If i,:::: daily citix::: V .' be p ' 1 A cvrrv momilir fr"rpt Mon ti., I II tt , , w a i,.fc au a a . j cash.- . Y.ar .................. .... 00 Mon. ............ SIX) 1 nrre A.-uwia. ; 1-00 w M'liKli.... ....... 60 On Wee 16 Our currier will deliver the paper every morning la every part of the eily lo oar eub nNioi, and partH-a wtBUnf it will pleuc ft ( t t'; it -a totJC. MiW AUVtKTIIimKMTH. Xtason D. T. Adama. Fur Kent 78 Bailey turret. A act lull Hale Murray Ac Lance. Oiierm Hooar Prearott-alcLean. "La Bella- rtenora" T. C. Smith At Co. Wanted "Hardware,," rtaJtimore. Aid. Library Aasooalion K. M. Rawla, Fres't. I n Heat MaMm BlaraaU aVervlcsi AM. tiom, Aaheville, N. C. LATrrma, S3 . Nomth. Loaorrrna R3.34 WasrT. KUtiTtOM, a.SAU FST. MeteoeoloiricaJ report ftrr 24 Hoar endiaf at a. an., Frbrnary 7, 1MM. "TBMPBRATCRB. 7 aapm9pmM.Min.lbily Mcaa. 7 an at si & a a 20 "rllMlfilfYr . 7aasSasapBs3aai I iiaUr Mean. 1 I 8 I 13 8e 63.3 ypRBClPffATl OS. I " BAROMBTKR, Rant aad I snow Melted Saow. Depth. Dally Mean. Iacbea, lathes. 0 .O 30 1 Weather Clear. K. . Rl'CK, M. D., nharrrer. rIIUcl Control of Railway, We commend to our readers the folio w ing extract from The Popular Science . Monthly for the turrrtit month : : "Whro the socialist iirorammc shall .he carried out to iu full, it it understood that there to be no inequality between the capitalist and the tramp. Thit equality, however, need ' not wait the perfection of that programme. It can be achieved to-day by two extremely aim pie method. Either the tramp can go ,, to worki corn money, tcononiiie, and become it capitalist, or the capitalist can divide with the tramp. But while the capitalist, for his part, omioses no objection to the first plan, the latter ap pears to be the only one the tramp will listen to. Both seem to be at present in abeyance. But. as to those gvrej'ations of operated capital wc Call railway com panies, I am not so sure but that the en tering wedg for the second plan has ueen insrneu. Let us see. "The inter-State commerce act. with hi administrative commission, does its hnc work by 4orbidtling two things; namely, "pools and "diacnmimttions, The State acts, with their administrative boards; also deny these two, but udd . edicts as to almost everything else; charge for service, sixc and coat of rquip- . menu, ratio 01 salaries, etc., to be cnarged made or paid by their pupils the railway companies. ' IsbaU attempt in this pa per to show that all this tutelage can have but one logR-ai and political out " come; and that outcome- tonnscation The terminal sounds hurib, extravagant, irapossib c. B it let us lead up to it and see if it be either. "The word "discrimination" means al most everything, and can hardly be lim ited ta anything definite. If 1 invite one of my friends to dinner, I discriminate in his favor against any friend whom 1 do not invite to dinner. II in company with several millions of my fcllow-citixcns, 1 vote tor President Harrison, and Presi dent Harrison invites a man who has voted for turn to dinner, and doe not in vite me, be discriminates against rue me, irotn whom his charter at ('resident , . ba com equally as from my fello w-citi- sen who dines at the White House when 1 do not. But, conceding, inthecaseofa railway company, that discrimination. otherwise intuHviit, may worti liurdthip and also conceding the jurisdiction of the - people orer the railway company it has cnarterca, to prevent iiiirdiiup to them selves have this inter-State commission und these boards legislated against the : hardship r llv they not rather ex pended their IcgislatUm againtt the thing WUH.H nnty ur may inn lie a minisnip, accorutng to circumstances, and in so doing increased the hardship, to their own damage and exjiense, rather than ameliorated itf ' Ireelcll County Niwih (Pnim our krirular CorrriiHinilrnt ) On Tuesday, Feb. 6th, Mr. Fruuk Stone, an old man, seventy-five years of age, who lives seven miles Irom Mate- . in. . i a., .... . ... tiiic, wiiiic in onenn Allison s oltice, in the court honsr, tell heavily to the floor. Tbeiheriffran to him immediately, and found him barely alive. A tew momenti , later he died. Hit death k) said to have -.been caused by heart disease. The phy sician summoned by the slieriff to make a post mortemexaminntion have not yet been beard from, Many of tbt Citiikn's readers will be pained to hear of the serious ilium of Mrs. Wood, witeof Kev. lh Wm. Wood. who is such a prominent milliliter in the Synod or North Cnrulma, and who ha so long and faithfully served the Statcs- vi lie congregation. At the time of writ ing, the verdict of the attendant physic iausisthat Mrs. Wood cannot recover, lr. and Mr. Wood once resided in Ahc ville, when the former wus pator of the l'renbyterian clunxh there, and the sad lwws w chronicle willcnuae grief to each and allofthemanyfnendstlieynindediir ing their sojourn in your mountain city. It Is asserted that Senntor Ounv, chair man ol the ftationul Kcptililicau Ltimniit lee, won $19,500 on the recent election, . A girl in IlnrrisbiirK, l'a., it suffering from facial paralysis brought nbout by . the constant chewingofguui. Thisshtuild be a warning. Mr. Blaine has rented the old Seward mansion in Washington, situated next to the White House. So it seem the "mag netic statesman" intends that there shall lie no "insulation" between himself and the occupant of the 'residential chair. The ke aws) tut about to lose an excuse fir charging outrageous prices lor their merchandise next summer. If the ther mometer holdi it grip Mow icro a tew days, from the Schuylkill valley up to the St. Lawrence, the crop of ice will not be short, Col.j. S Miby, the celebrated Cori federate guerilla, called non I'reniilent-ek-ct Harrison on M inula v. He claims Tetationsliip with Oeneral Harrison, say ing that his grandmother and tlie senior 1'irsideiit Harrison were first cousins. . TMRBAMOAIt) QVKsrrioA. ' KiaatacK. I will ride the mild Pacific Is a manner quite trrrlHc, - Aad will make aayaclf the great and onlr ter ror of t he araa ; I will smash your aillr treaties, no matter bow your Bret ia, For l'a. the ptaarutlt that will do just aa I fdeaae.. - ' JOMS Sl'LL. Ho! Hot oa bloomlngGennun, ' aw yoa tnma yon will determine The eosnpleaioa) of the action that each one ufua muat take; Go on and do your pleaaure. la accordant with that measure. But art yon rake the ocean take a .hh1 look at your rake. t'CLSAal. Ky thnadrrl Mr. Teuton. It arema to aK you're ahootin' Jtm thai Island h,a manner 1 would hlut was ratsan' braahi a. . A a thuaajh . glH Ba u ; I earn d ean air, by gravy. ""Mat? wy.th. '' , tfaaAagioa CHta-.' One ol thHurKtst KatWrins of tohnc-' co men ever mid in krntw k v met at ; If inj;tn on Monday. The State of Ohio mid Kentucky were rrpreaentrdand j after man; arrclics resolution wan ' adopted to grow only Ho per cent. H, niucu ttfliacx-o this vear nil vtai (jrowu in IHHH. QI'KBA HUl'SK. TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Commencing WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. The Two Legitimate Southern atara, PRESCOTT AND McLEAN, Supported by their own Company, in a Re pertoire ot LeKiumate I'lay. WerlaeadayNisht.. Thuraday Night..., "VIROINira.1 ...A VOU UkB IT-' Tickets oa tale at uaual place and time, fchftdtd THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main atreet, opnoniu the poat- omce em daily, eicrpt ttanriava, from 10 a. in. II I p. m., and .130 until 5::i(l p. m. . - Tha terroa of aulMtcriptttfa are: line year 13; A mo., $ 1.50; 8 aiua., tl ; 1 mo., So.it.., daily li eta. nffireraforlMMtt Prnldrnt, ft. R. RawU: Viot-Hreaidrnt, L'harle W. SVoolary ; Sec. anil Treat , l. . Watoo; Ubrnriaii, Miaa K. J. Hat.h. Citiaena and vlaitora are cunllally invited to inaiei-t the cntalugue and inacrilie their same aa member. IrliHiltl rO. . ADAMS, Ordinary Bunvonibe 2rfaon. Alao proprietor of a atven-room houae for rent. Hiecial advantage eitrnded to any Heptil llcun frienda, partH-ularlyil theypoaaeMuthcr unmlatakulile evidence of a good heart, and wtaa to aaiive out iuictly at any time with, rent la arrcar. To young people, for limtaiKe, who are truKKlIn- to get on in the world without any expenditure ot Inlior or liraina, thia olter ia invaluahle. Will alao have paat urajre In tot and garden free of coat, aoon aa the araaoa optna, to any atoca, the owner ol' which haa a high ataniling in the community or church. No othera ami ainily. V. H. To the proper uartira who wlah to avail theinaelvra of the above muniment oner, muet apply within ten daya. IcbHdat OK KHNT, Two nlirly furniahrd, aunny roonia. One on lira I door, north anil weat eipoaure, open graw Bre. With or without board ; private lamily. Apply to K,oJilb ml. 1 PAII.1II ai. -ADCTtON BAt-B. " - tin Katurday. Felt. 9, we will aril at public auction one good family horwr, buggy and hnrneaa, a gmid 7-year-old mule, annu lot of furnltar and koaaeliiiUI guinla. Hale at 11 d'dock. MURRAY At I.ANCII, frbNdtft Auctioneer!. ANTKI). Traveling aleauian for VYraUrti Curnllna. Adilreaa, atatlng exiierirni-e, "IIARIiWAMK." Care Carrier 7o, Poatomcr. frbHiUt lialtimore, Mil SPECIALNOTICE. H. Urrenlee, I'rj'prktia; iif. the . Jieliiiiiiiico Kcataurant, la prepared to furniah Ice Cream to private fmiiillra at tlirlr rralih-m-ca. Value In Old StaiiipH. Any imrtlra having rnvrloie or Hillimlve tRmp uard prior to orilnriiig the vi-nr.w hrre vnrietiea are dralrnlih-, can Hml a luiri-haaer for same by rnitlng to the umlrralgnril. Htniupa iaaurd by tile vnrlnuacitlra nnd tun ua during the late war nr tiarticulKrlv draira ble and of moat value. In all caara thoar on nriginal envclniea art prrlrrml. HtMtr price ia each inatam-e and arml allrurloaunato II. T C Ollli-e of Cilln PuMiahliig to., fclKldaw lm Aaheville, N. C. USOAL A'U 77C:V" JliteMlLVriON OH C(M'ARTNIiRllll'. "rhcpartnrrahlphrrttnforreiiiatlnK between the anderaigueil, wna iliaolvrd on Im-. 31 lh. I. C. MclNTIKK, t PHILLIP MclNTIKK. The butcher liualneaa will lie rarrird on aa aaual by t. 0. Mclntlre. Mr. Phillip Mcln tire will remain with l C M.l.mrr i.,r twelve month! to aaaiat him In the liuaincaa inn 10 tiiitHliy OTH'B. Notice la hereby given that the tiiuli-nigtird, and theiraaniH-iiitra, will ninkraiipllcntituito the General Aaaeitiblv of North t orolln. at ita aaalon of lMMii. fur a charUr iiicorpornt lug the "lalielll alriidur and File i o.." with Ita principal place of biiaiiuaa In the ( it v of Aaheville. N. C. Thia UM day ol Janunrv. Ihnu. a. h. ism-:i.L, K. V.lllNHS. h.'filknwiiikk, JunJS- c. H. liHAIlM. jbTiat. " " Hv virtue of a decree of thr Slilierlor Court of lluncomlie county, rtiuUrid at the IH-crui her Term, Inhn, win, the lAth duy of February, INSU, at tlie nakleniv- of T I VnnOildt-r mi Collt-gr atm-t, in the city of Aaheville, aell, at public auction lor vaah, to thr hlghrat bidder, all the furniture and chnttlea, conveyed by T I VauOtliler ami wile in certain decda of trout to me Thia furniture conslata of carpita, chair. iH-dmuui, library, hall ami pnrloraeta, and other uaual bouerhold luiinturt- - At the aame time and plarr, and nndrr thr auine condltloiia and in thr anme iniiiimr I will rent and let the autd reablciiec lor the term ol urn- year from tu. date ..i ..u ForluHherpartlculara uiuirc ul the nn deraigned at hia ollii-e or of S Aduma attomrv at law, or Moore ft Merrick, attor ney at law, at their rmiectlve ollicra V W II A R V A K 1 1 JAnJ1 HJ" Jan HI dt feb IA BY VIRTl'KOP A PoWKHOPSAI.Kcou tained In a iiceit r TruHt .mm-mihI i,h John M. Creaa , n and hia wile, Kelircc Si Crcaaman, the UHdcraigiml w ill aell, by pub lic auction, lor caah, at the Court Houae door In the city ol Aaheville, N, C . on the lmhiluv vi rriaair Ai' ltmim 1-U , -i. . . . 7.. , ' of liunc.inlie, at Hlnk Mount .In .(.i- i.ni.iiu.uiiy uvai-rim-o III a IKt-U ol Ttat rrgiatereil ill the titllce of Keuiater ol Renter o, Deeds ol T.uiiCJllltie county, in Hook 14. nam- 4J7, ol the Records ol .Mortgag.-a, to which j .......... ,w ,r t.V secured hy.ai.l la-ed of Trnt, together wi h the coata and esuense i.uu.n.l bv r, ... the same a. II. Klilin, ImIHiISiiiI wm" v.,.,' . I - - - . . ! ATl)TIC K ia hereby given that the undersign A ed will make appli.ation to the General Asaeml.lv of North I aroliua. dioinu it. ..r... uiZVl'ulZL'iUU Wmtk i u u vi ;::.,,', ' J. M. STlip!' ' i! . ' NOTICK. Notice I hereby giiVn that the nuderslgued 1 will apply to the present session of tlie Gen. I ernl Asseml.lv for a charter to build and ii-1 erntr a turnpike road from Asheville in a i northeasterly direvtton to the top of' Craggy i Mountain lor to some liilermrtllate point.) r. . n, 1 1 Lit, T. W. PATTON. W. T. PliNNl.M AN, C. W. WooLeiliV, W. W, WAHIULL. G. W, HWAIN, XV. XV. XX liST, fel.Sillm XV. It. GWYN. jaJOTIcit. "v: " Notice la hereby given thai the undersigned ' will apply to the present session of the Uti. I crai Aaacmtily tor a charter to build and oil. mi. a railroad Irom Asheville northrnstrrlr I to la topol'Crnggy Mountain lor to some iniemicoiaic point. n. VI , i. I TLK, T, W, PATTON. XV, T, I KNNIM.XN. C, XV. XVOOI.HIIV, . XV HWAIN. XV. W. VX AMlU.I., W. XX . XX' KMT, W. Ik OXX 'IN. a-nadim Jjvaimai.Oa Ilott l. . I'nrcrlled ruiaine. popular with touri.ta.fami1.es and bu.inrsa mm. Klrctrlc cr paaa the door. SAW I.S BROS.. Propr's frbldly .' WHO WAS THK LADY? A lady fit woine near-by ril- Ingo wiit m an order about two wwk'H ngo for 8orn-Km- broidery Silk, belaid llOlie on hand, nnd filed away the Order tO lie filled as HOOll an j the Silk nhould , eome. We have it now, but the letter: ha.sbcen niisplaeiHl, much to our regret. If this should iiMt-t the eye of any lady who has sent us such an order, we hoj,e she will dropusa jM)stal icard and we shall lie pleased I . 1 to send the" silk" We offer Knitting Yarn in all colors at ." ets. jier hank or HO ets. ! M'r ptnind. Our stock. Of Lamj w has bivif- replenished and we can suit almost any; reftsonable jerson. Prices riuifie from 20 ets. to2ench, I complete. A beautiful line of j Moonstone Pins for Ladies at' half price. The handsomest lino of Ladiew' and (leiits' Handkerchiefs ever seen in' Asheville from 3 ets. to 98 ets. each. OurstfK-k of La- w . ... m Shoes has recently been' re-j plenished, and we are novr; prejiaird to offer bargains' in each line. A very high-cut ; Misses' Kid Shoe at $2.24,' worth f.'l.oO, tine gitods, - A Ladies' (,'ommon Sense Shoe. , . ... -, . . Iient flUailrV. l ast.lor Sli.UN. wtatli L wWhave a large stock of Shoes, somo very ; couimon ones at verv low , M'lCeS, aild S( lllll US fllie (IS any in Asheville and at pi MCeS ' iiwny Mow anybody also. Come to the "Racket Store" tor nil your wnnts. If we can' : i supply you, you save money, j nml hc most nlwnys can. rUYl'S: Uesieetfully, JE0.T.J0XKS & CO. N. Y. Office, W Uroadwa v. NTRAINN' RESTAURANT -ANll- ovnti:r parlor la the place where you can lind all thr deliru- ciee of the aeuaon, aucH aa ' .ivsTKKs, Stoves. Tinware and House Furnishing (Joods, in eon-' i'ikh, s "',t1io with a.generamuinbini?Jji 7 " ..HVI..F.. crams, " 1,lsll,HS-" Also Roofing, (luttering, ,CC. - C.AMU. ' Alao, Northern und Wratern Kerf, and the : Having employed the services of Mr. L. Brown us Koreimin, who is n practical only one who can give a genuine .""I."!" ..S')r'l"lnn together with several other of the lieat workmen in ; I these lines, 1 inn now prepared to make estimate on all kinds' of work above nicn Phlladelphla Fry. Itioned. I have recently added to my Kcataurant a large Range with latest Improvements, such ! aa llrollers, Hollera, etc., etc. Thia enablea j me to fulfill any onler in from .1 to minutes. I Beautifully located in grove of oaks and white pine, with no duat or nolw. at the cor Comeamltrya tine Philadelphia Fry or ! Hh mMn th Kem"' squares from the ' Hlrd on Toaat, in a.minutea. I am also pre- i All modem nml latest improved methoda for treating chronic disraaea of the Inn. ... J-.-. . , . .... Sunner or 1 I'mm r..r i-, U. . , catering my long cperienec of ta era allows me to give perfect aatisfaction Rrmemlnrr thai thia la ih u. i . u .'i cvraa here ror the past three years r.e ncmner, mat this la the only Ladlea' Ing rami many rnsra that w ere pronounced Parlor In the city and the nnlv ol, ' r' grt a genuine Philadelphia Fry Very reaisntiully. STRAISH. O1'" 'eHK. -TIIKI-Ili NIGHTS, . , . , ' ' C ouiuienciiig tiii'duh a w. ... 1,1 cA , M.BRAHV 7th. '" Saturday for Ladle and Children "t a o'clock. ' j 1-ARGIiR A.l IIKTTHR THAN KX tiR. BELL S ORIGINAL ! Royal Marionettes. Giving Minstrels and Humptv-liiiinptv, to gvthcr with " ' ' ELLIS CYCLONE OF NOVELTIES All. (III AMIS I 'IS."-. rtn UII'T CARNIVAL. , 100 XT J'RKHKNTM (HVMN Inft AT KACH KAHIIIITION, IUU i .'""""erropiHon Kxhlbitlon la front of the o,sfra House every night, free of charint. j A0MI8HION,..,.,,. 3iX and R, ca. I I Reserve,! Heats without eura charge, at 1 usual pi.,,. W,;wt i a siilyil i.r. a in i:k tisi:mc.xts. "IIUY IIOHE-IUADE GOODS." Full Holler Process. We Your Groivrfor AHheville Illllnj; Company Flour and Meal " ""' We make tlielV.llwing grades of Aoui: Ki.ller King. KUvtric Light, Carolina : iwiie. Takeno..tiier. ' ! Cnxh I'nid for Wlieat, Com, Oat and Kye. Home and Cattle Feed Mixture (.round to Order. NCutom Cirinding for Old Dcpi.t." " '' "' ASIIEVILLK COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. Superior Hard and Soft Poal at Wholfsalc and Retail. Olfii-c: Biirnanl ltuiUIin, ralttui Avenue. Vnnl: (Mil UNit.- THE "BONANZA," TUB LEADING WISH ANI LIjt'ON MTOKK OP TUB STATK, ' No. 43 South Malii Street, ' ashkvilh:, n. c. THE "HICKORY INN" WINE AND BILLIARD ROOM, FRANK LOUGH RAN, dtfehl'Nii PROPRIETOR. WILLIAMSON & SON, .-KI'iXPW'-rB ,t, Hitrt S. illjnnisou MASfFACTfRKKS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Ktc, aniii:villi:, N. c. iThe Bm-kcve I'mnp, ,.iitx'laiHlTinSliiiiKle, r'"or and llenrtli Tiles. feb SPECIAL SALEOIt FEIIRUARY. Clotting out Sale of all Winter C.ooriM. ; 1 B,n Kolng to make tiling lively at the - 1 m""t hRV r""m for "PhK Kooda and I am J them. I will lifter my entire line of Clldcrweiirut I Coiiilorta and lllnnketa at hnll'nrii-e. If hlnrae Hlack Fur Ruga at $H.flo, former price $4. no. Chin White and llrcy Ruga at a.to, former prli-e $:i.oo. hlg line of I'mbrellaa at pricea that will uit any one ; Ill-rib KM, So and 31! in. ut ;ic. A nice metal handle at 73c. A Lie. riuli Silk tgold head l at 1 li'.i A ' " (ailrer htadi at l.!li!. Hlg job in Pearl Hutton at aVjc. iier doirn $1 nVi" 'iTiy ,,rnt" 8Hllleri embroidered top, 7")c. worth SI no ; leather at !i. worth lire (loiHla at any price, to cloae ont. I have Juat received a lot of Hall' Bazaar Forma. und every lady in Aaheville who haa any dmamaklng to do ought to have one. It i u houm-hold nccraaitv. Iion't fnriret ih. ""UT' febldly . A NEW FIRM. C. S. COOPKK, Sucvettsor to W. R. Itearden. .TO SOl'TH MAIN STKHI-T. THE ASHEVILLE SANITARIUM, ASHE VILLIi, N. C, n -. ... VIIV 1IIIUOIIIIOII mront ami nose, nv the inhalation ol vniiorued . .....i.. ca U, ne'ontrent: w- -i- . . price;, l j , . obtained by culling at the Sanitarium. My iermiaaion we refer to the follnwlnar well-known Ijr pla vou can , gentlemen ol A.hevillei fcj. J. A.ton, e.-Mavor; J. K. Reed. Clerk V. a. Crmrt ; Ker () C Ran '"..'"t,.,r rlrl Methodiat Church; Rev. W. A NUaoa. paator First Baptist Church H T r- Lotlina, Capt. Natt Atkinaon. 1 '"' L Hoard and Treatment furniahed to patirnta In adilitlon to boanling our patient., we :: ; """v v" "" ,'0'" new lumiture. gmul tare, rirat-clasa cooking, at Dr. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. JIG SOI TI1 MAIN' SI'KKI'T. While we Have the I Inent and Mosl Fashionable daln - ' - " Onr Line, ' '' " ; " We alao have tin-dieiia.M. II nml seen. Ciunrantee Satisfaction. Ask Corn Rye and Oats. Mill ami Yard at ' ' - " - - - - HICKORY, N. C. AllKNT A II F'RS. OF Hyrkit's CiiteUt - 8lR'iithing Lnth. Idly SPOT CASH KTOKI!" for the next ill! day. going to put. price on goodH that will move .iiist what tllcv coat in.-, to clow out V. 11. aUHA, Spot Caah Store. No. IT N. Main St.' . and atomized II mil. bv the pnenmutic und : """ rcea near A. nc vine. I ooT". - - - with thia treatment haa been phenomenal, hav- honrleaa. whose ..me. ,,H .,.i ... " L at reasonable prleva. have a mimla-r of elegantly furnished rooms to i1"' ,w" tnr nuttu. Nice mom reasonable prices. Also, hot mid cold baths! T. J. II AUG AN, Proprietor. H. T. COLLINS, President. ASUEUILL2 ICE COUPAIIY. j . Pure lee made from Distilled Water. Ice for storape in 1 1(1 ton lots HO cents Kr hundred. Offii-eParnard Puildin, Patton Avenue. FITZ PA TRICK. BOO S.( Dealeni In Wall Paper. Window Shade and Patent Haulers, Pain is. Oil oUid Varubhrm, Mumo'i Allied Paint and Cnluin. Window Oliuw. IkiUi , - , . French and American. We keep tn mtock St. l-ooni d KentiH-kv Lead. fctllj ii LABELLESENORA" j - LA BtUE 8ENQRA. J j Finest Ten ' Cent Key West Cigar. Fifty in a bo. All Cubnn hand-made. Try thera. Three for a quarter. "FIVE ELEVENS,'? Beit Clear Havana I'illcr Five-Cent Cignr on the market. Fifty in a boi. Ten ier cent, off by the box! Satisfaction guaranteed. T. C. SMITH & CO., i tit' Druggists, It- . ! Atiheville, N. C, . i 3 . . ......:.-. Sole Agenta ftir the Key Weat Cigar Factory. .-- GREAT CLEARING' SALE OF - Winter - Clothing WH IT LO CK 'S. In order to make room for Spring Oooda, 1 will cloae out the balance uf my winter a tuck at reduced pricea. All goods are marked down and will la- SOLD CHEAP. All broken lota of auita, odd I'uiita, over coats, box Coata and Vesta, regnrdleaa of coat. Now ia your time for llnrguiiia. Children') and Boys' Kuit ut Halt Price. Call early and price the goods la-lorc thej- are iold. no dviaii;cn.ts;Otica at a.lc. and .UK-., (iul erlv .",7c. and $1 . -'(I doaen uiilaun.li n.il Shirtu ut .",0c., w orth $1 each. Sodoten handkerchicfa. ntj.".c, worth. ilk-, each, at WIHTLOCK'S. dtfcbl'.-i INOT'S -DENTIFRICE A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. OP ABSOL.UTILY PURE iNiREDIINTt BEaUTIFir9 THI TEtTH..I"Z PBtStHVESTHC GUMS. " SWEETENS THE BREATH JN0 INJUAV TO T..E ENAMEL. rc ANO AGRtCABUV WITHOUT EQUAL AS A TOIlET PREPARATION. PRICE 20 CENTS PER BOTTUL OLD BV ALL ORUaCISTS. . H. WINKEIMANN 4 CO. f0M LTIatOBC MO For sale bv GRANT & WINGERT. dawtnu2S toBY TO LOAN, . In auma of not Ira than khmi.00, nor morv than .-cioo,ii, ,,n unim-umlierrd real "'le. MIXIKK t MERRICK, Attorneya-at-Law. )anmtf Asheville. N. C i P""M'. .. . , ,, ... A watch chain. The owner can have same by proving ownership and paying lor this ... CITI.liX OFI-'ICIl. lel7U3t , V'OTICK la hereby given that aniili.-nti..., .ui 1.. made to the im-a.-nt acaaioa of the C. 11, nil Asacmlily of North Cnroliaa for a Charter incorporating: "The Carolina Mining, Manu facturing and Improvement Company. e. I-l-.Kt.l MIIN, 1 .. .oW. M -'OCK B.Js and othera. lanlS dathlays VOTICI5 is hereby given that the undersign " ed. and their ass.Kiutes, will make appli cation to the General Assemblvof North Car olina. at ita aeaaton of Immii, 'r a charter m corporajlng "Th5Aahevllle Loan, Construc tion nml Improvement Company," with its principal place of bnalnrss intheCltV of Ashe ville, N. C. This 1'tith day ol janunrv, 1mh. C. II. HI. ANTON. C. T. RAXVI.H, jBn'Jlldi.Kt KUSTAiiG li;:i::eiit tS FOR IIAV X TtFlflT Hrvrn 1 -,a K. K.E.V.AX. Secretary. lUOR RKNT. I ' Two or three deairahle room, furniahrd or I unfuraiahed. Day bonrd near by if wanted. I Alao good stalilr. Inquire at 08 Grove at. feb.l dlit jJQRSHS POR 8ALB. At Woodhury'a Stable, A choice lot of Southern Homea and Mare. Call early and make vour aelections. fcbSdtU- H. K, R1TCHIH. a i k j. 5 ? C 1 . s. 1 t I 0 g a.-: 1 tt U X c i C .S Z 0 '5 to , 4 if - 0 1 - i K i E 0 h B X H r ad 0 1 - ' J - S " x 6 I S 4 2 x 0 5 li J t .5 . JB u 3 I z 0 Mi. t 8 ei D. S. WATSON, Real Kstate Aft-ent, t Not a Speculator. ) ' Having by practical exprrirrfce thoroughly systematized my aalea department, I offer 8PKC1AL INIU CBMBNTS To thoar wiahlng to sell, and BARGAINS to those wishing tn bay. , I hare of the beat imiperty for sale la Aaheville which can Ik bought low down. Also, country proierty, Manganese, Iron, I iimoer 4,anu. . a- Call and eiamlne my liat before purchasing. " a. WATSON. iilient Corner Court 8iuare, tltmavt Aaheville, K. C. g ALE OF CNCLAIMKH FKBIOHT. he'low".".!''."" arr l""''1 " the freight listed below and the same moved front the premise ol thiaeympanv, it wlllnt a.,1.1 at puhHeont! cry in Aalievllte. N c. on Febraarv J tTh 1NNH, to the highest aid lrrT 1Uh' ' Canned Goods, 8. ft, m. w A -Iton: a Rnm McCrniy; l Car Lnm- oer, j ri Hester. J- P. BLAIR. . , Agent R. At l. R. R. Co. Asheville. N. C.Jan, Nth, 1NN. "idtUw WANTKIi. w ti. IT: C""" """ """age of nnv drarrin I,""r" dnj- for invalid: Adilrra u t 1, t tatlng in-lce. 'g in-i. Ii3 .lit IRH. HRXVIN. fen Loch Boi 46T. r.:D3TAr:au::i:.:Hif I Clarke-1 " . J""?,'"11."' eonsigned to T. J' Y. 1 H".I,r.v-oda, C. Bmith; 1 lrt . ,.HL,."b":.., Vwe Hardware. I shell ft Col 00s iron 1-rnHnv A I t.. . . .1,.

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