L--HI.Y c:txz::: -d etrry morale, ecett Mcm I . , ! . .1 r 00 "" ' 1 60 16 ! be Mt-: diti St IUC I ClU- t a o. i 1 aree houk . MotOU. On Mock. t..r carriers ul deliver the paper ctti i ssoratag is em y part erf the city to oar sub ht ti tfli par-twa WUU14 It will pieaae (u a is Ciin C-kcc JsiW AOVtHTIItMK.'On. Kotire Katt Atkmsoa. plasterer W. B. vk otle. Foc Gn ni, Frxmt ApvJ attnieoftcr. Clotaiug. etc. J. I. Sawyer. fcaaed Apply at tais odKr. Hard war i'raainsaa At tu. tat bstase Broker I W. Cortland. autaa Laaadrjr ;irawood St kukctcathcr. Vailed Mate W(mal sVcrTtcsi sMa. tloa, Aalnrvllle, M. C. 1attttds, u.M Noara. Lornm-aa S2.2S Wssr. tU-avsnon, 3,3u Fbbt. aCrteeralofleal report for M boars eadinf at p. bl, February , l(t. "TEVlf'EBATfKB. T a at 1 3 p as I p 1 W aa)aia.i kail y 15 I id I 62 t 6j Vlcaa. 34, Bl'MflilTY: 'Vl".-!'" "TSBClMfATloHT 2 p at 1 ly Mca 5J. BARbVdiTlRT Bala a ad 1 Suow . ,., aidud Imi. Depths. Dally Mcaa. larks, laches, .0 ,U 80.25 Weather Fair. K. T. Il'CK, It. D.. ISMUcatloaus. . WasHwctoic, Feb. 8. For North Car olina, Light raint; , slightly colder; westerly wind. PRINTINO T KLBCTmiCITV. AaacvUla and tha "Cltlxaa" aa l a- al. Lead th a tat. This wreck issue of Country Hornet, published ia the Citizen's office, was print ed oa t press driven by Sprague ' Kite trie motor, This is the first newspaper cm printed in North Carolina by electric power. The motor in question arrived day before yesterday and was set np yester day morning by Mr. John 11. Barnard, superintendent of the Ashsvills Electric Light Co., an agent of the Sprague Electric Railway, and Motor Co., for North Car olina, South Carolina aid Georgia. The power was taken from the incandescent circuit of the Ashcvillc Electric Light Co., which is now prepared to furnish power to all power users along its line. The motor itself is an insignificant look rag littkrartair out a hundredth part the siM of the engine heretofore employed to drive the nmi. but it irrta there all the same. The beauties of an electric motor generator are manifold. It occupies neit to no space, makes no noise, gives off no beat or smell, is perfectly uniform in speed, requires almost no attention, does away with fire, oils and the danger of ex. plosion, costs less than steam generated in small quantities, and very much less than a gas or oil engine of the same pow er. As soon as the new shafting is in place all the presses in the office will be driven by this one little motor, and the enpad ty of its presses will be greatly increasd In conclusion wcearnestlyadviaeallour brother publishers whose offices tire lot ted in cities where electric power can be obtained, to invest to a ftpraguc motor. BVNCONBK'I TAXATION. . Tha Ibswlni Ws Ksk(, mm Urn- pert ad by the State Auditor, F.lc. From Auditor Roberts' report for 1888, we obtain the following facts, relative .to the taxation of Buncombe The amount of State taxes is as follows : Land,....................t,....,.4,........$ 4,112.18 Town lots , .5,493.15 HorSeS ..mmfttmt'Miiitititumi.a Mules,... Jacks and Jcunics,.,,.. ... Goats ; ...,.. Cattle, Sheep. Farming utensils, &c...... Money on band pr on deposit, Sol vent credits, ...... Otber personal property, Circus or menageries Itinerant lightning-rod men,... Peddlers on toot, fcc, , Billiard Saloons, Merchants and other dealers, Marriage licenses, , 330,32 1T7.49 3.30 43 248.00 29.01 7.07 534.36 192.80 1,129.76 850.33 100.00 100.00 100.00 400,00 906.19 158.65 Making a total of. 14,879.07 COUNTY TAXRt, All school purposes, levied by State,... 117,911.04 Ail county purposes, levied by tovnty, 27.973.54 Which loots up t be sura of $43,884.C8 In his report the Auditor bhvs : With. out goingtng into details, permit me to say, that, as the latest returns received at this dcartment show the aggregate assessed value of real and ' personal property, including railroad projiert v, to be, in round numbers, 12,0OO,0(0 It would seem that a levy of something like 90 cents on every hundred dollars' worth of property, to which should be added certain other items of revenue, derived from varioaa sources, and which may be caiimaiea oy reference to Statement K, will be required fur all legitimate pur poses, provided, however, tltere should be no very considerable mcrcaia; in the ag gregate csiwmliturea over the two prevT ons years,! , . : . , Mosasiahlna la the Weal. Col. A. H. Baird has just returned from a trip to Swain county where he went as a representative of the government in the capacity of a revenue official. Tbe Colonel tion. It is expected, therelore, that the Kit tei-m of the Federal court will have la attendance an increased number of de-K-ndnnts who have been extracting tbe juice of the mountain nubbin' without due license from the government. Rev. N. H. Cebto, U, D. Kev. N. B. Cobb, who has lately accept ed tbe position of financial agent for Jud on College, Hendersonville, is in tbe city the guest of Df . 0. W. Pureh.y, ,nd wUI preach at the First llaptiat thuah Sun da, morning. W lo acknt.wledw ?1 fh,8m"oni Literary 8.K-iety. of Mr. Cotb. aa mvh.Oo. to iu Srst LI sVbate.PH,,.,, Pfb. approaches, his said by those in Position - . ' er, fespeetlally. " Treatment furnished to patient, at reason.blr prl. nSZ!"- clemeacT from the laeoatl .tlmiuistrs- NM,,,TM ONL N'"TS. Dr. T. I. II ARGAN. w. , . ill ! - The Cotton Market. iy Telegraph to the ciusta. Livespool, Feb. 8. Noon. Cotton free j up!r, offering: American, middling 5V I Saks 10,000 bale; sjicculatiun and exports 1,000; recruits 11,000, American 5,100. futures dull atdeclinc; Feb.3 3H-Ci a37-64, Feb. March 53S-6-; March, April 5 38-64a36-64, April, May, 5 3S-64a- 36-64; May, June, 5 38-6a36; June, July, 5 30-6437-64; July, Aug. 5 38-64a 39-64; Aug. Sept. 5 3S-64a37-64a36-64a 3S-64. Tenders 4,200 bales; new docket. Total sales of week 73,000, American 61000; trade takings including forwarded from ships' side 69,000; actual export 6,000; total import 81,000; American 68,000; total stock 6U1.000; "American 558,000; total afloat 229,000, American 161,600. 2 P.M. Saks of day included 9,000 bales American; American middling 5, Feb. 5 37-64, value; Feb. March 5 37-64, seller; March, April 5 36-64, value; April May 5 36-04, aclkr; May June 5 36-64, seller, June July 5 37-64, aclkr; July Aug. 5 38-64. seller, Aug. Sept. 5 35-64, seller, Sept. 5 35-64, 'seller; futures flat.. 4 p. a.-Pcb. 5 37-64, bid; Feb. March 537-64, seller, March April 5 3661, bid; April May 5 36-64, bid; May June 5 36-64,bidi June July 5 37-64, bid; July Aug. 5 38-64, bid; Aug. Sept. 5 36-64, seller, Sept. 0 30-64, seller; futures closed steady. ' ' ' Nw Yoaic, Feb. 8. Cotton easy; sales to-day 447 bales; last even ing corrected, 551 bales. Uplands 10(4, OrkanslOS; net receipts at this ort, 5,- 419; gross, 43,101; exports to Great Britain. 11,230 bules; France, 1,616; continent, 3,840; forwarded, 11,521! sales, 3,867; spinners, 2;494; stock, 242, 433; net receipts at all ports to-day, 24,- 303; exports to Great Britain, 11,984; continent, 3,291; stock 890,697. JfOl K SUNT. Two alcely farniihrd, sunny ruoim. One oa tint Suor, aouth aud wcat cxpueure, open grate Are. With or without buuril, ituall pnvateiamiiy. apply to frbtfuat SO. 7H UAII.BY ST JfOUNO. Abnnck of store kcv. The owner can havt them by paying for thia "ail" at the ait crruK.N oppicB. gITL'ATION WANTED. , A Kood cook or houw aervant. colored, can be accural by aiilylnn without delay nt thia omce. neat rcirrencca- ItliUdat JkJOTIC B Is (Wen that application will lie mde to the Levlslature 01 North Carolina to clmrtrr the Aaheville Kant Line and Huburlmn Mail- way Company. Also to charter the Farmcra' Bank of Aaheville. fcblrdltwSt NATT ATKINSON. OK HALK. Antler Hall, 134 acrea, thnt fine a, thnt fine property aa Tciintnt'avicw. 3U perhniM better known 1 mora iruia aancviue, in NKAM VANIIKinil.T PIUCMAHK. Wlver front, niHKulncrnt mountain unil river views. BarKaia lor 30 tlaya. Alao 830 acres adjoining anil prarer iiy, at junction of nwannanoa anil rrtmn iirond rivers, over 1O0 acrea virr line bottom land, and numer ous Hue building sitea. UWVNUi WliST, ! . a, .K. CjJiirt maare, s ALB OH UNCI. AIM HU FHUIOHT, t'nleaa charaea are t)ald on the frelcht Hated below anil the saiui' uiovvd from the premises of this company, it will be aolil at public out cry iu Aaheville, N C, on February 1 1th, ItiMtt, to the highest bidder! 8 lluiulles Wood Drnckets, conalgned (o T. L. Clarke; 1 Box liry-Oooda, C. Mmith; 1 Lot II. M. Ooods, C. J. Krynolds; 1 Bui Iron fencing, A. L. Melton; Buses Canned Goods, a, W. MvCrary; t Car Lumber, J B J. V. BLAIR, Agent K. II, M. K. Co Aaheville, N. C, Jan. Hth, 1HHU. IsUdiw 1 B. CHAM V, A8IIKVILLH, M. C, Brick Layer and Maker. Jobs of all kinds attended to. ' Artlflcial stone pavements and private roauwaya laid aame aa la naeil estenaively in paras and private grounds in Kaatern Dtatea, will contract to pa.vt walks for Iras than brick will cost without oliatructlnu the w.v and guarantee It to laat longer ami to be in every way Ijetter. Address as above, rlawtmarS WOLJ'B, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement work done. Jobbing and knlsonilnlng promptly at tended to. ; Rraldencs, Clayton St. Orders can be left wita n . ll. n cstall a Co. lehWilHm MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 83 I'stton Avenue, Gird wood ft gtlkeleatlier, l'roprletora. 4-AII orders promptly attended to. clilltly W. COHTLANK, Real Estate llroker.r Iiivvatiueiit Agent. febudty JAMES P. SAWYER, IS ANO 17 PaTTON AVENUE. Clothing, Mi'h'm Furnisliiii": Ooodw, llatM and Shoes. The largest assortment Cai'iiets, Mattinp, Kukh and Floor Oil I'lotlisin Western Xorth Car olina. He is still closing out his Dry Goods, (imceries. No tions, Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Shoes, at and le- Commencing WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. The Two legitimate KoMthera Ktars, PRESCOTT AND aicLEAN, upimrted by their wa ComtsinT. In a Ke prrtoire of Legltimau I'lays. yedaea.UfNlght..,.ZT "VIROINM'R" Thursday Night VOU Lis. 8 IT " Tkketa oa sale at usual place and time. DrbSdld i i Swnnnanoa Hotel. I'acsorltrd cutsine. Popular with toarists, families and business aca. Electric can wm the door. SA WL HBOS.. fcbldly Propels. WHO WAS THE LADY? A lady at some near-by vil-: lagu wnt uh an order alxnit two weekrj ago for honi1 Km- broidery Silk. We had llOIie' on liandancl fiUnl away the-: order to be filled as Boon as the Silk rihould Voine. We have it now, but the letter lias been uiisjilaml, much to our . regret. If this should meet the eye of any lady who has sent us mich on order, we; hope she will drop us a postal card and we .shall be pleased to send the silk. We offer Knitting Yum in all colors "- A. - at 5 cts. jierrhank or 80 cts. per pound. Our stk of Lamps has been replenished i and we can suit almost any reasonable jierson. ' Prices; range from 20 cts. to $2 each, complete. A beautiful line of Moonstone Pins for Ladies at half price. The handsomest line of Ladies' and dents' Handkerchiefs ever seen in Asheville from 3 cts. to 98 cts. each. Our stock of La-j dit's'r Misser,'-and Children's Shoes has recently been re plenished, and we are now' prepared to offer bargains in each line. A very high-cut Misses' Kid Shoe at 2.24, worth f .1.50, fim goods. A Ladies' Common Sense Shew, best quality, E lust, for $ 2,08, worth. 14; .V& have. ?i,large stock of Shoes, some very common ones at very low prices, and some as due as any in Asheville and at prices nmiy below anybody else. Come to the "Kaeket Stow" lor all your wants. If we can supply you, you save money, and we most 'always can. TRY US. KesjMX'tfully, (JK0. T. JONES & CO. N. Y. Office, 406 Broadway. HTRAVSS' RESTAURANT AN1 OYST1IR PARLOR Is the place where yoa ran And all the tlellra eirs of the srason, suvh aa OYKTKK8, I'IMII, I'HVILKIi CKAIIM. OAMK. Also, Nurihern aud Western Beef, and the ,onjy one who caa give a genuine Philadelphia Fry. I have recently added to my Krstaurant a j large Mange with latest Improvements, suck i ! ns lirollers, Hollrrs, etc , etc. This enables i me tu fulfill any onlrr la from S to S minates. L ome and try a line Philadelphia Kry or Hird on Toast. In 8 minutes. I am also pre- nsir.1 t .h..r. ... ... """n innner or Ktipper or liTfream for large or small par ties, as In catering my long eiN-rirnc of 13 rnrs allow, me to give perfect satlsftution. ! Kemrmber, that this Is the only Ladles' Coinniendng Till RSUAY, FERRARY 7th. Matinee Rsturdnv for Ladles and Children at it o'clock. I.AKUKK AM) BKTTBR THAN KVHH. BELL'S ORIGINAL j Uoyal MarionettcM. ; Hiving kliastrels and Humpty-lmmotv. t MTtherwllh CLLIS' CTCLO-I OF NOVCLTIEt jfsRAND .IFTn"cARNIVAI. IDfi Bl.rMANT raitXHNTS niVHN inn IUU A w' A V AT a AC M K X H I BITN 100 Orand Rtereo.teHi KsfclWtbs, i. frost of the u,era Mo, every W.ht, Ire, qf rtVrg? "rwr"" ",atn wit Host estra .1, asual ptac. sriiaoet Parlor In the city aad th, only place you can ' ?SlfLti 'llf.o! hJ ?"l.,l"riura mission w, refer to 7hi b.ll.niwe !i.r" a...- . - ASIIEYILLE ADIEU T IS E. VESTS. "iiuy iio?ji:.:iAi)K c;ooi);.' Full Holler I'i-dm-hs. Your (JrtKtT for We Aaheville Milling Company Flour and Meal - W, nu.ke the Ml..winK grade of nou,: rwiw. . take no other. Cash I'ainl for Wheat, Corn. Oats and Orotind to Order. ! Custom r.rintliiij; Old Depot. ' , ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. SuKrior4Iard and Soft Coal Ofliie: Barnard Huildin, I'atton Avenue. if af THE BONANZA," TUB LKADINO WINS AND LIQl'OR bTOMB OP THB 8TATB. No. 43 South' Slain Street, - aniikvilli:, N. c : . ; THE "HICKORY WINE AND BILLIARD ROOM, - FRANK LOUGH RAN, dtfcbl'NV rKUPKIETOH. WILLIAMSON & SON, o-nm. (Suetvaaurs.tn. IIrt rit VVillinmmifc,"CT' MANt KACTI'Rl KS (IP SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, -Kte., ASHEVILLE, N. C. AdRST FOR The Buckeye Pump, Steel and Tin SliiiiKlrs, Floor nnd Hearth Tiles. felildly SPECIAL SALE CloHliiK Out Male I am golne to miike things lively at the "SPOT CASH STORK" for the net W dnys. I must have room for 8irlnx goods and I am going to pnt prices on foods thnt will move them. 1 will offer my entire line of Piidirweitr at Jint whnt they cost rat, to clow out. Comlortsand Hlankcts at half price. (Chinese Black Fur Rug nt :l.5(, former price f 4.00, Chinese White and Grey Rugs at $2. SO, former priir $:i 00 . Big line ofl'mbrrllas at prices that will suit itny one ltt-rib an, 30 and 3a in. at 93c. A nice melrtl handle at 73c. A ClorlaU 811k (gold head) at $l.!lo. ... . U1- .. " " (sillrerheadi a($1.UiT. Hlg Job in I'earl Buttons at Wc. per dosrn. Hlg drlvtla firms' Slippers, embroidered top, TNc, worth SI. on ; lenther ut !. worth SI. oil. . I tress Goods at any price, to close out. I have Just received a lot of Hall's Baianr Korms. nnd every lady In Asheville who bus any dressmaking to do ought to have one. It is n household necessity. Don't forget' the place. fchldly A NEW FIRM. C. H. COOPER, 8ucceMor to W. U. nearden. 39 SOUTH MA1X STKBKT. rr;........u .....i it """'m, i iiimtir; illlU III) 'neetion with a general Plumbing, (ias and Steam' Fittinii' Business. Also Hoofing, Guttering, &r. llnvuiK eniployed t lie scrviLts of Mr, and exivcrientTd workninii. toctiier with ! tlw,, I'"". I nw prepared to make ' . i honed. TIIK ASHEVILLE SANITARIU3I, ASHHYILLK. N. C. .Ir'riSk'r,'.'! w "'Ir ",,v',fo"1" nd white pine, with no du.t or noi,r t th, cor- rt nousr "J '"'"' s. near the Female College, and only three s".', the I court All modern and Intest Improvrd mcth throat ami aosr. by the inh compressed nlr ammrulus sam (the balsam obtained I WV also msnulncture a Home Treatment :. e.Ho the om treatment, and w, , yTK Ing cured mnnv cases that were pronounced m HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, no. 30 soi Tii main stki:i:t. WHHe me llc the Fluent and Moat Fa-hlonable .ooc1r In Our Line, Wealsuhnvetheriienjiest CaH and seens. CiuarantPe Satisfaction. Ask K..llcrKinK. Electric Lil.t.Q,,r,,i,i Kte. Horse anil Cattle Fred Mixture for Corn Rye and Oats. Mill and Yard alws karvka stork sit. Lanuaaasl klsatacky T-T-Trr-TT at Wholesale and Ifetail. Yard: Old Ieot. INN" HICKORY, N. C. mm, . Ali K NTS mV'KS. OK Hyrkil's Patent SlieathiiiK hath. FOR FEIIRUARY. of all Winter (iooclrt. W. II. LEA, Spot Cnh Store, No. 17 N. Main St. n i . ISH V 11 rnis II ll (iruw Im moon. L. Urown as IWman. who is a , ..4s..,ii arvernl other of the host work.,,..,, ;' estimates on nil kind. ..f ..i ""in 1IIC1I' ClZtr of th' ComnonnH -,. 1.1 u i . ; ."ulKi;,: . ' J.H'l'?.n l'"-'""cn.il, hv. ' H T. COLLINS, Vroikni. HSI1EVILLE ICE OOUPflHY. I'lir Iiv niatln from Distillttl Water. Ice for stornpp in 10 ton lots yo cents perhundml. 0tfi"e Rarnard Building. I'atton Avenue. F I TZ PATRICK BROS. Daleri In all Paper, Window Shade and Patent Hang-era. Paints. (Mis aad VaraiaJiea, MamryS Mixed Paints and Colors. Window ObM. both " Pmcb and sr. T. raxxiHAV. PEIJIJiMflfl & CO., joRBKSS AND HTA -AGENTS DUPONT POWDER CO.. : RICHMOND STOVE CO.. CORTLAND WAGON CO., v OLD HICKORY WAGONS, STUDEBAXER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. H-Midly GREAT CLEARING SALE Winter - Clothing - WHIT LOCK'S, ..:.-t IU-bUT.!I ,inke rooitj for Surlily; IjQnda, will clone out the balance of my winter stock nt reduced prices. All Konda are marked down and will lie SOLD CHEAP. All broken lots of salts, odd Pants, Over- , coats, box Coats and Vests, regardless of ! cost. Now is your time for Flnrgnins. j Children' and Boys' SultM at j Half Price. " - Call early and price 'the goods belore they l are sold, ... ..;...,. no doicn tktits' Ties ut SSc. unci 50c., form erly 57c. and $1. . . ,,. 20 (limn unlaundcred Shirts nt 50c, worth $1 each. i 50 doien hamikmhlcfs, at 25c., worth 5k . , ' each, nt WIIITLOCK'S. , (ltfcb2;- JNOTS DENTIFRICE A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. Or t0UTtLY.PJrlir N3-1E0ICNT' BEAUTIFIES THE TEETMT " PRESERVES TH e' cUM S. . '"' 6AIEETCNS THE BREATH NO INJUrtV TO T.-iE KNAMEl " BAFE AND AGRLEABLK. WITHOUT EQUAL AS A TOILET" P1EI-ARATI0N. MICE 85 CENTS PER BOTTLE" SOLO IV ALL DRUGGISTS. . H. WINKEIMANN a CO.. PROS' .TIMOR' Mo For sale by (.RANT & WINGURT. dawtauH -. M In sums of not less than Himxi.oo. nor ore than trunk) .00, on unincumbered real n) i state. MOOKI2 ekMUKKICK, Attomrrs-at-l.aw, Asheville, N. C lanS't-tltf ?(IIN1). A watch chain. Th u sJT.',v',,, '"-r.hip and paving (r this WrT.Wt CITIES OFFICE. -:a,i:,ee Srelra.' hat application ulll I ' ,Jrt','!, "cssi.m of the (k-neral Assembly ni North Carolina for a charter ilL U, ..1 C.ICKB. .. snd others. JDTICH. m".l!"i,.hcrrJ' ,rivfn " c 1 will ain.lv to """'"limed si vSartTo'bd X:X northensterly directum tonrfcJl' Mountnia i.w ,,,, InterntrlSstf" "m Asheville in a !. W. BATTLK, ' T. W. FATTnv w- T. PKNNIkU V.: f- WX)IKV. l. W. SWAIN, W. W. WKST. W. B. (iVN. fcl)."nl I m "i t-rii- at 1 s i win ZErSu''"- i n seniaa. , tneornT... ?i """"a! Pres Moantain. Ii"r"!'.th ." Black r county, N, c. a. p. IXH (;hkrtv. J. M. RTKI'P. A. 8. MBLTON. Jan3M.10l W'AKTBD. .-."ia- n,";?-" a-r derlp attm ,rrr. ,U"' fut '"'ahd Ad.lrMa ' srb3dt RWS Lock Bus 4,17. F FFir.1V C... American. v Lead. h-lKl.il y w. a. Pimata. KB tt-KSS IN RIDiWiAIRlE ASHEVILLE, N. C POK- LR HKNT. Two or three desirable moms, rnrnlahed or nnfumiahnl. Hay board near hy if wanted. Also ood stable. Inquire at 38 Orove At. teti3 dot II URSBS POR HA LB. At Woodbury's Stable. A choice lot o Southern Horses and Mares. Call early and nrnkr rour selections. fcbSdHt H. B. RITCIIIB. D. S. WATsnv Real Estate AKent, (Not a Speculator.) Having by practical experience thoroughly .vtematised my department. I oner .81'KCIAL INDCCKMUNTM To those wishing to sell, and BARGAIN to those wishing to buy, I hav, ,om, of the bt property fr sl, a Aiheylll, whleh can be" bought low dqw. Also, country prr.perty,'-Mngttl,et, Iron, and Timber Lands. Call and examine my list before purcl,asin,. t, B, WATSON, utmayl Asheville. N. C. JTOTICK. """" " FebruaT,' '. ' - the,BTh d.T of vanGffirce(;, JgLTTSL ho noldaftlrn'i1l,r:r,0r,rt- ,"d qthcr rent and 1 wi '".i1" mmt """ termTf!,;rvel?a!hC !"ld m,J'l ' SITS I" ,m. f'e date ot sale tneir srsneetiv sffiin Jan at, 18, u W W H AUN'ARD jaa Si dlfcblS' 0T1. B. . " nndthrirll'n;i,,r iv't"at theanderslgned. Ue V.::r,"'.' mke..Pplic,tio, to' Its sr ,m r , Jj. i y 01 ortl ann na. a ".."(JiJtj barter Incqrporat' its I,ri,4,li 1 k''nr and File 1 o.. wh A-h'vr!rK;H,:s",f!'"uf '"'"" hT p" Thisy4thds',oflanWT.1Mi f: A. H. inrii.i. g. V JoNHa. ' JanM, K H. Fl l.l;swtH, JsoVlC'H. wlfl,.'r.il,.,,"T,, iv"' " awnerslgned mi.' .TtSU 5"L" '"rtrr to hulld aad op. tSTih.' H fr"m ""evllle northeasterly tatm St!? Mosslsls ,m to some ntermedistc polui. H. v . BATTLK. T. W. I'ATTikN, - - - W. T. I'KNNIMAN. C. W. WK)LbV, . W.8WAIN, W. W. WADDILU ftWUl W. W. WHHT, jrhod t m W. B. QWYW. - , 03TAi:3 UXctlT S JPt rot, RnnrT.pm.RnT. WOKM AJifi scab ni wrttfl UI i" 3 g & t ' ..a u fi i -s V 2 2 . a 2 r .5 u A 4 ! i i m v - v- r -rj" S 1 I 8 ' 0 3 J g a- 3 I . .. g-"- " - 5 --fl Pi s i t 0 t& - , So h (3 t i t S' tm f I -" SOS H -.-s l l i W i S I ? I -8 i I -3 S i ! . k t i ll !! t ! J 1 3 ?. - l i s. e 8 s . 3 "8 t ' -il l i