T r C--i n Is tr mrt rTtrnrivr? rlrra ' i rio4 Kiaii Kaun h :a v t of pabHe an-n aad mrtnm is la t u- Afat powic fistrrntT, hoorat f'vvrtw strut, aad srcwtwroaa industry. it aow pcrsuaai uiuau tfraunj K I he wa. 1 l rrn pabusfcr thr dinabrr o thr a t ,1 jpreaa, watch aaw rwrrrs the . -' id fca ui scope. It bu otter fafiit tw of d !onJ ormaiia for tkcnDf Ml -a a qatrVTI, Wit evrrylfling caxr- fsa f dWtaiaf ux oiiot spacr. fc ci copter ' rdiuoa will br test aVer to say on srs'lmf their addrraa. TMiiv - y-rnr; SJ far si ot vim ; to erats for oar en oath ; is era la (or m mcL Carriers will Srfcvsr tar paper ra errry Bart of tar oij to hwibsia. and par ts' uu it will paras rail at tar Crruaa om.-r. . tiiWIlif IiiiwiMi,h4 kaowa aa n am at taas amor, all liasaiat advcrurcaKau mart bt paud ta aa- .SUXPAY, FEBRUARY 3. U89. FACT AaWirr ASHBT1XX.E. Asheville ia the county scat i of Buo- combe. It ia the largest towa in North Carwtka west of Charlotte. It is the chief to viand commercial metropolis, of the great and marrtlously beautiful regies of country, known a .Westers North Carolina, of, ia the popular, po litical phrase of the day, "The Land of the St.M It is situated on a broken plateau, ia the valley of the French Broad rirer, oa the east side of the stream near it. juactioa with the Swannanoa, It has three suburban TuTages, lying adjacent on the sostfe, vest, and north, respectively, namefyr Victoria, West Aibevflle, and Ranwth. The city it 3,350 feet above the eea-strrl, and 250 feet above the bed of rmii srna ntnv . toe corporate limits embrace about fonr square miles v. o t- n j . of territory, or 2,560 acres of land. Ashtriu ha a population of about 10, 00Q: thf increaw in the last tea years has been my rapid. The assessed value of the town lots i $3,735,000, which represent about 66 per cent of the real marketable value. It is a center of a rail way system ei tending south, cast.nortb wes and west. The fear liars are own ed and operated by the Richmond & Dan- ville Railroad Company. Ashcvillc, by reason of close connections at every point of the eosBpaas,! easily accessible to all parts of the world.' The distance by rail from some of the chief cities is as follows Richmond 383 miles. Washington 476, Baltjfltore 618; Philadelphia 614; New Yori 703; Boston 931; Kno.ville 130; Louisville 897; Cincinnati 607; Chicago 718; Chattanooga 293; St. Louis 684; SparUnburs; 70; Charleston 894; Atlan ta 263; New Orleans 730; Raleigh 275; Wflmmgton428. The rapid growth of Ashcvillc la population is indicated by thess figures: In 1870, the population was 100; in 1880, 2,600; in 1883, 3, 800 ia 188T, T.838; in l88d estimated at 10,000. - ' KEUGIOVw OWTH. There are those about s who think or pretend (hat they think they observe the sure signs of decay in moral sentiment in the population of this . country the stagnation, if not positive retrogression, in the churches. This view is wonderfully strengthened by the evidences of the growth of irreli gious eUsregmrs of the Sabbath, and pro. gress of agnosticism, positive atheism and blatant, defiant infidelity. But m the (ace of all this, the grand (act stands out tot the comfort and encouragement of all Christians that the churches are growing; and Christianity, instead of languishing or retrograding, is really spreading with marvellous power. The phenomenal increase of the money con tributed to the cause of domestic and foreign missions attests the truth of this assertion ia a remarkable way, and with irresistible njrec. What this increase has been will be seen from the following tables, the first of which shows the amount contributed by the people of the Duited States from 1819 to 1880, both inclusive. Prior to ' the first named year there ia no record of the donations for this object : Proml819tol839,10years, f 332,838 Proml839tol839,10years. 2.334.713 Froml839tol849,10years, 3,003,334 Prom 1849 to 1839, 10 years, 8.080,109 PromlSeOtolSflfl.lOyears, 21.015.719 aAM.. . M . rrosajfl7UtoinN(,, luyears, 81,273,184 The fbllowingexhibit is of the amounts contributed in this conntry, from 1810 to 1880, to the foreign missions : Proml810twl81.10years, 3m,710 Proml820tol839,10years, 745,712 Proml830tol839.10years, 2.H85.H39 Froml840tol849.10years, 6,078,933 Proml850tol859,10years, H.437.3H4 Prom 1880 to 1889, 10 years. 13.074.139 , Froml870tol880,10years, 24.861.4H2 Facts like these indicate that Christ ianity is not on the decline; that religious feeling is not growing cold ia this coun try; snd that pastors and people of all denominations may take fresh hope in the great aad nobis work of spreading the gospel thronghowt all the world. ' CHl'stCM NANNKMi The editor of the BihKcul ffecordrrcans attention to certain habits or manners oa the part of people who attend public worship, which are contrary to the rules of good taste, and are a source of coa Usual worry, both to pastor and congrs gatioa. - L There are those who almost in varia bly sWrp daring a part or nearly the Whole smnon. 2. There are thoat whs persist iachew big tobacco ks service, defibng the floor of the .n-tuAj-j. anil i'.fM:li-g mas v pfcj 'c. lie think that men who w ill cb toLscco in church should provide hfniatlvea with spittoons, and he calls npon deacons and seitons to get np a crusade against thia filthy practice. 3. There are tboat who engage in laughing or talking or whiiiperingduring service. Of all the worries of the minister and the ptrituaHjr minded members of hi! flock, this conduct furnishes one of tot worst. He is particularly term npon person! who come into the sanctu ary from other churches or denotnina- tions, and mtsLeoave Themselves simply because they are in a different church and among a different people to those among whom they hold fellowship. 4. There are those who persist in being among the "late arrivals" in church. Some rather caustic worshipper, may say it is done to "show off;" another may say they are "putting on airs;" others still may say that it ia done to ex hibit new dresses, hats, bonnets, etc. Whatever be the cause, the habit is a bad one. S. Leaving before service closes, or passing in and out during service, habits that the editor considers abominable. He earnestly recommends to the teach 1 of our public schools, that they find time occasionally to lecture their pupils on etiquette at home, on the street, at school, and especially at the house of God A WORTHY UIAMPLK. A rare occurrence took place at Rock rlill, 8. C, Friday. A man named W. C. Abernathey, a country merchant, had been assassinated in a most horrible manner. Two of the murderers were caught and brought to Rock Hill to be lodged in jail. A great crowd of frenzied people immediately gathered to string up the black fiends, when there appeared upon tbf scene a minister of God, a messenger of peace, in the person of the Rev. James White, pastor of the Presbyterian church Immediately there was silence, and all listened with reverential mien to the ap peal for law and order from this man of God. He convinced the crowd that lynch taw "was wrong; that these red-handed wretches were entitled to a fair trial, and it was their duty to let the law take its course. ' .. The crowd quietly dispersed and the prisoners were taken back to jail. Here is an example to all ministers, worthy of imitation. -,. .1 They should go out among men, take part in affairs of moment, and help to guide the multitude in paths of right, snd restrain violence and Inwlesmcss. This, they should ever do, and not con tent themselves as some do, with pray' ers in the sanctuary, or. sermons from the pulpit. TO AVOID OrKN DISM.at.ACE. Europe Is profoundly stirred up over the suicide of Crown Prince Rudolph, of Austria. Private dispatches from Vi enna, first published in Loudon, tell the terrible tale that Rudolph committed suicide in accordance with aa agreement he bud made with a Prince of one of the highest families in Austria. Prince Ru dolph had seduced the Prince's sister and she told her brother of her disgrace. , The latter sought out the Crown Prince and gave him the option of killing himself or of fighting a duel with him. Rndolph chose the former to avoid the open dis grace of the latter. The physieimn, after viewing the body, refused to certify that the Prince died of apoplexy, whereupon an exciting scene occurred. One of the physicians informed the Nene Freie Presseof the affair, hence the publica tion, for which the pnicrwnsconfiitcated. Tlus is a sad commentary upon royalty, and shows that after all heads t hut wear the crown are but human. IKMI-TRO PICA.L, KXFOtUTION. We acknowledge tlie receipt of an invi tation to attend the Florida Interna tional and Semi-Tropical Kxnositiou, now m progress at (kala, Fin. The ex- position will remain ou till Mny 1st. sud has for its object the inducement of trnvel and immigration to a section of Florida that has hrrrtofore been com paratively ignored, though in quantity and quality of rich, high rolling ham mock, aiixcd, and pine luuds, particularly adspted to successful agricultund and horticultural purposes, it has no equnl, while for beautiful scenery, numerous clear water lakes teeming with fish and fowl, romantic rivers to the Atlantic ocean and Cull of Mexico, thus giving thorough drainage from this roiling sec tion, and wonderful navigable springs of irridescent colors, it acknowledges no rival, while its salubrity of climate, and uniform good health requires no enco misms at our hand. If the uflrnsrs that the white caps pun ish are not embraced in the criminal code the law-makers should are to it that the criminal statutes tie enlarged to include tbcm; and thus make thia irregular regu lation of the morals of the conntry t aevrsaary. The widrsrrad prevalence of t'.is regu'mC-m tjirit ir. 'kte there it a common raw of unrest; nd thatwul be found in th failure of the criminal code to expand with the .anting moral sentiment of the country. The thing most needed in this country now. in view of the alarming condition of things of which the Wbita Caps are a symptom, is wiser legislation, and swifter and surer modes of punishment. The proposition to create a Board of Car- dons for this State, now nndcr considera tion in the Legislature, ought to meet with encouragrmenL The pardoning ' power now rests exclusively in the hands of the Governor, and a Urge part of hi. j time ta taken np with the consideration and scrutiny of applications for pardon. With the increase of crime, convictions multiply, and importunities for pardon for convicted offenders become more aad more numerous, lae cucf executive should be relieved from this drudgery aad anxiety. Of course h would leave the Governor of North Carolina very little to do, as his powers are very limited. The appearance of a white cap organ ization w Virginia, following so closely upon the devilish work of a similar or ganisation in Louisiana, shows that this terrible movement is reaching into the South. It originated in the Northwest, and its coming to our fair land is more to be deplored than small-pox or yellow fev er. Southern governors and judges should stamp it out at once, before it gains a strong foothold. It is lawlessness fully organized the spirit of anarchy material' ized. It is a menace to our free nst it ut ions, and threatens to tear down the pillars of law and order which support the fabric of this government. The Governor-recommends a change in management of the penitentiary, to the extent at least of appointing a commis sioner with a regular salary, &c. This institution has been admirably managed ntuler Scales, Jarvis and Vance, without such proposed new office, and the necessi ty for adding another salaried office to the already numerously officered State government docs not appear. rRRSONAl, AMD UKMBKAL, Mr. Newland, of Caldwell, has been made Inspector-General of the State Guard with the rank of Captain. A movement has been started by Mr. GeonreW. Childs. of the Philadelohia Letimr, in favor of Col. Fred Grant as Minister to China, nnder President Har rison, and the appointment Us stroniHv endorsed by such leading men as Vae- rresioent Morton, Jietiew, .bvarts, Piatt Quay, Cameron and Blair. The. Baltimore Sun has this to say; "Asheville, N. C, is a progressive city. and sets and example for enterprise wviuir tiir iiiHcmioii w larger cute. Ashcvillc tried to operate its street rail way with horses, but it was too slow a busineM for the go-ahead people of the mountain city, and as a consequence electricity nas neen successfully substitu ted. The cars make a mile in eight minutes, up bill and down, and the Asneviiiiana are happy." - .Chariot! items. Hfom the Charlotte Dtmorrat. The Victor Cotton Mill will regularly commence wors trie first ol next week. The present number of spindles is 10. 500 whh a capacity of 14,000 spindles ami aw moms. - Tlie mother-in-law of Mayor McDowell and family werechlorofbrmed last Sunday night by burglars in New Orleans. The lL..f I i li . '.I. i . . vniri ncuijru sucvrssiuiiy witn nis Stolen goods. t'p to date, 43,0'M) bales of cotton have been put through the Charlotte Cotton Compress, find there are two full months' work yet ahead before the com- ressmg season is ended. The business of the press will amount this season to about 60,000 or 70,000 bales. The new press has worked admirably and not I single break down has yet occurred. Charlotte now has four cotton mills one knitting mill, one spoke and handle works, one oil null, two Iron foundries. one furniture factorv, one mattraas fac tory, one cotton tie ami mgirinzmctorr. one patent madkins factory, one bellows factory, three machine shops, one steam grist mill, three sash, door and blind fac tories, two clothing factories, andanum- tier of smaller institutions. The new nasaengrr station at thedenot of the Piedmont Air Line is about finished. The building looks solid, being built of imcK, ana is ol picturesque architecture. It costs $36,000 and has been building for over a year. Its builder, Capt. Chas. li. Langtird, pronounces it the most solid and the strorurest of the manv sta tions be has erected. The waiting rooms are elegant in mush, and commodious, antrpartklilnr attention seems to hsve been given to the matter of best and light anu depot convenience. w ANTKU. To ml hunt and rarrlaar iif aav trarrtk mi n"uii kt ay tor nivalin, aiiiiitm, latins nrttr. MKM KMWIN, W'3 ssi " Lock i 4T ASTRY CHOK WANTRIV A sural Tsalry Conk, mas ur wnmaa. ess Snd Mradt ranlnvnxat aad tod tun at Sralla iHianllnrknaar. KwmatenilatintM rwiurT. awairai cium timer. Wntdtf .TKKU BY OtP SPRCIAUST BMit of antiMa Pm W war rant oar remrtlv Itirar la ... raara, anil thr otil? pkvairtanr wan do tnla ttt prrTrnl yor bring Irauoard apua b awa ...anipi.anniKtoin Bill IMTKin. Hrraaat uihm tallrS la aa man nr ant airing thia mrttlrlnr. Mr Btpma and Port. oWrr dilrraa. II rtwts ran aotainr Addtrr Aaahrl KlntHal Sanaa, itvt Bmadwar. New " , JaaSYdA wt FINE JOD AVOIUw A Sm'.ALTY, AT NO. 6, SOUTH IWKT SQUAUK, Better Tssa t : j4r Bl. a. General Wheaxcro "t Nelon says: "My experience in the t lih army as well as in America, convicts me that not an? so purities the blood ot adis to the liralih. vigor and hie as Acker s Enlih i-iixnl Eluir." This great remedy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. dawtjull ' Haw (kot4rn Conquer Death. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says : "After a lung experience 1 bare cumc Ui the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con sumption might be avoided if Acker's English Conga Remedy were only care fully used in time." This wonderful Rem edy is sold under a positive guarantee by I . V.. amito at Co. dawtjull lent Wlna. ?n New Discovery for Consumption, Lir. King's New Life Pills,' Bocklen's Arnica Salve, and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well. or that give as general satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. - These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. F. L. Jucolis, druggist. daw Bsjcklea'a Arnica ftalvc The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. r or sale by J-. L. Jacobs. . daw Anecdote of Central Grant. General Grant, on his return to this country, is said to have been severely af flicted with a couth contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment. A friend procured for him a bottle of sympnyx, and by its use in a lew hours he was entirely relieved. He remarked to his friend: "Men look upon me asa great soldier, but this bottle of Symuhyx is greater than I. My calling has lieen to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior of men. I shall never be without it again." d&w Careleaat Mother. Many mothers have permitted their children to die before t heir eyes w lien they might have been saved. Anv mother who keeps house without a bottle of Acker's English Baby Soother at hand, runs a risk which she may some time regret. It has -saved the lives of thousands of children, and is doing so every year. For sale by T. C. Smith & Co. dawtjull MISCELLANEMS. 'OUR MOTTO': Neat, Prompt and Reliable. Brinx your repairing to headquarters. Watch, clock and jewelry repairing is a leading feature of our business. Work entrusted to us is certain to re ceive careful and intelligent treatment from expert and skillful hatKls. Delicate and costly timepieces should be entrusted only to thoroughly compe tent watchmakers). All work guaranteed. Prices always reasonable. LANG'S JEWELRY STORE, Sonth.Main St. - Asheville, N. C. ' d&wtmar6 LEGAL, " OFFICIAL, (OMMEKCIAL P-R-I-N-T-I-N-G From New Typ! On NVw PmwH.! Ity KkillHlVorkiiM-n! THE CITIZEN Pl'BLIAHINU CO., No. North Court ftn,uRrr. 18 doors from Main St.) 1st floor. nniiiors DENTIFRICE A TRUE TOILET LU X U R Y. or asssiuTti run I iNssisitsTrsI tAWTiriCt THE TCCTH. SsYtCTKNt THC RCATH. no injunr to thb cnamil. rK AND AQKICAaLC, WITNOUT KUAl A TOILtT PaK M RATIO N . MCI ! CCNTS KM OTTLK. SLS u 0SUSSISTS. J. H. WINKII MANN 4 CO.. rSr, siTiaesc Ma. For sale hr 1 GRANT A -WINCERT. . dawtau.M JkOTICst. I Tkr riartlra who iHimiatra sua -i I Ts. mmmi 1 aru a tro. "'B fack-rrrrw, aa will ntraar rvtara ts larar tark-arrrw. and two arrrtooiwn, ix hast I h'lsCELLA Vl'Ot 'li ' 1 '1 :1V-Lit,- ,, I .s royal J N lo,'niT'7rrdr?rn) nil n Absolutely Pure. i Tfcii powder never varir. A marvel of ptrr-' it f. rtraiKth and wholraomraeaa. Afore rco nomkal than tor ordinary kinds, and cannot ' br surd la competition witk tar multitude of ' low trat. short wntcht alum or phosphate , powdm. Hold onlr in cans. Royal Haiixu Fowdss Co.. 106 YVall St., Nrw York. d&wtfebl3 POWELL & SNIDER ARE THE CUS- totlianr of the public happinrm and thry pro pone thnt rye rrtHMlr ahall have a Kd II they tan help them to It. BaiieiiAlly t time BaiieiiAlly those " that hare a hard time most of the year will find thrm laying for thrm. If you hard to suit, nimcull to SKtlaly, "YOU ARE THE CUS- turner we trt after. We'll uit you, pleSMe ' you, natiafy yon, make you happy. What t more do yon want. If yon want to know ; whether me are able to keep our word. ' whether we ean back all our brag witk good eonaeientiont performance, why ASK ANY OLDCUS- tomrr of ours and we'll stand by bis testi mony. A man that won't krrp his word,) that xoes Imck on his promises, that tries to , work up a snap HE ISN'T I WORTH A CUS- j ! plilnre or any other chrnp and nasty artirlr. i We want to (rive you a uod time. Are you ' with us? If so just art a nuivr a yoa and ! come to : row ELL & SXIDKR, i , nr. i ,- i AHIIBVII.LB, N. C. dtmafla c. COWAN, H. M. COHHV, Hucecssiir, S7 I'allcin Avenue, Itealtr in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver i and Tlatrd M'a're, Optical Goods, Gold Pens. kc, &c. I.ftrift and varied nssortraent of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold Watches nt low price. I ., Lftrticstumiurtiwtijt -iVriiiling Kinijaua 1 mc ciiv. All rrpairinK in watcbea. clocks, and jewelry neatly and promptly done at reasonable Sgurra. SATISFACTION GI ARANTBK1) -I The present proprietor shall neiflect no ef nin to merit a continuation of the patrons' o larxely liestowed durinii many years upon his predecessor. dawtmarS. U1CHMOMI & DANV11.LB RAILROAD COMPANY. ' (Western North Carolina lMvision.) I'ASSKNORK DRFaSTHRKT, AsiiKvitLB, N. C, Jan. 1. 1M89. PASRBNGBR TRAIN 8CHBWI.B. In BvrscTjAM. 1, 1SHS: I No. fil l ko.'S" Lv. Asheville. I SSSom 1( ipm 43pm t0 2i)pm lOOum 7(K)am R2ram 1047am t 20pra Ar. Salisbury, j S7am nanviiie. 7am " Lynchburg;, " Washington " Baltimore, " Phlla., " New York, " Boston, "RIchmontT 12Apm 7 3'jpm SiKipm 3 011am loam SSOpm WOlipm 3,""l. SI Sam 1 RalelKh, ' Goldstioro, Wilmington T BOai 0'Jpm tt4Aam 8l()pm 600pm No. 58 H.lonm Lv. Asheville. Ar. Spartanb'f "jCharlotter '" Columbia. Charles tod " Augusta, " Savannah, " Th'svillr.Ga " Jacksonville "Atlanta, M Montjrom'y ' Mobilr. 11 floam ' " S 30pm j 44pm 1 9 jvyii j UOApm ' a ' tinin 1 1 40pm : 1900 nil 104Opra 7 Sam 1 6pm 730pm " New Orleans I No. no No. 6a No. Lv. Asheville. Ar. Hot Springs " Knoivillr. " Chnttan'ga. " Nashville, " Memphis, Lv. Ashevll.e. Ar. Hot Springs " Knoivillr, ' Louisville, M Cincinnati, " Chicago, - , , " St. Louis, 7 40am sm t lopm 5 IRpm 6 loam 744am Wit lam 1 lO 4am A.lopnt 7 4Apin 444pm A I opm SStipm Sillnm U4Aam J3opm 710pm ! S40pm 44pm SI Opm KoOiiai 7 l.am II 4Aam A 3 ipm 7 4ipni Hlerping cars 0 all night trains. JAM. L. TAYLOR. W. A. WINBI RN. , A li. P A. IMiL. HAAH.T. At. ( Brtiedtale Htrcct Railway. Totakrelreet Prlday, Peh. 1. at S SH a. m. Car Iravrs Court Honsr s So a. m. ; .. .. . - -i) - a 40 .1 Prom then till 7 p. m. ear Iravra k evrrv 311 mlnutra Alsn, car kuvrs court hnnar al D on . to eonneit with train to Salisbury. TAKn, flVM CtiNTH. TLANTIC COAST LINK. a and after thia datr the foil... in. wi Irs will ar run over Its "CoramMa ISvlrtoa." No. 3J leaves Cnlumhia S 311 u m w ... rrt"'Charlrton sioiim! No. 83 Lrarra CharWaton 7 .mi a. m Arriirs stcolnmbla 10 33 a m Connecting with trains in an.l r, .ii points on the Chart,. tie, Colnmbia at Aa- V. 7"" v m"'" oevillr Railroads. T M HMMsilN. )ea fasa. Art J F. I'KVl.NH. Gra. sapi. ' sigusTAnGLn;i"Eiif 1TSA1A Wlli If If ATlnw m n ontisa citizen: uui :sin;;(i co. ir NEAT. PUOMPT. ACCURATE. A REAL PLEASURE TO DO YOU It. PRINTING Ah you want it und when you want it, " THE CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 0 North Court Square, 1 ..Ik prt'pmvd to do high-grade I work ut LOW RATES - HtHnuw thev have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. HOTELS. TRiCTLY FI.-sf-tLAIS PRIVATE BOARX : THE THOMAS HOUSE. r j NRA BATTERY PARK. ' Is now under entirely new management, and will be kept in strictly first-class ; TSAJtSlKNT OS SfcCVLAt BOA (DEIS TAKKX s Northern Cooking. ' Kates Keasonable. MKS. K. LACY & SON. Proprietors. dtf ITY BBSTAl-RANT. PATT0N AVENUE. Under Redwood's Store. Meals at all hoars. All the drliradas of the sraaoa served ta all varieties and ia thr best style. Oysters, Game. Steaks. The Brat of Hot Conee. Fresh Norfolk Oystrra rrcnrrd erary day. Thr retail trade supplied. Havr added a hew broilrr; steaks, oysters, etc., etc., done to a turn. ' dtmarlS T. J SValNBR. QRIGHTBB THAN BVBR! - THB STAR OP.Bl'NCOMBB, (iltAND CENTItAL IIOTELr oR57. Anjva!"Jnury " Prbroary, J8ST. 30 JO Arrivals January and Prbniary, 18SS. THE MOST POPULAR 200 .HOUSE IN THE STATE. i 1 3,006 arrivals dnrins; the past year more than every other hotel in the city. We bid fair to reipstcr 39,000 this year. !.?.T?.'A?5...1 every" respect". Only hotel in the centre of the city. Give as call. 8. R. CHKOHfSTBH & SON. dtmar6 A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! ASIIEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Rouud Trip TickrU only .0O, including a full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. j Thr Baths in Marble Pools and Porcelaia ; Tubs art the finest and most luxurious ia J America. The Hotel is, NEW AND FIRST-CLASS In livery Particular. t'NBXCBLLBD IN ITS CL'Ittl.NB. The place is a charming spot, arstied among and sheltered by Pinr-clad Mountains, where there is no fog, so dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtjol3S IUCHLAND HOUSE, Corner Main and Depot, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. RKms newly furnished. Fare tbe best the market affords. Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUAKANTKKl). Terms: $1.00 per day. 0. D. L. ALLKN & SOX,. Projirietors. iraarSaalrr savs k has the W. L, DasMlas Uss swttasn, pat bias iosra aa a 6aaV W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Ail asda ia (Xmrnra, Halloa sad Lasa, W. L. D0UCLA0 03 GH0E tAWt. . U'UUVULAS, kttOCKTtnt. BTaVMs PorsAlebv HERRING WISAYEK, 3 South Main Street. AshevUle. N. C janlSdlv J j o""' To Loan, ! sJ?i2l!TW "M.ssal, to trad "T"T- -''T ratatr or im- K .iT" " tar city of Ashr- dtM At Hart Ik Wllli.m. . Uii K'tHVi A . citizkn rrnusiiNG iu! . . "vior tar amoirat Aa las av-d.. Al. L-a a.ul:. r.

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