Albemarle t f full fTTT H.L. STORY - , .1 'j. Taniiarv Entered aa second class matter January K . 0., under the Act of Jlarcn 3, io. Published Every Friday ADVERTISING BATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION 91.00 FEB YEAB IN ADVANCE. - six Months 50c. : Three Months: 25c. ' The Editor will not bo responsible Jor the views or statement oi correspondents nd reserves the right to revise or reject any part or all of any article. v Oorresondents should write only on one side ot the paper and should be sure to spell proper names correctly. Every article must be signed the correspon denTwhos flame will not be published ho or heroossen. , - n - Edenton, N. 0., Frjday, .MAY 7, 1915 THE FISH COMMISSIONER. The State Fish Commission created by our last legislature iB composed of T. F. Winslow, of Hertford; A. B. Oobb, of Bertie; Wm. Webb, of Morehead City ; E. C. Smith of Raleigh ; and E. H. Freeman, of New Hanover county. This commission met in Newbern April 15 and appoint ed H. L. Gibbs of Oriental, N. O. as Fish Commissioner. From some newspaper reports, this-appointment came as a surprise to those who had studied the situa tion. Mr. LeRoy of Elizabeth City, seems to have been the logi cal man for this position' and why Governor Craig should have been so insistent upon the appointment of Gibbs, who it is claimed, is to tally unfit for this position is not clear. Gibbs was opposed to the Fish Commission bill which fact alone was sufficient to disqualify him. It is claimed by one paper that it was a game of politics worked by Craig and Simmons. However that may be we would hate to believe our governor would, be influenced by, so ; trival a consideration to recommend an appointment which would be det rimental to a measure which so vitally affects one of the greatest industries of our State. Let us trust that the governor had a broacjer reason for his recommen dation than has yet appeared SINGING CLASS CONCERT That was a delightful concert given at the opera house Tuesday evening by the singing class of the Oxford jOrphanage. It was heard by a large attendance and we believe .thoroughly enjoyed by all. It was thought by some to be decidedly the c best ever yet given in Edenton. HAIL STORM IN CHOWAN TUESDAY. 0 A section of Chowan county was visited by a pelting hailstorm pletely destroyed the crops. The roads were strewn with leaves and twigs arid on the sides of the roads could be' seen piles of hail stones about the size of small marbles for an hour or two after the storm had passed. Cotton and corn "large enough : to be struck will have to be planted a- gain if a crop is made, thickens were killed and windows broken. 'jMjMjMgi iji ii i Ji ( A f Brief Items of t General News By The Editor. I"H''i-l"l'l'H.,..I.llH,..j..4,j, Mr. C W. Morgan of Hertford has been .made assistant fisji com missioner instead of Leroy as was expected; " , It appears. that the outlook; is brighter, for an agreement be tween Italy and .Austria - 1 J' I I I I Observer Editor and Publisher i 1910. at the -post office - af -Edenton, 7 MWJW THe Carter-Abernefliy investi gating committee closed its work Friday of last week in a lengthy report in which Judge Carter is critised for certain occurrences in six counties. , It finds that the judge was harsh and dictatorial at times, but the immorality charges were not proved. - 5 -A law student at Chapel Hill fell dead of heart failure Wednes day. An American steamer, the fGulflight was torpedoed without warning off the Scilly Islands May 1, by an unknown assailant. As a result the captain died of heart failure. China has refused some of the most important demands made upon Japan. Temperance Rally. .Rev. R. L. Davis supt. of the anti-saloon League of the state will speak in the Methodist Church in Edenton next Sunday p. m. afc 4 o clock. He will also speak in the Baptist Church- at 8p.m. His subject will be pro hibition. Public cordially in viced. Benton's X R,oad Misses Minnie and Beatrice Saunders spent part of last week in Corapealc; visiting their sister Mrs. J. W. Ward. . Misses Doris, Maggie and Mary Benton entertained a few ot their friends Sunday evening Misses Eunice and Hettie Bea mon of Savage and Minnie and Beatrice Saunders made short calls on Mesdames D. H. Hill and Jtfc. M. femall Monday after noon. Mr. Vernal Hoggard was the guest of Miss Minnie Small Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Robert Jfarker is very ill at this writing. Miss Eunice Beamon spent Sat urday night near Corapeake. Mr. Merritt Ward of Corapeake and Miss Beatrice Saunders call ed to see Miss Minnie Small Sun day evening. Messrs. Lycurgus Small, Ches ter Powell, Frank Ward, Clyde Benton and Kenneth Harrell were the guests of friends in Corapeake Sunday. The Misses Saunders entertain ed Misses Eunice and Hettie Bea man, Minnie Small and Maggie Benton Monday evening. Miss Eunice Beamon .had very bad accident Monday evening. Misses Sadie and Esther Har rell were the guests of Misses Minnie and Mary Small Tuesday afternoon. Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne used in- tercaiiy end externally. Price ?5c GREAT QOUHGIL OF RED HEfJ J EDIOTOrj. "The first part of the Red Men's program took place after the or phan concert Tuesday. , evening. This consisted of an address M welcome on behalf of the town of Edenton by Mayor -B. F. Tuttle, in . which he by far excelled him self, his words being welrelected and delivered. The next speech was a most cordial welcome on behalf of Chowan Tribe No. 12, by Major W. S. Privott, followed bya speech of welcome on behalf of the Board of Trade by Mr. E G. Bond." Instead of a response o each address by different mem bers of the Great Council, as was the program, the response to all the speeches was delivered by one speaker, Great Senior Sagamore D. E. Henderson of Newbern. Following this address the speak er of the evening, Past Great In cohonee John W, Cherry of Nor folk Va., introduced by Post master W. J. Leary, spoke on the 'Principles of the Order." Mr. Cherry was at a disadvantage in that' the program had already been long enough before his time came and his speech had to be very much curtailed. One thought brought out in his speech to which we wish to direct attention was that of pensioning mothers instead of taking their children from them to an asylum. In some states this is done by law and the idea appeals to us as being one worthy of deep consideration. Wednesday morning a business session was held ana at eight o'clock Wednesday evening the parade and burning of the pale face took place. The parade was perhaps the greatest, public event of the Council, it being witnessed by most bf the people of Eden ton. The parade started from Water and Main streets, up Main to King, down King to Oakum, thence to Queen, down Queen back to Main and back to the front of the post office where the paleface was burned. Three dec orated floats were used by the Daughters of Pocahontas. All the members of both lodges carried torches and marched to the mu sic ot the band, all wearinglndian costumes of course. Into the "log cabin" in the middle of Main street in front of the post office was chased the paleface, (Bruce Jones). Immediately fire was set to it and as the flames consumed the hut the members of the order had their war dance. Many of the visitors left early Thursday morning but the major ity of the delegates and many visitors remained . over for the banquet held Thursday night at the armory. Mayor Tuttle was elected Great Junior Sagamore succeeding! Heenan Hughes of Burlington, and several of the chief officers were promoted. The following towns of North Carolina were represented: Pay etteville, . Hen rietta, Wilmington, Launnburg, Elizabeth City, Hertford, Char lotte, Newbern- Rocky Mount, xialeigh, Washington, Concord Caroleen, Shelby, Goldsboro, Kinst6nKnotts Island, Spray, Cooleemee, Altamanaw, High Point, Salisbury, Hickory, Green ville, Cliside, Winston-Salem, Reidsville, Roanoke Rapids, Mount Airy, Gastonia, Lattimore, Kings Mountain, Boiling Springs, West Asheville, Greensboro, Hol lis, Winterville, Elk Mountain, Henderson, Ellenboro, Sharon, Grimesiand, Mooresboro, Ram seur, RhodhjksV Ormondsville, Belhaven, Gibsbnville, Walston burg, Albemarle, Macclesfield, Wallace, Standard, Pactolus, Bel mont, McAydenviIlet; Asheville Ore H411,v Jarvisburg, Burlington, 1 COLLECTOR 74 GxpecTe'd to Resign on Account ot : peemeness uamea Strength and Twenty-four Pounds by Taking Vinol, Corinth, Miss.: r- "I am city tax collector and seventy-four years of age. I was in a weak, run-down condition so that I became exhausted by every little exertion. My druggist told me about Vinol, fend I decided to take it. In a week I noticed considerable improve ment; I continued its use and now I have gained twenty pounds in weight, and feel much stronger. I consider Vinol a fine tonic to create strength for oldTpeople"--J A. Pracg, Corinth, Mise. - .":-""".." As one grows old their organs act more slowly and less effectually than in youth, circulation is poor, the blood gets thin, the appetite poor and diges tion weak. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, is the ideal strengthener and body builder for old folks because it creates a good healthy appetite, strengthens digestion, enriches . the blood, improves circulation and in this natural manner builds up, strengthens and invigorates feeble, run-down, nerv ous and aged people, and if it does not do all we say, we will - pay back your money. W. A. Leggett, Druggist, Columbia, Plymouth, Morehead City, Manteo, Wan chese, Monroe, Fort Landing, Gastonia, Lowell, Haw River, Lincolnton, Dallas, Lawndale, Mooresville, West Durham, Kannapolis, Macedonia, Waxhaw, Hickory, Morgjanton, Rich Square, Marion, Jackson, Bethel, Fountain, Black Moun tain, China Grove, Stumpy Point, Buxton, Englehard, Cornelius, Pineville, Lexington, Troy, Clin ton, Calypso, Oxford and Eden ton. The banquet last night was' a great event The armory was decorated in evergreen and an elaborate banquet served by the Daughters of Pocahontas. A table stretched, from near the door to the platform in the rear, around which about a Hundred people were seated and when they were through about another hundred people enjoyed a feast oL saladj, pickles, sandwiches, iced tea, fruits, Norfolk ice cream and cake. The occasion was enlivened with music by Ziegler's orchestra ad dresses by Dr. E. J. Griffin of Edenton, and Great Sachem D. E. Henderson of Newbern. Several Red Men from Hertford attended the banquet in the "ar mory last night given by the local tribe. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Hickory Cross Miss Clara Blanchard has re turned home after an extended visit to her sister Mrs. William Eason. , Owing to the inclement weath er tHe play presented at the school house by Boslsy talent Saturday night proved almost a failure. A pea popping was enjoyed at the home of Mr. A. R. Stallings Saturday afternoon. Messrs. P. I. and Curtis Roun tree went to Hertford Saturday. Messrs. E. A. Twine and Ivan Riddick were delightfully", enter tained by Misses. Annie and Savannah Rountree Saturday afternoon. ' - Mrs. Jordan Winslow continues very ilh r Mrs. J, S. Rountree visited her daughter Mrs. J. H, Stallings Tuesday. - j ' ' ; " " '.;.";; v Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Winslow of Nicanor passed through here Monday. , FO I? . A U UJC OkDJROUBL Eft OLD Results Tell There Can BNoT Doubt A bout the Results in Edenton tf " :-r-. ". .v " .i.i-',:r,i'! -Sip--''''- Results tell the tale.. All doubt is removed. 7 The testimony of , anf Edenton citizen. - Can be easily investigated. What better proof can be had? H. W. Pierce, carpenter, Mag nolia St., Kdenton, siys : 'Ex posure and hard work at my trade caused me to ;have kidney complaint. . I had severe pains thro ugh t h e small; of my- back. I also had frequent dizzy spells aud the kidney secretions passed irregutaily. Sometimes they were too frequent and caused me to get up from two. to three times during the night' then again they were very scanty, highly colored and contained much sediment. I heard that Doan's Kidney -Pills were such a good remedy that I got them at Mitcnener's Phar macy. They soon strengthened my back and regulated the pas sages of kidney secretions." k Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney n Pills the same that Mr. Pierce had. Fos-ter-Milburn Co. , Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ' advt. KELLOGG'S CROSSING Mrs. Will White and daughter Gennie V. and Mrs. -Nannie Pierce and two children are spend ing Monday in Suffolk. Mr. Edward Eason of Sandy Cross i was in our midst Sunday on business. Those who called on Mr A. Cv Stallings Sunday were Mr and Mi s. Hugh Rice and child re i) and, Mrs. Emma P. Rice of Nor- folk. Va. ;V Mr. Lonnie Blanchard was out automobile riding. Sunday after noon. , Mr. Dolphus Johnson made a short call at Mr. Lassiter Pierce's Sunday morning. . Messrs. Moses Byrum and E A. Barnes were out walking Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. x Moses Byrum spent Sunday with her parent Mr. and Mrs. Job Hofler. Will White made a short call in Sunbuiy Monday (lei noon Mr. and Mrs. Edd Blanchard and children, Mr Mrs. L?ssite: Pierce and children spent las Sunday evening as the guests ot Mr. and Mis Will While. . M issta ILathleen and Dort Stal lings, Maftie :md Btsie Pierce, and lea and Miry Rice called at Vlrs W. H. Brown's Sunday af ternoon. , Mr! and Mrs. Will White and daughter Jennie; V.. called at Mr. Arthur Stallings SunJay nioht Porehan d Sidin g We are sorry to report', thai Mr?. John Jordan is not improv ing any. . '. - Mr. E. R. -Byrum : motored to Edenton Friday on business. Mrs. B. H. Saunders of Savage entered our community Mondav night for the pujpose. of attend- ing the Association at Ballard's rJiidge. V - Quite a large crowd attended the commencement at Elmo lastT Friday. The meeting conducted bv RevJ Jesse James at Greenwood church is nrnvinor nnlf cn. Mrs E. K. Byrum is recovering ' . . A.A. r t -i 'r "... - - from an attack of chills; The young people were called together at the home of Mr: A. L. Copeland for the purpose of a pea popping Monday . night.- - Mir. .W." H V Armstrong of E. City called at the store of JUr. Et R. . By im t0njusi -1 Prolcssonai cards J. H. McMULLAN, Jr Attorney -at-Law , -- . .. - r- "7 i-r-'.-; .- --i " '- - "." : ' Office MeMul Jan Building, King Street. w. 8. priyott, Attokney-at-Law, - 1 FIBE INSTJEXNCE, Office opposite Court House. Prudeiv & Pruden, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, , Edenton, N. C. Practice in the State and Federal Courts E. J; GRIFFIN. DENTIST, Edenton, N. C f Office, Citizens' Bank Building. Patrick Matthews C. E, Consulting and Contracting Engineer and Surveyor. Drainage, Land Suits and Agricultural - Engineering a Specialty. 35 years experience. Special terms to Farmers' Union men EDENTON. - N. C. F. W HOBBS Agent for SOUTHERN LITE STOCK INS. CO., of High Point, N. C. See him before insuring your horse. THE "17 CENTS A DAY" celling plan makes The Oliver asBasy to own as to rent. It places the machine within easy reach of every home every individual; A mans "Cigar money" a womans "pin money" will buy it. You can buy an Oliver on .this plan at the regular catalog price. , - The OLIVER TYPEWRITER Th Standard Visible Writer Its Record Has never been Equaled. C. F. Russell, Local Agent. Ribbons, and typewriter supplies of all kinds on hand. Illiliiiiill: WOMEN Love This Magsine McC ALL'S is the Fashion Guide and House keeping Helper of more women than any other magazine in the world. All the latest styles every month; also delightful stories that enter tain, and special departments in cooking, home dressmaking, fancy work, etc., that lighten housework and save money. Price, only 50c a year, with one celebrated McCall Dress Pat tern FREE. ft te. SEND A POSTAL CARD NOW FOR 1. A FREE Sample Oopy of McCALL'S MAGAZINE; or 2. A FREE Copy of McCALL'S fino 44-pag PREMIUM CATALOGUE; or 8. McCALL'S 9100.00 Prise Offer to Every CHURCH. Addrtm Out. S THE McOU CO., 236 to 246 W. 374 St, New Trk, N. Y. r ijiimnHiraiiiiiinmiiiiuiiminiiiiiiHiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiHHiiiiiiiiii'i:! White Mat! With Block liver The Liver is a blood purifier. 1 11 was thought at one time it was trouble with, most people is that Liyer becomes black because of impurities in the blood due to bad physical states, cansiDg Bil iousness, z Headache, Dizziness, and .j f,oiiBf.irfil-Jr . T- Tfinor's and Constipation. Dr. King's Ne Life Pills will clean up the 1 - J '1 ".--v "- ' if C ft a Liver, and give you new life. 25c. at ypnr tirnggish advt. est accident insurance . Thomas' Eclectic Oil. For burns, scalds, ctits and emergen AUtdruistsf 25c arid 50c. ; - r--- a4vt. M W FREE jjlpl 5!? asMiwex33Muarm , s --3-

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