V Local Maxwell Dealer Claims Public are V; "lioter-Wiso" "It is natural that people want to see the new things in'automo bites as they are ; placed on the market;-' said Mr.. 0. E Lane of the Maxwell Motor Company, u talking with- a- newspaper mai yesterday. - .U- ii'Iris the same all over tin country, ... whether in Malone or Kanakeeof Los Angeles, The moment a new car is announced, in "flock the people to have a'lbok. Itieems that ever since the in ception of the automobile, pep pie have always been anxious to keep informed on happenings in the automobile industry. IfUtalking with Mil C. E. Stebbins, Sales Manager of the Maxwell Company the other day he mentioned j that people were asking far more intelligent ques tions at the automobile shows this year than they had ever ask ed at preyious shows. This also proves my contention that you cannot sell an unproven car, no matter how much interest is shown in' it, because the pur chasers to-day have been taught that because a thing is new does not prove its durability nor its effi ciency, . Every man is willing to let his neighbor experiment with the new thing, while he buys car that has proven itseli by at least two or three years service in hundreds of owners' hands. It is now about three years since the' Maxwell Company put the $750 car on the market. "It was the hrst company to put a car of so much value a this price on the market. Before its advent, this price field remain ed untouched; in other word there 'were many cars in the mar ket of lower i price, as well as many ol a higher price, but there wasn't a car rating around the price of the Maxwell. It remained for Mr. Walter E. Flanders, President of the Max well Motor Company, to recog nize that the public were looking for a car embracing all the fea tures of a car of a much higher price and to sell at a price mid way between the lowest and medium priced cars, That his judgment and foresight were .sound is best answered by the number of . other concerns who immediately began to experiment with a car to sell around the price of the Maxwell. On this ground 1 might make nse of the old proverb, which certainly fits the Maxwell Company to a nicety: "Imitation is the sincerest flattery" 'In any line of endeavor, the man jor firm who gets away first and whose product immediately finds favor with "the public, is immediately copied by a host of imitators and .followers. You know what Kipling says o( fol- 1 -4 ioweis: "They asked me how I did it so I gave them'thelcxipt and text, You keeyour light so shining a little ahead of the next, ' And they copied all they could follow, but' they couldn't copy my mind, So I left them sweating and standing a year and a half behind." "The Maxwell has a long record of successes behind it. You will probably? remember : that it was one of the first riames used in the automobile world. 'You may al so have recollections of cars that existed in the early days, but which have since passed by "the wayside for the reason that the cars did not come up to the people's requirements. "The best .instance I can cite which will prove that the Max well Company is having an un usual demand, for their cars, in spite of Jail the announcements of caijs lasting around the same price, MOTHER SUPERIOR ROSftRY HILL HOr.lE Tells How VinoP Restores . strengtn ana.viiajuy w-uw Weak, worn-uur unes in Her Charge. . Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, N.Y- "Ihavebeen at work.among the sick a ZSLm ln norlTr eie-hteen vears. and Twvr -f nr nearlv e: nrhmpvpt T have used Vrool for run- mill UJJ q - V - r patient a youn woman, was so weak and ill she couldhaxdly creep to my door for aid, and was leaning on a friend s Siin VSSa r & iS55F8 thmk ma 1 bardiy recogiuzea ner. -one Aa dHmo1 hpr mlor cnannin? ana ner I cheeks wnmded out .These words are HttvAfi from mv neart. m oraer max i moreeople may know about Vinol, as mere is uuuiwg ixxivo . the word than to relieve tne sick.-- . Mother M. ALPHONSA uiTHROF,j.o.u.p i i;.Wa mony should convince everyone of the j . 1 V..14 m V.aa11i anil ana iron wmu w uuuu up uccmw strength for all weakened and nervous nnrlitinna. whether caused from over work, worry or chronic coughs and colds. II vmoi lans lo ueueui, ww jvu money. W. A. Leggett, Druggist, is that the Maxwell Motor Com- pany were working more men in December. 1914. 'than they were I in August of 1914, and that their ... - , payroll in the latter quarter of the last year exceeded by nearly I double the payroll of the same period for 1913. We have had a hi very severe winter in most parts of the country and the surprising I thin? to most of us in the indus- J9 1 try is that the Maxwell Company have been reporting sales inland Woolen Footwear, the kind places that had hardly seemed I possible. In Orillia, Canada, where the therometer goes away down around the 20 below zero mark, the dealer sold three Max- wells in December; this-in spite of the cold weather and the fact that December is considered an impossible month in which to ell any kind of a car. ; "If you will talk with the Maxwell dealer from any town, you will find that he will give U: i c : a.: jruu luCMiucuuuuuiuuiuidUUii, sales throughout the year regard-1 .v,..... ,,,, Ihe people are buying Maxwell Jo o I quantities now tnan ever oetore, tor tne car nas stooa tne puDiic s ct anu tuc uuxiu aic wise. xney certamiy go to iook at all tne new cars that are an nounced, but when it comes tO paying out tneir good money ... Liicy uuy a nidi lias uccu Va.. Vx.... n 4.U. I, 1 ....ww. t,uuvuact D0W Drop9y or Bright's of tne .Maxwell Company; over 40,000 cars since their announce- ment. O E. LNE, Local Maxwell Dealer, It. pd. Tyner, N. C. (Advertisement.) FnlWSnrf NamM Wo,Jor 1 have any syPtoms of kidney r- t t uiawu lur jury liuiy Spring Term. I D. Harrell, L. F. Ziegler, E. G. White, J. J. Parrish, E. B. Hol iowell, R. H. By rum, G. V. Ash ley, E. E. Evans, B. F. Owens, J. G. Wood, Sr., W. 0. Lupton, T. F. Munds, C. M. Asbell, L. W. Hollbman, B. L. Harrell, S. B. P. Parker, Cecil M Forehand; Elbert Bunch, Hosia Bond, W. J. Madry, W. D, Welch, W. H. j .. Leary, W. N. Ward, J. -N. El liott, N. W. Bunch, J. C. Leary, Sr., J. E. Smith, W. D. Holmes, W. T. McClenny, J. D. Elliott, W. H. Pierce, W. S. White, G. W. Spivey, L. G. Bateman, S. 0. Mills, W. T. Perry. Fori baby's croup, Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mamma's sore . throat Grandma's lame ness Dr. : Thomas' " Eclectic Oil -the household remedy. 25c lir.Kirig's iJew Life &ztt& Ke$p v Qrefisr'Away From RuSber Your rubber footwear is : a big tern in your eany . BiuBJces, -rhaps a few hints adout. taking care of your rubber footwear would e helpiul. ! There are 'many "ways in which -i ii r - .. L. .. ;..... ooa roooer ioi wcai uuu uo iuu- rn:nptj '. ntiy ruinea. i he worst enemy ui ruuuer iy rease oil. The oil or grease in !tJalber ia harmful to rubber and y6ur ' boots should touch leather as ante as Po88ibie. Heat ls aso very injurious to J J rubber. Never Warm jour boots i. over a are mat is iuu no anu nver put tiiem on a siov 11 you , - - . ,.tL-' wane io ury tueiii. ai a uwiter iui the boots too take them off and warm your feet. Kubber footwear should be hung up when not in use. Hang inz up a pair ot doocs gives it much longei life. Use is good for good rubber V little work keeps it from getting stiff and hard. Fresh water is not harmful to rubber. Rubber boots should be kept clean of dirt, spots, etc Just wash the dirt off. It's worth while These hints were gleamed from little booklet "More Days Wear" which is given away by the Mishawaka Woolen Mfg. Co., of Mishawaka, Indiana. This firm makes "Ball Band" Rubber with the Red Ball trade-mark. Apparently they know that ' Ball-Baud" is good footwear and want to sea it well treated by its wearers. Advt. Aid The Kidneys Do Not Endanger Life When an Edenton Citizen Shows You the Way to Avoid It Whv will rniilA - nnntinno fr, ffer the agonies of kidney com plim, backache, urinary dis- order lalilene8S headaches lancrnrti to n v nllow t.hpmaaluofi ro become chronic invahds when m6dy ig oH t d ft ? TWn'fl TTinv Pilla h han . kidney , - oyer 5Q over years, nave been tested in thou . If you have any, even one, .of i : i j Uleot 'dangerooB. Read this Edenlon testfmony . Mrs. L. M. Floyd, King St., Edenton, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are not a new remedy to me. I keep them on hand all the time and couldn't get along without them. Whenever my back aches r uuCi UUWiC, x use uoauu Kidney Pills and they never fail to relieve me. Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simplytask for a kidney' remedl-- - - &v "up; , . J-Ilia -jiuc Kidney . PilTsthe same that Mrs: Floyd had. Fos-ter-MilDom to , Props., Bufialo, N.Y. Ah! The Invigorating Whiff Of jrhe Pine f orest! e How it clears the throat and head of its mucous ailments ; It is this spirt of Newness and Vigor horn the health-giving Piney Forests brought back fby Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Antiseptic and healing. Buy . a bottl to day. All Druggist, 26c. ady t Electric Bitters Tonic. a Spring advt; Rises eEpgsfi imeis ;Mfiwi Indigestion w atnwaph JTmubW Consignments Solicited. Returns Daily Alvah W. WHOLESALE FISH DEALER, W 0.12 Fulton New York, N. . Wholesale Commission FisJ Dealers No. 5 DocK St. FisH Market PNessonai cards J. H. McMULLAN, Jr Attorney -at-haw Office McMullau Building, King Street. W. S. P1UVOTT, ATTOKNEY-AT-L AW, FIBE INSURANCE, Office opposite Court House. Pruden & Pruden, ATTO RN E Y S-AT-LAW, Edenton, N. C. Practice In the State and Federal Courts E. J: GRIFFIN, Edenton, N. C Office, Citizens' Bank Building. Patrick Matthews C. E. Consulting and Contracting Engineer and Surveyor. Drainage, Land Suits and Agri?ultural Engineering a Specialty. 35 years experience. Special terms to Farmers' Union men. EDENTON. - N. C. F. W. HOBBS Agent for SOUTHERN LIVE STOCK INS., CO. Of High Point, N. C. See him before insuring your horse. Arty a Woman? The Woman's Tonic F63 SALE AT ILL DRUGGISTS P4 ighs KiU If Yoii Let Them. Instead kill your Cough with DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. It heals irritated Throat and Lungs. Thousands In last 40 years, benefited by Money Back If It Fails AU Dmfiilsts 50c. and $1.00 r Cou HewDi Hafff"Jne. Fish Market F. P. JUARKIN, Wholesale Commission FRESH FISH DEALER, Philadelphia, Pa. I pay top market prices for all fresh fish, less 10 per cent 4 m allowing no rebates on any consignments. s. b. mim 'fi CO, ' No. 7 Fulton Fish Market. NEW YORK WHOLESALE COMMISSION FBSfl DEALERS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP NORTH CAROLI NA SHAD. Stencils and Stationary f urnished on application. c&esebro Brothers Wholesale Commission t FISH DEALERS, No. I Fulton Fish Market, NEW YORK, N. Y. Stencils and Stationary furnished on application. Caleb Haley. Seabu'ry N Haley . Caleb Hulcy & Co,, Wholesale Commission Dealers in and Shippers of all kinds of 14 Fulton Fish Market, NEW YORK, N. Y. Stencils will be furnished s through our representative, Mr. L. D.Dyer, Hotel Woodard, Edenton, N. C. Established 1887. Commission Merchants !&t6 Norfolk, Va. Heavy, impure blood makes a muddy, pimply complexion, head aches, nausea, indigestion: Thin Blood makes you weak, pale and sickly. For pure blood soond digestion, use . Burdock lood I Bitten.' $1100 at all 'storfa, .advt: lb- (rt .... Dbck Street Fish Market Philadelphm Pa. Norloih . soQinerp R. i. IJQKT OF THE; "NIGHT EXPRESS" ) Schedule in effect Jan. 11th 19H. I N.Br The - following scnednle figures published as information only and are i,ut guaranteed. 1 TRAINS LEAVE EDENTON. SOUTHBOUND 12:01 p. m., dallj, NIGHT EXPRESS Pullman Sleeping Cars for Raleigh Goldsboro and intermediate sta tions. ' 2 :00 P.M., Daily, for Eaielgh, Golds boro, Beaufort and intermediate stations. Parlor Car service to Washington and Newborn NORTHBOUND 4:49 a. m., daily. Night Express for Norfolk. 1:27 p. m., daily, Express for Norfolk and intermediate stations. Parlor Car' service. 2:25 P. M. Daily for Norfolk and Loca stations . 7:00 A.M., Dally, except Sunday, for Suffo! k arrive Suffolk 9 :20 A. M 12 :45 P. M,, Tuesday, Thursday and "and SaturJav , v'li iive at Suffolk 4:20 p.m. For particulars apply to W. S. Harney Agent at Edenton. f ' H. S. LEARD, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. W. A. WITT, ,G.en, J3upt. THE "17 CENTS A DAY" selling plan makes The Oliver as easy to own as to rent. : It places the machine within easy reach of every home every individual. A mans ' 'Cigar money" a womans "pin money" will buy it. You can buy an Oliver on this plan at the regular catalog price. The OLIVER TYPEWRITER The Standard Visible Writer Its Record Mas never been Equated. C. F. Russell, Local Agent. Ribbons, and typewriter supplies of all kinds on hand. SOLDIERS IN EUROPE BECOME SICK WITH KIDNEY DISEASES Doan's Kidney Fill Are Being Supplied Free to The Suffering Men. Any of Our Readers Can Try This Fa moos Remedy Without Expense. Just Send For a Trial. Box, Hardships and exposure in the cold, wet trenches is crippling thousands of warring European soldiers with kidney troubles and rheumatism. Tne foreign offices of Doan's Kidney Pills are doing a ' good ; deed in giving this famous remedy free to every sold ier who wants a box. , Poster-Milburn Covof Buffalo, N. Y., makers of Doan's, state that they will be glad to send a trial of Jbheir xnedicin free to any reader" of? thia paper whe will write them for it Edenton Endorses of Doan's E W. BurtQnBroad St. Mrs. J. A Campbell, Church, St Mrs. T. H . Cromer, &ng St. ; Mrs. P. W. Curran, King St 8 Mrs. L. M. Floyd, King 8t N. J. Hollo well, Q ueen St. I ,$&aC: ;yMtes,J Quejn St. H . Tv Jackson, '(Creswell) E. B : F: J ones, Queen Si; H. W. Pierce, Magnolia St. " Mrs E. E. Traylor, Church St. Mrs! Julia Ward, Magnolia St. Mrs. G. R.Yates, Mill Section J id(Ho Chappell, (Hertford) , Key, Josial Elliot, (Hertford) - , Advertisement. " 7 1 - 1 j 1 ,