Mrs. o. H. King near Drum Hill Sun day night. " oman was the guest oi-jurs.- T. K. Ellis Sunday after noon. spent trie week-end with her sister ilr immie Briggs. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hill spent Sunday with his brother Mr. J. D. Hill. Messrs. RufusEason and Frank Ward spent Saturday and Sun day near Ryland. Mr. Lee Jones accomoanied Miss Essie King to her home near Drum Hill Mr. Willie Baines was the guest of Miss Beatrice Saunders Saturday night. The Folly boys made their usual call down the dark road Sunday night. Mr. V.'Hy Hoggard made his usual call Sunday. W. E. Small spent Friday and Saturday in Norfolk on business. Miss Elsie Powell spent Tues- aay night with her uncle Mr. W. W. Powell near Savage. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chappell caned to see Mrs. Pete Layden ounday. r. Mr. Tom Monds called to see Miss Goldie Parker Thursday night. Mrs Susie Parker spent Sun daV with her daughter, Mrs O. J rorehand. Mrs. Sarah Harrell spent Sat urday afternoon with her mother Mrs Oliver. Mr. Jesse Smith called to sea Mws Goldie Parker Sunday after -ttoon Miss Johnetta Webb was at home- for the entertainment at Valhalla which was greatly en joyed. MissJGoldie Parker spent Wed Daii. o lse to Try and Wear Out Yoiir Cold It Will Wear You Out Instead Thousauds keep on suffering Coughs and Colds through neglect and delay. Why make youretf iu easy prey to serious ailments and epidemics as the rpult of a neglected Cold? Coughs and Colds sap VOQr si,rnah an1 fr vitality unless checked in the early stages. Dr. King's New Discovery is what you need the first dose helna Ynnr hoA 1 uvuu I How to Ten ths Cost of Robber Fcotwcsr Figure the cost of rubber footwear on " -the cost per day's wear. You get so much more wear out of Rubber Footwear that it fi WI1 mfll-lp VlOriOQf on4 eA,. i . i . Z- ,""iUUUJ'- ls quainy stands as plain and stanch tun a . Eight and one-half million men wear " 111 fias"taa it. Look fornhe Red Ball-tS Sffl" tranrk? WvJ 5Xl5nrchanta ?ureyou are getting top value in rubberfootwT TfrtiriX?60 yo" see it you Can be Ball-Band" write us. We will sendttSeS of agSf MISilAWAKA WOOLEN MFG. CO. ; 383 W rS . ": ' ! FOE SALE ONLY BY L'!r C8 I! - I toiinr. II 1 7 1 EDENTON, N. C. w. When you put out of the harbor be sure you hart on a pair of Hub Mark Warrior Rubber Boota. The soft wool net lining of these boot) gives real ease and comfort. . The pure Para rubber and A-l tested duck reinforced at every point where the wear and strain come make them long wearing. . 4 Always buy Hub-Mark Rubber Footwear. Dealers who eeU it eell ths beat of everything; ' " j BOSTON RUBBER SHOE CO, Maiden, Mm. 05 T. R. Ellis, W. E. Small and clears UP you breathe freely and G C. Powell were the guests of yu eel ho much better. Buv a Mr. Rufus Eason Thursday night botte to-day and start taking at xi. M. bmall and son were at ce. advt. Mr. L A Eountrpp'a elinnnmo - ---- -M-w V O Monday. Rocky Hock Items. Death of Ralph Paxson Benton. "Those Dreadful Twins" at Beech Fork School. On Friday evening. March 12. theLf " wjv.fk, a ymy, "xnose Oil I ' I . , I BfiANURE SPREADER j U Mr. Fanner, you needed the Manure Spreader long before it had even been perfected or built. Your need of the spreader and your insistant demand for such a machine, Mr. Farmer, caused the manufac turers to spend the thousands . and tens of thousands of dollara and the yeara and years of time and study in building and finally perfecting eiich a machine. We have watched very carefully the development of the Manure Spreader. Have been alow to take it up and push the sale of it. We have been waiting for a spreader that filled all the requirements; was manufactured by a reliable company fully guaranteed and with headquarters, stock of machines and complete repair stock right at home. Now. we have everything and more than we have waited for. , Ralph Paxson Benton, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dreadful Twin," will Z nr- v-wcv,, UltU clL 1H5 erf Ku thp Uo,m.' n-: Tl i m mi J a wiuuii crass iro",lle' Band, of Rockyhock, at Beech' , ..... J WW- ai s,x c,OCJt- had been sick rAAT OT? nniPAPTo 1 . . , .11 w v j. ; omy a weeK ..w.tn scarlet lever Josiah Brown, a deacon of ana Qipmnena. - . . .w T . Kalph was a very bright and Dpaftnn ubitht r .u. , "ww Wi same .uuuSu,KiC ienow. le was chnrrh rio,, v.Uuiuu5 aunngnis entire illness; Sheriff n'Rr? c u , i uiifc VI tllC UUV5. wt.t 3Fukc oi going to ohn HoIWpII 11V.OVC1I. t 11... T , i-ynx, me detective, always on he gave his toys and money to ,nlinnv RrrtTO .ul ...... .c - , . . , J "V ' -4 LWlIla, txiCn suomissiveiy Raleigh Hollowell. cud 4ll t " 1 I wn: paudi ana gave up lh,, , ;K Iu u... 4-1, U. .Ju,wu ' LUC KUUSl Mlf T . . ... VI ro rtconhmo Uw.. 1 1 ' I'hPfA nwra nnt.. n f f: l I O w..y .cw menus OUt for No. 1 . . AnniP Rell at the burial, but many sent . tjM flowers as tokens of love and re- Josephine Brown Clifford, Josiah's daughter, Lillie Hollowell. Stat- of North Carolina, In the Superior Cou rt County of Gates. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION-NOTICE. Henry Hathaway, Plaintiff, VS. Lessie Hathaway, Defendant. The above-named defendaut will take notice that an action entitled as above NOTICE. Having this day qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Joseph E. Charle ton, deceased, this is to notify all per sons holding or having claims against the said estate to present them duly j verified to the,undersigned on or before I February 9, 1916. or this notice will be ! uuvt? tuav nij auiiuu entixiea as above has been commnd in tha a,,i Paded in bar of their recovery court for Gates County, to obtain a A11 Persons Indebted to said estate divorce "a vinculo matrimonii": and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear, at the term of the superior court of -said county to be held on the third Monday alter the first Monday in March, 1915, are hereby called onto make immediate settlement. This Feb. 8, 1915. E. J, CHARLETON. W. S. PBIVOTT, Administrator. Attorney. The International Harvester Company of America's . spreader has. all of these features and in addition a wide spread attachm ent that saves half the tin by epread ' ing double the width of the machine. No necessity of driving on-the manure already spread. This absolutely perfect machine we "are selling axid gruaranteeinfc' You . have waited, we have waited, for this perfect machine. We have it. Take an advance step with us and own one. . Write us-r-come and see us ask us to come and see 'you. ' " V Elliott Buggy Go membrance Among those wh were present were: Messrs. S. S and I. H. Paxson, and Mrs. P. TV .Paxson, of Norfolk, Va 4-nw I- 1 .1 AMiciuiciu iuuk -piace on tnt Benton Farm. The funeral ser vices were conducted by lie v. T o. viuituuciu oi vjracesvnie. 1 Ju pall-oearers were: Messrs S S and 1. H. Paxson, Elbert Riddick and W. H Speight. We extend Our deepest sympa .thy to the bereaved parents, brother, and sister; and ma)- Hej help them to saj "Thy will be; done on earth as it is in Heaven " By L. M J. B and friends Besky Green, an energetic mem ber of our church, Hettie Layton. Fanny Brown, another one of the twins, Lizzie Bass Admission: Adults 20 cents. Child ren 15 cents Refreshments will be served af ter the entertainment. 2t. KOTICE North Carolina, In The Sup-i i-i C Spritjg TREAT CROUP EXTERNALLY -.,P'!doiB;tdyct9 Mt stom&cha with nanseattner drus mb victssMgsALm at the COUrt house in niH wumWV 111 I Gatesville.Noith Carolina, and answer ETorfolIl HGISirllGf; or the plaintiff will apply to the court Thse quotations will be revised each for the relief demanded in said com- week with the assistance of Odell Bros. plaint. Commission Merchants. Norfolk. Va . ! ' i ----- - - ; This 16 February, 1915. ana wUl found as accurate as It is W. T. CROSS. C. 8. c Possible to make them. iressea Jiegs 8 ta 11 iressea uens on TV M J iressea ueese, - 1 00 .17 20 14 to 15 NOTTCP. ! I Hen Efirsrs tier rtnmn Having qualified as Administrator of Chickens, live. DerWind' C the estate of the late Mrs. Sarah S. Hens, li r . " ' uvuuo lo uciuy given io an Tumys, live, per pound...... 17 to M r . uU8 bmuuib against, SIU I i ul JCeVS dreSRPirt :H . " - - ort W aW 00Lto Fi weiic mem, propeny proven Calves, live, per pound ......... , .5 to 7 V"" uuucwiKueu on or Deiore eo. i Hams per pound . 1ft to 25 I II I If jr. 4-.irm : . 1 lit 1B1U uunuw win oe pieaaea in JButter ner nnnnd , bar of their recovery All jersons who Hides dot 'round. 7 " 7 ufAie owe me estate win please make prompt Geese, live, each. . . 75 to 8 V mm iucks live, each 30 to 40 Mayinon Sweet Potatoes, Bbl...,..$2.0O Nancy Hall Sweet Potatoes Bbl...$2.50 Cabbage, Bbl. $1.35 Bees Wax, per pound 4 24 Cattle, live, per pound 3 to 5 Irish Potatoes Bbl settlement February 18 th 1915. CHAS. P. RUSSELL Admr. of Sarah S.. Russel State of North Carolina. In the Superior Court Chowan County. Spring term 1915. NOTICE Martha Weaver vs. James Weaver. Helr Promotes Happlnej. Without health, genuine joy is tftuues weaver. . . - ' m The defendant ahnv nnmAH will fVQ impossible: Without COod dicrfiStion notice that an action, as above entitled, and regular bowel movement you has been instituted agsinst him . in the cannot hav hAlf h Wl..,iii Superior Court of Chowan County by t , , ' the plaintiff, Martha Weaver, for di- keePmK bowels open and rigk voice upon the grounds of fornication DCing 81CK and B.UU2t I0U don't anu aauicery. xne defendant is there- have to. Take one Small TW fore notified to appear at the next term tr m T . 0:11 xvmK bw uue r-iii ar nignt. in till. . . . f at a term to be held on Monkv M..Y,h ine morning VOU Will have a full 29th, 1915 and answer or demur to the free bowel movement and feel complaint of the plaintiff which is now macb better. Helps your BDDe- nn filfl in mv nfflnA nr lnormanf mill I J be renderedagainst him accords to tlt6 digestion. Try OD6 to- the prayer of the complaint, uight. . advt. F. W. HOBBS C 8. C. JNOTICE Chowan county! Texana MorricK, - ' ;.;vs ', Peter Morrick. The defendant, Peter Moj rick, but named, will take notice that an action as above entitled has been instituted in the Superior Court of Chowan County against him for divorce from the bonds of matrimony upon the giom.ds of abandonment. He is, theiefore. notiflfd to. appear at the next term of Superior Court of Chowan County at a term to be held on the 29th. day of March, 1916, and an swear or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff which was filed more than thirty days before the beginning of said term, or otherwise judgment will be rendered against bird in accordance with the prayer of the confplaint. This 2$ day of February, 1915. ' P. W. HOBBS, C8. C. - ; v - Chowan Coluity. weU over throat and chest; in live minutes the breathing- ia easy and In neved! "The1 loTlff SSTiH I thU uoticewiilbft leaded n bar of their antlseptie vapors which are Inhaled recovery- All persons indebted to the on wrapper. At 11 VSS kaS "i,rium,u- U1B otu uy 01 juarcn. nn T 11 . Bhlegpn and cleansing th i Abolutely harmleai? full and 11. On. T.lk.Mi Vick Chtmlcal Cot, anq fx.uo. .liberal samnle on ttanut orttnsboro, . a Getting Back at Her f The teacher, a lady of uncertain age, was having a hard time teach - iug Johnny the names of the Pre sidents. ' .. "Why, when I was your age," she said disgustedly, "I could re cite the name of the Presidents backwards and forward." "Yes'm" said 'Johnny, "but when you was my age dey wasn't so many Presidents." 1915 6t Chowan oounty n. c. Arc Yoo Rh'eunl3tic?.-try Sloan'f If you want quick and real re lief from Rheumatism, do what. Having qualified as executor of the manxr i,l 1 estate of the late Dorsey Mitchell of , . , . chpwan County, N. 0., this is to notify are aoing wnenever an attack all persons holding claims acrainst the COmeS On, bathe the SOre mnsclA estate of th-said deceased to present or joint with Sloan's Liniment. thein to the undersigned on or before xt j 1 l l the fifth (5th) , lay of March, 19I6. 0 No need to rub it mjust apply A. 1 W ?." MM a A me Liuiment to tne snrface. It is wonderfully penetrating. It goes right to the seat of trouble and draws the pain' almost ' im mediately. Get a bottle of Sloan' Liniment for 25p. of any druggist and have it in the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Tointa. nuiiw. Lumbago. Sciatica and like ail- Having qualified as administrator of men ts. Your monev hark if : nt Via lufal. T VT IT I I " ChoWan County. N.C. this is to notifv I 118 neu' DUB 16 aoes imosfc all persons holding claims against the lStant reiiei '. .- advt. estate of the said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the twelfth (12th) day or March, 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery . All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 12th day of March, 1915. CHAS. H. W00D, ft.. Administrator, H M. S. CASOfl, Executor, v- Edenton, N. C. , t For any itching skin trouble, piles eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald Tiead, herpes, scabies. Doan's Ointment isHwhly fecoru- mended K)o a box at all gtores. I v':"-- 'v t