HE “CITY Ol» HICEORV.” r; Charter Before theg re to CbaBKC H* Itame^ lnter-; % ia|. inproTertienta — ^larc- *■ moat Coilegt — Tlie s i, •v, *en,^ite. .. ' iial Correspondence to the tfitixen,] t I iky, N. C., P|b. ao.-Af no tinj$ story of thisryoung an^growinj ive it? citizens displayed great* lacing it securely ainoi|j the pr<£ .towns of t|ie State thin at j>re^ , :entleman having just-.Jomplete^ 'i >f • observation through Sout« Georgia, and those fAlabarri^ n usual growth, remafked thfy. •had he found, in proportion tj> •J>n and capital, so thorough j • nterprise and improvement ts* jstern Carolina towns! of Asht ifliekory. 'The staten|erit is fdj ed here by the vastly enlarged which the people at^ making Ions forwhat they artfconfidefA • contains for them. | ;. jf A NEW eilAHTKH. r:s yor unn .commiss-iofters na*oe l for submission to tbft present , an efficient charter jjjiliscon tid esenl corporation ®idi incijjr stead, tie “City bfglickorys,!' L power# and privileges, irtft ssessed. It is an ftble dotii X udopted, wi|l qiaie the dij ’ local govcmnjrnt, b< / W i \ s sy. •T WAGON CO [•ANY. vit Wacon CM,, lias afeii $ •• & a ne w com (ferny fotti) Suine atwi sfiyle,; w|t| eased to »10O,()fhji ' <*.y requircf incrra^tg) Ajpply tljf dem.'Mwl V ilar wi|j;i)iii tj|i|l JY'ye totrej- tact, ittijtl y capt&itv-' f.lf Sw bcl@f|? nr J ditticiSt| id. it ■•Vre T; I II! h<| city ^|l T | ’|WtEW8fc •Are TbhJr' J,awflil In North Car j." * ■“ ^gjS§ aliaaT • It requit ? i.jjut few words to answer th» questi a , 'to any one who will take the Jitne trf; -wad the following: Site. lof$ the Code of North Car olina profUf; ;■ !* Jf ttnj^ ii/son shall sell, barter or di"sj|ose ofi lottery ticket or order for any numtf ■ :r, under its title it con its object—to advertise the |rf»uisiansS Xt^te Lottery. | It if Oufcj jffi^lace to discuss the c|ties *io^i. Wbe|| Ideating in lottery tickets, tctftls.to itf rtirjrality or not. We think it dries bavf| (*i|!tendency, inasmuch, as it yi tihofoujjr ^''demoralizing; but the only Fjoestjon ji r^onest gentlemen to ask tbetn»elvf2 iy? “can 1 conscientiously; kfi||a|e tejVrj^ws of my State, which tn| jfyotcctibn, and which, as a h> yUe i*»u§ :j$»tn bound to uphold by *^r|' me^j mv power." 1- ^r|end^| j^re is but one reply to this. VVi^are fe thof.dity, in patriotism, as jjeti^eme^j ay honest citizens, bound to ulffjjl our § * laws. i*fl Us jjji frwlo it, in this, as well ns in iillsuther ^ itji^’Cts. If the law is wronu, rn your o£ hii,;n, let us discuss it fairly at5f| openp S 4nl* you pre v ail, wc w ill ii4i(e it rg| but while it is on out statute bS,yki| Ict us lieg of you, one and publi& ;iij|icCrs and private citizens. tyi^eclarM jofrlly, both by word and bv eiitniple.’j uigjthe laws of North Caro li^t, sbalf ittjj must lie resjiected. I’ DO t| tAUt-END TO IMMOKAL1TY ? ^|a?ingj 4s|rercd the question whether lqjtefics I clijf violation of the law of tlj{|5 Statq yej’-now wish to express our otjnion, ij: jreCfrvedly, that the lottery holiness a" w'u> do 50 to ac' Otherwise than by honest 'diyf moib-K®* I hor. | \Vy knof h |bo, that these investments e often; tsytfied by the arguments that , ey are ljii' v^orse than any other kind of ;culati<; is; yucli as thos'ein cotton, prq , lonS, V|iis we deny. ‘hese sj4cttlations may not always lie /ended ifyuvl1, in fact are, often carried fx trends, ^suiting in rascality and all ds of cjirrjption, but these cases result ..jut the >§>ejjj£, which cannot be cured bar iislatiojij «ljjd the subjects of investment jve CaqljssdwSe intrinsic value, on which An Kayt^ t|bht;.to an opinion, whether ' will rifKojShll. BUt in the case of u . . Mi; ' i_ • V- i_ ttery fiHieflthere is,--and can lie no such, rjduf or for exercise of judgment. X is ueitf'irjyjore uurjfss than uninitii* fg'itcd gat 3)tj ‘(g, and as -such is thpr oyghiy »>JFIve Thouannd Dollar* 'the Obtained—To be toed ' ■ ,/.W etchool Purposes. ; MostlSf t|ur citizens doubtless know t^iat ju^'ffvi^th of Asheville, and on ihe j^oper&||^«ncrly Owned by Kev. L. !M. jdijease, <$(|»dj3nmler his superintendence, ;t|ere ®f|^fjopl known as the Asheville 'ionic t^K;stHal School, where girls and jailtg ^jtjtftS'O1 limited means, ean bb $rt aJhdrough, practical eduea \>n. jg|**fchool is under the auspjees ■file lilission Board of the Pres ‘ jeri^fe |ljjreh. New York, and hap in 3* pupils. This n urn tier tep •' ■t;S',‘4tS1|;'a small portionof those who and for want of accomino ifej 6^8 rejected. Vv^fjffia'the school some ten or ?%< While they could not have • f:,|r^|inary charges of a boarding '(^fijld and would have paid ' 'j'^mount at present charged ■ ! ^proportionally increased ad ' • ' Hundreds of such are to be and the adjoining States \:t. (he: importance of securing ' ~ the opportunities of an ed a? shall qualify them for they may in the Providence lied to occupy, the Oakland has been purchased for the , 000, and is to be used lor 1 scs. '! t purchase of this property, ' arrett have subscrilred $as,. 1 ' • •• • ■ ill be under the same board o j -he Home industrial School distinct therefrom. It « make its literary and sethn equal to our best ladies J the addition of a thorougl lost rial course. This shhoo ,ded to come in com petit ioi established. Trak; I. M"' tht Old Reported , bjr the Jjanufrfcturen*’ Aeeord. Allison—Hotc!i>rC'. C.|\Vade, of Troy, contemplates building a$hotel. D. Child contemplate bdilding a turnpike road from South Hornirjy to Mount Pis K*»h. ■ | Asheville—Laiftj.—>S. W. Battle, T, W. Patton and others v/ill ask the legislature at Raleigh for a^chartef* for the North eastern Land C• t * i Durham—Stra.W flo.4rd Factory.—A straw board facforv’js talked of, - “ Faison—Grist .Mill and Gin.—H. J. Fai son it Bro., wilf'rrbuild* their grist inill and gin lately nt|-mionc^ as burned. Fayetteville -j&Clofhi^; Factory.— A clothing far nrf has §ern started by Young Bros. , Fayetteville—(cotton rtlill.—It is repor ted that a COtUtft laefoij will lie built by \V. 1) Morgan. J. Graham— Tr^n Rottil — Negotiations .-ire being tftadc tirr buihfing a tram roar! tfom C.rithail) tfi-'Hia I'.iils '■?' lira ham—lin^l, !&c“—The Graham band & Jinpr-ireineiit Co. has fieei; tirganized. i’|Thejf will greet a block ol store buildings .Sjith h*tel in part, and contemplate ereffting otjier buildings; lireenslioro—Sjjjreefc Kijilnmd.—A street railroad will pjbbablyjMie btrilt. A bill lias tieen introduced jn She legislature at Raleigh ttton mil! reported la^ week as to lu moved from Stanley to tjoiiesbiifo by W R. Burgess. W® add s9<> spindles. High Point—(Mnnjilg^actory.—A com panv has tieen formed t|> start a canning factory, > 5 ' Oxfoj-d—Tobacco I'a^toi v — It is ! re ported that the jpomjmjh wealth Club are ji gmoking tobacco thinking of starfjli factory : j Oxford—Stcmthery',—if he Kimball To bacco Stemtnerj- is 1 ejnMftcd t o be doubled in si/e during nC.lt snmtjier. Raleigh.—Bills have l'Cen introduced in the legislature tyi incorporate the Win ston Street Katt-?uac| f-<> the Fayette ville & AlbemAHe Railroad Co., the (Vreensboro Street Kpil*Aay Co., the Pen der band & Ini^,b)v^m|nt Co., and. the band & River Cu. j g Kutheriordtotli-Hotty.—A company is being termed to bftihlf a hotel. I.. P lifwin can givg jtifonngtion. Salisbury—PlRJiin _ Klutz have added pin their saw mill tWar Will.—Brown it: lag machinery to Tax boro—Oil Mill; gvv—The capital stock of the I'arWci s'Cb-opcrativc Manu facturing Co., Jlas. %c»i increased from $12,000 to $la,fyoo, jit end of sedsc they contemplate buildfjag new seed-house and a wharf! artti add l^iisting machinery for unloading boats.:' f Wilmington."‘t'lie: lender it: Onllow band & Improiytmcjtt^Co. is to Ik* in corporated. ■ r‘ i. ■ - - ¥~ - M^. KlClf^lopV PKARSO.k To be SolldUhsUyAeral Cnder the New Ke-glftie .IVetterHoii for Collector and* Stnatben for District Attorney. The latest! ueJYs frying Washington con cerning Federal appointments in Western North Carolina oy JUS Harrison, is con tained in the following sjccial dispatch to the Durham .TobgctS) Plant, of yester day. It will Lk jouritl Jto ix- interesting reading : < K “This is said tb tx- ajbart of Ewart and Mott's progrfefhme; * Messrs. Brower. Nichols and Cttt'.nady gre to tie snowed under and rclegiited fo! the background! This will prove" a harffi job (but .that is not my lookout). Haring performed this Herculean feat, llow^rtr, iicre is the oth ial slate in parti Iipttje VS cstern District. Patterson is to Is; X-'ollector. George Smathers is td be Diyt^ct Attorney with Dr! Mott's son'lis agstitant. Bogie is to tar U.S. Marslull! 1ft file Eastern District Colonel R. E- Young in to lie Collector, the place so loltjJ held fey hi* brother, the late Col. Ike 1 uung, yToui Devercux is to be District Attorney, Loge Harris Uni te J States MatTsliali <$. H. Dockery Con sul-General to jLfverprjbl, Yicter Dockery, a son of “my stifi t>iiy?r," is to be. Sec retary of bcgalyon to I'ans, Richmond Pearson is -tS> Kef Solicitor-General. Pritilhard is teffce Ass?stantCoihmission er Of|patents, SIS., igc< Fine programme, isn't jit? The yaost. withcnlt feat is the tirst pne, however, vvt.; snowing under Cannadv, Niilliols ^§d Brower! It is worse tfian jutt^hiig cdler six bare-backed horses. retUrntiig to, the circus figure of sjiecyh, and EW'irrt ayijl Mott will have to? lie practiced pr-Jitical :acrobats to do it S Cannadv will 1 y sure ^o kick while they are ip transiti/Jjver hljn and John Sher man will be afound taVing to upset thaf performance id somp ij ay ” , lit This is what' you ought to have, i« fact, you must, have if, to fully enjoy life. Thousands arTsean;lRng for it daily, and mourning becafise t{KA- find it not. Thou sands upon tbAusaiMN of dollars are spent unnually by our peofKe in the hope that they may attAih this*boon. And yet jt may be hAd by all.' Wife guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to di rection* and the user persisted m, will brjjug vou gooy digestion and oust the demon Dy *pe|i!iia a«)A install instead Efe pepsy- we r%omradnd Electric Bijttets for Dyspepsia amt -fell diseases erf the Fiver, Stomact aafk Kidneys. Sold *t r. 1. Ot R RALEIGH »EW«. An Interesting Letter From HOn. 1 M. K. Carter. : ! I . • : We regretto learn from the following letter that pur representative^ Capt. dar ter. has been unwell—we trust not sjtri ously, .and perhaps. it was only to be |ex pected from theimmense amount oflajior which he has performed, always, as is his custom; in a most thorough and consci entious'manner. Together, ' with pur readers^ we have been disappointed; in_ having so few.letters from Capt. Cgrtey, a want we sincerely hope may not be longer ex[ierienced. . We ajre esjiecially glad to note Capt. Carter's opinion, that the railroad bill will not hurt us, and will try to thjnk with him. ! RaLeich, X. C...February la, ISSlL Editor Citizen:— Yours of the 14th __ _ . it. pas been; re ceived.- I regret that 1 have been too un well to keep you lasted as: tb ; events transpiring' here, although I must fay that nothing of great piterest has; occur red. The Railroad Commission hiJU-oijics up for;a third reading tomorrow. ; Wjiile tin- bill is apt all that 1 would like, I can not th'ink that its passage ihto a law will injure pnr section of the State, "fhe dsmgcf is that if this Legislature fails to pass a bill, the next Legislature will pass one even more drastic than this qne. Whileiitus hill provides that tlie Cpm missihners I may regulate freight and passenger rates, I think that it yv-ill’ lie found; as it has lieen in other States, whenj a like power was conferred . ufuin the commisjiioners, that in pfjictice, the Railroads Will make their own schedules .il'olvimr.x: th:it the* l*l tnimfsSIOM will exercise only a supervisory jurisdiction, .•uni there will nut lie the friction J-hatj; is anticipatcdin some ipuartiers;! l’he hill might have been much inure; objection able in many of its feature^, Forin , slancp, in sprue State!* the coiiimissioii is «lloWeil;to Suggest when andj .where J-rle pols shall lie placed,.and tp control the question of rolling stock and so’,on, to ail 1 wtent that would lie appalling to pur North Carolina railroad rmuiageis. Cer tain ft is, that in inajiy parts of the State there is great demand for ft clpinmissipn, and reasons are assignee! fbr it tjiat would seem very cogent.' If we disap point the expectations of communities ill whicfi this demand exists, their influence will be fell hereafter in a way that will put tjie roafls in more peril i than they can possibly suffer from this hill. ,. j. You understand that the i-ommissjion will jinvc nothing to do with through freight rales. and that our comiietitive rates'on which we so much rkly, Canhot lie interfered, with. Such Control as [the commission may exercise over lociil rates caniii>t but do us good 1 thpik. 1; eimid Show if 1 had time; hud as to' damaging our Action by way f keepingbac| rofids wliicji are likely to lx- built, I .’think tjiat the cPmniisston will have very little: ef fect.; Mut I did not intend jo gp iinto this matter in this letter. ! ; i f 1 dji not think the Legislfitijfcwill ]jass the usury law. The road law , will pass dv which aiiy county can gtt convicts, even in preference; to railroad^ tlnft p ill pay Tor guarding and keeping them. : At’any rate, we hope to get a law dor Buueombe. [ E 1 will try to look - after our' local legis lation as soon as I can, and ifjttiiy thing of intciscst happens 1 will let you hear iVotn me. : ■ *; - : i Sitjce writing the above jhe general roail law has passed this Ilouscj; jl'lic commission; hill as reported bjl the; jiint eommitiee came up in the Senate Sto-flay and was postponed for one wgek.fi Tins is thought to point to a defedt ofjjhe pill. ; : Yours Truly, ■: ! M.'B.lCAftTKft. TJli; LOWEST IN AMERICA, 3, Was tUe l»ea«li Rate of Aulip.vflle Llisl Year-Dr, Weaver's 'Con solidated Report, i1 That Asheville is the healthiest America, is a fact, i hat our jajeoj. { le leave long Ix-Cn trying to make the residents of ijthcr sections of! the country stand; and with good results, the increased numlfer of visitors tp Ashe vilfe each year of late will1 ftffly idenion oxvjj m under : 1 .(>o| as strate.. I'll his consolidated repdrlj Sti]xfrin-: teifdent of Health 11. B. \Veaver, M.' It. shpws that the total death rate for I the past year was only 9.A3 tp t)ie [one thousand inhabitants. One-third of all the deaths! occurring last A'euf f 1_H2 I, were those of children under five; years of age, and about one-eighth of tjjie tjptal nipnber who died, were indti-4*s|ki«faits; suffering for the greater part from jung troubles. ■ -! j. f \ I [During the months of January end February of the year,, sevenfy-fpuf. jout ojf the totaljtwo huhdreil ajuf t*ip»hty-jwo deaths occurred. These months Will ifr re membered by pur citizens as the ones in if hich rtienifigitismudf its apfiearantj; in the city. Of The total number off (jefeths, ijinety-twojwere whites and jiijjety 'jvere filacks. ' j . ; f | ‘ During tlie months of NoYeimljerjaiid December pot a sirigle death pccuirred among the ten thousand inhabitants of the city. i j j !" j j j \Ve challenge a cpmparisoti jt|f death fate with ainv citv in the Union, jahdj feel .satisfied in the lielief, that our showing [would be tfie lowest, by a considerable amount, ofj any community upon ;; the tVin lvi t nKl*. i,1,, 1 n. i: ! i 1 At the close , of liis report Drjj Weaver says that Asheville is the healthiest tpwn in America] and he ’knew what; hie was talking about when he made; the as sertion. M ’ ; j; | Come to Asheville for health, all ye. afflicted, and secure relief front tlfr ills that you are heir to. A ! § j f Health, wealth, pleasure; thyse three we always have, and are glrfdly willing to share them with those whp ljayei not lieen so blessed by Providence a# Wejlave been. Our gaths always stands ajar to let the worthy visitor, from any chine,' into the full enjoyment all that makes li^e worth living.: j: : ; JiL; f Pi When ydii Seel yourselfgradually break ing down | don’t wait until you have taken to your bed.i While ypa jarei still able to be up and alxjut fight the grim monster disease by the use of proper re storatives* The best remedy for malaria, indigestion, weak kidneys, (fondant fa tigue, fits of dizziness, short bregth' and other complications of a disordered- sys tem is Brown's Iron Bitters, Its magic influence in conquering diseasescif an ex haustive nature is most astonishing, She was apt jn conversation^ '» She could point each constellation, i And ip mazy mathematics she cou|d do the hardest sum. She could versify in jingle i That would make your eat-dn She could sing, she danced! Si »h* would chew gum. . ‘ I I ' L .. i ■ Wood nun, Sparc That Tree. I We have received an advance copy of ! an editorial which will soon appear in the Garden & Forest, on: the vital impor tance of preserving the standing timber, on Government lands, from which we extract the following: " The matter is not merely a topic for leisurely discussion and contemplation. One of the most important possessions of the nation is in imminent danger of extinction. An exigency norf demands immediate and effective action, .ojd the only alternative is ruin. The plan '■ presented in this journal three weeks ago, and to whii;h \v< now recur, requires the immediate withdra wal from sale of all the public lands ib the mountain forest regions of the I acitic and Central States, and the employment oft he Army of the United States to pro tect these forests from injury and spolia tion until a permanent policy fori their care and preservation can be put in [oper ation. : An emergency confronts us, and the employment of the army for this work of national defense is a iiecessity. If one of our great seaboard cities were demol ished by a foreign toe, the loss t<> tl>e na tion would be far less than that which would result from the destruction of the forests on the lands now lielongijng to the nation. Or, if hundreds of millions were exacted as the price/ of escape from unmum iiiik iu uiim timjlci tiling; iu«iiuv, , the subtraction from' tlnf nation's wjealth which this would require would' be triv ial compared with the j>enuanent e stinc tionofthe very springs and sources of national wealth and revenue which would lie caused In- the destructi in of these forts!s. There is no other way in which intelli gent and public-spirited citizens can so efficiently co-operate with all that is vital in the forestry work ot the tfational gov ernment, as by urging the adoption of the plan we have presented—the imlmcdi ate withdrawal from sale of all the pub lic lands in the mountain forest region of the West, and the', employment of the United States Army to guard these for ests until a plan tor their permanent ad ministration has been completed." j The above suggestion strikes ns fevor bly. In .times of jicace, the nation's armies could not tie better employed than in protecting the nation's property. The public lands should lie withdrawn front sale, while its chief attraction, its timlier, remains on it, rather thlan lie sacrificed, and the purchaser allowed to injure both himself and his neighborin' destroying that which years, aye centu ries, cannot replage. We certainly would prefer this use of the army of the United States, to. that suggested by Mr. Lodge, of Massachu setts, on the floor of Congress, when he that rs to said, as reported a few days ago, he "would favor regiments of soldi be stationed at all voting precihcts No, Mr, Congressman, you may Lodge your idea in New England, but ve do not need you in the South, and the den Forest is much wiser than yu are in this matter. A HARK RELIC. Tile FirHt Newspaper Ever Pub. Halted In the lulled Mates. By reference to ‘'A History of the United States, inchronjological ordejf, and turning to the year 1775, we ||find; "The Marvlahd journal and Baltimore Advertiser, the first news]>a|ier in flaki more, is issued August 20th."' t Apropos of which a sample copy ill' the same paper now lies on our table, kindly submitted to oUr inspection, by Alderman W. E. Wolfe. Its title page bears the date “August MDCCLXXI1I, Number 1. containing freshest advices both foreign and domestic." How fresh the foreign advices may be, we are unable to judge, except bv com paring them with those from Philadelphia for which the city editor informs us, he has at great expense, established a. post, "to leave Philadelphia each Mpnday morning and reach Bjaltimorc, weather permitting, on Tuesday night." We wish we had space lor a li cription of this curious old she quaint, as it is, with ifs longs's—1< like so many fs; but to do it,, j wotdd require a revolution in our t We note a funny “kid.”—of on Barnard Bailey, offerijig ten pounds re ward for the apprehension of his "Irish servant man, Owen McCarthy, 4-5 years old; 5 ft. 8 in high, etc., etc." The des cription of his clothing, embracing: "Oznabrigs trowsers, patched on both knees, an old pair of shoes, an old felt hat;" reminding us tlfat slavery did not originate in the South, nor was it con fined to the African race. Another quite lengthy "ad." is dated "Mount Vernon, in Virginia, July 15th, 1773," offers for salt, on fair terms, II dcs rl. so oking astice. y ]ie. Mr. 20,000 acres of land, less a person than Get After this “ad." Gei came the first Presii States. Seytiitur, to advertise in the CrrfzEN and yoji may live to be the first President of the United States who ever did so And is signed by no rge Washington, i. WashingUm lie lent of the United low his example; BEST. Asheville's Near Nelghbori and WballtlH Doing. A reporter of this paper paid a recent visit to Best and the following is what he has to say Concerning the visit: The mercantile business is carried on here by three very active firms, all of whom enjoy a fair trade. The place now has one church, two preachers and two physicians. The new and handsome hotel, owned by Mr.S. H. Reed.ltasjust been completed, and will be opened at an early date. The magnificent hotel, spoken of in T^hk Citizen a few days ago, to be built by northern capitalists, will be lo cated on a beautiful elevation within a fiiw hundred yards: 0f this place. Mr. Thompson and his corps of assistants, are at work surveying, preparatory to beginning work at once. I Capt. W. T. Weaver, of Asheville, has recently purchased from Mr. jas. M. Brookshire, a two-acre lot, lying just ■bnthcfrf the railrojad track, on which he will eywt a large Manufactory. Mr. H. B. Rossell has purchased a lot in the same vicinity, and is erecting a com atjd wheat mill. TIM11 Ssictde. fessor Arnold says: “An incurable dyspeptic is justified in commit ting sui cide. We will guarantee to cure any dys peptic within three: months by Acker’s English Dyspeptic Tablets. T. C. Smith At Co. fcbSdawl w EDITORIAL POINTS. Cardinal Newman says “America is go |t?tg to seed*” We agree with yon Cardi real, the remark is apt funny and true 0at not half as ironical as you intended ('if to be. Yes. the ubiquitous Atnencat £<£ everywhere and always an America! J too, tiot only that, during the past hun (kfred year$ fifteen American Republics . a>nd thirtyiight States have taken the constitution of the Vnited States as tlu fiiodel of their laws. Even more, the con tinental countries will soon be pattern ing after oftr constitution, for Gladstone tVas pronounced it “the most wonderful yvork e^er Struck off-at a given time by |Ue brains pnd purpose of man." Indeed, .America has gone to seed, but the seed Jtiis borne good fruit. | Investigations prove lievond a doubt Jfhat the Park Central hotel, of Hartford, i-tmn., the recent scene of the awful ca hyuity in which a score of persojis lost ffwir lives, was built in n most: sliji-shod tii'inticr and hail liecu in an unsafe condi t|)n for soijjetime. When -shall wie have p i municipal government in Our large ,|lfics with officers to inspect and con llrtnn such Heath traps. Echo answers, -When ’ ;s JJarunutith college has found-a' freak of aldturc in a human licing whu-o head j§y*'ighs forty-five pounds and jhi* body Jjitly seven pounds. Here is the disease of ||Big head^yarrietf to extremes. By the ffvjty, we think a New- V«>rk dtjde must Iiftve wandered out there, for they are ;.|l& only ik-fsons who are built that way |j-tii their l>wn estimation. \ p S'lie re-election of Senator Kenna, by ito{e West Virginia legislature, aftyr apro |S>figed dcad.ock of several weeks, con pffsivelv proves that nothing succeeds SftC succcss-4-at least, when the same is mil pled with a goodly amount of pluck, B' was the jeasc in this instance. Mr. j^ifenna, hertj's to your health for a long ttad successful senatorial term. : P'hc death of Dr. D. W. Bliss, one of the jefysicians who attended President Gar jy:hl, lirinjrsporcihlv to inind the latefuf *jif?)phecy of Guite.au. However much we issassin’s pre-monition. ji'kv decry the ills; sail fact still remains, that almost ivery character connected therewith has gifisscd over to the Great Majoritv. f n , V | fionie of the Fiji Islanders are sending cry fop more missionaries. As the utifjs in those parts are a complete fail -jliftfjtbis season the Islanders seem to that they are entitled to dessert all However, we are not j* Year ’roynd. f.kiad of a missionary. * ail! byfohc the New York Senate itp pitgijli iates $1*25.000 to enable the Adju l.ilt^ficncraj to concentrate the National 1'. «a*d in ! lu)t city on the centennial ol jkVfqdiingfoitfs inauguration. New York £r^, ns well as other [R-ojilc. realize that |t3a*kcs morjey to create a boom. | If on \Y 1 rite la w Reid, editor of the New a'orli Trilnnjc, says, he will not accept a J-ftbinet position, if asked. We have I Fought the.same thing ourselves, which |d|ovt'S that S;mie ncwspa]>cr men don’t Jvjtnt the capth. Brother Reid, here is Init Slttike. * r.: * * * 1 yharhs Kijnhmaii, the veteran mana ge.*', nnjikiijg preparations tor the stag ing pf"Rplxg-t Ivlsmcre.” The east will juc'qde some of tile best talent of this JifUtltry and of Iiurope, and the event is looked loirw-jtrd to with much interest by the ijramiatiy profession. Again ‘minor has it that Illnry M. stfaiilcv has jjeen killed by the natives in Well, if Stanley ever She |ieart ol Africa, iloeij come opt alive lie will owe no t hanks Id tlie newsjjttpers. lor he has .been killed In’- them timfts innumerable. ’'Admit liegrer and one wile", used to J-ead the ticket to Arteinus Ward's famous lecture op th^ Mormons, t nlil Ftah can 1‘rtseiit such a ticket to the sisterhood of S>lVtes. lar knocking, however loud, will ipe ill vail). jj A Nebraska pa)>cr says that if all pco |itc?\vcrc [to vote- as they pray it wouldn't |a|e long to c'ount the ballots. However jflijtt might by, we firmly insist that the |kinocrats wvnild still have‘a .popular infljiiriiy. - * Well, the Ainerican press have the Har fistjn family, from Grandpa down to lit i|ejgreat great grandson Ben, fitted out ly-Hh petticoats for the inauguration ccre Wi(| some one please ring the panics, left. * ! ' ' t There is safif to be a considerablediffer n|e in the characteristics of Bismarck , nfl his soil iferbert. The old chancellor s nig, hiusqije, brutal and brainy. The; K>h is big, brjusque and brutal, but not ! irSiny.. lt’s a difference that counts. 5>l' poetry. |tut in our judgment she Ih'Mild not held to aecount for a great |n;iny criimsjcommiued in her offspring's | indifitinpo^s Republicans seem to lie bind even to desperation at the present Supposed maj;e up of President-elect Har dison's’Cabinet. Great Scott! Do the j'orkppolita»s want the earth ? V VVenf the I'nited States The eitizeifs of that State could never pass throijgh the memorial hall of the capital at i Washington without feeling some sensg of regret and almost of mor- I tification tjiat she had not yet contrib uted statues of two of her sons to that hall, and lje hoped that even before the government of the I'nited States could carry out itlie plan so eloquently sug gested by the Senator from Massachu setts, the State of Virginia would furnish as her contribution to the hall of honor the figures of James Madison and I’at rick Henry! A Matter for State legislation Ex cluNltel>. During the last session of Congress bills were introduced in the House to "punishdealing in futures in agricultural products, and to prohibit fictitious and gambling transactions on the prices ot articles produced bv Americau tarm industry."j The bills were referred to the committee ion agriculture, which took the subject tuujler consideration and heard ar guments in support of the bills. Today the com mil tee took up the matter tor dispositio?^ decided to report lxith bills adversely, and authorized the appoint-| pointnient of a sulxommittee to draw up a report to that effect. Thecommittec investigated the matter thoroughly and arrived at itlie conclusion that Congress has not till' jurisdiction over this subject; that the limitations imposed by the con stitution make it improper for Congress to pass the measures proposed, and that it is a matter for state legislation etc- j clusively. j The Ring of the Knell If any sanctified mugwump consoles himself with the belief that Harrison’s administration will not be republican, in its height, depth and breadth, let him pre pare for a profound disappointment. It will not be any mere apology for a re publican administration, such as de lights the spineless professor of nothing; but it will be a full-fledged, true blue re publican administration. Don’t forget it.—Knoxyille Journal (Kepi. Little Willie. Larke & Cu. . I Willie Larke. The W. A. LjukeLn., j Master W; A. Larke. Limited. William A, Larke. Bill Larke. Mr. William Addison Larke. I Larke. Larkie. Mr. W. Addison Larke. Cell 173. William A. Larke & Co. —Lies. Modem! Minister’s Wife: ‘ \ou look worried. dear. Can’t you find subjects that will interest the congregation?” Modern Minister (gloomily): “It’s easy enough to find subjects that will interest the congregation; the trouble is to find shbjects that will interest the newspapers." _ Hooligan—"So ye do Vices tellin' me thct Brannigan was itiurthered be burglars ?’’ Mooneyi—“Yis, lie jabbers, it’s a fact.” Hooligan—VAn’ did they get his money?” j Mooneyt—“Nivcr a cint- Sure he had it hid safe, an’ barrinf losin' his life Brannigan kim out wid a whole skhin." parents Criminally Liable. More than half ctf all deaths occur be fore sue years of age. An army of inno cent, lovely children are swept needlessly away each year. Parents are criminally responsible for this. The death rate of children in England is less than half this. ! Acker’s English Baby Soother has done more to bring this about than all other causes combined. You cannot afford to 'be without it. T. C. Smith & Co. 'J!. I/.-' I ■■■ ■■ f.i .V .... ' i i ‘t. BVSIN15M AMD PLEMVI :;.4 An intoxicating drink is any bevtrhg* which, taken in such <|uantity v'a* men usually drink, will produce an obfuscation of the cerebral centers with a con&hvnt , np should i icthing. It) < Advice to Mother Mrs.AVinslow’s Soothing Svj always be used for children tkiumr. « . sootly-s the child, softens' the gums,; al lavs^lj Pattis', curelr^ind colic (and is the; bestRemedy for diarrtsea. 25^. abotthw Jojk Howard savsthaf a-endant* I S f Ulii/1 10M ldn/1 V* —_ of a peddler lend’New «ocjetyv*t> day, and that the desc^.awuts of a flat -i —‘•MMi ha uvsiis.atuu boatman stand side by side with them.’ Lord, 1 ord! how Wimble t ....... . v-.u. „ow reuumc the norifcprn North Americans ought to 1* 1 n - - Washington Critic: LiHi is the name of the king of Corea. He ought to make a fine cam pqign document. ■ T ' i It is said that no man can arrei ffight. ol time, but who is there who i able to stop a minute ? ■kratu You may wash and boil saur-... you will, but the smell of old ca will hang round it still. The mercurv’te low, the wind is high, :i There’s ice beneath onr.fcet, : And few are the maidens now that Or long for an ice cream treat;, i the not it as_ tibage Stgh Anecdote* of General Grant. General Grant, on his return! to this country, is said to have been severely af tlicted, with a cough contracted While crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment. A friend procured lor him a bottle of Syrtiphyx, and by its use in a lew hours lie was entirely relieved. Hcretnarked to liis friend : "Men luok upon me.as a great ■ soldier, but this bottle of Svmphvx is! greater than 1. My calling has been to destroy nan's lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior ol men. I shall never' i lie without it again." d&w St. Peter-—"Where are you frbm ?'j> [ Maiden Spirit(with spectacles |-VK,nMn St. l’eter— “Go back and haunt ' the leeturc-i woins. You won't lie happy here.” Slie i sentimentally I “In the spring all nature smiles, the birds woo, lovers kiss, but, ah ! now comes winter." ; . !! He. "1 know some things that kiss all fhe year round iriful never change.” i: She. "Impossible. What?" *- lie leajuily |. "Hilliard balls.” 1 . Hucldcn's Arnica Halve.! . The best salve in the world for ‘cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, ‘fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, Corn's, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required-' It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. 1'rice 25 cent* |K*r box. For sale by F'. L. Jacobs; daw Boston Cousin: "Wlmt a ducky girl you are, Adibv, to catch the rich widower, t oil'll tie the envy of all Wabash avenue, f heard two or three girls . say to-day . they'd like to lx* in your shoes.” The C hicago young lady smiles sweetly, but When she is alone she is heard to mutter under her breath. "Twoor three' girls in my shoes? The hateful thing! t wo or three! The idea ! New York Woman: "Och, but m# bye Paddy is as woiseasan owl, so he is. It's a greatsthatesman lie’ll besomefeine day.” Patron: ”1 am always interested in ambitious young men. He works very HaitiT supjKise.” ; "Indade lie does that. He’s already - lieen promoted three times anil nowtShe’s third bartender in Mickey Mulligan's saloon an' a candidate fur the police Do Not Suffer Any I.Oliver, Knowing that a cough can lie checked in a day, and the first stages of con$ump tmn broken in a week, we hereby guaran tee Acker's Hnglisli Cough Kennedy and will refund the money to all who buy, take it as [icr directions, and do not find our statement correct. T. C. Smith & Co.; febOdawlw Love. 1 know, completely fills f ■!■ Lile'-s void gallery: . Yet, while these dear moments Haste, Think how many dollars waste— C’oal and gas and other bills— ( i ()ut of father's salary ! Dentist: "What can I do for you, inddaui ?" ' ■ f ■‘Mrs. O'Kahilly (suddenly, rich-): "1 want ytz to tie a ft herpryin’theamalgum fillin' out o' mediae k tooth an' puttin’ in gould. Since llinms got the contract on thcr new aqucdock 'tis not the expense we Ik- mindin' in any ways.” •! Terrible Forewarning*. Cough, in the morning, hurried of diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all dr any of these things are the first stages of con sumption. Acker’s Hnglisli Cough Rem edv will cure these fearful symptoms, and is’sold under a positive guarantee by T. C.'Smith .X: Co. Ieb5dawlw Mr. Hacklot (widower). "I s’poseyou know that our farms j’in, Mrs. Land bank ?" Airs. Landhank (widow) “I dew, Simon Hacklot.’’ 1 - ' ’ <■ Mr. Hacklot. "S'pose wc dew the isame.” | Mrs. Landhank, 'Tin agreeable." i Slie was decorating her room With pic tures, and she |ic relied her husband’s pic ture on the topmost nail; then she sat down to admire her work, and remarked, qnirtlv, "Now everything is lovely, and the goose hangs high." Fibbster (at the optician's).—I want a, pair of strong glasse?. -> Optician—For yourself, sir,? Fibbster (sarcastically I—No, of Course not. For my eat. The lieast is so near sighted it can't catch a mouse. - ; A tnrrap ui i «p«- * ■**•*•• It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, but it saved her life. She was m the last stages of consumption, told b_v physicians that she was- incurable and could live only- a short while; she weighed less than seventy pounds. Oh a piece of wrapping paper she read ofDr. King]* New Discovery, and got a bottle; it helped her; she bought a large bottle, it fcetped her more; bought another and •grew better last, continued its use and.ta n»»w strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh ini l-to pounds. For fuller particulars -scth! stamp to W. H. Cole, Druggist.Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery free at F. L. Jacobs' drug store. jav Could began his business career by sweeping out a broker's office, - Subsequently he cleaned out the broker, —Yonkers Statesman. - 4 The policeman who was killed bv the discharge of his duty probably didn t know it was loaded.—Time.; ! i ; The First Symptom* of Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in f urious parts of the body, sinking at tae nit of the stomach, loss of appetite, fe ver rshness, pimples or sore*. «reall P««tive e vidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must Be pun* fied to avoid death. Acker’s English Blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisdns. Sold un der positive guarantee by ThcSmf®*