PROGRAM FOR COUNTY MOONLIGHT SCHOOL DAY (A joint meeting of County Committee on Commu nity Service and County Teacher's Association) NO TOPIC SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO CONSUME MORE THAN TEN MINUTES 1. Song "America" 2. Scripture Reading and Prayer 3. Reading Governor's Proclamation for "Moonlight School Month" 4. Reading State Superintendent's "Letter to Superinten dents and Teachers" 5. Where Our County Stands in the Adult Illiteracy Column , 6. Why we Should Observe "Moonlight School Month" 7. How to Organize a Moonlight School: (a) The Survey of Illiterates (b) How to Get Them to Enroll and Attend (c) Use of Lesson Material 8. Roll-call of School Districts to Find Volunteer Helpers 9. Appointment of Committees 10. Song-"Carolina" Note. The object here is to find arid enroll those who will volunteer to take an active part in establishing a Moonlight School in their respective districts. If there should be no volunteers from any district, then some member of the County Committee on Com munity Service should be asked to assume the responsibility of See ing that leaders be found in the district who will do the work. HOOIIGHT i (Continued from first page) "and urged to see the editor per sonally, explain the plan to him, and arrange for him separately by weeks, with the date of the publication of each, the lessons to be published each week. 7. The County Superinten dent and teachers, in co-operation with the school committee, the various community organizations and others interested, are urged to arrange some social entertain ments in connection with the Moonlight Schools, participated in by the pupils and by other citizens, to add to the interest and happiness of the pupils, and to afford an opportunity for all to get together and for an ex pression of interest and encour agement from outsiders. The pupils of these schools should be made to feel at home front the fust, and also to feel that they t are a part of the community in whom the other part of the com m unity are deeply interested. 8. November has been de signated as Moonlight School Month in ortn Carolina because that seemed to be the most con venient month for the majority of the counties of the State. If, however, some other month is more convenient for your county, and the roads are in good condi tion, select that month. Be sure, however, to select a month when the weather is fikely to be pleasant and the roads in good condition. During November or such other month as may be selected, concentrate public in terest and effort upon this one work of teaching the adults of your county to read and Write. Hally to the work your news paper, all organizations that have pledged their aid and all other agencies that can be enlisted for service. Have the papers full of it every week. See that they are furnished with the facts and the news about the schools. Publish before the schools open the number, but not the names, of adult illiterates by school dis tricts. Publish each week the number, but not the names, of those enrolled in each school. As soon as possible, for the en couragement of others, publish trom week to week the number, SCHOOLS and, by their permission, the names of those that have learned to read and write and cipher. Most of this news can be supplied weekly through the news letter from each school, and should al so be reported to the County Superintendent by the teacher. The Superintendent and the teachers should keep in close touch with the papers and see that the weekly material is promptly supplied. 9. Superintendents are urged to call a joint meeting of the County Teachers' Association and the County Committee on Community Service, consisting of the County Superintendent, the County Farm Demonstration Agent, the Home Demonstration Agents, the President or Secre tary of the County Farmers' Union, editors of the county newspapers, the mayor of the county-seat, one representative each of the Junior Order and of the Women's Clubs of the coun ty, two weeks before the begin ning of Moonlight School Month in the county, to ascertain the facts about the adult illiteracy of the county by districts as report ed by superintendent and teach ers, and to complete the organi zation and plans for pushing the campaign and the work for its elimination. A suggested pro gram for this meeting will be found on this page. 10. The program for Com munity Service Day and North Carolina Day this year, now in the press, centers around the Moonlight School and the elim ination of illiteracy in every school district as the one most important community service to be concentrated upon this year It is suggested that this day be observed in each county on the Friday before the opening of the Moonlight Schools, and that on that day at each sehoolhouse all the details for opening and suc cessfully conducting the school be completed. 11. Because of their onerous duties in the day schools and their inadequate salaries, I did not feel that I ought to ask or that the community ought to ex pect of the public school teachers more than one month's extra service at night without compen sation. It is hoped and expect ed, however, that before the close of the month sufficient in terest will be- aroused and snfK cient success attained in many of the Moonlight Schools tcrwar rant extending, the term, and that citizens and interested or ganizations and orders in the community will arrange for such extension and for payment of the teacher or some other person to continue the school, and also to provide, where feasible, instruc tion for other adults, besides illiterates, desiring additional in struction. - Very truly yours, J. Y.JOYNER, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 1915. Giving Out The Struggle Discourages Many a Citizen of Edenton Around all day with an aching back. Can't rest at night; Enough to make any ane "give out" Doans Kidney Pills are help ing thousands. They are for kidney backache; And other kidney ills. Here is Edenton proof of their merit. Mrs. G. E. Yates,' Edenton, says : ' 'My back ached all the time. I could get no rest day or night as I had such awful pains across my back and loins. My head ached, I bad dizzy spells and the kidney secretions annoy ed me. My ankles and limbs were also swollen. I tried treat ment after treatment, bat became worse all the time. I was told that I had Bright's disease and I gave up all hope of ever being well again. Finally I began us ing Doan's Kidney Pills and I improved steadily. About a doz en boxes cured me of all symp toms of kidney trouble. I have no backache or other sign of kid ney trouble now and give Doan's Kidney Pills the credit." Price 50, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that cured Mrs. Yates. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. advt. Bagley Swamp News. Mrs. Elihu Winslow is ill at this writing Mrs. Fate Layden and son, Tommy, spent Saturday and Sun day near Ryland with her sister. Mr. Henry Ward and Miss Mary Winslow were out driving Sunday afternoon. Mr. Weldo Bogerson was the guest of Miss Edna Madrey Sun day evening. Mr. H. C. Wilder is repairing his residence, Mr. Archie Miller of Winfall visited at Mr. G. T. Winslow's Sunday evening. Miss Edna Madrey was the guest of Miss Lucille Jordan Sun day afternoon. DAVIS PORCH AND DECK PAINT is made especially to resist all weather conditions so when painting why not use the thing for the purpose? It will cost no no more will look right and wear right. For sale by J NO. C. BOND CO For any itching skin trouble, piles, eczema, salt rheum, hives itcrt scald head, herpes, scabies Doan's Ointment is, highly re commended. 50c- a- bx at all stores. aflrt. TFhis Folder Save thp IT Investigate our new Profit Sharing" Sales Proposition H DON'T WAIT DCS IT ftGRW Write Today for -Folder -"A" giving full information and specifi cations of these two remarkable poorer plantspwhicfa we offer to you at exceptionally low prices. We want to prove to your satisfaction that these engines are Better, more Powerful and just as Reliable as any of the higher priced engines on the market!- Mli HARTFORD Model E SPECIAL ' , vv ., .. 1 : ' mi For All ThirstsPepsi-Cola Edenton S.B. MUllitl c ;No. 7 Fulton Pish Market. NEW YORK "WHOLESALE COMMISSION fftSil DEALERS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP NORTH CAROLI NA SHAD. Stencils and Stationary furnished on application Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as thej cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order te cure it you must take in ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally, and acts directly upon thai blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is -not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best phy sicians in this country for years and Is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect comblna ,tion of the two ingredients Is what pro- daces such wonderful results in cozing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. V. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Q, Bold by Druggists, price 75c . whts Jiaus rmmuf m for Telld the Stoty sdtedfo lPcedj Hairtforo LIcdel E Special : SPECtAL PRICES 5 HP. Isincle CYLINDER.! OUTFIT "A" I S68.00 1 10 HP. lyNQIJL CYLINDER J OUTFIT "A" I $107.00 " Real Bower All the Time Fishermen Oystennen, Lobstermen and other Commercial boatmen who use open, boats in salt water in all kinds of weather will find the Model ESoecial the ideal oowerfor boats from 16 to 30 feet in length. Manufactured and sold by THE GRAY & PRIOR MACHINE CO. HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT "When it's 90 in Pepsi-Cola and When the sun rides high and the heat simmers up from the pavement, there's nothing: you need more than a bracing glass of Pepsi-Cola. Brings to heat worried mind and body in the office. or on the street the refreshed, invigorated feeling that makes you complete the day's 4 . ISltliffliraiEB BOTTLED BY tiSS Bottling Co. isra CHA& K. ROBERTSON General Commission Merchant Refer by Permission to w W. T. Cross, Gatesville. N, C. ' if RfiA T1 fl kP MnriT Theo. S. Meekins, Manteo, N.C."U V Aitf 111111 JVC JLSUlIVe w . a . nopKins, uresweii, h . tJ. L. C. Relfe, Jacoeka, N. 0. A. Sawyer Sons & Co., Belcross, N. C. W L. Wilson. Movoo . N. C. Baltim ore Steam Packet Co. Old Bay Line Steamers leave Norfolk 6:30 p. m. dailv, and on Sundavs Seo- tember 26th, October 10th and diicrimce ounoays tnereatter, until further notice. Baltimore Steam Packet Company's tickets will be honored on Sundays they have no stealer by the Chesapeake Line". Connection made in Baltimore for all points North, East and West. Hinjoy a delightful evening on the Beautiful Chesapeake Bay The staterooms on the Old Bay Line Steamers are always delightfully cool and,,comfortable in every way. Delicious Meals consisting of every delicacy the market, affords. For reservations or further information address Norfolk, Va. s the shade I drink keep ccoL wotk with a dash. . Drop around the corner to the fountain with your nickel, or to the dealer in bottled PpSi. Norfolk, Va 24th, November 7th and 21st, and

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