'? ft." I 1H5 sgoU canhot excr to become a sue Sfip cess in a nights Permanent succes iSila is an accumulation of years of effort fAnnrfltinn. man who . succeeds who reaches the top, must travel towards this coveted goal ttep by step. . Without a foundation your life lack the pctrntneacy, lacks the 'y' life worth while. The very foundation of every A injaj. exltence depends upon saving and f foundation rests on how strictly he adheres to the saving principle. . - ; ' . ' - . v We will help you save. . Talk it over wiAtt H BANK. Hi Jj Always hangs on the outside to any one wishing first-class banking ac commodations. . . .. . Every bank is owned by its stockholdersbut our business is handled on the following basis: J That OUEt FIH.ST is DUB OUE BEPOSITOH,b. If we can serve you, write us or come in to see us. BANK OF GATES, GATESVILLE, N. C. Strong in Surplus. Strong in Resources. Strong in Management. The Bank of Edenton Solicits your Patronage. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Accounts Progressive Eaough to Insure Growth. Conservative Enough to Insure Safety. Capital and Surplus $75,000.00. Baltimore Steam Packet Co. Old Bay Line Steamers leave daily and Sundays May 16th and 30th : Portsmouth, Sundays 5:00 p. m. Week days 5-30 p. m. Norfolk, 6:3o p. m. Old Point. Com fort, 7:30 p. m. - Connection made in Baltimore for Enjoy a delightful evening on the Beautiful Chesapeake Bay The staterooms on the Old Bay Line Steamers are always delightfully wuui anu comioriaDie in every way. Delicious Meals consisting of every delicacy the market affords. For reservations or further information address r ' J. W. BROWN, Jr:, S. P. A , Norfolk JVa. Manufacturer Screen Doors BldmM Corn, JVIcal, Hominy, Cats and Ray. Sash, Doors and Blinds, Bracket Work, Turned Work, Moulding, Staic Work, Ohnrch Pews, Flooring, Ceiling -- Cement,'Ume and House Bills Complete. Paints 4 Oils. : " c JUL Befat by Permission to ' -;: . y w' O. Belfe, Jaoockg, U. tt v - : W li WUsoii. Uoyoo . N. a - - . 1 IT." 3 ;ine man or wj- citoens ,35. iiiliii V all ooints North: East of and Dealer in- X 'r : ':-,:X:.- ''.-'J-XX ' lNortolfc Va Colored males -263 :Males?S5 Females 41 Females 258 fiG61dr0!v ;MalepgB5 Females 45 Males.: 228 Females 197 Total , 425 Total. 80 EMbllmeiitli -A - Enrollment 1st month 50 Enrollment year 425 ENROLLM ENT BY White , X, . Colored 1st 147 (?) ' J- ; :-;Vlst 18 2nd 62 v -2nd 17 3rd 66 . - - -3rd 18 4th-55 . : : 4th'l3 5th 45 : , 9 6th 17 . ;; ; ;; 6th 4 Tth 1Q - -- 7th 1 8th 8 ; XX:-:::, 9th 3 - 10th; 8 V ;. ' . y' Average attendance for the year, white 313.3 ; colored 30. - CENSUS 8 to 12 White Colored Males 71 Males.- 9 Females 55 '" Females 6 Total 126 Total 15 ENROLLMENT 8 to 12 White Colored Males 99 Males -, 23 Females 73 - Females 40 Total, 172 Total 63 AVERAGE ATT. 8 to 12 White - Colored Males 71.6 Males 8 Females 49. " Females 10 Total 120.6 Total 18 AUDITING COMMITTEE'S REPORT RECEIPTS v From County Fund 1,797.68 From County Fund for census and truant officer 31.62 From Tuition 1913-14 85.32 " 1914-15 398.91 Delinquent "taxes 1912 and 13 (R. F. C.) 5.85 Delinquent taxes 1913 and 14 (R. F. C.) 393.55 Delinquent taxes 1913 and 14 (T. P. L.) 33.88 Collected tax list 1914 and 15 (R. F. C.) '5,147.34 Rent on Paxton Lot 9.00 Total 7,903.15" DISBURSEMENTS Paid O. D Citizens Bank (1913 and 14)' . 59.81 Discount V 18 55 Supt. Salary 1,350.00 Pd. Supt. i Tuitjon 24 12 Teachers Salaries W& C 4,265.00 Janitor, Academy 72.00 Incidentals : 144.67 Supplies 7757 Improvements and Re- pairs, Academy " 22.91 Fuel, White and Colored 277.00 Census Z: ' r Truant Officer Rent, of Colored School Building v 16.62 15.00 65.00 Rent of Opera House r - for Commencement 30.00 Repairs on Paxton Place 68 22 Futniture and Equipment 170 83 'Pirf'Sx' 33 00 Pd Town Finance Com.-' :X--'':. v lector 19i3 knd l4; 1.36 Refund to F.- C. am ou n t v "overpaid .on cbtiectiohs 4.81 R'EVXnector per cent, conim issions ; . " .on 6,64674;' Balance; bK - hano '. -Amount ?xes;i9i4and '15; cbiieeciand paid i 221.87 B'4681 Total Taxes charged for , . . 1914 and 15. V; -jX 5,158.30 x - - fl. ( WODp - r WS. PRIVOTT, , ' " r CENSUS1 ' : ' ; Daririg-ti.e-.past year-we;ic.. creased . the, library of the school,' spending seventy "dollars ih new" The libraty was divided-' into three sections-- Primary," i Inter mediate and High ScliooirBopks were distributed 'inrratioof SlusJ 2 nlus lathis beine. adhered to in th e riu m bcml0jP nf monev baid lor the"m: To ac- commbdaethsMiTiMQh rases built in the Slower K. halt .:.:-: I'm places that were lost space to us The High Schbol supplemenr tary reading has been;placei' iOn the rental J3asis 2cfp required to read : six f books, re quired by the college" entrance re quirements, and to write an out line of said book ; . These books vary iii price from 25c to 1.50 the pominal sum of 25c for each pn pil 1 will cancel the cost of the books in two yearsr i his isa savjng to each pupil f rorn $1.25io $2 . 50 per.yean During the year, we gave High School spelling test, prepared by U. of k. C. Ed. Department. We find bur pupils taking ; ho mean rank with an average for Eden ton of 86 ys. average for State of 79 We are giving the Courtis tests in Arithmetic inthe Grammar grades by, which we can measure the teachers' worth .; and pupils' progress from time to time in the fundamental operations. The Board leaves the compul sory age limit- the same, as last year, viz. 8 to 12 The first four months of school will be the compulsory attendance period. School will open on Sep tember 20th, 1915. - H. C. PRIVOTT, J. N. PRUDEN, Committee Board of Trustees. f Thirty-six for 25 Cents Dr. King's New Life Pills are now supplied in well -corked glass bottles, containing 36 sugar coat ed pills, for 25c. One pill with a glass of water before jre'tirrng is an average dose. Easy and pleas ant to take. Effective and posi tive in results. Cheap and econ omical to use. Get a bottle to aay, iaKe a aose to-nignt vour Constipation will be relieved in the morning. 36 for 25cv at all Druggists. advt COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. The County Commissioners met Monday June 7th, 1915, " in regular session with a full board present. . .. J. ne minutes of the last meet ing were react and approved. 1 he following standing orders s were passed for help in support : MolHe-ariffin , 2.50 Eliza Perry " 2.00 W. A. Williams 7 2.00 yuinton, Stafford, . 2.00 J. J. Boy ce and wife 2.00 i r ran cis okinner 7 2 00 Rachel Monda, care Harriett ; Hofler in making increase . , in allowance to 5.0Qh 2.50 Joe Blountj care court house, 4.17 J. H. Churcbill, care of ' ti en kins Dillary, w 1 7.00 owri of Edefitpn, pa1rs;;v":r . on electric wires w 1.10 , T. P. Ileary,, care of prisoners iJO.yu, Registrar and j udgeof elec fE .Qriffin; j udge of election and board of-canvassers 6 00 - JW, ittr of election ,v 6.00. XZXZ "" 'X': CrD Webb, j one day judge of H.;gF6x eipe;dayiljUd of election, 2 00li : ,XXX'Z':Z- K - J. Dr StillnTanne'day ? j udge - 1 onea.-pnoay-luogon half feeVin Recordef VCotfrt s follows ; ;Xxx e-c"-' ;: ?h WcS iPri vbtt "X't yX 7o0 Jesse- AsbeU ;x;.: fJ.;H - Robinson N - ' - - . . - - ,or :f,iv svl6Winbnth'-Tsal 1 aty as bt Recorder's eoiirt,; 16.66. Oihc)riPiJw 5 i' Edeiiton lice and jCbld Storage Co.,-ri;oo, xX:XXxx?: ary Recoie-cour 34 S; J. Jf Perry, registrar and judge of election,;6.00. . ; ; A. K. Jordan, oihe day4 judge of " .W6E?i JpVdanrlone day j udge of electior 2.;k;v ' 'K PL E53? orehand, registrar ? apd judge of. election , ; 978, . j. - E. N, Elliott, registrar and judge of election, 10.73. C-L. Riiss, work at - jail and court house, 4.85. " - G. VW. Goodwin, serving, sub poenasi etCii 1.80. : ' Xt H. H; Mitchell, one day Judge of election i 2.00. - J : The Board makes an appropria tion of $150.00 to Edenton Mili tary Co , to be paid today for January and July, payment for 1915. . . : Moved and seconded that Ra cnei monas js anowea o.uu per month for Care of Harriet Hofler, and have the use' of a bed from the county home, same to be re turned to county home when not used by Harriet Hofler. ' Report of E. S. ' Norman re ceived and ordered recorded and filed! X;'- r 'X':'X'; - - ' Dr. H M. S. Cason is instruct ed to buy disinfectants for the county and have . it given out by i tne doctors. ;r v Reporbof Dr. H. M. JS. Cason received and ordered filed. Moved and seconded that Mr. J. J. Boyce and wife be tendered a place at the county home. E. S. Norman was relieved of tax on the following-property : J: H. Felton property, . s Standard Fnrniture Co. tax, Mary E. Ruffin property, Frank Winston property,' J. T. Boyce propeity, Gay Mfg Co , 3rd Township, Misses Williams 4th Township. Matthew-Morris 1st Township. John B. Roach 1st Township. Mrs. W. H. Edwards is relieved of double tax and is-to be notified that in the future she will have to list. .. , ... ..... ; W. E. Sample is relieved of poll tax,; he being over, 60 years of age. , : . . , :: . : XXvX,. Repoitof T. E. White,Treas., received and ordered recorded and filed. Report of election held June'5, 1915, for and against Farm Life School and for and against 5tock Law was as follows: : .' ,-;v: For Farm 'jUScjj:136 Against Farm -Life School 662 X- Against Stock Lawy494 ; TheJTplWiSiety I'QlSwasnieglp- X:. ' f . .. State 2csic 4c v School -20c7Spia1;c.i Gcntyil9c Foil 106 Rbadlst ccX : 2nd Tbwnship"20c. - ? '- 4th To whshi20cv;r'KS ptpadltS Standard ELeeper If or the vnext 2 yearsforChowan countyf MrjbiripsTe r2Singc Evans;, are ; appointed to settle! , - Messrs. fcV Wobd dZ; &vVO aCsnnot Be cSSH There is onlv on wi ..rf ear. And - that I- V.-,.!.-" aearnete te'by conatltGuonal remedy is csAised by an inflamed cR le mucous finine ofthT ffl- Deafness tion of the -Wben-this tub Is infla ajrumblin sound or imD-i UMlWhearTt is entirely & im th result, anil rrrrsr"-".,?: ana thi. bearing jrtll be destroyed forevCTfnir cases. out of tea are caused by CatarrK ybJch- is nothing; but an inflamed ol tlon of the mucous surfaces. -uui iuw iniureu ur iu normal in.jnr-. Stts Bsuv IsjBUy FUls for oonsapMioa. MipMJT (JOUNTY HOME. 'The; Coun Commissioners mef4!t home in regu. lar jsession Thursday May 27th 1915, with a full board present. , ' Paid H. C. Nixon for 3 months supplies for county home 46.24 - Paid M.: M. Harrell, services and bill for fish for county home 105 85.- v; Paid -Rachel Moncls for care of Harriet Hofler 2 50 The home was inspected and found in good condition. :. No-further .business the board adjburnedV :i::.X'K..W.. BOYCE, 5 ? v Clerk to Board. Oonstpation Cored Overnight A small dose. of Po-Do-Lax to night and you enjoy a full, free, easy bowel movement in the morn- ing. "No griping, for Po-Do-Lax Podophyllin (May Apple) without the gripe. Po-Do-Lax corrects the cause of Constipation by a rousing the Liver, increasing th flow of bile. Bile is Nature's an tiseptic in the bowels. With pro per amount of bile,- digestion in bowel is perfect. No gas, no fer mentation, no Constipation. Don't be sick, nervous, irritable. Get a bottle of Po-Do Lax from your Druggist now and euro your Constipation overnight. ad SAfiDY RIDGE NEWS (Too Late For Last Week) Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Stalling and daughter have returned home after speudiug a few days at Mr. R. Stall ings' tlib week atteu hug the Union Meetiug at Saudy Cross. Rlisses HorleLCe Stalling, and Eanice Oiiley lelt this morning to spend a week with relatives aDd frieiids near Sunbury. E. T. Stalliiigs has reiurued to his liouie iu South N pi folk, Va., after visitiug his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. R Stalliugs, a few days. Miss Bessie Russell h is return ed home after Spending a short while with her auut, Mrs N. P. Stalliugs, near E. City. . Mrs. Agues McCot er is still on the sick list. . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCotter and little son took dinner at Mr. R. Stallirjgs' Sunday. Quite a large crowd attended the Union Meeting at Sandy Cross. Mr. vThomas Staliings took Miss Eva Ward to chnrch Sun day, v Mr. Alton T, Ouley returned to his home in South Norfolk this morning after a visit at Mr. Tim Rice's, A Odetor'S' Prescriqtiou For Cough 4n ff ectvie Coagh Treatment One-fonrth to one teaspoouful of Dr.' ItingV New Discovery, tak en as needed, will sooth and check Coughs, : Colds and the more dan- gerons Bronchial;and Lung An- ments. V You,catifford to take tlferisJkof seribusfillness, when so cheap and 'simple a remedy as iDiEang'sNpw Discovery is ob- tainable.;; lo to your Druggist to- dayget a bottle of Dr. Kings New Discovery tart the treatment at once.: : -yon will be gratineu f or the ij?lief he cure obtained, ad. Faymers,echanies, railroaders laborers, : rely on -Dr. Thomas Eclectic Oil. 7 Fine for cots, burns, I IKtatss (caused by catarriOthat cannot be TmS2 Whjaldhept in every - - . , v ' -r- Auditihg Commiftce, election, sj.vu.. wa onenn ano -1 reasurex. home, 25c and 509 adft, V!