'to anr other hi 'i- ' ? ;>»***««* of 8„i,- ' j ) ., | ■ ; 8^' *txsbininjj ‘ ( -S.'ij.s y^mem A. 11 . ■< , i with NUMBtrto \m- ;> ASHE VILLE, N. rGOOB ESOl UH A ■ : I -Ul—M TBc ProiMM«tj He Crjple, w!in|h wtjrl printed on^y- tiv L loss to know wl Now we tire cOpfi|»iite<| liv a b|| 1k|<{W: our Legislature ‘ i&trodfifcetl hvf8en&}fo, wili jiii whatts lciijpof it. : f* I. Payne, of (to besting to §meiul!; gH ij$i§$§i of article H;of ,heic|nstiWHion;i|£ |t fc >1 We hope'our readers v\|ll interest ip this; SjpntXHjfaiit ttlsifiery gp'' justify us ib e< pyin|{ihe|jrescii;|^e||(||fi : and also t|e; ajmeijiigiaein*; ajp# Section Sj, atj aOpijescnfe reatl$|f |i. p Ufj “Tlje iif oolU.ytod ljMl|ll ill wl' Xurtfy ««!)§- i • p | ?; tf^pf Tha trisect ij>b t wV'JlijiK- S i '. lljc L'oiispjtutugi* lie * hvj stiH-.iiiij; oiit in line t^ajt l hfjKijf 6$ ',oiler i he i|ur. ' selij'!>ols,'S jjtnd irjfiotg pf tol|o\\ii.o-:| ""liat idl l|x^s ■ ■■‘Tjfii llilie iylluoe jijlrjtos^s oK-rt| amt (Mills :c|ji ami niufiTtjt aaliee <‘j$ the |jvSljlic:;i-c| jxj eh|ldren:«f instil ftfexeb-fn t bn colored ■ liihiren:^l intlgiftf-'xcs j>ct vepH the ayes ij>l six.apff lV\®nty-ojj| •^ia|.;Ui 1 h..i tile (1 rcpcral jVssctnply, sUciji tiiapiy powei t-sfsirrjr oitifhc pti|)vijiiii I ,lv wfjlii tli<: l4th'Si4f‘i# a lo r| I Cot iiu i< rj.a t^| would liriji^ i s >nt|>|a staft ism witli? “t lio: ■ i^Jivors j!B^| i rng. surety,r Vligii!>;/ || ti.uli % niU oy I Vi v |C v|| »r pui^flvfe*' Ml! avlin Uiv 11 ixv|f loo ti y)$k i 4 is Mi 11| % hn s nit iUt/Udi tui*tfljj ii?jI ': ??< * -' wt;'7 Mr. l^rvisUi^i \n»t ^vo: -ci^ ■iav mo no •.a.tSdni vv hv ||vo s^lili lior ittiihtl- oi^lilwV . . .. B • ».X i \u »NO$ v>t y !'|Du^ kUWc\ i utlt^i III \t|k*<1^: . aduhmsi tiiuin vvU^m- \uiligy v 4 isrii*: vo*MiL\|o!ojK‘^« l»tit ||>l may lie d|o|alcil h\£|iro,ulis|i*|jjl; j|ist^y^i» l ^i ^ i r.n^ slSiiiiiiiVoim |ilor, vrfiv I i-. )<■ i* r «Hm hmn ajf | in t.iikr__iit iho . f? ., ‘ . '.r -ii Imlm.iN. pi.udj tlio |a»l It is uii\vJ.so ij'» l.tk||sift‘ii as;:r»i^ lot id to . titaijil t ho ^luoaiitfn 4 I^Wf projioi ii | ii jot ili| jM»pul^tio|r j»i' Slalo. t*4 +»r<*\'ido jji.u iiiu^toitlltS . . f-• . i. fit s i % tm r«We Illom-x > ,j. dlcjotod jr solio^ls tlovou.l lo *»jiiodi.ill.ii i ho fi liilhbi'tij {;i^| • H10- ! OMt Ij | • »j til lion, in i;|ioi tills, I lOt'.jip aro .i i do W i i l«|* Ik .hS TlW ||»ii ai l l IK . l ll.l ... .. .. r 0V<| WhVk 10|^|1 it* I* trouijt hojSt.i j j ti{ lliropiviij, 1 *jn t i ho N« u tjionlu o*ius. mf-d jav'o \%4i«lo t|t hall; 01' tlie ho i r oh !i (1 rt|i \x i | It ;s li uor |iii'^^it|: fl t o ai M <4' 11 ion J p 1 :.4 •* 11 ivo t hviti thou ku|dh(fss l Ik® i piihluan; liojlvot VN o h.iyo ijt ai d Cl .its ihtill. »t \\ |s. true, i hi> 1H It M l l! • i ^. uj|i 'i a i a 11 ij o i ht ^ o | " ^’•l—• ••' in j|r? Vo toil 'Cio' v: .-r ;; ^ ■ d i^iit wfr 14u# \ IK^ld |\ ^lo4; >to, lo|- \v4 t.nnl\ ii»| t lit mo ii ^ii.itor ft‘iivilii'^ id»i hyt'l.ltiftl It ihg w 1$^ o.iii U* fkofit sohf on '.t'ij-aoo^ij uo|^ $ I* I.: ' .. S' t i -a . .3T.-S k't&f ft 1 k*in»H.Tijtio(jMi t \ |yiii \vi§. lnkV^\vkvfi| llO\0 t llilt jtilo V&ilo VcftoisMiiriiSl. soltdiy ,j.i|i|>rove ia-hor i;Mv,|a) cl«lutiilLt\V, ih't llus .tiiiin.U.t?'.''. ! .i.i !...!. . I: ill- iiw . I l . the ctdnj'etlivoUTsfe ill fiTtViiil^-'Jir | uptintt | Ihltfi. \\|v, then, tn<| iflp.jj etnts.; \yill - yon # t sist itt: tnh. .-.ay.'vp. *. ,llnr" V"tai' sidid.ltn tlH^desty^teii^|^ii yotty parley and w|th jit e^t pci»r. t.i'l^ij yotn1 Stineyittd n.Hionai \0‘I in fti,* W**»|!«er Ht'i&rt U>{ KtteutUtfl i r, , f a .;,v *;HP 4 I he hur .-.if . t.k > Thr tyr.-iflicr rtfoft .»| l.-A he mi.&jh jfijf; ‘ f<”'* vvt>J»-li U sul.|Sii.c,t, *11. i :. S. . .Gk-&- 1 wl,«' I'!"’.'i U'njlr.iUiiJ ili.itiV't%•! ct.r.lt'il fiii-JlaiMiarj < >„ ^JK tidier l«i£j.) li.iwt \ ojr. til ill'll l|~s i.iitn'.ill, Jvurr I I .'"" ’ t'\ff|lll.n;|llil-,|.iii fx|iil>ii|.l. Haf-oinetilc inWi. midiix ioul ■ ? we.it !u | is lions •ti|e uutke fi 1,*w‘n lIi‘ YjluW* tie iTpxIri iSfjlv tJn*e M* ^autiSnu-tn. £shc\ ftfer, N «ju ,i\! voi« '.•.juiit feet J? ..it;: • rjf, itMjj, {. - ‘ R, , S. jrqpt j ' ittkl-KRA® R,.: iJiRlt t:M t‘K f*>•«**$-RK j#KK.<#. . (Northern shtul^.'1. i , . itm |S|> uSHp ml SlaxiraSni | XilinimSiS V ( ' , ' P'Rh-'tyytn; iM* i iij'jjS* ..r.ii; gst.3 t+R.-ya; b.j5 | ;rf « l>*il>|Mran jlT. | vi £ 1 ’ ijnMU.lfv .jx^KAOK* iit'a'a-nn . 7 ft ttl flT'.lft V.P.’“1 I P§Mn Mli&f *r ‘ ~V H l ;J£ 3ftJ| Wl k\l •» 17 L» It L..1 '>• ... i •ukomkIbk A^kkaiW ,4 . J ton <'. tt|l f„r tengn«Tfttiire „nd tp3nu%; * :. |j P * *Bw*>e3i. t u'dit I x&i %) SO.3,1 (AO.Mft 1 Jig I 2y.tj[j . 3.* »,KKeilyiT.v°i-mAS I whichpl •!".!. "> R^Jli ' •' K U ’ | . I IT «n«i^| 3 ^ rite %u. -now tc|i. mcte*s mchrfK inctx4, L- !fel »#, 4,5*1’ 1?V: • ’ 1 • w&tnwRi'i ' ‘ m *yc$9.iL*.n£$ '* lli n-Ji B; •Ofahiiiic. (-; m-'"* ii Th«lady w1k> nfvrr wiarriw ;*fcoultl S ^ aamwC Id^i' KXwt^ __ »5\? » - % *-V -—r-:---i--- i | PARAGRAPH*. ij'^jrajtor Chandler, of New Hampshire, SliH.W re-elected. He will go in “on his ~ :; itg/lA: Haron says no man ever had a snake in his stomach. The Doctor, Slow* ev«i",.js not bold enough to say no man ever Mad a snake in his boots . *r.jj» . ■ , ■ can sing farewell concerts in live languages. This! probably ex]rtains the mh-hjjyears of ’’positively last- apjiear aticthfy'she ha» given the public. r.yijpftrding to London's Court Journal, | Iteriypkjcsty,,the Czarina is not suffering fomtexcessive nervous prostration, hut ' is.T;|Vlhc contrary, as jolly,asn sandboy. j^lTs Agnes, JIarrison, !;, 5 H .ring under the pLjjHuciiiaijon vhat she is Llit- daugii tef Outlie i'rosideiu-cleet, lias been placed inaty|N:ipa insane asylum; in Calitornia. |Tt>jycoiij;ressio.]al commit tet-appointed tc£i||8.-stigatc immigration nas reported matter ol prime necessity that no should lie admitted from abroad to U$e Cjiiteci States. : Tljfec who bold the Tell story to lie true,assert that when Tell was asked to l«»w;|;6 Gessler's hat, he ■ infuriated tiie i'tyfhlpi by retorting: “iihoot the hat!” iThejiyjthe tyrant made him shoot the (ieh{j>e Washing lyin '* inauguration swoE^.isliowin tile possession of.Miss Vir j;i)iii|.‘T. la-wis. of Italtimore, the gr.-tnd il|t<$f.cr of Samuel l.ewis, who was an te friend ol Washington, and t-> it was willed. (icprge K. . McClellan and livt ^Kl^gtcr, Miks May McCid 1-tin, avj tlx- ic\y American^ t\u Ik* pr^scntcl dra wn 1*4 r«>di‘«. o'' Vrnciif Victoria s i;cxi r\|isk jt'Hauler, a sis*u*r-i11-1 a KiJvesH. hauler, will also Ik* presen veil. I'riic^rijitcrswill now lie aide to pic:c tij) aii^ioict*, j»kvc of “pnnjah." • J'riixv Vjctf>fc|>hiilcep Singh, of I’iinftifi, lias ar rived (ft this country on his Lravds. Up ikt-ll|g»>n of the fiery and lamoiis old \ta Ills'll jah who has cut such a figure in I gdiaft . '.•„,Sce'^ti»r Chandler should prftmpliy. fidvc damaged c^ir photographed fi-r ih<' liK^cht Of the New Hampshire legisla-' lite^ ^'hidi will sit upon. Ins case in June. Uilhs'Mra W chr would plead like aipdiL'ci. iruni^t-ton^ued, ngainsi the! • deep |umift|tx>n of Jiis taking off. i Sii|^icha»d Cartwright, the iabera! |ad«|r3>i Canada, declares that there is ■jn ly ’aft i in aginary line between tlx i»«> |iini<^knd thrk, li ijtje et^mession in de^f reffgious vit’tv fl«l rijKm shall eu :JViS jofjg-ne-v home '* u '. ;. r . : .^(jfilt^lay’s columns totieltlny hi vfij'ss Waslvin atesmen. y ^Vhc^ four years from now .!‘resident ltrast the accounts ol to liuliauap-ilis wiiii p::, ton, he will realize t he H \f;[iii h has come sadlv home to -o that a pretnee is eieat br4liai-; a |«istseri[n.; s *v - . * - - ««o,t|(li, t roadf are almost as tnucli of i ®i^eett»>ity as pii(roads. It isgr.ttilving, S 1^5 ' ^ twiefiffii, that, a foad congress hjrlleoi. gtg 11.4 I sen called- livery comity-oil! lit ^.e^presented in it In |irattiejd men ijljdersluiid the sulijeet fin Us.eonsid |t^fi yid who will unite to carry out the 5jW>nsfee’iavd upon Uf f, ■ , / - ;. |;J ^thi-r st'railuye atHietion li.jpi»emfl ji ppnim-sota couple who were out iglteiiliiig. Tl|e young man's right ear i«r' young lajlv's let-tcar were frost nl. iVffe^e other t|vo were not cold at all. ;f||v ^I tonrti'iH were not frosted is a which litis lieen sulimitted to i h^h class in phvsiologv. ,, fhiplt ws of tht| admission of llakota j.-h-'s ^zen received in Minnesota with ,yyaysutisl.ieli'm" This will In; a sur It i f|'f oi*i;satisfaeti >n " This will lig a sti iffll'-p’ f* ot her p.iriis of the country', .fdlt^ -'iy-tdoug U-eh supposed that wiu ten .Mionesotian should hear Of the ad 1 »»t l.)a;ke 1 he would indulge in 'Icinon-jtruions and a hnirth SjTfc . -t.-. m “ representative ot Maine nt the jWsjm^tnuenmM 'ofthc inauguration <>l Rii'Mifynt Washingti ■■■ . ‘Maine has resigned his posi — --f,.. His rcpiest that stH'iild he tilled hv a mail "who II11 ,J*icmai" 4 discharge the .duties WnijM of him. j|nd lie present at K«jw Mrk i^t the appointed time," is an inti t15fatiojl that i he (himself expects to lie smileys he re else oh that occasion. f’M [; I* I^ntuckjjy gentleman who .jybeutlv civile ^Washington to consult with his i|«inlyT of Cimpress about ail office he new. administration, was asked il n i* «*. w - — A. t _ i r • h ^ J 7y I - n tip ttnavtl -! *Titegilay by a gentleman from Boston, fc-betferit is really true that tin? people ^1^rtnclf>t *4 very bibulous, pibtjous!" '{said the Kentuckian. “Bils *lou*J 1 don't reckon you could bud a ||$>fc/|t the Who^e State.'*"' 1 ; *\ «Ybrk Times, Kep.: Bv the iiti verdict of history Grovef . Cleve rc are entirely confident, Will be Sitakkil umrtno the greater {'residents of ;ates, and this afatured will rest, not alone on his fidelity to a public „ .Bor he; due to the method and in with which he discharged fit, but «W n~.oesU.wd ability of the man. «Wed among til Spirited :j§u g'fyent of tin or \mm ■Hi .4 Ml ?! | vs rf! ? »Jl’8T FOR FI X. ■[ ' _ Youciui-’iiever judge of a man’s sorrow by the »|;^s ol his hat. "Killed by Remorse! " is the startling heailliueitiii an exchan 'e. Ilang remorse, say we.>; • . It is tije noble Kentuckian who never misses t%Cjtvafer when the .veil runs dry. —Rochester Post lixpress. In flighty oflicial circles at Washington the perrikit of railway time-tables has l»e coine all fHe rage.—Chicago NeWs. A kiss**) leiepiioue is sum to be some thing rliug out lor a clam-bake dinner hJuI getting nothing but log. A trai^p’is sometimes called a nomad ; aud wlubi t* ilog grabs him there's nomad der maatbl tile neighborhood. “Anita's;' Sijivs the pastor, in a solemn upie, the ancient maidens lilt their eyi^lfnd groan. “Ah, mein!” “tjentf^-{he dues are oVr me stealing,” the lletj^ifninil said wneii he -hail thir teen bill| presented to him in one day. lvxplofer^Stc\ens \ in .Vinca)—“Where’s Stanley^;* | Cannitfijfostjic Native—“In the soup.” I'laviifi $Jurds wer» originally square. Perhat^lf^drplaving wits also; hut let us not pp;t&oicredulous. It is always safe to judge from ajK uearaite&rj,|hut u is pretty sale to jucigh !ie Sni^hj-“ Well, to tell the. truth, I don't likfe lo do it. I preler hugging girls," % \\> still ifufy Ik.* blest,though bv poVerti prefcSj&'b ! Anti fifi$ bnn. li of sweetness in lilt ; I’Ik maituvjio i“ poor o| one thing i>sure, ’ iAvasH^tfmoiicy that won him his wile. !*'oivig?i*J.'’ (io\eminent f kicking idle prowler.oWihe premisesf-*—“<»ct out ! Idle PftHvler i with die uk v i—‘*1 go ig:iK.v i—“i go, su . i You wilMthar of me in \?i|criea tis a re I j or 1 ne r % fu jfra me \v«»r k [ <>f s« »ei e t y ! ’' — | Chicago if11/1*1 bti ne. Airs. I^|b£oliue—“1 wad hnvejye com- i ]»iiehi|i(| dt^it me own family alivaxs j moved iq thi* highest circles of sasieLV.” Mrs. Hbyffe—’ I am awajrc ofjii, Mrs. tkmolmcT J have always heard,'that the seinii afvv^^ rises to the top.” j “Mr. jiijlEisiu, yei mule's „..r _ _ voice; h^fkiii nios* turn crcLmue when he f bray/’* if I I Air- jopjmin[—“Well, he tmgfitfr Ik.: able J to sing, jptfiisc he libs on do “air" most- j ijv, SlnMti ■! 1 Icbl$Hrt“} understand that Hobson's wife jsgi |'e/auHi .iad that he plastered the < lern^bf language to win her.” > JonesHf'Well. lie must have ixjKinled ;Mi his ei^h^ies on the language, then, lie has nb*v£r ftiasti red her; • lh>st()i|^»^l'l—I fell so faint yesterday that i Eb Htoj) at a ill ug store. New -YtecHi* »ir!—What did yougei ? j IV:),stpi|>f:^t*l—Some gum drops, nairsii ijiialloNv. a sachet and tw(> gktss :jd yaniIi.TMd.i |f«.ii,hfj-\ got er Inn M i*s Tjiey sa v -Hast :d mv I lie. i.u decided t« ■ htiyli^M't in tiie tlistpssiojj, “v We'do i;l heaven vYliot llake \jvill \ve‘ (»otpi Minister—No. mis*j; j a n at present ..dMiajh more interested inhlieqacs i;iou, “Wil'affshall we do t»;» get there?" • jhupfoficrf-T You say that vojui habits tie all liqnxjii?’’ ■ \ \ AppUeAUt^y-’rYes, sir." \ \ UmplojjsferS. alter a moment's ;pause >— 1 i »o vou dr^k , AppUediK •! absv*ut mimied »—"■Thanks ; i\m\'t tTrrv.ii 4 <\»>.*' "S>t. pcY^r-j y»\*\ Kort\K tius ‘gone to siiiash,” i^n^it*ked TerwdUgcr. V’ It will Mill raihe^hdrd oi; liis live upimirried daughiei4»i J^»br tilings. Was It wheat that ruibJd^ bim"Na," rejilied old Brown, Ifi was the live daughters and the tailop-hidde suit." I “Whatiiv ltieky chap luck still stayed with lini. ^in|ie died eothns wefe selling tVosl.-”t street ^Tfft“; i’ge» C da I Man—"tia up the id look;?iU file weathef sigyal.t 1 ‘rtieivl^y:^-‘ |us. -aw ii as lehinebaek I'airand milder wcath om the ( j-4 Si "tioodp blp;t menu* a cold Wave and bii//anj. i'AVydl mark up the price liftv cents all rouhd." i ' Ai* r, . I Mi^- Kb,tatInnde (on A’hestmijl street) —JH i|iat sweet little girl. Hid you t?\■M-e Snvthing so augtlief "" Mr, bn^Ylefu country iloctof)-*-“Yes. she is Cv^aUiJy a pretty pietiire. Slie has tii.U S^bltj delicate, cthcral. stwer-gas style of l&m|y seldom met wit hi outside <;»t llH‘ Hii'ge ies." Jed ia |ltily»ad passenger) I s^v.Clein, }\-ha—whilt 5m ile ax an' sawdhanging updar l o|:? h. I Clem—lyiifp yo’ arsk foolishijtiestious. Jell, doii'f slf^ut so’s vo’ kin Ik hecred all de way f|bnirde eow-ketelier to. de first statirm. -Iky’s lo* enuin' railroad, san niche*. pstfSpriscrf at vo' ignojraiwc. Ressie-|M.f aud pa ha ve fK*tfn <|nnr reling. jii^ettf they? . Willie—*j’e$ i Ue^t ie~^\Y Sell one got'the wofkt < >1 it— do you-kmivVi? V\'i|iie-|\o4 vet. I'm waiting to see which on'i odhcni slams the door'going j«mt. j • . Northern vcntleman I who has been! reading im it he subject .of vdiidooism among the colored people, amt thinks he will muke ;ii little original resccrch “Jasper, 5my of your people carry jcharjniii njpotjjl them tor protection ?" lasper-Syrdi yes, sah ; hut I neljlierhenr idem cal! fhajms 'fore; more ginefnlly call idem rhstzefsdSah.—" ' liit takiiK ap, as ; >f vva Philadelphia I lame i to little s<;f| 'hathI—j"|hdj(in>»ii>.mi Friday’ Iwing ducky dn4jf‘faii: Jam:Hies, with much eamestudfe.3 "\\ liy 1 proposed id Miss Mamie Ifcni’ekkc on Friiloj-." ; ; .“Aha, jlitefth said Smythe. iAi jrejeeted yijui.^f course."’ , , i •; tireat L’lejfitl' no! She accepted in this an un \ ml she land we've ljStjn married ncarlv a vear," Site iso?tlv|-—“1 'shall never tOieet this iiistht—aiitl the ball." He | tet|ler|y l—"Tell me—why. that last waltz!"" I have Yes, Sh«S-^‘‘.§tl., ... He—"\5j>u%iclight pie!" Sbe—“$n4,4Vou"' He—"\^u|^iitraiiee me! Then impressed von ?" !' She ttrtor4 softly than even—-yei you've afoul: smashed two of tny toes.' Art Alafmrtlti man who wanted to lean what profession lie would have his sol «iter, put him in a room with a Bible, ai apple nnU. Every Republican, Senator Save One Voted axalnnl flic Meas ure, and. Aided by Elite Democrats, Hiiowed it Older—The Ballot. I Special to tile Citizen! Hie Senate ! Kai.kioii, N. C.. Fell. 2K.—I lobbies and galleries were crowded this, morning to hear the last ofth;disctission on the railway .commission bill, The entire in<|niing was consumed liv speeches from Senator Kerr, of Sampson, who opjxised the hill and by Senator LcGrand. of Richmond. who favored it. rilK SKIM BUL'ANs STOOD ITHM. "Hie previous question was called, and Senator Turner offered ail amtndnient to (he efleet that not muni than two com missioners should belong to one jxilitical parly. It Was hoped by this to get Republican support for tile b II, but the Republicans had in caucus already decid edjto antagonize it and stooil firm. The amendment passed by a vote of 27 arcs to 22 nays, all the Republicans except , one ;voting against the iwoposition. i There was: much interest manifested as thy vote was taken op theihill ntf^its second reading. TIIOSK Wl’lO TKIKII TO S.U K I T. pie following was (he vote: on the bill: Ayes:—Abbott, Aycock. Bliley, Brock, Camplielli Leejjer, LcGrand, Kittle. Uucas, Payne, Pou, Reid, Robinson. Shaw, Sills, Smith, Toms, Turner of 'Catawba. Turner of Iredell. Twilly. Williams ol Pitt, fotul. 22:; all Democrats, TIIOSK WHO Kll.l.tUl IT. Those who voted "nay" were:, Blair, Briggs, Brown, Co|x'laud, Crawford, tSmry, Fnlkener, Farthing, Greer, Hamp ton, Holt Hughes, Kerr, King, Leinback, Long, Imsk, Meares, Moore, Rice, Stubbs, Thomas, Warters; White, Wimberly. To tal 2s, titieen of whom were Democrats, and thirteen Republicans. Kvery Repub lican Senator voted against the bill. BKATH OK CO I.. JIOREHliAD At Havannah, Vesterdii) A ller iiiion Tile Burial at niti lain To-Day, A telegram received |>v \^r. W. W. Avery, ol tills city, yesterday {afternoon, .•onveved the information that Col. liugene Morehead. of Durham, had died 1 It Savannah, Ga., at. four o'eioes. i Col. Morehead was the youngest son Of Governor'; J. M. Morehead. of North Carolina, and was aged about t'ortv-two I years. . I In his death North Carolina lasts1 a | l,most valuable .citizen, and the town of Durham one,of'its nn-sl influential and 'public-spirited men. I he ha lilting house o| Cugcnc Moie | head at Dprhain, iias long lieeu th, lead ! ing financial instilulioii of that place, land in many important business‘enter j terpriscs in the Tobacco city. Col. More . head has been a most prominent factor. It will he rcme-mlx-red that last summer Col. Morehead and his family spent sev j eral weeks here, and his visit to Savan nah was in search of climatic benefits. ■He had been in feeble health for several years, and during the time hail visited pearly all the noted lit.'dtjh resorts of the Union. Mr. Avery will leave for Durham to day to attend the funeral services over the remaips of his late mu le. The entire line of tpc A. & X, C. Rail road is now laid with steel rails from f toldshorh to Morehead City. V Hoa. Joan.N. Staples has Ixjen elected - annual oj ator h\ the literary Societies of Davidsoij College, and litis accepted. Arms liitiVc been issued to the "Black Boys” military organization ait Concord. This is the largest eopippuy in the State. It is estimated according to the direc tory , ;th)u>st cowi>kneij lor ji'luirlotle, j that slit will show a population of 15. 000 souls. s' " ;■ -j _ The numlier of convicts received at the jx'iiilentiurv (luring February has been so ltii^e as |u brine the total number of in niates ujj to ,1 i V«oy. Fjowle has appointed J j S. Carr, ol lturhanp.aml \V. F. IipasleyjoI'( Kl'ord, delegates to the vy,ishingtojn centen nial, at New York. , j Two little girls in Salisbury jverc‘‘play ing sick" and administered jstryehnine pills which they found oh a mantel-piece, and both died in n tew hours, i The trustees of,the State U niversity have decided to expend $500 in the publication of a centennial catalogue of students of that institution. 1 The legislature has not ns yet made any j appropriation to provide for tlie repre j .Dentation <5>i this State a| New York. It is very donbflnl os to the passage of a i resolution making provision for such rep resentation. i The story of the Wisconsin woman sav ing her life bv feeding her calmer on beef may be true; but as there is so much beef in this country that even a eajncer Could not possibly bite through, a fejw skeptics will be found here and there. ! The tariff deadlock in Q ongress hasone It: wrill block the ion which cOtiifnrting feature why against the bad the logrolier* always have ready for the closing hours of the session, when consid eration is impossible. The Fifty-first Congress will perhaps get time to put through a bill from Anthony Comstock, providing that all American statues shall wear The essentials ofa watering be alliteratively somncdl up salt, son, sand, shells, sbrim ships, sailors and shingle. dace may 'fifes. BEK BlTTIiRWOkTH OK Jl'S ketimg. Horn Ben Butterworth, of Ohio, is Congressman of national reputation Hi* brain is brainy, fertile and alwai imaginative. He'is a royal good fellov anjong his brother Congressmen, a par tizan among partizqns, and in -toad; among toadies. Every how find thei Beit bobs serenely up with a btfand new sclieme of some sort, lor (something; foi if Ben isn’t original he isn't anything. Ii so far as scheming is concerned Arteinu; Ward’s ap|iellation of an '‘original cuss’ can be aptly applied to Bcu. Ill short, his friends say he is a jovial gout! fellow and as smart as steel, while hisp enemies call him a bold, bad man. The latest 61 Ben’s achievements is the following: lie has introduced a resolution into Con gress requesting the 1'resident to invite the members of the Parliament,; of Can ada and the Premiers and Cabinets lit the several provinces of the Hon-iiaon to visit the Pnited States about the first 01 May, and lie the guests of llttj [kojile of the Pnited States. The resolution asks for an appropriation of iSloO.jjNM) and provides lor a committee olscvt»nty-hve members of the House and a member of Senators to entertain the guests. flit purpose oft lie resolution is flirt lupr stated to lie, to promote a more friendS' feeling and encourage closer business relations between the two countries Slow \vc doubt not but that nearly evefy Con gressman's heels and hat Went Into the air when the fertile Ben read his resolu tion before the House. liven the thought.’ sav nothing about the promise, in going on such a junket is enough t<*j till the heart of a common man with t|ioughU sublime. I -> i I To think ot getting away front!the dull routine of a legislator’s life, Irifn com mittee work and tile night session of “seven Up” or "draw poker," |md liest of all to have an opportunity Jio treat those Canucks to some of Tnife Sam s tiest champagne, and all, all all the ex pense of the "dear’ people, is quit}'enough to razzle-dazzle any nuin’s braiijs. It is irgned that such an act on the} pari of mr government would Ik- a l|-rter in vestment towards bringing a!)ou|lriendlv •elations -between the two postils, than, ill the gunboats and dynamite in the .vorul. Very true i injured. lilt-why i 1 niv the pleasure to a few of the jj‘select" Congressmen ? Why not have ihi inler latiomd Vmeriean-Canuvk piciiic and lone with it, and let evervoite jko who j " |T i .■boose, even the wives and bullies? If f such wouldn't tend to bring abo4t more I friendly relations wivat would, uncle IV:, 1 And liesldes. Sldo.OOOl would make quite a respcctaide shotting to wards such an enterprise. No. Hr. Ben But ter worth, your sclieim ,: hough a good one, doesn’t quite eoineide wit’ll oiir views of reducing the surplus. It isn’t fetler | ’ sonian a little bit. the lieopiv ,hi taxed : i too much already on extravagances, and wily add more? No, Ben. ion nfjd Vouv brother Congressmen -lieticr’ rcnSain at your posts of duty and imforni fife work for which you were elected and lof which you will receive pay, namely, mnjavc the war taxes from the necessaries of file ami therebv lighten the burdens of the |>eo ple. We are not on unfriendly terms with our neighbor Canadians at ore sea it and ' • ' jj are not likely to lie in the near jjfuUuc. Besides, the American people as & class are very good entertainers, even Jif iliev can’t drink as much champagne us‘n Con gressman, and when the projK-i’ time conies for a social tete-a-tete»With our friends across the border, the people will attend to the matter to the “l-ftaen’s taste” we can assure you. Nil, Ben, while thanking you for your kindness, your originality, your tuct, in hfhnll'ol the Canadians, we cannot aeee|‘t your proposition. "We pass." | KDITORI.4I, POlNTSf ■ That extra •session of Congress cry seems to have died "a borin’.*' 1 s Where extremes meet—When a , ^north ern zephyr or a hot scotch rubify ;| man's nasal organ. - \ Tlie press ot New York city doiilt seem to be “mashed'’ much on the As|emi>ly ceiling for all it is made of papier nladie— “mashed paiier." " 1 The old granger upin Maine wluf swore he wpuldntt have his haircut untiljames G. Illaine was President can patronise the barljer after the fburth of March. Twenty-two years agq to-day Ne braska was admitted into tlie l'ni|m. In 1.S.ND the State had a population <$f 452, 4t>2; ; It contains an area of |t>,185 square miles. ■} Some one in the long ago prophesied that the world wbuld never see g second Ananias. It was a false predicting. For proof, we beg to refer to Mr. Richard Pigott, late of London. England, jj Representative Springer, of Illinois, has introduced a bill in the House W the admission of Idaho, Wyoming and Ari zona as State. There is iiio possible cbftnce of its passage. 1 _ United States Senators, Sabin and Da vis, of Minnesota, are in Washington to protest in the name of the Republican party of the State of-Minnesota, gjgainst the election of Wm. Windom ft.r tV Scc Of the Treasury. jy- , jj i .1 if ■:■■■ tv. pm -W ■ Hj; : OI R PIBI.IC ROADS. Who iM! Ren iin\nll lie a great improvement in some di rgetion. ] With the abutu cellent tastle, whi hfmdv everywhere show them to possess \ve cannot:doubt vpte park, or auceof means a pel ex h the buildings of thi! that whether ‘‘a pri a numlier of country residences," or “an industrial college" is try lie the outcome, it will lie a "thing o^lieauty and a joy forever/* Again, a little iieare^to nis. a new hjo tel, rivaling Hattirv Park, with large, extensive grounds laid off into drives aad walks, will soon (>e erected. filial 1 the residents of Asheville lie cut off from all the enjoyment to be afforded by either or both bf these places on ac ci hint of the miserable roadway which lies iH'tween ns and them ? Shall we de prive ourselves of the greaL enjoyment of meeting socially tjhe. guests of the new hotel .' Shall we jiiinounce to Mr. Van derbilt that we wjanL none of his society? Siirel v .no man winild ire willing so to do. Between us and) the projectors of the enterprises mentioned, there Is "a great gulf fixed;" verily, "a slough of dcis pond,” calculated: to depress tile spirits of any poor man pr 1 least who is obliged to criiss, or, rather, to w allow through it.: Nolle ever tryiit, except from urgent necessity. There |s no absolute neeessiljy that aav of those]|ieople we have referred to should visit Asjievide, nor will they go so, as long as the [horrible roadways ate allowed to interyciie. in their present lieastly coia!iliou.j Now., gentlenienj, who is responsible fpr this : We all agree “that it ought not so to lie." "Mr. ICjhairman of the County Commissioners, sljudl we rest the blank upon von ?" "Oil, no; tile supervisor of roads has taken il out o! ouf hands." Wi ll who then. "Shall we lay it at vour door, Mr. Sipumcy, as chairmpn pt road sufK'rvisors ?;" j "Oh.no; we haic obeyed tile law; we have appointed up overseer." Well, help us, gentlemen, to find out tv lip is to blame. I We know you bojlt so well that we are sure it cannot Inj the fault of either ol von. But who i^ it.;? Soiiiebody must ljje ih fault. The legisla ture never wished'these to lie the kind tin Lit.Chandler mat have roared: "’Haf me for mv cause." ' Miackburn is no Konian. i’i;H ii\i;.\i i*.\R tbu tpus. \ • ' Concerning .Hell and Tiling*, JPithr lly and Pointedly Prepared. V _ I _ Courier Jotinul:! Why is our W illi wnw Willie C: handler s»;» in the Senate these il would seem, is l unprecedentedly silent days' Now, if ever, te time when he would rise ami askNjis cbiintrymen to lend him their ears. \ Charleston \c\v,s : The latest addition to the t'nioii is coifeiderably larger tjhan the I'nion itself was when the Constitty lion wits finally ; dojvted by all of the cTnrteeii original States, hparlv a hundred years ago. \ Uetroit Free 1’ntis,: A niak in West err Dakota saw a bliziard horn. It starter <>n the lop of a h.uv hill and wus a bid of white fog no larger than his hat whei he first saw it. Hit should have earned' il home and locked it up, hut he did no1 think of it until toij> late. ' 1 ,-j \ . ■ i i . \ New York Tribune: A naturalized citizen of English birth was asked by a friend how he liked the birthday of tin fat her of his adopted country. In return he told this story:j "The day before: tht Fourth of July last year the teacher toi whqm tny boy goes to school explained to her Class why tile day. was celebrated givijig full particulars. The,next mbrn-i as lorn in this coun-j ‘ Jad, this is tile day ing the boy, who v try, said to me: we licked you.” h New Items Offered at Law’s C Seven best plater woiiih $1.75: odd Forks and Spoons best plated Butter from 75c. to $1 e; (fine goods) are most for a song, goods. They are tallies. beihi ;, ||: At Law’s, , 1 ¥£ f:J ■ /• i* - ■' ' ; I'lfi y 1 l: ■iat# 4*1 / earing Sale: Gravy Ladles at $1, oatterus triple-plated at half price, 31c.; Cnives at 50c., wtfrth Odds and ejnds ig all closed out! al Call and examine laid out on separate :ach. Opposite Postoffice. . ' f ■ : itf ; . hi ,! ! STATE NEWS. r General orders No. 3, issued by udji tant-getiepal Glenn Thursday, gives jtei i mission to all regularly organized troop of other States to pass through Nurt ‘ Carolina en route to and returning fror i the inauguration ceremonies and th Washington centennial at New York, ii April. ' The people oflHalifa* are moving t< have thatcoutit|y divided and to form th< County of Roanpke out of the easteri section. A delegation is now at Raleigl trying to engineer the matter through tin Legislature. [• 1 Jas. B. Connelly, the absconding. clVrfc of the sujierior court of Iredell county, has been arrested and taken to States ville to stand trial at the next term ol Iredell court. The arrest was effected in Tennessee; The annual celebration of the battle ol Guilford Court House will take place on May 5. Senator Vance will deliver the address, and a continental military com pany will participate in the exercises. The busted State National Bank, of R.aleigh, has settled with its creditors. It . was abl 2 to pay forty |x‘r cent, of ijts lia bilities. .The amount realized from the wreck was $31A,*27. I*rof. Ralph H. Graves, of the State University;, has oeeif granted a furlough on rtcoimt of nervous prostration. He has gonc to Baltimore for medical treat ment. ' ■ The county commissioners of Granville have exempted from the poll-tax nil Con federate Soldiers who lost limbs or wCiv severely wounded during the late war. Mr. James B. Woods, who was sent to the penitjentiary’at the fall term of court at Statesville,. for forgery, has.'escaped Ltfoni that institution at Raleigh. Chariot tie burgers are growing bolder, i They operate, in broad o|x*n daylight, and the police nine times out of ten, fail to capture tlierti. Lighted!* convicts have fx-cn sent from the ixaiitentiary at Raleigh, to wdtk on the Plymouth & Williamston railroad The Mt. Airy bank is not' broken, .fis reported, but on .a sale footing and mov ing along smoothly. The Presbyterians at Greensboro are preparing to build a handsome church at that place. The bill to remove the disabilities of Lx-Gov. Holden failed to pass the House. Atlanta Constitution The Hon. Billy Chandler now Idis an opportunity of fir ing the Northern heart. He can put! his tweakened and swollen e.^r onexhibitioii. Our Washington correspondent says th4t Mr. 'Chandler smiled at him when he went to inquire about the health of the great man’s tar. This is a serious improvement, lit is the first time Mr. Chandler has been known lobe in a good humor since the war. ^ There was some apprehension that there might l*e a\ falling-off in the receipts from fertilizer licenses at S5oo each, but this proves to have been groundless. The numlxT of licenses issued this season will probably exceed those issued last season. Some new brands have !i:ill” over petty de tails in il i« ;i wav tliai is pretty certain to 'liic.it iis passage at this session; whether that /is their real intention nr not. liter' thing connected with the IIkluhomu,movement seems to lie hill ol selfishness and wickedness, and the end is Ui.il yet.— 1 Philadelphia liiiJUStrer, Kep. A childwith three eyes has been liorti in Iietroil. It .vfill lie able to cast all ■extra eve t<> the windward lor ah office, but the greatest advantage ol' having three eves Ivil! become apparent when the child gets old enough to attend a three-ringed circus. liastcrn SlicritV—'"So you were it Car Western sheriff ilor ten years? Make many arrests ; \ W estern ’ fsherill I with disgust)—■JlAr rests ? \;njv. Hut I've done my share o' killin'." ' A woman demist in I’hitadclphia is re ported to have a practice ol IS 11,POO a tear. And yet she is often seen looking I down in Hit mouth. Is a half crowded with colored |X?oplca lilaoklfcri'y jam, or a bcrrv-blnckjain. Buyklen'K Arnica Salve. The ln'sl. salve in llic world for cuts, bruises, starts, tilivis, salt rheum, lever i sores, tettet, chamxsl hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tivelv cures'piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give jx.Tfa.-t satisfaction, or money defupded. Price 25 cents per box. I-'or sale by F. L. Jacobs. (law Gov. I'owjle will probably pay liis visit to Wilmington oti March 10, accompa nied by his staff. How Doctors comiuer Death. Doctor -Walter K. Harnmoml says : "After a long experience 1 have come to the conclusion that two-thirds ol all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con sumption njiight 'be avoided if Acker’s: linglish Cough Remedy were only care lullv used in time.'' This wonderful Kem edv is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. '■ 1 ! - ■ - ■ . : : j, A lectured says: "Pullnesf. under the We dcnotesilanguage.” He has probably been knocked down for something he lias Washington C,ritie: SIW was. the. daughter o' a Dfipocratic senator ■ and was pouring tea yesterday afternoon and talking politics as ivoinen do. ‘‘Well, she said,;with a snap, when she was told that the [Harrison party had arrived, "J suppose Air. Harrison is com ing to Washingtoii\this early because he is afraid Mif. Cleveland will carry the White House away with him." Then she poured out\a cup of tea so hot that it put a fire glaze on the teeth of the mag who tried to drihk it. Jl^rlceto Mouse Mrs. W'inslow’s Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gunts, al lays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diprrhuea.; 25c.a lx>tllc. ii-rfi—rr It is the fellow with the sand who siege to the girl with the nicks. Yi ■. ;i.J :• I 1 : J i .t, !• ... 1 It bI'IUNEA AMD ♦ n i l>octor. “What, driftiml bear again, e rntran to my strict orders? Didn’t! toll von that every class was a nail m yourjeoffin?" ] i |. - . I ban t give it up, doctor,that’sa fact,' nil oi^ .1 1, ,1.... 1 ! • ■'!) . 'Ly. ■ S'®,; ha';e Wit stjyini to myself t " [flt does it matter, when yon are ■ ,f ooes u matter, when yon art ilea.l and gone, if yonli coffin doe# look like a hedgehog ?” P Better Ttuui ttnlclde. a/j-' r’rfti-ssor ArnoUj saytj: ‘[An incurable Uvsppttc isjuflificd inf; committing sui cide. : We will guarantee to 'care anvdvs within three months bv Acker’s [?uhrlfh I'.vsl>eptic Tablets. T. C. Smith “ '-u!- jjebSdawlw . I>e Smith: "Did yolu call op Miss Travis til 18* .•jittemoTiii ?’r 1 i *j Posjeboy "No; jtist us I got to the doorjl heard old gentleman Travis howl ",’s "T. a douhle-hlhded axe*-to smash that blanketw. blank stovepiiie into blanketv blanket}- blank pieces, and I conel ided I had ^better Walk on and get a little fresh air." : ?b Flaming Ktre ill,the Veins. Ue hold positive proof (hat Acket’s English Wood l.lixir cures all bloocfpoi stins ivhere cheajg Siirsiiparijllas and so called pin 'tiers tail. Kiiowirtg this, wc will s.-ll it to a Ii who call at our store oh a ]M>sitiye guaranty T. C. Smith & Cor Doctor's Wile—1“My tiear, Mrs. Highs tongije, next door, savi her two oldcst hoys (iresiek." ' i| ^ " Doe-tor—"The ones that bare always hooting and yelling and:;lighting in front of t lie house ?" 5. ‘Aes, and she wants ifou to come in at oiicc and attend them,";. , "Certainly, .eertainly. J^et me see. Wliatl ditl 1 do wfith that bottle of arsenje?” i ;; Careless! halhers. ?d.iuv mothers have permitted .their ilti It 1 it u to die before their eyes when they might hare btfeu saved. Anj- mot her who-keeps house without la |iott|e Of Avkcrjs '. rp h -.11 Baby , Soother at - hand.Inins a risk whielf she may some time negnt. It has! saved the lives of l housamls o( children, and is doing so e very Veilr. For sale b\f T. C. Smith St . to. i” : i 1 The eagle, as it rises! in [the air goes, round and round and mhkes a very nice cirenlar si .ar.—Yonkers Statesman.’ And the chimpanzee at tlit, park goes round and round his liur ajftl. when he s|ips he makes a bail monkey-wrench.— llo.r! Mail F iH timsumplIon lucuruble f Tveafl the following: \ff..Ci H. Morris, f, of Newark, Ark-., says: "Was down with , abscess of lungs, am| fritiulspand physi-. iaHS jirououneed an, ineurtil)|e consump tive. i Began taking Drf,fit mi’s New Dis cover my th work fine e Jess? Middle wart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "1-Iad cover died i it. S. store.. tor. Consumption, aml atn now on ird bottle, aiid able tof Oversee the ui my farm.'; It is the finest medi er made.” t not liecn for Dr. King’s New Dis for Consumption 1 would have fi^tg troubles. Was given ,up by loeli its. Am now indiest of health® Try tfiple liottles free at Jacobs’drug Jinkji (at a party I, “1 don’t sec what's the matter with that pretty woman over there. I She was awfully flirty a little while kgii, and now; site won’t have any thing to do with me.” ; i Stranger. "1 have just conic in She’s mv wife." " . I.Uretrle BlUerS. This, remedy is 1 umiump sp wtUkiiovm and s.o p,,puta( as to need nos\vevhdmen tion. XU who have used F.fcvtric Bitters sing tlie same song of praisf.—A; purer medicine does not exist and it is guarnn teeil to do all that is claiinesj, Electric Hitlers will’cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove puppies, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.—Will drive wjfilaria from t he system and prevent as \yell as cure alt malarial fevers —For curt- of head ache. constipation and indigestion try>: Electric Bitters.—Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money rein ruled. Price 50 Cts. and.ffl per bottle'at Jacobs’ dnig Store. - Touche l Airily (— What 1 working, old Ulan? I’m just oil for tin,*, ilog show. Billions t wearily I—What prjize are von trying for ? Touche i angrily1!—Well, sir, 1’in not entered in the puppy list, at any race! Billions ( promptly )—Thanks, awfully. That gives mv pupa walk over. The fact thaffuind health, strong mus cles aiid sound nerves are attainable should; encourage every invalid to an (arnest endeavor in: the right direction, kenienilicr all disease owes!;its origin, more or less, to a lack of ifon in the blood. Iron in the blood mentis health, strength and vigor. Analyze; the Wood if an invalid and little.or no [iron Will lie • mud.. Jlealthv meii'js bloijtl is full of rim. The W-st met|aiji of sujjplying this ai.kof ie .n is by' using Brown's Iron/ :titter*, a sure cure for dvs|>e]Jsiu, general : lability, weal;ness-and all vr’akfttrg tits JSt'' '■ ./ * , . . I ■'fHts iitUf *,on-*-‘,Tfi/ia. when Jlti ntigi ftaiu^ ilk Rojiniii) sHvi'iois were nlft lian^rubk |ii|t'ii lui li dli'l nieatl it (lid heP’.' [Falifer— "Nfi. lie spoke.satirically.. ' Wlijatj that ?” ' l* : "Uc (iu .tut that tUc ’Hon; [in front /d licit mi’ii'cs was put thcVc 1>\1j their. c^ft l|aitijts; just fur a [ joke. [Those/old <<;mfiijs relished humor ap tUiKjh #s we do.' ; * /i - ■ l ■ *| i Heller Than bloody I ettlew. ! <>cnef.'d Wheatcrofl jNelson tsays: vxperieince in the English army as tire health, rigor and life as Acker!* English Bibod Elixir, a positji ^o. ’ This great remedy ii sold under iv« guarantee by T. (J. Smith & ; j’Goiig down town, Maria?", - > •' i 'i'Ves" ft, jj. ;]■ ■ ; ■ llbomilyt, “How muchImoUey ;do ml this time; j."5'0 you w : “TV, for Tenj cents, John, if you please, for car. ! ; n> | Theft: indices L tpepsla, Despair, jbeatb. i are the actual steps which follow ion. Acker’s English? Dvsjiepsia Tablets most X- C. Sbiith &■ Co. i ySay that a Pat, what do you cul| a coffin j?” ■ ■ ke. if. Ij >ffin;”’ said Pat, “is! the house man lives in when he is dead.” JI j Anti i Genr i Country flitted c*rossin|; boirnly A Friend Sym Hej was his frieyn sio|dier atei :roj aiyicto helwitbi Ike ih this la 1871 railway loath X -r 'm only going shopping. i will both check and cure this arful of diseascs. ytilfrantccd by cdotea of General; Grant., •al Grant, on his return: to this /.is said to have been severely af*’ f with a cough contracted whale j ' the ocean, and which had stab-1 refused to yield to anyftreatment., r procured for*, him a' bottle" Of | /»,- and by its use in a few hoars entirely relieved. ‘He Remarked to f id: “Men look upon my asa great '■ but this bottle of Symphyx is i than I. My calling has been to men’s lives, but-this medicine Ml, h .Hops savior of men, 1 shall never i: out it again,” . f ; d&sr i emarkable railway development J, State naturally.aitracts attention. r I ■ there were oily 1,400 miles of . On the first of the present . ^here were 2,560. There are now Contract 1,100 miles. i 8,fe. ^ i