rHori.ssioxAL cams. Trntn F I)THMkiK, Tho A. ne, KiriKl. Ja- Mastis, AsIkviIIs. Atlicville. JJAVUMtON, MAKTIN. & JONBIS Attorney and Counsrllor at Law. Asheville. N. C. Will practice In the 1 llh and 13th Jurtldal ItlstrWt. and in the ttuitrrine Court ol North Carolina, and in the federal Courta 01 the Western iMstrict of North Carolina. Hcirr lo Ban at AshevUle. dtset JI LU 8C. MARTIN. Attorney at Law. asheville. M.C. Title and Coneejrancin; a specialty. Col lection made. Practice in all the ennrt. Office: With CudKcr fc tarter, Mcl-ond Law Building. dtnov28 tirK MSRUCK. L'Htt A.-MOOM. JOOKB MKRRICK, Attorney! and Counsellors at Law A.herille, N.C. Practice In the I'nited State Circuit and Iiistrict Court at AhCTille. atatesville.Char. lottc and lireensboro, lo the Supreme Court Raleigh, and in the court of the Twelfth Judicial Wrict otto. Stat of North Car "(Special attention given to collection o d Partnership doe'not extend to practice in Buncombe Interior Court. dtoc3 i r-t '". 'IjSiS i i V - I ' ..' mi' ;: ' "1 BIHIM.S AMI ri.r.M Hi'- i The millers art tl.e tfirtfcnitfl who are just now raisin tncir "h ;js "the Dour that booms in tb Spring. ! A full ImTofJ. Faust & Son's custom mnrtc .Genu'. Ud.es' .0.1 tbihuru Shoe.' all warranted, cau be louud at i llnwn, Gutter & Co.V Judge: "U I got as intoxicated a you PRESthvE THE FORESTS. MUCH IN LITT'-E. j. . MBiamoN. MBKR1MON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practice lo all the court. ' Office: No. 7 and (fc Johnaton building. , ilte ' . . . w.w.jOKB. 08O. . SHCPOMD, JONBB A 8HUFORD. '. ' I Attorney at Law, AshevUle, N. C. i- u. intVrlnr Court of Western u.k r.roliaa. the Supreme Court of the Stute. and the Federal Court at A.heville. Office lo lohneto. building, whereone mem ber of the firm can always be found. dtnovll - , JOHNSTON'S JON BS. ,...,. STTOS.SST AMU COUMSRU.On AT LAW, ASHHVtLLB. N.C ,im i the ITnlted State Circuit and District Court, at A.herille. in the Hupreme Court at Raleigh, and in the Courta of the Twelfth Judicial District of thcStatcof North Carolina, and elsewhere, a hi. .ervice. may be required. '"" iAbtoICHilyPure. Thii powder 'heref varies. A marvel of pur ity, atrength and wholeomene. Moreeco nomical than the ordinary kind, and cannot be .old In competition with the multitude of low teat, hort weight alum or phosphate powder. Bold onlv in can, koval uakinu Powma Co., 0 all 8L, New Vurk. dJtwtteblil Prixnitr; "If vou wns tosskated at I ' am, you coulaVt hitter barn door." Somervilk Journal: A German savant ! has discovered that plnnts can think. The trouble witn xne .yiiij"v. f tetidus is that it thinks out loud. Boarding-house Mistress (stenil.T to hungry boardeT) We art gomg to have Hoarder ( mfltlly r-Clnd we are go.ng to have something. Terre Haute Express": Funny Barber I I hnn. thi n iir ia ail liubt. ilr. r 1XK1- You see, I snavea a oea man wn.i ' Plirvte I o aciinr r uiu n wake him? JpIRB IN8LRANCB. FIRE. "LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & .CO. At the Bank of AahevUe, ' ASHBVlLLYt, N.C, ,: "I'a, I ha ve about concluded to wed for a title and become the Countess de Assin ine. Whnt will you nettle on tbeconnt?" "1 will aettlr on him with both feet nd an ox-gad, , backed by 217 pounds avordupots."- 'onkert uawet te. J H. DO170LASS. D. I. 8. . DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MkH ST., Over Grant &-Wingert' Drug Store. Hcaidence, No. 9S Bailey 8t. ' feblOdly H. Ri'.BVHS. D. D. 8. , . DENTAL OFFICK J . In Con'nally Building, over Redwood' Store, Patton Avenue, febtadly -- - Repreaeat the following com panic, via, : - raiSR. r J r4B aaasrt w v. a. Anglo Netada. of California ....$2,497,833 Continental, of New Vord 4.875,823 -HamemrtfBmneii', of Germany 1,12B,604 London Aaeurance, of unglana i.o.n Niagara, of New Vork 2.237.492 Orient, of Hartford 1.887,892 Phornls. of Brooklyn 8.864,1 7 St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min nesota 1,01.001 southern, of New Orlean 439.884 Waetera, of Trwewto.... M....a...,i89,a32 Mutual Aceioeni msohsbos. yKtna Life Inniraacc Compaay. " dWsu-29 iJR.J. H. GRRAT't. -. ARTIST. r nvrrlooking Conrt Square, alKive Cooper' t 're. u.in u.m frnm A to a. "!... 1,1 iirawinir and Painting. Partic ulart on application. Icbl3dly FINE -JOB . AVOttK A SPECIALTY, AT WK. WOLPB, 4 - " PLAIN AW ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All klnda of cement woi 00m . Jobbing and kalsominma; uromptly at tended to. Kesidince, Clayton St. Order caa lie left with W. H. Weatall & Co. feb9d0m NO. 6, Time. 1 ' o'clock a. m., Jones "Hello Smith! What are Ton pounding jour front door so'sivagcTy rorT" KwithtUiick4ykr"Wlit ior I'm font Wak fan thelhlc I deadlock m the house -thath; b&.Zir.'k-BwliBgtoi I'rcss. Better Than Bloody Battle. General Wheatcroft Nel) ayi M experience in the English army as well as in America, convinces me that nothings purifies the blood or adds to the health, vigor and life as Acker's Knglish Blood Elixir." This great remedy is sold under, a positive guarantee by T. 2. Smith ft Co; .m.-;y?t1w Chicago 'timet : An Indiana man has made a ballot-box which cannot be stuff .! He will have to take it out of" his Statt if he etpeuts t mak it work, fttbli OoctolTN Cortqaer Beatta. Doctor 'Walter K. Hammond says "AttMv4Miff cwnstM 1 1ht oie t the conclusion that two-thirds of all the (tenths from couirhs. uneunionia and con sumption might 1 avoided if Acker's English Cough Kemeay r wiuy suni (,,11. sil in time " This wimilrrfnl Kem edy is sold under a 'lKisilive guarantee by T.C. Smituac to.- - . - , Washington Criticf 4t?i t" fc hoytti it Senator Evarts goes into tit. Harri s Cabinet he will ga into H as he goes into his hat clean uj) to his ears. NORTH COURT SQUARE.'! OYSTER . SUPPER, Tuenday, Feb. 1 9. 1 89 FITS- UREU Carelcaa Motbera. Many mothers have permitted BV Ot0 SPBCUUsT PHYSICIAN. Bottle of medicine Free. We war rant our rrmedv.torar the wont sail the nnlv ohvsidans whodo this to 'prevent vour being imied upon by mm using falic name and who are not lioctor. Because others failed is no -remsan' for not using thi medicine. Give Bpre and Post omce address. It coat yon aothiag. Addiess Asahcl Medical Bureau, Sl Broadway. New York Jan27dwly Au oyster supper will be iriven bv the vounsr ladies of the MethodiHt Church in the W.C. T. U. rooms in. the! Johnston building, over T. V. Smith & Co.'s dru-r store, the proceeds to be devoted to furnishing the Methodist Parsonage. All who want to help a good cause and get an oysljer impper as well, are in vited to attend. feblSdlw JOTICK. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will applv to the present session of the (.en. eral Assembly for a charter to build and op erate a tnrnpike road from Asheville in a northeasterly direction to the-top of Craggy Mountain (or to some mtexmeumie i"""w 8. W. BATTLK, T. W. PATTON, W. T. PBNNIMAN W WUOL8KV, W. W. WADDILL, -O. W. SWAIN, W. V. WBST, febOdlm W. B. GWYN. children to die before theircyea when they might have been saved. Any mother who keeps' house without a Iwttle of Acker's English Baby Soother at hand, runs a risk which she may some timercgnL. U Jin saveu tne lives 01 thousands of children, aiid is doing so every year. For sale by T. C. Smith & "She:" "I liave just read that women feel wjKfc picq think." : t ' , Her "Ves, that's the reason so many men are bald. "Columbia Spectator. t DyHftepala. Deapalr, Death. These are the actual step which follow indigestion. Acker's Emrlish Dyspepsia Tablets will both check and cure tins most fearful of diseases. Guranteed by T. C. Smith & Co. NEW HBBD, Carefully prepared by lead A ing member of the Ashrvill bar (on finest parchment and heavy flat paper), eor ering all necessary points, just out and now A- ..I. tk. r,nw nt the ClTIIRM PllBLlSH- ino COi.-No. 6 North Court Bquare. laaistf BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 I'ATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers, And I'ndettftkerH. ' .1'" -" Clinmlier Suits u siccialty. Boarding houses and Hotels luriiislied in pint oremire, ' Wardrobes, Sideboard. Red and Single Lounges. An unterrified statistician asserts that the number of motions made by a barber's hnnd while shaving a victim Is 678. Science has not vet been able, however, to estimate the vibrations of the barber's tongue. martilng- Fire lis the Veins). We hold nositive oroof that Acker's KiiL'lish Blood Elixiri cures till blood poi- I suns where cheap sarsaparillas and so i called nursfiers fail, Knowing this, we will soil it to U whusaU at our stove oa I a nositive guarantee. ' T. C. Smith & Lo A stntisticiaii asttrts Uliat twenty Princes and Pr!ncsscs otthe reigning families of Europe have been treated for mental disorder v"Th ilhiettenth cen turv." comments the Worltt, "has been very severe upon the roynl think-tank. I Bucklcn'M Arnica Halve. ! The liest salve in the world for cuts i bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheuin, fever 1 anrra. tetter, chain ed hands, chilblains i coms, snd nil skin erujions, and posi- 1 tlvely cures piles, or no pay required It I is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, i or moner refunded. Price 25 cents per I box. i-'or snlc by F, L. Jacobs. daw HaHlIng Inlrmtau CwrtMiralaf ths nsedo la Oat Tlnibar. One of Ihe most important queationt with which our national and statt legislatnrps have to dool, and yet ou Uiaf in too grin rully atelcte4. is that of the nrvservation of our foroeta. IndciH'iiiiriit of the fact that they add to the wealth of the ualioti at the rate of f'iKi.CHHi.(sH) annually, or ten timet mora Mian .Uvw'Tul of Sllouretjld and silver mines- which alone ought to urn r f'-r ihom proper care the ijrniti'fitm i-'u'liiMoni reached by acv entiltr inrn. ti the effect that they de termine. toM pifal evwnl, tlieclimauo and tin li vanillic eonuiuons of our cnimtrv. ami rutnte the distribution of moist lira and the cluiracter of both our im'at and irull wator ways, cer tainly pluc the prewenrutioD 01 our timbered lands anitmg Uie subjects that should receive the early, constant and careful consideration or our legis lator. It u mtimntwl hv finnrta who haye devoUnl much .tinje iijd thought to the Inquiry Uud St ItusV m pew cenL 01 the entire apncultural region of any country sliould remain permanently l foreots. Twenty year, ago it was aaawrtMl that th annual clearance of woodland throu'rhmilthe United SUtot amount!) to 10,000,000 of sere, and that at this rate individual owners would ultimately be entirely iltririped of their holdinga. But it is not only tha ax thul is tlostructive to forests, Browsing animals und fires are-ouite aa. Aeti iiuaubU. Tu thwia injuavowa agencim inusi be aiuhl the enterrjruv mirvaiidnscrPiiTks;ruiroid Oorj- tractoi vw1k auiiually4tr)vli JO.WXV- UW Vlgiimus young trees in uia nuos lor UW. lUKIIIg lliese BIIU tituur euer mien of our forests into account, it will beseen lhut but fur the energetic ac tion tri mir national and state govern ments tlio terrible calumitv of the en tire kwcvbiiiff awav of the natural cov ering of the soil would bo among the possible events or the future a disas ter that! would, id ihull a century, re duce thi greater part of the continent to the condition of dfecbrt InoVpible of supiNitiug'nuin orteaiL ' . " " Nor is this a niere iHght of the im agination. It may seem to the super fioiul ott ervlir ft) Verfe ooS thrntriv agaut t Uilk hi a poibj6ynibct fafm irre rn avoutitrf so new as uri-, anff one that was so lately reclaimed (rorn the 'forest primeval:'" but itisjn uq- ueniiioie i-ici tuai we arecuiuuguunu our trtHw fur more Vapidly than we are Dlantinif them, and although our in heritance of timber huabeencreftU. (sidlk alit'OtasUyetert-rS' tii future van lead to. but one result. To bring about u better stale of things, an intelligent publio sentiment ought Ttr- oH CTatt3ll mill btttiinoss men and rurtiH-rt iH-UKt oe iniormeu now m- timinl thjin pns-Mrity is bound up with tin- oresorvation of the wooded IhihI Thov should be made to under stand tluit by the effect of the forests on me water courses me enure naviga tion, and much of the traoHortation, svstem of the country is regulated flauufacturei'S are also largely do mnidfiil fur the water supply for their inutoi i s mid mills on Uie wuh1ob that tirolects lite uinbor lauds where these streams take their rise and mrourD hich t)i"y flow.,Nu prohtaMa rnilt- nr con 1 1 be done wiiere tno water course wns a torrent-dnring one-fourth of the war ud a dry bed forth, re mainder in the season. ' ' ' It is cneourasring to note that the snbjft i.i rtfrw i"erfv1ft!''praetical con sidcr.it ion in many localities, and especially in this i-tuteaiid in TennRyl- vaiuu. i he irHirt oi tne iNew ioru forestrv cniiiiiiissi'iii. pii-seiiU'd to the egislature, t-oiitnina muiiy interesting facUand valuuhlo suggestRms. while the Agrimilturul nociety of PBtmsyl- ysjtia is uctivelv rugagoil In Kiireauing the facu Ix-foi-e the people. The estab lishment of "schools of forestry, tu aorduiii with the plun thal has worloxl o adruirahly lu Germany, is earnestly rfcoinnirnucd. togothar with other meitKUivsull tending to further the end m view. Un one point all au thorities seem agreed tliut it is uu wise to u nu lUu Umber resources of a country v i to private parties, leav ing them independent of all govern ment contitd. .At quo time. Ibm slut!;. owned every itcre of tlie Auii'oikTiick reariokv this - noblo douiuiu wan give a with a reckletsncss that is Karcei.'nViviuiiiUs -anui wuui n uun poKsesscs it lias guincd through Ux sales, while, i lilksure thus of the ntoblii'ccai'iims cliufticler. the land speeuluto:-.! U'ing engaged in a con stant struggle lo procure a cancella tion of list! Kile. The wholesale pur chase or Iniv-a hinds from individual owners is iii cd bv the commiMion, to remedy t ils, stato of things, and to ureveiit the stock of tiuiW in the 'suite l'ii it. i IxMiig too" largely depicted 'Fmn'i liulit' S Nowspaei'. UXCCLLASEOUS. . . i i ' hand. will receive prompt attention. their E ctricity moves 888,000 miles per second. Tl am In Qi,.ln.n " A 1 1.1 An anci nt spinster 01 . WX t Mm lias smoked for hl'ly ymsra Tl.omas Wilkinson, of Vernon, N. Y., has a beard five feet long, which be wears tucked under bis vest. A man cau hire a house in Japan, keen two servants and live on the fat of the laud, all for a little over (20 a month. Wood workers are using naphtha line us a wood preservative. It is said to leave the wood dry, and with only a faint aromatic odor The sultan never uses a plate, but takes his food usually with a sioon or but l.ngers directly from tlie little kwt ties in which it Is cooked. Sir William Pearce, the pi'oat Kng lish nhip builder, left an estate1 valued at il.XW.OtiO. The . pmiertv will be divided between his widow and sou It is asserted uiat most oi tlie iiieni bers of the English wrliaiiienl sutler from .dyspepsia. Iig sittings and tha irrvguW sessions of the bouse i. tha cause. Thefrrand Duke Alexis, brother of the crar of Russia, is one of the best twtroiw of the Parisian mUm and sing Ing gardens He is exceedingly demo cratK'in hm maimer and mixes rnely With tha Parisian pleasure seekers. 'Mr.1' Marr Lowe Dickenson carries the responsibility -of two wsitions at tne IHsnver university one iioiuh uie full professorship in literature, or, more properly,. .Mica Icttres as .her work includes more thau literature or languiigo, and she ulso has the direc tion of the women's work in the uni versily. . .. Two young women of Sacramento went, hucl(lebcrryuijr near bolliiuis. where they were spendiug a few weeks, and a big brown bear came into -.ho patch and endeavored U uio- UOPOUIH 11. 1 I'lie oi tllB uins- nau m smali ride, and. tinding that either thev or tlie bear nunt go. Usk careful aim and put a bullet . through the bruU 's brain. A oiireoii fancier of Westiilmlia bet that a doxen bees liljerated liirt miles froir their hive would nwli, it in liet ter time thaii a down i'Tu would reach " their cote hn tlie same lis tantv. The Hrst tire b;at the first pige n by a quarter of a minute, and tnret rnnerDees ream mnguni uu fore he second pigeon. gag 1 ror ya oopyiug uiunuara-ipi in t uroim tlmt bear upon Amerii un histo -y, proposes to print Hi most im port:n'iftf hts.discoverie. The price of tb" w t will bo' $H). A sumil gov ernma t appropriation would place these tiocumeuU within the reach of ever; library in the land .. A UgJiawk swooped down on one of M -s. Mattie Etu-iiesi a chickens, at Iw.ii- if 'fl i 'Her' l'2 veHi'-tild bov. Marc lius. heard thtu squawks of the- fowl and ran to the ivM-ue. II grab! "d the hawk add the bird sunk both ,i oiw m.the litUe fellow s aim, but liiircellus was plucky, and held the h.iwk until his mother came and cut ult its head with, a halchut. All kinds of cases, for old or young, from plain Id the finest,' kept t0a Prompt attention given to all orders day or night. -jr a , Orders' & via'' swroad ( I " S !' t. f I A We have also employed a first-class 'WSitG&M of many years' experience, to take charge of this special feature of W amides. BLAIH FURNITURE COMPANY, ' Rfssidence, 39 Penland St. No. 37 PattOtt AtciTBe. , CLOSING OtJT BALE OF- ALL WINTER GOODS, -AT- 22 THE B I G 2 2,-22 PATTON AVENLX. d&vtapr20 4 LIIW18 MADDUX, Pre niKBCTOM: lwls Madilns, M.J. Bcarden, M 8. 11. Keed, Oru. S. Powell, C. M. sjiii i. ... . lf,'.ji'. Hf JBIft stiaru-s, svev L. P. McLOUD, Vlct-Praa, I. . .UMCIN; J. B. Kaakia, J. B, Mky, J.f.TBeet. ' Bd, . . . , i ... '. . -i WESTERN CAROLINA BAi4K IASHBVILLB, N. Ca FEBRt'Att !. 1S8. Orgaaistd May 1st, iSSS. CAPITAL fsoyooo. 8TATB, COUNTY AND C1TV DBPOSITOaT, Doe a General Banking Business. IV posits received. tertians made On alt acresslble polnu. On all nms In this department, deposited for ronrtaoatht or 1(er, hrtereat-at rats1 t-( 4 per rent, per annum will be paid. . . . ' r,i,t, anrcial attention girea to loans oa teal estate, Wbleh will be placed for loaf that da tkat ' sonable terms. - -i-- Open Iron 9 a. m. to S p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department WOI Mopta!.' jr.'.'' Btrehance kouAt and U: NtU The Savtsg Featnre will itwive spatial attio. ,,,r TOBACCO ! TIipi is 110 reastai why v rom un thin or nave co.!! Wsartlis rtunneL on should feet and corns, as you complain of. I was that way luvtwii once, Pitt, a a euro, our old nejrro cook told ui t'i wwir a lian nel or woolen waistband, that is to say, cover my hotly lioui chesl tii hip with flannel or woolen iiexi I tho kUin hesides the icffular winter or suninicr ciolhuig.aiiu to keep tiic band on all the rear round. I triul it somo veai ngo. and at first I saw no ctutfige in niv sie or waist nioasuii'tit'iit, hut suddciilv 1 noticed I could'not button the wait thand. 'and I moved I ho hut- tons.-(Before three mon t lis ptiss;d riiovcil tlie buttons four tini i. I still wear the llanoel. and you f( the size of in v srirUi. lam not at all uncoui ts4alla Vsvtv.hv 4ilv I have HtW' MVtAislbd.. lh!ro'u4t uio 1 put od ,hiJ4lii JWftr5oisiio( over the stouuw b eauses a great itiurua heat, which i carried, by the blood ti all oarta of the bods1, and thii tiotit nu! digestion, and altogoliier I tliiuk the wooicnr waMieaiia soivh inotueiinii of (IviDCDsia and indigestion. As tor cold feet fend corns, 1 promise you that if vou scrub your feet in cold wnter every niuht Vifora going to bed sixtv days your feu will not bother you further, and uoonly that, but yon will l ave lo gel a so a sue smaller than you had lieen f earing, if not two sites Kiialler. Try if and let me know -Letter Caii'ier in Ci lobe-Deuioc rat todAcoi - JT ' '-! f ..:!'.! U' . -I-J .... &.:. ,1. ..,1 ....l.rfu-. tl.i all ksns . ably advanced since Christmas. Bright wrappers, eutters and strrps ue Marha t man iney nave ocen in acvcraTearn, nuu auuw iasi mkiss m w V"? .rTrlT u tobaccos raised in "Western North Carolina aad feasi f eonesaee. . , . '1 , Th Hinrtm and manninrturrra who need the trOe of tohacCO Ttdsea . thJa ' section have their buyers on this market, and are paying mora where. ":l ' We would warn our customers against the drummers and agents wno' krkkl ' big salaries to induce shipments to other markets tbaa this, by promises to, asU at reduced commissions. After your tobacco it shipped it is fro titrdet 'tftMV and when you receive returns there is always ah'eiciiar for tow jiricea, ilatrninf' bacco to be damaged, etc., etc. We have, with great expense, made the Farmers' W trebotist The Leading Warehouse In the where you attend the sales of your own tobacco, or have h sold ta a few dayr- shipment. ... , . , Elsewhere we give a partial list of actual sales made since the bcttidaya, d&wtaprl2 1 f(" $7,000 Seven thousand dollars worth of new Irenh goods to be sold at GOST FOR GASH. Police Captain--" Vou are working on ' ' the murder of (.reatman, nin't you ?" Detective "Yes; been on it six weeks." j "Well, I sec by the papers that a fellow ! .1... Ii... !m 4 1, nllov ArttnA tli miril.r himtmfewed thfrtlieistrurdeTeT." -i W.iud-atIalto; , "By Junksi. Alaylic that s ackws i- Onei-al Orant, on his return to this ' country, is said to have been severely af- 81108,11:118, Dry Goods, Notions, Kubl.- Goods, blankets, Comloru. ShawU, tidies and Gents' Underwear, Domestics. Plaids, Jeans. A good full stock of BROGANS FOR 90 CENTS. Ladies' Fine Shoes, Button and Lace, $1.0. A good boot for $2.00. Cotton checks 5V4 cents. Comforts from 55 cent, to 80 cts. Coffee fi (lonmla for $1. A big stock of all kinds of GROCERIES. . . . i V- - . . .. .1 . u :i- ! niciea witn a cuugn ronumini wmi i crossing the ocean, and which hnd stub hornlv refused to vield to any treatment. i A friend orocured lor him a bottle of i Svmohvx. and bv its use in a lew hours i he was entirely relieved. He remarked to i his friend: "Men look upon me asa great soldier, but this bottle of Symphyx is greater than 1. My calling hns been to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior of men. I shall never be without it again." d&w Tin. Dm lirss' I'Bdarclothing. When the duke and duchess of KdinhurjjrU went to Grcecoit was dis covered, on arriving at Athens," that a trunk containing certain indispensable articles v' attire, to wit: undercloth ing belciiirinz to tho duchess had been left behind -tit Malto: A-tulegratn or- i ikruiff Uio suiu truuk tone sent by the ucKi any 'Hteamer wuuiu nv ucou the cUt , lvl and readiest way of ob taihiiifr it. hut the duke of Edinburgh actuull v dkinuU'hud one of the vesseli of tiM sanaurau all the way W Malta 10 urmg oacs tue vruus auu iva tuu tents. This tnti of her majesty's ship must have involved a cost to tua tax payer of souie hundreds of pounds, The transaction is altogether a scandalous one. Londou Truth. The financial problem : An .exchange prints "rules to discover spurious bank notes." But we don't want to discover : kunk notes of thnt description. It is the genuine kind we are looking for, and rules ( of discovering several thouatind of those would .be very acceptable. ... When disease racks the frame, when A NewjllnM. A ih'W and iiilcj'esling variety of rose, the Rosa liegemaua, var. gen- uiua, the wild rose from central Asia has riffnlly been discovered und in- trodu 'i I into Europe, lu a recent nuinlvr il'(i;irdita4id Forest this rose is des -rihed tut havidga height of from four 1 1 six feet, remaining in bloom all th Ruiiiuipr. TMe flower, though small is of a pure wfhite color, and the leave, have a sweettrier odor. At the horba 'iiiin f Harvard university the plant Im proved hardy. This inter estii gjuU'ibuiiou k our roses leads u U nAa the poiul Ihiit ttonlrul and eagiri ,i ,sA istlia.roae garden of the world bruin that region come the greati r nufuber of the mauy plants oeloii; nig in the family of roses which contn nite fruits r tlowers to the de leclut, hi bfniau: Asia is indeed the land f nmear-. Popular Science News. I'ROTBCTINO PROPEKTY OWKBU, THE "CAMAREF 6UARANtEElj ttfrJiS PlAtES. " We not only give the purchaser the best Roofing Plate, but w protect bins Flrt By giving our guarantee. Second By stamping earn sheet with brand and tMcknea. , Third By excluding waste. Fourth By branding th net weight of the 111 sheets 6a the bo! For the benefit of those wanting the very beat Rooting Plata. t assert, aad an PRHI PAKKI) TO I'ROVB, that (excepting the "Oilhertson's Old Method") there are a other brands of roofing tin being offered in the market to-day, by any una, under the four Hf ent guarantee given above by this house. " " " "'" ' m MM U mm m rm mm K m Phlludrlphia, New Yorh, Chicago. London. ii BtcotrM C Hla tlnsi of sues. A variation Of Dr. O. J Lodire't ez- pariiiietiU oo tlie electric deposition of dust has been tried by 'M.' rret, offcretefi oOiirasiob, hut Bnaily ... s .r....a l i ' l a- W a. M m 4. . .1 . 1 J t... .1 's roasUd coffee, trunks, valises, water-btiekets. tnlm. t.rk.i w r, bacon I wri1 cover the person, when aches are in s roastea conee, iruua , . when the mugcjcllrrMft(lnfj I syrup. 11 lbs. granulated sugar for $1.00. 13 Iha. light brov sugar ior y j exertion gives fa- . Brown'i hay and $1 .00. 3 lb. cans of tomatoes 11 cts. a can. All these good must be sold at bnce. All persona owing Smith & Bulrd are notified t pny same at once, costs. Uenevn. . KUmni submitted toleotnC discharges was instantly precipitated; and wlien the pole of tue electric ma chine was suUicieutly uear the surface j of the water-the other pole being at- taehato the platinum cup used ior ths boiling--the steam -was condensed aa rapidly aa formed, presenting the anomaly of steamless boiling water. -Arkanraw Traveler. The Huatla as a Mona Trap. Ast young lady of Bridgi iwrt was Urcssi g "or a parly, a motine put in an ap, enrunre and, naturally enough, l)wVprl,, "THE W1NYAH SANITARIUM. " ASHEVILLE, N. C For the reception of patients stiflerlng of oistases of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol the snnitaires at Goibersdorf and Falkensteia in Ger. many. Ours is the only such institution in the United Slates, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. II. II. CARTER, Assignee lUn.r hrn the mind is filled with ekiom ' and depoiHlency,whflt i" there rn life ami save i worth living, and yet many eke out just such, a miserable sxisUuce. It vuig only (or I thoaa Who lote them.' hen it is gelitr. - - , . - f MniMtii of alltkilowti tbat.Br.-wns'iroi imxers , ,M ytoiurrn ' many i ;, r, :. ,... tllin. 1 llCir ITHIIC l ni.iu.v.N disam ared I After tha lady hnd re. tumct: troni iha party and wasdisrob inr fo ' Ihe niirht. what was her uston ishme it to And the poor nniirf in her bustle , but tha olacaof fauoiad secur- itr it laid sought In 'the Mcitfrmehl of the chiute had proved a death trap. At some tune during its presence there it had been crushed to death. - Hartford Times. Their Bwalwea Booming;. Prohn1.1v no one thiiiii has caused such a general revival of trade at F. L. lacols' drugstore as thehr giving away to Ihctf will cure the above disorders how hearts will he made .homes made happy! dawtfta-- For SMITH & BAIKl), No. 11, 1'atton Avenue. nusTMza LiinoEtiT kustahg uhceqt .... . .. . - ruin , : hearts will be matie giaa. now many n,ual)fe. articic fnm the. fact ! thnt It nlwava cures ano never r.iisnn f1 oints. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchi la rVniio. nnd tall throat n4' ltfrt'rln eases jickly cured. You can test it be- lore Uliving oy gexting a mm uuitie im, ' A. t? 1. ... . 1 . CTTRT'S FOOT ROT, RnortPrTrl-BOT U KEW WOUJl AND SCAB 'U HUEJuP 13 FOR MAN BEAST. rF.NETuATF.S UUSCLL i 1 UltUi I O TUK MM UOWfr I Sviinnunott IIMel; ' rneirelled cuisine. popular with tourists, famlllr anil buslnea. i nen. Blectrie ear pa the door. KA WLH BROS., !. Wildly Propr1. 1 lurge stie $1. Every bottle warranted. WRthintrtno Cl itic : It would be a coop d'etat for Mr. Harrison to put Farmer Hayes in his Cabin t. tCpoch. The t ransition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life 6f the individual Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the iood health has been attained is grate. lully lilcssen. tiencr it is tnai no mum is heard in nraiae of Electric Bitters. So manv feel they owe thtir restoration to health, to the use of th Great Alterative and Tonic. If vOu aretronbled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing you win surety finrfrelief hv use of Electric Bitters. Sold at Kk. jariff 1 prrtiirttl. at K. U Jacotw' arug store. li. c. Waddell, President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. ' Lawrene.""pijilaniViasWr. THE BANK OF ASIIEYIIXE, Asheville, N. C. - - r:;'' DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY.; Oldest Bank In WeBterCCrlli. , INCORPORATED BY ACT Of THE GENERAL AftSEMILY or THE IT ATI. J CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000, ISMilt I a.l''tl.....a-aJl'l..J I U W,. I snrtur-t)' aewaVs 5& kept tit Ptrot,' ctjitES Ttmmt msstrtA xirprs. UTCIlZN,6TAM.BANII'ACT01iXi AKD 6TUF JUlliX. tLBWUi-.