w i "VOLUME XX. ^ FOU HK. | | Tlic former glnr soil' the -T t I s If tjll. the sptl . li y and I ' r- c I’'1! T|i|aliseilt-ujipded piejlixieket mln^ttjVI 1 that lie hi ill "i*|iv ni«W°** <>f al,!§ri§-> i . ti-v i| 1:| | ? i j\„ffliii.i,- cartainlv. tiyhen your*fe«*l- 5 u,-„vvs vj'jl'l voujj’sire jiistififU tti ) :"n"-hii"'• . j' | lA • |,,hn Wfmaujiikcr U-jjiiM life \vith' : • imi without pofijliilio. ! . ff 4 | ■ A voinif III.'H jin ti.vtii' says thc$ie A. i tind pl a invtnf to save tins is “niff^ liijjt | ,lij[ liiixaflii'hl ^Itine.'"- j.f .Whena m:trri*t«l woirtini (joes . look alter Lu-ij jrijjlils, j jiyr huslmijftl % •USU.lliv Iflt-ut Umc witl) llisr^nin;^. nit V> \ Imiftl & ij Ttrrc 1lantc jlilx press :f;* Uvcii the #1 M ■ tine 11 inlmiiai 11' the first time heroes to sea. Koiehesttr. I fKiiiiymis is a the Russiam m animals It; flint "rfieiitm ajii.can't1 contain <4t-Kx|ir^i|s: Tin- I'waiei* ; fWiTtiit Vyjic nl man jfr<*| j : ; ' I 6; 4 kin>{s.*i*'f wotilil 1 tats mill ilnj-s" m$;int ij, TiLtsimi Jt ClirtnHflf-TeU«ra|ih. *40 It isn't nlwa ,-t} tlif niujt who wear larj;esl lint w “cnci ally lit is aloes. I t if understand his gnisi| voiljfe. .t (iit.itiUieiil^-“S.i __r. n ejtne vpuj‘ Ijmnd!" VtJishJ ii IK tin i IH.IIe j (ialisctiCtfnndcdly I—§A» l’al,a" : I ! ' ' Jj.l fi :3 .liiles I ilifsti t jvom tviilt allow vgu life .smoke in tlic h inset I If 11JIffk Nnfi uny "t ii less she wauls plants. -Simn«s~i4< 1 "pr*is|h 1 oiis i In sal a iv is niarh —" lYrlmps so The Colonel the Sp. tamsll 1 t la.nl. M f. I'm fi ilimitior. Yoiiiik Ikiintia *uv to* nn vit - MM v dear trie n Sue inns' keep Nelli a ska Si t i< litiKSasmokfil o* llif ■ s s town * is much ^H.re . wmis. ^inr ininigtfr'lt Lwiff iW/^lineh." Ji-I lint iinri^fls Ins lm| If v.» O'yoh know -aiivtliWK ofi astlfa t'ijn'ipiiiiv S'llili^ i'il! fj^NotjiiriK—fiff|>t|th tin -"AVijU-J what ili%yoii ■ •I Siilniiwn'" CiStic—j k'lfti' tiif re |aiff i ivrlain |iewsjf 1 misfit.’' . ti j 'inn ini The a Keenly tnr.-ll poets hate mail cs|nrially la|oreili; l^v tl is Ailmiffli'traliiUti ikusk I'fi^ liu'S '. 1 Inst spyte im.iKii^il'lf with husk - (n Transcript Itnsliin makes liis nmijei Jic lias tice*mil* »u I ,'Tin- phys'fianj In print isinj.'- ^hin, skilful itliaf lif di§sn t| have to pi.11 tiff’ then lit wCires. s Mischk 1 -I *i 41 It 1'rowinK kpiKft lintijjia—« Hi tf J nearl\L so ikn k jiS .il used ^o;l'e. The sfll-flnsu stRKravalion t< t I k- da \'4 arc a j ;?|i | ' '*> | llif j i|iylii;lit is| not j i • diiiir SjfprtK is .111 iNvtiil; | the in.trt yvIn 1 is^iint;; I I tint of yuur 111i|ff mad lipid want^ to; slam tin dihii I : r : S i say, '||!a:wkitis, WI1.1t ' ■'fijj ir I K^ff |ou?; I i im’l th.iiik^»l it Jit .ill.| I in try$np t«» lorj* t it. | me, soiguy. M.ij »r Stolalii: do yon tliiiik oil lluit IIa\vkiii!« ( ueti * Mauj— Help dipwmim ii( it, I.m»: ^^•'ftoy-^-Caii’l «I1 me il I unit ,«»u the i«jir any ntortU; 1'nfoir l nfi.pe I'arty id 1 lem i : J 5"; ‘ fit if vou|§ mi ll ' n- yonrs'.lji Iks MesSitiij. rpi m»t ydiftifs. !d yjk‘ (entihini: his hbiire eent, 5)ifUye I—Wife, ts diipier readv, Vl| s, ( .1 \ |km who isehgon IM dly hin n. 1 o T1 n 11 rk e t n 1 o 1 (eyj t — Ves—^e vt tr | ik»or* 5 ‘ '-VllU V.Jll't tnom v. inv hp> *‘t>h, Ves., \ini "I'd l^ke fo, kup.tv what'll* anvfliiuK witl^mt -'§! . f ’I »et Mi delft ."k-\ oiiket s^Hlatesmam ll llow ;»re ih. glasses " :lj »o they tt|>rk asilv ?y "Mir njvj u1*. Tips one is Sar iietilai k •h iudi'ss iti tm •jdil. ili . iM.il t|h' - a lhit 11 lilty nn4nij‘K| yesterd.i^ I la»*i|-r’s Ita oar, r fi .! I- . !-,dit«>r oiT'irsBi jiavie-in artiel^oir Jl>>vv t«1 I’ut : -a- \»ststiant li'41 r "jif ii :* \y jio would | < ^ ^ , John lj,| SiiUt 1 an lie ttljrowiili 4ij 1 d a cl a met I k i ijt t;j 11 e r ’Mein >i|» jfifonml ? | tear, leftlle 'Isaac.v^itl> Vimjni w vlaniK-J shirt. | yijiiHrVrlf,. I'm veai inj; voiy>lV .j deiirvilt|_v eeni*. t^>yshiinkahle vous. |ml M rs. ... I-suads* Mr. Ii»l;^ies« ecu hi is; vaslltrd letilU Isaac js'Mn ha^iil, Old M«, Skii is a vefjr elhirit^hlc iiian, isn’t he J" ’i>h. yes,.preourse. jfkit h lit* ever eas^s h sjbread iipku the wafers you l>et |te e\jjH*e;s it U» laniu- hae® a ; sa njine s-1 lit I w iel i | Aujxlonianlay—’tTliart'silic wav it 14 *, if \ye hunt h»ses r«Hks 4 lit 'm say we re in ue|; i.l »fe hunt aniseed <&iks Inlks taiiKh at Jus. IVliat cun in liu|i( without ixiitiiiRgin dieiK'itioii m: rjiHiule?” 5>in;d! IIcW— ‘ Rats!” a New York \i>^eklv: jiiiks—"Ili^lo, Blinks! Ills'll yn i liad .1 Kri’at time fjet tmii j married.—ei4|*'d with the *4^1— ' fntlur aiid nmlljfi t'urious^-j'av.e cli^se.' i hut they didn't ptch ynij'i; ;; Bluiks (4adly I—Sip.)," did theC ?’ • M^Wtor: "VViiM i|o yi.m thiiik ymu h|is ! b*nd s mind is wamierinjj | «Ctitein: “j Jiiiow it. f Wlien I w§nt ' MpvcJtfm his | iticdifine ;:|uki now g he cifned darling, . Ubforelaryeaii*.^ He has jroi done t&ut ; if ' f The eireus was ii new thill; to Hotiiy. Vfhcu he tipproa lied a giritm- lie stouM.iu uprh-nionthfdinlOiiishiiK'Hit. “Why, j|i." hcexdainwd, “tins thiiijj jin'Sii’t Ih-Ioiik jto the lower ordi-; id auuuiits dm-s li|?" . v; ' J-l|ac|>er's Ba/aif. .. :j-| , | i-'i'S i 'UWho made Itjlie first(jj steamlxait. ;t VVahlo ? ’ askt-d' the Unstop Sf hoolihis ‘ ff '^p^ol^ert ElsilKirt," replii'd'SValdo, v^tli ■- a pruu4 consciuuiniess of rectitude, wSd; ‘ wits cbatiwoil to ilismus When lie w^fiit ’ ; •—Hafiier's liiuaA Siyeet O, did. you hear tin now*? ,i4r. Nieefrlluw, whp jsejy;ngeCt< ?; ’ Vt«*» ‘1« Viirtite, teviei ■{•bneM, pimpleaar aorc*. aU positiv :,«n > —r ,-i W ^ r,' ..XV/V^r5^| V l:::,} •* ,\C<* II V|;|i4|f:two cities. KROS iiSiCORBK’lt I.OFTY i MliLf VO (iUl.KOHD’S V 4 7 V PI.AINS. . WhRl ifae' wlyllff A* Ifttru# lerl* p. * i SfeJpCotjp [Si (iKl'iiKSIWI? t\ya ri-erives more enssjn it ue\t,s, op j'pifTarev^fe'ipies, ami less praise M'hetl lie ilejst^ most, o! all the SHI tiers jpKlavv silnee tile daes.ol pa Aik rem .-irked the man of the lihys^i hiS Jlii'and pwneh. "llest road. §|§»s the Western North ^»Vofthe K. N: IV System ; -if,' \v;ivs twiee a. day; in tlitE tomn Qin dind di solid trait! she|H-ds g. e Washm^tniiy Split! ijtaSel i, Itaek tflf(thei phsselljgfSr ei/S plenty’ 1* I'* ders—firmin'i \Vildes®, Anns, e.ry ill.41s.live make y*i$l eiV ii, you . i're ; we're go'digS. Ami gf. tf tine *§£li i'n.ni Hut Springs to lit !eh;mi*c: ^f^eliirn vVitUoi.it ebnngc; ip|ixlv jnminis weight]—»• > (itvetislmh o ; elegant phlsb covereil sea t si— 4i®itiot - much «I list or ei ti ?*f%Un nigh t he we in lent, ^iHderfullv beautiful seen 1 - 4@(t ?now,,\V;l?i' u11 tiing Minttitli’i stream,, £tv.h<,; imiuleel rgv. >4^nd the'trees; junvru jAyne'-lile some ipiomita ■f^parkling waters r ‘flails of diamonds rip pint; and rushing over I lie tfliijl sfHjd tile stiitliit'e’iilp^fe'er sea -on. ’,’:t / - ^ Stations piijgKgPn are thfiUivji rTi*; 1 . fp.'isseiid.elsj^i^^jSSnd otIn-rs are taken on. The; lylt;. ,V} i- pulled ; tile engine ives, fti |hor|'. *3ei aii -hral.es hiss, 'aiid ' ;ij The gay and festive felled; tile mailponehes r .. the platforms; ',r<; ‘‘ll "t (. I.irmes' ii jRm ;uy Hhe s : !e .together ii > : Jlfum-sHle"breaking up witTitJ^jule and cow lianieksed ‘inf,' Hhi't |i list; nice.* UII^ gazes a'ter the JfH lost to view * | H*ei 1 - in the Capti. lyrii/if tgjio St - i<>i lellow. anil can has eha rge oft lie ^ram.nts.gi .id* ^limelt rtilii'f '^aiiie i>l *| lie “|>tni^h|’ ^ llowiirany 1 jinie .wheft t®^ i | ille eibiH*. v I ^eeker?iM Sit h£] '^feiil. and a ^torv.Uji^tjia^ ^ lei Is; 'but $ more ; times- in the than any artist of ve ever met. lit* sits reporter about the -coach front Ashe S for the tourist aii interesting tlie whisLU m 1 0ml tlliil uolld ilct-aif; “llj ay is elose at* hand, fesiness tor the joyial r.— ... ... .... . jiHl't sav "exeuse me,'' rSir, "I'll; &--li;tL'esSl minute," Imt’is up ;b t-lie teiif pKitf'^ejjS&l seeures f df thrivi'ii^ pm Hfus nut mi liirdsevc •V««l# liSmdKOKY, i f* tt in r J lalia'S^ t w 1 ,. £s f ivltli Its Itiaiydt fjait Inn, its handsome granite'lowt y house, its new 1 linilding.*-^t*uto count; and lie. 'thinks v\ ll.tl-aif *,1gtetie set these Hiek i(|iSvileSitrC. Tlie town looks ttf-i;.sh. ht’althy ;t|t-ijh-.iii. and—hut there , if ;t li.it 1 wSisth- ^fSltn. ami "If wi go.I" .^iilisliiiry.; As". «n~Train whirls along. t>nd lhlyi'H^l.el^ flails out tile stations, klyiy lie.-nl is Ui, j^|’to tlie windows of |t}k- euacli.j.gmfe igSlt upon such lund ifi'lipes u|(erui iff foumll jn this most itind Iavfired of tihe glolie. At 'Jli'r.i'i'rsvn.i.i; j*ILyrs and two bullies t ;ir train pulls out kids -yel! tdl they ^JgiCes and the passen Ik- ad'liitted into y upon the first ex 'Vviary for lliemdferers, |i€whi,'h ^ \f.e ;d fOU’suial.V portion, lint Mi-re isyihfhionV •Ofe-Arying to stop an Vi^litii-4Alikjiiihfr ^S' flahy. blessed with ^•hleanizeji Jntijh-' P^kr lungs, from mak (r'l; Imaself ra 1^ ad:g:clisagi;eeaIil\ iliseor ®nt, tIhui it J.: Jy>iilraw a elieek nil a fi^iik f«r. |t. Ii%> lumidreds when you f':tven't,;i rl-iltS' I'Sleposit* to draw to. S vrr &isnnKty .Salieri i?tii ?’ro# sfe ordains that the -I!ir>tlier*^tli- I|fcm:iiiu! the musie til Iwv. Site take:; fe>w biayk'in t; &v?t's i rai y i-uoit Stif'1 linjJit-ie pina.1 inii^Wc? I'jyxes stla 11 go Il. tiain, aifU (fie rjj f»-.r ('■rect-rsfjori a,[ier getting; ;i ®y^J:£ui I stating lit; sty tfJ .isfes—: k v’diI, is i lujf s ^islul' tliin Tf-tnit.” aiid rrtiii . niotte on another tiller jiurehases a tiekel ^lii I'iowrr eily, and, fair supjs.1, ei ip all of the same iirmed by a trunk *;iin 'll Ik- here ill a ‘.'VcV a ilinfeg'!l ifirfe mfetieallv remarks that, ■■■• ,?»-**• ' ■' 1 - __ .. .. -er yerlis ter de sta 4'al‘ine eentis more than aMv l-epinjc* wd;'4(.®f known lo possess aijitme tmfe^f lie*'.4?|ysaid rein>rter gral) 1^4 tip lift- juiii!&^j|i ii>»aek : which eou tiiiieii a Tiller and ti sandvvieli, aj6f( madeyacw iliir^f des(s-r:i!te break lor t|*?eastliiini«nl &:]m which was -about oHf ear h it^ih ' ^"fjidy on the road to iVtjSeiisbi^iiijf A-#:^prly lady,; who had a h^t-box -tilid Iri^ 5'3(fe on one seat, re link'd to flii/lle a:fpdi with the cardi nfil-red tetu^ijnjfg ^ftpg Ilian is. ho is yieii nV^g theivljhesiJljS'as . the eoat-li was isr'tei, willy a ! : hv hre so that i? ; ■if|wded»eff;mlff'a»-d tin, lirilw -the ear into jmtjtiiig out rip. i might find ill aj seat on the liHilx-. He was itjkil A tier's in. and he Sf stovc jm>1 ish on his ei v; 11 iiflle SOiis wfirnith anj stfNve “ a-y|ort of <)iglr’ wTire hlue-iekliar^ brffgai.s: i J t ||. . AT MlWE ^khknsh jfelw rcfnirtcr^,' JM a jscai tVSyeleroil?; ?%e\iiigtoi), ami Mtjhden llv4.C«'i^ reversible (lair iMKOuglisi-iji-ksd^ JHgtirls, tllS.JUt itoKo. it as a fellow tlie uni's ihI cage Call of 'i'lj*h<>t a scornful ..... 'ijt * th^-^^4)ccnt youth, who se|mcd ;i4^irci^ ('■rcefi’Sixiri^f Wall hands on lx>ar?l tale :uid syujW; isy*4jj.our spinster friend tonally filled ^ipCf it was annouiKed bC the ginger -eaT ^.irt er' o f. the MeAdoo, “ii*(\ disjhpliis de hotel.’ ityjjcensjsj&i is 5 — ci..: iiijont.; t>mc vkf stiffs goih$ jjjo TiA Kr She is widen more room, ' and Four banks, elee t i®e’’li g h fs).^jr ats, afcmnk- college "**■ <>ne 3»hmlifffe§nd ten dear; little wM , . grtUtHc ifs'SJ «tttrt» anil sidc dBts. lour t ailrif*$ .. 7 »fc Flowers—the whole Cti is bpe'g ral^'^n ser v a to rv—jieauti .ere is nothin)! like it language 4>f Mr. kle, (with ph-pty ofihjjutaj^ pP , and lotft of | t<$ fit: women: tAVyfc i it, the Stated ami V»is Arnold R(* t, "tiive us r| to go thclk ^ill’ ; varyi tle'Mc.yktfl’ Hr t^qiiest—tktil. if J-isfehould ever want te ’ the e«tllegi|i Sf i knowv who) kee)* tfje Jicst earria; a-id won't Mtk h«»- Heftier 04, ,.*»■ horse* .. ^Jk'-on -every u go m i town Wij know time to- Greens KCMOICH mm 9fHE 1‘RKWt. Notes and opijMtfba Coneenilnji Men auA JIei*H«ren Carefully i CortinlH'd Ilie incrKi*l IIn succeeded t< power seems: to have (tided ill so tar as n affects the slaves h>('She 1‘eniisylvani: i , ,> , 1 cjial and eoke barons.tj iNew Orleans I “SNa/fnc: Committee; from juitrioip niighi sayc ear lars. :lt i; pjresiiined that evert' appointment inadt by the President will l^eontirmed at tin proper time.; ,jlc is 'where he is tp g< ahead anil not to bitckiiowu. diVashinjjf'iii J’otw : At Vienna, b’bl (irant will Ixf gracKUislj' reeeived, as ir fact he wcmld la- Wherever sent, and in <|i.rtcstioii can Ik- <>f his ctftin i'rijjaptcilncss jlo >: an^; iH||y t li;»t nmyxle vol vc upon liiuif: in'Siit&jysoc'inl _ or official capacity. • 4 ■ it ?§ . n ’ • : :,*• %.'|# . .. ; piclimond State 0$rI* tin 1’Pjk- cver$ ncmpvitfg America. Ili> Frniiicmv snAs: ; **T3jc papac y is to«j in tim.'ityly connected !|y jtybst associations' anil memorable £vc{j^s-|r$fnakc the f’oj>cb removal iVoiji Komejnt|MI probable.’* Courier-Jofiriml: XliA'Harrison would like to''read ilp a-bt£lc, j|»jn tlu Fall Kivci Strike, but the ii|i|w»^tu(|^iteofliee-liM»itet> give him no (im«£ Tbilisi really too bail. A President ftl*e l^nteif States should always.Is* aljiow^d a^eti’diours to inform hiniselfon, the wOrkJtig^ol a high vvar tarifl. i ' 1 || pjiiladelp'lfjka TJnieS': ®he distribution of a wards aiinong tlife f;11 Kditorsjias IKvp unaeeoijtntably luis^-ndid. But tin threat Kditoils of’ jMiiiadfctpliia are still at A heir posts, laboring Witji that zeal that ever eharaeteiiz(js imefif and showing themselves \yorthv oj.}tli^pioudest diplo ni a tie appointment oh t(|i*'list. ■ Nt>v VorldWorlil: fil^Vfr. HllioU. F. Shepanl, who. havtbg^li »pjKwn business than »ie ns about the affairs* o! bis neighbor^ bis condition may In* said to l>cdcpfoi'.Jl)le. And, taken alt?'gether,avc rather Jld|k it is. Philadelphia Kecorfjh ;|The elopement of a daughter of CbiejRjustice Fuller shows that e|\en t!he ^i^rcine Court of tin* I’niled Stiates has jurisdiction in eases where hearts artViiflJilived, and tljat a simple and uuleal4}e£t J ustice of the Pea it has tluf povVyr t|i f&idei a decision which tile highest authority can not re verst4, ; J5- i . j - 'jf# * Montana Record: MoiifSina must have read of tlje sl;ini|icdc 1“ |^e gold fiehlsof Lower California, ns she/ has started a gold excitement of Iier ISwii, with tjie result that slke is getting thousands of citizens from (the oilier.-Stales and Terri tories. Montana wautjs ic bin showing wlivn slit vntfrs the t'iliitfi, and she has taken tjie ipiiiekest meiiiis; of yettni^ it. Ali.uita Cijuistutilioh: ?Tlie South js ; pfos]Ririii>f, rind shouldt n#t jiose’ in the a'ttituile t.f aIlieKtrar. Ult^is able to sup [M>rt her own helpless jjSnif.^ and she ou^ht to do it. A retreat j)i ^aeh Southern State lor l|oi»ie|ess yete'rai^ would eost lint little, IH'c.'iuse it vyijultijliave but lew iimiateS, nnif it would n<*t have to lie ’ , i ;• ' ft . supported mfiny years.® - Chat tanoiijj'a Times § Why should ail offiee b* giv«1ii to (>em; Lieu^street ? lie has Ilei-p a (blit t'aihire i?i ffery position: liistowed on him sinje file war. lie seems t|inrouj>ly u11;id.1 j) 1 ei) io sueeessftd civic entploytnciu. find'cCnainly, when there are inaiiv reiuiblicjilifft in the South who are (jii.jililied, it Vivojild Ik-tolly to select lor thcdH^h honors then who have neither jKisonal lollovViu^ nor business eapaeitV. j I’hiladelphla keeord: ; Itiis said that Secretary Proctor, .who: ie^a strenuous advocate ot the I’uritttlt nabbatli, will soon issue a Strict ordef .aj'fiiiist all dress parades and pis]ieetiio eodliness^, this proposed change o( thi' j'irmy ret;tibi lious will lie mauilvsily aiu a wroiijj direction. ‘ :|i Phibideli'iia Times: Somcipf the pajiers have lieyn liuikinj; a.yjreitt oiiterv against the gretji postaije stani|i, l'tnt tile color of the T’nited Slates postage stamps is less objcetioniible than theirjform. They :ii,e all • (utncijosisavily lnt>^ The small square stamps of liiiylamb and i ranee are prettier and more convenient, IfMr. Wanainnker Would jiivii us^omethine on this model he would (tain the approba tion especially of wotntfukiud. The fasliiomvble handwriting «f the ‘iieriod leaves no space oil tile wtuvelojic for Washington's ]Kirtrait at liill length. , ' Hummer Hnm«n. V Tlic [wissenger dcpartrtlcii* of the, Pied mont Air-Line is gatherings information with a view of publishing t|jr names.ete.i of liersofis who will t;ike tnihrilcrs tortile ;» ! r ensuing summer sg \Vc would like to see otrr faction of-the country thronged with)ic[>li<-aUon to station agents The Hupplemcut a S»uc A gentleman writing tn.the Cituk> from Hitkory says: “The' JJiekory sop piement, gotten up ,by tfa< ClTKEji, wai a success and proved his Mir pleasing tt our peixple. I received tUft morning t letter ffdm Chicagoaskingfor more spe cific information and referring to the sup pleraVnt," Kc*e 4- -i lkag|»«s»fe aMn Tor The Sim Ointment, . cine, wiU cott L — >r«m, H|ei Itch, mav all Scaly, Itchy Skin matter how obstinate pr application of “Swayne ithoirt any; |aternt>| mod rcase l : I* ,■ Ri»g iphm, Ecxc iptions, n< «.r& ,(h0: wtau23 ii' PRObREtKUVE ASHKVHJ.E. “AltraHtloni and SightH that Beautiful City of the Hll|n.” The Raleigh News-* Observer of yesterday pays the following handsome compliment tb Asheville land its attractions and its “manifest destiny “We vi-sterdny rtiet and interviewed Ur. Turner rind Mjr.'R. T. C»rav who, as wt saw from Tint Citukk, visited Asheville last week. looking especially into the op eratlon of the new electric street railway awl taking ii), incidentally, the other at tractions awl sights of that lieautifulcity of the hills. 4s to the street railway, these gentlemen are enthusiastic iii their admiration of its |>erfectioii in design ami the exactness with winch all of the de tailsdi'constriiction have been executed by Mr. lv. II. Davidson, the contractor rttJd principal Owner of the systemj The curves are lieaktifirlly’laid and even the slightest lrend in the strcctsarerepgpsent e(| in the alignment of the track; tfje'ears are large and elegant and similar to those in use on the Broadway road’ in New York, and the electrical equipment seems tb Ire without a defect- The great tri umph of the system Is the manner in which Lhev have contrived to overcome tljeappai^titly insurmountable obstacles of nature and to glide easily, gracefully apd without a jar tip those steep grades with only a “little chained lightning.” The traffic is large and gratifying toflfose whir have invested their money in the!en terprise. All agree that Aslievillep has lieen particularly fortunate in having Mr. Davidson interested in an cnlcjfprisc in the line of which lie lias had great ex perience and lor which jie has so much genius. , A New Yorkfr, sojourning in Asjieville for liis health,; lie conceived the idea of establishing the j-oad anti with a zealous effort lie soon carried his conce|> tio’u into execution. Mr. J. H. Barnard, also of New York, formerly of the l-J S. Na'w and a son of (Ich.i Barnard; of tlic I'nitcd States Array, hayingliecomefhor. ouglily identified witli Asheville, is sjijier iiitcwiciit -of the road and of se vend other enterprises in tls- city, and has decided .managerial ability. A Raleigh bdv( Mr. Kratik I’, Lewis, son of Maj. A. M, laf’wis. of jjiis city, .and an ex|H.‘rt in the employ of the Spriiguc Motor Company, of;t\cw Yoi*k,4» entitled; to the credit of the nier li-ct electrical Construction and equip ment of the system. The fact that his company 'entrusted a ; work re<|uiying so . much \expcrt , knowledge Jtuid skill solely to; him iis a recogni tion of his-worikand attainments thiit gives his many friends heye great pleasure. Hisfapiel rise in!liis chosen profession, ;t field where tile: developments are ijew, startling and bolundlesS,; shows that he is appreciated and liis friends believf lie has “sttuek it rich." Asheville is full to overdo w.i.rig, of N ort hern visitors. The hotels and boarding houses have reached the limit of their capacity for comtonfa ll Ic accommodations, Beyond which they wilt in it go, ail'd the city iis now as noted as a winter resort as it has long lasun a sunlrtier. caice(i prolgisetl me has lieen with thel provision that I should get $loo,noo frotn North’Carolina and not less than $61)6,000 from Tennessc-ejj I am; certain to get all 1 want from Ten; ■lessee, as Knoxville a few; months agff ;promised me $601 j,000, anil I feel satis, tied I shall have nil trouble to get it now, So it all dc'iiemls njmui what North Caro* liua does. Jf she will js^nc bonds fin; $100,1)00 stock, the road, as l said, will lie completed through to K'noxvillc with, in.eighteen months. If not, the road will not lie built.” ' '•TAl.K BO ITOIT." Mr HIh ftCRIt I'rtH There With Conjuring Act* ■ • Bl.Mvyfrfrn, ■ N. C., March 27.—John rope, a young man of twenty-one sum tliers, and employed at Gijltert. Taylor & Co's saw mill, is in ejujtcfa precarious condition at tips place. Aj>out a week Ugo, while working on the public road, lye liecantc intoxicated, and finding some wagoners encamped for the'night, he ob to sleep by their fire. mined permission 1 During his drunken sleep, a log, it is sup l4>sed, rolled opt front the fire, terribly burning his left Ipg from his ltoot-top almost to his hip. His knee-cap is burned off. Hesides. a regular M. ft, old man, John Bean, the conjurer of the pejghbor was summoned to ''talk the fire hood out ol him.” Mr. Bean, ■ an uneducated old- Cou» federate soldier, tdld your correspondent to-day, that he hald succeeded, after two “talk#,’' (thisnumber beingpccessary.in extreme eases'!, and unless gangrene of “ifrysiiielaa" sets jn, he Is confident, the patient Will recover. ,i Mr. Bean farther remarket| that he had learned this ■ remarkable art from an mafr old Dutchwoman, and that | a 111 rl ol*, 1 d n ■■ ■■ * * fww, M* r* ■ ' wild only learn it! front a woman, and a woman from a man.” ' i 1; line TaW* catiery cbeap. ' ! ■|,. ii 1 ; : A bigger bargain than ever before--^ set* (only) of fine Russell stefj and oelht oldr handled, kpivef at #2 a jfseti 'Thirty •uts of fine white-handled knives at $t.3& A few pairs fine carvers to match, yffy low. Wonderfully i^tw price; on‘ bfst ptattd Vnives; forks and; spoons. Rogeir*’ tryfit-plated knives at «2 a prt. |vp|; tldfig in Crockery, tilajm a ad kamps, at 8|* 5t and 61 8, Ham St, ! The revenrteeolkction* in the Raleigh district far March amounted to #90,000. :k -‘Vi ie- 'Y- H'l'k ■>] I STATE NEWS. \ >, ■ r A new directory of Winston-Salem is licing published. " i Ten car-lrtfids of negroes passed thr< nigh Salisbury Tuesday oil tlieir way South. Lee S. Overmah,, of Salisbury, has been apfiointed one of the directors of the State [leiiitentiarv. 1 A new survey has Ijccu .niade over the Northwestern North Carolina railroad lietwcen Winston and Grecuslxiro. i , • ! Gov. Fowlc has accepted the honorary rnemliership tendered him bv the I’cmia nent Democratic Club, at kaleigh. A railway from Kingwood to Enlield. Halifax county, is to lie built by a com pany which exjicctls to begin work in six ty days. The muniei|>al contest in! Wilmington Thursday., resulted‘in tile ■ election o( a majority of Democrats <>« Uic hoard -ol aldermen. e Rev. J. Y. l‘\iir, of Charlotte, has .. president of Trinity College, will deliver the literary address In-fore the graduating class at the Kerhersvillc High School on May 24. The grand celebration at AvOC.i In-gin April 2.'! and ends on the 2d, The edito rial banquet will lx- given on the 23. It will In-really a privaty affair and given by Dr. Dr. W, R. Capchart, the wealthy and public-spirited oiK ner of t lie place. Bv ail act of the last Ix-gislatuie the city of Wilmington was authorized to say to manufacturers everywhere that they are at liln-rty to locate and carry on bus iness there ‘‘without paying local tri bate." -a. Gov. Bowie has retimed notice that an officer of the Cnilcd Stales ordnance de partment will soon go fo Wrightsville to erect hatteries of ten-infh guns aiid mor tars there at the site of the |n-rniane«t en campment of the State gulml. The Init terjes will In; in place by Julyjl. Jonathan Moon, who lives jn the south ern part of Alamance yoUnty, celebrated his out hundredth bjrlhday'Mi the 20th last. The (ileaner says: His neighbor, Thos. Dixon, who is over seventy, gave him a big turkey dinner .and .furnished him with an historic chair to sit in on the occasion. The chair was owned and used l»v I.ord Cornwallis when lie passed through that part of Chat ham aud Ala mance on his retreat from the battle ol Guilford Court House in 17*1. Mr. Mooli is remarkably well preserved, and as to his age,that is authentic. The If‘mil nrlth's Orplian Home. The session of the District Grand Lodge of B'nni Brith comprising the States of Marvlai^J, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and the District of Columbia, which recently met at Sa vaugli. lla„ and t" which Mr. A. Whit lock, of this city, w.^s a delegate ad journed ill a body to Visit the (Orphan's Home established and recently completed at Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Whitlock with the other delegates, was greatly pleased with the Home. It was epnstrueted at a cost of «ty con tributing more than enough for its ToiS plction, and has an emiowmeut of over SI00,r, The instruction ear of the Westing' house Automatic Air-Brake Company, passed down the Western North Caro lina road yesterday. This edr has gone .over the entire line of ihe Richmond and ()anvillc system, giving instruction t< the engineers of that line in the use of the Automatic Air-Brake, The car -p ck gantly fitted up—one end hping con structed so as to be used as a drawing room in day time, and asydeeping apart ments at night. Everything about the ’car is of the Westinghouae make, sta tionary engine, dynamo for' electrie -lights, and'a set of thirty1 brakes,! repre senting thirty freight cars, which the chief operator, Mr. Harttu.an, and his *two assistants used ih giving instruc .tions. .. H. ! - - s , Qraat. General Grant, on his return to this co an try, is said to have bum severely af fiirted with a CuUg|‘ contracted whik grossing thf ocean! and which bod stub i>6ruly refused to yield to airy treatment. A friend procured .for hm* A 'bottle ol gymphys, api by its use nt a' few hours Uc was entirely relieved. He remarked to fus friend: “Men took upon me ns a great Soldier, but this bottle of, Symphy* is greater than I. My calling has been to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is 4 victorious savior of men, I shall never be without it again.’’;|.!t-, ,;.j «i d&w . - THIS :. \ FIRST NATIONAL BAN] Specially ycsisnated as a Dl j t bufsiBK Office of tlie Treasury department. ■ •?yuitt* a sensation was created amor the officials of the First National Ban yesterday mowiinp when the followiti communication was received from seer fury Windomdof the treasury depar nteiit: * ‘fUti.VSfKV blil-AKTMKNT, i ! ^Office of the Secretary, j Washington, March 2«, IKK«>; * L'tm/iicr /’irsjE. Xatiunal Hunk, Ashevill, V..C.—Sir: Ilv virtue of the authnrit iVmfcrrcil lipoipnic by Section 3(120, Hi vised Statutcsof the I'nitcd States, til First NationaljBank, of Asheville, N. C a depositary of public moneys, i|i hereh sjieciallv desii^tatec) ftjr the rpeeptior spfc keeping and disbursement at ctifdinp to law-of funds advanced to serve ont 'tlieir terms. The only trouble is that Assistant Postm^ster-I letleral Clarkson is t fieriudpo of thiji poodness. Atlanta Constitution: The Texas Press Association will meet next month. !<)nc if the features ol nhe program is a hull ipld.: and we nifty state here that no .ditties in thiseouWtry arc lietUrci|uip|icd or (his sort ol | *i t) nil a me. Nsw York \Yorl|: The*r Treasury siir [ihisteimtinnes tip. increase at a rapid ratey j It will- retmire j reckless extrava tanfe on the piflft pf the s[K-n(lthrilt laijb'oiow in pother to turn tile "eon lit inn1.'' i into a "theory. Si Oil ,\ City Journal: Tile sail never sets m tlifi I'nited Statls, When Lhe evening tin Sis *poinp doyen in Alaska the next norSiinp’s sun is aft hour liipfi in Maine, rhis is a hip country lor ;i fact, and the iolil|ici;tns are a I ways up and dressed. Clj,it*apo Mail: ’Here's a scheme: Let Mr. 4flaine slay id the Cahinel until he las iiiven the Brilifdi lion's tail ;i terrible .wist? and then jyt him lie ..appointed Miusdfcr to laiplniid. so he c;ri| 14a 1 over mil Jihll the sinuous tiling out hv the ’ 1 Wisjjiinpton Post: It] was just like Mr. Keiif: of flic New Work Tribune, to lie ■oni'ifnied too late for Mr. Elliott slnyjijisml's afternoon |ba|icr to pet the lews thelore, licxo Mjondav evf'iiiup. ‘Shejjij is plavinp.in tofipli luck, anti vet le isf.-f ''petiius.'" ’ St.djonis Ke]inplk' I lie k’epuhliealis of .lie Ifijjty-first CoifcrCsk intend lo evis er.itr- tlie Tre.isarv,;. They may make a eila r,\ era lie a ; 1 a r ti of the process, hut I the^Vvdo,ithe\1 wilf hear the truth jthont t anfj! themselves ift lanpuape that will lot ;(e*omiuodate iiself to any delicacy hey play feel as thay till their pockets. I'litldilelphia Tillies: The ap|siinfmeiit ifllefiftral Batehellpr, who is a niemlier d the New York Asi-emhlv, as Assistant se-eret.-M-v of the Treasury, lias pet a a hole lot (d New \ftirk Assvanhlvnjeii to ivishififc something fvould hill 011 them lesidtfs, tile papier tnachc eeilinp jifilie \sseujhly Ciiamberi Nasiii'ille American; “For wlierejyour reasiitV is there wi|J your heart lie,also," pioUV Van esteemetV couteniiHirarv, Col. lyllioti if'. Sheppard^ For the first time Jo!. Sficppard has. slipjsd up iu his I notations from Sculpture. Accoi-tllnp to .lie Kepu 1 iliea 11 Bihlti the above passage diould.tead: 'T'or^vliere the Treasury s tlieV-'lwill the hcapl lie also," Wasliitpton 1'osti The President has m{ '-ii-s,wooi.leu man into the Pension )lfllvju|It;tt is, not exactly wooden, pist iiartlyt wooo'"- while ue are s)s‘ak np oijit. the wt'aT i^'n't about his head ; t is at ilie other e;)(l of his anatomy. Jorptiral Tanner has a pair Id artificial eps. jfis own Up.,!ji«s real leps, the leps that l^itu,re pave hiyii, are down South mm. H'l|cre—in pomf company. PhiUfflelphiti Record: If Halstead jhoultl lie sent to ' Berlin to catch the fallingriiiit!tie of “t^ntlcman lleorpe” a ■ountivjul of ]iatriots would clap their liandskwlmil-iuply. Jpst fancy the dipnity if the iliake with which Friend Murat ivouldishakf the diisf r*t.lilmiiler of his life. Mr. Keid can ju#t»send to X* w Yoik for au old copy of {he Trilmnc and swipe M Itou langerinto seven leindy of >lcbris with one of. his double leaded, self-repeating society, items, k’adcd-at each end. Richmond trtate: lioroe of the northern iui)iers annoume the "death of a Con federate ipiratc.” So yhe rate old tars are going faSmlly to Dayy Jones’s looker, nr* they ? /But we learn from perusals of some o{ the exchangjry yrnnotincing this tact that a goodly supply of rebel dcsjyridocs and. gkierrillas are ytlU around, and we occasionally see an lh* Halation that "the unhung arch-traito is yet living, thle, - t^iTtble ForenrarnlUKS • Cough, in the morijing, hurried or diflS cnlt breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in'the ejMut, quickened pulse, chilliness- in the evening or sweaty at night, all or any of these things are tree first stages of con sumption. - Acker’s fifuglish Cough Rem edy will <;ure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee tei T C. Smitfc'& Co, ,j. {tbSdawTw r, ill V***" ! *. **v| ?' BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. THE most important move MKIMX VET INAl'Gl'RATED. A New Company Organized Will a I*ald-l'p Capital of f 150,000, and an Authorized Capital of •S oo.ooo. •_ Wc have had such a Ijirge number u pleasant visitors here this winter thai \ our energetic re}x>rters havfe found it ini j |K)Ssible to mention, npixopriately, ever ) a small proportion of them. This is tht • excuse for our neglect last week to not* ^lc arrival of several gentlemen from e (^hio, who for several1 days have lxer , “doing” Asheville, and “viewing with n ' critic s eye! her j>oiiits of ad vantage from a business, as well as a pleasure stand . point The gentlemen referred to are, Mri W, H. \ ouug, of Kenton, Ohio .Mr. A. W. Hutt, of Springfield, Ohio, a gentleman of s hirge means, and for many years an ex tensive manufacturer of agricultural im plements ; Mn J. I;. IIcfFclfinger, a well known ami ]H>pular life insurance agent, t controlling most of that business in the State of Ohio, and Mr. Win.? Kdmuuds I ton, one of the largest wholesale lumfx-r dealers in that State. We have always admired the State of < diio, which is now termed “the iiiotjier in-la^v of the I ’residents”—we supjiose lx* eause her daughters will marrv no man unless he is fit to succeed Kcorge Wash ington, and even with this high resolve, mine of these1 ladies nccd^he old maids, if we may judge from the character of her men whom wc have met. ’.litre, to come back from matrimony to business: These lour gentlemen were Iso much pleased with their ins|K.vtioii of our place that on Saturday last they orgaul/cd a compa ny, with A CASH i'AIIM I1 CANTAL Ol $ir>0,(MH), V\ ith authority to increase ’the same, as their business may demand, to OOO. We are not prepared to name the other stockholders, but*their immlxrwijl probably lx- limited to ten, and the new company will Ik-good for at least $1 ,OO0, OOO. The; plan is to absorb into tliis enter prise the business and. plants, flow I icing o| icralcd, and heretofore owned bv Nlessrs Avery X: Erwin, who have established a large furniture factory here, also the plant and business of the Tuckascige Lumber & Manufaeturitm Co., now op erating extensively in Macon, Jackson and Swain counties. This arrangement will lie completed within ten days, or as scion as a satisfactory inventory-can lx made of the stock of goods and material in the possession of each. * The business of both of these .concerns will lx* eon tin tied in their res; x*ct i vc lines, and greatly increased bv the lilxral ajk plication of such additional capital as can lx- used advantageotjsly; thus, Avery & Erwin’s machinery will lx* augmented by tiucli items as will add to. their present large annual output of furniture and many other lines of woodworking, in cluding mechanical or agricultural ini pic* ments and machinery,'and probpblv the mamifreture of caskets and cofhtis, for which latter they cxjxvt to find a mar ket in regions less healthful than this. They realize fully that there is no local demand for such stock. The product-of the Tuckaspigc ‘Lumber! & Manufacturing Co., will lx* also great-' lv enlarged; and a depot for wholesale business in luinlxr will lx established here, probably near the railroad depot. While Tin-: Citizi-n is delighted ttY note the establishment of any manufacturing business, it considers this yne of the very Ix-st, lxeause%dl the raw material will lx bought in Western North Carolina, all thei labor will lx employed here,- and as the principals will no doubt, with their families, soon reside here, even th<£profits will remain with us. These gentlemen will di>uhtlcsti select desirable locations and erect handsome residences, so that our real estate men and contractors will lx- made happy.and to the nucleus thus i finder many pf their Northwestern friends will soon lx added. To.all such Tint CiTizkn tenders a most hearty Welcome aU to Muncbnilx* Mall.” I»R. McDOW'd I*I.KA.| A setter from the Slayer of Capt. p. W. Dawson. [Columbia Register.] ' Mr. Charles Baylwm, of Memphis, a friend!, schoolmate and associate h>r many years of Or. T. B. Mellow, the slaycr of Capt. Pawson. has received the following letter from him: CiiARi.HSToN, S. C. March 18, 1889. Mr Charles IT . havlwm—Mv J>c?;r .8ir# Voitr highly appreciated remembrance is at hand—what a treat it was to me. M v heart went back to my old home and friends where I was so well :«. • Cow, IMCIIto, Com, Beef. I [\V«tyn«*v)Uc: Courier.] ‘'We are reliably informed that there is a man on the cost fork of Pigeon who three years since milked a cow during the summer, worked her to the plow and made a fair crop of corn, and in the meantime kept his family supplied : with coffee and other necessaries from tli< sale of the corn. In the fall, not willing to carry her through a prospectively hard ■Winter, he sold her to Mr, jas. Osborne for beef,” . Parents criminally UsWe. - More than half of all deaths occur be fore six years of age. An army of inno cent, lovelv children are swept needinsly away each year. Parents are criminally responsible for this. The death rate jof children in England is less than half this. Acker's English Baby Soother has done more.to bnng this about than ail other causes combined, - Yon cannot afford to be without k. T, C. Smith & Co. is In tbe bright lexicon ! of cashiers there is no such word as jail. ■ i ifc)SfeSS; Mir r-r/ . ^ .. rrr iiji* rrrX,. 'u\ r » 1 • r >■ - OI R SI BHCMIBHRft n, . :■ \}i ■ f ve anf transcribing $ur subscription ■;Jy books and find many \vho are very pHtcb^ TO*; in arrears to the former proprietojab^f •M , I ^ $ r' - Jr* 4* this paper. If you fihda cross miink pliove this no- "ti! tice ort vonr pntier, voir Will understand i it to mean that we caiiitot carry .your > subscription longer without a remit tance. | , j'i ■ j In cg.se an error has liecn mode in your account by the former proprietors, plj-ase d we wil} gjlad callor write promptly anil Iv correct same. t; . . | To any one settling arrears and pav ing to January, 1 KtRI.-we will send a handsome picture, "The Horse Fair, f la eut of which has I men iii a pre viotisf is sue. i ‘ !;1 i We ajje sparing no ettoft, to CiTl2k,N a first-class pafa r in every'rei s|>ect, tpll of local, Statcarijll general news; livery family in Western North Carolina should have it. til > make iii ink ClTI/KX Ft Ul lSIlt-Sjt. C«»MI*ANV{ ■ Bl'MINKHM AND Pl.l-ASItti:. editor* iliiakcs an ;it cr light S fa rolrtiji ami lilt him j effort, to carry him I When a Kansas fidnvit that he down on tin? back two feet high, iu . off, it is simply onesfditary instanceof richness ol the soil of t jte, State. Ncif | year they are going to tattle the grass- j hopjxfr ainl use him to hunt; rats. Railroad Tickets to all }k)ints bought, j sold and exchanged. It N* Public 8r, J. fl. Mclx'jin’s Liver and Kidney Pilots \ Irttle pills, )| ■ “Yon kno-w nothing ofYthc peculiar fascination offered by debate.” said the educated darkey to.his illiterate brother. "Yes sail, ,! does';’’ said the’ latter; “1 cot cr-big catfish wimst by^.dc jKFCuIvcr fascernashun offered by de IjOit.’’ I>o Not Huffer Any I4onger. Knowing that a cough can lx diceked in a day, and the first stages of eoiisiini|»- ] tion broken in a week, we hereby-guarail- j tee Acker's English Cough Remedy and j will refund the n.oncv to all who buy, take it as jxr directions, and do not find our statement correct. T. Smith &< L Co. , ’ febodaw 1 w j Tis well to put an editor \ .. In office anywhere; 7 For habit will,coni|xl tlie'ftian - - ' To dfi the write, thing there, v If heal til and life arc tyorih anything, i land you are feeling rmt cM sdrts and tired ! jout, tone up your svstei^i by taking Dr. ; L; j. H. Mclxan’s Sarsaparilla. 1 |j| The IWu'vMjj bank 1 president, in the j presence of the roblxrtimt held the bank \ up, drew his check to order: and made it i , payable to Ixarer, so thnjt t)»c gentleman j need not Wait to lx ideiitjific-d \ • ■ ■ . 1 • \ . ■ [ \ Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, distress j after eating, can lx cured- afid prevented by taking Pn J. II. McLcjuujs Liver and Kidney Fillets (little piUsil 4 . . \ Mildred Wak back :6 Pa mi*; 1 know you j like Elxn Bacjdot, and so|d«jt !. But are I you sure he [is a young ifian of good j ; moral character j ]li j Mr. Waybafck: “The veryif Ixst! I was j Ixhind the fence that time Ifc turned the | ij first furrow in the stone pa.sjLurc, and he j t ■only swore oiitee going a in|oijee coining. j j A low condition of hcalth^is connmm \ with many Who allow Michim Ives to worrv. Meiitril 'anguish ! Kruses l»odi1\ i. j sufferings, Anxiety and care- has broke.!* j down many constitutions.>t*A train <»l -L [disorders ;usua|lly follows imqtal distress, j Heart affections, nervoitst*c»>, sleepless- j ness. dvsjXpsirt. liver eoinpUiiiit. kidney \ stir, renu-riy l"r relieving all imciit.il anil j; [ plivsical ilislfCfs is Itrown's Jr«»n 1 titters. | : It at art of tin* • | . •ho«lv. maklhjt Work n pltasuii' and can- j unknown. , ' f ——-T~- ■ ■ Miss I'chcloj^c l'cachlilitw—I am sorry • \ i»m were bo jolly, as it iry considered had | "form now for j^irfs to drink ihampa^ne. ; Miss Dolly Flicker—It may be; had form, j hut it's yOod tiste. , 1 j i A Scrap of rwper Save^Her Life. It w.ts just an ordinary scrap of pa|>cr Imt it saved lief life, She was ih tlie last stages of Consumption, told hv physicians that she was incurable and, could live jinly a short time; she weighed less than Seventy pounds. On a |wece of wrapping paper she Tead of Ur. King's,New Discov ery} and got a Samjile bottfai it hel|>ed her; she bought a large bottle; it hel|ied her more; bought another apd grew I let ter fast; continued its1 use and is now strong, healthy rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. . Bor full imrtiijulnrs send stamp to, W. H. Cole, draggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this; wonderful Discovery free at F. L. Jacobi.! drugstore. i it • . !-i , . ! Mr. Quay—“Mr., President, here is another man 1: want nominated foreign mission,;*’ I Harrison (wearily)—“1*1 father, too ?” ,|! ' "No; he's a spn of the ould Sod. “Oh! Thank irou, thank yofl; anything f for a change." ji ' || ; I ! Even the most. Vigorous and hearty - people have at times a feeling of wean ness and lassitude. Tt> dispel,tins foiling take Dr. J. H. McLean’s Sajnfgparula i - ■ will impart vigor and vitahtyv i i' “If I were., marked young;! ^wSyV asked (Jrimsb; “ Because evesy one ! •[: for a son of his