5 i T - i i 1 1 i V I! be pi,t.h-td every mornlnlf frscrpl Mon v I MH following flr mil Wily cmh: I ... V... " ( Month - S MI Iiiim (nrMonlk B ,. V. r k I1 liurcanvil will drllvrr tha paper every R,uii In t.m pari of h elly to our aiib aciinrra. anil nafiu. wHll It WlU Meaa rail at titc Iritisa Otttot. Ural Ratate D. . Wataoat. pound iiljr at thia omoe. "1 he Ihmanaa" frank liarhraa. The lili.n hur-llerrtii weaver, fuuh, lloura, Wlmla M ilUamua at Ho. UBiM aMatlC Mlaal BWrrvtC aWa ttata. AatwsvUla, K. C. LiTTTtioa w.m wot. lmtuu aa.aa Wbt. Butk ,860 fist. Ucteoroloskal report for 34 hours radio at p. at.. Jaaaary 40. 1 1RMV. V bmF SgXTC 1 it. f ailapTipa alai i Mtn.f Pally Mean. "lJM L8LLB3Ji 8.6 DW POINT. I HUMIDITY. fajaTayoaTpm l' bally M t I I ii TlBCIPlfiTlON. BAROM BTBR. aia aa4 MlUlaMI tack. tnow Dally Meaa tochca "rloaeT S0.2S L'MlW-l'Inr. at. V. BUCK. M. D., Obarrver. FABEL4N ITU. Tba Ffrat Martias Ker Cclcbrav. tad at Battery Park-THo Wka Wltataaacd lb Cerawouy, etc Battery Park Hotel wi yorterday, at 3 p. m tht teen of quiet little wedditiK the (lift that ever took place within Iti ' walla. A private parlor wa handaome- ly decorated for the oreawon. The contracting partiei were Mr. Alliert - Fatel.ofNw York, now with the 8. F. & W. Railway, 8a vannah, Ca., and Mra. Adelaide Bulleo Smith, formerly of Hbig- ham, MaM but for arveral year. reai- dentof New York, and who baa bad charec of tht Ulegraph office at the hotel aince laat tpring. Rev. W. 8. P. Bryan, Mtor of the Freabyteriaa church, of thia city, officia ted. - The bride, a petit brunette, wu attired in a rich chanjcralik; ailk, hand aomely trimmed with ptuh, and carried in her hand a boquet co mooned of tea roars. Her ornaments were diamonds and garnets. Among those who witnessed the cere mony wert Mr. J. B. Steele, the genial manager of the hotel; Dr. 8. W. Battle, and wHe; Master VVestray and Miss Madeline Battle; paymaster Prank Hin- man, U. & N., and wife and M iss Eleanor Hinman; Mr. W. 0. Burke and wife, ol Ashcville; Mrs. KendaU and Misses Ken dall, of Newport R. I.; MissCleanor Pol som, of New York; Mr. B. D. Davidson of New YorkrMr. A. C. Campbell, Mrs, E. A. Twombly, Mr. Asa Loomis, Mr. B Coffin, Mr. Chas. Matthews, Mr. B. R West and Major Tappen. After the ceremony the company par took of refreshments, after which the bride donned her travelling dress, and the . , newly wedded pair, having ncsived he congratulations of their friends, drove to the depot where they took the 4:30 p. m trainforabrk-ftriptoHot Sjirings and Knoxville. Their future residence will be Battery Park Hotel. ; A Criminal Coart tar Baucorubc C'oanty. To thi EtMTOB or Tim Citukn: In your editorial on the subject yon take a sound position, in advisiiut the election of judge, clerk, etc., br the pro pie, rather than cither by the Legislature or the magistrates and commissioners. The ureseut system of county irovem- ment in North Carolina is a yielding of principle to eipeuiency. The principle of the American nation 'A goveraawnt of the people, by the people, for the people,'' has been . aumndered. to the arirancy, as it waa conceived, of preserving good man- asctnent ol some ol our eastern counties. How much longer this state of things ought to exist is a question drbatcablc, ' but there can be no irood reason for en larging a bad practice in Buncombe have a criminal court, especially for this county, let tne omciais uc eircvca oy tnc people. i But let us consider whether a still bet ter plan may not be adopted. A criminal court seems advisable in order to allow the Superior court to devote its time to clearing the civil docket. I suggetthat the expense which would attend oue for lliincombe alone tie avoided, by tne Vjcst ialatnre attaching us to the criminal cir cuit already existing, which embraces the -- soantiesofncw Uunovrr and . Mccklrn' burg, I or the cities of Wilrainirton and Charlotte, Judge Mcares, who iresidrs over tnis circuit, ia saui to uc enunenoy fitted for his position, and could easily add ours to his present courts. The Clerk of the Surir court can transact all office business retiuired both of his own and the Criminal court. Thus would a multiplication of officers lie avoided, and our Inferior court, which bus done good service in the post, may tie dispensed witn, and a saving olex. penee thereby made to the county. The officers of the Inferior court will understand that I highly apprccinte the excellent manner in which tliey have lul- filleil their duties, and as xitrioticciti- tens will luvor any move towards utm omy in county administration of justice The iuriadiotion ol the Lnminiil iimrl would extend to all classes of crime, btith those now under control ol the Interior court, and also to capital cases; and by arranging the times of holding it judi ciously, our jail can be quickly cleared of prisoners, who, instead of lieiuir kcut m idleness at the expense of the good ieo- I le, will be put to work, either in the "enitentinry, or still better, on our county roads. And thru all civil busi 1 ness of our people caa get the full attrn ' tioa of the Superior court, and the dis grace ot keroinjt suits on our dockets h year after year, until they etiual the fit' mouacase of Jarndvcc. vs. Jarndycc will dc a thing ot the post. T. VY. Pattoh. A ttamall fir. Aa alarm of fire was turned in from Haywood street yesterday afternoon. The call was responded to by tlie lire de partment, the Rescue Hook and Ladder Company being the first to get ready for action, and to get to the tire. The Asheville Fire Co., No. 1 coming in second, and good work was done by both Ol the orgsniiationa. The 6re waa in Powell A Snider, hay storehouse, which was completely des troyed. About five hundred dollars worth of hay was also consumed by the flames. ' The fire department deserves mack praise for the escelleat work they did at thc hre, and the organisation should re (civc substantial encourngrmrtit from (he people. Tim KAH.WAV iu.i.i:ono? Appointed AahcvlHc Heard of Trad to nrpfrnniMi. villa IH Mlrfrd. ton Stae-tlng. Tlir h.llowini: namra were selected hy tbr president of tlie Asheville Hoard of Trade yesterday to attend the rnnronn meeting at Kutherfordlon on Mommy. February th : Cunt. Natt Atkinson, C. D. Wanton, utf it f.,vn T. W. 1'iitton. 0. A. Shu- ford, J. II. Herring, A. II. Portime, M. J. Pagg, J, Purgm Alexander, Vol. Lomr. K. V. Wackstock, Copt. II. Smith, Jason Ashworth, Sol. Hampton, C. W. lleale, (ieo. 8. Powell. TKI.KPHONK KltHAlWJB. A letter froisi Cap. Mclnd. The Ashcville public will lie gratified at the contents of the following letter. The Citkkk hns done what it could to procure a telephone exchange, and is happy that the matter is in such good hands, nulhose ofCapt. McLoud: Nkw YoBK.Jnn. 29. 15. Killtnf Citizen .The represenUtives of the American Hell Telephone Company will reach Asheville this week lor tne purpose of settling the matters between that company and our local company. Mr. McClure, of the Southern Hell Com oanv will reach Ashcville alxut the 6th February prox. to make arrangements for the opening, ol an exennnge m c ville. C. M.McLo,'- Alliert W. Pabel and A. B. Smith were licensed to wed by the register of deeds yesterday. C. B. Graham and wile yesterday trans ferred the proirrty lying on the corner wf Atkinson and Williams streets to John . Graves; the ctmsidcration being 92, (KM). wjjlU Goods, c' , at Whit- lock's. JanlSdtf New Torchon Laoea at WHrrLOCTi's. JaatUkf. Whltliv.k nan aava vort money on a line, medium or common areas in sua. wool or oottoa. janlSdU Lota of pretty goods, cheer t ever, at W Hrruxja a. jsniHdtf Bit- red notion it. Woolen ' Drees Ooodsat WurrLocK's. janl8dtf 8ea WRITLOUK bru: 1 new Embrold erleeand beautiful Lne. jaulSutf Pine Black Drese Goods. H. Km wooo & Co. aucalM' Arnlea Balv. The best solve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbeum, fever sores, tetter, chnmwd bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to rive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box. For sale by t.l. Jacobs. daw Caralaaa f other. Many mothers have permitted their children to die before their sys when they might have been saved. Any mother who keeiis house without a oottie oi Acker's linglish Baby Soother at hand, runs a risk which she may some time regret. It has saved the lives of thousands oi cniitiren. ana is noing so every year. For sale by T. C. Smith & CO. OHWIJUll MRS. PttHHOM'at RKNGDV, ca What Mra. Joa Person's Rem dy will Ho. lloicwell P, 0.; RfcA'ienlmrg Co. septemiier imhn.i Afrs. Joe Person, MmIhiu: Pour years aim I took a vio lent cold, which resulted in quinsy, and alter sufferinii almost death, vot relieved, but alas! the disease was In my system and finally culminated in a womb trouble which caused me great trouble that win ter and spring. 1 could scarce drag around and was otten so miseralile I would pray to die. 1 begged mv husband to let me try your remedy, lie bought me one box and it has made a pertrvt cure of me. It has also cured me of indi gestion, and furthermore, alter the birth of fire of my children, I would nearly lost tlie use ot my arms, and sunered untold agony with rheumatism and neuralgia. I have not been troubled witheither with my lost two children. I keen a bottle of the Remedy in the house all the time; my husband says it is better than a doctor. With ail my other children I had irreat trouble with them durinir dentition. I can truthfully say, never ilid children cut teeth with as much cose and as little troulJc as my last two have. Wlicnevcr I see any sitfn tM their teethm-v com mence takmii the Kerned. It kerns my stomach anil bowels regular, ana in a heulthy condition, and seems to have the same cflcct on theirs. It is certainly the best tonic I ever tried. A few doers will brace me up and make me feel like a new cr n. Yes, publish any xrt of my let ter that will help your cause in the haul. I hate publicity, but il mv cxicrtrncr with the Krmrdv will be the means of others trying It, I am willing fiir tla-pub-lie to know what it hns done for me and mine. God hkus vou! , I am, very truly, 1 Mas, Ahnkn Alkxanhkm. The Kenu'dv is lor. sale bv Ashcville driik'lfists, wholesale and retail. Price, $1 per bottle, 93 prr half doen bottles, Wash, 6tc. prr (mckitge, $a.50 tier hall diiaeu Nkckitgvs. Send lor pamphlet con taining; testimonials mid vuliinble infor mation concerning the Remedy. Address MM. JOK 1'KHWtN, wtnul Kittrell. N. C. Asheville Tolmcoo Market Corrected dnllr hy t hamliera. I'errv Rrdwuad, Pmprletiua Paaiw( Warehouae Ti'imtiAV, JANI AKV US. ' . . auoaaaa. CoaimiHi : $ a no to 9 no Medium ... (Ml to (Ml (M.od , TOO to loo Ptaa til no to I (HI rn.taaa. Cnmmoa $ a 00 tu $ Inn Medium S no to (Ml OcmmI , .- e mi to to no Kitra It ootu 18 OO ci TTaaa Common..... ft't 00 to ll no Medium , is mi lo IH no 11okI. , ..., , is no to IK I oo Pine .. 2d IHI to A oo Paaejr. v 30 (Ml to ,8S 00 wsArrssa. Cim.m. ........................ onto J on Medium JT4 (Ml to SO OO iood..,........,.... so no la a un Pine ... so oo to ns oo Pamy- so oo au OA 00 cosnmos or uasssr. Oo.mI tohaivo remaina la atlff demand; eommoa aot ao high, owing to very heavy bnaka. .-.USTAilG LltllLlEflT CUKFJt FOOT BOT, rllori.Drn-R01 4U;W.W0Kaf AM)SCAB m BBIXP' Shirts and Drawers, iIo.icry.CuHi! and Cull., Scurf., Cloves, Hag". Trunk Ike. One pru system. ' YVllITLOCa S. . jaui.. "Worth 11csmUhi?.w Jelly Moulds, Tea Strain crs, Tea Pots, Soap Savers, j Egj? Heaters, Gutter Prints,! Spice Boxes, anything amlj everything is to be had at the i "Racket Store," cheapest; . t , r ' r r-' . nlace in Town, Lamp Chim- a neys, 5 cts. each, all . sizes, Wicks 5 cts. per dozen, Burn ers, 6, 8 and 10 cts. each. All he Standard Novels in paper at 12 cts. per volume, regu- ar price 25 cts., beautifully )ound Books at 48 cts. each, regular price $1.00. At our reduced prices we are rapidly losing out our stock of Blankets and Underwear. See what we have before you uy. We have a new thing in Men's Shoes, a Shoe we guarantee to give satisfac tion, have our name printed on the sole of each pair, and we return the money or fur nish a new pair of Shoes in every case wherein they fail o give satisfaction, no time unit either, ' we hate them in Lace,- Button itnd Congress at 2.78 per pair; No war rant or guarantee could be stronger, we control the sale of them in this City, and in vitc inspection of them by buyers. A new line of La dies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, Rubbers, Gossamers, &c. See us before you buy anything. Respectfully, GEO. T. JONES & CO. N.Y. Office, 406 Broadway. n oi :U1 9 I'MH-KTAKKK ANU r.MBAI.MP.K, AshcvilW, N. C. livery mjuiaitc Hf the business fur nishrd. Plain wood esses, walnut or cloth covered caskets. Metallic caskets, both plain and ek-snntlv draped. Robes of all qualities. Hearse with heavy white or black il i siier v All calls, dav or niirfit, promntly an swered, Telegraph and mail orders iromptl.v nttrmlrdto. Ottict never closed. IHftce anil residence: No. 40, N, Main st. dtmnrlO Hchrdule Street Railway.. To lake effect Friday. Feb. 1, at S.SO a. m. Car leave. Court Hnoat e So a. m. " m ,. r.mi a to " " " " M.o i , Prt.m then till T p m car Wave, coart hosat every ilo aiinutra. Alao, ear teavea enurt knuar at S.O p, m. to aoauevt with train to SaHabary, PA Ma. PIVncKNTS. l EUSTAKQUXcim OTTtES RHEFaf ATIHM, LAMX BAO aI HTirr JOlNTft, CB IH M !RP Oil I 1 i I Is B ?. w JB i ii! i Pi Ml rt f t- j s j : I i 8 I'lili a S IS ! -5 "o .. 8 I .a JKHSK K, STARNKS, I .',uv i:o:.:i:-T.iAim coon:; . 7 Your (Jnmit fur, Ar hevillc Milling Company Flour and Sleal We mitke tlie lollowing K'';llll' ( fl"ul'; . Take no other. . L lL a..- i..- . t.A r,,,,,,,,), . "rounii to iruer. io v.ustom i.nniiini' ior h Old Heix.t. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, ' . ; ' - r H. T. COLLINH & CO. t NiijHM-ioi liai-d tins I Soft CoaJ at WliolcHali' and Urtail Office; Barnard Building, I'n ton Avenue. THE "BONANZA; THK I.KAIIN(i WINK AND I.IQI svt - c se - No. 43 South - AHinrviLui:, n. c. THE "HICKORY WIXE AND BIlilARD ROOM, - FRANK LOUGH RAN, dtfclit'HIl I'KOPKIRTOR. WILLIAMSON &SONr (Successors to Hurt & WilHnrt'miln,)" ' U i'!.' i!f! " IIANI'KACTt KKHSOF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Htc.j . A8HEVILLK, N. C. 1.1 ' AOK NTS HON ' The Burkcve Pump. Steel and tin Shingles. Floor and Hearth Tiles. fct SPECIAL SALE CloalitK Oat Sale of 1 am going to mnke thingn lively at the "SPOT CASH STOHB" for the next ilo (lnv. nut have room for Spring koU anil I am going to put price on goodn thut will move I them I will offtr my entire line of I'nderwear at Comlortu and Hlanketa at half price. Chineae Black Pur liuga at .1.f!o. former Chineae White and Grey Ruga st f K.Sii, former price S:i,o Big line of I'mbrellaa at pnoea that win auit any one : rib 2H, 3.1 and 32 in. at :tc. A nice meta handle at 7Ac. A Cloriah S Ik (gold head 1 at Sl im. , A " " .(allver headi at Sl .na. ' ' Wir lob In Peart Tthttnna a' .Stic. Per doirn. Ilig drlvt In lnta' Slipiiera, embroidered top. 7Kc, worth SI.IMI ; leather at Ui, worth '" ... . . , . . , lirraa Uooda St anj price, to dost out. I have juat received S lot of Haifa Bainnr Pormn, iiml every ladv In Anhevllk who hua any dreaamaklng to do ought I have ope, It, plara. .!; -sj yl t, - 1 fl 1 idly- -5 f M 'Ti;f Jrhid: t wow A NEW I C. a. COOPER, Succetutor to w. R Bearelen. - -t III SOUTH - -otl'i.il ' - , ! Stoves, Tinware and Ilo.iwa .Furnishing (Joods, in con iiiM tion with agi-neral PluinUiug Ua and Steam Fitting HusinesH. Also lioofing, (lUtternjg, eve. , .. ."-w. -v tf t "Torr-ferrra, ' onerallam InlaaiiaaHaa, i ' " . I ?. t f i,lual."llenriitllB. Milk lever. Having employed thc services of Mr. L. Brown as Foreman, wild is n jr,tctic.ill f; lflatiiS aToiiarga,"" and experienced workman, togrtlicr with several other of the l-t workmen in K fc-?ig2iae?f these lines. I am now orcuuii:d to make csUmuUs on all kinds of work nlxivr men-! 'i'lt'A"' tinned: - " ; " "v v . r '! VTHE ASHEVILLE SANITARIUM, ! -'ASHEViitE, N. C, ' '"'" j lleautlfullv I. Killed in a grove of oaks and white pine, with nn dtiat or noie, at the cor-: ser ol (ink anil Wooilfin atrects, near the Prmatc College, and only three aiuaret from the I court houar. , , All modern hud InHwt improveil method, for. tnratlng chronic diarnwa of the lasg ! throat andaoae, by the mhnlatloa of vaporlnd and atomiard lluida by the pneumatic and : comprraaed air aaratiia; alao ComMund I iiygi n in connection with the. vaporiied Bal-1 aam tthebalaatn obtained from the natural balanm Ireca near Aaheville. I We alao manufacture a Home Treatment of the ConiiHiund Oxygen, which la, in nmat caaea, eqaal to the of, treatment, and will lie aent on application by eipreaa, on receipt of price, ta.. j IHir autveaa here for the paal three reara with thi. treatment haa been phenomenal, hav ing cured many caaca that were pronounced hotielra. whone nainca and rcaidencea can bet obtained hy calling at the Sanitarium. Hy prrminaion we refer to the following well-known frnucmen of Aahevtlle: K. I. A.loll. cMvi,r,J. It. Keed. Clerk V. S. Court: Kev.O.C. Han- ! in. paatnr Pint MrthiNtiat Chnrvh. Rev. W. A. Nclaon. pastor Pint Ilaptiat Church ; II. T Collina, Cspt. Natt Alkinaoa. -,.,-,...-.,IS,f,. , Board and Trestmest flarnlahed to uitlenta at reaaonalik- prtcea. . . In addltloa to boarding our patirnta. w have a number of dcgnt1v-furnlhcd roonia to ' accommodate buardcra, wkouaatraa aica.MH ulaea, away from the hotrla. Nkv rooma, ' new furniture, good Inre. Srat-vlaaa cioking. at reaaonahle pricea, Alao, hot and cold hatha, i Dr. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH ' 1 ' ' ' 1 ' . " 1 ' While we Have the Flneat and Moat I aahlonable Goods In ; Our ' fit Msti have the rhenprst.' Call and We (iiinrniitee Satisfaction. Afk KHer 'i. I'.kvtric I.ijht. Caroliim , II I r...tL. 17.1 f v.orn aye mm win. iun iniu oj, 55 1 OH 8TOUB OF THB KTATK. : 1 e "ol" :". " '"jiiruldiHtt'ibutiiig 'point for Main Street, - w-n M V,a!in;u We - w ' INN" - HICKORY, N. C. - iATiKKtS a M'r'NS. Olf -. ItvrLtt'a l,itt . nneatniug i.nm. Idly FOR FEBRUARY. . all Winter Good. just what they coat me. to close out. .prior 4.oo. $ a lloulioUl nc.-tiry, fVe4'f'ora;et the i a 1 1 1 . j 5 - W. II.' LEA, SHit Caah Store. No. 17 N. Main St. FIRM. MA! Jt STRlvKT. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. MAIN STKF.ET. line, : scenir II. T. COLLINS, President. uSIIEVILLE ICE COLIPMY. , J'uro hv lniwl' from Dislill1! WhNt. T-h for stomp in 10 tonloti.'JOieotw iM'i-li umln'il. ()(Iic Bainaid Huildin,' Pntton Avfnno. v' i ii FOR A FACT." Wf move jinot.htTHlf'iK for ward. Our hales for Jajiuary aI.elilI.rtluul uliy jdiiiR , , . : month, nhowmf? BtwirJ.v m cmne in our biiHinpss. 1i-p-wriptin tratlo prtibalily lar gJtit in) Asheville' and no abatement.-'1' Retail'" patron age increasing Hteadily iinin mver to bent "attention and leading low pri. Our wlioleHale effort bring "good ivHultw, a realization of our Yanl: OldDeimt.jpxptH'tatioilH .to date. We are making daily shipments to all near-by railroad ioijit. These demonstrations assure US tlKlt AKIieVllIe IS Tlie IlMt- imf to Istrilnite-theDi ugs, Mtnlicines, Paints, Oils, He; We curry a large stex k and our prices are low enough to remove objections of buyers. We are 'prepared to do the J)rug business of this sit-t ion, and lio relaxation will lie jier- ! niitted until this fact is intel ligently and prnctit ally uii derstood. ' ' ' T. C. SMITH H CO.. " leading Druggists, ''V ' Ashcville,. N. C. . . GREAT CLEARING SALE Winter - Clothing - WHITLOCK'S. In order tu make room tor Sprintf OooiIm, I ! will clow out the lalancr of my winter stock at TOlnml pricen. Aj KI)(H, Hn markei down ami will lie SOLD CHEAP. All broken tutu of rtuito, obl Paiiu, vcr- ! matM, hox Coats and Vcntn. re KHrtlltft tif ctmt. Now is your time for Bitrguttm. ' Children's and Boys' Hults at ' Half Price. . j tsl enrljr aufl price the oils before j iJaresidd. UJ.nfinu "Jlf i they I Ml doien JHmta' Tiea at 25c. and 3ic., forni 1 erly 57c. and $1. 'JO ilosen unluundert'd Kiiirw at ;Tov., worth ' f 1 each. J Ml doxen hanilkerchiclii, at 2oc., worth. inc. each, at . , "i "t . ; -' '. .' WHITLOCK'S. (ItlcliM HUMPHREYS . iDHIOPATHIu VETSSIiUST SPEOHIOSI For Horts, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Fiofe., Poultry. SOU r A ; K 1100 K OS Treat sirnt sf Auhualaaad tkart Heal Free. II. H.-f rim Jl v'.-bUe'a ry ana Kidney iiinaa iaeaaos sf jligratfaa. ive uiaeaara, .viaaga. etaMe f'av- with Rneelflra. Manna!. Itck i vn i on and H.clk'ator, t7.ee ) ' . e, Single Dttle (over (Odoam), .ao aM br I roarUMi er ami Preanld sa Iierelpt of Prlra. Hn,- phesyi' Bad. Co., 109 Fulton St., T. llaUjaPSEETS1" H0M01'ATH1C ff AtaSSaKiatsa. aa MM In liM 'JD na Thai einl msMsafnl tamsna Hervcus Debility, Vital Weakness, tti trofttrfttton, troT tttrr-trork or othr mum. 1 por via), or 8 Tirlxanil irrtntviAt powdwr. for U, r.' i' -stptiMith. lUwrMai aH.,B. 1. deodsvrtoap30Sa COAL I Atkins & Carrington, Sole, tienlera in. the Famoua AVooldr1do;e Jelllco Coal. All rarietlea of Hard Cool . r Before securing fvur mter'aauppl.t.pienw give ua a trial. We gusrnntee aatial'actlon. Co.ll Yard, North Court Square. iltfeb irv bi cklaniT; " ""7 ! MERCHANT TAILOR, NO 10 PATTOM A VKNT'K, . . :,;,: ,., ' hi. i wniiM. i"r im- tn.mng aprlng i and aummer ann aaaa tne pnnic to rail and e .amine. J )coal attentiua given to Uyeing. Cleaning t"l!!r,'!!l" .JJ, - , , Janadtf A Sat do. ur oOK kev. mi N,wth Mam , atrret. tianer eaa get aam at thia oltlce by I Paring fortkia aotk-c. i I ! uae w I. i:.i:.v("..vn. sTr'tai'- U CRAMD Summer Safe f in rairsx pa it h i.m ioiids is oi.u. BRAND OFFER. 1.000 Pirns and Own aTo b told in A'ikui-1. :i, rTnbeT Htid 'Viifc r it UK K BlTTi .l ( AMI rHU wKi PlUCt ftalx 113 rjak 0HG . Mlv SlD Cr.'. And t&ifcao iWa. k, .i. ' ,t4i j4nmt p at oaj urica. lluy notrand dm wban (Triton i.. J..iM ham. -!nn 4 . Wnun 114. il l. .iMt. tllh yn. .in :r; !,: i. lc u. i i trUl. Km! rrlrrw.r ia WrO, nm-arr It'ult 1 4H. I uiiui.ur v , .... SAWaail.Ci s. wtooottS.RB ' fl r- a;iwis. ; sL Piao'e Cure for Con-. sumption la also the beat Cough Medicine. If you have a Congh " without disease of tlie Lungs, a few dosea are all you need, But U you ne glect thia easy means of -safety, the slight Cough , may become a serious matter, and several bot- ' ties will be required. June9,'8-wlT Swirr'i Apwin.! enntl sir of sialicnant Blood lw t'lii I had born Irualtd Is Vila wttk old j c:ill-d Kiaediea ol Murcury aud fntti. a. B. a. 4 only rim-d Ihu Bund Powou, but relieved tlat 'iht'iiniAil.m v.'hk-h h caiiM by lh ootaonous uiiwra's. dmx UOVjaUsei M Areoae, N. Y. Scrofnls dsn)lopd OS niy daughter awclllDg and "ii hr nwla Wo fnve few Kwirr't 8rsi'iPiv, i:id llw reault w:u woudtirlul ind tin cure uramut. 8. A. DsAKMDM), Cleveland, Teun. "wirr'n Hpscirio la entirely s vegetable remedy, : 'lid is Ike only loedlclna whiah permanently cures of:il. Bloud Hiimonu Csucer and Contaslwi, lllood Poima. Seod for books on Blood and bkia DiMam. mailed free. ;. iua owin brscirio Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta, (Is. )n 19 cheod , . . II. 8. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, (Not s 8pecalatr.l Iluving by pructical exurrleuce thoroughly s v sUniu ti'l my anlea nVimrtmmt, I offer I SPECIAL 1NHUCBMBNT8 i To thouc winning to sell, and 1IAKOAINS to thone wlnhlng to buy, "I have aome of the heat projierty for sale in Awheville which can tie bought low down. Alao, country property. Manganese,' Iron, I and Timber Landa. " CftH and caamiHa ray IiiU Uirvourvaaing, I). 8. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, tltninyl Aahcville, N. V'- Tlie National Garment Cutter Interest to Ladles. The National Garment Cotter Company have organized a Cutting School in Aahcville, N. C. where you caa learn to cut and fit any and all gar ment, perfectly. The public have long felt the need of aomethuig moor complete than a aimple chart, that only teaches how to cut a Indies' linague.' That want is fully met in the National .Garment Cutter, it la aitnply tai lor'a rulea and measurement made ao eaar and ainfple that any achool girl can tears to use the Cutter perfectly. We deairc to call on every lady in Aahcville, and explain to her the use of the Garment Cotter, and you will aee at once upoo examination of thia valua bleayatem, that it ia no humbug, but juat what you want. With the aaatalnnce of thia , Cutter you can cut, not only a plain basque, hut alao drawriea, undergarments, Cloaks In tact ivcry garment worn. We deairc to, call apedal attention to the simi-licity of the system. There are noconfuaing calculation., no long, tedioua rules to worry and tire you; it la a aimple, beautiful and perfect ayatem of cutting. Out of all the thousand, of ladles who arc using the National Garment Cutter, we haye never found one who did not easily learn. Por further particular, call on or ad-, dreas, . - - Thk National Uarmknt Ci-ttkr Co., At thc Thomas House, 122 l'atton are. .iBiiaodlawXtw.Hm ' ' JALBOP UNCI.AIMKtl FRKIGHT. ' ' I'nlcaa charges are paid on thcl'raight liatcd below and the iniw moved from the premise of this company, it will be aolil at public out- ry in Asheville. N C. on February 11th, 1NX9, to the highest bidder: 8 Bun. lie. W ood Bracket, consigned to T. I.. Clarke; t Box Iry-Goolx:. Smith; 1 Lot H. H. C.nnda. C. J. Rrrnolda: 3 Boxes Mien, A. H. label!; I Case Hardware, lahell A: Cov; t Itox Iron Kencinc A. I,. Melton: H Hoaea Canned Gnoils, la. W. McCrniy; I Car Un ler, J 41 Heater. J. P. BI.AIH, Agent R. a II. R. R. Co. Aal eville, V C, Jan. Hth, 18NU. ja'JlUw iTllilT FIGHT' Tha Original Wns. C. . Simmons. St. Leuu., l'roplr . A.SmonaI.lvrrM"diciie,Est'4 ' ; . m t'u- U. S. Court D&kATS I. H.-iiliii, Prop'r A.Q.tiimmona Lhr- sr Kei.ul.itor, list'd by ZeiliuiSf.S. v ..I. . S. L. si. haa for v.r I er;ed (khpii.stion, Bii luCSHgan, J. l'YSrrrsiA.SlCK Hlinu-u. 1 . AEr"r'IIt S1'" TOMACM ' ETC Ir rrT.?- K-.rio,i. K. eir i.-h, A,l.:ma,Tnn., wiltra: "1 -Jlii-nk 1 should have been dead kna j l.ir your Genuine M, A. Sim -a ,"na l.iver Medicine. I hava wu a, annsinuia "Tallin's tuu" fur your Medl cine, hul it don't anavar th purpoae." 1I. I. H. Ur.va .ll,.- n. ' r.tti. Memnhia.'ra.. I rcceivada packafx of votur Liver Slcdinne, and have uskJ hallo! it, '' It workalike a charm. mmx M ratter Llvar Regulator and ccr- , tainlj ao mora ul Zouia'a anatara, wtoapa.Rtt T. B. CRARY, A8IIBVILLB. N, Cm m I,.,' Brick Layer and Maker, , Job. of all kinds attended to. : ArtiAcial atone avemiu and private mail wars laid same a la ned rirenalvrlv in parka and private grounds in toasters States. Slao arrange to burn brieka with coal wrth any party who desire to Improve qnal Ity ut brieka and save thirty prr cent, coat of burning. Aiblresa aa altova. dawtmarV : V