<4*>& > .”4^-V ' v- ■<•; *•>' P^rTsiiUi'j^iJaw !-';.;:5/' t:> Nbudft ASHKVILI.E, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH >4, 1 rmm ***£ IHfAfOUKA*. AdriM fl 1 ■« '-HK »W M^n^* J N»t* *® »** Abmt It. ■'« ^ New York'flerald: Pr^ideit HarnL&s m^ijjjwfal ujddress is anscmilientlv rf)udi» Wfe 0»e{ because it isacbnsirfcuouslvNHrfl est s^atfc puber. It is jjjot AecessaiH'Hif> a*?re*t With (rs.iKdicic-s t(> jriy$ it thh itii proval.i M<fii must differ in f'Jqnioii.aaii't |KiJicics| but! he wins'th<!j»ntt»nde df’ ojjv I sine ms wild states hisease jdearlvf arid !li aukly! ami doc# not t'cjiddesfcnd to:Su|& |1 '!(•, sn]|iistii}', evasion i| double detdirff. In i hat-view vve say tlpit Mjr. Harfis/toj Iveslerdiiy s| ohe. not aSiia poHidan|lw is a st:|lesnan. 5M-.g f ' if,''*’ (’u si'l<'i|t Iarriscm isfa |^tcctkiiM/> t L II. . .....A. I. .1 A- . . r .1 r" _ f . I.J ..<8 s • laiHjMblljiwiifc his own ^ilitic^l faitlpiRi) - It lit-; im|Wsc ft pjirty cirifefs heimaktdl tfS|. Issue otlprolfeiion y> ejjearlyoaijd ,j}oS Jtiv’ily t$at ifhis party i||hotilft " |ai tempi to rillII a way fr£m it tin hereltftiiV r.... . - , JH-.V ..... ilmve- io|rmi jaway ln>r| him|abo.S ffif Wo . ..imiiiil liis] party so {leridei^ly tei*' tilt' fl.riiiciplifs anjl practice fj»f a ^irotci'iiye jiarjiV ilijit, until the issj^e between io. trail -i1111 Itee trade is ilecideff, it uais^' live 1 liiul!,' retpain tile, pie <|Utstior| diji.. iw liif.1.1 p.|i ties will dividt| Thebew I spits |m clearly j|s to fleave mi in In j alt if r tor evasion on rftbei slide. • 11 is i if 11rik message pavcepltjoViS {»i ■a las !i aj I’resident ’has«|il»njfr aiml ais |..u l j sipiarely Ipi^d 5rotefcli(^‘; i.'ii'i p”V(,.v-! | : /'fi • a i yi .1. • 5.3 wish ! Ki^-JiiiTipm!. I riJtnuiU'li; We (jo not 1 i|o t!i< I'lesjdent ii ay iniuc; hut iV-i ' t"it**l l(c|ieyiu£ that bp is so full <»]} j ^■jifuliij ajjaitisf U15 Southern people j iti Ik- docs m'ft him illf rcaji/.c that If; i "JP» assumed all through his {iddrvss th.-ft ! >w SfoiilluTii ijcoplc hrc suppresses df viilo, cnjnnivurij at, if ai't jieriietrat • torsjol, ttauil, Ami tit (iulijtvtjl fror the re* straining Iiainifot llielli ilcral jh»wer ifno* lor tpe irj»i.i h.uid of i|iilitars£dcs[>otisnv WlieU is \lies to utibeml aim treat th*" of the I'niotf to 1 Southern Stales a* a ipart’ entitled to'all the rig its hud privileged enjoyed iiv the irmost favorcij State*,1' la : i injuriously faijs to i peeved., “lie goei! „>■> up like a rocket; hut chinos down like if . »tkk." | ! •. | >1 1 Atlanta Constitution: ThcSe is nothing : in the uihlrvss, po tar us we fan see, to i .offend the tasto of tlw most fastidious, t»| quote a phrase knuch jftffevtcd'hy tin.- sides' ; vihow protessocs; and yet between the] ' : lines it is easy enough to njjid the nn-i; oounceinent Unit tliejtepubl^aii lion con| f *triet> >r is to Uvmi view lor t$ie next foutf years, and that it will reipiire a larger] suiyly of provepder ip keep Kim quiet. * ! ]Mr. Harrisonj savs ithat ntj president^ can have « sectional policy, but 'he makes. •• plaiu to those kwho have curs that ,* be is in full sympathy; witli the Kepuhli • cans who, for pprjKisds of pa^iy conquest] , *ftt the North, ntuuitajn the njegri* vote is - unlawfully supin-esscii at thepouth. Hie \| address deals with {this ; sulijeet very] | i|deasdntly, but ilic tinpcr nmrks of parti cannot jie concealed, fc, Advice to Motbeps Winslow's Soothing S^rup should be used for children teething, the child, softens the- gums. 4 ah alL|iains, cures wjnd colic, and is the remedy for diarrhrea. [ - L a bottle. "wms. , 'GEORGIA TOWN, »3 ti HKMIMi ITS MAVIIK CASHIKK OK BANK ADHKVII.I.F, 'M: 1-A'|lF'^lXirte the WorUiiian of Htieet Jt.illwaj , 'Of •«> >5?eetrU: JLlijJit •-. r i.!■ r- ■ ' • > I View of Its A«Ioi» ;j:i ‘W*ir—Klenty of F.nter ‘f i~ • #(m and Mono. ,"%S ,)s nothin’);, if hot progressive. , litoreililly establish her ‘' ■at'-V'"* 10 more <uii)' imii trf the foremost cities 01 tVcor $riT^fp*Su|i); a mighty effort in tin di rievclopinent, impt >vy ^ «1ntcrprisc. She is pliieky to no opportunity is permitted jp£V^hereby her interests may lie ! V'&WCJISiJ'-'Morning, at the law otiiee ot W/% ; ...,._.. llStfijif^sjMartin & Jones ill this city mu' kir •>. if l-'elder ami cashier VV. li. MHtT tlK' Batik of Americas, met -Mt'fe'fej'C; Schofichl, J. Lippman ami M the New Voi k Contract mpm* " ;■■■• -■-;• , eyi^t j a^y'fkt Mew yorlt City, (or the pur jio^j'tpjl filftiiiing the A-heville systems ' if a le Ve' rail way ami electric, light jihtVt, view lit adopting the same sywt“fc tysj sji tjie city of Aineriens. They vrcv Kt-,*|| fiver i lie mil wav line aim thr'yin} ‘l)e ^ilant; bv superintendent J. H:.and were enthusiastic fa i the Jvorkiiifjs of both. for the Citizk.v interviewed MrS^fawl Felder in the after* her ii<l<**^,;t^vAiji. Schofield said: U a jfreat town, and ! rnay^i, fjt.j). B. Felder, whom you see st;li»ty'fig'i there, and who lues lieeii pwi»!f|i<i:^ieFity for tpie past ten years, | Kasd eri! '-terf' to hjiild up the city than' Southern Georgia. lie is :" " >it*( ^SS1'ye, and full of energy, and live? \duif|t£dt.v.;prti; term of adiiiinistration * lias'tiijlt^'.^r the city one of the finest fwatfeyth'^-t Systems * in the Southern ‘StaP V; <'i' ptsolaut which has no superior ^anyAi^^; *3|c^ides licing the leading spirit 'ill dijtjy' '»thtr enterprises which will {forctyfejl^^ii^ name with that of A mem etuis g^ipM5efsiind prosperity. t'uder his :‘>nai^f||t?iy :^t*he town has Is"mi to take its (4&^if;‘t%jrtioiir; the leading cities of ft he Uiflfift ,’fcwjng other schemes, a large 'traej jtilivjj,' thirty iu res, has licOn pur ^ha^ii^lci yitff vl-itliin about five miles ^it'A^4^«5-s drs^hieh is to lie converted: jin tif*Uyp.'^jp-fiatoii park—awl will lie (jontMiteii %ilt'the city by means of an ^1eey"|;f4: 'zjjfji'. all 01 L!:i:- : eiitig due to ■She jjfjj ”4iet ,'tjMyed, go-ahead mayor.” "5 M*,i v;i yil'irphy, cashier of the Bank; yif .‘iec, »Vo*l: .if **(|(t|l4'l^^Pl#i{ business amounts to |p5t|iij divided 1st ween tom !i|«n^s^,tltf 4s;rltc»t Ix-ing the Bank of )\nnSr«^s;>i<®,'it| a paid-up capital of $100,000 surplus. A cliar ithr l(t(| obtiiined for the organ! iJltiOlt;; if l,5‘itSer bank with .flOO.OOU ‘;?t^dfe-'4ftericus stands fifth, in jj(l!:#i'S,ife banking capital, in the ifcfticS <$ tlv|j<§tate. [ - tr ii'Vljct! st-vf sl^vjn thousand population, sAlid i)V^^ distilK'lion of Ix-ing It lie *■' 1 /'lr mfgiu that has a railway 1 fedJKt-JfceriTiy iude|xmlentof the (WchiuiSno t doVcst P4i#( Terminal sv mli fj^^kjutly, we have the advan iJ-i0&jie$M:ptiounlly fine eastern 4r£igi!t* ft**‘ ^’0' with a surety of the 5 ’*fe3ytthe ue*t thirty days, of iS rni?W ViM^rn Americas to Itirmioe y ; & y. r. ■■ ¥ A .. , |l|tn^a!'^ tt^ntilHinji of the Savannah, l;iilieNe|,i iljlgonicry railroad from ^Liiie^ef i t*,S; ^iffutiiotueiy, -we will Ik |)l4^si»d, yitrates uncpualcd in “This home e ^ afcfjl' . .. . . f iL'd- Under' the leadership pi I'dl. : S4 i^iaw kins-. The road is ? v . v. .-. toad is built entirely by |,VW || j-eg^#Feration from , t lie Chat f3i|ip^clj' ic^^jHltv miles west ofAmeri tS|p tfi tj iC:i| ^5>ml"ee; river, sixty tfjjM $t'tj *4 Vomiting to Sava 1 miles „ ivannah. A eofftri r ^-r/'sx-n let lor the comple tjpn fl'ij a F'dnt oil the I-:. T. ^,‘gS: tial ::Ri^lt^eiiiydivy pjiles further - -Tsj iji-fh'vh’n hales ol cotton pei \xfjr,} i jore '■£ if'-’l’o.lloo, ; railroads j sif,S|ifl<:rent direetioiis; "reat coniineietal resource's; Abuttal 1 itlffi'^Hl tyF-- -My hotel—sowe ihjii^li^ I’ark ; excellent ei -nletl stiftoi^ fcf UciS'Hpeat lumU-r trade; an iilipsSnMA't with $100,OOP, all typ^-kjiwly invested yritli pay ibi;^ iiflc^" *t;Other improvements too ij^ en the hundnsl dollars' wiiytli «i| pay? all of our eity ^UttT;ti4o^*»5 ex|nlnses; land lepir t(4n Mi|| {e&hiMtaianf enrolled I; it A Mi‘;|4rfk>ek sells at $l.l()/awl is ImTl 4? 4ji«t I (rite. "Cordf fit tlic intersection' <>l vh^S. 2$ the|G. S. F. Railroads, aj>or<4iI the "Birnij/igham of they'Hu^ $ of Antericus omjk iU}>3M«l|f |ic#; f?i located the house i'f kfiltrown r«?fngrt*fd iluf in*?111? aiti: fte. Sf ^ whereat W^brown refugeed dur n . known to this day house.” The town will laifl i ’ «t* $ 4 ,“Var ago. It is now theiVinSC fwi aether Centre oftheSthte; ||!r |lills located within a riid^is?of’. Art,f ^ffs; etintains 1,000 in ihalitu&t* \:yhouses, twenty-three sUnres^t|¥,^f^J3nk building; a bank w-iiSii^itlisk i^O-up capital; two large hoiSls^wVC,«ir ptH) worth of lots were li’-' duri i? r\«jit bast twelve months. sol t m^K-itth i a he sold in great qu&ntlMii% . , ^ Hng •• >be »boye, and lone nudg,- i‘o'of emulation, % The IvifciorJSij.Hessed themselves as lieiiig d$?,^t»ai,iyi’ith Asheville. They ‘Icabe f^rtfeji'ta^tilgs this morning ahd wil| ref^-!i;l<^K rr«>w ; and, after kpend- i : ing -S fa\y U»e city, will return U« Aniitn^i, ; r? ■ ■ Jjl oplalpn.' . I; Ej lfeBisH^'id.fj"dunday, Ga|l, County vAtt'tfmJy,' ;: CV?i; 0lunty, Texas, - says: ."H^ve riser f' . ilfic Hitter*, with most ,ha(5>v tlb-* "Vy' brother also was very- io.*> •i 'Jttf^v iiurial 1 fever and jaim ydie«.( l>s4.i Yvl4*:*||'«|^: by timely use <»f this At ' ^tUtied Electric Bitters •;Ky., uiAfe; t I?,vi. Aii%i fotson, of. Home imony, Cave, saying: "He died . ... . ,T , BL _ off as well os Are al » uti. !Jt‘diseases, and for all •Kidueyi Stomach disorders ^stands p&igfff Price 50c. and fl at f F. '-:■■■ T. ■, 1 l j The Ilrilish Embassy will pay for bury ing at Madrid, Uut there wifi lie no'rxXhsfifn lor a monument over his remains, aS long as the London Times c»tal)4ishme»i:8hall continue to do busi ness.'i -m. The West:vftginia.Democrats charged the enemy Mi all i><>ints. They: have safely secure;? the Scnatorship,; have grasijed. t lie ?eo piles led Congressional seatsj and jtrt.‘|reachiiig for tin- Goveru sliip. The silver pijti with which senator In galls. as President pnilcin. of the Senate, has Urn aflivSg his name to hills and resolutions hnJtWn stolen from liisroom at the eapiiohXTlle sergeant-at-arnis will, have to buy a hew one for .^lr. Morton. The ? Hue khllrn-li'handler episode should cause no seetioha? ill lecling. 1 lie South erners filing ih> less ol lUaeklmm since Chandler .'.hmid. Ijiui. and New Hamp shire will fijil.l ej^iwh in S|iceelikbs admira tion ltcforc a lejaier wjitli a blue nose ami a black ear.; [ Whiai Abrahpm Lincoln was struggling with the titfle^-sockcrs, Adenitis Ward oflcicjl to t;ike his "Great Moral Show to tiie White tfemse, and turn the ana einnhj loose- ^ci.mral Harrison would give anything Ihst now lor the presence 1 III,.. I1*i lit-n Hutlo.r t-li;inii>i in mascot ot the n iiiietrc i) tIt fjicniittry. My the adnus sion d.f.ihc new|Slqtcs tile government is olilig«jd>tn puiffasc .s.ootl national il.i.gs with 'forty '-sites apiece, and Men, as owuef of thell'nitcd States Hunting Comjiany| vyillfie.Sl’oo.ooo richer Ijy tile transaction;. tiipfiy Men Muller. The; Maryland Court of Ap.|»eals Ita^de cided (that a' will's Will is supreme in one einerjieneVi ’ ,Y*womaii with a minor Have her iMiiset|. to the surgeon to re move it audishv&lied. Hie husband, w hp. forbade llie tqicmthm, sited the stir-eon, lint t lie-court decided that the wife's con sent was std5ieic|jt. ThdStilUlii of'TtifkcY is occupying 'his leisure hours'in iA-'ulding oil his crediuirs. The kjussiau .Minister in particular has Ik-iiI jluiinHig ijic Commander of the I'aitlihd very li-Yvd recently for theun jtnid iKideilinily on the last Russo- f tirkish War. The tmmlli palace ex|k-iiscs, how ever, have not Irf'^n furtailed. It is jirojKT eii1 'yyll 'to judge a man I li the company he jSjjfeps, particularly when lie makes his (>IvYi selection, I’resident Harrison eatjtndij make his administra tion ape strong<?im.lmii-his cabinet; alid Ids cabinet js a vi|eak .one. His grand father ’.managed Ho cram more brains into onit- departlittSit than lie has ptit into his aggjrcgati(|n:;;it | - \ The I,cgislaturc|> as passed without o]> position a hill making it unlawful fopuiy railroad in Norllf|Carolitia to discrinii n.'lle agjtinst tVcijjfit received from the Atlantic and JAirffr Carolina railroad or to make rates hvwliiili, either directly or indirectly,, hvj ,.'rfbl|tes or otherwise. Ifcjghtsjinay 6*J di'|vi-red at a less rate, when ncccived frqm other roads than from points alohi; the Atlantic- and North Coroljitalrairoad iii proporlmd to distance hauled. The violation of?this act is nifide a tnjsdfmeanor punisha/dc liy a tine of not lessi tii|tn $ 100 lor cacii and every violation.! . J Health dftlie County. I)j-. H. II. Weave!; county siijieriiitend eiit of health for ]lfi|neoiiilK-, publishes tile following in tliel|nil|etin oft,heNorth Car olina Hoard pf IlLitwthj just received There has lieeii|llt|epideinie of diseases among domestic! yvhinials. The general sanitary conditioti^f the countv is re little catarrhal tj buildings are in Wy. will so, m ha v uiarkalily good, vI‘di the exception ol a " ' 1 ‘ oihl.-lc. All ot the public rtthl sa in rreri; condition, jd^ie Hyatt system of lillering water in ifjieration. Then the water will lie Il' lilth ol the iiinu house Is excellent fkSjdiiUjy pure. {The es^t of the jail and jrpor Ip , j ■ ■ Mrs.;C‘oj4*i parried, CluoTtMlti- C’orj S^-hi|i<Mnl PispHteh^ Ouite ia settsa ion was created here this afternoon- in .fecittty circles wlieti it liecame known 11 aijM.rs, Aliev W. (jjpxe bail wedded Ajn, sj}f Walker, a prominent broker oi New Vo|| j NJr. Walker arrived ill the city four' d.ivsiago. The marriage ceremony wnsijKirtdfmetl at the residence of the bride’sin|)ll4r, Mrs. S, U. Wil liams, i>ii( Try nil (stri-et, no one hut nient Ijeys ot the ('amply. Ix-ing present. The Wedding took plaid at + <»'clock this Afternoon, and 'the Scouplc immediately tioarderl the train fop an extended bridal tour through the West. The brple is quite a favorite in C harlotte society, and is the divorced wil'c/iif Frank Co,xcy ot New York. On a High and the I’olicy ! i.thtjrai. !HetHi£r*oif$3ii< Time*. We* are gratiljed tirfnpte the great im provement made in Sie Asheville Citukn dement. It is tiow under the new man conducted on u‘liigHvj>la»e, uml the )>ol |ev is litjetiul. Jl is &£papcr that'al! can read with pleasure i’|ld then recommend to their neighbors. ^Slrs. L. McMinn has been apiJOinted eprrt.Kjxmdcnt ami agent at Hemlersonville. This is a wise selec tion, anil as hniKy that the talents amt energy of Mrs. Sfc Minn will doiniich for' the town and County in' this hew field, we bespeak; further tlie encourngc njent.oirall,otir people" *: ■ Why is it so’manv*HirtV-r from rheuma tism, aches, pains, kidney diseases, liver Complaints, heart aRection, etc.? Jt is simply because they will not come nrtd lie healed. An diseases begin from a want of iron in tfie bhjJwl. This want of iron makes the blood thirt. watery and ! im pure,^ Impure blood carries weakness and distress to every Jrart of the Ixaty* ack Ofirdn by using Brown's SupplyThis lack Iron Bitters, and von. w-ill soon find your self enjoying jierfect freedom from aches, pains and genera) ill-health. ’ fl ’ ■' ■ Offered at Law’? CleSring Sale: ; Seven best placed Qruvy Ladles at $1, worth *1.75; odd pa&crns trijde-plated Forks and Spools a> half price, 31c.; best plated Butter KiJ*ves at 50c,, worth from 75c, to *1 cache Odds and lends (fine goods) are most for a ’ song. dosed out al *&H and esamine goods. They are all tfdd emt on separate tables. r|! i si. -'i !'<•' h i.' • . i_j*L? Pottofficc. j MORE RAIL CA1*T. 1TKINSON S PROJECTS A BOl'T TO BE RE^EWEB. V. I Work i»rolM»t»ly . to Commence witliln BIx Moiiths^Internnl Improvements arid En* terprlseo. | Yesterday afternoon a Citizen reporter1 interviewed Capt. Xatt Atkinson who has for some time had in charge several new railroad • projects* aiid from him learned that the situation is How of the most promising character, pie paid that Work would likely commenef, atfnl dirt he thrown toward the buldiod of two or three more roads to this city within the next six months, providjed o|r people do their duly in aiding ihesej lines. For the time being, details 'relative to these •natters, arc withheld tor prudential rea sons, but the situation ij> outi that gives us great ho|ie. i i ,, VVe shall, however, within |he'next few weeks he able to lay the whole' matter lieforc our readers. | ’’ Just think what Asheville i4t«J,l<e with two or more new railroads. fVu are now approached by railroads Iron! hjpir ditler-, eat directions. These .lines Igd ont re sqxflrvetv, north, skiuljh. 1:1stwitl west. "The new lines appj-oacli |s-midway lx-tvccn these points, junking?.t^glil lines jcoming to Asheville. ■ - : "Asheville now has," said the f/aplaiu, ",-ls line a system of sewtTjijy ns the Honth enn boast of, thereby sgfving' Its jibsolute iinmunity from biseaic> ."Then we have the only eleetne street railway south of Kichmoud. < "One graded sellout system js Util"x celled 1 tv that of any city, Nortfi or South. "Our electric lights lurnislt a '-most brilliant illumination tor the whole city and far into the surrounding country. "A government court house Jifjd post office will lie commenced wit tylii'flit next sixty days that wilfbc ‘;t thihgjbf betiuty \ atul d joy forever.' This will Jiossibly cost $200,000 lietore completed. & "The Oakland Inn bemnlc College will very soon lie put under full headway, and will be second to /ho institution ol the kind in the South,/it I icing Owned by the Northern 1 'resbyferian ehui{h, which has all the money they want when they 1 Usin' to go into projects like these. "The Asheville female tgollcujr, of this city, under the syiiK-rvision pt tlje M. Ii. Church South, has long lieyn known as an i institution of unsurpassetj merit. Maying, as they have, u most*/central and W'autifnl location, it is a grtfnt bless ing to Asheville and jts patrols in- a llo/.en otlver States. I; "Dr. Browning's new home Jiotel, in the direction of the Swnnnamja, is to eeli]ts«j everything ill the nature ol hotel architecture and accohmioda tions.' ’ j> ‘AVitli these new ■■projects and enter prises now under headway,- am! in the ifwmediatc future, can t lie re Is' 'one so dull land stupid as not U>/lie['full ol hoptlf Capt. Atkinson said that Ip addition to alt the euterjirises above meijtioiied, Asheville was destined to'liecomcju great L-ily in -the next few years, and rio one woyld lie more earliest in aiding its de velopment than.himself. . capt. W. T. Dickenson Dead, Died, at the Carolina House yesjjterday afternoon, of pneumonia, Capt. \V. T. Diekeiisoii, of Ivy, jii the froth yeaj of liis age. Capt. Dickenson hail tieen confined to lijs led alHiut one week, and Ccstcr ilav morning was apparently consider ably I tetter, lint a relapse look place with the above result. Capt, Dickeuson was a prominent tanner of Buncombe, and was universally esteemed by , liaise who knew him. He was a Mason, and will probably lie interred with Masonic rites. Tlie remain* will lie buried at Stockvillc, this county, to-inorio|y, at which time and place the funeral services will Ixl held, I i ■ ■- \ Tariff spmntkks. "Any man wito carries atin dinuJr-'pail which jls taxed, without his conseiil, for purposes other than to defray the ijiwfiil and legitimate cx|ieii<litures oftlujgov ,'ruinent, is not a freeman, lieeauiH' the right to impose such ;i tax carries jtvith it and implies the right to tax offtake the priijierty of tlx citizen in (in jarln trarv planner and witjiout justice, and any Suite that does that is not a democ racy but a despotism, and the taking is iuit taxation lint roblxry. More than this, if out of this whole nation <1! Ii.1, [Mio.iMili only 011c man should protest, he is entitled to redress, or tlie claim of the preamble of,the federal Constitution, that it was ordoined to establish justice, is but the merest figment of worth,."— David K, Wells, f (leneral Kauriall is a groat godsend to (lit Republicans Their terror lias liven that thfcy would lrc cnmpelRd to vote mi the Senate tariff hill. That curious Ke inihlitaii production—which lavs a tlutv 111 cabbages and makes sauerkraut duty free, which raises the duty On wool and lowers that on woolen goods, whiuh in the name of protection to home manu facturers deranges every legitimate indus try in the country and favors only Iftio nopolists—has been the terror of- the House Republicans. To pass it they fore -a w would lie to receive tile sure condem nation of their constituents. To ypte against it they did not dare; liecausejt is a party measure. To amend it they did uot know how.—New York Herald. : As far as the West and South arceoii .•erneil. the tariff gives them no protec tion from New England and Pennsylva nia. Alabama iron meets Pennsylvania iron in t}je Iaiuisvillf market. The mills uf Augusta meet the products of the mills r>f Lowell in Memphis, in St. Louis, in Chicago with no protection whatever. If there is anv virtue in protection, it should be applied ho w lie tween the States if ever theinfants of New England needed protection from competition with jOld England; our mills and factories need protection from competition with the long established mills and factories ol’the East. This is the test which demon Btrates the insincerity of the advocates of the tariff.—Henry 'Watterson. s President Harrison'squidgy of the pro tective system hardly comports with bis Warning to great corporations to more scrupulously observe their legal limita tionsand duties, and with his aphorsism that an unlawful expedient cannot ;be come a permanent condition of govern ment- A yoke is a yoke, whether it; be formed of leather or of gold; and Monop oly could not exist nnkus supported by an unjust system of tariff laws,—-Phil*, delphia Keened, ■ ■ ■ ...J.; We can view with fbrty-two’d the addition pf four new States to the Union. ll, L. . 1. ‘ ! - ir tr THE RATIO A I- CAI'ITAli, Small Talk* About PaIenlm;on, K. B. ViilHc-The Wea'.her The ChnrcheH of the l>uy. I j [From our Special CorrcS|»oudeiit.J : ; Washington, March 5—Your ConiCs pondent has been occupied most agree ably today in talking about juucuts,: ot Which many. Of more than ordinary im portance have recently been issued. | j AM ELKdTWC SroH.VIili WATTliKV | Ife one that We-have discussed, urn! v.liivh promises to work miracles in this coni jiafativelv new science. The newly: dis covered battery is said to be very simple in construction and operation,- Its chief component part liciiig lead, winch in a meltedform is poured oVcrainlUnS''Il; Ira mass of salt, Subsetpicut ly. the salt is dissolved and washed out, lea .:ay the lead when cold, honey-combed with Miudl cells of varied shapes and sixes, v This all seems very simple, and lie, hhjis our in farina nt mav have liven pis. vinji oil /, • j 1 ” on our greenness. 1ml he 'tells us, that it produces the Very lies! storage • b.-u t'eiT vet invented, anil with wonderful i dilu tion in cost, weight and d-imii-MSo>ri?|, and that one of cubical form, yiuiiueh inches ill size, will bold eunua li i !celriet tv to. , ■ A STkKI'T CAR .VI.I.IMY. j This spipuls a/i;ood deal like liuinhti^j dooT it ? But <*ur informant ;^s.vures- u4 Hint .inasiy weak liy jxnrple have lakCif hold of it, ami sav t hat t hey ex pert 6<» have it so j>eriveted that a‘niau mav| • soon carrv a battery a si large as a sil\\T dollar ia his vest pocket mid use it t<\ pr«>|R'l his laiggv or carriage. Good-bye, then 10 horses and coachmen. We wilt wait and see further before investing. | Another patent, which is likely lobriugf honor to our nation, is one for an I IMI'ROVlvn IKON ST K A M SII11*, . | Which is said to he the most rapid, and* the most comfortable yet introduced.! and.at the same time insuring safety, as* it will be al.nioSt impossible to >ink.< Ir» j case of collision, thive-fourths ol, ■ the‘ vessel may!lie destroyed, but the; other : fourth can Ik* navigated into port, no matter what mav be the'dista nce. < lie says that thissa-alijshippal» ntAvas issued some time since to Robert M. Fryer, w ho at once organised a company here for its construction and trial,: but a correspondent of the New York Herald , got wind of it and so ridiculed tile scheme : as to destroy the company. Recently, he has again organized in’ i Baltimore, wdiere thev have obt lined ample capital and all needed facilit ies and ; ..have made a eng truel to furmsli 4 TUUKK OF rilKIK VKSSKI.S To the Argentine Republic, whose repre- ' sentatives have visited all parts of Hu- < rojK* and America, examining critically, all s uteres Lot 1 improvements in ship building, and have adopted this as the very J>esl now ofleredm the world. MANY KF:.MOVA1uS i kom offici: Will undoubtedly Soon occur. As of old' the pregnant,<picstiou isT ‘’Lord, iy it; f ?" Who can answer;1 Not we, but we are sure of Some cases that greatly distress, us. For instance: Wlmt Gen. R. B. Vance is removei( from Ins positi m, so faithfully lillc.fi/by him for four years past-the Government w ill met l- with a heavy loss indeed, Blit how trite the aflame,. “It tsVm evil wind that blows nblxxlv good.*' A VICKY, crkltM S INCUtKNT. As we are wa it ini; fyf Gch., Vance. we see an old copy of the New York Herald,'car rying us back-to w?ir journalism, and from which we; take the following; Ivxtract iVom New Y«»rk Ihr.ilil, April la, UVfL,* from Asheville i C- > News. * “The exchange of prisoners secnisto go steadily on. \\’e have seen a larjie lumi Ikt of our mountain boys, w ho have reached home after a prolonged impris onment. Amohg others, we were 'gr|i ti ffed to meet :BrjgadiciMGeneral R. B. V a litre, who reached home some dh\s since. He looks rather worsted by • his long confinement, btii4 as usual, full ol life, cheerful ami buoyant. The General is a great faYopjtV With thejgood people of this, section, and every oik* is glad to see him,’’ Yes; everyone was glad' to see you. General, in V>$, on your return from prison, and every one will again be truly glad to see you npw, and tjo claim von for. his own. A Cl’Riots oI(*,.\;. In the most crowded hart. of the thronged ,a veil tie, we see “Kt'lWslniients for lienclil of episcopal church at Y.aeotna Park.” What does this mean ? We enn sider; St. Thoipas has recently proved that it is not tlx* place for common jkT> ple to pray. So, evidently, these gOod\ “church'** jKojilc have determined' to offer « spiritual refreshments to «d1 mankind. We wall m# into this shrine)'where a man who has not oqip gold rijig and goodly apparel, tan pray to his God, without Ink ing ordcrx-d out hy, a high-salaried sex1 ton, “1 was told anil hungry, and ye took tnc in.” Yes, indeed, hut was it in the true sense of the Master? No, we find that we are ex petted to support the high .church at Tacoma Park, by purchasing a sandwich for a dime which the other hncksters oflfifr for a nickel. But, then, the profit goes to pay a quartette choir, or to buy a vestment suitable for Ash Wednesday, or some such commendable object. O, tempura! (), mores! That any Christian church should conic to this! We remembet of hearing of ^ Metho dist brother, who said, “My brethren, when Jesus Christ said. “I4et not vonr right handtio what votir left hand doeth,” Ije was no doubt: sincere, put evidently mistaken, he not understanding tliese times.” So, we think he must have been mistaken when he said to Christians, “Let tbein that have much,: give pit me. ously; let him that hathlittle.do his dil ligenee gladly to give of that little.” Do Not saltier'Any Longer. Knowing that a 90ugh can he checked; m a day, and the first stages oifeonsump tion broken in a-week, we hereby guaran tee Acker's English Cough Rentedy and! will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per direction* and do not find; onr statement correct. T. C.; Smith & Co. , . (j ;J ■ fcb5dawlw' :: Those Minnesota. school children who! Were recently eaten by wolves are the samo school children Who were devoured by wolves, a year ago. They are eaten by wolves annually, if the Western news paper liar feels well enough to be on duty.' , ; • t | ■ : ; : | 1;: : ": t;- </■*': ^ i A HtlvJiK IN THE HOCBE. Reprepentatlvett Carter ami Ban ner l'»e llanih MiMcaatc. tOtiarluUc Chronicle, March5.] Rai.bioh, Mart'll 3.—In the House this ! cvciiinfpilurinj^ the consideration of a hill allowing Mitchell county to issue bonds, Mr. Buhner, (Rep.) insinuated that tlx' committee hail failed to do its duty, Mr. Carter, of Buncombe county, said that MK Banner told him lie (Banner) had lied before the committee. A man who can go (adore the Conimiltcc and lie, coining here with impudence, should be held to scorn—this would-be Republican criticising the judiciary committee. Mr. Banner said thiit tlic man did not li\c who could intimidate him. He was 111 l afraid of any mall that lived, and coald not out-lie tlic gentleman from Bun co >u lie. Mr. Carter called him a liar. Mr. Banner replied, "Von arc another ; a. d it you want to settle it out of this li. II, I am ready.” , : i lie S|aaker interfered, and Older was reamed. > The Meilieal College. WV l< li mu ,ii-, I untie sotmrs that ilk- •'Wcsjini Noriii Carolina Medical Colli-oc1' vifill in-csl- iilislied in this city at an early date. The leading spirits, in t IkMjioveiheiit are, i >rs.-S. W. Hattie, F. T- Meriwether ami A. Watson, and the college will;. Ik.- eondneted tijioii the same rules go verging insi action, etc., of other cullcm-s of jdmilar o araeter. Application for' a eliart'tjr lor the institution is now |K-mling ill |he (General Assembly. , f|ulte ait Honor. IT- HatUetr McGuire, ofKichmond, Va., and (iresident of the Southern Surgical and Gyiueeplogical Association, which meets itiMaeliville, Tenii., next N'ovein Jjer has anointed Dr. I". T. Meriwether, ol this city, Vme of the annual essayists for that meeting. Dr. Meriwether read two iiajiers SietiVe the same body, at its last annual Session. ■ _ . y___ CONVlT.I.V'S rktvr.n \ ' ■; -■ , - Ttie nepartliiK ex-CIerk of Iredell Superior Court at Home. StHtesvilli* Landmark. “Tuesday evening's train from Char lotte brought a surprise to the people of Statesville, ;J. H. CoSinellv, the default ini' ex-clerk c^f the Sujierior Court, arriv ed on it, with his wife and youngest child The\v took a carriage at the station and were driven to the residence pf t >. M. Coiflielly, on Front street, and yesterday Connelly was’on the streets shaking lianas with his acquaintances. He d* >es not look as well as when lie left jind says his health has notlieenthc same hut Fwsspiritsiire fairly good and his confi dence hi his i&vn integrity is unshaken, tie said on ilie train, on his way .up, that *ie was neipijtr ashamed nor afraid to face his; chcniics. It was supposed, when it was; learned' that he was in |ovvn, that ht* would heat once arrested, hut Sheriff Allison was in the country Tuesday u|idj| and yesterday and so.he fvas not i|is(n hed. The sheriff is in town this: liportiing hut no steps had keen taken in ilie case up to 11 o’clock. « Fx-Judge1 jdontgomcry, of Concord, |ml ex-Sol jci$or Adams, of Asheville, jjLere here |ai|t Saturday having lieen Retained in t^onnelly’s interest, to us* jbttain- of 'Solicitor Long what bond would prohidjjy Ik* require^ in case* of his frturu, and lit3** believed that the return |f the fugitiye^is <i result of the visit and |i pursuaucy the advice ofhisicpuusel.” I 'Tlit? FIrHtfHymptoniH of I>c*atli. I Tiivd tcehug. dull headache, pains in prions pai'i.s;^)f the body,- sinking at the |l of the stOTijaeli, loss of apjicipe, fever Ihncss, pimples or sores, arc all positive .I’idcnec of jl'oJjsoncd blood. No matter |>\\ it lne.'rme‘poisoned it must Ik* pnrit |d to aviiiief- death. Acker’s laiglisli; [flood Hlixitr has never failed to remove; s|rofitlous ojr syphilitic poisons,’.Sold uni l|r p<»sitivcjgi|iifaiitee by T. C,.Smith & Ji>, . . \\ s * Icbodawlw St* Pa, is it figjit to call a man bom in] [’Plain! a PolF|” g“< >i nmrst], child.” - — | I 'WVll, then, if a man is horn in Hol ;|ud, is lie, a! ifidc ?’’ | Parents iriini nall> iJalile. rAIorc than hjill ot’all deaths-occur Ik* <| c six years of age,. An army ol inno ekiL lovely children art* swept needlessly i§v ay each \je%. Farents arc eripiiually 'ifqiousiblc nir,| this. The /death rate of dlildreu in Hiigfaud is less than half this. Xcker’s KngiiisH Baby Soother has done Mjbrc to hriift* |his about titan all other ’ qltiscs conibunkl. You cannot afford .to «£ without it.?T. C. Smith & Cp._ |\ Chicago ^VHiuIler was recently found •<|iacealed ill ^ house in Buffalo. This ■A'ka a gnuiii*e ],Budalo hide.—New York kViirld. t ** Autcdotei) of Oeueral Grant. fkinerfd i irnnt, oil his return to this •o'Jmtrv.is sa|id;to have been severely nf lieted with ft rough contracted white r«Jssing the Ocfcau, and which had1 stuli loftily refused fo yield to any treatment. \ friend procured lor him a bottle ol \vynphvx, anti tty its use in a lew hours lesjwas entirely jelieved. He remarked to iit| friend : "Men look upon me as a great w»|dier, but this bottle of Symphyx is ;rtiater than My calling has lieen to lciitroy men's lives, but this medicine is i isietorious savior ol men. I shall; never >e’without it [again.”1 ' . d&w Sjhe. “Don't you think Miss Wabash prettv feetj'!’ “ e. ’‘They’tie; immense." i The New Discovery. du have heat'll your friends and, neigh m»|r talking a bout it. You may y ourself ie {me of toe in any who know from per idiial experiencetjust how good*.a thing lift. If von have ever tried it, yon are >n<5 of its staunch friends, because the voliderful thing sibotit it is; that when >n<|e given a trial Dr. King’s New Iliscov •ry fever after holds a place in the house, f v|ju have never used it and should be ifflicted . with a cough, cold: or, any hr&at, lung or chest trouble, secure a lotjle at once and givc it a fair tria . It s guaranteed every dime, or money re unded. Trial booties free at F. L. Jawbs’ lru|j store. With One mory man in it the Cabinet votlld lie almost as important as a crack iasrball nine.. ’ i|"‘ j •I Rockier Arnica Salve, . . The lieat salve jit the world far cuts, 1es, sores, ulcers, salt rheuni, fever .tetter, chapped hand’s, chilblains, , and ail skvfl eruptions, and posi _ / cures pilcSjior no pay required,. It' s guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, •rtfjoney refunded »*! For sale fc^ F. L. Jacobs. / daw ■■ 1 price 25 cents per . ATTRACTIVE ASIIEVlinEi A I.ADV’S IJIPKICSSyutijulxJM CKRMXG Its BKAITIKS AMO ADVANTAGE -—i-, ■ ' t “OellciouM, InvIicpraUiiK Air- I.a deu Willi I-urity and I4»e-«;iv U«K Htreiurtli”—A Wealth of Beauty and Fu.hIiIoii, i;tc. A lady correspondent, having been si favorably impressed with Xsheville, iti climatic and other ail vantages, "has fur nished the Citizen with the following. She read the World’s writc-upi ?| of out city, and was disgusted with its inaccu racy and brevity; and, we take pleiuitirc in publishing the subjoined ."readable Sketch from her pen. ' "Slime (Arsons sav that Asheville luisa foreign as|iect, some tjiat it is an ugly, dirty mud-hole, with nothing but, a title view'(if l'isgah to redeem it! Others, that the Lord must have forgotten where he had planned Asheville to go, and lutd thrown it, higgledy-piggledy, -anywhere, and it hapiieued to grow. Then, I have heard the remark, (during a drought I, that of all dusty, hot,vslunlelcss places Asheville took the . lead. Now, I - think and say, that Asheville is, ’charming in every respect, and although I am not a critique pur excellence, 1 am a human being, blessed with perceptions which I hope tire not dimmed by indigestion or prejudice. \V here can one find more delicious, in vigorating air than that -which sweeps through the pine-clad mountains, and comes to us l.Alll-IN WITH PI K1TY And life-giving strength? Where call one see such lovclv views at every turn of the head? Ill the town itself, there is much that is interesting in the wav of human nature—the push and energy i«t its business men. Slop a moment and lliiuk what Asheville was ten years ago. Reflect how the men of the place, those who have grown up with her, have had Lo work their wav, without capital, in iianv instances. Live them . 'rium MlvfeD 1>F I'KAISK ! For their share ill promoting Ashe ville's prosjierify: They haVe made the jdace; for none of the millionaires who. have come down and purchased lands, would have.rkmeso if they had not seen that Aslictfllc was a success from a financial standpoint, and seen a still more brilliant future in store for her. Such men as T. W. Patton, the Peiini mans, M. lv. Carter, 1>. C. \YaddeH, Judge Merrimon and many others who have taken prominent positions in the interest of Asheville, are as . PRECIOUS STONES IN IIEK DIADEM, and should lie honored for their work. Look, too, at the women of Asheville. They Tire refilled, kind and gracious, and above all, charitable. The town is a jieenliar mixture be tween the new and old South. Jaunty T-carts, village carts, tandems, buck Tioards^throng tile principal thorough fares during the season, arid the lazy gcoop-coyered wagon, as it comes crawl ing along drawn by ils team of yoked oxen, is almost knocked out of the way by the spirited horses «>nd handsome equipages which dash past it, laden with » UHAI TV AM) FASHION. The fauUfslicyjuecn Anne mansion,with its turrets .and stained glass windows, Haunts its.lare iijto that o| its vis-a-vis, an old-fashioned Square house, with its long puutzns and ivy covered chimneys. The queer stepping stones, poking up through the mud, or dust, as the ease may In.*, are another relic of ancient days. And by the way jarsons are apt to fed peculiarly anxious,as they balance them selves front stone to stone, as to whether, they can preserve their equilibrium until they land safely, j ■ * Asa contrast t'o these, are the electric lights and the elcetric railway. I las,too, can Ik* ha'd if jMelcrrcd to electricity, and A T EI. E 1‘fl t > \ T. of I;1C E will soon Ik iqieiicd, tile hist one having proved unsnlislaciorv., Sp, the place is progressing rapidly, an<^-each month brings some new sign ol ill’, Cotton,shoe and furniture factories, anjl <\lhcr enter prise’s are continually springing into likv There are . dll RCllES OF AI.MOSI EVERY I’l .Np.MI.NA TION, 1 ■ A library, graded schools, a^tlovycr mis sion, and a hospital, which is one ol the IK*st instkiutions ojithe place. • A theatre will Ik* erected before many months go by, and thus a long felt want will Ik* supplied. ’ Good pure wftlfr is another advantage we enjoy. As for clubs, they ulsmnd, the* Cos m<)]M>litan being the newest. It is es pecially elegant, the Peunimau mansion having l>een renovated and improved throughout for tile purposif.- ' Who has not heard ot the | HATTURV PARK HOTEL.' (,'ait sueh benighted ix-rsotis lx liimid .' In east there are a tew such, I will state that it was built by Col. Frank Coxe. of Philadelphia, and is charmingly situated upon a high eminence, commanding a grand view of the town liclojv, and the lofty range of mountains lieyond. Tins hotel, seems the presiding genius of the place, for it can lie seen from every road armptd Asheville; and sometimes the ge nius seems to; be in-a pretty fjery tcinjier, , bo judge from the quantity of smoke, he bek4es forth! Mr. Steele, the manager, is a truly good, conscientious man ; is kind aud courteous tp all. ■ His management is excellent, and no seekeraftcr health °r pleasure, could possibly find a more home like resting place than under the shelter ing roof of the Battery I’ark. There also will tie found Dr. Battle, who can easily [lersuade the invalid to feel improved, and (fan impress the strong of tlie superi ority) of our climate.' 1 As interesting as the town ist it is not until one drives around and sees the VARIED POINTS OF BEAUTY, That one realizes , how lovely it all is. the atmosphere so dry aiid invigorating, the exquisite views, and also the feeling of freedom from conventionality (yon can drive without gloves ifyoo so please to doj all combine to put one in a good humor xnd promote enjoyment. What can be more delicious thal* a drive lion* ti banks of the S tyunniuioa,' on * hilmj sunshiny day ? . ' ' , \ * T.here are hits of scenery here'awl then which would : | i DELIMIT A 1UKKET FOSTSjV.j ; I wish 1 could describe my feelings dur in« my hrst drive, k was so beautiful The nyer danemg'uloiig, over tlfe kwlu and jiebbles, which, form its bed, the re flection of tlie rhododrendron*, whicl line its banks on either side, the mead uws., with their green,‘yellow, aud bro.wt tones of color; In gofef: anil 'Uewy meadow s,' enamelled Kii-n. i . s-’ With violet and duisy ailarkhnjr bctjveen:" 1 he glitnjiscs ol lolly mountains iu tl distance—some almost, Lost in oolukn haze, < ' All unite to form a grand haniioniou whtde, once seen, never tu be forgotten riiere are more roads-to follow |or driv ing and.riding than I have time <i. ie.ll,a fttflinxMi'I liar, ConmiHv’s YicwyHaz zaril s Heights, arc all iliffifrent, Jim] all tine news. The drive through t(>wiir up to Merrimoji it venue, ami out in that di ruction us lb vole, as is also the toad to Snilphur Springs, Strawlierrv Hill, ami tahkeeostee tann, in tact, tlicv arc' too .numerous to mVntii,n, ami all alKniad in ^ .MAli.NIKIC KNT VllCWS til the grand mountains, stitmling ntajes l*>,iko umiie-foi s, shrouded in their pur pic rolxs. / j . I could write on, forever, like Tennv sop sl.roilk—Oil j'hesulijeet ofmvadopted home—hut mv eliief olijeet was to dwell on our home l*eople, and the suhsthntial nurits ol Asheville. The distinguished mul Wealthy visitors are .warmly wel eome.l, hut, would they Have come, even for the air and scenery, had there hot teen other attractions already alluded to.' / Better Tlian Suicide. I’rolessor Arnold says: “An iueUralile ilyspeptie is justified in committing stii t?‘ «;i*l guarantee to cure anydys lieptie within three months liv Acker’s linglish I»vs|s-ptic Tajdetss. T. C. Smith “ ko. fehodawlw PUKSIDIiJiT C1.KVKI.AM). Tire Voice of lire Press lipon Hltr v JCetiremelit. Boston Post: President Cleveland , lifts deserved tile praise .of his country men in more res]Kets than orlc. . Boston (llolie: Mr, Cleveland lias liecn move vilely slaudcrgil that any otheriman WHO rver s;i! in 4 he IpIpiip who,ever sat in tile Presidential chair. . V \ ’ ’? • ’iqtsbhrg Leader: president Clevcland, strong even in defeat, ean not be entirely a political corpse/aud this fact his ene niies would do Well to consider when set ting up the pins lor LND2. Fort Worth (iazottc: Cleveland wilt leave theU Yeshfency with the respect-do/ every man whose res|K*et is woyth hav ing. The worst that can lx* said ol him is.that he haslxen more ofa patriot than a partisan. - . . Chicago Times: Fairness yields praise to Clevejand as one who labored de votedly itnd in the main, success billy, And during*whose Administration the Ki* pUblic nojL oulysuIfei e< 1 no (letrimesi t, b u t nrhdc substantial progress. Baltimore Sun: Mr. Cleveland's Ad min ist rat inn as a whole will Ik* looked back upon as one that always had in vujwthe \jvcllare of all the two pic. of the lT Hi ted States rather than that ofa party, and in all of its departments *it Wits lionestly «i|nd economically managed. , ^ Pittsburg Post: Redundant revenues mil war taxation in time of fxnee were bravely askailed by the outgoing Admin istration in the interest of the common [Koplc. T)ie stream is still there, and the new hdrsc is tloundcring already, |x> ore the Calnnet is completed. 4 Ilarjer's \Vreklv No Hemocrat !<>f a naif century has done so much to redeem die Bempefutic name and fort tine (is Mr. old he retires with the ebr JleVelaiicl, rytnen lor egritv,' an Piltsburj "roih first | Ifal resjKet of a vast bodvjofids coiln bis patriotic purpose, Jbs 1 his courage. f Post: He is a Ikmiorrat u ineiples and Ixlieves that jir hose principles lies the safety and great •st jir«.»g|K*rjitv ol thisCoverument. . Ikrh Hi aey t[o. him means the Voniftion good, .he dilTusiojf of power and wealth eijual-* v to all: who; strive earnestly without ijxcial advantages for any. Brooklyn Ivaglc: I ‘resident Cleveland s quitting bilice with dignity and gooif rumor. The Amcjrjcan people are likely ioon torealize that they made a mistake n not rt-electing him, for they*will haye y o dceoinptish imikT awkward auspices4 lie rcfornijs which he was admirably it ted to co liplete/ v Cleveland Plain 1 ksdvrt. Those Reptib icaitjfc who Slave Ixm styling -President Jle\eland «i|‘ booii,’band who lijuvc as- ' xrted that it here was no gentility in the ‘ex-Mayor Of Buffalo," are vcoin|X'I1cd lb idmit that lie has trcatytl4’resident Har as. >ii wiili the greatest courtesy since ns arrival .it Washington. kdyisas titty Times: As eertahi as he iveSi Pres i din it Cleveland will vet lx a >ower in th<[ land in all matters of tarill I'nnw.f lw> rl!*l'’iVr'i vu .ailing toward him asi their ; natural eatler, Thdlv will listed eagerly to his ■ojinsCbiautf take his advice upouidl nit. asiojis, because he is frank, sincere, ajn|‘ .erv much in earnest. s- ;H V i AIIkitiv Times: Mr. Cleveland improves he opportunity to announce that his K-iniOcraCv in not of tin- ordinary kind, t is of them 1st intensecharactef,, though t is ljas not been visijile on all occasions, riiat, (he President should feel called ujh m to; make such a statement is some what; surprising. It seems to indicate lie existence of a belief that his Dcmoc? aey pas hot been as clearly understood iv the count ry as it should have been. Albany Artois: The standards of pub ic service ha re been raised, the obfiga ioti to discharge a service to the St ate as aithfully as it service to the individual ias lieen emphasized, the periizd, of‘ex: ravaganee, brought on bv laxity of gov ifnmental conditions following the’ war, ias been niAde merely an unpleasant nembry by t(ie present fact- of economy , tnd efficiency in all branches of goyerm nent, ■ r 1 . ; Brooklyn tvigleWlietlier we agree or, tot ip re*|ictt to the measures of Mrj Cleveland's Administration, it seems to , is that When1 history . comes to make up j ts account of it, and when the asperities . which interfere with a correct judgment lave been-softened down, thereVill be a general consensus of opinion that it was lirccted by a man of Spartan fortitude, ligh ideals, unselfish aims, patriotic de votion, spotless integrity ant) true Anier- \ canism. Jj ■ |. i y Terrible Forewarning*. h, in the: Cough, m tile morning, hurried or diffi nltbrcnthing, raising phlegm, tightness a the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in he evening or sweats at night, allocany if these things! lire the first stages of ctm umption. Adier’s English Cough Row dy will cure these fearful svmptoihs, and j sold under a; positive guarantee tar T. 1. Smith & Co. - fcbSdawiw 4, I I. - '--f: i];| V I I

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