The Crrtrnn la tlM inrnl ealrn.lvelr rirvM- .,. ) wi'l'lf l4 nrwapapct W VV salvia r,.,. tH t ...... Its iIiiioa l uultnr .--'--blalMlBUinl of puMIc linearity, f.,,.,, nd pt..i'oue lii.iu.lry. ml It Ml M1I alKgiaiiteUl lieallngpuu- ' MCiTllr paMlakes tht rllapaUHea "f tht ITrWL, okUk HOW " bw world In Ita scope. It ,b" f'"1"' tirwof advanced rall. for gathering Wrwe horn all uawt, WK esTllCarS- lui.y r.m4 t tfaa a.lkat " ti,iura Copies of any edition will he sent frt to r sending lrtr 'Irtrcaj. aaouina: SO acuta I' one month ; 15 crntsfor on week. Carriers wig dH the air la ..... .rt itx oi Id SulnM-ruiers, and pr- M WaallUg It Will ptfMt U M UK CITUKM .HIHHM HWI let nnhle, kanwa oa apiu,,ti t thle . AU truwnt advertisements tunat lie paid In ad vance. . THE miDOIKUrilU.B MU. Tht iiilijert of m railway commiMion for North Carolina kaa not yet entertd the arena of ducuMionin thcLegilature( and will not till th joint select commit mittcc on railway commision reort a bill. Meantime a numljer of bill have been introduced. The mort prominent . among tbcM, nerhaM). are thowt pre tented by Mr. Beddingfield, Mr.Newland and Mr. McDonald. The Ikddingficld bill provide! for the appointment of three communionere one a lawyer, one a farmer, and the third a mechanic, merchant, or Manufacturer one to be appointed for one year, one for two year, and the othef for three yean, and the twceMora of each for three year. Among thenalificatjona attached are theM : None of them cm be nudcr thirty or over fifty yeart of age, and at the time of appointment moat not be in any way connected with any railroad, nor have been an attorney for any railroad corporation in " . certain ntimlwr of .. yeart. .' The commiMionert are to be appointed by the Supreme court; are to be paid Hilary of$2,000each, except thechuirman who will receive $3,500; are to have no paatea, but ihall, pay fare at private citi- tent, and are to receive no gift or employ went of any kind from any company The commMoneni will I fninihed an office at ' the CapiUtl, where they " are r(uird io meet, the fit Monday iu each month, to tranaact all official buai net. They are given iower to Inveati. gate all book of coot panic, to summon - witnesses, administer oaths, take testi mony, &c, and are miuired to make biennial reports to i ne tJeneral Assembly, They arc given the power to fix rates of traffic and passage, the rates not to be the sasM oo all roads, but to be in accord with the surroundings, &c., of each. ; , . This bill is evidently the jirodnct of a ' crude hand.; .rftill rf iibjrethmnblr feat urrs. It ia radically w rung by Its structure; and Imjierfrvt in nearly all its dcUils. The appoiatment of the commissioners by the Supreme jemirt would tic an entur iwrversioa of the legitimate functions of that tribunal, and Is not to be thought of. . The, investment Of the commissioners with alwolt control over freight rates nud paasenger fares would be of doubtful utility, if not seriously injurious to public interests, in that the further investment of capital in railroad enterprises might lie prevented, pr checked, , , , The limitation as to age is senseless, Men between fifty and sixty years art as a general rule in their very prime of man hood, wisdom and intellectual if not physical activity. For instance such a rorision as this would exclude A. M. Waddcll, T,J. Jttrvis, John Hughes, and almost every other man mentioned In ""this chiiection."" Jtwiuld jiusb'Syd.'AI exander close, as be is in his forty uiuth year. v", The isulurirs are too snmll, as traveling expenses art to tie jwiid for by tlie cm missioners out of thcirown Kickcts. Two tlKiusand dollar aularics, to be depicted by traveling exjienscs would hardly com mand such competent, cxiwrknced ami able men ns should be selected for t lie dis charge of such Important duties. The R. & U. R. R, commny, it is suid, wy their traffic nuumgrr, Mr, Sol llmis, a w.Ury nf some twenty tbomuand dollars. Ths best thing to do with the llrdding ' field bill is to lay it on the table. It cer 'tainly does not nH-ct the situatiou. Mr. R. I, Walker, of this thy, writing to the Souther Tulmaxmint, make the following observatioo that arc worthy of attention I ., "Our market eorttin uet to be well supplied with stock. Much of it is a inferior as was ever one red . here, while : much .good color is sold alsw, at from 20 cents to 33 cents and over, even up to 50 cents occa sionally. One serious trouble w havs to contend with, is the carelessness of farm ersintentional or mtj we cannot say ,in assorting their crt. "It is very rare to find a pile on the warehouse door that don't contain leave and bundles that should be in a grade Mow," WUliar Tat, of Cralngtr couuty, Tensnsse, has given 120,000 for the ben efit of the disabled ex-Confederate sol dsntlHse whtj have loet n arm or a fc-sidet ia the First and Second Cemgressionid IKstricts of that SUte. Mr. Tate, himself, ryed j the Confcd rate army, as a private soldier; and has ince the war been a successful businesa man, and accumulated quite a fortune jor a rawnrtr; wiihh at has thus so lilier- ally divided willi liia old roimn.Vs who worc K- .y. This shows sympathy fur the disnlnVd nii'l heroic good, mid is worthy of Imitation l.y wealthier men. All. honor to tlx li.rmrr philanthropist, The second Anniinl Fnir of the East nrolina Fish, Oyster, dune Mini Indus trial Assticittiion comes offal New Heme, N, C, February 10, 20, 21 and 22, The fish, oyiiter and game collection in to lie the finest tver in this country. lloulauger I, Emperor of France, in now among tlw possilwlitics. The Kcotch-IrlaU Ucaulou. , Writua for thaCiTUfa.J On the 8th of May. next, will lie held at Columbia, Tenn., a most notable gath. cring of the American representatives of a most remarkable race, tht people wno on the American continent, altera second transplantation, retain, their marked characteristics with such tenacity as still to be designated and honored as the Scotch-Ikihh. While the reunion will find interest in most of the State of the American Union it has special interest for North Carolina for upon her soil was poured a large in fusion of Scotch-Irish blood; and, on that soil, by that race, was originated and en acted the great event of American history the first act and chapter of American Independence. ' These Scotch-Irish are nearly all of Irish birth. They were Lowland rrestiyterian Scotch, removed to tlie'north of Irelund by King James I, to occupy binds uirfcited by the treason of the O'Dougherty. and the Earls of Tyrconnel apd Tyrone. They there never intermingled their blood with that of the native Irish, but were rigidly adherent to tbeir race, tlieir religion and their habits, conspicuous for their indus try, their thrift and theirenterprise.mak ing the north of tlw island utmost the sole Kilt of commerce and mantifiu-tures Tlieir courage never failed them in the times of (icrsccution. When In the days of persecution, when uuder James II tlte Ro man Catholic clement was for a time in tlie ascendant, and the old Irish proprie tors endeavored to regain their lost pos session, they were subjected to miuuta cres as merciless ns recorded in history and to teiges ns memorable as anythot adorn tlie annals of heroic courage. The successes of William, of Orange, brought permanent relief, and henceforward the Scotch-Irish went on to i license and prosper, They were attracted to the new world, and t lure was a large emigration to the North American colonies, chiefly to Pennsylvania, from which they gradu ally drifted southward to piedmont Vir ginia, and subsequently in North Caro lina, forming settlements from tlie Dan to the Catawba rivers. , In one sense, the people of North Caro lina 'may lie homrgeuous. . Pur a hun dred years there has been little infusion of new blood under tlie forces of immi gration. The old stocks, the ' English, the Scotch, the Scotch-Irish, the ticruiuns nd othrrs, luive so jiiU-rn.ijlgUil i to havt blended the whole into one, and no one race is predominant in moral or in tellectual feature, though original race trait often finds marked exnrrssiouif in dividuaUty, Perhaps the distinction is more permanently fixed in the Scotc fa irish than in others. They inherited and maintained tin? loftiest idea of human free dom, and the right of the subject or tht dtixen to participate in the carts nnd du ties of government.. Therefore resistance to tyranny was interwoven in tlieir nu tures, and in this State led to open resist ants to the oppression, of the Hritisli Crown, even to the extent of throwing on allegiance to it, nuking war ami court ing revolution. Tht during courage to haiard everything, peace, fortune, life it self, In the cause of litierty found em phatic expression in the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, made more than a ytar liefore that of Philadelphia nnd tht sincerity of th frnmer of this instrument was proven afterward by the fiercelrss anil persistence of hostility whkh turned for tht little, town of Clmr kitte bud the county in which h was sit- uated the name of the "Hornets' Nest." ; If th Were intense in their 'mnsion for liberty, they were not less so in their de votion to I lie cause of religion and edu cation. Tliesr are the hnusrhohl godtt they carry with them and set up wher ever they go. Whether In North Carolina or in lVnimylvsniii, the Scotch-Irish, is tlie same devotee of lilierty, tht same obrdicut subject to rightly administered law, tlie same conscientious servant ol religion, tlie same- ebniest ad vucate. of liUrul education, the same good citiieu, tin; same thrifty iiinii of business, the nine industrious and Industrious and in telligent fanner, and .everywhere tlie same, intelligent,, energetic, sagacious nnd genial man, whose characteristics mnik him, without invidious distinction, asqimscssivc of nil the virtues ami pecu liarities of his origin. The name of the Scotch-Irish is iiiNciib- ed on ninny a pagcof .North Caroliua, and also of Anu-rknii ..history.. -Without that '"name there would Iw. iwniy a dis mid blank. The idea' therefore of the Scotch-Irish Voiigress, lit tlie time mid place lixttl, is a happy oikj, well cak u bited to bring out, in full relief, tlie vir tues am lasting influences of this most remnrkahk' branch of our national Inin- liy. - A Wafk lnvrtnscnt. Is one which is liiiurantrsil liUWfaotonr iysuHii. or in ctim til" fti. iiiiv a return of purchase prkf. tin this sale pian yvtrenn tny trom our Tiiivrrtised druggist a hottle ofllr. Kinif's New Dim. covery for Consumption, It is gun rati. teen to nring relict in every case when used for anv affection of Thmat t ....... or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflnni- mmion oi uungs, Hroitelntis, Asthma, Wn.witu.wr ih..... . . . . . , , , . " -""i- V:"P - r'. II IS plehmnt and agrreaUWr to the taste, per-1 fcctly safe and can always Iw ttrnemlcd -I-".-- wniin rree at r. 1.. Jncolw drugstore. (inw Fast Black Hosiery. . 1 H. Krdwihiii St Co. . 1 to got a yi rap, real i OotoWhltlock a (Cheap, '.cionai, Itcfty, Br, Tsr lurra. ! The fiiiplaalion of "Bwiiyue's Ointment,1, without any internal ninli tine, will cure any hc of Tettr, Ring worm, I'llm, Itth, Boies, 1'imptrs, IvtW n.n.iill Sttilv. I why Skin Eruptions, no mutter how obstinate or long tiiiliii It is indent, effective, nnd costs lint ill.-. .... ...... While wt can not add to the turtmtti four munv friends who find it a sua to make ends meet, we con make W ,1 incomes go furtlier on sundry gwls which must be bought evtty r Wrais, Overcoats. tl'thin. Waif . smHl cert n In Heavy Shoes. ( Some extremely low figure m chil dren's Hose nnd Men's Fine aet. H. RKDwaon ff; Co.. jnn24od5t , One Price Store. rile i rtic i itcmn nic t Svmotoms Moisture : intense itrhin. ami stinging, most at night; worsr liy scratching If ollowtd to continue tu mors lorm, whlcn olten meed nnd nktr ate, liecoming very sore,' Swayne's Oint- n.cnt stops the itching and lilecding, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes the tumors. At druKinsts, or by mail for 50 cents. Dr, Swnyne & Son, rhiladelphia. wtau.1 , Anecdotes offaeneral urttnt. , lnrriil Grant, on liis return to this country, is said to have Ijeen severely af flicted with a cough contracted while crossing the ocean, and which hod stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment. A frk-ud procured lor him Uittk of I Svmphyx, nnd liy its use in a few hours 1 '. I ... 1! 1 f . .... I . ne wan entirely reueveu. lie mourned to his friend : "Men look upon me as a great soldier, but this larttle of Symobyx is greater than I. My calling has liceii to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior ol men. 1 shall never he without it agnin,'.'. . dfitw .. 25 per cent, reduction , on ladies', misses and children wraps, good goods, torn less than New York ooss, at WHirtiouKV JaalSdtf ' How Doctor conquer Death. Doctor Waller K. Hammond says : "After a long experience 1 have come to the coiH-bision that two-thirds of nil the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and ton sumption might lw avoided it Acker's English Cough Remedy were only care ftilly used In time," Tnis wonderful Rem edy is sold on.ler a positive guarantee by 1. brnitn Be io. dawtjiiii ' DyapeMlo, Dswosilr, Dontn. These art the actual steps which follow imliirestion. Acker's F.nuUsh Ovsneiwia Tabk'ts wil both check and cure this most h-nrml (.1 diHeoses. Ouranteed by i.e.. fcmitn wo, dawtjuli FlamtiiK ftro Injtho VelstM, We hold positive proof that Acker's I'.ngiisn niooti ivuxir cures an oiihkI oi sons wlurre cheap sursnpurillas and so culled purifiers mil. Knowing this, we will sell ft to nil wno call at our store (in a positive gunrniHP. 1 , C,. wnlth & Co, dnwtjiill. Excellent styles hi Carpets. Oil Cloths. SmyrnnRugs.Art Snuares.CurtainCoods, vurtains, &c. , . It. Kkdwoou& Co, 'Better Than MooSly Rwttle. Oeneral Wheaicrofi NeUtm says: "My exprrieiat in the English army as well as in America, convinces me that nothing so purities the blood or adds to the health, viKor and life a Acker's English Dloo.i Eli xir. ' ' This great remedy is sold under a iHixitive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. dawtjult K)o. Velvetoons at 25o., at Whit ukjk'b. janlSdtf MrSCELLAXliOlV. . ' OL'K MOTTO; Meat. Prompt and Reliable. 'ttA , Bring your rqiairing to hca(l(iiai ljr, Watch, cliK'k and jewelry rcMiring it a I lending feature of our business. - Wwh entrusted t tw-ia- -wrtain."Ui-4y ccive ciiteftil and intelligent treatuittit from esjK-rt nnd sltillful hands. 1 klii ale and costly tiiueiwces shoulil la- entrusted, linly tti thoroughly coini- tcnt watcliiiutkrrsr j All wtirk gtuuautcttL.. Prices always reasoiinlilc. WNOS JEWELRY STORE, South Main St. - AsIk'vIIIc. N. I fWEWtniMrfi' the EVERETT piano IN TftNP vomma with part- ' ' V1" y anrt aw.aln.aa. IN FINISH xT2Sp pUNOH. OKl.ANa, Mt'SIC. Itnsy Instalment Plan OUR PIAKOS AKD ORSANS !' Rewived the only first Premium at Ihe Vlr--I Kinla llnposltlon. natilyr B. Rsmoi a Co., WI4 Main Ml., ,. . Mivhmtind, Virginia. . ,,Hl,"l hnt Pfainos of the beat makes kepi always oa hand and at verv low rates. Slswasreo FITS ssn U 2Xi,,.D WBCIAtlBT Pll VHll-I.W of medicTuw rW. We war rant OWIflMillrtiiraMlk. . ml th only nkvaiclane kd ,W1. ... prevent yor lieiag tanutwrd unon bT uabig miae names and who are ant iWtttora. "' i"ltctn, t)iv. KspreM and Post-. 'T ,'.. mt' - ' - ''re.i ia an reason f. ' " m L-LUM-oCS. y I royal l N '-'.-nil. 'Aeon 1 L3UU Absolutely Pure. . Thi powder never varlea. A marrel of)iur ity, atrrtiulh and wholeaonu iieaa, Mure eco nomiial than the oidlniirv I nda, and cannot lie aold In eomiietition with lie multitude of low teat, short weinht lu. . or phoapliale Piwdera. Hold only In can Kovai. IUkinii iiwriaa Co., IOU Willi Ht., cw Vork. dStwtfcliU POWELL & SNIDER ARE THE CUS- todlaaa of the iiulilic hamiin iw and they .ro poae that everybody "hull hnve a irood lime H they can lu lii them to It. Kaiiecialiy thoae that hare a hard time moat of the venr will nnn tnein layinx r tneiu. If yon nnru to uit, dilHcult toaatiitfy, ,- YOU AIIE THE CUS- turner we are after. We'll Suit you. ik-nw yon, aaUafy you, make you hapiiy. What Siore do you want. If you want to know whether we art ahle to keep our word whether we can linck all our lira with Ooi conaeicntiona iierlormanct, why ' ASK ANY . OLD CUS- toiner of uura and we'll atund liv hla tratl niony A man that won't keen' Ma word, that Koe linck on hla tromla, that trie" to work i a tie HE ISN'T WORTH A CLS- iildorr or any other cheap and naaty article. We want to idve yon a wood time. Are yon within? Ifaojuatgeta move on you and eonie to V J' )V KLL & SNI DKIt, GROCERS, AHIIKVILLB, N.'. dtmartA c. COWAN, II. II. COHHV, Hucceaaor, M7 I'm urn Avenue, Dealer In Watchea. Clocks. Jewelry, Silver and IMated Ware, Optical Goods, Otild Kena, at.. See. Larue and varied aaaort iH-nt of l.adlea' and trntlenien' Cold Watel ea at low mice the cir :eat aaaortmetii of Wedding Mlnas in ! via a i iiiw irii-s-. All rcpaJrfng ht Watrhea. cl xrlianil jewelrv ! atly and promptly dom. at reaaonahk ; V I nea ftlrurrs. SAT IfelK ACTION OUAdANTKHt). . The iirearnt litimrtetor h, II neiik-cl n.. rf. fort toiiieritacmlinuatiou the patronajrr ! . larirely l,wd tl.iriuX ; ,anv yearaumm d.wtmarS. FINE JOB WORK A SI'KCIAI.TY. .....' AT xoitTir coruT siii'Aui:, opnriAL;:" I 'I lt l I.' IH t t I ! v '.'1 .11 I JIM A j P-R-I-N-T-I-N-G l'Voui New T,vo! On NVw I'nwH ! H.vSkill.HlWtM'k.Ht.n! niK CITIZlvN PI RI.lNIIlNt; CO., No. It North Court Houare, (3 doorarroin Main St.) 1st floor. IHOT'S I, DENTIFRICE; A TRUE TOILET LUXURY" 0r "0WTl ruSH NaS(lSJT. m lWTirif THt ttlTH. MtMlivitTHC GUMS. wo tmunt to Tht t fi AiiuT Aft AND AGHlCAtLk. " WITHOUT taUAl, AS a TO I tit Mtr AUCTION.' . wet ti c c NTi'Vi omtTn' to av tu DauciitTa. "" M. WINRtl MANN 4 CO.. Psora svniiioAi. Mr. For stile hv CiRANT A "WINCIiRT. duwtan'JN . . . MONRY To LOAN rtl - i ace with l.udger Carter. Attorney, of, jan2-4j , PKOI'LTSIOSAt, CAKItS, V, I.AVIIHMfM, 1 IHa. A, I'.NRA, faiKi Ja Mum, , Aalwtiik, Aaacvillr. AVII'H..H, MAkTI JOM'S AtloMii-ya hn.I Coumh llora at Law, Ahevllk4 N. C. Will nriK tUr In'lhr 1 1 th and 12th Iu.Ik Ii.I l.latric-tat aail in thr Stiirt-tifc C'mtrt itf anh I'nrultna, aad la tlw P'tlaraf 1'iiurta th ' UcMirrn iJlatrii-t ttl North Carolina. , acirr 10 natiK 01 Aaiu-viiir. marl JI I.II'BC. MAKTIN, ' Altumav'iit, , Aabevllle. N.C. Title and C'ollrctiona a aivt-taltv. C.llcc-1 inadr. I'ractit-ca In nil llir cotirta. Ofli.-r: With C.udKcr Si tarter. Ml l.olld ! Law HnildiiiK ritnovs I A, TE.NNKNT, Architect and Contractor, I IMHiia, air(-IScuUmia and eatlmatca fnr-1 niahtrd, All work in my line contrai-tni ftr : andnorharKra for drawlnx' on conlratla swantcd me. He.'emicra whrn dcaircd. r ' (Mix : No- ia Hendry north Cmart ! rVliiarc, Aahtrlllr, N. C. eMarM , ciua. a, unoss. in PC alFJtalCK. 1 JU'X.NB fit MlikRICK, . Attorney! and Counaellora at I. aw, Aahevllle, N.C. j t'roctlre in the t'nllrd Htatea Circuit and : Iliatrict Cotirta Rt Aaherille.Htatearillc.ChHr- i lottc and Oreenalioro, in the aupn-me Court 1 St Kaleiuh, and in the court of the Twelfth i Judicial fdatrict of the Htate nf North Caro. Tina. . Hiarciul attention iriven to collection ,u' elRima. Fartnerahln doea not eitend to prtktllee In Buncomlie inferior Court. dtocS t. M. COBRt V.BB & MBKRIMON, J- U, MKkMIUON. Attorneya and Couuacllura at liw "Practice in all the raiurta tlltice: Noa. 7 and H. J' union 1 utac dHding. w. w.johss,. J.INBH Ik SIU'KOKU, oko. a. mi'Poan. Att0'rm.y1 al ,aw, " Aahevillc, N. C. - . ' ., l'"V:'"''n Ihe aniH-rlor Courts of Wcatcrn ' Norm t, arotlna, the Hiipreme Court of the htn. 'old the Healcral Courta at AahcTlllc. Hrirein lohnaton bu.ldiuK, where one itiein Uet ol the firm can alwava lie found. ' dtnovll i . M. KKKVKa, l. U. . . f. SAHHAV, It. U. . ' IJKUVHH Ik KAMSAV. Ijcntal ollice; In ConnallyJitiildiiiK. oi-ir Kedwwxl'aatorc, I'alton Avenue. iltinavT IOHN8TONU JtlXKS, " ATTOMNKY ANU COUMSHI.LOR AT LAW, AHHUVII.LU, N.C. Frsrticea in the I'nlted Htatea Circuit and t Courta at AahevilleMn tne Hunrrme Court at KaleiKh, and in the Courta of the Twelfth Judicial IHatrlct of the 8tate of North Carolina, and elae where, aa hit aervk-e may ' Iw required. ' Ianaadtf LAROB LOT Ol' ROSl'NDALli, PORTLAND, i ANU OTIIKK . . J1VI.'KAL'LIC CU MliXTS. . JtST IN. "' Calcined Plaster." - : i ' I Plastering Hair at 30 tts. Nails and Locks. , : All sold in lurge or small '.quantities at ' 1 close margins. . , t BLARDBN, RANKIN & CO., ! t - i 55 South Main St. j ... .. . , "wtlelil - l?CHMtl,NI) a""1 RAJLROAll j (Western North Carolina Division. I I AsHvn.i., N. C-Jan. t. taV J j PAHMBNOBR TRAIN SCHKIH LK. ! I" Krsscr Jan. , isnh: .I" I KiWIHsnfST! , Lv. Ashevitle, jl ,,ne,1"' A.TJ' B ,1.1 pin 437m 1 4(pm e..tjun tOliim VBVh'hT; 7am .l:-!VWaM agios. luuaai 7utiam aV1am 1047am 1 WOpm OOOpm 51jl'm "Yoaimi 3 lOpm 80ipm oaitimore, ' Phils " New Yarlt, uvoum "'sin eiHIaai 3 .Hlpm Tl aopm 7(ioam 11 45am rioatiui, yiifchwajHC Ksleigh, " IWIdahoro, Wlhnlnjrton No. S3" !, H.-iOam f 1 1 SI lam I t.v. Aahevllle, .: Ar. Sjiartanli'i JlX'hsirlottsy..' " Columbia, I " CharlCTtua " Aujruata, ' " Savannah, " Th avilli-.ila " Jnckaouvllle ." Atlanta", " Mnntgum y i " Mobile, " New Orleans - 8 aopi 4 441pm K.ra tf iwuaa if Iran I 'Si 1 OSpm Tathim I No. flu ( No. 8 f tn. fl t Lv. Aahevllle 7 lam r. llotSprinira 444pm tlim Hr.iipm (1 41 lam II 4Aam fl 3ttpm 444pm SlDpm H5tipm T tSam 1 1 4.1aui Sop in 7 4.1pm Tlopm . II liOam 1 lopm U15pin fllOam 7Oam l.l.Hm 1 lllpm 40aml .74flpm r-iioivllle, " 1'hiittau'iEa. " Nashville, " Mcraphis, t.v. Ashevil.e. Ar. HotHprings " Knuiville, " Louisville. " Cincinnati, " Chicago, " Ht. Louis, Bleeping ears on an night trains JAK. L.TAYI.OK, W.A. W1NRPKN, A. O. p A. 80L. HAAS.T, M, piK INSIKANCH. il'HUO. lilFK. A(VI)KT. PULLIAM & co.i At Ihe Hank uf Anhevilk' , ASHKVILLK, N. C. Hepreaeut the following eoni,,,!,..: vlt, A..l u ... ... ... """ a.KTS IN V. s nan. 1 i i Hremen , of Oermnnv . I '.Vil '. " Hartal. : i til i i ' PJI.Pi,,',d Marine, of M n" '004'm :""'"""! ew orei a 7it , fonthero. , Western, of Toroato . ..'S? dV;"Ji!,n,"r"Bc,c,,m'--. HBSTAKQ Lf;;"HT! MESffSLW 'ipi-m -t ( ITIZIIN VI .LU;,'II.V CO. wye. I'KOMIT. A REAL PLEASURE f)0 VtH'H r PRINTING As ,vou want it mid whcjj.vfou i wjmt it. THli CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, ,XtxUA?tli-4.,-oui-t-wjHitsi work lit LOW RATES: vmiHt'tlit'y liavcu FIRST-PUSS EQUIPMENT. I!. H i.isiixii co.I HOWLS. , .HICTir FII1ST-CUS3 PRIVATE BOARD. Till; THOMAS IIOUSK. m:ah hattiikv cakk. Know unilcr entirely new iiiuiuigLiuciit, nnd will lie kept in slriiilv first-cltiM style. TKANSIHNT UK Kl.l.l I.AS IIOVtSI.I-MS TAKI'N Northern Con king. .... . Kates Kc.' MkS. li. LACY Ri SOX., Proprietors, dtr ITV KliSTAt'KANT ' , i I'ATTON AVKNl'li, Under Redwood's Store. Mcaia at nil hours. All the Uclicaclca of the aciiHon nerved in all varictlcn and in the lieat atyle. . Oyatcra , name, Utenka. The Meat of Hot Coffee, Hreah Norfolk Oystera rccelveil every day. 1'hc retail trade supplied, Have added a new broiler; ateakn, oyatcn, etc,, etc., done to a turn. dtmarlS - T. J. Sl'MNKR. HKKiHTriK THAN BVBK! THE 8TAK OK Ut'NCOMUli, (SR.1XI) TEXTUAL IIOTKL. 1IN7 Arrivula January and Kcliruary, 187. HM Arrival Jitnuary and J-cl.runry, IMKf. TUB MOST POPULAR $2.(M) HOl'Sli IN THK STATU. 1 .1.1 KM I arrivals dtirini; the iinal villi aiurc j thna every other hotel in the city. We bad fair to HKidcr Uo.OOO ll.ia ycai'. FJKST-CI.ASS IN KVIiKY RKSl'IXT. ,iily hotel in the centre of the cily. Oivc-sua call. s. k. ciii;iii;ti;k & SUNT, dtinarli A DELIGh'TFUL EXCURSION ! ASIIEVIIXE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets only $,C0, including a lull day's board at the MOrNTAIX 1'AltK HDTKL. The Hatha la Marble Pools and I'orccluiu Tubs are the finest and most luxurious' in America. The Hotel is t NEW AND FlKHT-CLAHrt In Every Particular. l'NKXCm.LBI IN ITS CI'ISINIJ, The place in s clianniu spot, nestled smonK and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountains, where there is no fog, no dust, no malaria, Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtJullIO KHHLANI) 1U)USK, .. . .. Corner Main and l)qt, WAVNliSVlLLE, N. C. Kooius newly furnished. Fare the hest the niuriiet affords.- (!ixnl sample room. SATISFACTION OUARANTElil). T ttt ,v.v . a - j- icrnis: i.ini h.t nay. , 0. 1). L. ALLEN & SON, Proprietors, tranrsvlnr sars ha has thW. I., rtwnglas V. L, DOUGLAS $3 SHOE - -Wl.W- OENTLKMCN. i prn in in. world. Fmln his AU nh is tlona-reaa, Hbi,w mil. VJ. L. DOUGLAS 03 CHOE : LAroTi.v W. L. IfOWLAH. BEOCKTO. tfaH. . . -',' forsalebv;!" :;;!" '":' RCUttNG A VTEAVER, 30 South Main Street, Ashevillc, N. C. lanlililtv JJONBY TO LOAN. fS.OOO (Two Thiand IJeiLLsns), to tend for twelve month., on City real estate oe Im- tand tlom the ctt f Aahe. villa. Prefer not to ril.Lrf. k- ... Jilyatoneeat HOOM No. 11, " jaupJt McLoud Building. On's'SM'saaMna