Till'. t'AMMI.MS AI.I.IAN. lu The V -t lh ml tit(linriil In the Or lt-r-Ylr w l the f I lie AllUw, KUd Kuiut Alliance HOlia(IOtl, From the I'rogreaatv f Knurr TMK I'KIMiKKHHIVK PARMKM THINK. Tliitt wc should have a Kailroud Coin- nuaamn. That no Slut official or k'ginlutur should be allowed to rule on the railroad with free ticket or free poiiae. That tlt iuiinlktlon of Magistrate should I tumigi d. TliatthtJiOintkU.nl lnw should tut so modilied at to make it a bU-saingand not a nim to the poor peoc of the State. That we ihould hare a chearr rate of inlemt on money. That the present legislature should not levy or appropriata one single dollar he vond that which ii absolutely demnnded liy the actual necoHritiea of the State. That the fanner will lie held resMnsi ' lile for any and all mistakes which may lie committed by the present lcgilature. That the farmeraof North Carolina and of the South ore in a more de tressed con dition than ever before, and that their condition ia growing worne every year. ,. u ALUANCK ttKaol.tlTION. Condensed from the Progressive Farmer.) Catawba Creek Alliance, No. 036, have resolved that they will buy no guano this year nnleae H : fan lie rocured through Alliance Agenta. Plain View Alliance, Franklin countv. resolved that they will uae no commer cial fertiliser on corn or cotton if the price i higher than-it waa in 1HHH. Sirring Hill Affiance; of Snnion coun ty, bv a unanimous vwte, decided tobnv ?,0G0 4 Sevan thousand tlulliir worth of new ticali goods to Ik' sold at COST FOR CASH. '. Shorn, Huts. Dry Goods, Notions,' Ruhticr I'.imhL, lllunkets, Comforts, Shawls, Ladies and Gents' Underwear, I'otncHticS, Plaids, Jcuna. A good full stock ot BROGANS FOR 90 CENTS. THE FARMERS' VEllM. TOIIACCCM TOUACOl I (.adiea' Fine SImm.-, Huttoa and Uicr, $t.(M). A good boot for 92 M. checki 5'ccnU. Comforts from 5" cctita to 80 els. Colli It ixMinila for big stock of all kinda of ' ' Cotton fU A GROCERIES We are glad to any to our Ii kihIh mid customers that nil gvuilva lliltl' M iiwiilei altly advanced iiicc ClirialmitH. Hright wrapper, cutter and atrip art higher -than they have been in several yearn, and show that Ashcville ia tlie place to aell tobaccos ruined in Western North Carolitui and liasl Tennessee. . . Thf exporter and mnnufncitnrrrs wlni need the type of tobacco rained in thin ! section have their buyer on thin market, mid nix mying more I'm- it Ik-ps lltnn else- where. ..:. .1 ' ,. ' I We would warn our euMtomerit agaiiiMt the drummer and ngeniM who are paid big anluric to induce shipment to other markets than tkitt, by proiniae to wit nt reduced commissions. After your tobacco ia sliiipcd it in from under your control, and when you receive return there (a alway an ctctiae for low price, claiming to- ! Imicco to be damaged, etc., etc. li;;ai. no ticks. V'liTICH la hrrrhv given that I hi unit, r.lnn A rd, mill Ihrlr aaaiM-tate. will make appli cation tn (he l-rnnal Aarmlil, N.olh 1 r. ouiaa, nl tie ara.inn of I mud, (t a t harlrr in i l'ruiatlilK " Iht Aartvvlil Loan. ColiXrm- il Imiirovrnif nl I'unipnnv ." Willi lla prill, l,nl pla.-r- nl iMMlnraa in (llrl'lt Aahr. vilk, N. C, Thia Hull day nl Jammrv, Ihmii. C. Ii. IH.AN'TdN, C, T, HAWI.M, Jhii .'ii tlnotl 4 ...... - - ..... - , ... J-JIHHOLU riON OK CO-l'AttTNUKHHIP, riHMnnc'ralii)hnirtiifiiK(Utin Iwtwrrn the anilrrainri), waa ilUxilvf.l im l)c. 81, rtnn. f . v . mt in I inn, ritiu.ii mcintiub. Tht liutc hrr liuinK will lw iair1. il on aa Unual hjf I-. C. Mi latirr. Mr. 1'hilliii Muln- tiar will rrnialu with V. C Milnilrr lur twrlvr mnntlia U) uiaiat him in the buainraa. Jaa lo ililoilaa llrowiVr. roiiHtrd coffee, trmikx, viiIimk, wnler-biRkct, tulia, tk'kiiig. Hour, fineon hay and Hyrup. 11 ll. grhnulated aiigar for $1.(KI, 13 II. light brown augnr for 'J'iji l.ou. 3 in. can oi loraaioc u eta. n can. All theae goHl muat lie sold nt oiut-. All pcraoiiK owing Smith & tl:ii'd arc uotilicd to Hiy hiiiih' at omv, and nave CIHitS. , . . We have,. with great cxiie, inailc the Farmer' Wnivbonm' II. B. CARTER. AhhIiicc dawttc'iH Leading WarcliouHe in the State. wlajrc'you uttend the wile ol yonr own lid.mxo, or have it wild iu a lew day alter shipment. ., v , . h. ' ' : , , VOTIIH. A A s' J' i' , 6 ' s i i ' - '. 4 ' KotIc l.hi rrliv l veil that thranilcraiirnrrl, an4 thrirnaaotiulca, w ill mitliaiiilicaUiai lt the Ciurrnl An.rinlilv of urth t aniiinn, ai la amilo,, of ismi, lor a charter inrorporat InftTth "Hlirll Inlrndar anil I'llr .." with ila r(iK-,al plait of biiainvaa in the tlity f AkIwvIIIc, N. C. , . Thin atli ilay of Januarv, 1M, A. II. IKIlliLL, K. V.JtiNHH, K. H. I IILKNWIDIU, J'- 5, Ii. UA II VM. XHOM TIDN NOTtl'B, liltavwhcrc we give a piirlial Hit Td'actuul sale made siiar tlx- holiday. 4 S "i. ioV HItllTlI & ROLLINS, For SMITH & UAlKl). Xo. 1 1, J'atton Avenue, I ,l&wt"lrl2 Proprk'tor. no iriiaiw except through Alliance Annus, WoiMlall Alliance, puvic couiUy, baa - endoraed the demand of tlie State Alii ' mice in regard to increased jurisdiction of juatice of the peace, convict Inhor.aiid free pasaei on railroas. HavictZouniy Atliaccndorard tinnni uiouhIv (he detnandaof the State Alliance iion thf Legialalurt. in regard to giving convict labor, . pnblic official accepting free pause over railroads, &c, . At a meeting ofBuffuloc Ford Alliance, Kambilph county, after eudonitug the de mand of the State Alliance, a resolution win ndolitcd, aaking the Ixgialature to so amend the school law as to require the teaching inT the elementary rinciplea of the science of ngrktitturc in our common school. i Morgan Hill Alliance, of Bimcomlie countv. by resolution, instructed their iiH-mlcrofthe Ixjjislaturc to tisc their iufluemT to procure the construction of A tine of railroad front Ashevtllc to Cran lierv; also, to use their best endeavor to have the puWic. highway.-worked by taxation. At a rcirular mcetiiu,' of Miaire Hill Al- littjy.'c, Moore county, tlic demands ofthc ' ""State Alliance were unanimously en- dorscfr. A resolution was also adopted, asking the Legislature to enact such a law as wilt compel railroads running through Moore county to pay full yaluc for all damage done to live stock. The Jones County Alliance, considering the homestead law, the parent of the present burdensome mortgage system, and that it has a tendency to drive capi tal and manufacturing enterprises fry) the State, resolved to aslt its repeal at the : hands of the present Legislature. Drv Creek Alliance, of Chatham countv, memorable the General Assembly of North Carolina to amend the present school law so that each county shall nv propriate not less than one dollar per. .scholar, and that the money be paid di rect from the Sheriff to the school com mittee of each district, the committee to give a sufficient bond for the security of said money. Kocknih Alliance, Of .Duplin countv, protested against the coaxing of able bodied laltorers of this State to otlier States to work, leaving their children be hind to be schooled, and the old and in firm to be taken care of, and requested the Leirislattrre to enact a taw to remedy tl evrt; they further ask that persons convicted of "crime who are unable to tay costs and fine be required to work out the same on the roads, instead of being ftwaqned in jail at the expense ot tne tnx-1 oatmf further ask, that all able-bodied j " insolvent tax-pavers be required to work ! int the amrant of their taxes on the 1 public roads, At a meeting of Brassfield Alliance, Cranvilte comflv, a series of resolutions ivert anjmrted declaring it to be their pur- - - u MA 4,1,mm- frntn nnv ' tnt!K w mrvin , individual oreompany who refuse to sell their goods through Alliance Agents; that they will not bar from any fertilizer oioanT that i or has been In any man lier eonnecttd wi th a trust, which has for ii j i ii it i The Western Carolina Savings Dank, ASHKVILLK, N. C. - CAPITAL, ... 950,000. Uencnil Runkiug. Deposits received. Exchange bought and sold." Collections , madeon all iicccKsiblc points. The Savings feature will receive speci.d attention J On aH drHHits in this dewrl ment deposited for four inontha or longer, interest at tlvc rate of four jicr cent. er annum will be paid. , , M - Depoalt Your I)linen, Ton Mill Nodi( Havc'loIlarii. , Ojicn from U a. m. to 3 p. in. On Saturdays lbcSaviiigx DcKirtmcnt will Ije ojien from 3 p. m. to 7 p. m. , , Directors: M.J. Bcnnlcn, M.J. Pagg.J. tv. Kny.J. Ii. Kccd, K. II, ward II. Colemun, Geo. S. 1'pwetl, Iwis Maddux, C. M. McLotid. dawtfcl3 - , : . , . ;U l t i i- ' I'KUTBCTINO rKl)PKRTVM.NIa4f ) THE 'tAMARET' GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES. The linn heretofiireeiatlnr under Ihc nam; ol W. A. Illulr Nc Co., Itna thin clay hern illn aolreil hy nmtaal cunarnt nnd in future tile iHinlnean will be conducted lie the Ulan Fur niture To. All purtira Indrhted to W. A. Illair i'o. are requeated to ai-ttle with the llluir Furniture lo., who will alau actlle all the indrbtedneaa ut' the old Arm. W. A. ni.AIH, .. Janail 3d " W. W.AVUHY. " JOTICK la hrreliy inren that application will lie niadt to the nreaent aeaalon (if the General Aaaeaililjr of North Carolina lor a cluirU-r. Inrtirporatina "The Carolina Mlninc, .VUnu fu:tuhUK and Improvement Company. . r r ii, H. FMHIII'MlN, ! W . M . CMC K K, J a u and ot iK ra. InntS d!UMlay WoAl KOTICLS. NOKTH CAMOLI.MA, -v- - ila.ll.on County. In thUi""r Cimrt. ' Jua CoAifnrt, ami wue, kuteo. Comfort C T. tiarrrtt, KllaalMrth K. l.arrrtt, l,r, y Hrvirr, Harah It. Heeler, Joarph ttrvlrr Henry key nuliia and wile NanryJ. Keynulda' va. ft'llliam M. Uarrrtt. Btn'hea K (larrett, Harab Jonea, Jainaa Allen and Oeorgv AlleW. , NOTic'U. ' The drfendanta, William N. Rarrett, ai-ihen H. Uarrett, fcniah Joma, Jamn Allen and (leorge Allrn, are hrreliy notilird and rennir ed to apiiear beiore the clcrh or the anperinr Court of Madlaon eoanty, at hia other in Marahall, county and Utate aforeaaid. on the 111 at liar of Hrbraare. l.MV. uil. drinitr lo the complaint ii the iilatiitqla jiere- in to ne men herein. The illtmlaiit will lurther take aotlrr that t!e ahovr entitlril ai Uoa In favor of the plaintiff and aartlaat the defendnnta waa beirun on the Alh T.. .J Januare, ikhu, by aummona duly taaued ... nuiiiir i-imri 01 aaiu eoonty , ana . Ihat the purpoae of auid action ia fortheaalefirr iwrtitlon ol the following deacrilied land, to- wit : Situate. Ivinir anll,. 1. ,k. and Htnte aforcauid, on tne Koat aid of Ike ii L "neiitnnlng- in the old Hroyki roaif on ton of the 1,1 u k. it-. i!.t!ci.,JI",!,U,h,:rctu,"re aranted by the Wtaa.iafirth Carolina to Willi... mil. vontainiiii three hundred and niaty-flvc acre' pun. mir.n oo nea;. weat from the tout hen, t corner of the nni.l tract, nnd mm North Oil den. Weat with the line of W.Nelaua grant, to Andertoa Preahoara' liiai; thence oruewhatnorthweatwanlly and wit An.ler anil Preahoun' linea to the French Broad nver; thence down the Preach Broad river with rt inrauilrrinKa to the Hue of a tract : formerly owied hy H .leNeUon ttrmcttthence north wcalardly, with th linea ol' aM Hale .Neinon tract to the ojd J,oyc .roadi thence with the aald old Lov. mart th. .ZT" atnte line; thence eaatwardly, with the Tea. newer suite Hue, aluUK the top of ttw mama. , turn or rlilije, to tliv old llrovlea road In h. KnmaeyKnp; thence south weat wardly, with ' the old llroylea road, to Ua beKimWnaj.Vk ... Clerk 8iiiertor Court Madiaon county, AaheviHe N "'i,"c,k '1"t'''"',ttoiry, Jan. 7.W.' ' jtoia)w KBNT, Wc not only rlve the purchaaer the Iki KiMirinp Pinter, hnl we'protect hlin Finn Hrjrivtntr oar fuaraatac. ' ' V '" Hit Second By Ptarnplnn each sheet with lirnuri und thtekiiraa. Third By excluding wnatea. ; )! fourtkBy hnndrna the srteiakt oitti1HrJkcta on the Ihu. i s ii '' I'Klt- BAROAINS. i i i i a. i in i.i i ; i i ; Sor the benelit of thoaa waatiaa rtne vc Ittat KufcflliiK Vlatea, we aaaert, anil are PARKrTO TROVIi. that lexcriitinK the Olllicrtami' (lW MeihodM !tm r no either j brand of roofing tin lieinR offered In the market to-dnv, by any Arm, under the four differ- t entgajnteiaivc4 above by tMaaa :. ilU' "ill , HI l i n I , jtdinston, Etl-j CNs. Philadelphia, New York. Chicaao, London I U 1 1 11 " ' ' 1 ' BARGAINS. THKRCHANT, & , W , riAataprl ONLY FOR THREE WEEKS ji. Ak. 3 fl "THE W1NYAH SANITARIUM, 'T ' ; l Thecoininmlioua Hcnidcuce on College (treat, knnwn aa the liavidHon lloiiiir15i vardi from Court Siuare contahiitiu two a.'rea Pin irrotinda. ort'hanla, ifinlen anil nncU MToaada. Piltren rooiua, thire in outaide cot tage. Water la th house. Well known ttmt-elnaa boarttiaa houae Open to annll- canta until February 1st. Knquire at ClTI inn -H or at tbr oSioe of A. J. Lyman. Jnldd2w OT1CB. ASHEVILLE, H C. i i.. ,: IX- Clothing. Hats, Gents' Furnishing, -AT- THE BIG 22. BARGAINS. d&wtapr'JO BARGAINS. For iIk reception of patients siilhirinjr ot diseases of luiijrs nnd throat, and conducted ukii the plan of theaanitairesat (kcbcrstlorf and Falkenstcin in'tJcr mnny. Ours is the only such institmion hi the t'uitcxl Slates, and endorsed by tlie tendiiiK members of the medical profession. Term renaonabtc' KARL VOX Kl CK, k M. V. V. C. Waidctt, President. WVfiariilrn, Vlte Prealtkntr- ' Lawrence Pulllum, Cnahier: r. i . .yn :.'iuii;i t'i '' fcg-OTICB. BV virtue of a ilrerec of tit SuperloV Com I of Huocomi county, reniietrn at the ixrem her Term, tHHN, L w ill, on the lath iiy of Peliruary, IMHU, nt the rcaidcnc of T VnaUllderun CollrKc street, in the city ol .VahcviUr. sell, at public auction for' eaah, to the hiaheat. bidder, all the foruit.ru and crmttlr, conveyed by T 1 Vanflllder and wife in certain deeds of true to me This I'urHittircconaiata of carpi ta,chulra, bedroom, library, halt and parlor acta, and Other anas! hiitiaelinld furniture . -,'-,; r... At thr aame time and place, aad under the lame conaltlona ana in th lame meaner I will rent and let the said reaidene or tae, term f on- year from the date of aal For farther particulars enquire .1 the an dewUmed at hia office or of J a Adama, attorney at law, or Moor Merrick, attor ney at law. at tbetr respective office. I tt W W -BARMARD Jan St, 1NH9 jaa 91 dtlVblS ti VIHTUKOH A lOW BR rtPSALBeon I talacd in a Deed of Trust cxecutcU bv John M. Crras ''n and hia wife, Keberca M. Ctvnatnnn, the underaixned will aell, by pub lic anttlou, for caah, at the Coort Houae door, ia the city of A.lirville. N, C., on the lWhftay of Febraarr,' 1HN0, TWO TRACT or Iota of lnnil. situate, lying aad bein la the eountv nf llaneouilat. aL black Alountiiin atMtion. I and more particularly described hi a Deed al i TittHt reniBtered in the office of Rcetnter ol needs nl nuue-imne eoonty, in uook 1, pngt 3i7. ofthc Kecords of MortaHca, to which reference is hrrrhv aikde, t aatiafy the note secured byaaid Deed of Trust, tog-ether wi h the coat sad ,iwtrae hieurfed by reaaon of tne mine e). It, Klittll, janlHdaod Truatee. N - Br vlrf ue iifatkcrea of tlw Superior Court ol Hlincoinlle eountv niM,l. 1m Jolui P. Hayuie, Adiniuiatrator ei loan iliivnle, dycuweil, anHiuat Wyli Hayttlc aad others, heira at law of aald J6htt hkynle. de. aa,l 1 will aell, im tlw premiaea. em Moo. ilny, thct4th day of February. ihh. lo the niKlieatnkrder, a certain tract of landtylna n IN aver'. Creek, in Huncomli countv, ail. lolninic the hisil of Prank Parta, Andy Milea and oilier, and bciiuji the land o which the' aid John Havnie lived at the time of ail dcaili, CkCeptinM ao much of aald laud aa has neretolore been asained to the widow of aaid Huynl . aa her dower, the object of aaid aale iRlnir to make aawt to pay debts of aald nhii Haynie, deceaaed. ' rsKUur Sii.s-oiie-thlnl caah on day nl sale, and balance in equal itistallmcnta of one and two years with intercut Irom date of ale.,. , OHN F. HAYNIU. ' ' Adm'rol joliu llaynie, dee'd. i Dev. 21, 1HHH, - , J!Ow4t r ? ? f r... f f i THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY. OldeMt Bank lu Wentcrn Carolina.. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE. NUTICB iaVrehy Riven ttiatthrnnderalipi. ed will niak application to the Ocneral Aaavmbly ol North Carolina, during it pres ent aeaeisn, to incorporate the town of Black Mountain, Buncombe county, N. C. B. K. IKJl'tlHBRTV. J. M.BTBPP, Jun20-d30d A. S. MM.TON. N TOTIt'B. THE BANNER WAREHOUSE. The underiiicncil havina qualiAed aa Ad miniatrntor m)n the eatatc of the late P. J. larael, cleeeaaed. all pernomi having elntma aKninat aaid eatale are heraliy aotirtedto pre aent them in Twelve Month, or thia notice w ill lie ulend is bar ot their recovery. All per- aona owina aald eatate arc notified to come forward and make payment. . B. R. ISHABI.. . Jan, ill, 1MN. ' Adm'r of P. J. larael, dre'd. - , jana-t CAPITAL STOCK $100,000, SUfLUS FUND $20,000. ASHKVILLK. S. C. ASHEVILLE MUSIC HOUSE, 11 X It IfiTt NtvVth Mnin Stmt. i ' M X , gA.KO-;i.AXUtlBVMoBWMiKsV. J( iU(i 'V 'trt'i i f nviitu 'su, wiih par of aol ' XiKUtad April .(IU, ifin. mi ,u. by W. K Uond i ua u,li. l) Mi.xjfc.ii, ,r B .luouilxj ant, kMiinai'Hnala ilrbt du, I will, aeli to ih ' ailiai Ind 'Vi Uil im ' ! jtkn day of Jan. i ny i i,. ail. t si pr .p ly daaitrik by Mid. , aiorlaij. u ru iiiop' tin y appuar by lofereuce ,) Hiid ii-.it.n! iili4rr I in Book H aaice W n ,4iir.oi(u Recur.', lit i uuco.ub sounty, Wi aali. ... l I j lite p'-aiw al I o'ulovk oa it preuil ef. Hear Wink Mountain. ...... WluLl ill Klkio-r, HorlKAKcc. ITkU.sTBKV DALA, TORT6 CAR IUNA, , ",, k . iiiii'omMaCrtiirtr' Bi virtu a d aiitbortti M k dwUrf leu saaa 1., ttUlod iu iiie by t. h ' IxUiotu all'. In. wife, Ciar-'-. U'dlt'Ml. luturtlksfaahvt.Tiajiio i. C. Rawklua of itli' aiiio oral liumlrerl dollar ad iiitwi-ar liter int. unil'laMiilim naietlia Mb dayMM binary lH(XS, i,u retnaiin 4 , Bnon.No. 1 i, ou ie siii, in m rnniM ol th Hiwia er ot iVdur tbc 0,'iint. n .Bnnoib.J Dill aeH Ot k rnurt biiiw w lo tb ety 41 ahui ..or! b Vsmll i. aimil.lo aueitnn Intha hlahaat ' bldiltr,r ai-h, raurday, Ibe f HMM niary, lb th f.'lh.ai; ( iK rtbed and aud p in a, l)iii( smt hanaj In ;b ntnntjp aad4" tale afoi ,'d. adioiiitui ifia lauda ol a win 'irown an li .rail Uml(fr and other, add mora pni"uiny uuaanpt? aa luiinwa. lo-will ( . 11 HMKiiiaiiK at w. 11. i-anuiu j Kiv.b Et nor. ir. and m"a Conb laantv nnla to a , . Iheucu tVi-ai I'l.tH pole ui a Nkik lu Borah 'iult.r' I ne-llieiii a 4i(h a th Sarah Oudirsr i'd J H II owu'a ila tWLiiir nulea. 1. W, M. for- 1 hamac mur; tiiautu Utat with A M. "arham lln.iatiUts poiiM lo ih bcjIiiHliif , unntalnlns tu fM - -ore nr lea I'm. Ui I'.urtli la ol Jann.ry.A. I. KOBI, U. (JARKItTT, janl'iuw .m ; XrwMSA , aTtaeanaKoa-u l.-a- A- nalntfkswl Pfdblirirl rttnill , PianOH-X U. Clutac, Sutitb, ChkkrwiiK ""-- m.mm, , 1 BH.fvlf nnd style On Iniitnlmrnts, 1 Orsratlav-MiirMin and Hamlin, Wilcox its ottject trat advancing of the lint of 11 pcrciiiwr uraiuw t FOU T1IK SAUK OP UJAF TOHACro. THE BANNER fjuano; that they wffl their natftmai nnon nnncT.i.niri.ii.uiu-, lina cmpanie, and otlier r5ontlirmninn.-i fiicnrea. ao htwr a they ateer clear of (ruU ftnd deal fairiv with Allinnre, Alfuitw Wi4 r)dorc the boll and jmtri. otic stand takin hf Prfiv, Sfnh " ,'"' -., n;ir..rf .vinimiaatiua. lu... in nis re- i ihiiii'mu v,."-.,- . rrj -i, . fx-tit rnessttge. 4,k nPvrrmf.m. rVmitor WHln.HK Of lltt, h inlro. diK'etl tin: following ,nirrlUU W t lAi;slHturc! A Hill to be Kntitkd An Ait to Prevent. - ' the Huvinir and SellniB ol ' ruuire.- . - , . , , , , , , i . t)h (VeiMriil AMrHmWy f North Cmw. ' fair denlliiK, H cliiilltnBe tmiMtr1a.Hi in vyrk lirrvtoivihiiie with, any warelioiiM! ''XrtKi?? thf buying aad Ol UMlKrtl anu nniiiiw.1. no sale or delivery of any eottim, corn, wheat, oaU, rye, meat of In"!, "hull ' unlawful, wile the jH-ke for whkn aaid artklcs. or nny of them, are to I tie. livered shall te on id to the seller by tlie ittirvhiiarr at tlie time of tlie conatimma. thin of the said contract. i.nw I .., :. 11. 1 1 ...., .i ..i.i.., form, bond, note or account l mane or j ante lor ine uroieviion 01 me ownc, kim m.i .n., .m n ...v I men in tlie business unDthla" market, and tlieir ex ricntx and jul;mviit ore fully nl- it & While. Kinibflll, Warranted for Six Years From $;. to $1!V aiuld merit, Baion From $2.50 to $ia,oo. . itUarfi-nim fs,()fl to $2.".ik), ' 1 vUllnawPnim to $'..1,m. ; Plate, Ilariw, Aceordcons, kc, String! for nil iiiHtrunu'iila, warranted imt lo break by jroier use. TuuliiK und Ki',Niirinj by an cxarl Wiiwr, etc., itddre, 4 Jii201nmdawly j rpRraTBnB balk, 1 By virtue of a power of aale contained m a Deed .01 Trail eicrutcd by liamun Dillln. I hniu and hia wife, I.ucinda llilinKhnm, on : the 2M dav of Vehmarv. A. l. 1MSH. and duly recoriled In th office. if Reiriaier of Deed j of Buncombe county, in Book No. Id, on pane 1 .'it-t, of the record of tnortftaKe in tnid of- fiee, to which reference la hereby made aa a ! part of th denerliition' hereof, In order to ae - enre to C. N. Farter, party of the third Part. r : tne note ntie ana payauie aa thereinaaid need ! . ofTrtiat deaerilied, the nnderaiicnrd will aell, 1 bv pnlilic auction, for coab. to the hiKheathtd liimi $225 to $4(M), iiwordinj 1 make , arr- lfh ,Irt U'"l"T1.d':"I' i" ""v1'' "f A. 11. 1H; the lanila aa dcacrthed In said Deed of Truat, adjomlaa the lnnil. 'of t. B. Vanes and othera, containiitg lixi acrea. be anine more or leaa, In onler to aatiafy the auid note, Inlereat and all m-craanry coat nnd e-IK-naca Incurred hy rraaon of the anmey 'Thia January 211th, 1M8B. - 1). A. BLAWKWHI.l., InnaT-dltwit Truate. livery liiatrunient j likiwidc 011 Instill-1 I'm iliHri)iii)iin,tiiiic;iifa, inula, liliink C. FAI,K, Uot si not, like other, advertise itself as "U-ailiiV in the trade, but by iurauiiiK j ' Mctv honest eourse tt Duyef and Seller keeia fully abreast, of the la-st prkvs mid . BLAIR FURNITURE THE BANNER I not siirimaaed In facility for iroierlv haiidllnj' lla- trade; It carries heavy liisur. COMPANY, NO, 3T I'ATTON AVliM'Ii, NORTH CAROLINA. . Biincomlie County. J In thr Hniierior Court. . II. V. Ilrant va. W. II. Bnow. Willinin U. Ver- lion ami Daniel A. Wntcra. ! . NOTICK. To William rt. Vernon anil Dnnicl A Wnu-rn: u Yau anil eiteh-irl yon will take notice thnl ihii lurtiou cntltlciFaa nliovc haa beenlieKun in I the Buiirrior Court of anld Buncombe county 1 for tb purpoae of recovering PKnlnkt ynu ' and the anUI W. II. Hnow the anm of Hrvm j lluntircd noil Twcnty.rivc liollnra and Thirty- line Ccnla 1 $7311, .'111 nnd intcrcat thereon 1 from the tat day of (a-tnlier.-IMMM, the aum ' moii lieina rctiimable to the term of an id : court In be liclil at the court houae in aaid 1 county, contiliciiciilK (.11 the accond Monday t lu Mnrch, I hhm, when nnd where you air rc ' ipiircd to npiienr anil nnawer or demur In the complaint. Thia Juuuiiry 1!B. 1HHU. . W. I. KI4YNII,IW,, Clerk Hua-iior Court of Buncombe Co, juu.'llwilt Wholesale unci Retail Furniture Dculcrs, ,.,.ntrili. trft in the sale for future drliv erv of nnv f the irroduct or article mentiorrrtl in section one hereol, aim every Mit note, bond oracconnt arising ut "of any snch contract or trade, shall utUrly yoid and non-colkctible by the taws of this (state,. 8ec. 8, That all mk$, prajrrecrnents.or contracts whereby one praoH (-i!i're a riuht to bay. or a njjht not to lav, at or . - nccnmrno,tino tlic farmer. before a certain nay, at a eerwtin irnce, - any of the products mentioned in section admitted he has no atiual In Urn Ptflt one ot this act, snail ne nniawmi am void, and all debts contracted in such trntliiactiona, or arising directly there from, holl be void and non-collectible.- Kee. , TW ftft shall be in force from and after first day wf Mfl?. t8H9. .,.....,lnrM wias, - r:. V"" We desire to say to our citiwn thrtt. for vcars we have been selling lh King's .Jew Hiscovery for Consumption, Dr. King's iw UK fills, nuckien s AmK-a 1 Stalve. and Ktaatrlc Bitters, and have, never handled miMrdica th sail as well, or that give a generni satiatiictiiHii, . W j flo not hesitatt to guarantee inem every time, and we stand ready to refund the pnrrhaat price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. Theae remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. F. L. Jacobs, druggist. daw tested by the heavy trade committed to their care. . We feci no hesitancy ia averring that our Mr, CIhiiiiIhts is tla- U't siilcHman ,on the market, and our Mr. Perry i tlie last taMili-keeper engaged in the Iwsiuess. Mr. I. J. Redmond is from Madison county Janil is tinciiunled in the especial taiiin he As to Our nuctKmeer, Charhc Da via, it is Al vye iitjk i a trial. - - ' lluyers and Sellers are always satiatied with sales at TH K UANN UK. mm, CHAMBERS l REDHONO, PROPBIETORS. "I And I'lidcrtakcrH. CIihiiiImt Suit n sici'iulty. Hoarding houses nnd Hotel furnished in port oreiitire. Wardrolars, SidebonrdH, lied and Single Uiunge. -' N' ITH'U. CoflitiH, CanketH afitl Uiirliil Rulictt. By virtue of power ntlr coutnlned In a chaltel inortiinKc eierutcd to the Hank of Aalicville, by the AaheviHe l.uinberCompanv, on the .1th dn.v of Novcinlier, Ikhu, the undrrauinrd will aril, for caah, at public auc tion, nt the court-houae door, In the t'ltv of AaheviHe, to the hiKheat bidder, on Saturday, February va, IHnu, the folio winM ar.klra of 1 eraonal property, fix : One twentv-nve-horae-power I'.nKlne, One Holler and Haw Mill loeorrrapontl, anil Two l.arirc Haw. Thia proia-rty can be aern on the frrinht depot platform, for information apply to A. R. Unburn. TUB BANK Ol' A8HKVIM.B, janV4.r4t MortKaKce, IV OTttB. VOTICB. ' - ill -m. i .. :.i . ''. 1 Hy virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Bunooitibr countv. made In the caa of . John Oray Bynam, Adinlnlirtrator of J. M. Jonea, va. Mr. Mart ha. Tav-and other. 1 will aell, al puuuc outcry, at tb court-aouec door, in Aahcvllle, N. I'., mi March itk. Ittau, , the remaininir intereat, In fee almple after the death of Mr. Lura W. Jonea, In the follow. . li.K rial itroperty on I'atton avenue. In Aaba- " rille, Buncombe countyT North Carolina, to witi llcainnlnK t a atak cm' Tatton avenue, '" nortnrat corner of Mr. l.rnlia L. HnuuK-. " era lot, and corner of the fence, and ruua south W eaat with auid fence alateen (ll . pole and twenty IJOI linka to Mr. Minath- ' era' aouthcaat corner; thruvcaouth JUf wrat . with her line anil fence seven (71 pole and twelve il'il linka to Mr Amathera' outh-' weat corner', thrne aontk 10att wit Hen-1"' ry Krwin' line eleven Ull pole aad ten lo, , link to a tnke; thence north 5V eaat thir- . , teen 11 HI nnle and kevrntreri knit one-half (17V4) Hnkatu aatukeln thr Treat edire of aoiicrta hirert, tnencc a itnaow.Mrvet twelve . Iiai feet to a .take, thcuce uth 80 weat , 11 (5) pirlea and aeven (7) link to a atake thtnre north im.wr.ttwentT-.iliaillrHilrti and fifteen 1 1 Al linka to a atake on the aouth edge of I'atton avenue; th nee (outb 74 weat eialit () polca and twerrtv-onc (211 linka to 11 Ktnkc in the mnncln of aaid avenue; thence aouth weat one (II pule aad Sve (SI linka to the iH'uiiinlng; conlaiiiing one and one half acre, lieina the land conveyed bv Ii. M. Hubert aad wife to said Iaura VY, Jonea ami J. M. Joiie ,by devil ilutcd March 1, 1SH1I, and rrKtaterril In Book U, paxe 1; ol the Re cord of Ik-eda of anid county. TBKMH OF SALH1A per cent, eaah, one hulf n maindrr ix mouth from sale, soc-half rx-niaindcr twelve nionlha from aale, with flood peraimnl neeitrlty, and bearina intereat roin date t a) per rent, per annum, deft rred puvnienta aexured by 110 tea; title retained itttiit ii.vmi'nl i,rnuri'lii. num.. - ---- 4 lllll.BIVbVlUtlO J,au24-w4t : Admlnhitrator, IRUVI'KK'8 HALK. . ... ,. . - . i' in! II : Hf virtue ol a ducd ol Iruat olouiildt U SM by -I oni.si Vamll dm 01 dm d4 . ufOwiber, 'HHri, lo -eeiira certain wm iea ry the alo auUl il-r 10 II, A Umlger fia .111 puiikaa . rain-y nfhn 'and i rolim lor dwnrl'a,d, 1 will piuu d 011 Moiida) the ISilnii Keliruary.lhtCI, lit ill" 1 on 1 H ura iiairliiih ' cltv of A.uet lie 11, 1 tt piiuliri unci -a lo Hi blIU) t bwMur lor ' cii-i. aruiinlii lu lm land lying In wd Mar I'm nor.htiiii irHnn ill Inn tiliy iif AaDovllla, be. I k tiiat iKiituui id Ihii lluilgur lara lyine S'iots the ttd k'l-iwii ar' nar.i nilvu" on tb tile . I "oi Uli Muuii alii for a m r duiolui diacrlitioii nr rlilf r errnce I made In Ihc itii d'KHof iruat.Mia Mine bel' irlternd In thu oillc 01 tb" LP-rof ImeiU nf nnucombe onnniy on page id Hook . thia aala aot lo en, ura mi much ot a u laud a. iha xldVaa (il.oer nl aid loneij-d i,y three dead a M I ia 10-wil; 'UMid eil to O, T. Colver datt Hri.tem . Siiii, 17. aud leuiaWnH) nu pave k, I of rttaik im. "PC dwd to R uwanu 1 lata. I oeou auilwr Slat, isa?. asd rri.U'icd nu page ail of Bunk rKI, 1 nl on mlur i.id bi Kn.'ifaU P. Mllla dnid uoiolwr si, IM7, aud rugluarad an Dug- HI Unl H111': uO I'.cc Mauf rliiuoumbov ualr. lo wtitm d. nda rel- raiin. I ntali- loi a dc rlp Hon ol 1 lial poi mm of abote bu imUry not bareln advertlaeil I T al . , . tu .1 'or 'urtbur n.f 1 mall u a.ipl lo lb adflr Mgtied ' he a oniucnrtitiilgerAit-artiir bit Jan 21.19 Ii H CAHTfll, k ' Juiii4 dllwlt , rrusiea. JTOTICK TO TAX I'AVKUa. . To the Tax pRVcrofliutHXmlK County: You are he- . notified to come for aril and aettle our lane for the year 1888, and ave trouble. - , , ... . . . The following peraon reirtt1liHrd by me !!. 'HI1 iii'.-.i""ii;'"::." By virtue of a deed in trut, enreiitcd to mr by W.O. Camller and 1.. M. I andlrr, hia w ife, ua the !idth day of May, lHHU. to ae-1 cure Curtia H. HroHoenin theaun. of H(l.sii, with Interuat on anid aum nl aix per ceut. kt 1 annum, I will otter for ante, at the Court j lloaae door, In.lhe City of AaheviHe, on tne I . aum aay or reuruary, lroiu, to the hluhraf 1 .,. , , , , , , . , ,. . , . r...:hlttllr,ftraaa).tll nntotrlna; itearrrlard rent I Hotnlnjrt Arerv' Creek, Wealey LedbetUr; ... All kinds of case, lorWilil or young, from ilnin to tla: hlieat, kept CoIikIhiiiIv on eatate: I'.rglnnlng on a birch, thennrthweat l-elccat.-r ai Sandy Muah, John U. Diindall- ! corner of the Charlie Wllllama tract, and runa 1 Ivy and Flat Creek, Robert lireenwood and ra.iwiirmv 1., rnmoiii oua, jonn culhev'a tame t.rpeiiwood. W.J. WUKLKV, . corner ; thence eaatwardly with hia line to hi ' Jan .Htw8t Tai Collector, and Haydon Hyatt' corner: thence un t,, , ' the I'lnnnclc, whre the tin of the Ford trnct IIV VIHTt K OF A ll!RU IN TKU8T tie. will receive prompt attention. Wf fcnv ahurf Itlllt'oved a firHt-elaa I'lidcHakcr of fr" the anl thence weatwhrdly with, "led ? bv .l'in oriwin. on the, 1 . . ... - . the inn nf In. mii.nl. . a ., ..I. . 1. 1 llln ilnv or ,ovrmlier. I NUM. Lit M.m im , i i . f j to in bevinning, thence to th beginning, I containing .too acrea uf land, more or leaa. , i ni utnai aitaatea I iipper llomlnv Town. , ahin, nnd adjorna tbat ol John Cathev, Char-, ire uiuiiniana otner. .. ., 1 JAMB it MKKKIMIIN. I Jull Slll'Koau, Truatec. I Attorney. Jnntndttw4t hand, prompt attention jrlvea tit all ortlcr ilny or night. Orders from abroad '. i - fc ft .. m, many years" exrriem'e, to takr ehnrge of this aieiiiit feature of our liiiHjiivn, iulfitiv, m iviiiiind St. Piding Habit Cloths, Tweeds, Cheviots, Corkscrew, Cnaaimere, Flannels, Ike., H. Kbdwood ft Co. .No. ' 517 Put toil A VMIlIt' 4 iN JUTIl'Ii. : n.V'''A'' irt- v..l:. n. CVPF,-'. pit T.S. 111 KN" CVTS. conxs. 1)1.(1 ..H t li I.I- ... KHliHTItirErt ..j ' ' " ' 1 iii. ! . i . . . . I nreaent them lo"A. B. Da via and 1 lift',, " . . . ' . ' V I .t lf ' 'i V- Vr ! dmlirltratr.r. bir before tlw S I lei ' 1 ' ' f 'Al I "' i .i h i't P t '.--', ' ' I Jana-ry. 1 .'. Wthl. ai.tlce wl I MW ..... . ... .,.-..ilJi ll J .'4 it 1 1 (. , ; bar of their recovery. Rnort.i) u AM. -v "- I l SllOf fi Biri ii ui; i Notln. ia hrrbv tflvpn l.t all t ,,. kawl.. Malm axnlnnt the eatate of J. H. lla via. to L,. V. larael ll.'.th day of b plead In a. n. mviH, (an. 1. JKHU I,. V. ISKAKI., jnn wilt Admiiiialrator. a h.wv.rlnlh. aum nr line lltin.lrvrf I One IhJlar and Tea Cents, with Intereat on the anm at eight nrrcc t. per annum, I will utter for aale. at the Court Houae door, in ! the city of Abbeville, on the 1 Hth dav uf . , runry, 1HK9, to the highrat 1 iddrr, Sir eaah, the lollowmg deacrilard reai eatate to-wit: l me Houae and l-ot, aituated near Hill street! 1 In the rity of AaheviHe, ailjulniiig the landa of I U, M McCandlcaa, Kd.Krvierand K.tate ofC Cowan. J. 1., HMATHKKH, ' Janiadltw.1t Truatec, ififOKliy TO L.OAK, . . I In mm of not lea than Iimmyimi. .... mure than 3iMMI.oo, on uninrnmhrred real tale. MIMIHR S, MKHHICK. . . AtUmevt-l.a, Jaa'iOttr Aabevilk-. N.C.