Chan Mill V«n Mimes Bessie and Lais Roun tree are visiting la Portsmouth. Alter an extended visit to rel atives ia this community. Mis. Margaret Perry has returned to her home ia Newbcrn. Mr. and Mis. H. G. Perry and baby of Wallace. N. C. spent a few days last week with kis moth w. Mss. Mollic Perry. Miss Audrey Stallings of Nice nor was the guest of Misses Halim and Beulah Mixon last week. Mr. and Mss. J. E. Riddick axe spending a few days hi South Norfolk with Mss. P. P. Knight. Miss Msggii Nixoo spent a part of last week with reiadvne and friends In Newlaad. After spending sometime In Poet Norfolk Miss Mary Perry has Interned home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stallings and children spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nixoo. Mr. Roulac Bag ley and Miss Beohie Nixon were out driving Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Lin Rountree and Wal ter Barnes were callers here Sat onlay night. Mr. Edward Eason spent Fri day ta South Norfolk. 1-htle Leslie Stallings, who went to Lake View hospital, Suf folk. last Mooday lor treatment is getting along nicely. Vacant Scholarships Chowan county haa one free agricultural scholarship and one free engineering scholarship va cant at the North Carolina State College of Agriculture and En gineering. The value of a scholar ship is 145.00 per year and it con tinues ss long as the holder re mains la college. This is a val uable opportunity lor some am bitions boy or boys in Chowan cdoaty. Technical 'education oankce a strong appeal to capable and ambitious young men, es pecially in these times when pro duction of every kind falls short of demand and prices are higher than ever before. B. B. OWEN, a Eaet Glided News iUaa (Rewind too late for led week). Mr. aod Mra. C. H. Parke epaat Saaday with Mr. aed Mn Arthar Chappall of BeMdam Miaa Boee Parka wae the gaaat of her aieter, Mra. H. J, Chappall a lew daya Uat weak. Mr. aad Mra. W. H. White Md twoehiUrea, Iraaeead BryeU. Mr. ead Mra. laaae Byrwa aad •hildfee, Mr. J. H. Copeiaad. If M D P* O —— ■ ■ M ■ mm -A *5- XHfrJBM MQ HIS. Battle Nixon ' wen gaaeti el the hone of Mr. W. E. Parka Baa day. Mr. P. I. White nade kie aaaal aaO Saaday rreal^. Mra. Sank Copeiaad aad Min Non Parka epaat Tew day h BaBolk oa baaiaaw Mr. Lowry Spiny aad Min Paaaie BtalHapa wen drMa« Commissioners Met At County Heme •wwww The Oeaaty Cenariadeaete ant el the Coaaty Bone la aba ter enMea Aag. tt, 1»1T. Plea eat S W. Evaaa, O. W. Baker. T B Herrdl ted Wn. Fonhaad. Mr. Etant wae appdeted their * Fdd IL C. JVbcoa, eaeplin lar Ceaaty Bane 17.40 * Paid U, B Barred, awriew aad MS.71.SS •J a W. BOTOE, Clerk GET READY FOR THE AT EDENTON, N. C. OCTOBER 23, 24, 25, & 26, 1917. Liberal Premiums will be offered for all kinds Farm Products, Live Stock, "Poultry, Fancy Work of all kinds, Kitchen and Pantry Exhibits, Etc. A .Bigger and Better Fair than ever before Benson & Berger’s Exposition Shows 2 Big Free Attractions Daily 2 Fast Racing. Contracts Now Being Made For Other Amusements *«■ MTI # ▲eon. (Reoaived too lata for laat waak). Mra. I. P. Hancock and ton. Rowland, of Girdlatree, M t n rtwH hoane. MMBBMIHbv No. 666 t PUuant Grove Dots (Reoeired too late for last week.) Mr. and Mra. Hampfaray Grif fin of Tula are apeadiig a few days with their daughter*, Me* dames J. R. Boyoe. Hell* aod Oerrie Hurdle. Mrs. Tom Ward spent Monday ) afternoon with Mrs. L. B. Hardle Mies Clodie Hardle is spending a few days with bar eowaia near Tola. After a riatt to bar grandmoth ar at Okiako Mias Lain Hurdle has returned home. Mice Blsa* Griffin is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Helm Hardle. Mr. and Mm. Charlie Hardle •peat Sanday afternoon with Mrs Hal He Baker. Mm. J. L. Ward sad daughter, Irena, spent Baaday afteraooa with Mrs. L. B. Hardle. Mr. Charlie Leas made hie osoal o«JI Saadey afterno m. Mr. aad Mra. J. N. By rum aod daughter, Salli*. aad Bdith Sy moaa motored sear E City Bee day eramlag. After a rieit to bar staler near Hertford Miss Settle Ward has returned home. After a riart to bar ooaaioa, Miasea Deaaie aad Clodie Hardle Mlee Mery Qrlffie|n tarued home Baaday. Maser*. Humphrey Griffin aad O. Q. Hardle esd Wise list* GrlAn motored E. City Monday morotog Mr*. Wray Hardle epeot San m day afternoon with Mias Mattie Soaff. Mr. and Mrs. Jaaae Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Hardle, Mrs. O. C. Symons, Mr. L. R. Hurdle, Mimes Lottie Boyoe and Beanie Hurdle war* guests at the bema of Mr. G. Q. Hardle Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Warm Cartwright sailed to see Mine Elsie Griffin Sunday Mandamus Wray Hardle, Nellie Sumner, J. W. Hardle and Liaato Moaa spent Fridayfwith Mrs. Jee aa Harrell at Snow Hill. Maedamee J. J. Sumner and Wray Hardle had an apple peal ing Tuesday alter noon Mr. aad Mrs. J. J. Sumner rl« ited hie father, Mr. Will Sumner, of 8oow Hill Sunday. Nathan aad Joe Hardle, Elmer aad Brueat Sjmoo* seen repeated Gae Baker, Jr., home from Sun day school Sunday moraing. Mr. aad Mrs. J. B. Boyoe spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Sa me Hendrix Mrs. Liasie Moos has returned to bar home in B. Oity after a visit to her sister, Mm. J. W. Hardle. Messrs WUtte and Qaiston Hardle, Mieeea Mattie Twiae and Mahal Stalling* were Mt motor ing Baedey afternoon. 400 TYPEWRITERS . I . Oatesrillu Newt. The aeag mttice given by the Kittrell’a choir in the school modi toriam Sunday wee beard by a large and appreciative audience Those compoeing the choir wen Mr*. L W. Parker, Mime* Beat Williams, lain, Mol lie sod Made line Harrell, Briding Parker, MiaaU and Berta Green, Mens re. Wm. Boone. Henry and Ckarlia Harrell and Frank Lnwreoee. Mrs. A. O. Hill of Suffolk baa reoaaUy ooocloded a visit to Mrs. J. W. Brown. Mr. Clyde Fiaber, lately of Cot anil University, spent a few days the past wash at tbe Method is I paredbage. Mr. aod Mrs. Marvin Hudgins and little girl of Sod bury spent Saturday night aud Sunday at the homnof Mr. C. W. Hsdgiua. Bav. and Mre. T. 8. Crutchfield and children )«fi h.-r* Taevlay for' Hertford ui smsimJ tb« mar— rings of her eiatei, Wise B.ol .b Bagtey. The friends ol Mrv. Nannie Heater will bn glad to know that she is improving rapidly. Mine Catharine Hunter of Pine town is visiting Ur ooesia. hlian Mary Groan. Mr*. John Stnylor and children of Oawn arrived in Gateevilte Bat •Hay to visit bar slater, Mrs. L. L Harrell • teiasM Roes and RsUoca Block teft town Monday for s visit to relatives in Baltimore. Mias Mauds HofUr is sway on —.—• a vialt to the family of her broth er, Mr. U W. Hofler pf Warren fcon., Mr. B. C. Rountree In* lately moved into the place owned recently vacated by Mr. Andrew Canon. Meedamea G. K. Riddick and W. & Hayes end Master Wood land Rath are visiting relatives in Suffolk aad Portsmouth. Mr. nod Mm. I. Block, Miseee Rocs aad Rebeoca and Master Abraham attended the oaarTiage of a relative in Ah os lac last Thnraday. Mrs. G W. Hodgioa ia in Bal timore selecting her fall millinery. Don MWDlMldmiUj -a» _!• •oocnin®. oooanc mad • rat COM fort arter • day I (