Is e most extensiTelv Hm 7 tml newspaper ia Weatera a. of nit! Mr nn and mrunrfi rrest of traooc tntrirrv hot'st Is ta t. f mrist, aad froiroa raousuv, anl It ows mo pctsuaai aucgiaaccia trcaUiif pub- '; v Ml,HaKn the dispatches of the A - 'Tj 1 mn, wtmh i w cow t hr vstiir nHl ti Mi rope. It has other fanlt t if v-f-d idsirnaHra foe gathering C -a rs- a aa qaasutrs, ni everything cars K. y .tn-d to eccapy the smallest apace, f closes of say n1 1 tit a will be mt : fi nr fi srwdmg their subtrees. T s no 1 : v. for one yesr ; $3 for ati asoauas ; So evata fur one aroatb ; 16 centafor a week. Carners will deliver the paper ra otsif part of th city to aatiarribera. and par In auuu u ariil nteaac aaii at Lb ClTUaa Omit. mrnm Rstbs Reasonable, Ba4aude fcaosva oa application at thia office. All au aaoat to paid la aa- -SATIBDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1889. TUB tOlTH't TIIUKR M.T. , II. A wcU-informcd writer in the Aianuic- turtrt' Jtecord, says the demand ia con ttanlly increasing for wood tunable for furniture, agricultural implement, wag ons, huggies, rail way cars, boat and hip ; for the interior finish of costly edi . iiees and for a thousand other uses. The New England and Middle States, from which these supplies were once so liberal ly drawn, arc being rapidly exhausted. That region lying between the great lakes aad the Ohio river, the Allegheny moan tains and the Mississippi river, the , greater portion of which was once the most magnificent hardwood forest id America, has been stripped of its choicest timber. I ne great furniture manufacturing cen ters of Boston, New York, Grand Rapids, Chicago, Cincinnati, the wagon and - agricultural implement factories of the New England States and the cities of Philadelphia, New York, Buffalo, Toledo, Columbus, Ohio, Springfield, South Bend, Chicago, St. Louis and Indianapo lis are sending their agents throughout ' the middle tenth to secure timber suita- 1 1 e At : , i i.i'.t'. naz ur uaeir uui isjacs. in amuivtun w that consumed in our own country, Lir , erpool, London, Glasgow, Ham, Bre men and Hamburg annually consume, and arc distributing centers for, a very large amount of our most valuable hard' woods.. ' Aa enormous amount of oak timber is used for flour, pork and oil barrels, and for other products, and millions of staves art shipped to the West Indies, Sooth America, Great Britain, Prance and Ger many each year. The question, then, naturally suggests itstlP-from whence shall wc obtain our future supply of hardwood products? Evidently Crom the States of West Vir ginia, Kentucky, Virginia, North Caro lina, Teunessec, Arkansas and Missouri ; . from a region, of which until recently the greater portion was almost as unknown to the commercial world as the wilder ness recesses of South America, Proba bly nowhere else in America are the con ' Atrloaa to favorable for diversified forest growth at in this region. " Par-sighted, shrewd men, who amassed , large fortunes ,irom, investments in tim ber; lands la Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, arc investing heavily in tbc bard-wood tim ber lands of the middle South, Millions of dollars have thus been invested, and in addition a very large amount of for eign capital. The choicest of these lauds arc fast passing into strong hnmla, and the cream Of them it bring rapidly taken. "The value of this timber, if easily con served, will reach enormous proportions. And alongside of her stores of timber, lies the marvelous mineral wealth of the South. - ' With so wonderful a combination of timber, minerals, soil, water, climate and atl tbc essential conditions for the sup port of a large population, it lies not be yond tSe scope of prophetic vision to forecast the future and to point but (his t become the most active and prosier- M region in America. MAI. AMD OHNKRAL. Amelie Rivet-Chandler indignantly de nies the story "that she has been roaming about the woods of Virginia clothed in a bearskin overcoat and a silk hat. The big rivers are tired of having the big appropriations go to the little creeks. ...The lordly Hudson bow asks for national aid and the historic Delaware is waiting to be heard. Instigated by the devil, the United 1 States Senate has put a tariff duty on 'the Word of Ood. -These fellows, if let atone, will put stweia! tax ttiion the eaisteoc of their own mothers. The boom of Dr. George II. Luring for the new Secretary thl of Agriculture was launched with a hurrah at the annual ' meeting of the New England Agricultural 1 Society m Bosten on Monday afternoon. A Brooklyn jury ha recompensed J. J. Median in the sum of lUO.OOO for the loss of his wife's affections. The money is to come out of the pocket of Garrett BrinkerhofT, of Cotnmumjiaw. The colored men all over the couutry . should start delegations to Indianapol is. Let them carry the election figures to Harrison and show him what they did for him is November. H is to be hoped thattheearthnnskeat Charleston, 8. C, was but a passing tre mor. The pluck of the Charleston ' peo pie has been well proven, and that city would seem to deserve theimilriof Prov idence for many years to come. , Patti and Xicohni are on once mure for the golden slmres of South America, where, if Madame but look upon an oys ter shell it straightway turns to mother uffeari. The pair left England on Tues day of last week. The million and one Indict who hsve been interested in Mrs. Harrison's thop Ving may concentrate their attention upon the house-hunting adventures of 'Mrs, Cleveland. Tbeyv'e all been through that delightful experience. Should Mr. Harrison reuuire any new furniture for the White House, it is to be hoped the Kentucky Kepul.Ucsns will call hi attention to the excellent article mnit- i tured in Louisville, There should be, at least, a big new chair fur Lije. President-elect Harrison has leased the Sjwncerj cottage at Peer Park for a sum mer residence and his family eipecti to take possession about June 1 . The prop erty is owned by Henry G. Davis. It was at Deer Park that President and Mrs. Cleveland spent their honeymoon. Lost, Strayed or Stolen A fisherman by the name of (Juay. W hen last seen be was sitting on s saw-log by a placid Flor iiliaa river, cloudy calculating whether be had enough fat offices in his basket to chuck into the gaping mouths of the alli gators, counting one office to each 'ga tor. . Bl ktlNUM AND PI.KASI RK. This is how a certain Texas Jud per- j age iliCreUHing Steadily ill all forms a marriage ceremony: "Do youj .. - and each of you solemnly swear that you ' . are in earnest about this business, and j 8 wer to best attention ftlUl that you will (tand try each other as bus-! band and wife through thick and thin, sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish?" Tlie couple here nod, the groom remarking "Von bet," and the thing- is done. For the following triple extracts ljut received): White Lilac, Marie Stuart, Stephanotis, Cherry Blossom, White Rose, Jasmine, White Heliotrope, Ynng Ylang. Jockey Club, Millcfleur and Vio lette tie 1'arme, of the well known per fumers, Lubiu, Atkinson, Wright and Nare, together with a complete line of toilet articles and druggists! sundries, call at P. L. Jacobs' drug store. Main street and futton avenue. feb9dtf - Anecdotes or Ocneral urant... General Grant, on': his return to this country, is said to have been severely af flicted with a cough contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stul bornly refused to yield to any treatment. A friend procured for him a bottle of Symphyx, and by its use in a tew hours be was entirely relieved. Ht remarked to bis friend : "Men look npon me as a great soldier, but this bottle of Symuhyx is greater than I. My calling, has twen to destroy mens lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior of men. I shall never be without it again." d&w A hesitating, vaciliuting man never dies with any celerity, because it takes him so long to come to a conclusion. Texas SUUngw. mm a.-n -ip ... . i.aii Huckicu'a Arnica Halve. Tbc best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ores, tetter, chapped hunds, chilblains, corns, and all ikm eruptions, . and jxisi. lively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money reluiuled. Price 25 cents per boi. For sale by K. L. Jacobs. daw "What's aman-of-wnr?" saida teacher to his class. "A cruiser,' was the prompt reply! "What makei it go ?' "It's screw.sir." "Who go with it ?" "It's crew, sir." Oceun. The first KyniptoniN or Ucath. Tired fceliiiH, dull headache, puim in various partt of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of apietite, fever tshness, pimples or sores, are nil positive evhletUHfilf Jkilsiiiled bhitidi Nir tnntter how it became poisoned it must be puri fied t avoid death. Acker's English moon rjixir nai never tailed to remove KTofulons or syphilitic poisons. Sold mi ner positive guarantee iy l . v.. smith & Co. fcbfiilawlw.. "Whv, Marks, you look dreadfully peake.?" . "1 feel so." "I'p all night ?" te." "With the Iwys, eh? "Exactly with two You sir rascal!" i wo or them ; hod twins yesterday; both Imivs," Chkngu iri . i Parrnls Ciintlnwlly I.lMble. - More than half of all deaths occur be fore ni years of age.- An army of inno cent, lovely children are iwept'ncedlcsslv away each year. Parents are criminally respumble for this. The deuth rate of children in England is less than hulf this. I Acker's English Bah v Soot Iter has done I more to bring this alxuit than nil other1 cause combined. You cannot afford to be without it. T. C. Smith & Co. fcl5dawlw "This world is pretty evenly divided, after all," said tlw butcher a lie scraped awav at his block. "How?" Lady in the diamond and sealskin gets out of her carringe and comes in here and iiiiiuirrt Sir 'sassnge.' " "Well f " "Well, other folks have the money and us butchers liavetheeddccnshun. Makes me feel niort content," Iktntit h'rrr fress, Tsrrtble 1orcwariilnKa. Cough, in tlie nmrning. hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in tlie chest, iuukruel iulse, cliillinesx in the evening or weuts at night, nil or nnv of these things art the first stages of con sumption. Acker's Envrlish Cotiirh Kern- edy will cure these fearlul symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee liv T, C. Smith & Co, febflduwlw- i printer in a lmcrtK office set it up "J he .National Wool-lirowlers' Con vention.41 Tlie editor let the "1" re main in "l.rowem," and rinsed the printer's wages, ; i: Diarases of nn exhaustive nature tlmi have a tendency to create nn umiutmul Ming such asfiuigne.lnnaitudeandgreut weakness throughout the svatrm their origin to a luck of iron in the blood. Brown's Iron Hitters will restore the blood to it natural healthful condition. Get the blood mire by using this and diseuse will lie uuicklv vunuiiiahcd. febSdawlw "Buffalo Hill s" ranch is located on the C.rth ll..t. irfV.I. L- ...j North I'Intte. iri Nebraska, and contains nearly five thousand acre of tine bind, i Mr. Lody has about two hundred head of thoroughbred horses and two to three' thousand head of rattle. Hi residence! is a big frame house near the railroad, on tlie roof of which is painted in large let ters, "Colonel W. V. Cody's ( Uuffalo Hill') Scouts' Kanch," anil over it every day there Mont a big American ring. Wanted In Motion. From the Charlotte Chnmuk we take the following: "W.A.Elliott, who wnscinpkived by the Marion lrug Comnny. of Marion, N. C, k-ft a lew duys ago. tor part un known. It wn discovered that lilliott no rohisM lus employer of about $1, (KM), and otlier person of unite a large amount, lie was one of the late firm of W. A. lilliott & Co,, grocers, of Muru.n and bore a good reputation. The Marion i. r s Ih-ug tomporry are very aniious to have 1 lillioit arrested and are willing to sieiid , a giMMldenl of money to capture him." "FOR A FACT." , We move another ntop for- i ; ward. Our hjiIoh for January are larger than any prmtlingi i mnntii utnulv in. showing Hteatly in cream? in our liUHinertH. wription tnule probal nyiar-i gwt in 'Auheville, and no ubatt'inent. Itetail patron- leading low . prieex. Our wholeHJile effortH bring good multn, u realization of our exiieotatioiiH to date. We are nmkiiig daily nhipnientH to all neaj--by railVoad pointH. These demoiiHtrationH aHHure us that Asheville is the natural-distributing point for Western North Carolina. We are to distribute the Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, etc. We carry a large stock and our, prices are low enough to remove, objections of buyers. We are prepared to do the Drug business of this section, and no relaxation will be per mitted until this fact is intel ligently and practically un derstood. T. C. SMITH & CO., lading Asheville, X C. Druggists, OUR MOTTO : Neat, Prompt and Reliable. Bring your repairing to headquarters. Watch, clock and jewelry repairing is leading tenlure of our business. Work entrusted to us is certain to re ceive careful nod intelligent treatment from exjiert and skillful hands. Indicate aud ctatly timepiece should lie entrusted only to thoroughly compe tent wntclimukcrs. All work guaranteed. Price always rrasonalile. langs jewelry store, South Main St. Asheville, N. Ci d&wtmarA ' FITS CTKlil) BY OLD 8PKCIAL18T - PHYSICIAN Bottle of nieillvlne Pree. We war. raat or remedy to innth M-r., vanes, aiij thr oolv physicians who do thia to prevent .vor being hnpoaed upon lT men MP,,, iwrc niimea ami wnoaro not Uoetors. Hnuuae others failed is no reaaoa for not ing thia inetlirlne. (live Bxpreaa and Poat olli. nil.lre... It i-oata you nothing. Aildreaa A.nhel Medical Bureau, ilWl Hmaiiwav, New v"rk- janil7dwlv TICK. Notice lo hereby gHven that the undenigned will apily at the present aeiudoa of the ilea, eral Assembly of North Carolina fr a char ier mr a voporatmn to o stvied "The Title .V'1 T,Vmi Cumpsay of Western North Carolina - JAMHr TIIOM KH (J. MARTIN, IA8 A. IONi:s W. TALHUT PKNNIMAN, T. W, PATTON. MiJilU D. D. ADAMS, Ordinary Buncombe Hanoii. Also proprietor of a seven-room house for rent. u BpertMl advantages citrndett to any Repah llcan friends, particularly If thev posses other unmistakable evidence of a gxHf heart, and wish to move out quietly at anv time with rent In arrears. To young people, for Instance, who art atruggling to get on ta the wurl.i without any espeuditur of lalmr or brains, this oder is invaluable. Will also have past, urage in lot and ganlea free of cost, atHia aa ss, to any stock, the owner of which has a AwA standing la the community orchurvh. No others ared auplv. '"'.."rt1"" ,h paeoea who wish to tne j olWr, must apivtj- w I thia tea days. w ANTKD, i miTiiiiK BMrsrsitiiiin nr w Mtrrm tHtHMa. Addm, st..ii.., ,,,,,," -'a. 'liAkliWAttii'" Mi.ii l ,r Vmni,T ilaiu""'' 5 M1XLLLASE0L S. NEW GOODS AT WIIIT- LOCk'S. Just rarived a large Kttxk . Fruit of Loom Muslin, 1... i.n tue UUII. WmuMUttu Muslin, lie. ly rnne 01 me eni .uusiin, ;iaiic.bythe bolt. 10.4 Sheeting, Cambric! Munlin, l(k'. India Linen, ."c, 8c, 10c. to ."0e. Checked! I'laid and Striixtl Muslin; and Nainsooks at all priceH,' New Gingham auk. to see, brand - marked "Toille du! Norse " the lxst made. lOoi pieces ha teen, very Iiand-j some, all gi-ades and quali- ties. Tennis Strips. "7 8lecMl-72o pieces Aew Ilt'ii mttn.t;a hew shades, 2,Tcts. per yit rr. Solid and Strijetl Cham brays, New llamburgs, large stock of Linings. These goods are now ojten and ready for inspection. The Ladies are esjiecially invited to insject. ' Very i-esjteetfully, A. WHITLOCK. fetiS au tu fri Hat JUS8B R. 8TA8NK8, UNDERTAKER AXI ivMBALMER,"" Asheville, N. C. Every rviuinile -of rflie busineitif fur nished. I'lnni wood cases, walnut or cloth covered caskets. Metallic caskets, both plain and elenntly drnied. Rolies of all qualities. Heurse with heavy white or black draiiery. All cnlls, day or niht, promptly an swered. Tekxraph and muil orders psumptly Attended to. Office nevcri-losed. Office and residence: No. 40, N. Main st. dtmarlO KICH IAND H0US1T, Corner Main and Depot, WAYNESVIL1.E, N. C. Room newly furnished. Pare the fiest the market afford. Good sample room. SATISFACTION Gl'ARAXTEED, Terms: $1,(M) fierduy. ' G. I). I ALLEN & SON, Proprietors. HUMPHREYS' orATHWvErsoAmrEcincs For Horrs, Cattle, Sheep, Dc;;, Hos, Poultfj. 300 PA ii h BOO K an Treat. Ut i.t of Aulmalaaud rt fciviit Free, tliina,. InflainmalloD, A .-pplunl llt nli. tins, Milk fv, r. -elralan, lii,rara, Htramnllu '.--I,hirairi , .isal IHm uaiau. Vlahla ra'. with "uevlllc-t, ITsnail. i- llek l:.i.-l ' II oii-J 2'iHlkaiar, $1.00 fries, Slngli! l''Heorerwdi'Wa .CO oM tr rrrelrtsi or eal Prraa!i on IU" slot af Prlea. Hiimrhrsys' Ww1. Co , 10 rullcn II., H. T. auiiPBaBrc- KOKEOPAIHI? f SPECIFIC Na.&0 Tits nnlr mm naauifiil .,ala II r.Ll-:.. !'! RwicUi vmm, viidi weaKnsss, (mI Pnwtrthm, ,roiu parwoh or othr oauia l tor till, or tmI.- tnl Inrpe :l iwmdw, tur )lo.-Bji. ni ' ,.!!. t ,, 1 1 1 Wim av, s. f , dtuthsatAwtapr'JO to.' THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Kooins on Main street, opponitc the poal oflice. Oiiea dally, eictpt aumliivs, from lo a. m. until I p. n., ami 3:HO nntil &:HU p. m. The terms of auhrtcrlption are: line vear S2: S HUM . SI SO: a m.,a it 1 m R,r. . dally V cts. ". timi-ers ftir 1 SNfl President, R K. Fawis ; Vice-Prenident. Charlea V. VVnnlav iSm- ..,1 Treas., D. a. Watson ; Librarian, Miaa B. I. Hatch. - - - Citiiens and visitors are continlly Inviteil to Inaiavt the catalogue and Inscrilie their aaraea as members. frbNdtl' Jl'CTION RALB. Mi Baturdnv. Pel. W, we will sell at public auction one good family horse, buggy and harness, a good T-ycar-old mule, anila'lot of ftmiltun- and household goods. Sale at 1 1 o'clock. Ml KKAY A LANCK, febsd'Jt . , Auctloneera. ... SPECI ALKOTICE. ! II. Oreenlee, Proprietor of the lielinonico j Restaurant. Is prepared to furnish Ice Cream to private families at thetr resiliences. j I fchSdtlt j Y VIRTt'B OP A POWKR HP SAI.R con- i -a talned In a Isred of Trust eircutcd hv John M. Creaa n and his wife, Relieves M. j Creasman, the undersigned will sell, bv pub He auction, lor cash, alt he Court Housedoor. la theeltyof Asheville. N, C, on the luthdnr of February, 1NHU. TWO TRACTs or lota i',f ami. situate, lying and tielng In the conntv of llancoatbr, at lllack Mount lu station, and more oarticnlarly ihrsH-rilied In a Isred of Tlust registereil In the o (lice of Register ol I "ceils of llunc-imliecountv. in Hook 14. pane a-J7, of the Records of Mortgages, to which refeftwe la herrhv made, to saii.fv the note secured by said Isrnl of Trust, together wi h the coats aad eicnse ii eiirrcd by reason of the same a. II. KHIili. JanlMd.DNl , Trustee. I D ISSOLUnoN OPCtk-l'ARTNKRSIIIP. he rartnrrshluherrtofore rii.lln- h the aadersigned, was dismilved oa lire. SI tslB. p c .VUIMIKB. . fHILI.IP MilNTIRK. The hatcher liuslaesa will 1st rnrrlrd on as aaal by p. c. Mclatire. Mr Phillip Mcln. tire will remain ith P C Mclntlre for twelve months to assist him In the business Jan lou.loiiays Pis i !. StaRk, ilea ves, rueamoala I r. v.- roll, of Jim es, Bi llva, he. !: V.' Ml'"i,''ls:,JlleBirrliaaaa. II. jl.-rrllMirr r.nd Kidney Dloeuaaa. I 1 V viiPllve lliHcaaaa. nlaas I. K. DiaraM-a al Uiaeauaa. xm mrnm jsvi wsva i MISCELLlSWrS. PGVELL & 3r;iDER ARE THE CUS- . Kalians of the public happiness and they pn i Pm that eeerrlxvdr ihall hare a nod time " i l( thee can help them to it. EiciallY thoae I that hare a hard time moil of the rear l find them laviaK f-r I turn. II you hard to ' tun. ditht-alt to atify. YOU ARE THE CUS-' we are after. Weil anit you. ph-ae j yoa. Witiufy tun, make jrno batipy. W'hiit mure du ytm'want. If yoa want to know whether we are alile to keep our wont, whether art can ak all oar bras' 'th JfuuJ cuuatrientiuua urrtunnaiuT. why ASK AN Y OLD CUS- , ttincr of non and we'll ntancl by hit tmti ; nitiiy. A ran ti that won't keep hi word, that back fin hit propria?, that tries to work up a np HE ISN'T WORTH A CUS- pidorc or aoy other cheap and natv article We want tn gvt you a kom! time. Are you ' and with ul If juat get a move on you curae to POWELL & SNIDER, . GROCERS, " A8HBVILLK, N. dtmartS c. COWAN. H. II. COKHV, Sutwuur. if7 I'atton Avenue, llrulrrin Watihti, Clocka. Tewelrv, Silver; and I'laUd Ware, Optical C.uoil, Otild Pens, e., Ace. ; Larxe and varied aiiKortment of LadieK' , and Gentlemen's Gtld Watrhes at low price. ; Laifcest anaortment of Wedding Kin" In the city. All repairing In a atches, cliK-ka, and tewelrv j neatly and promptly. '.done. Ktreswnabfei., SATISFACTION GL AKANTKI3K. j ' h i The prcent proprietor shall nrnkct no el-; fort to merit a continuation of the patronage o largely bestowed durinn manv years upon his predecrasor. dawtmarS. , "railroad 11 ICHMONI) nANVII,I,K COMPANY. (Westers North Carolina Illvlaion.) I'AasKNOK Pkpaitmrnt, ', N. C, Jan. 1, J889. PAH8BNGBR TRAIN SCHHDII.B. In Kri'KCT Jai. 1, 18M9: Jio. 01 U:1Spm 4.'l7Mm M7m 12 4ftm 7 SSpra Staopra i 2i)am a3(ipit "jt'sTijim " 7noHm' 1 4flam No:B3 1 40pm 6 43pm lOBopm 1 OOum 700am H 25am 1047am 1 20pm ooopm 0J5uin 1 02pm 3 1 opm eoopm Lv. Asheville, Ar. Snliiiburv, t llaville,:-.. " Lynchburg, " ashinjion " Haltiinore, " I'hila., " New York, " Boston, " Richmond, " Raleik-h, " Goldalioro, ' lminton tv. AHtievillv, I 4 ' T No, SB 830am Ar. Kpartanb'g I It floam I " 8 30pm " Colunilin, " Charlrstun, " Auguiittt, " SuvunnHh, " Th'villt, i;u " Jacknonvllie Atlanta, " MtmlKom'v " Mohilc, " 44)pm 9IOpin UOSptn tl I flam 1 40pm I200m ; lU4(lpni . 7 2riain 1 Sfipm i r-'Opm'Tlip " Ntw Utltaus! I No. .10 No. S2 I No. 84 I.T. Asheville, 7 4)am tl2UHtn 1 lupin 6 15pm Allium 7Oam H20am 1 10pm !40ilm 6:lnpm 7 45pm 444pm 6 lopm Hnopm S40nm 1 1 t.'mra n;iOpm 710pm 840pm Ar. Hot Spring " Knoxville. " Chattun'Ka, " Nashville, " Memphis, I.v. Aahrvil.c, Ar. HotSpringa " Kuoxvillv. " Louisville, " Cincinnati, " ChicaK'i, . " St. Louis, 444pm I 8 lnpm Mnopm 7 15am 1 1 4fium I OHOpm 7 45 pm j Be- Sleeping cars on all night trains. JAS. L. TAYLOR. W. A. WINIU KN, 0. V. A. I). . ) 8UL. HAAS.T. M Schedule Street Railway. i To take effect Krlrtny, Pel ! Car leavea Court Htutne... 1, at .3h a. m. .3o a. m. 7.011 " :: :: :: :: - r From then till 7 . m. ear krarea court house e.vry w nuuuietl. AIo, ear leavea court hoime at .20 p. to con net t with train to Snlinbury. FAKK. FIVB CKNT8. TLANTIC COAST LINK. I in and after this date the following ached liles w ill lie run over Its "Columliiu llivinli.n." No. 83 Ixrnves Columbia p. m. Arrivva ntCharlcnton 11.30 p' m' No. S3 lnvea Chnrlentiin 7. lo a. m. Arrivea at Columbia ll.fl.1a m Connecting with trains to and from all points nn the Charlotte. Columbia Hi An giitn and Columbia & (ireeuvillc Kailroads. Iailv. 1 ' T. M. KMKKHUN. tlen." PassjAgt. J. P. IiKYINK, Cen. Kupt. T. BI'CKLANli. MKHtHANT TAILOR, NO. 10 PATTUN AVBNl'K, Hegs to announce that he has received his samples for the ensuing spring nnd summer and asks the imhli.- to .l ...l Special attention given to livclng Cleaning and Repairing. lanUiltf ' COAL I Atkins & Currington, Bole Ikalers In the Famous WfsoldriclKc Jelllco Coal. All varieties of Hani Conl. - " Before securing your winter's supl v. please t give us a trial. We guarnnlce satisfaction. Coal Van). North Court Square. dtfcl.ll Value in Old Stamps. Any parties having envelop or adhesive ' stauis asnl prior to orilurina the w ar, where ' vartcttca are desirable, can find purrhuarr for same hv s-mllng to the undersjgtird MtamiM issued by thevnrionscltirs and towns during the late nr are particularly desira 1 ble and of mijst vnlnr. In all cases those on original cnwfoisrs a pn-iVrrrd. Slate price iu each instance and send allnitlosnrvaiu M. T. C, inrice of Cltisen Publi.ilnil i hbtblantw Ashetdle, N. C. CITIZLX lTI'.Ll: IIINU CO. ! , NEAT. PROM IT. - ACCURATE. A REAL PLEASURE; TO DO YOUR I i PRINTING . As you want it and when you want it : THE CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 6 North Co.i?l't Squaret. Is invjiared to do high-grade work at - LOW RATES j Ueeause they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. i ..r...:,..T. CITIZEN ri'HLWHXO CO. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. 8KRV1NO THB PEOPLB, SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN. The Leading Journal In New England, lixtabliiihed in 1HH bv Samuel Bowles. Lately Bnlarged aud Improved. The year 1HHH han nmrked notable events In the history of the Springfield Republican. A new building admirably arranged for the large and growing buainrw of the paper hut been erected anil occupied. It stands on one of the most deairablc comers in Springfield and is the property of the Republican com pany. The paper has also Ixxu enlarged bv the uddilion ot eight columns to tu quarto sheet, making its regular siae 66 eoiumna. Then improvements aflbrd the Republican ucucr luviiiuea man it nas ever ijelore poa-1 araiied for the performance of the work of a great modern newspaper nnd the fulfillment I ol its duties to the large and intelligent con stituency whom it serves. The Republican consider It to he the llrt I oilier ol a newspaprr to print the aewsfairlv, nilly, Intelligently and without prejudice. ; ( .war, i nm it umiertakes to do everv day in the I year, giving attention and extended space to 1 the local news of Wentrm VlnMa,-h..... Northern Connecticut and Southern Vermont I ; and New Hampshire. Its organization of re-' : portero and correspondents for collecting the ; newin the territory ,lr-rii,i u , ! complete, and tlie thoroughness and prompt I nesii of its service is unrivaled. In Boston and ! Washington the Republican employs trained i journalists as its regular correspondents, to , supplement the news of the Associated Press i and in New York. Albany and other import ant centers It coibmanda the aid of well equipped correspondents whenever occasion demands. I In the treatment of political and social questions, the Republican is thoroughly inde iNrndeut, It stands up alwaya for the real interest of the people aa against monopoly. form of demagogisin It IHtnnt I Via ...1... "' the country aa of more consequence every mw man tne success ot any party. It seeks to lie broad-minded, generous, fair and good-tempered In its discussion of public af fairs, and to represent always the true and pure American spirit. The Republican de votes liberal attention to literature, to science, to education, tu all siu-ini ..i ! PV'0."1 questions. Besides giving Its readers ; ' news and the truth about It," this ! P"!"1"' "ners them daily an abundance of es- , orlknt miscellaneous reading?. lnstr, n. . tertaining and interesting. , ' tiis at'NUAV KKrrm.iCAsj I Is prepared with special pains to meet the , s anu taste ol the New Knglnnd nubile It presents the news. Iiaal and ... iiiM-uvc lurra. it always,' contains a pleasing original story or sketch I a Uooil riiuiH .1 .... . ... . . i . . . .. t r-M.laltl- e general, la It r. . ' - "i"' .euLiorcnimren, tne ' latest news Irom the theaters and of outdoor i HArl'Jl HtrTmr! column, interesting home I n,, ig,.iKn vorrcsiioiuience. a toll .li.A..i page covering a wide range of live topics, lo. , cal sketches, original poetry, etc. It Is a wholesome, newsy and Interesting journal well suited to the day of rest. J ai, i Til WSKKLV BKPI BUCAN Has ;flen I ren called the In-st review of Amer, K-anlife anywhere published. It Is carefully edited and gives all the Important aewa and discussions ol the week lo compact and well arranged onler. It contains also several pages ol general reading, embracing the best i ZmTlI; "r7",onu. sketches and special t , ------ - -lowmi m ine iisiit and Kimilsy ecliiiun. The recent Increase hv eluhl Columns of Its sis. .n.,-.. ..... 3 ' recent increase by I allow, the additioj j ol much valuable and en tertaining matter and -"?.Jih; W.rV "'ixiblican m.,re thMever a niiHlel lamily Journal. as an anvssnsisa umui'H The Republican la unrivaled la Its neld Its orculatioa I. ,, f., iht ,mrKtni f in New hngland out of Boston, with the es vvption of an evening paper ta Rhode Island, and it is read by all classes. u, t . si asv an-Ttoa sths. The v Rriialdk.a ia sold lor a vear " " quarter. Jo era is a month, a cents a The Sunday Kepuhlican Is fa a year Bit cents a quarter, 3 cents a copy. The Weekly Repubhcaa is II a tear 'an tsms for sis months; to cents a aaonth for snhs, options ; S rents a copy. Send for tree sample copies. Addrt-sa l'ebud;ilwUt I Mb Klil'l bi ll AN hpnugfHld, Mass. HOTELS. ITR1CTIT FlRST-CJJlCSfSIVATE E0AR3. THE THOMAS HOUSE. NBAS. BATTKtY PAtl. , Is now under entirely new management, and will be kept in strictly frst-doss style. TSANSIKMT OR ttOlLAS MOSIUKSS TAKkN J Northern Cooling." Kates Kcasouable. MRS. E. LACY & SON. , rroprietors. dtf 'ITV RKSTAI BANT. PATT0N AVENUE, Under Redwood's Store. Mcala at all hoora. Aft the delieadea r4 tbc raaoa aerred at all Tarietiea aad ta the beat atylc. yiter, Game. Steaks, The Beat of Hot Coffee. Fresh Norfolk Ojatera m-eired erer dajr. The retail trade rapplied. Have added a new broiler; Ktenki, oratrra, etc., etc., done tu a turn. dtmaria T. J. Sl'MNER. J JJR1CHTBR THAN BVBK1 THB STAR OP BL'NCOMBR, i (HAND CENTRAL HOTEL. Wl Arrivals January and Pehmary, 1ST. aoO Arrival! January and I'rlruarj, THE MOST POPILAK $3.00 HOUSE IN THE STATE. j 13,000 arrivals daring the past year mare : than every other hotel in the city. We bid lair to register 23,000 this year. FIRST-CLASS IX EVERY RESPECT. ... Only hotel in the centre of the eity. Give aa a call. 8. R. C'HlfhlUSTKR 8U.V. dtniarO A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION I ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. nwuilll inn a iaiarai nm w m an ia .ii. 3 full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. The Maths in Marlile p00l and Porcelain Tubs are the finest and most Insurious la America. The Hotel Is NKW AND FIUST-CLA8S In Bvery Particular. I NBXCBI.LKU IN ITS CI 131NB. Tile place Is a charming soot. nestleI among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountains, where there Is no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtinl2V ''spr aaaler aay ha has the W. I. rtmrtaa Shams without asuara Bad ariea staalaZiM to bottom, put him dowaM a 6uaT V. L DOUGLAS 3 SHOE ' fow 0INTLIMIM. f :!-5? raL!!.K an i) riRM HOB. V. U DOUCLAQ j Mnuc ladTi. JtLTJS W, ZZtij Forsalt-bv 80 South Mai,, Street. Asheville. N. C. Li'-vrrr. nrr m- of a.sii. , . LJ ZLZjT 2" to vsla silk nai "r" r"7 " '.Sa-b. XbT Uhmisssh.. ZwS: " .s1! si rallews ,hn minerals, nmeoUs. ilttkrr..TS7 !' Is.'u. SVrofil -- si ayseisw, . j ) sswrloned na lbs rlsuH.- ... iimns ist h.r nsl the nstn SwisTs -. n. LSAHBIM. CksMlaast.'r-.. Hracint, ls,relv.!2:l!?,J",,; s 's la naiy aiedtaiaa sh.. : " """7. 'emfula RUad iii eseaisaeaib, enres list r:u5TA::au:r::iT J -5jassiiU. '"I " f'g " "' ' 1 w I i r . I i,c