i VHOIT: ".IOSM CAKOS. Thro. F. luviiMut. Thu. A. Jnk, . u -iLh. 1 Ia. Martin Anhctiilc. Q4YIIK.0. MASTIM JUNKS. Attorney and Counacllor at Law, Aaheville, N. C. Kill practice lu"the 11th and 12ta Judicial fllatru-ta. and in the ftuiirrme Court of North Carolina, and la the Kidrral CutrU 01 the Weatcrn Irtntrict of North Carolina. Rrnrr to Hank of Aaheville. dtacl rlXll'IC. MARTIN, I Attune at Law, Aancville, N.C. Title and Coovevancin: a aiiedalty. Mkma iaaifc.i tactiera ia all the coal Col- treoona raa.le.' tactiera ia all ta coarta. other: Witn tiuuKcr i.wr, , ... Law Building. dtnovits A. TKNNBNT, """ Architect and Contractor., Plana. aiK.incattona and eattmate- fur- alabrd. All work la my line contracted iur, and no charge for drawing 1 rMKMt Noi l!l irnl'ry Woci, north Court "l- - on contracts dtfco enkd. A MOoaa.- ' " lrr itaaicK J041kH MKRRICK. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Aaheville. N.C, Practice in the fhitc c,riV."nd I Hat net Courta atMBnn oi.k.., v.r totte and Oreetiauoro, hi the Supreme Court 1. .nri In tfl court of the Twelft. judicial UUtnct oUtt State of North Caro. '"thicta attii given to coHectlou of ''pacrShipaoertot extend to practice in BuncoaiUe snierKa Loan. T. M. CdM.. ' '- . J "- MWMWOII. OBB k 'IS tR KIMON, AttdVnejra CatinarUora at Law. . Practice in all the conrta. . office: No. 7 and 8, Johuatoa building. - dtc - . Z ' . ' r..,W. JOita.!;- roMRii ikTwrFORD. a so, a. Hrron. 1 1 ill if yalk:-"J 1 N A PERILOUS vovoe 0EXTEROU3 DANCenS. (apt ,imlr IteUIca HI- 1. i-tcnr at Hlnuoun Nlaiuaa t.lrl. Who Plea l Absolutely Pure. Cnmiia K'vall Im llurjr Perhaps few iiiiioue the audience I thai uiglitil att.iid the If rforiiiance j of "A lurk 'Secret'' know liiul ihelaiil. AikIivws wlio, umHiir ihirinu llie fourlli hoi is (lie ilut'ky tutilor wliu at lfinilol liinMi the Atlunlio 111 Itih dory I lie Ihirk Set ret. A Mail re iKirtcr litttl a veVy iiiU'reMinn ctinver Sihiiihi w ith lliu t"puiiii and ukitj him i for a lii it'f ucioitnt of Ilia Hltuinit to crim llie ocean blue. i uLirteil," he niUI. ' in the little dory fixiii I'l.inl ol I'ine. Ihu.1i neiir HoKton. Monday June IS Thin is the boat 111 wliioli I made my journey it measure., keti ii -feel, lieam 5 feet. : deilli i feet .. It wan, buill under my diiiM'tiott and iu'rvibion Yea, 1 Uu-ied ull alone, nol e"en a tlog or cat on bourd. Wlien i fituu the ' Atlantic in 1878-iu the lilt In doi-y , Natitiluh my brother Walter uccom ; iwiiied im- That Umt was four feet longer than the Dark S t ret We ' :nade the voyage in the .Nautilua in ' foi ty H ve ilttyslroni land to land, bill we bad In tur weather limn I expert I nia powocr BCTer vanra. iuwvti u inr' , . . . Rykatrrngth and wholeaomeneaa noaakal tha More eco. an the ordinary kind, and cannot he told in competition with the multitude of low teat, aaort weight alum or phoaphate P3Wlera. Bold rmly In cana. koval dakinu owdb Co.. IV6 Wall St., New York. d&wtfcbia jIKBINSl RANCH. FIRE. LIFE. IDEXT. PULLIAM & CO., At the Bank of Aaheville, ASHHVILLB, N. C. . Heprraeat the following eotnpnnk-g, vli. ! ' iriMK. CAIH AMKT IN II. . Anulo Nerarta. of California, a.;i7.N33 Attorney at Law, Athcrille, N. C. I'ractle in the Superior Courta of Wcatrrn North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the Mate, and the Federal Courta at Aaheville. Office in lohnaton liullding, where one mem ber of the firm ean alwaya lie found, t dtnovll Continental, of New Yord.... j Hamliurg-Bremen, of Germany..... J.OnUOn AnOTKIHX.U nugmuu... NlitKara, of New York ...".T th-ient. of Hartford Itiotnii, of Brooklyn ... 8t. Paul Kirc and Marine, ot Aim neaota Southern, of New Orteane Weatera. of Toronto Mutual Accident Aaaociation. Etna Life Insurance Company dtmar29 . H. RKBVHH, tl. U. . , IBKVKS & RAMSAY. r. amav, n. n. a. RB 1.12St.80 1 .513,9'.5 2.2H7.i!2 1,87.6!I2 B,US4.17U ''I'lie riiririiiij ami s;iil uit; very aim pie. 1 had only onesul. what la usu ullv enlled a lateen, or tlnw cornered sail, arid llie nj;y;iii consisted of just three pieces til roic. Yt. the Dark Swrel is an t-xei lieiil hi UmiL Hlie behaved heat. til' Uy 111 the terribly bad u nither I enrniuili-n il 1 made a mistake in ntnrtinr Irom lioMon The Weallier at UeoiyeM Itank was awful, and il va u nioiilh U-loiv I pit out of thu bay and into the tiortiisrii cur rent AfUM othal 1 tlid nut have quit so hurd a timeof it The IoiiuvkI time 1 went without it'sl was, forty-eight hours Ui rn i)j a i;ale, and I ilidii I eat . iiiuch. ilui iiiL' liiul tmie- t'lther. - hi fact, all I did eat dtti'in the voya was crackers and canned provisions. I tiad an alcohol love Willi me, but it became UM'less after the li i-st dav out , Living on crackers and drnilcillg; as litllo wuler as iniKsible evidently didn't ' airree with me, for I Wfi-rlil JJoS slarled When at 4:.-.. FINE JOB A SPECIALTY, AT NO. 6, lientai omce: in connniiy nuutuiiK, Redwood' awe, Patton Avenae. dim ay 7 JOHNSTONU JONB8. ! ArTOKNRY ANU COCKBULOK AT LAW, , A81IKVILLR, N. C. Practice in the United Statea Circuit and . tMatrict Courta ut Asheville. in tne Supreme : Court at KHletgh, and in the Courts of the ; Twelfth Judicial Diatrict ul theStaUof.Vorth Carolina, and elaewhere, aa hia acryice may be required. Ian23dtf , A NBW DBI5D carefully prepared hy lead-1 ing member of the Aaheville bar (on , llneat parchment and heavy Hat paper), co. ' eriuK all neceaaary pointa, juat out and now rl'lm ill f k l I,' on aale at the office of the Citiikn Pi-blimi- "OHTH COLH 1 Wit Allh. iko Co., No. 6 North Court Square. anl9tf - SEEDS and PLANTS , Specially Adapted to the South. Clover NedM, iratM Seed, Garden Seed, Seed Potatoes, Seed (iralu, VenctaWe and Flowerins1 Plantt, Kte. 1 .,.,. 1., 11,.. ,tuu 1 'm!bk nicked uiiltiiid the brum l.iKiu.uav j after eal in;. a lietirty dinner at that "Tlio Ntrwe)riaii bark Nor picked 1 me 1111 about ! miles fi-oiii my . "! starting int Aug il, after I luid been just sixty two diws nut. 1 was WORK ' 111 a wVrv plij-'lfl I had lost ; my diif, with which i held the boat's , ! nosi' to the hi a when I turned in, my . j oiled clothing was coinpli lily worn out, my provision and water weiv ' running Nhorl. and the bout whh hi ' bad condition. - -"How dul I "sfeenl I put llie crufl j to, threw out my t'rug. unil turned in j lor briel H'notis only siy inaitross got wet during; the first gulf Rlld Witt ' not a very coiul'orlable bed, but it did not keep me fioin sleeping like a top when I ffot a chance. Nime night! the boat dril'led back ko far that it took me from one to three days to make up hist ground. During heavv gales 1 i used oil on the water. Yonluive rend 1 in the good book almul iuittinr 'oil on j i llie 'troubled waters.' Well, it works I , lirst rale. I let it trickle out at llie rate of ten drops a minute. ' It lutsa won derful el'i'ecl in rediicmg tin wave 1 "What siaried inc oif wit h h' tripJ j Well, 1 have always been an enthusi j ast on boating, and l.-elit ve that small I ImmiUi can lie buiiL if correctly mod j eled, that will live through Ktonim tliut would sink an ocean steamer, and t my itiTibitioir him'tfeoinn fi'iss tn llie smallest noi.l alone I ininK il is a mistatkO lo po alone, as one man can steer or cook while the other is sleep ing." Chicago Wuil A Mrawa aitai Tlielr Kjriida. Poised on tiptoe, bending their arms and limbs bu k as far as they will resrh and picking up bits of straw wilh their eyelids, the dancing girls it i .i- i ol uaiiKKoa aro aiwaji exercising in the royal gymnasium. The new vol ume in llie z.irtag series, "Journeys iu the Antipodes, ' gives a very graphic description of the wonderful physical training of those girlst whose ages vary from 8 to 20 years The curious and subtle feat of picking up a bit of straw with the eyelids can lie learned only by llie youngest of them, who are made to practice it m order to render them flexible in every part of the body There are two long rows of benches, one a little higher than the other On ihe lower is a r,iv of little girls, and on tho upper bench are laid tine, pol ished bits of straw. At the sound of ai,drtini the little girls all together bend buck lbs hetul and ock until liiey touch the bit of straw, which. with wrfndcrful dexterity, they secure between the corners of the eyelids The cuu dance M the most graceful and poetic of their dances A row of young women, wun a uer or cups on their heads, take their places in the center of the gymnasium. A burst of joyous music ' follows On hearing this they simultaneously, with piili tary precision, kneel down, fold llieii haiitlsaiid bow their heads unlit their foreheads almost touch the polished marble floor, keeping the cups steadily on their honds bv some Hiarvelous jerk of the neck, tlieu. r suiltleiily springing to their feet. Uiev describe a succession of rapid and intricate cir cles, keeping lime to the music with their urms, head and feet, : Next follows a miracle of art such as may be found oulv among people of the highest physical training The music swells into a rapturous tumult. The dancers raise their delicate feel, curve their anus and lingers in seem ing imposMiue nexures, sway 10 aim fro like withes of willow, agitate ull the niusles of the body like thu (hitter of leaves in a soft evening breeze, Dul still keen the tier of cuns on their heads. At other times a cup full of : i - - i . . i i. a some liquiu is niaccu oir ino noor iu the center of the hull. A girl will SDi'imr to tier feet and dance about it in round wild eddies, and, suddenly laying herself down, keeping hurarW folded tight on her breast, will taLmip the cup with her liw and drain thr I lnund without spilling a drop. ISew i York Star. 1 Wila.ia.lw wal TOBACCO ! TOI1ACCO I M1SCLLLASZOUS, A .lio Tolled Ilia llr'l. B.'fore the cat iliipinkesliivik il il i-vr , the old guard bouse or pniice si. am i was just across the at reel, in fp'iiti : the cliurelt. Every nifrhl for v n- n i old policeman, who had gr wu ol I and 'decrepit in the service of lili country and lastly ot ln city kei t watch at tliediair lie bad wen m.niv slnuio sights, ami he always hii1 (il the strangest he hail ever seen was lie dead man ringing thechinit from tb" belfry of old St Micliaels He but seen the shrouded tigin-e, lime and again, climb up lo the bells, and. not touching the roies. w hich had been pulled so often by living hainU -u ui.; the heavy iron tongues aiiusl the sides of the bells and clash out h fear ful inelody winch thrilled while it 1 homlied llie listeuer j Tle exporters and manufacturers who need the tyyt of totiacco raised ia this He would tell you. if you ciovd to j section have their buyers on this market, and are paying more for tt here thai tlse- listen to his story, how the ghost bad ; w)lere ' 1 been luunlerutL for in its normal slain i ' it had been murdered tv the thrust of ' an Italian stiletto in Elliot si reel The We nre glad to say to our friends and customers that all grades have consider ably advanced since Christinas. Bright wrappers, cutters' and strips are' higher j than they have beeti in several years, and show that Asbeville is the ptitce to sell ; lohaccos raised in Western North Carolina and East Tennessee." ' spin the Carefully aelcctcd Seeds ol the bent iinalltj . Write for price and descriptive eataloKuc. CataloKU of Tented Scci,, Nvdtk-ii. etc.. and ctmtaiiUnK viduHble infonnatiun mailed T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen. to South 14th St., Richmond, Ya. foli7divi(iBtiw3ii $7,000 Seven thousand dollars worth of new fresh goods to lie sold at : GO ST FOR CASH. Shoes, Hats, Dry 'H Notions. Rubber Goods. Blankets, Comforts. Shawls. Ladies and OenU' Underwear, Domestics, I'latds, Jeans. A good lull slock of - - BROGANS FOR 90 CENTS. Udies Fiat Shoe. Button and Lace, $1.0(; A good HZvUvr $2.00, Cotton j check 5V4 cents. Comforts from 55 cents to SO els. Coffee 6 pounds lor $1. A big stock of all kinds of ' ' GROCERIES. Brown's roasted coffee, trunks, valises, water-hiiekets, tubs, tirki, flour, bacon hay and syrup, 11 His. granulated sugar for L$l .00, 13 Ibsjight ,! . $1.00. 3 lb. cans of tomatoes 1 l ets, a cno. - All these goods must be stild at once. Smith & Baird are notified to pny same in once, mm - A PrtiTtdrnl ial Rnt, A woman in West Tennessee went home from church one Sunday im Dressed by a moving auiieal which her past or li.ul iniulo in behalf nf a minis ter's widow recenllv left in want with six children What could sin1 give to relieve this caso of su tiering? She was herself u widow rihI pisir. ' She thought intensely ovr tlm tiwltcr, and that night she prayed over it, but no way of raising the money occurred U her. The next morning when slit went out to sweep oil her doorstep she noticed that the enrth on one side had lieeu freshly thrown up. and something glittering lay in the dirt It was a (d gold pii-ee. Puring the niirlit a rat IwkT tukon it into his head to dig a hole under the step, and one result of his labor waS llie resurree lion of thai coin. The woman knew that during the war her husband had buried his savings, ail in gold coin, uniler those steps, but he limi ting up the ntopcv- lifter the war was over, and evidently supposed he hud recovered the v. hole II seeiiied tlml he was mi.st.ik"n. And now his widow was not Vl'iVvv lo follow the hint giveii hei by the buntn, ing rat . She moved the stei'snud ul'ti i u thoiiugli m ureh sue cet-ded in liudiiigO Itegnrdiug this ; inoiiev us adii-cetgifl from heaven she ' sent il all to tho suliering laniily - Host on I raiiscl'ipt. A Fnrlotu Com hat. Tht huwk is a vicious and danger ous bud w lieu wounded, -and will light u dog or evco a man until it is killed, but it is not often that we hear of one attacking a- uiau witliout pro vocation. Such u case occurred up in the stale, however. A man who was driving a team of horses along a country road saw a largo hawk circling around in the air above him, apparently looking for nrev. Bcinu; interested in the niove- ments of the bird, he stopped his horses and sat watching it Sud denly . he - was tbnMit(to'lBee. the tiiiwk "swoopingf dowu directly towards him. It struck him in the back and nearly knocked him out of the wagon, and then Hew to the side of the road, taking with it a big piece of the mail's coat t which, it bad loru "out wilH its talons. " The man jumped from Ins wagon with the intention of killing the liawk, but as he touched the gmund tho bii-d sprang ut him furiously. lie kicked it in the breast, but this hud no eU't-ct, except to in crease itfuiiy. It rushed at him again, ana'clang up a stick of wood, the man attempted to give it a finish ing blow, but the hawk w as too strong and too quick, and it soon had the mans clothing in sltmU mid great gashes torn in bis breast and legs witl us terrible talons. It attempted time and again lo strike the man s eyes with its beak, but in this il was foiled, and finally a lucky blow with the stick stunned it so that he soon dispatched it tie was so much exhausted by the furious tight that he had lo lie down to recover his strength, lue hawk measiiied six feel from lip to tip. nulailc Iphia I lines. inl was "to walk the earth," "revisi' ' srlimpsee of ihe iikhhi." iihj i i I old chimes, and do other borriiil.- tilings, until llie niiinierei was cap lured ' A few minutes before uiidnitrht the old watchman would see tins sjiecl.-ul ehimer enter vWe church doors lor getting to open them, swiflly anil in a ghostly way glidtup the step of the winding stair, pause under the beils by the roes where l. ludstlen nu thein. pass swiflly on w ithout touch ing theni. climb on into the ::Ikiii lielfry and utop beilealh the ojk-ii mouths of the bells. They yawned down ttism it, as if striving toBwallow up the restless spirit, Suddenly, as if llie 'inspiration had come, the shrouded hand would move silently and raimllv from iron Uingue to iron tnngiuv and' the wild -eldritch music would swell i out uon the midnight air. :-At hint ' 1 Journal. ' I Tha Analralhiu Homm-miia;. , j ThMaHauewng of the Australians is i inaile oT hin d uisid and has the curve I of u painlxila, w.bo.it l. o fivt long ' i i 1 1 i i i two ami a HUH lia i.e.-, i.,'ouu. uuu one third of an inch lai'oiijjh lu lln-ovv ing it'the hunter lake i it ly oiie em!, boldinc il so llial the convex etl'e is forwaid and the Hal side uppermost When tlirowu it usceiids graduully with a rotary motion, uud liually Im gins lo retrograde The ua.ives of bnUie triljescuil tin boomerang wanguo or kilic. and (!:" wood known to botanists as ucacia pendula ia generally wleeted by the boomerang makers If (Hissible they chtx i a limb that is ls.'iit to form i.u angle of about lli.l to UlUiUrees The weapon returns lo the thrower tf st when thrown r.iinst (lie wind, but never returns wlien it has fairly bit the object at which it was uimeil Those who are expert can place it where they wish, and in warfare it U most effective, strikina where il is least expected, and in huuiiug it can be used at a distance of SJiKl paces. -New York Commercial Advertiser would warn our customers against the drum men and agents who art paid big salaries to induce shipments to other markets than this, by promises to sell at reduced commissions. After your tobacco is shipped it is from under your control and when you receive returns there is always an excuse for low prices, claiming to bacco to be damaged, etc., etc. ' We have, with gnat expense, made the Farmers Warehouse The Leading Warehouse in the State where you attend the sales of your own totiacco, or have it sold ju a few da'yi after shipment. ' , Elsewhere we give a partiid list of actual sales made since the holidays. smith! & ROixkr8, ' d&vtnprl2 , ' Proprietors. I'ROTBCTINO PROPERTY OWNKRB. THE "CAMAREF GUARANTEED KbdFiMB ELATES. We not only give tbe purchaser the beat Hoofing Plates, but we protect Mm PI rat By giving onr guarantee. Second By .lumping each sheet with brnnd and thickness. Third By excluding wastes. Fourth By branding th, net weight of the 113 .heeta on the boa ( (. For the benefit of thoae w anting the very beat Rooting Plate, we aaaert, and arc PSE! PAKKI) TO PROVH, that (excepting the "Gilbertson' Old Method") there arc aa either brand of roofing tin being offered In the market to-dny, by any firm, under the four differ cnt guarantee, given above by thla houae. ' ( ' i '' ''' ; " ' -,v- MERCHANT JkCO.' dftwtaprl Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, London. I " THE ! W1NYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHCVILLE, N. C. All persous costs. ' - dwtlc'2 owing ' II. B. CAItTEU, Assignee . . For SMITH & HAIKU, No. 11, I'ntlon Avenue. I'.XplOMlve Potflall TableU. Engineer Knsblirg. of the Chateau gay road, hud a ptTiiliar experience VVednesdnv He hud a number of ehloiale tif potash lozenge in his vest pocket, mid these exploded while he was at I .von Mountain, tearing away and burning his vest and trouseis oh one side down to the knee, and quite severely burning oueof his bands. Mr. Fosburg . .contends . that lit- - hud no matches iu his pocket, and cannot ac count for tho ex plot, ion. However that nui v be. the accident will serve as a warning to those who habitually carry these tablets loosely in their ; pockets under the impression that they I were nou-explosive. Plattsburg (N. Y.) Iclcgraui. . Willnma of the Peanut. ExMrience and daily observation, however, prove that the love of the peanut is not coulliicd solely to the small boy - lis fasciuatioii has a broader sweep. Fuslnon .may taboo it at the table, but it takes sweet re veugeinall sorts of other places and upon all sorts of Immunity Its wili ness, tfo. is Machiavellian No other nut has half its cuniiin, and nom other can boast the 'half its power o! iiisiuuatiori. lis omul presence is ill), escapable. Kverv st ivel corner fumes with its roasted frugnmce. at live cents a quart, measured out bv lite leathei colored merchant Who tins left his home beneath the sunny skiesof Italy to set his trap for fortune in our fa vored land, teinptinglv buited with ieanuty and pink lemonade. Prudence may lake a sin ll' at the bail and pass on. Who hesitates is loaL One nil bio one tmy cud of the pair lied ker uel in contact with his palate and good-bv to all his disdain for the pea nut. The trap springs and seudi niui munching down the street with a quart dangling in his coal tail iiocket, - Table Talk topper Heetiuilnc Paahlonahlf. (oiiutsr is coming into fashion. What dolineani Well, bsik at this lot of talirs and umbrellas that I have; iust imported. - Vnu ivlM' notice Unit each oncvof them has a piece of ordi nary copiier wire iimuinl tlie naiiule tlold ana silver has Ihm'oiiiu so com mon as heads for these articles that neoulc demand soinetliiiiir new for u change,' and you scf' Hits' rVsuIr befor' you. Just now great simplicity is ui fecletl in this resict, but 1 haven't the slightest doubt that when this metal becomes ponilur, us I believe il will, wo shall see very eluWale per sonal ornaments made of it. Indeed, 1 have often wondered w hy copper was not more generally used as a nia terial for ornaments. Its peculiar color hunnonizes iicrfeclly with dai-k matertuls and coiuplexioiis, and it is eoinpaiutively free I'limi oxidization BarbaiMiis? Not a bil of it True, lite aborigines make use tif ;opH'r to adorn (heir persons, and in that they show excellent judgment. In mutters of taste we might lreiueully take les sons fiwin the .savages. - Jewelers' Weekly. r- Wbeo "Jnhu" Took to W uniting. There are no tuuiidrymen in China. No linen is worn there. The rich use silk and woolen undergarments, and the poor wear woolen or cotton. As starching and mining are unknown. the female servants do all the laundry work. The reason of the great tium her of lauiidrymen here is that when the Union Facilic railroad threw hun dreds of Chinamen out of employ metil theycuM about for something to do. anuas there was a great demand for washerwomen, and a scant supply ol' them in the west, the Mongol ian turned his attention to her trade, lie learned it so quickly and so well that ho stuck to it, and made so much money that the calling sisin became popular Gnuhinlly the luundrymcu came cast, npl no city, and now few villages of any si.o iu tho whole coun try, are without a Chinese "luundry " ran if rancisco uaii. For the reception of patients suffering of diseases iil'lungs and throat, and conducted upon 'the plan of the sanitaires at (bersdcirf andFaJkensteiB in Ger fiiany." Ours is the only such institution In the United , States, and endorsed by the leading members ot the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. 3., M. D. D. C. Waddell, Preaident. W. W. Barnard, Vice President.' Lawrence Putllam, Cashier. THE BANK OF ASltEVILLE, Ashovillo," K. C. DESIGNATED STATE -DEPOSITORY. Oldent Bank In tVeatera'Carollna. INCORPORATED BY ACT OFTHE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS 3520,000, LEWIS MADtlt'X, Pre 1.. P. McLOUu, Vlce-Pre. J. E. KANKIN, Caahler. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK ASIIKVILLB, N.C, PKBHl'ARV lt, 1SSII. -. ilrKaniaed May lat, 1MHH. CAPITAL, $50,000. ' e$tRPLi'S, $5,oo j STATE, COI NTV AND CITY DKPOSITORV. j liiiea a (icncrnl Bunking Bualneaa. IiepOalt received. Bxchange botiKht and (old. Col- lection made nn all acceaailile point. The Staving Feature will receive tieciat attention. i - . . . . . , . On ull um in thla department, depoalted for four month or longer, Interest at the rate uf per cent, per annum will lie paid. V Siwcinl attention given to louna on real estate, which will be placed for long time on real aonnltle tcmia. . (Ih-u from U a. in. to .1 p. in. On Saturday the Saving Department will Ik open till 0 p.m. fehliiltf BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, ' NO. 37 FATTdX AVKNl'K, "Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dcaler, j Aiuerlcan Pot-k. ! Hogs grow n in this country are fed so largely on com that Amtuicau xrk j has actuit'cd a distinctive charuciers ' being liarder.atid containing more lard ! than that of other lands h is not a ' bad repute. This pork ps'.i further j than it otherwise wofiltl, and if it is i less digestible tlinn that enntuining more lean, it is mainly eaten by those who work hard and who like best that ' food which stands by them the long ) tist Bostou Budget " A Tear' CaUu trap. Seeing a notice in the papers a few days ago that Governor Gordon would raise no colton this year on bis farm the thought occurred to me to ask the following questions- ' I. How would it ulfeci the com merce of the world if the fanners and planters of the south would bold a con volition and pledge themselves not to raiso any cotton for one year, but in lead to raise wheat, coin, oats and other cereals, potatoes, onions, turnips, nogs, (toultry, etc., and whatever Would best suit the soil and climate of the section interested! 2. Would such a movement be eventually beuenciai or injurious to the cotton states Letter to Atlanta Constitution. Metier Than Hulclde I'rohv.Hsor Arnold snvs: "An incurable A Woman's Dlatcovery. And llidertakcr. dvsK'ptic is histilicd in committing alli en ic - Strength of Walla. Il is found that walls luid up ni giKxl, hard burned bricks, in mortar composed of good lime ami Mmrp sanu, win resist u pressure tu i,u,i (Miuads per stiiait- uii'h. or JIG.Our pounds Hir square fisrt. ai winch lie lire it would require I;ii0(r fci't "liciglif' of twelve inch wall to crush tin hot tom courses, allowing i;t.1 pounds as the weight of each'cubie font. . It nlso apiiears from accurate eiilcuhilum:. and measuivinents that walls hud up in the same quality of brick and uior tar, with one-third quantity of I'orl land cement udded In the -j.iii'-. in capable of resisting some SJ..'ihi pound t per square inch or JtCU.OIHI puiinds ;r sqiiHre foot; this would require a height of wall 2.700 feet to ern ili the bottom bricks. --Builder and Wood worker. A recent nnveltv is an hivi'idion do signed to facilitate the 1111111111.11-lure of durable hoot heels. By its use a heel shais'd leather shell is made uud lilletl with a solid body. It has also a novel device for prvssitig the leather into tbe approximate form and lor molding mid working it The Verdict t iMiilnious. . W. I. Suit, druggist, flippus, lnd., tes tifies: "I can recommend Klectric Hitters BARCiAINH. ;....( i. a;:-. ' BAKGAINS. ONLY FOR TnREE WEEKS IX- Clothingj Hats, Gentit Furnlshlnjps, AT- THE BIG 22. HARGAINH. d&wtapriiO it .if :t 1 .. .tt l 1 BARGAINS. CoflitiH, Caskets and Burial Robes. : peptic ling "Another wonderful discovery hiiaU-en made and that too by a lady of this ...mi . ... .1..- ' - ii:..u 1'...,. ....asI iiM ,.l.j,lu 11 C will IJUU1 uiibiA ; w ii'n inn i, li- i;oiiiiLr . iinciinv itmi.:ii:ii ii-b uuttiiw , . . . within three months bv 'Acker's j upon her and for seven venrs she with- " the very hest remedy. Lvery bottle oliali IivaiK-ni ic Tablets. T. C. Smith atiuid it at-verest tests, but her viud or-! sold has Liven relief in every case. One & Co. feh.'ulawl w Clmnilicr Suits a snvialty. UourditiR houses and Hotels furnished iu part oreiilin Wardrobes. Sidelsiards, lied and Single lytiimges. lo NotMufler Any Longer. T5:"3r"?u::;":nTgj3Tr.::Eu::!::EnT -ClIRKH KIiKITM A11BM. UHK AV V i' i""1. ' '""A "V ' ."i."' 1": Knowing that a cough can ' checked in a day, and t'.ie first atngcsnf I'niiauniii tion tiriikrn ill l Week, we hereby gtiarun . tee Acker's Kuglisli Cough Keim-ily and will refund the money ye nil who buy. take it 11s per direction, and do not find our statement correct. T. C. Sithtli & UIbHCinLBLAI'8AFltOSTWrEJi Co. Klwdawtw cans were iiiKlcrniincil atui twain secuieu man iook six noiiies aim waa curcu 01 imminent. For three months she coughed j rheumatism of ten years' standing." incessatulv and could not slecii. She i Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvillc, Ohm, Ismglit nt'us a bottle of Dr. King's New I affirms: "Ths best selling medicine 1 have 1 Discovery for Consumption and was so ' ever handled in my twenty venrs' exis-ri-; much relieved on taking the first dose that jence, is Klectric Hitters." Thousands of' she slept tl night and with one laitlle ' others have ndded their testimony, so lias Ihtii miraculously cured. Her nmnc j that the verdict is unanimous that lilec-. is Mrs. Luther Lut' Thus writes W, d trie Hitters do cure till the discuses of the ; lliunriek Si Co., of Shelby, X. C. (Jet a liver, kidneys and blond. Only a half , free trial Isittle at F. L. Jacob's drug dollar a Isittle t F. I.. Iitcobs' drug store. lebrnlawlw store. Icb5dawlw All kinds of ease s, for old or young, from plain to tlie finest, kept constantly on hand. Prompt attention given to all orders dav or night. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. We have also employed a first-class Undertaker of ' many years' exwrience, to take charge of this SKx-inl feature of our business. m tin iiTi.vTTiTiMiVrrtvtPAVY j'W.aao U""i a..4 v vi'ii .... , Ht'siiU'iicc, JJD IVnliiiul St. No. JJ7 ratton Atiuic. TT tiistiiiG liiiiue.it KusTA:3ii:i::siT ftnOULO ALWATS BE KEPT- TN MIOP, CURES nOLLOWnOEN, CAKEt) BAGS, KITCHEN, HTAHLJi AM) FACTOBY I oitUU A UUOl' DiaEASE U CATTXK 1

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