; ; cxtix:::; --i h. r ' 4 f t mnrulnjr (r?vi idam - r.r , ,. S OO r i taut . a oo J. ontu. ......,.. IfVO ( , . . , 60 C'" Wcra. ... Ifi ('flf c"ifrt .nil deliver th4 p. per every t rvrry prt of the r.ty to our eub rtocts. .1 fruc. ulju il will pica Mil t tu tiinia Orhcc. hbM AlsVlittTIttKlfKMTa. Pou.! TWa oftce. Wd c. B. Uclnr. Involution H. kedwoodatCo. Haml.ni Kll.ni, Kick Hoyce. houcc, fMlpuraal-W, . baraard. Called SUato SUarwal Itervlcsi IMav. Um, Aahcvllls, N. C. LTrrrt. U H Noarw. Lnm'DB S3. 36 m. KuiiTKM, a.aio ibit. Mttearplnftoal report for 24 hom aiding tlr.m February 14, 1H. -EMfiiKAtrEp. T 43 S DBVrTcTfKT. r 7 llpallpn a p I Daily Mcaa. 2 44 IUR0lKf UK. FlBCmTTn&NT StirdSaMn Depths, laches. o PUT 0 1 K. V ! Bttk, U. t., Obwrver. KAIUtOAD COMM1IMION. At.TI Opialva far Ifr. Hsmryr We applied to M r. Henry II ard wickt to eiptaia at length hi position, as stated by oar reporter on yesterday', and be very kindly gave us the following : AH?T!LLE, N. C, F$M, 1889, . 'Editor Cituea: la my opinion tat pi saint "railroad commisaion bill," now pending in the Legislature it obnox ious to Section 10, of Article 1, of the Constitntion of the United States, .which provkkathat "no State shall pas any law iarpairing the obligation of con tracts," provided the charter of all the railroads of the Stat bare in them the mem exclusive right to regulate freight 4 paaascger rate taal the charter of tat Wester North Carolina railroad company has. ' Section 25, of the Act of usoa-o incorporating tout roaa rcaas as follows: fie it farther enacted, That the said company hall have the exclusive right erf conveyance, transportation of persona, goods, mercnanaise and pro auce, over toe saiu rauroaa, to t by theai constructed, at $ucb charge as may b 6xtd by tbt board of director:" Here, then, it a sacred, inviolable, irrevo cable contract between the State of North Carolina and the corporators the obliga- tioswof which the praatut bill would im pair. I he property or toe company jvould be rendered leal VsJuable, aiid the wrong by passing Such 4 sscaWr J In the celebrated Dartmouth College cast in which Daniel Webster delivered oat of his best speeches, the Supreme court of the United States say : "A cort ttaatjna charter it to be held sacred." The right of legislative control of cor porations is well defined and limited by decisions in the courts of the various 6tatea, the decisions of the Supreme court oftbtUaited States-and by constitu tional provisions and statutory enact meats of the States and it is well settled law that the Stat may limit the amount of charge by railroad companies for fares and freights uukia mtrmned by some eoatrmctio the cbmrter. Munn. v. III. M U. S. 113; Peik v. Chicago K. R. Co. M U. &, 164, 17g ; Shields v. Ohio, VS U. S.. 319: Chicaco v. Iowa 94 L' S. .155: and aumerous other decisions all sustain this poartioa. - The pendini bill it neither just nor ex prdieni, and ill-timed and premature. Railroad commissions, unless advisory, havt iat other States been an absolute fail- am. No isaue was made of tbt natter m the last campaign, and this bill is an unwarrantable infringement of the vested rights of tbt railroad companies of the State and will only drive away foreign apiW, MM TWUI RUI ttllBWCT I IK COU claimed for it by its friends. Chief Justice la the C. B. and Q. K. K. Co, v. Cutts, 04 U. S. 85, says: "A good government never puts forth its extraordinary pow ers, except under circumstances which re aoM h. That government hj best whk-h. while performing all its duties, inter terra tbt least with the lawful punuitt of itt ptopte. - ; , , . , Kailroad commissions are a step in the wrong direction. They savor of oppres sion.'and no man can say where leirisla- tures will stop, for under the decisions of of tut Supreme court ot tbe United States each State has. the same right to fix the maxftnura price of the good of mer chants; the products of farmers; the la bor of artetans and artificers, and the fiNHJ pf9fcJW9IMl Ottft'i ifl ftaOrt, to IT JfU lata every inuustry or employment, trad or manufacture. Beakles this act will entail a tax of at least $10,000 uoon our people, whose taxes ait high enough now. It looks as if t he promoters of the scheme merely wanted to create fat of fices to to be filled by themselves or friends. The inter-State commerce law will an swer every purpose. Nenrlv all of our freight comes from outside the State, and ae complaint is made ol passenger rates. f, w, , , 11SNIV HAMDWICKK. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13. .1, a. - a . A Few Facta Which Go to Prove that This la Mot So Vnlncky a " "-ijr After AH. Friday, Feb. 22, 1732, George Wash ington was oorn. Friday, Dec. 2. 1701, the Albany K mrr was founnra Bismarck, Gladstone and Disraeli were born on Friday. Friday, March 24, 1009, the Hudson river was discovered. Friday, June 30, 1461, Louis XI hum bled the French nobles. Friday, March 18, 1770, the stamp act was reneaiea in angianu, Friday, June 13, 14112, Columbus dis covered tbe continent of America. Fndav, Dec. 23. 1020, the Pilgrims maue tne nnai landing at Plymouth KOCK. Friday, June 13,' 1783. Gen, Wlnfield Scott was born in IHowiiulie county, Va. Friday, June 10, 1834. Spurgeon, the calebtmUd KogUah prsacker was born. . Friday, Nov. 20, 1721, the first Ma sonic lodge was orgnnicd iu North America. Friday, Sept, 2. 780.- Arnold s treu soa wss laid bare, which saved tlte United States. Tbomss Sutton, who saved England from the Spanish armada, was born on Friday. Friday, Jan. 12.1433,CharletheBold. Burgundy, was born, the richest sover eura of feuropt. i Friday, Nov. 2H, 1814, the first news paper ever printed by strum, TbtLomton Time, wss printed. Friday, Oct. 19, 1781, the surrender of Yorktown, the crowning glory of the American army, occurred. Friday, June 13, 1W2, Alexander von Humboldt, in climbing Chiinborato, reached an attitudgc of 10,200 feet. I-nday, ccotember T. 14U3. MrUn.U. foandrd St AuauaUue, the oldest towa in the united btates by more than forty. 6t j . i v j f 4 s . 4 "f. April Mia, the first knows) Tpapr afl w 1 tlatinewt was published ia lite iininl ioleTuccr,ia tngland. Fri.l.iT. M.iyH, 15N5, Gabriel Fahren-! belt, usually rrKar.iH as the inventor of ; tbe common mercurial thermometer, wai born. Friday, October 7, 1777, the surrender of Saratoga wai made, whkh hari iuch I power and influenct in inducing Frauce to declare for our cause. j Friday, March 5, 14'Jfi, Henry VIII, of England, gave to John Cabot hit com mission which Wo to the discovery of North America. This is the first Ameri ca State paper in England. Friday. Nov. 10, 16J0, the Mayflower, with the Pilgrim, made tlx harbor of ProTincetown, and on the same day they signed that august compact, the forerun ner of our present constitution. Friday, July 7, 1770, the motion was made in Congress by John Adams, and seconded by Kichard Henry Lee, that the United States colonies were, and of right ought to be, free and independent. - Friday, March 20. 1738, PopeCIement XII, promulgated his bull of excommuni cation against the Freemasons. Ever since the allocution excommunicating in discriminately all Freemasons the order has race T:d an immense forward impetus in Italy, France and Spain. ?A ROBBERY, Thomas) Creaaman Kaoeked cnaclcM bjr Three Negroes, Laat Nlajbt, and Robbed. About 8;30 o'clock, laat night, Thomas Creaaman, a white man, was knocked doajrn and robbed by three negroes, near tbe Murphy place, across Bcaucutcher. Creasman was unable to identify his assailants, and they made their escape, after taking from his pocket forty-five dollars in money. . Tbe police are at work on the case, but there is slight chance that . the guilty parties will be captured, owing to the fact that Mr. Creasman does not know them. Creasman was pretty badly bruised by bis assailants in tlie assault, but fio serious wounds were inflicted. - The attack was a cowardly and atroci ous one, and if the offenders happen to be caught, no mercy should be shown them by tbe court. Veaterdajr'a Cotton Report. By Tekgrtph to tbe Cltlwn. Nkw Yohk, Feb. 14. Hubbard, Price St Co., in their cotton circular to-day, say ; The opening was with but a slight gain, and a comparatively lighter move ment caused our market to slowly ad vance until the decline of the past few days had been fully recovered, and the market closed steady at the best prices, wun pututue.u-ttiic , M t i On Collru (ntt, ti nnlrs lone silk gloves. The owner can art them l)y proving proiwrtjr and paying for this ad. ISdilt w ANTK1). Prom 100 to 3IKI Chentntrt Poles. rnrln from ilH in no fert la knifth and from 8 to 8 inches in diameter at mnll ends. I'artirs wltliiiK to contract for furnlshlHg theae poles will please communicate at once with C. B. McCl.l'Hk. Hupt. So. Ilell T. At T.Co., fehtAdStwlt Kichmond, Va. JlHrtoLL'TloS, The Arm of H. Redwood Ik Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. FIKNNV KBIiWOOIl, ANNIK C. FBKHHI.V. Ptb 14, ISxtt, JOHN It. MvlMiWlibL, Z Tht aadersiaaed kavs this day formed a ra- fiarlnrrahlp for the trsnaartion of hunineu n enteral mrrvhsnrtlM- Hi the etly of Aiht villc, N. C. HUSKY KlUlWOOD, ANNIK C. fKKWtLV, JOHN II. McliDWIU.l., frliUdlt Villi. II- IKV1NU l.UVK. N OTICIi. Bv virtue of a drcrrc nf the Ruuri-iur C'nuM of Bancomlie county, rendered at the lecrm her Term, I mhh, I will, on the 4th day of March, IMN9, at the residence uf T I VanOilder oil College street, In the city uf Asheville, sell, at public nurtion for canh, to the hlaheat bidilrr, all the furniture and chatties, conveyed by T 1 VsaDlldcr and wife ia certain deeds of trunt to me This rarnit are constats of carpotr , cnslrs, licdroom, library, hall and parlorscta, and other naual household furniture At the same time and place, aad under tha same conditions and la the asuie manner I will rent una let the said residence lor the term of one rear fr.ira the Hate of ak ' For further particulars enquire at the un deraianed at his ollice or of J R Adania, attorney at law, or Moore A Merrick, attor aeys at law, at their respective otticea W ' BAKNARD Feb 14. 1MH frblSdtraara D. S. WATSON, Real Eatate Agent, (Not a Speculator.) , Having by practical ei)iericnce thorouglily syatematlsed my sales department, 1 oner APBCIAt INIU'CBMBNTS ta those wlshlag to sell, and BARGAINS to those wishing tp buy. . . "... 1 have some of the best property for sale in Ashevill which can be bought low down. ; Also, country proprrty, Manganrae, Iron, and Tlmbar Lands. Call and examine my list before purchasing. t. . WATSON, ftnuthcaat Corner Court Hqusre, Hmayt Aaheville, N. C. nniNors DENTIFRICE A-TBUE?-T0 1 L E T LU XUR Y. Or aaaoLUTttY purtc iNaaiDiiNTS cauTirna thc tcith. MtaiawttTHi GUMS. SWCCTENSTHC B Sit ATM NO INJUAV TO THC CNAMCL Art AND AGRlCAaUE. WITHOUT CQUAL AS A TO I LIT Pft.tPARA'VION. PWICC 8 CINT PER iOTTLt. oio ay ll oauaaisTa. I. H. UMNKCIMANN CO.. r-aoaa tTisioac. Mo For sale hv GRANT t WLNGKHT. fiawtu28 f SPELLING BEE. A lontvst for PrUva b Ashe vllle Cltlxvnit. ia PrUlay Kvenlna, bKinnin at a o'clock. In Johnnton Hall, Will be glvea an old time aprlling match, under the auapkca of the Aahevllle Vs. AdinlaainnAdulta, Sftc I ehlldrea, ISe. . SthlMUt WtOLUTION. Tat parTmr.hlphrrrtororerak.ttn. btw i RhrB.ru. Uaaa A luknaun aad J. ,Y. Brows k.. tht. dav been diaaoiveu by limitation. j.v.bownc, Indlcaliou. Tel , t0 tciu,,,,. Wasmingtoh.D. C, February 14. For North Carolina Rain; warmer; winds becorniiie easterly. ! THK MARKETS. vnierds CMiaa Mk4 Liverpool, Feb. 14. Noon. Cotton quiet, with fair iniiuirv; Ameri can middling 5 9-16. Sales 10,000 bales; ' simulation and exports 1,000; recti iits i leruary"FehrrT Kb i 5 34-64; March April 5 32-U4a34-64; A pril i May 64a32-64; J une, July, 5 34-64a33-64; i May. 5 32-64a34-64; July, Aug. 6 3V ! 32-64; Aug. Sept. 5 32-64a33-64. 2 P. M. American good middling 5 t ft-16; low middling. 5S; good or- j diiiarv. 5t: ornirmrv SL 1.1m : for t he day included 8.300 balea Marc6 35-64. seUerarehliSe fi ' April &: , ouver. 34-64, buyer, April May 6 34-64, Mayjune j J-o, DuyerJ une j uly 6 35-64, seller; July Aug.5 36-64, seller, Aug. Sept. 5 36-64, seller; Aug. Sept. 634-64, seller, tores firm. 4 p. M.-Feb.S 37-64, seller; Peb. March 5 36-64, seller; March April 5 35-64, buyer; April May 5 35-64, seller; May June S 35-64, seller; Junejujy 6 33-64 seller; July Aug. 5 34-64, seller. Aug. Sept. 6 84-64. seller; Sept. S 34-64, seller, futures closed nnn New York, February 14. Cotton. Set receipts, 60O; gross, 7,083. Futures closed steady. Sales, 65,700 bale. Feb., 9.77a; March, 9.82a3; April, 9.91a2; May, 9.9al0; June 10.08a9;ulv 10.13al4; Aug., 10.19a20; Sept., 9,79 a8; Oct. 9.59abO; Nov. 9.52a4; Dec., 9.62 a4; Jan., 9.60a2. Yewterdajr'M Frooac Market. Livkrpool, Feb. 14.-Wheat, quiet, demand poor, holders offer freely. Com easy; demand fair, new mixed western, 4s d; turjientine, 36s 6d. Cincinnati, Feb. 14. Flour, easier; wheat, easier, No. 2, red, 10O ; corn lower, No. 2 mixed, C3Ha4; oats heavy, No. 2 mixed. 27Vfca8: pork lower, 11.75; lard easier, 650; bulk meats, easy; short ribs, 612H; bacon, easy short clear, 750; whiskey, steady, iu.i; nogs quiet. . Baltihorc, Feb. 14. Flour fairlr art. ive, about steady; City Mills, Rio brands, extra, 5.255.50; Wheat, southern. firm, good inquiry ; Fulti, l.Olal.07; Longberry 1.07af 12; No. 2 southern, 1.05al.06; Western, steady, No. 2 win ter red spot and Feb. 94U; Corn, south ern, quiet and steady; white 41a43; yel low ua.i; western easy ST. Lotis, Feb. li.-FIour quiet, sUady; wheat was extremely unsettled, with rapid and rather violent fluctuations in price, but the close was only only M be- ma; 7V4, asked; May, 97aH; closed 98 bid. Com stack, unchanged; No. 2 mixed, cash 2H4aH: March. No. mixed, cash 28yaH; March 28; May, 304saH: Oats steady, No. 2 cash, 23V,; May, 274 bid; whiskey, steady. 103: provisions dull, weuk; pork, 11.75; lard, prime steam, ooli. CITIZEN PUBLISHING CO. - w y V ! r S ) i ! i ) . -f V NEAT. PROMPT. ACCURATE. A REAL PLEASURE TO DO YOUR PRINTING Ah you want it and when you want it. TIIR CITIZEN PUBLISHING C03IPANY, No. 6 North Court Square, Is pivpawl to tlo high-ffratlH work at LOW RATES E- ! HoeauHO they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. CITIZKX PUBLISH NO tX). I '" yri r.' ' ! ' ' ' --4i- -i - i U I 1 . " ' r r j 1 U ! i r i I - - N : - ! i.ulJi. j I A SUE VILLE ADVER T1SE .VESTS. Full Roller TrocosH. Your Grocer for tv n mi miuci a njwnrc. it o ' . " JlllUng Company Flour and Meal We make the following grades of floun Mt-' Take no other. " ' tsh Paid for Wheat, Com, Oats and Oround to Order. Ihj Custom Grinding Old Depot. ASIIEV1XLE COAL C03IPANY, H. T. COLLINS CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal Office: Barnard Buildinjr, Hatton Avenue.. THE BONANZA," THH LBAD1NO WINB AND I.IQrOH STORE OP THE TATB. . No. 43 South Alain Street. ASHEVIIXB, N. C. TIIE "HICKORY INN" j WIXE AND BILLIARD ROOM, - - . - HICKORY, N. C, FRANK LOUGH RAN, dUebl'SS . PKOPRIBTUR. WILLIAMSON & SON. MANIPACTI'RKRS OV SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine . In terior Finiwh7 Mantel,.Ete., ASHEYILLK, N. C. SORHTS fOR Tbe Buckeve Pump, Steel and tin Shinties, Floor and Hearth Tile. (rbldlr SPECIAL SALE Closing: Out Sale I am colas to make tfalaaa lirelv at the . . -s vimsis Uuus stuu i ssiu them. - I wUI oner my entire line of Underwear R Juat what thev cost me, to elone' out Comforts aad Blanket, at half price. , Khiaeas Kmck Pur Haga at fa.RO. former price $4.00. 1 Chinew White and Grey Hugs at Sa.60. former price 3.00. Bi line of t'mbrrllas at prices that will suit any one : ! 10 rib 2M. 30 aad S3 in. at 3c. ! A nice metal handle at 7 Sc. ! A Cloriah 811k (Kold headl at Si nn. I A " ' (allver head) at S1.9a. Rig ob la Pearl Buttons at JHe. per dnien. Big drive ia Gents' Slippers, embroidered top, TSc., worth S1.00 ; leather at 9!i, worth j Kress Oooda at any price, to close oat. I havt Jast received a lot of Hall's Baiaar aay dreamaaking to do ought to have one. It place. ftbldty A NEW FIRM. C. S. COOPKR, SuccePHor to W. R. Bearden. 3U SOUTH MAIN STklilJT. Htoves, Tinware and House Furnishing Goods, in con n ...,'A.l. i in i iwuun wium niifri i lumDmg, uas ami steam fitting Business. Also Hoofing, Guttering, &v. Having ernploved the services of Mr. ajid ftrayrienxrel workrtiao. together with several other, of the best workmen in these Knes, I am now prepared to make estimates on all kinds of work above' mentioned. TIIE ASIIEVILLE SANITARIUM, ASIIEVIIXE, Hi. C, fWanjifunr located in a xretv of ak i and white pine. with no dtt or 'anise', "at the ;"eo' ofO.k.al Wowtda streets, aear the Peaale College, and only three sqaares from the court hoaaCc All modera and latest Improved methods fhr treating chronic diaraaes of the lunar, throat aad aose, by the lahalatloa of vaporiied and atnmlard fluid, hy the pneum.tie and eomptMsed air apparatua; alao Comiwnnd Oxynen In connection with tbe vaporiaed B.U saai (the balsaa obuiaed from the natural balsam trees aear Asbevtlle I . 1 q la.' I . a . . war bsisju rn ia n ill sat i il rv? sm 11 ornr I msimrni to oact -"--- " Oar saccea. here for the paat three yeaft with this treatment has been phenomenal h.v ln eared aianr ease, that prononacrd hooelew., whow names and mirirncea can he obtained by calllna at the Sanitarium. Hv orrmiaaiofi wo ifer .k, r..ni natlemeaorAahcvlllt: B.J. Aaton, es-Mavor: CoOHcXpWsAtk"""- Board and Tveatineat farnlahed to patients la addition to hoardlna our natleats. we have a number of eleantly-furni.hed mom. to jmmod.te boardere, who dralre a nht. quiet place, away from the hutrla. Nice room a. furniture, good fare, trat-rlaaa cooking, .t reawaable prices. Alao, hut and cold baths! aeeom new Pr. - HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STKKIiT. While we Have the Flucst and Rfostt Fashionable Uooda In Our Une. We also have the eheaa-t. Crll nml setus. a. .:,... :.. i ..i. i viuiti an trv iiLinui nun. ,na , Roller Kins, Electric Light, Carolina Kve. Home and Cattle Feed Mixture for Corn Kye and Oats. Mill and Viird at at Wholesale and Retail. ' Yard: Old Depot. 40HNTS a M'P'RS. OF Bvrkifs Patent , . Sheathing Lath FOR FEBRUARY. of all Winter Good. "SPOT CASH 8TORB" for the .e.t an H.n suinn iw pui prtcvii on tfoiKin toat will move I . . Forms, unci every lady la Asherllle who has Is a liuaaekold ncceaaity. Moa't forget the W. II. LEA, Sin Ca.h Store, No. 17 N. Main 8t ; . ,.. .... .. L. Brown as Foreman, who is a practical 01 rna inmnnMaA ri .ki.u i i . .-n'.'" "M UlU 1MU1 -..pHti0.ly espe.. oW receipt ,f! J. K, Keed, Clerk II. B. Court i Hev.O C Umn. N""0n' PM""r Kin" ""I't'st Church ;h! t. at reasonable price. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. : II. T. COLLINS, IWVnt. ASi'JILLE ICE COUPAIIY. Pure Ice made from Distilled ' 1 0 ton lota 30 cents per liuntlrtd. Office Daruurd Building, i l'atton Avenue.. ; F I T Z PATRICK BROS,, , Deal era In Wall Paper, Window Shades) and Patent Hanger, i , I Paints, O0a aad Vuraiaacs, Maaury'a ldiied Faints and Color., Window Glass, both ' -1 Preach and Amcricaa. We kecsi in stock )t, Louis and KcntsKky I w. T. TtamtiM. PEIIIJIMAIi & CO., -loaaaas and H1AIRID ASIIEYILLK, N. C. . Af.KNTS FOR OUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO.. . CORTLAND WAGON CO., 0L0 HICKORY WAGONS. STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES SAW MILLS, ETC- M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. fch9dly , Anything in the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, 18 Patton fcbiodlf LUMBER YARD. GEO.aF. SCOTT, (Successor to Houlileday & Scott,) North Public Square, windows; IMaaa, rutty, Uat, rianterinx Hair. Shineles, I.atha, Fencing lo.t. All kinila of Buildlna Material. " Orders will receive pruaipt attentinn. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, . - ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. T Plans and Specification We have thorouKh meohanica in each line i bu"ln'""' Wc mn MMr K"ra"tee our patron, satisfaction in our work, a low hgares. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. feblSdly The partnership hei-etofore existinj? between Hhepartl, Mann & JohtiHon nnl J. V. Brown ha ving terminated by limitation and the buHinttHH; transferred to our Undertak-j iiif? and Embalming Parlors, j No. 31 Patton Avenue, where! ; Mr, P. II, Brewtou, formerly i in the employment of V. A. ; Blair & Co., an exjerienred lembalmer and undertaker, - ' Wl1' fmnu' at a11 hours, niirht nnd Aiv nml wIipiw C i i k U Uaj ' liere"e;H 1 f j win KeeptlielMrgeNtiindnneHt! I k of goods in this line ever seen in Ashevillet ()ur patrons can have the use of our rooms for funerals, and bodies will be kept nslong as (,,'Nil','(l-, . . lippiiiK - bodies a spiM-ialty and satisfaction guarantml. Sole iiiifitifu foi. tin. it a iM i - AslrCstosand the Indest met ible Caskets. SHEPARD, MANN & JOHNSON. ("all and sw our Invalid . I lie best thlllir e i vmitn.1 f,, c " . ! IOr tlie COITlfort .Bed. The best thing ever in- of the a flhcted. ' s frbl (Kllw 8F.EUS ! 8i:i:DS I Preah from the arnial bosom of our own Southern .oil. and better adapted to all cot ton and tobacco l.nd. thnn .'nv see3s the wor d. Bxcot my "SpetH.lty, ' H.inl)c inl.baae and mv three NovcltleHyhrid DttHtlialH atnvsa.li 1. si i- . I I. K"ari, Canada. . . mica BtRtra sir Mrwil for cntftlnj(i.l to ftliISiatw2t j. w. 1ANUIVKK, SctM-mian. TcverviiKr, N. C. T ' Norn l aniliiiB, durintf Its nr.V ! etit m.l.n. to lncor,K,rate the towSof VCl i .Mountain, Huncombe county, N C j K. iKHioHKRTV. Janaonlnihl A. 8. MliLTON. mtm. utmm E. E. LAGAN, Sorrel a rr. Water. Ire for ntoi acrf in Lead. fcliodly w. a. raaauiaji. osalsbs in- WIA RIE Avenue. frblOdlj Furnished on Application who have had many years' experience In their 1 1 - M o 5 3 S i a - $ a a, I 5 fe B 2 S 5 f . U Jt 0 tt U 0 o a '2 0 c .S g I I v I i I E "2 ti x $ 8 te z 0 4 o CO X i tr. 0 i 0 i B i m J 0 . B. ,... 3 - 8) 0 :1 H U 0 B H U " ! t i hi i x, r u i 8 8- s u .a o '. SJ , ...... . I X - ...a. u CI B J. V. BROWN Will continue the umlertnarV. h...l... u. old stand over J. B. IHckerson A Co.'s Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. DROWN & CO, vi..a thirty year.' experience a. under. taker and embalms, ,nd BBtq1ltd fBclmte. for bavin, can aafrly an.r.,, Ml,ln-BCtioB. Call, peamptlr; attended t ; M - everything pcrt.lnina- to the bualnea. .1- ways onlhaml, b13d0m UUSTAKGLIISILIEIIT 3 S . P - N I S. I 8 v o a. v c S .&

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