it -? - 'V"'.--'-,-: - -T . ... - ; . ... -. r . . ' v r' -"i.-- . n : ; SOU. ttSGTirB'nABB 0F, . 1 v t . x v : " '"-Upon motion of X' R. Wheeler arid ;sec K bv J. L. . Wiggins, ordinance of April 13 1915, (relative to cleaning stables) : is .nded to read as follows: "All stables and vards occupied by. animals, must ,be cleaned, and manure moved . out of town limits, once every (7) seven days, irom may 1st to November 1st, and every 14 fourteen days from novembeb 1st to MAY 1st. Each violation of this ordinance will be iranishable by a fine of: $2.00 Two Dollars for each offense. Each days delay will constitute a separate " offense." This ordinance will go into effect June 8,1915. nrin nfinr UWUiyJUUSJliu, City Clerk. JUS nri JWU mjmjf oaiMlo , OnrSriday JuneTl lth,rl915, at 2 P M Gliden lTot3. - ;:T Kept His vriuskc;i nminca ingher sister 0 Packer nerer wa uuu . m Edent on. Htj- w . , . .... T. Mr, W, V. miteC ari- sons sW t Uc kerc just, as cn.nt'fnrHav in Sttflolk on busi-1 trans auu iruo Mi Lillie Saterfield of ' Eden-1 to trinr his whiskers; and put : on ton sDent several days last: week U dean collar every daybe took asWVuest of Misa; Blanche connsel irith liurwife every time ward: - - - - ' - ae an "important proj tat.bratesviiie, jn. u.tne Farmers Union nf --Mr. E. Welch, returhetf last mind; now and then-he broiight 'T- ' wSfiomlue her ipretty. flower forher.hairor GateS CoUIlWlll hold an Open meeting heattehde invites the public to be pres. sionl-i ; tnan-some wua . diossoiu uo uau - - ; Mr. H.F.Jones of Ry land was picked on Uu way home after the till I;. . in,6urvillaget Monday afternoon, day's, work. was done; he never CR.W. iFfeeman, District Aff en t in Miss Lizzie -Brown of Su'nbury spoke of his wile as har" or "she ; p . - - 1. - , ilA is visiting her sisierlMrs , A;: D. he "kept company" witti hisife uuaigc xttim Jt5 V OfK, Will Ward at thisVriting. : ; after marriage j ast as he used to; VJan rSSi ttllfii lbl Anf; nf nrv. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Blanxhard he paid more attention to his rT u. spent Thursday in Hertford. ' own wife when ont in company StratlOU YV-OrK auQ IIS COnneCHOn With hog Williams soentUhan he did to anybody else swile. vO,x1a. : s Tro I Hntw nriTTT T mnrriaorft-rA a failiira I- An opportunity will be given those Miss Mallie Tuesday knight withBMiss Hra How COULD marriage be a failure Hollowell. ' ' ' with a man who lived like that? Misses Lillie Satterfield c and Clipping. - Blanche Ward, Messrs. R. : V. Lamb of E. City and 8. B.Oarter of Hobbsville attended meeting BUt of Ohio, city of Toledow 1 iMcaa County. Vranic j. dhftnev makes oath that he la at Piney Woods Sunday morning. r&sg &Fck?Z Messrs. Trotman Spivey and oi WHEN THE PINCH COMES ANY married couples have just il enougn to enjoy rne Dare necessi u r i:r ' lies oi mc iio iuaujics, icw cujuj - ments, no savmgs. When reverses occur, and the call comes for money, they are pinched, and misery, and unhappiness begin to spring up in their lives. So many people mink saving in little items amounts to nothing. They hope to save when they get enough to save. If you hope to have something more man the mere necessities of life when you grow older, you must save. WU help you if you will take us into your confidence. v Judson Bunch spent Saturday in Norfolk. Mrs. William Stallings left Monday for Center Hill, where she will spend sometime visiting relatives. - Mr. b. L.. wmsiow is wearing a deep smile "It's a boy." Little Sinnie Hollowell spent last week the guest of her grandparents. Mr. O. E. Ward and children of Center Hill visited his mother Mrs. A. Ward Tuesday. HUNDRED DOLLARS tor each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured toy the use Of HALL'S CATARRH CURB. Rwnrn to before me and snbscribed In bit presence, this tn day of December, -tSeall - Am w. ULiBuusun, Notary PubUe Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system." Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY &-CO.. Toledo. Ov A Sold bv all Drusnrists. 75c ? Take Ban's Fannl pills for conatlpaOoa.JJ present to express themselves on the same question. - v May 26, 1915. A. S. WALKER, County Secretary & Treasurer. MAETIN KELLOGG, 1 County President. Stir Dp Yonr Local Union Or Farmers Club Baltimore Steam Old Bay Packet Co. Line! Steamers leave daily and Sundays May 16th and 30th : How and When Now is a good time for increas ed zeal or activity iu behalf of your local Union or whatever otner iariners club you are a Portsmouth, Sundays 5:00 p. m. Week days 5 30 p. m. Norfolk, 6:3o p. m. Old Point Comfort, 7:30 p.m. Connection made in Baltimore for all points North, East and West. member of. Mr. Farmer. It is Eniov a dehVhtful evenin? on the Beautiful Chesaoeake Bav The TO Water HorSeS diDg gd iQ more ways than staterooms on the Old Bay Line Steamers are always delightfully von realize. If a farmers' oran- cool and Comfortable in every way. A reader asks: "When should ijation accomplished notliiDg ex- Delicious Meals consisting of every delicacy he marker affords. Ik -Si- . SA1FETV- mi shin Always hangs on the outside to any one wishing first-class banking ac commodations. Every bank is owned by its stockholders but our business is handled on the following basis: That OUR. FmST DTUTIT is BUB BBFOSSTOl&S. If we can serve you, write us or come in to see us. BANK OF GATES, GATESVILLE, N. C: Strong in Surplus. Strong in Resources. Strong-in Management., bat-if he has been deprived of wa ter for too long he may drink too mnch if he is hot and the water is cold. Owing to the small size of the i I nn r Mi- Mr If ton All of our Sodas are made from ilpliilliiatef Tri-Pure Distilled water in - 5 gallon Cowboys. elicious, Refreshing, Invigorating rink. u BottliD2 ComMnv. J K a horse be watered, before orafter l to eca a better hearing for c t q j me larmer in u cisiative nans, it Tk- ut. " wouia oe worm an it costs. ine x ucaii auswtu wuuiu uiuiw- i biy be. "water both before and writer knows of his personal ob- after feeding," or "water the horse on. a nnnarea umes repeat- when he is thirsty." . eel, tttiat measures lor tlie farmers' If a horse has not been deoriv- nem get scant attention if their ed of water for too long a time he isno organization behlfid them, will probably not drink too mnch. hnt immediately become formid- able wnen petitions from farmers clubs, letters from Union members, etc.; begin to poar in on the legisla tors. - - You are also missing a great horse's stomach the theory has cbance if 7 nt to I : t.-i i . tt been generally -proclaimed that He maKe UUT cluo ?r cai umon a should be watered before feeding meaD8of business cooperation in and not after. He should be wa- a score OI way8' JjOOK over- tne tered before feeding if he is thirsty lowing -list of questions, see and after feeding also if he is wmcn ODes suggest tne oest op thirsty portumty for practical cooperation ExDerimental tests seem to in- am0B6 ont emBers, ana tuen dicate that the great advantages kef P W sue- Those who weBl offKnvi u' uess ana men laciue anomer feeding or the assumed disadvat- h?rd iob and keeP afc U aeesof watering after feeding are maKe a success 01 11 largely theory. It makes little rejrou ouymg lerunzers difference when the horse gets his aDa leea8mtts cooperativelj . water, just so long as he gets it ' rc ou Pianmng lo 8el1 often enough. .Many horses will 'UU1 wuafu,' peanms, or not drink before eating, but will uwf r HU1 op cooperatively r . uoio juu any- pians ior marketing vegetables, poultry, eggs and other produce coopera tively? - 4 Are you cooperating in the purchase and use of improved farm machinery? 5. Have you bought any pure bred sires cooperatively ? "6. Have ypu a cooperative 9 J. W, BROWN, Jr., 8. P. A , Norfolk. Va. Bagley Swamp NeWS. (somewhat improved Dutas cauhot nse his right sie. till also : you I armK aiieiwara, ana in cases they should be watered after feeding. -' In winter, twice a. day. or at most three times a day, is often enough to give a horse water; on- less he is working extremely hard and sweating very freely; in fact, watering an idle horse once a day in winter is more likely to. supply Mr. and Mrs. E. T. White and Messrs. Mistou ami Whedbee of Nixon ton spent the week-end as the ernests of Mr. and MrsG. T. VVinslow and Mrs. Bettie White. Mr, Lloyd Morgan accompanied Miss Geneva Winslowlo church Sunday. Miss Mjrtle No well who has; been teaching at Hertford return ed home Wednesday. Mr. Whedbee accompanied Missi Addie White to church Sunday. Mr, Maston accompanied Misti Mary Wiuslow to church Sunday. Mr. Maston of Nixonton took a number of young people to Hert ford in his gasoline boat Saturday were Misses Mary Lee, Geneva and Mary Winslow and Addie White, Messrs. Whedbee, Maston, Lloyd Morgan, Ellis Winslow George Winslow Jr.," Eugene White, Joe Nowell, and William Jordan. Mr. and Mrs G T. Winslow, Sr., fed as chaperones. Rocky Hock Items. There was quite a crowd at Mr. R. W. Leary's homo SnnJay af ternoon Mi. "John SaUerfield of Eckv Hock has returned home from Norfolk, Va. where he has bu visiting his daughter, Airs. Celia Ashley. A mnle owned by Mr. Will Bunch, ran away recently wiih a plow hitched to him and cat bis hind foot badly. Mrs. R. W. Leary is on the sick list. We hope she will soon be out again. Mr and Mrs. J. W. White and family spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nixon. Sorfolk Southern EW jjHORT Railroad 0UTE. Schedule in effect Apr. 11th 1914. his needs than three times a "P m hot weather; In hot weather watering five times a day is not too often for farm work-tock. I The Progressive Farmer. mutual, fire insurance? It will "take many sacrifices, no Mr. R. B." H olio well spent Snn day afternoon at Mr White's by the bedside of his sister'Mrs. Missouri White who js very ill. , " Mr. A. A, Harrell and? wife and little girl; Jessie Mae spent Sun day; at Mr. W, C. Hollowell's. There was quite a large crowd at Mr. Edd Bunch's Sunday after- doubt, to make your-lbcai .Union rf011' mnft ii KaiiHii or farmers club the effective or saniztkm ii onehr to be:- Hnt rl lne nameDoan s inspises better day is-coming for ttm for. confidence loan's Kidney Pills mors arid it can onlv come W : a for :kidney ills- Doan's ;Oint- reSuH of.Histent,. ; untiring, ment;.fot skio . itching.:: Doan's WincWrlastinelr.atSt" n Reguleta .-. for a .mild . laxative, the nart of snh nii : ii ther :TJnited 1 StktesUThe Progressive. Farmer. Sold at all drug stores. aav; Mr: J. W. Hollowell spent Sun day afternoon atMr.T, S. White's; SMu' Raleigh ? r! olio well took Miss Ada White hpme from Mr. Mrv Edd Bunch's . Sunday after noon; 1 -'y " ' Miss Ada Whitespent Saturday night nd Sunday with Miss Beif tha Bunch. N3. The following senednle figures published as Information only and are not guaranteed.- TBAINS LEAVE EDENTOST. SOUTHBOUND 11 :31 p. ml, dailj , NIGHT EXPEESS Pullman Sleeping Cars for Baleigh Croldsboro and intermediate sta- C - tions. ' V 2:00 P.M., DaUy. for K&Jeigh, Golds boro, Beaufort and intermediate stations. Parlor Car service to Washington, and Newbern NORTHBOUND 4:49 a. m., daily, Night Express fr Norfolk. 1 7 p. m., daily, Express for Norfolk and " intermediate stations. Parlor Car service. 2:25 P. M. Daily for Norfolk and Local stations . 74)0 A. M. Daily, except Sunday, tot ' .SuffoJk arrive Suffolk 9:20 A. M 12:1& P. M.; Tuesday, Thursday and and Saturday, ai rive at Suffolk 4:u p.'m . " r For particulars apply to W. S. Harney Agent at Edenton. V . H. S. LEABD, G. P- A - Norfolk, Va- 'f VQen,Bupt: - UUtl OJO II VUL-WWP W I! If I li I ' ' "7T7rT7r- v; rcogressiYeFarmerc.i r : t in ncn. - y :,r.0;K 1 -liV-. -WMW DY?EKinCLEf St Vwbein adiZcl P2ca Cur