NUMBER 15 T\\K PRAIRIE f IREJs. ■TU.I.RAOimi INIM^OTii ANp WI TH JilHKMOTA, .: |S; 1 -:«m> i&Bpt, _Aw*y. W« * liBWber I.tvn i^oal-tbc Wnralur £ mf tb* At. & Minneapolis, Minn., April the last two days South % DakotA . and Minnesota h»vel*en swept by a^rieapt wind storms which 1-—“l of thousand* of dollars damage tfepii^ erty and several live* have wen lav#. The ; storm started Monday night and A wept over a largearea south of t,he Ntftthem Pacific railroad in Dakota into the southern tiers < this State. The greatest and exf ..^ coutfrfes in innoiDK. , image 5j|* not been ca tided hv tne wind alone, Ajwi. jl in ■ IJCcll loi|pCU *IV tint lyinu ' C'*.r',: r'' many places fires fanned info forydly the storms fiave Wiped out of jxistemy «v eral small villages and hundreds ftfvfajrih .{houses. 1 Tb«j towtis almost corrtsHetcjy destroyed are Violen, Olivet, Dut’bvan. '••estervifle' and Mount VerwOn, and three or ro«w Other villages were! badly*, rlairii i aged. Ait Ylpt... rverv houjte in tfeiplaee except three were demoiiiwt nbtf tOO peojilc are without homeg. LcdtwviUe was flattened to the ground and ia-eAty families: are .without roofo. A tgrildc gale of wind struck Mount; VemOflc :hkI the fire Started from a smaS hou«S. that ^wati blqwn over early last flight. yo hu : man poorer could stop the flames find I in an hour the best portion oft he phot- was one great raging fire. Nearly 200 ' fa/n ilies arej homeless, and the loss wio foot I up $2000; It is re|KirteJI that'd^rera;) persons;lost their lives in tltfs fire, Wit ^j> confirmation has lieen received. ^'cFcttir lai'jjc elf yat!' tfae world;, had come : Farm houses and* barns ,\Were swept Away and horses and cattle were burned'to death by scores dear Mibfmjk Fifty head of live stock are .storm ‘has abated somewfliat bus the ; wiml is yet high enough to‘keep the tires burning fiercely and further heavy losses are nlntost certain. 5 j8( « . The damage in Minnesota is niuojjlejjs than irt Dakota, ns the tbref of the sforin was prirtiy Well spent licfi>ye it refWhejl the botjndury A dispatch tfopi Vair^tim. !■ Dakota, jsavs: jsf f "Tltd rjvord of tlie signal? office siiows i that during tlie prevalence Ml tires i« this region the humidity was lug 7 |«r>|ttgi;, .a condition Of dryness, sergeant Oswald .savs, never tie to re attained fti t his rC;f ion. . Tl»e maximum humidity it; ltH). beau annual licre, 7(t. This sliofws thaX tfte atmosphere was almost'deiAiid of JSrtV Syuitli sk. The velocity of the wind was ft milt's a" hour. The loss’s in Dakota will foot up $2,(HM»|mh> at Wow calculation.” i t vv'■; M. ANOTHER ACCOfl|T. * ?* fj St, It all, Alinn., April 4£-A l*i#cer *’lTSS Lake llenton, Vlinn., is|>ecutl (riv* : ‘Tha >«ok devastating prSSirie firc?evcf ThC * I'1** * * A ' know it! rigcil over the pra&ie west; a nil Kiwwilirajiuoiui --V j,r north ini Ltike llenton Tuesday. $ bv wind Wain hurricane tor nfcirlv tsvPtlt^: four k{ur> and swept the fife along fWifb resist kiw force, passing thy wiiltsf Jifj.' Iireaks as nothing, ;j'»l leaping pldw;rjl fields Wit h a iaiund it la kcd up ho ftses, burns, *t(s‘k a ml in some juices fivataii lives. {The greatest destruefiou ul jMf ert v and hso ot litr js in P;lkola.KiW' Heights, a town on the NorthwcvUrn mad ii| utmost destroyed, .liemsfe^Sta lion, op the Watertown branch tstCftO|l cd destroyed. Sjiaukling^s!)ranch, tlie re i* also reported dwtrijyed. ing o\*erj intp Lincoln county. :ojNtSS“ tract iiflaud comparatively little si*, yjt. M. Moon and others nearrjWD' 'lost nearly alt their buildinjts with^ciin jtentb.”- t -■ - $ tejj. A |mjkso»i. Alina., special Ways: rie fire* prove more general uthan ja^iijt first Iwlieveil. Additional losses ■nifitfte ported from nl| directionsa^d mesiicuStt^s faring nirvvs of stublsirn fights to sayo-fsti slangerrd proiiertv. Fires {were rSjjl/ig in. every direction and each ycemciftriMp" sue a distinct course of its WVvn. TlW.riSe : which would have swept? this ‘Vtifage front tljrtece of the earth has lieen ttoe^l to its origin. Tlie search teilminfltf^t Si the arrest of James Trnvenffk. Wht aaf raigned )* jdeailed guilty gnd wiisgsi* tenced (o pay $25 and co*tfi_of in dejatilt . thereof siyty days in jail. Much diStiif |i faction'isexpressed alsiut |his sentence. Faldie jijiinion is that justice has Igr-*) toil highly tempered with meref.” ., 'S- U A Miiler. Dakota, correspnUidenUrii' Mic fgiinetf-Dress telegraphs: Tmaulay [night destroyed^alsnit^ ^'ri> * - --J —‘-1-ns, a jnig1' lit^ltfir housesnn ;j|inerichn ingenuity, wc lu^e bcei^i^t Mrtpfesdrribv on Account itfjthe Ne*Yj>orl Joornal. of the moving of* a laq|:>e&i ] dmn m distance of five mi&s. one »«tf i half byjland, and three ami h hnlf kyVa without Jin the least 4isturbt The boons belonged '• to-*|(r ■*). ■; Brown, -who I determined to ihafigc^i vli;jdh(* Of L - ' -■ ^ from Jfti Rhode Island .Mddktown. :t*rbed;to bis old family home, hr < to take it along, which he .how rfcc&aii t*Ry accomplished by rolling it|tti#h :.j twsweet harbor, loading »t <4 fawfartepi it across the bay, ornameUud a , g| joints with flags, and saluted - tiflgrj on every hand. It qiust, j tmm hjen a novel sight. ; | 'IC&'Ci' f' •osfclnis'n Armlca ^alvt, • '■.•* '; ’ Ifbe heat salve in the wofld fofr cSti hsaisea. sores, ulcers, aatt dwumf ieve fc ; jom. tetter, chapped kaad$, ciulWim corns, and all slun eruptions, anti tieeiy ensss piles, oraopay eeq ' fa guaranteed to give or now RMni . ^r#tr sa)e by P, L. •a'-m t-stdv. % =S3J;V3V 'ei.Ectric RA1I.WAV. Node-Completipn ol !■: KxtcMlon, Etc. ;1 P it superintendent O. M. Sadler, t4 I ^Skifethern Bxpress company, yes ^signed a contract with the- Ashe filV >*ec$ric street railway officials, die latter company will, for th< t*;. jf el$e months haul and deliver al ft' %i natter of the SoutliVrn Express iy*eoming to this city, at th« qt$fre. both going to and coming e ^esterh North Carolimadepot ffhflfyfAntylg thing for the electric rail i,yaf' and also a great saving .am! * 1 to the express folks. Mr —a his entire satislactior $rit tHe storking of the street railway fad p-bfeJjnanjr complimentary allusion! l|> f. .f^yifije’s energy, growth, at*) enter a 11 l ||v afternoon the Patton *venu< of the line was completed, ant made over the traek »f»owec the; Tk 40 have lieen done in ^ ittost die; fk &itf ;^ogi- manner. Aii v^irewiii h«i tfie < A lew yards raon to h# ertttal Of ,,,js$on to-day, ami after this u ojmf,schedule established; cart yilf'fjl^.k^ regular runs from Melke’i t&e new passenger depot. - \V: > i op the North Main street am! t,art!To|‘atJoii extensions will lie com *Jent^|uyl as soon as the sewer pipes jrie i"»i3' $jn those directions, mid th* dWti V j(l jjioad-tied Incomes solid enough ujwft fi mnstmir the ; track Sure.' •i*,-;thc construct the i track electric street raffwav is U,V* jV'-v 'V - rcack jf opt, and if the |x-oplc of Ashe $ oply give to it that encourage mertf M patronage it deserves, tnie oui vfplrifstif if, <1 will not lie long licforc its eiirs f If f-un ' along every unpprtant syre«*-s V j|be dty. north, cast, south, wes^viy . >«n$ay is a pwit advertisement for ,^PB’!§C,;as‘well as a necessity; and rip c^J^s^iuld he left unmade to'boom ::|t is to the interest' of the ifobfux, the town to tajk lor the fhAfr^ electric railway; eneourage it ep*'-J n^ans, work for its success, and i u __. .. i.. .. i ayd ife* >ev,rry way, shape isissj^' i • 8 and manner % 3iB ► IJ 'i hsit Thick on I,oun**ri*n.. 1 jd (^arolinian, has the following her Murrill. of the Hickory pm Ifyefo-f^ v tftt4N^$ft<§jk**'ng the |>n>prieV>rshtp of tfie yf(6 that city, by Mr, {‘rank if. irfti-ei St Asheville. Frank can stand and his many friends here \®ill VJV JUukto read this notice: ( y*'M-',~eja>iiyhran and his charming itnd ^fceO.^;:JJSAh||l wife arrived in the city last previous to taking charge of t_V %>rf Inn on last Monday. 1 ^"Miy^foutighian has assumed, with an iNr IrpeT who knows his business, the j'i;o|y n'kTSh]|) of the Inn, and everything in jrijy3^pr©.'r and moving along sntoutb m l*,ughrau makes everything pi*®* i «i«|l everylsxly at home with fe e8&:;fiiiij: and cordial dis|x>sition and fyieii?f* ^mse-. Me says he is going to piakltJ^ iinyflimprovcnieiits, and that the I tin r conducted u|xm a plan credita ble tli\. Jek'pry and to the Inn, and es e l»V Jc ko r ft'4'tf® iriiltkr the hotel a place of iplcfis Srv, I'M |btg. and enjoyment. Mr. Irbugh Jkift i;ol* means and many accom Jfltsh^iiyils^and we doubt not thftt all §,ijl *'>jjC'prythtng us he says. * ^'se;toaiit de I>uHoea>. U|S flfis; interesting to our readers to J’ercy T. Norcop neej Nor jofk^!> VhSrrly a resident ol Asheville, fives'■> I’tululah,^'(la., and now revels in fhy HrS^f-'t^il title of Count l'ercy ijf. St. IgitT/-a; IhiHoeay, the last iri %t4nVf jus ytrliinsman, t|w |ate Count de llulU, situated in the sunny soyth of 4‘Ua jrfAy Glance," The Count is Jiving 'Verv and is doing a great good fbhd charitable way amongst Hjry of that country, ill the fpradjj,i*j|'fj{s profession’, lie is evident ly a ig^iJe^an of general usefulness, as dns eKJf'lfn^o'inees him, "Kesident »I’hy ifciojai, \*®d burgeon, City Physician and ^tailr'’ Stjrgeon." i ■' f '> tfvu Of Buncomb* for March, >. - ' Z t>wf4hi Worth Carolina Board of ifUiftl&fljfaifctin for March,just pubfohed, ■Wevcijs-following re|Kirt of the health pi HiV Cjfpln’, by Siiiwrintendent fl. 1C ' "T> .^’nefal sanitary condition of the Jcnunt f^ verv good. There apjwapcd in A >$;■ jbt latter part of; Felaniary, , Vjjv ^nc laiicr part . , lonr'^>^fs^of scarlatina, one of which ■firovf . * ttil, I was the physician called, vand Ootntely isolated them. It, has Jhow '-ifj?,several weeks since the (death pffht ^-ft-Vase, and as yet, no signt>f the ^preiC % ti>e disease, that is, not a‘ new ynsc., jifec has been no epidemic of any |tigd * *t*ing domestic animals. Tlie vencf1, "/fo»itary condition of the public fmild! M is good. Will soon haye an Spfie? <*|;tbe poor-house for the colored |>r# jatSi our accommodations will lie ^ntpIL good for all the deserving' Poor, pjofh races." ^j'r' ft -•. .-*—• ' .. \\ Tlie, Ijijpc r«ar and Yadkin ^ ValleyT. 1 i ifi '•'aiiey. , . r H tjf ttniington Mcsiteneer.] . , j ’?c£ M’W- Fortune, the contractor yjhj is at work with a large force whi$cj!|smd coming from a jsiiftt opt oi fte cj.; «ps graded across the W. C. & ; K- ,;*cid Iwyond North apd Bast Ijliveffi ; *tgx, and is almost wit'hio reach gfj’og jri^ster, opposite the city. ; (jntlie payef* '*mr end, work is being-pushed thfwf'Prapidly, the State having-the OiptP’ •'* and having 266 convicts em ill«y«|'^grading, At- Fayetteville ‘the ti-acksbeen, laid down to the i^ver mil if fSers stone tor the piers for ,the Firt'Igj the, Cajie Fear, granite .for O'js |jj •tjf’sc **c'nK brought from Mount *it.v,, .fmiles at tl>e western terminus Pf th# Jtcd. Work is-progressing satis W'to" the bridge Over tlie Cape IVfs Jp". $: :* !----'-- ■ j • ■ % ^fcy Have Cam. to may. I Thf number of daily arrivals in ■' ri, - Uw d - .goring the past few weeks, has If- s^ lluw Keen confined, to transient twit), t0one. We hear Of many who « ’VC M^aaed property, will improve fhe tt and hceome permanent resi jgnty "fethe city. Asheville S* 4***“} ‘Qri hold all who choose to cupte, *pw to the world. Come, to Uttle a » going the rounds that a it ! 'w *^P®Wican from the western »-*** State who has been to Wtfsb - nshed the other day bow $WP| op m hisi coon • Well, ;there is a ig-J * ,of vhurmng .hot dfn Huh ’'' / ’I’" 'EfK*i ' 1 I.ARiiKH'l* DK*I. VET MADE. Additional Educational.Kactlltlci J for AAhtvIlle* ; On yesterday. we saw a deed made by ilr. Atexaiidef .Garret*, to the Horn* Board of Missions of the Presbyterian church of the United States, conveying tt) that body ihe Oakland Inn pro|ierty in fhe town Vut the first of September, anc |t will be a valuable addition to our edu rational institutions, of which, at present we have reason to lie proud. : Hpv. k. B. VA^CE. Our old Friend « Home once More. - It was a faost cordial greeting which welcomed ifen. K. B. Vance as he stepped from pur e&trili railway car* at court square, yesterday afternoon. Crowds Quickly thfWnged around him, and his genial t'ace showed his appreciation of the warm hainjtshs&ing, o) which he was the recipient. * V: At his oVyii request, he has delivered liis oftjee t(it:|ii.s ^Successor, .Mr. Holst. J. Fisher, of C’tiicajfp, who for some time, has Iseen a fye-mlser of the Board of A}> peals of the patent office, i (Sen,. Vaiuje has Iseen away from his home, alnidst .continuously for many years, and we. trust his return to his lovelv placvim the French Broad, will lie as grateful ilo hint as his presence will be pleasing to. ftis Hosts of friend*. F|M>n the faubjeyt of the Senate's vote on the confirmation of Whitelaw Reid and Murat JHah&tad, senator Vest, in an interview H’ith -the New \ork World, says: • "juifguigfroin their published ut terances in file (gist, they honestly be hevc that ota- ludf of thi* eoiiutry (the S<>uth) is in' n state of semi-civilization. Each one Has repeatedly declared that the chief inires-uitiffits of civilisation in the South \vere,f--|R- shotgun and the revolver. Thev have also fjaid that the Siire:ij.l t heir false information alsiut our etantl* and thereby injureour standing ns ji nation. I did not vote against Mi) Halstead lieeaase he hail criticised t li>‘ SenAfe, but for the reasons 1 Have stated," ' A Vicuna jet tens) leaking of the late Crown I’ridee Kpjlolph, says: "The late ri ttriillHii'v H^rvnn« svstrm crown priniy's nervous system, which was never strong, had been impaired by a long- serift of tippalliiig dissipation, gross profligacy mid excess of all kinds. A startling *^ml*§‘of familiesof all ranks connected wqh the im) court tell of thje shame tj)| crown prince brought u|> oij them. AtHis debauches he used to dpink tumbkvs pfljftly tilled with cham p.lgifc and |f/irtiy with brandy.. Such courses, in additiiih to reducing him to a State of medfiil 4nd physical wretched ness, brought, a bopt quarrels of a very bitter nature with hi* wife and father. The Crown I'rincess Stephanie is a hand some wom.tti of ifticertain temiier. She Wtis not thc.^ind to overlook her hus band's excesses, and there were violent scenes lietweyp tlie pair. Eventually they iv«ii 11 like a] decided ,to like apart, although they al ways went- about together in public. Those who tpew the true inwardness of things wereifijuinzed at the play acting which Rudo'i nnd-his wile kept up before the world. as Uo S^nth, Young Men. Hai.tihokk: April 4-.-—Frederick Taylor a hanker <>i jJi/w Vork, who accompanied Cooper. Heiff':tt and Inman on their re lent Ixip-Serttfli (fives his impression of tBat sectiopgjjo Ipfc. Manufacturers’ Rec ord, Taylor jstntes,that the South was a revelation. I41 hint ’’It seemed tome," says Tay1or>**tli«t \ye traveled through a contitiuoi.1^ arid unbroken strain of what has Iit'V'y a|Hly termed the music of progress, wMirr of Spindle, b uzz of saw, roar of ftirnAtje ailtl throb of locomotive, Tlo the youn^;men of the Sbutli Tavlof accords high praise for the work which they are doing and to the eager earnest, restless, ’driving energy which seem* to till them," “Tlie South.” -says Mr, Tav lor, "to niy imintl is only now on tfie threshold of.i^s bdom. It has every pos sible advantage, . everything that God can give, Tilt new South has been built up by indomitable energy and by hard Wort of thetjouthern people themselves," aind he adds ' to fitly young man to-day, of pluck and|frit With the world before him and his ibrtpne to make, I should shy "Go Soutf), yftting man, go South.” : I .-1&—d Escnse. - [Tfr>e Ilsute KipressL) j Mother—’’Vihat time did that young than leave bdr? night ?” i Miss baurhi—“About 3 o'clock I think,” j Mot her—”iyid you have the impudence to tell me this,, jf would tie highly de lighted to what excuse y ou cun offer fir such outtfyjeous conduct—if you have fcny to ojffer j Min Ltmr4-"Wt didn't get the last. W in the pen until then, mamma.” i i, -44— I The “Rehgf-Girl” “Guarantees” *Re Kance” m its “Havana Puff,” and the “Daisy Qne^’ of >our “American Drug gist ” can be fhnnd by lovers of the weed at F. L. Jacfif*’ drug store, where there is also a complete line of drug? •nd drug gists’ sundries. ‘The famous rxuusior Water direct (rqjn Saratoga Springs, N, V., Vichy. D^ep ROck. Sdtxer, Tate Spring and Soda Wayer ulwovs on draught. Terrihlc Porewsrsisi*. ; . i Cough, in itie morning, harried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness jin the chest,tpricketied pulse, chilliness in jthe evening of sweats at night, all or any of these things art the first stages of con sumption- Aiiker’s English Cough Rem edy wfll cure these fearful symptoms, and '-- —positive guarantee by T. ■ . , fcbMnwiw is sold under, C. Smith & -: i k ft H THE WEATHEH FOR MARCH T The Report for the .Month Joel Ended, a Moat Satlahctonr .'one* We are indebted to Karl von Rack, B S.t M: D., tT. S. Signal Serv^-eobserver, foi the fallowing.meteorological report of tht weather at Asheville for ; the month 01 March. The showing is even more satis factory than |hat of any month past. \Ve call attention especially to the ab solute humirjity report, showing the number of grains of moisture to each cu bio foot of air,this month’^average being two grains and a small'fraction. The a lisp lute, Tather. than tli relative hu midity, is of great importance to th« irfvalid suffering of lung trouble, and hen 30 to 40 grains per cul>ic foot, are possi ble, according to the existing tempera ture, The very small rainfall of less than one-half inch, ,-is also of interest, as well as the twenty-six clear and fair days out of thirty-one, with not a single day with - out more or less sunshine.i On the whole March so much dreaded by invalids, has Iteen delightful with an average daily | temperature of 45°, and a condition which made it possible for even the most : delicate patient to enjoy the out-door air for a number pf (fours in tlfe middle of the day, while others could do fc(* without S limit. The following is the report: ■! The w««t|ier for March. i UNrrUn Status BioSAE SAUVIfK STATION, | M Winyah Sanitarium, Asheville, N, C, I I,at, 35.30 N. Eons- S3,30 W. Elevation above sea level, 2,330fert, Meteorological report lor month of Mareh. 1 1 UNO: r TEM PERATURE AVERAGE. I Northern exposure, shaded.) 7am lip m.Up "mi Maximum I "Minimum ’ i L 5 High IMenn Low | Mean .38.38 51.22;+6.1u| y'f.H |f»3.*4|2t.2 I 35.72 i - J Tally Mean 45'. KEi,ativi| HUWii'ITV Average 7 « m 71.00 2 11 m +4.00 0 l> »> 573^ ijesn 30.40 ■ ABSOLUTE H I’M ID I TV VVEBAG B._ 7am i 21> m I 9pS I Mean 2.03* 2.073 f 2.178 I 2120 barometer avkVaoi!, ' - <■ (Corrected for temi>eraturejand altitude^ 7 a nil 2 pmlapml Highest. (Lowiit. I Mean. .00.10130.0*130,07 | 30.33 | J 29.52 I 30.10 ' PRECIPITATION. ; No. day. on whlchl Nwmlitr days ' 1)0,1 or morn I on which rain fell. snow fell! ; 7 . ; I . o £, i WEATHER. Total rain fall in Inches, 0.43 No. of |No. ofINo. days cloudy clear: I fair Iwlth or wfth ilavsLl davs. out rain. 14 1 12 I ■ ; 3 No. of flay, with no sunshine. 0 KARL von Kf'CK, B. S., M.D., Observer. Jl'HX FOR FI N. The mcw-cus membrane improbably de veloped in cat^. f In railroad euchre the tnitin dispatcher frequently orders it; up.—Texas Siftings. i A late spring ia,, spoken i|>f by the Oil C ity Ikrrick as one that felj short of the ferry Ixiat. : Even the tiger is not witlruut affection. He is very much attached tq his paw and ■haw i The German inissipni will &<> a liegging ill Ojiiio. Thi* spea ks badly for the lieer and intelligence of Cincinnati. 5 Dick—“That restaurant notice reminds me of your moutli." Stick—“Why?" Dick—“Open at all feours." t ; Editors are lteing recognised officially. *f lie i’resident is a pious map who doesn't propose to see the writeous,forsaken. ‘ A neglected politician in Washington savs he has secured, without appoint-; ment, the position of'‘surveyor-general.'' ■Official bulletins from the'7 Department of Agriculture state that it£ is too early, to plant booms. The frost is not yet out’ of the ground. • j Dash is the name of President Har rison’s dog. It is likely. however, that we shall • oftencr hear of--—the office seeker than-the dog. The new “accordion" shifts will be very popular for tennis suits this Sum mer. probably because the? go so Well with a racquet/ ?. ) i i i 'Eastern Youth—“Are thete any chances iii the West to make money on a small capital?" ) ' ' Western Man—"Lots olj 'em. Go to lowajor Kansas and start a drug store.” “What did Mjss Frost spy in answer to your proposal ?” j‘Well,5 she spoke in such a hoarse whisper that 1 found it iirtpossihle to understand ’her." “Oh, t lien she probably said neigjjji." Prison Missionary-“What are you in for, friend?” Convict (bitterly)—“Just t<>r missing a train.”,! “Noijsense.” “No nonsense, sir. -1 missed :a, train for Montrval,". 1 I i Poet—"I called in, to sp.-aliont that little poem I sent you some time ago." Editor—“That poem has not been pub lished vet, sir.” “And thc-sta stamps 1 in closed with it ?’) “The stamps were pub lished long ago.V j Edgar L. Wakeman is a letter writer, aitd he is sending out circulars to news-' pajiers to knowtf they want “A foot in Ireland." The most of them do not; but England wants Jjoth feet there, and the letter writer may make n deal with the •Jueen. ■ i, Mr. Lake front—My dear, there is a warmth and tenderness in your kisses this evening whie^reeallouphappy court ing days. «■ ' . Mrs. Lake Front—l am glad yon think so; for I stopped in at our lawyer’s this aftefn°on and got a divorce. It must lie nearly 11 o'clock;, too. You had . better go.; down to the hotel notv, and we’ll djyidp the propefty in the njoming. > .t | How ft 'Wan D^nc. M urderers have discovered] some aston ishingly vulnerable parts <>fvthe anatomy ofjate. From a pa[>er this^ morning we lcam that a Georgia Colonel was “shotin the ticket office;’*jthe other d$y a man was fainilly "shotthrough the d«}or,” and not long ago another received fatal wound "in hjs windowi”—NcW Yijfk Comnter cial Advertiser. } "Nj, v He was shot in the Suburbs,—Chicago Daily News. j ( f Hie kissed her passionate!j.ujjoti her re appearance.—Jefferson Souvenir. She whipped him upon his return.— Hawkeye. I He kissed her hack.—Constitution. ! Mr. Jones walked in upon her inVita tion.—Electric Light, i * She seated herself upon Hjs entering.— AlWa Democrat.; | £ , We thought she fat downiou her being asjied.—Saturday w. WonderfhOy low prices on bes p|ated knives, forks amp spoons. Rogers triplt-plated knives at $2 a' set Every thing in Crockery,; Glass and tamps, a tdw's, 57,59 an* 61 & Main St. i ' ! I"- r % i: . ■' Hi, H-j-h-' -• - rbt A'ti . ?. i if .4 • . i": : t al THE PRESIDENT TOED. MB WIU. TAKE A TRIP « WATER NEXT WEEK. ' > < Collector and Poatauutlcr for Piet York Appointed—A TIiankiA Klftng Proclamation— t Washington,-April 5.—The Presiden has practically1 determined to take afe\ dayS rest- and recreation outside c Washington, as soon as he can So it without sacrificing the public interest! He'has lieeu under a severe Atrai mentally and physically for the* das eight months, and it is beginning te on his health. Friends and physician have advised him to take a short respit from official duties, and he has promise to do so, at the first favorable bppoi tunity. He made some inquiries abbht; trip to Fortress Monroe, and the rlimo was soon started, that he was goilig ti take a cruise in the Chesapeake Hay dn ; revenue cutter. His departure was fixe by tlie rumor for to-morrow, am Fortress Monroe as his destination Inquiry at the White House this after noon, showed that there was no truth ii the report as far as this week is. Con ceraed. There are several obstacles ii the way of the trip being made so seron the chief and all sufficient one, Ijcilrg th laejk of an available vessel. There are two revenue cutters at Haiti more, one being out of commission and the Other undergoing repairs,' Ow of them could soon be pnt in conditioi for tip: President’s use, and orders tc that effect may lx: issued jn a lew ..days provided the President decides cijh tin trip by water. There are also two light house tenders at Norfolk, either of .wliiel could ’ be utilized if desired, There ii usually a naval vessel hi this vicinity, it the summer time, for just such trips a: have been recommended p> the ■ j'resi dent, but It so happens that, -then is none here at the present, time It is, however, very probable thal the President will leave the , city, foi a few days, bv the end of next week, bul it is not likely that any definite arrange ment as to his destination or means o transportation will I4* njnde, for severa davs.' . NEW YORK APPOINTMENTS^ * Washington, April r>.—The President has appointed Joel B. Khrhart, Collect oi of Customs, and Cornelia* Yancott jwist master of New York Cit v. " ■ i CENTENNIAL THANKSGIVINGS Tl|f following proclamation was issued late this afternoon ov the 1‘resident ol the United States: ’ . A Proclamation: A hundred; years have passed sinee the government ol our forefathers was formally organized. At noon, on the thirtieth day oH April, seventeen hundred and eighty-nine^in the city of New York, and in the presence ol an assemblage of heroic men, wliose pa triotic devotion had led the colonies to victory and indepemlenee, Georg* .Wash ington took the oath of otnoc hrf clue! magistrate of the new born ljebiiblic. This impressive act was preceded at tl o’clock in the morning, in all theehtirchcs of tile city, bv a prayer for God's blessing on the government anibitslirst president. The centennial of this illustrious (Event in our history has lieen declared a gjtneral holidy by act ol Congress, to thequH that the ]>eople of the whole country may join in conipiemorative exercises appropriate to the day. In order that the joy of the occasion may lie associated witli. deep thankfulnesss in the minds of the' people for all our blessings in the past, dial de vout supplication to God for thdti gra cious continuance in the future, thif rc|> resentatives of religious creeds,i both Christian and Hebrew, have nieftilirial ized the government to designate:Sii hour for prayer and thanksgiving on that day. Now, therefore, 1, Benjamin Hafrison. President of the United States of America, in response to this pious and reasb liable request, do recommend that on Tuesday, April 31), at the hour of U o'clock id the morning, the people of the entire edibitrv do repair to their respective j>laces)/jf di vine worship to implore the favor tdiGod that the blessings of liberty, prosperity and peace may abide with us as a pep pie, and that His hand may lead us inqtiiths of righteousness and good deeds. ) l In witness whereof, I have hereuiftb set my hand, and caused the seal Of the Unjted States of America to be affixed. Hone in the citv of Washinton tliik. the fourth day of April,-in the year off our Lordj 1S89, and of the Indejiendehee of the United States one hundred iintl thir teen. ? ; Seal by the President: j 1 Ke.n|. HarkisiJn. Jas. G. Blaine, See’v of State. ‘ j ' 1- j \) A Wasliingtbn letter savs: i“Rje-At toniey General Garland has hung out his shingle and will sjicnd the rest of his days here practicing law. He has a pleasant home of his own on Rhode Island ave nue, a sensible and attractive Young daughter to keep house for him, iifid a host of friends, so that his private; life is likely to be as agreeable as his public life was before he went into the Cabinet. Garland, like Bayard, has not been em bittered by the tender mercies oV the wicked. He is the same sweet, kjiid, strong friend to every honest man.thigh, or low. He has never worn a Swallow tail coat, hut he has always had a. big warm- heart in his bosom, and, good Christian as he is, has even forgivtSn; the men who so cruelly wronged him- ■ 3 A Change. | s The business management of the'Ashe ville Baptist has been transferred tr| >Mr. B. K. Davis, a practical printer, Add a son-in-law of the editor. This change was made at the request of Mr. ChiiS. I). Blanton, the former manager, who* bus iness interests otherwise prevent bin! fVom giving it the attention it demands. ' j The Daily citizen. in always alive to the interests of Asheville and its people. {Is the most popular advertising mc ()ium in North Carolina. j> Is read by a greater number <>f people than any other secular paper in jthe State. ■ s { Is always filled with the choicest {read ing matter of the day. v j • Boarding houses fill their rooms % ad vertising in the Citizen. . k ■ News, and all tlie news.Vnakcs tM Cit izen a general favorite. No retail merchant ever made a treat success without advertising. Trj| ;the Citizen. ]/ \ < v An advertisement in the CitkEn «pays the advertiser an hundred-fold.; { it § I Knoxville Enterprise. Knoxville, April 5.—West Knoxville, a suburb of j-ille, to-day voted. on issuing one hundred thousand dollar* in bonds for street; improvements, j The question was carried unanimously. {Two hundred votes were, polled for bonds and not a single vote against them.. if ij, Do Net EalUer Any l^ingen knowing that a cough can be ch in a day, and the first stages of consump tion broken in a week, we hereby guaran tee Acker’s.English Cough Remedy), and will refund'the money to all who 'toy, take it as per directions, and do not find onr statement correct. T, C. Smith' & fcbodawlW . ■ ’ ! . ' ■HI THK OKLAHOMA I.AM1N. , « -f- ■ ; / f Mr. Mjem’ Description, of th< j Net» El Dorado. / Fe& persons in thi* neighborhood ar v probably aware of the1 wonderful at tract|ons of this section^ located in tb mids^> of the Indian Territory/ and sopi tr to bepjx-ned to white settlers. We were among the number of ignor ant, itnd were much interested by a vivit . description given us by Kev. T. M 1 My ere yesterday. This gentleman speak; I after p careful inspection, made on tw< s occasions, and asserts that, so, far as h« t has been able to visit it, the whole im 1 menstf area of nearly two million acres, ’ >s one lovely, exquisite garden, the like o! r which'he has not elsewhere seen in his > extensive travels. His enthusiasm made J us fee) like moving install ter, but there is I "never a rose without its thorn,” and this garden has its drawbacks, as will be - seen liy these extracts from a letter wril 1 ten by;Mr. Myers’ brother: i ~ , » Washita, Indian Territory,! ; .5 March 31, 1889. / : Dka^ Tom:—Oklahoma will lx* opened on A pin 1 22 nd, at noon, and 1 aim to cross tiie line in five minutes after it is ’ open. f 1 now cx|>ect to camp on the border; but I may not remain in the 1 country, as there is much excitement, ’ and biVimcrs have all good claims staked’otValready. 1 shall not attempt to make a settlement, unless I think life and property are safe, and at present,||mibUul. 1 will not take mv wile 1 and family. The towns; will likely be safe, b^t there is fighting and killing on 1 the boaters, Yours, ever, (). H. Myers,” On t^e whole, we think our talents are better {ulapU-d to booming Asheville. We are never so happy as; when we are boasting of dear old North Carolina, and • of Bully, mi lx. county. So, we guess, we will sti|k here for awhile, find advise our friends to do likewise. A ■‘'all: mid KutliuMlaMtic Meeting; oif Kuucombe FarnierH. I The regular quarterly meeting of the Bunconflx County Purifier's Alliance was held in the court house Friday. It was largely attended by many of our Ixst farmers, arid was a very interesting session.? The njeeting was called to order at 11 o’clock jijhy the President; Maj. I). II. Blackwell. The other county officers were present and in their various ]>osi tions. After the formal Ajxuiiig of the alliance jhc certificates were presented, showiujjthat the twenty-seven subordi nate alliances in the county with a mem bership iff 1,000 or 1200, were all repre sented by,their several accredited dele gates, excepting two. Beside the 110 delegate^ there were a large number of alternates and others, aggiegatingalxnit ■ ioo ol orir leading farmers.. The various committees made their reports and the day was5»lH.‘nt in a way both interesting and profitable to all. Thos. jtlale Weaver resigned his posi tion as county business agent on account of his inaccessibility to Asheville—the central trading point, and a pressure of other duties, and' V I’lnmadore was unaninuitisly elected in his stead. Justi fied bonify for the secretary and treasurer to the amount of $2,0<>rtcd that about $155, had. been received during the past quarter. Scverajj important resolutions were offered. .Among them was, one petition ing the Board of County Commissioners to aid in'the improvement of the public roads, afy 1 another looking to the esfals lishment of an industrial school for the young mfn of the county. These, and other resolutions adopted, were the sub ject of considerable discussion. A call \yas made for a meeting of the business agents of the sub-alliances, to be held iit Asheville on Friday. April Iff. at 11 o'clock. 1 At the bpext regular meeting of this body, on.lhe first Friday in July, the an nual election of officers will lx‘ held, at which time, Capt. S. II. Alexander, ifresidcntiof the State Farmers’ Alliance, is e.xjxetej! to lx present. Aitpther Candy Factory. '** Mr. K. £,. Duffy, a candy manufacturer ol New Btfrnc, where lie was bont and raised, isliow in Asheville, where he in tends to fy-move his business. He is look ing a'rouml for a place here, and will i>|xn up ivithii^ a week's time. He makes all kinds off;’randies, including the finest French confections. (editorial Banquet. On the ^veiling of April 2.1, at the iqxn ing of thu Avoea Sporting and Pleasure Resort, An the Albemarle Sound, near lidciitoiiAN. C,, Dr. W. R. Capehart, is to give tn two flat-cars at the West ern .Nortlj Carolina railroad freight dejxit in this city, is the largest smokestack ev er brought across the Blue Ridge. It Ijc longs to the Battery Park hotel, and was manufactured .upon special order, in Phil adelphia.* It is in four sections, and when put together will measure, one hun dred and fixtren. feet in height, ami forty inches in diameter. It cost about gMOO, and will lie erected immediately. It is not at all pleasant to know that in the Ko^tfa Carolina penitentiary there are 35 convicts between the ages of eight and tittceis years, and 365 between fifteen and twenty. The suggestion of the Swain ccHmty Herald thatf the State should establish a house of correctio.i where juvenile criminals could be removed from the influences of hardened convicts. Skin Tor Beseaut| itchy, Scaly | . tore*. The simple application of “Swaync’s Ointment,?’ without. any internal medi cine, will tore any case of Tetter, Ring worm, Pijjfs, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Ecze ma, all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter ht^r obstinate or long standing. It is potetft, effective, and costs but- a trifle. wtau23 STATK Ml^WN. ' | Lenoir,is to have a cotton factory. j s Tarboro is to be lighted by electricity j The State Medical convention meets a 1 Elizabeth City on the 16 inst. ,! • laying on the High Point an Randlemnn railway has begun. Rev. C. C. Newton, of Durham, ha , In-en appointed missionary to Africa. i - C. M. Roberts has been re-elect ei kee[>er of the State capitof at Raleigh. Col. William Johnston. ofCharlotte, i off on an extensive tour through Mexico Raleigh is to have an election On tin school tax question on the second Mon day m June. , ^K' htst car-load of machinery tor th< Salisbury knitting mills has been "received and will lie put up at once. The Richmond and Danville rnilroac company will build fifteen new bridges | “’tween Charlotte and Richmond. The Charlotte News says that Mi J [B. Bodes is said to have his papers as successor to collector Kerr Craige. The State Hoard of Education has eliminated the "blue back speller” from the State list of school books. j Miss Helen Laurence, at the River View Knitting Mills, at Tarboro, knit eighty pairs of socks Monday. _ | Governor Fowle has appointed Prof. J. L. Ludlow, Dr. John ,H. Tucker and Prot. F. P. Venable on the State Board of Health. Mrs. Edmundsun, an insane woman living at Bullhead, Greene county, com mitted suicide bv throwing herself in an old well, Wednesday. A plan is on loot for the establishment of an industrial school at Moxton, Rolicrson county. $-4-11,000 will lie ex . pended for buildings. 5 | The Superintendent of Public Instruc tion is issuing 20,(MX) copies of the new school law. The law, appears to give general satisfaction. The second animal meeting ofthe State Sunday school convention is in Session ’at Charlotte. A large number of delegates and visitors are in attendance. . , It is now very probable that a third story and tower will lie added to the Wilmington enstom-house, court-houie, and jkistfoffiee building. The Nash county gold-mines are yield ing well. The output from the Maitn Arrington mine, for example, is worth $-00 a dav, and the net profit is $100 daily. Su|ierintcndent II. M. Wilder has re ceived instructions to change the plan of the public building at Charlotte, so that the lower piers would be 7 feet 0 inches, insteak of 10 feet. It is learneed that on account of failing health Colonel V. V. Richardson will soon resign the |Hisition of marshal of the Eastern district. In that case Joshua* B. Hill will lie at once appointed to the vacancy. ' The demand for publieimprovements is rapidly on the increase rn this State. A numlx-r of towns will in May vote on the (Juestiou of the issue of bonds for street improvements, electric lights, sewerage, &c. The extensive projierty of the Balti more Gold and Silver Mincing and Smelting Company, near Ia-xingtori, will lie sold at auction on May satisfy an execution in lavor ofthe Silver Valley -Milling Company. * / Company E, First regiment, from Elizabeth City, will go'to the inaugara^ tion eeutinnial at New Vork. This is the third company .that has announced its intention to go. Possibly another will eonie in and make a battalion of lour companies, of about two -hundred men. The Ladies' Memorial Association of Wilmington has invited Ggrttral William Ruffin Cox, of Raleigh, to deliver the address on Memorial day, Mav lOtH. The General accepts the invitation, and his subject will lx- "Grom Petersburg to, Appomattox," / There is a remarkable state of affairs in the Kinston fsection. Some negroes are aspirants fiif office, and they have employed a ffiaii wlio was frotnerly a civil-service examiner! to instruct them. In addition to this i|ucer movement they are holding prayer-meetings daily, at which they ask that the hands ofthe President may lx- laid upon them so that their services may lx- required by the Government. New (irleans Picayune: The people ofthif section lx-ar their full share of the burden imposed by :|the existing law, and. are endeavoring to the best of their ability to take e-arc of their own deserving and needy soldiers without national aid. They go no further than to ask that the Slims appropriated for Federal pensions shall not lx,converted into a Republican campaign fund. They would rather see the money that has"; lx*en worse than wasted devoted to the increase of our naval jxiwer and to the.strengthening of our coast defenses. i.V low condition of health is common With many who allow themselves to. worry. Mental anguish causes bodily sufferings! Anxiety and care has.broken down rtianv constitutions. A train'of disorders usually follows mental distress. Heart affections, nervousness, sleepless ness, dyspepsia, liver; complaint, kidney troubles, .etc., are among the list. A sure reined v for relieving all mental and physical distress ip Brown's Inin Bitters. It iit once strengthens every part of the body, making work n)' pleasure and care unknown. “Did tliev receive you warmly ?*’ “I>ieakquick! I* It’s out!” ASecdote* of Wneral Grant. General Grant, on his return1 to this country, is said to have been severely af flicted with a cough contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment end procured; lor him a bottle of Symphyx, and by its use in a few hours he was entirely relieved. He remarked to his friend: "Men look upon me as a great' soldier, but this bottle of Symphyx is greater than I. My calling has been to destroy men’s lives, but this medicine, is a victorious savior of men. Tshall never he without it again. ” , d&w When Women Hold Office: Female Sheriff—Is your husband at _home ?/; Wife (suspiciously—He is nojt. What do want of huff? "I liaww an attach* rouwantc.--—- — — ment for him.” “You have! Why, you, ihamekss thing." > r:. ■ >V ::J ^ F- - . . T~ . ■ TO or* ■rncuBE^A. .": h Wc itre transcribing iour stibfcription books and find many who are very mock in arrears to the former proprietors of this paper. i If yon find a cross mark atjovc-tMsW tice on your paper, yo^ win understand it to mean that we cannot ,<^UTy your subscription longer without « remit tance. In case an error has hieen made in your account by the former jiroprietors,please call or write promptly and wje . win glad ly correct same. To any one settling arrears and pay ing to January. 1890, wewiH send a handsome picture,- "The Horse Fair," a cat of which has been in a previous js 1 sue. We are sparing no effort to make Thk Citizen * first-class piper hi every re spect. full of local, State and general news. Every family in Western North Carolina should hare it. I ^ .Citizen Piblishing Com^anv. BOUMHW AMD rt£4»I*E. : . I ■ t She—"You are sure {you love me?” He—"Love? Why,.I am ready to die for you." She—"When we're married will you always get npnnd startthe kitchen fire?” He—"Er—er—pray be reasonable, my dear.” • I ; Railroad Tickets to all points bought,, sold and exchanged. 9 N. PublicSqtiare, next to Barnard Building. IT *14 Mr. Lowcut—'"Ethel, goodness graci ous, are you going in.that want ?" Mrs. Lowcut—“Certainly, Which of these flowers do you think most suitable for a corsage bouquet ?” Mr. lament—“Wear* the blush roses, for heaven's sake.” ueiier l oan vniclae. . Professor Arnold says: “An' incurable dyspeptic is justified in committing sui cide. We will guarantee to cure any dys peptic within three months by Acker's English Dyspeptic Tablets, T.’C. Smith & Co. febfidawlw Philadelphian—“I notice that Rev. Mr. Stagg has been offered $10,000 to go to Australia^?" Good Minister—“To preach?” “Yes, on Sundays; but he is ito play in the Australian nine on week-ddys- ■ • There are times when a feeling of lassi tude will overcomethc most robust, when the system craves for pure blood, to fur-, nish the elements of health and Strength. The liest remedy for purifying the blood is Dr. J.' H, McLean’s Sarsaparilla. Edward (who has taken his girl to Del's and given her a $30 dinner)—-t "Well, darling, what do you think of Delmonico’s ?"Girl—” I think that French waiter has the loveliest eyes I ever saw.” Sick headache, biliousness, nausea, cos tiveness, are promptly and agreeably banished by Dr. J. 11. McLean's Liver and Kidney fillets (little pills.) j ., Insurance Officer—"! understand that Mr. Rich man liasnlt a cknt of insurance on his life. Why don’t you gq for him ?" Agent—"Won't do. He was bom lucky, and makes money out; of every- - thing he touches. If we should insure Kichninn to-day ten chances to one he'd die tofmorrow.” ■■ ■ Enpepsy, This is what von ought to have, in fact you must have it to fully eqjoylife. Thou sands are searching for it daily and mourning because they find it pot- Thou sands upon thousands of dollars are s|ient annually by our pepple in the hope that they may attain this boon. Ana yet it may lie had by all.’ We guarantee that Electric Hitters, if used according to di- , rections and the use persisted in, will - bang good digestion afid oust the demon Dys]>ei»sia and install, instead Eupep sy. We recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspejisia and all diseases of the liver, stomach and kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $1 per bottle by F.L. Jacobs, druggist. “How did you find society out in Chi cago?” ft )h* there’s a good deal of it there, but they have suejt strange ways.” “How so?” f Well,;'] if af man goes to an eveniiig party and keeps his coat on the entire evening, the company cohcludes right away that his shift is in the wash.,f If health and life \are worth; anythjng, •and you are feeling out of sorts and tired out, tone up your systein by taking Dr. _f. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla, j ! California Alta: Tlie next .is the Li Congress- . > ? judge; Richard Pigott and the London Times have blown out their brains. Dizziness, nausea,: drowsiness, distress after eating, can be cured and prevented by taking Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Sidney Pillet® 1 little pills.) , Chicago Tribune:’ TItcre is [inncb -iri a name. Dr. Carver and jack the Ripper are acknowledged champions in their resjiective specialties. i The Klrst Symploum of'Dcwth.. Tired feeling, dull; headache; pains in various parts of the body, smiting at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, fever ishness, pimples or sores, are all positive evidence of poisoned blood. Mo matter how it became poisoned; it must be puri fied to avoid death. Acker’s .English, Blood Elixir has never failed to remove, scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive gfiaranfee by T. C. Smith & Co' ’ fcbSdawlw ; In the spring the young mans fancy i Lightly turns ti» thoughts of ties, And the startling hues he favors ! Makes a bald man's hair arise. A He rap of Paper (fates Iter U fe lt was just an ordinary Scrap of paper but it saved her Jite. She was fn the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy- pounds. Oh a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King’s New Disco v ery, and got a sample bottle; it help'd her; she bought a large bottle f fit ■ helped her more; bought another andf grew bet* tier fast; continued its use gnd is now , strong, bealthv, rosy, pluiftp. weighing 140 pounds. For full particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, druggist. Fort Smith. Trial bottles off this wonderful Discovery free at F. L. Jacobs’drug store. Pittsburg Chronicle: 'few inches is the statute of the new Minister- He i/tall enough to be ad dressed as His Highness. j y Even the moot vigorous anil hearty people have at times a feeling of wean ness ahd lassitude. To dispel tpi» *pning take Dr. j. H. McLean’? Sarsaparilla; it Will impart vigor and vitality. ] : i Upcle-”Frit*, yon are part mending, t Manev, money, always money 1- M® j dad i have not got many each nephews. Nephew—’’Exactly my sentimeatA MW*; soglad-I’m the onlypne! stB Ka' iS