A v. v.- -A i Vol. 6; T$g:M.': ,' , : 'jlDEHTQH NORTH PI m! Dijk3SJl 1915, .aaiigaig Gliden Hotes. C .- Mrs. Penina Br rSkley spent last eek-eud -with ?hef nieccUris Martha Roimtree, of 'HobbsviUtf. ( Mr. Floy4 White is vat V home ; from Biliea CreeK fox, the holj- Mrs. A. D. WariU and daugh ter, Lorinda, attended the Brown-1 Brown marriage at Jieulah. Bap- " - nrrr - tist church last Wednesday and sses Rosalie Welch, Ber, speiit sralay--that om- a TwlneMpa Eason, Pattie munity with relatives. . - . - Perry and Mr. E.L. Twine are Mr. E. T. Ward-Ahd fkmiT of home fo5 the Christmas " holidays. Norfolkr iir. C k. Ward and isses Rosaelle Welch, Pat family qt Spffblk;. Messrs-Cleon tic tPerry,Nina: Eason, Viola and Bryan Bunch NurneyviUe; Winslow aJd f , Ncol5 Spivey, Mr: J. C. -WardandSQnpf Nor- Me Ray: Winslow, MaWern folk, Mj3slona.Wardof aosley4 Spiveya L.'and Bant Bunch and Misier karl -'Ward 4f Trot called'at Mr. ArT. Perry's Satur vill.e, visited at T.the homes of. . 1'- MeiBrs. K. R Ward 'and J V. " E' L' Twine cofted Miss Winslow doring the holidays. Roie Evans to the P1 at EFro0 Misses Mary N. Wljite of .Bel- Ts?aJ niSht- - - Tidere, Maggie Baugbam .of N. ,Ward .aadson; Potecasi, nd -Mary-Belle J1! hams orSouthTMdis, teachers of spent Monday, with their grand Waids'aad rdle schools are otherrs. ElizaHth Bunch of spending-the holiday at -their FH111 t -: - - - respectivchomes. iv . z MisseaMiiuiiean QertLude Mr. and3Mrs.G.,k Parker, an,d -Benyman intertained Missesier . . f .. , . - ta, Annie - and, Gladys .Twine, daughter 0 Edenton have returrr i - ' j w ' t. v Messrs xw. 0. Blanqhard, Ray. ed homp. ailer a visit - to her.-pa- - . - : . i rent,s, Mr" iniMrs. E.C. Welch. Winslo. Leaife?wine Herbert Mr. W'. tl. 1 White of Pom:" .Brinkly. Osiie WHite, C L. and ' u . u ' i j 'Brvant Bunch Sunday nighf. mouth spent the week-end here J & a u- --- nr - a ic " -Mr.-Hunter Jones of - Ryland witrf his oarents. Mr. and Mrs. Ht iru- . . U. Whiter j. : . - . : bahv. Wilhnr. and Mu M.ttie Hobbs of Ryland and KrJ-jJ, . mr, u. c. vvaru ana sons oi Cerier Hill, Dr. and Mrs.'PrA. Ward, and Mr H. F. Jones of Ryland, Mr and Mrs WA Ware and son George, H unter, of Richmond, were the etiests-df Mrs" A. J. Ward Sunday. Saturday after spending several Ijolaluiiidf his" weeks muffol ' last appbimrfleii t t WarwiclrSai -'-MHaw' urday and Sunday, and ; deli verr sister,- J akie, : Ieftr' Saturday for ed two very HnsViring sermons. Edenton, ' where they will spend Brother Elliott .has been a faith- this week.: . . " ful lakqxer arnong.us during the - Miss Eunice,Whitehead of Bel past five years, and while we re- videre is spending this .week with gret that he will nbt be with us relatives here. . 7 : T during the coming year, we feel Mr; Walter. R oiinjtree f Cora Sure h- : services, wherever he peake spent-the week-end with may-be called, will prove a bless- relatives. here, ing. ' "We hope that the new pas- Mr Carndley Hunter called to tor, Rev; Frank vKale; may be j successful notonly ? in arousing newaiiterest aniong the members of the Siurrch but also ih " keep-f ing th'erancV hording their minds and hearts on God's work. The collectioti Sunday was for "the Thomasville orphanage- and ,a- mounted to 7Q. y On Brother ' f Miss Rokie anKspent Satuf Elliott's arrival at, : the. .chui day night witbM Christ mas morning Xe .was pre sented with hAndcnmnit nf clothes as a token pt the! esteem in which he is held.by.the people of the community. ; :-. UrCk. 'S. Ward and daughter, Miss Blanche, Mr. T. E: Ward and family dined at the home of Mr. B. H. -Ward of Bosley, Tues- day. ---K- - v - ; Mrs; fewain and dnughte Ber- nice of Norfolk were the week- end guests of her sister, Mrs. it. The -teachers, and pupils of Warrfs school gave a: very enjoy- able Christmas tree Wednesday, Dec. 22 f 'A delightful program was rendered-consisting Of songs recitations And so on. the orihci pai icature.rpeniK a ueoatc on me queryfiesolved': . That the voriait iii r Lne?r ateamooar The decision was in favor of the afBrmative. All the" speakers were well prepared and -each" one creditably ? - Misy Ineil Perry ia visiting rela Jtivcs and (riepds in CoVerain.:- ; iSifJll Pine Newo called; to see Mr& Rosa-Nelle ' ti 1 - : Mrs. J. W. Sprgill spent'Satur-H 1 her sister, Mrs. J. , x - 7 r . "PSha Brinkley... . ;HobbSllIe JKTeWS. Hiss Pauline- Hobbs returned see Miss Eunice,-Whitehead Wed- nesday -afternoon. . , ; r ' Miss Majttie Roiintree ;of Goran peake is . visiting Misses , .Sibyl Russell and Jlhe Rournferee, . Miss Purriell Eason and broth er; Char Ing aiLMrT fi: & Jfountree's. I sell. I MeSSTS. HehrV and Walter Barnes arid CharUe McCa spent Fridajr night at Mr. D. H - Hobbs' V.Mf. ' Waddell Hobbs spent a few days last week out ot town, Mr. Johnny White of Hertford spent a few days this week; wih Mr- Waddell Hobbs. '.; 'MissJ Maude 'Barries Isgent Fri day night witii MW P 1. Hobbs. ; Turn About is Fair Play ' Johnny said' his mother severly , 'it wasn't ; - bice of you to ask Mrs. Pelliban bier Age, "espec- I lally after she made you stich .a nice Christmas " eift.v It v made i uw ru&J , I ''Why did it, iriammat?', asked . laiiu 1 uiuu iimu auum Mr. B.,L.Stdrv. .... : ..v Ufilceri chtliTrAvrfeeP Editor of Albemajlcpbserveiv tjjree f tgroes aabW-'.VW I?F? .? 1 aftdJ3idnev ClWPcUrv-rr Edentont N. C., tjm Sndbrik lip this :Jasines f - 1 ' Dear Mr. Story . a; - l am having so many inquiries concerning the robbery of Mr. Corbitt last Thar s.- day night and so many , erroneous rumors are afloat, that I will ask that you kindly publish the fol - lowing in your Gatesville news of this week: Mr. A. J. Corbitt, an aged and respected .white citizen,: wha lives about -six miles from Gatesville j was set upon and last Thursday evening by three negro vmer7:TOlb3f Eggleston; Hiimo Armstrong Kobert Hurdle. M had been to Gatesville his year's expenses as just soia nis peanuts. -He.nad just 151 left of his, year's :work after paying off ,his debts - and was returning home to his famiV was returning nome to m8 taouf : MA &e peginnmg; f - ' : k ' ; !;!,.; ; r.vr.- ,y J JLt to spend a happy Christmas with 'wciius.--ocauuim w iw umpiic- u u - u -j'V'itv nhVrjnnfrcounlc wrnlHhf. them when he-wa assualted,y ffJ: the highwaymen, and all he had. Besides money, Mr. Corbitt was .li'Tw- u :ij. i I matter he decided the above nam ed negroes to be the guilty par- - rr bruised by the negroes and it is m Sves. r inc ceremony - - .v-vr-i?I. uV.rit?VU iM.C certain'that they loultf have kill- mplKfyperfciB bm tetTV:" ed him had the-found it neces- 'I - ' , . U tfiU'r r-r ttU ,.tv best manntered by the. r. " Pkct d family . sary to get his money, s - - JWttcmQid.fC. ; .inc-wople-. ' r1 -Trti ffcTi riY?u?'Xs'-trilL ?T - - iJ SV ' iLv nte iddffelTheic inet-at the ana Xiiss Biancne 4rcele of Ports- f , - After:theld man.W robbed POd urdttn impmvl aib ? JUff-'Vif ftf -i . altar .wherefcerenT was WXnwefe nein anu, wm8 rf.r.:iuw7 :-asa: - Her and'Tbhri -Baines itli:hinnld4hg march The bride ap4TIW" 7 .www,. ncr aim jouu owe wnu mur, 1 , t ,5, rjlftrhmdiatehrafter the' awmnnv I started the hunt which beaa4 . . 1 . flKont ten o'clock, after the sheriff was certain that the ne - Vi - s was cerxan. uie5. c sy. them that night, they would -beM?Ff gorie next morning. Two of theltemW legroes ere taken - from their beds, thougtt:.ne f rhAir ima nri vri hprro homes were searched beforet men were founds By.t wo o'clockrj?set5 aaa nmoacapmeiiiaie. irr the morning all three, negroes naaDeen-:arresteu,.givcn, iminary heanng-and lodged miuews jail, . - Mr- Corbitt was robbed about tree miles from (S cnlnrled not where "the woods secluded soot where the woods were thick on ootn sides 01 tne road. " The necro, Wilber Egclemen ana caums uer iricuus as ston, saw Mr. CorbittVmbeyaWon. Since hk wafimyiog Mr,;'E an account ston and th were seen following in his store. Eggle- o the hearts ot Her trCendS. .irie these are: conducive to "binding 1 ithth&thb?orwnTtrB. e other two negroes IS indeed a prize worth 8tnviftg tg Uhks -of friendship and c0m-aid wiUbe found as iuurat W. it la Mr. Corbitt all; J the way iromJap'B most useful farniera Gatesville until Mr. Corbitt stop- AlitMr;- Rv-R mile and a nail irom towiv which they got ahead of him and Waylaid ana rooiiea nimv : xnev wereseeri together less than ve Minutes befoi near the spot where-the robbery occurred. 4 All three negroes were oosi tivelv identified by Mr. Cor bitt as the ones who robbed him.iyptltfc thri i-s absolutelv5o?i doubt ir euttt. The bonds are FnytwnStt&E3; wmom tttYiutttimytue, s l-amb; rJSiry Q:iw?.S"'Sf 7" "J-MKir n jk-'.-:V, 1 Turkey, dressdf ipef pound.... V,C they :'ia Lf:jfvli;arlj ife1"; anfiie5Bu8h, TessaJddick, n T.m. e fear that an i temotwill -:: - - ' '. - -"y aryQrimri ; of InGiana,: Alpine Ce; dre8wd;aeh......l.0o fi.25 ri - BUSWn- -X- corated Amasses, of Bt om - HtSSZ2cZ3& - " I T'.i" T ,;.r . . .-lf I w "tititi kv; T-V;r 3Tr.and Mrs. . Ben - Ileeinson fili'"i:l--jr V"V'St -Uaiaiti'Ta-ferorelwBcre. f;Hamptor,are vuiUns'lIrV.ftd-; " IvZfffs-- 1 7u?u iU WIi;'iawaiic0TO: presence o nti well wtsheWl W' t l.-, Mice IrihnnvtWhh nfrrMi Sr' tHi f her brothefr.WAWebb OJq Macona.narpuncea tnet ;i,u!nr TKnt.n Il-nirx-ntc. aiic, wcaqine music wasi--j- . ,':;rr 7 V- iUtlix --- f I oepgnn spaai cnorus, as tnjs, I r i - - r ' tt " - robbed of $5llPton;N;t;.,eC"tUnelr- 'vs' i t 'tp ir- " about dwktfiWSi&ettiwt, tome; MISiT. - ft a- ; HrWh .-iilfolk were the Quests nf .Ur: r .CorhUt waste oaTThiiday ff-1: - u-u. .u, , v . V" ' o pa off 4S?teoN:lock -tt.ohr " v" t-- , tJ:, .-nf.ltliw tifhrtWfr'ninl FrMna Mr. J. ;T . oavaHe and--farmlv - he had ttactfydauhteris ?V . 5 uUs:matr6ii6f3hoiftr. llrs6larierii S0frspeftt4Ue &pqm next entered- nd TacmrT , . , . ' ... r T?f rirr.ri-iea-v! rne omciaung t-oergyinan were mi ldo krrWd w3f e -uaHD aeathithearl 4fovf, l? c rr1 V r 1 T " : C .v. ? i, . . I - T)-V. .,A.iv ...I'Hlve with' Mr. anrf M.rj" Wallah oart.Kirhfcbe?fcia ..-.T ;ta jjfirimonthe most popular JtF SWial rFrjim RilviHorP. Iblack... ,The.tiiiariistr waVliittired7 Perhaps one of the rhost" fes- hasaken place in 'thislg Morrjs f crebu"r Mr. Worn Where deughttul -and de - I fte bride is one of Chowan court I i" i -j -vv - "wawmi wv- valuable wedding gilts were re- along behind for. The groonv is oneor trxow- radeship. which are sometimes Oh S1. rr ! "i.i . Jslahy lonffT rierio Tf n "vu uicy - tt- - 111. tv :!V VT 1 '5 wii tW ftiende j itfe ;tor: - 1 aw4sa.t6agiista ft bay kr. wait 4 a a 1 . n a a "r r 1 f lL.i.--r v iU-VT'iiV srl 'Mr. Albert JerWarv- amI'lW r , - ' . i a i i xrortsmoutn t jorown ana ncrDert -,-Kouotiee,ij I Luther v Brnwn -am,1- Lvri.m J nX Uks OamUle.Parker 6( kNbjr-' " ICL - r :rMr- &--Ti V7' -, ' K vecrete de diine with dink m- cr.- . rhri'mc fdle- The bride entered witbHhnstmastiayr.-r L'r sister. ilrBM-WcrrdrL 'ftterenT was' pastor; Gates I vTf 'ln a DOU1uet 01 - . mond pendant the gift of the! Mendhelsson's wedding u , me onau Darrviaoa.a.numDeroi ; ' and were thV recipients : I l tiye and eiooyable occasions al f'There were gathered to erljoy vbimfr rieoole fromr manv rnilesl r - ... -.-r. : u ; . -j arouna, most 01 wnom were.eitn-i j stUdentst:ourfbtate coliegesl - --? 1 J . 1- 1 C m.1 I IV mrrr NAtva SrVSnt Yh KaIi. Jhe border oTbcing cut asundencvt pound.. ;W f when the separation from-ea time- oeverai mierestine ana . " & . & . fimiliar gkmei were Mdnlged- in i wmcu proireu to uc uiuuuic w well asterjajning, tAftephe d,ies- and salted peanuts were served. C The flowing; peopk may be mentioned as partakers 1 v"""""" ....vw tThelma:Brjant orGfeVUrectr ine wiHsea narren-; otrsu:;c . ... .Rid4;. -iVWTfr ITJt ciH? ".S UfVi H.h.r nt.u P 0 W f11 MK aidMrsi ; Munfordarcen Howell-: Christmas H61U Boducov Roduco tarniy and atiss jsiaeertdfie or; -outn- rtortoik, "Miss w ina p'"' News spent Christmasat his pa- Uental home. ' Mr. Ben Collins and family of : -7-' - Portsmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Jt&t j MJ "vii.auu wi. uiwwu-awmuf if i 1 Miss Lena Mae- Baker spent toL? friends in Suffolk. ;5Mr. John Bonney of Suffolk .A r-KrJatma at hi- n9ntal -' . - . Mel , Tn -a 1 a it: v ri. Baker and family wreaests of the I Holland. r . l ; v: t. V ' r wees m ounois. . .- - -. j?- -; J?V .-- - - -X-f : mm' vper pouna.. ...... -1446 flvr per pound . . . v: '.22 IN ETA'." nn T w . . . w rwam per round .............. 20to22 potind...".... r .v 25 "; jVu .wr toiind... ...:.80 Citl4,hjiTind..,:y..- v.Sto .IQ; Tnwna, perbox. ...... . , . : . ...iis.OO - Cfeangea, perbox... ....... .XfiO j -

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