wiTf'r rim . r m . t.icia h of ';- wad and anc''r. i - ciirat oi pui iic InUvrttT, b-fit r and prt'trToo InUtiatrv. and ll - no laueai a... k . mucc La treauug pub- 1 pn1,Iii.hea the dLpak hes of the 1 i wnah now covert the ' -4 f -i r t i s. It hae olhrr fanll- y .il ! un,aiiia fcr aathenng i . imii i-r., wttn everything eaie i to imtcsi'V the amallrat mct. j say eoiuoa wttl to seat f e prmvtn their adiirvsa. j . pur oc yearj S3 foe Mi 1 snrtM.s 6o ri is for om month : 15 cmtafor wh. Carriers will deliver tb paperin ev- v t.-t of lite city to MtMcritirrs, atwi par ti ulu it wul please call at the Cituss Omjc. A DVXXTrania Itsrss Hwioiiiblt, and aade kn"i cm aiM'fkauon at this orhct. Ail trMat advvTUacncsu must be paud ta ad- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1889. WEIXOXK THE MEW STATE. No fact it more patent to tbc average, :r. j it- l: j: : t4b iauviBHcta, iiuuauiu;, leauing auot cm thss list for the post two decade tht "Starof Empirt" ha bcensieadilT aati tlj' wending ha way westward, until to-day, we find thai the center of popalatHMi m much nearer the land of the setting son, thai it wai a acore of years ago. What has been the result of all this? The 'answer it many-aided and complex, By it, new lands; yea, new continent have been opened np to the weal and en terpna of the American, be be native or natnraliied. Our country hat been made Kite protperotii at home and more pow erfUJ Abroad. The million of happy and intelligent home which dot our western prairie are so many beacon light to American progress and civilization. iadeed, trot it it, the borne of a nation arc ite rtrangctt fort. Bat how has tbbea accomplished? By (imply adding to the tJtterhood ol State the new tcrrl- tcfrlaJStatr toon a they bad ac qtured the' necessary ' qualification of population and Jprojrn-ss. From year to rear thlshaa.'bten goir.g on, and to-day onr MtloaaT legislator arc confronted ,wita the tame "problem. The quest loo now srises how have our legislators wived theae problem?, It bright here that w would enter our protest and crrtickrn. To-day w have arvera teni tone knocking at the national front door for admission. For a loiig time the call has been unheeded. , Bill after bill, intarcealon after intercession have been had but without avail. Congress has devoted It time to angry Weltering In the nope of gaining a political vantage point," Thi. it all wrongl there art territories eligible to statehood and we believe there are they (herald be admit ted ft once, no matter where their loca tion or what their political creed. The member of Congress who considers mere party advantage of more consequence than the nation' welfare should be in vited home, and the sooner the better. Gratlenxn of Congress, ttop your fool ing and welcome the new State. Cabinet makinu. liver since the election of President HarrUoa becane known on the 6th and 7th of November last, nearly every newt- papar ia tb country, including the big add the little, the short and the tali, the influential and the non-influentiul, have been engaged in Cabinet-making. Every probable, at well at possible, candidate hat been brought forth and groomed and had hit record thoroughly aired. Of thi tort of busbies Thi Citurn hat had and witl have nothing to do. Mr. Harrison wat the nominee of a great party and re ceived majority of the electoral vote. Ik ha been in public life sufficiently long and la well enough acquainted with pub lic men and affair to select hi own Cab inet. If thi be 'not true we sadly umler ratt hit ability. He has been besieged by committee representing the claim ol citlten. toldiert, colored people, artisan, and divert other organization all want ing and expecting something. We do not beHeve that these vinit will have one whit of influence with the ultimate make np of hit Cabinet, at lenrt, we hope not; for a man to be a socccssf ul President ol sixty million of people must needs have more decision of character than this would imply, The home of the Presiden t elect hat become a tort of Mecca to which tht hungry and rabid politicians twarra like beet between the Ides of November and March. Hither they go like the wor- thippert of old, tocarry their bunlcn and ievauces and not a few to offer advice7Tfa an influx of politi ciaat at the national capital that killed the cider Harrison In 1840, rather than any ailment of the body. We do not need, we do not want a politician's Pres klent or a politkiau' Cabinet. But what we do want it a man who will be Presi dent of the whok country, and a Cabinet mark trp of braad-niiuded, representative statesmen, choseu with reference to abil ity first; geographical position second, and politician' influence not at all. For such w bide our time and confidently await the result. - 4 There it a good deal of red tape .about the Spaniard. Mr. Terry Belmont re cently found himself In an unpleasant fix in Madrid. Hit crcdcntiult at minister were aU right, but as the government had received no official notification of his appointment from Washington, he could not bt received at Court. It wat in bad form for him to stay in Madrid, and be had to go to Seville and wait until Wash ing could be heard from. t . . ii:t jn.tji,i: ?.o. a. ; 1..c nomination and confirmation f. .urman J. Colmnn.of Missouri, present CornmiSSioncrofAgrrukure,tol)eCnbi. net Secretary of tl.eutwH-crc.ted r- j T partmentof Agriculture, is we think, a good one so far as the man ajui ofTice are : f concerned. There is every reason to sup- po that the new department w,i! prove ! hitrhlr beneficial to the countrT at larire and especially to the agricultural class who comprise so larj;e a majority. Though Mr. Colman's lease of ofllce will be brief only eighteen days still he will be Secretary, and a new Cabinet portfolio established. Whoever his successor may be, and we hope it may lie Mr. Colman, we shall look for good result to conic from the new Department. An Old Ooldlcr'a Complaint. We print so much of the accompanying communication, recently received by the Commissioner of Pensions, as we can properly, though it loses something by this editing. The only objection to what we omit is in the use of homely Saxon terms which arc held to be inadmissible in print, as Mr. Wegg would say, 'ladies present." It is a most cha-octcr- istic document and one which we are as sured was actually received by General Black: Afr. Black, Commissioner, Wmthington, D.C.: Dkas; Sib: I've just got anothero'your postal cards tellin me" to go before the doctors and be examined. I ve bin Kitten these cord bout every new munc since I plide fcr an increase (if my pension too years ago, I've bin examined, an punched in the ribs, and sounded in the lungs, and made to bend over the back oi a chair, and lay bare-backed on a table and per form all sorts of monkey shines, till I tec! at if i orter have salary with an agent to go ahead and stick up bills. To begin with you sent me to a couple 01 doctor up to .Skin Crttk, and it took e m a nul our to hnd out the reason wbv tliey couldent find any circulation in my left ice is becaus it was a wooden one The next time you sent me to a littlecuss with glasses down to Kwampville, and after lumlilin me long enough he put mi trues on hind side fore; and said the pud was intenneii to nruce up mi spun Kolom, Three or four times after that you sent me to odd and end of doctors, who couldent tell tlie dillcreiicc between an epileptic Simpton and a biled klam. And (be last time you sent me before a full board of Surgeons down to the Cowntv Sete, they come to the k inclu sion nigh's i could ketch on, t hut some tbing was the matter with my bladder, r a a a i. Perhniis this is all right, it mnv be fun fur the doctors; it was fun for nie for awhile, but now tliut you order me back to the lust too doctors, and prolinnly ex pect me to start on the same old cirkus over again, I'm goin to kik like nbrimlle Hear. Last summer on account of the (riskiness of a natr of colts, mv wooden leg got tnagled up, and was elm wed to didders in a-iuowing machine, i plied to the doctor gem-rnl ler a new In in. but he ed i'd only hnd the old one three years and i'd have tu wate too years more lie fore the Government could afford to make hole in the surpluss lv gettin me an other. 80 I'M WAl'llN. And in all (his interestin immorammcr of xamina tiona i've bin hubblin rownd on one luiir. jnd doin mi best tw prove that tme trt Unkel Sam's Veterans, with one laig in the graiv an the other nigh, it is liet tem a korp by several per sent, But hobblin rownd in this way aint fust kins phunlora tiddy job. I've etood it a good wile wilhowt grumblin, and, 1 sup pose furnished a good (ltd of plum fcr the doctor, pnyin nn own xiensis. Meanwile mi nntrule laig, the one i browt away sale from the Wilderness, ba took to the ruemntit, till I'm almost sorrie i dident drop it when i did the other one. About the only help mi well laig tan give me now, is to serve a a sort of t rudder when I'm ttidin down stnir. Now Mr. CommisHiouer, about this matter of increasin mi jieiiHion, vuu may do jest a you plense. If yon think lusing one leg at the Wilderness in lHtt-t, blotted out the record ofn bullet thro the body at Antietum in lHlla, and if you think that the pension i've bin gittin is full pay for a set of busted insult s, and aint bin running in order in more en 10 year, and never will lie this side of New Ocrusnlim, ALL RIGHT, if the Government saw to i'm a silent piirdncr. But i'm going to tell you jest between us, that when that minnie ball went thro me at Antietum. it played with sum important part of my innards, and played it fer keeps. IT CUT SOMK nUNO ALL TO FLINDERS. 1 don't know wether it was mi liver or mi lungs mi gizxnrd er nii melt and your pet doc tors dont team to know as much nlxmt it e i do. The Plain Facts, That What I'M Drivin AT, broke up and busted me from heel to whixkci's, and 1 uot busted at Antietum define my leg was lost, and tne records says so. 1 liev wanted to dis charge me for the first bullet, and i wouldent let em. I wns bound to stick till we busted the rvliellion or the rcliels busted me with more than one bullet through my IhmIv, and I did, mid now u've made me so much nmrchin trtim pil ler to post in this hid? and seek game, with the doctors ns would have done me to the end of the War. II' 1 wnsent cood enough to march them i'm if 1 will do any more of it now, as you needcut ay any more doctor charges lor me. lou'vehecn actually pavin the doctors 00 dollurs a year fur staviu oil' my klaim, and that' more'n you'd hud to luty me if you'd granted mv inereuse nt lirst site. loueuehercd me out ol gittiiiaceut of that Do dollars, and now fin gout to euchre the cussed doctors on gitten any more on it. ii i go neiorc uuy more ikh -tor for an examination vnuve got to do something mor'n send nie a postal card. You'll have to haul me liel'ore e'm with a derrick. Now I don't want to lie sassv, i aint built that wnv. But Mr. Illaek.'ii' you expect to blown nn out ns Vice-l'resi-dent of these- I 'uited State by Inn kin aguinst tlie honist claiute ol an old Vet eran, with one fool in the grave and the other- near it, vou re gittin down more hay than you'll have time to cock up. You'll make alxuit as much at that game as the Surgeon General will by ve toin wooden legs. Respectfully yours with a good MEMORY. PERSONAL, AND UENEK Al Let Mr. Harrison beware of John Wan- anuiker. In two years lie w ill lie holding up the new President by the seat of his breeches. It is said that C-eneriil lUrrismi will be asked to niHiiut Pet-ksnill' Shepnrd t the xisitiin oftvenior-(eneTitlofHii.rti. Your I'nefcf Johnsie New, of IniliunniMi- lis, is rushing amuud between Washing ton and New York like n rut-terrier with the rickets. He is trying to fix up a cabi net for General Harrison that will satisfy the old fti(fy republican Senntor. y gm 'Ds.jlwlLk y. a c. "Did You Ever?" Saj( M;SH tf) iIrK. v'llfnd ns tllPV dt'Ttiirtwl. 1a((n ,. ;. i)Ur(iirleH from , Jig Leadinjf DTV Goods j House Of the t'itV, "Did VOU ever see HUOh a kautiful line ; Ol all 8naU03 and qualities Ol Jiw8 Goodrf and TrimminffH i to match?" "And weren't the rri8 ; nway down? Just think of nil shades Worsteds at 10c., and bright newIlennettaHat 24 4-4 cts. per yard," contin ued Mrs. lvelnead. "Those X Bar Muslins, Vic toria Lawns, MarseilleH.smaU checkH and stripes, from 10 cts. to 3Q ctH. are teriectlj Iovhv, added uhs fetylwn.. "Their LdpniiOT, Laces, Handkerchiefs. GloveH, Nap kins, Corwts, 104 Sheeting,- I'lIIow ( nsings, amsuttas, Fruit of the Loom and many other domestics are offering at quick gales priceH," said Mrs. 1j. "And what ' barcahis in their Remnant counter! Did you notice their 2,000 yards of beautiful Ginghams at 7 cts., worth 12 cts. T "Their Uothlng is beine sold at panic prices to make room for the large spring stock that is soon to arrive. ' "Their Shoe stock is the largest and best assorted in the city." "Oh, it does seem a real iileasure to the salesmen," said Miss Stylish,- "to spare no pains in waiting upon iliam AltunmnsM " tviiTii vuotutiivin. "Yes, their hearty hand shakes and pleasant greet ing," continued Mrs. L.,"will cure any case of blues" And thus similar conversa tions are heard in hundreds of homes of those who have been so fortunate as to do their purchasing at the lead ing Dry Goods House of isostic imos. & wiugut, Successors to Brevard & Blunton, at No. 11 N, Main street, Asheville, N. 0. This firm has been exceedingly fortunate in securing the ser vices of J no. r. Morgan, E L. Urown, Jno. M. Hamsey and 11. G. Morgan, who will po sure to make it to your interest to spend your cash with thPin KesTRM'tlUlly, bostic mtoH, Si vvniaitt The Leading Htor of the dty for Lailirs Is ESTADUOOK'S, 91 8. Main Street. The grcatrat variety of nlca goods, sut-h as BOOKS, HTATIONBRV, PANCY OOObfi. TOYS, PAINTINOA, Engravings, Frsmtm, Western North Carolina Views, Novelties, Btc., Btc. Kveryonr Is pleased snrt all satitcned with whnt they huy at this place. Their stock la of the brat and prices atwava rrsaonalle. Hutinoaa mn wiir find the Inr-gi-ai and beat lln of Blank Books and Office stationery in W. N. C. Art tUitdio over store, where vlaitors can uuiniii mini aaeti-nes in on or water colors, leb 14.10 OPK MOTTO : Neat, Prompt and Reliable. lliiuj; your repairing to headmuirters. VV'iiU'h, diH-k and jewelry repairing is a lending feature of our business. Work entrusted to us is certain to re ceive careful nnd intelligent treatment from exxrt and skillful hands. IMicnte nnd costly timrpieces should lieeiitniBted only to thoroughly ctinipe tent watchiunkers. . All work guaranteed. I'i ices always reasonable. UNCI JEWELRY STORE, South Main St. Asltcville, N. C. d&wtmatli Value In Old Stumps. Any parties having envelope or adhesive atauia aaed prior to ordvrina th war.wK.rr vark-tira are daalrabla, can Anil a tmrrhaarr fur aaine by aradlng to the mWratgned. Htamiw Iraitrd by the variouactttfaand towaa during the late war an particularly dealra bhr and of moat value, la all raaea thoa oa original envelopra are prelrrred. fttate price ia each laalamt and aead allenrloaurra to H "T C Office of Clttara Vshll.nlngCn,' fchndawlnt A.htville, N C. f.;0STAH3 Li::i:.:EijT I1F.AIS IM LIMUATICN, OLD HORtt AKtu toUAbii AiAciU-i' i.rru.1 UIJCELL.iXVOLS. "FOR A FACT." We move another Btop for- ' ' Our nalen for January , , .. premiHlg month, nhowinp: nteady in cream in our business, rre- scription trade probably lar gest in Asheville, and no abatement. Iletail patron age increasing steadily in an swer to best attention and leading low prices. Our wholesale efforts bring good results, a realization of our expectations to date. We are making daily shipments T to all near-by railroad points. These demonstrations assure us that Asheville is the nat ural distributing point for Western North Carolina. We are to distribute the Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, etc We carry a large stock and our prices are low enough to remove objections of buyers We aw prepured to do the Drug business of this section and no relaxation will be per mitted until this fact is intel ligently and practically un derstood, T. C, SMITH & CO., leading Druggists, Asheville X. C. GREAT CLEARING SALE Winter - Clothing IT LOCK'S. la ordrr to make room for Spring Gooda, I will cloar out the balnnct of my winter atock at reduced prices. All goods are marked down and will be SOLD CHEAP. All broken lota of Suits, odd I'antn. Over coats, bos Coats and Veats, regardless of cost. Now Is your time for Bargains. Children's and Boys Suits at Half Price. Call early and price the gooda before they are sold. . ; - " - " . 60 down Genta' Ties ut 25e. and iiiH,-., form erly 37c. and It. 30 doiea unluuuderril Shirts at noc., worth $1 each. BOdmen handkerchiefa, attf.tc, worth floe. each, at WIIITLOCkS. dtlebVS W. CORTLAND, ' Real Entate Ilroker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Psttoa Aveaue. Barnard Building. 08T. A red memorandum booh, containing two nora of !ti0 each, parable to C. Ii Grahum Co., alao several other twneni. A lihrrl reward will be paid for Ita delivery to the unrirraiirned. i C. K. UKAHAM (rblil.lt T. B CRAKY, AS1IBVII.I.E, N.C., Brick Lajrer and Maker. Jobs of sll kinds attended to Artificial atone ntvinctiti anil mIt.i. roadways laid same as is uaed eatrnsively la INSrka aad private grounds ta Baatera State. Will CimtraA in mm mimI. A.. Im Ik.. brick willeost without olmtructlng the way. and guarantee it to last longer and to be In every way better. Addreaa as above. dawtmara VOTICK Is hereby gives that theunderalirn- ' ed. aad their aaaoeiatM. ai-lll mitkr cation to the General Aaarmhlvof North Car oHna, at Ita aesaloa of IMMtt, for a charter hi. aorporatmg "The Aahevllle Loan, Construc tion ana improvement Comnanv." with its peim-ipal place ol business ia thvCltv of Aahe vilk. N. C. This Jtus dav of Jsnuarv. Inau. Wll C. l. HI.A(ToN, I'. T. RAWLS, JanSA d3od !.::.CLix:..i:nrs. j J AT. 1 3 1 L A V ' 15 AND 17 PAnw,1AVi I. Clothing, Men's Furnishing Goods, Hats and Shoes. The largest assortment Carjiets, Matting, Rugs and Floor Oil Cloths in Western North Car olina. He is still closing out his Dry Goods, Groceries, No tions, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, at and be- ow cost. Overcoats at cost. ftb9dlw ... N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Bnildlng. School and College Text Books, a full line. Poets, His tory, Romance, Biography, Travel and Novels, Family liibles, S. r. Bibles and I est- aments, Oxford Teachers Bibles, hong Books of .all kinds, large stock Stationery, HIank Books and Uthce and School Supplies. New line Ladies and Gents rocket books iust opened. Fancv Goods and Dolls. feblOdly . STRALTSS RESTAURANT AND OYSTER PARLOR Is the place where you ean find all the delica cies of the scaaon, such aa OYSTERS, FISH, UEVILKU CRABS, GAME Alau, Northern and Weatern Beef, and the only one who can give a genuine Philadelphia Fry. I have recently added to my Restaurant a large Raugt with latcat improvement, rach as Broilers, Boilers, etc., etc. This enables ! me to fulfill any order ia from 3 to It minutes. Come and try a fine Philadelphia Fry or Bird on Toaat, in 5 minutes. I am also pre pared at short notice to furnish Dinner or Supper or Ice Cream for large or small par ties, as ia catering my long experience of 12 years allows me to give perfect aatisfaction. Remember, that this Is the only Ladies' Parlor in the city and the only place you can get a genuine Philadelphia Fry. Very reapectfully, fcbSUtf B. STRAI'SS. N OTICB laherebr aivrn that annllcatlon will Ik- made to tlie prewnt aeaaion of the Lririalatnrr ! of North Carolina for the incorporation of V,. " v.' . . -. U ., , ' ,, the "North Eastern Land Company. . W. BATTLttr--' W. T. PKNNIMAN, T. W. PATTON, W. W. WEST, felilo.il m -w. B. GWYN. N OTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the present session of tht .Gen eral Assembly for a charter to build and op. erate a railroad from Asheville northeasterly to the top of Craggy Mountain (or to some intennedlute point. 8. W. BATTLB, T. W. PATTON, W. T. PENNIMAN, C, W, WOOI.SKT, t. n.nnrtiH, W. W. WADDILL, W. W. WEST, W. B. OWYN. fcbSdlm JAMES FRANK, OKALHH IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISION Agent for Rrema Creek Woolen Mills. North Muln Street, - Asheville, N. C. fcblOdlv JOTIt'E. Notice laherebr liven that thriimli-mluiirrf and theirasaociHtes, will mukrapplkationto the General Assembly of North Carolina, at its ai-ssion of 18N(i, fur a charter incorporat ing the "Isbcll Calendar unci File Co.' with its principal place of business in the City ol' Asheville. N. C. This 34th day of January, 18H9, A. H. isnm. B. V. JONES, B. H. Fl'LKNWIHEg, t . B. GRAHVM. Jan 35- THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opiwsite the post office. t - prll' atalts; IscenTltamlnVsTArom iitTs. m. until 1 p. m., and 3:SO until 8:30 p. m. The terms of subscription an-: One year $3 ; 6 mos., $1 .60 ; 3 mos $1 ; 1 mo., oocta dailv 3 cts, Olhcera lor 1NN President, R. R. Rawls; Vlcc-Presiilcnt, Charles W. Woolaev; Sec. anil Treas., D. 8. Watson; Librarian, -Miss 11. J Hatch. Citltefis and visitors are cordially Invited to inspect the catalogue and inscribe their names as inemtiers. fcbHdtf Y VIRTHBOF A POWER flF SALE Con tained in a Deed of Trust eieenti-ri l. John M. Cits. n and his wile, Kclieeca M. vrcaamaii, tne umicraignru will sell, by pub. Ik auction, for cash, at the Court Housedoor, ia the dty of Asheville. N. Cm the l!thri of Februarv, 18S9, TWO TRACT- or lota 6f lann. annate, ivlnif ana Detna In tbe conntv of lluncoiube, at Hluck Mount dn station, and more particularly described in a Deed of Tiust registered in the office of Register ol llreil of Tlunomhe county, in Book 14, page 337, of the Records of Mortgages, to which reh-rence ia hereby made, to aatisfv the not. secured bysaid lieed of Trust, together wl h tne eons ana expenses incurred by reason of the same , 8. H. REED, JanlKil.lnd Trustee. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 33 Patton Avenue, . Girdwood & Stlkeleathcr, Proprietors. rT-AII orders promptly attended to. leliU41y JESSE R. 8TARNES, I'NDBKTAKt'R AND l-MBALMKR, Aslievilkr, X. C. I livery mpiisiie of tin- business fur-j nislietl. Minn wood cases, walnut or cloth covered caskets. Metallic caskets, Wh pluiii and ehxnntlv clrnl. Rolies' ol sll ininlitie. Heiirse with henw -hii. 0rHm'l5,,1r,,l'ery' - . " All rails, day or liigJit. pniinotlv an - swered. TeleKrnili anil mini oi dent promptly atten.kd to. ( Ifht-e nevmlosed. Other nnd resiileii-e: So. N. Main t. r - ARE THE CLS- t to,u Public nPIn'" "d llu r pr.r c that fTeryDodf ibaj luvc a JE'ol time, hey cms nrip tbctn to It. kapecia thBt hare s hard rime moat of the ymr will and them laying for them. If yoa hard to suit, dimcult to satiafy, ' YOU ARE THE CUS- toraer we are after. We'll rait yon. pkmse run, Mtiitfr yon. make yoa happy. What more do yon want. IS you want to know wttr tiwr we are a Die to Keep our worn, whether we can back all oar bra with cood conacicnUona performance, why ASK ANY OLD CUS- totner of our and we'll stand by hia tcntl monT. A man that won't keep hia wori, that K back on hia prorainei., that trie to worn np a snap- HE ISN'T ." WORTH A CUS- pidore or any other cheap and naaty article. We want to sive tou a Kood time.. Are tou withui? Ifaojustgeta move on you and com to , POWELL & SNIDElt, GROCERS, ASHEVILLB, N. C. dtmarlS COWAN, B. H. COSBY, SucvCHsor, 'H Patton Avenue, liealcrin Watches. ClfH-ka. Jewelrv, Silver and-Plated Wure, Optical Goods, Gold I't-ns, cc, Ike. Large and varied aaaortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold Watches at low price. Lariccat aasortmenl of Weddlns Kinira in the dty. All repairing in watches, clocks, and jewelry neatly, and, promptly. 4un r' reasonable figures. SATISFACTION Gt' AHANTKK1I, ; The present proprietor shall neglect no ef-1 ion to merit a continuation ol tne patronage so largely bestowed during many years upon his predecessor. dawtmarS. RICHMOND ft DANVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. (Westers North Carolina Division.) "" Passbnoks Dbpartkrnt, Asubvillk, N. C, Jan. 1, 1MH!. . PASSENGER TRAIN 8CHBDULE. Is BrmcT Jm. 1, 18S9: 1 No. 6t' No. A3 Lv. Asheville, 9S.'ipm 437am 7m 12 45 pin 7a.fpm 9 30ptn 3 00am 6 30am 3 30ptn S30pm - TBoam" 1145am 140pm 6 43pm 10 30pm 1 OOatn 7 00am 1047am 1 30pm tOOpra Ar. Haiisoury, " Danville, " Lynchburg, " Washington : .Baltiraoac, " Fhila.. " New York, ' - " uoston , Richmond, B 15am 'luaphf 310pm 600pm ' Raleigh; -" f.oldsboro, J" Wilmington No55 830am 11 50am 8 30pm 440pm 910pm Lv. AnhcYllfe, Ar. Spartanb'g J)' Charlotte",- " Columbia, Charleston, " Augusta, " Savannah. " Tb'svtlle.Ga Jacksonville " Atlanta. ' Montgom'y " Mobile. BO.ipm 6 15ara 1 40pm 1300 m i040pm 7 35am 1 66pm 730pm No. 84 7 10pm 840pm " New Orleans I No. BO No, 63 Lv. Asheville, Ar. Hot Springs " knoxville, Chnttan'ga, ' Nashville, ' Memphis, Lv. Ashevll.e, " Ar. Hot Springs " Knosville, " Louisville, " Cincinnati, " Chicago, " St. Louis, 7 40ara 8 30am 1 topm 616pm 444pm 61 Opm 850pm S4(lam 1 1 48am 610am 8 30pm 40am 444pm B30ara 610pm 110pm 850pm 7 15am 640am 114Tam 6 30im 6 30pm' 7 45pmJ7 4ojm' Mr Sleeping cars on all night trains. J.S. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINBI'RN, C P. A. I), p A, 8()L. HAA8.T. M. JOTICB. Application will be made to the preient scs sion of the General Assembly of North Caro. una to cnater a turnpike road from South Hnininy in Buncombe, to the top of Mount PiKgnh in said county. W. G. CANIiLKR T. W. PATTON, frbl 3llni n. ii. tniuu. Schedule street Railway. io take em-ct Friday, Feb. 1, at 6.30 a. m. Vr !,c".,v,r Wn-H ';wr .,., 8aq a. ai. ., .....7.00 " M.10 " M.40 rrom inrn till 7 p. m. cur leaves court house r.iij minutes. Also, car leaves court house at 9 30 p to connect with train to Salisbury , FARE, FIVE CENTS TLANTIC COAST L1NB. (hi nnd after this date the following i-hed i!.' " )" nm ov,'r "is "Columbia DivhTon.' no. u.i uraves Columbin an p m ... Arrives at Charleston 9..10 n! m No. 33 leaves Charleston 7. in a m Arrives at Colnnihin 11 ir Connecting with trains to and fn.m all snnts on the Charlotte.' Coliimbin , . wta and Columbia Greenville Kallroail. points i gt Daily. J. V. HEVINB, Gen. 8upt. i Jp. BI'CKLAND. MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 10 PATTON AVENUB, Brira to annnum-e that he ku. i n. samples for the ensuing spring and lummer and asks the public to calfand examine. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVBN TO CLEAN. janidtf ALTERING. JkjOTICB, Notice la hereby given that the undersigned ill apply at the ores.-nr .. .w. .. era! Aaaemhly of North Carolina for a char ter lor a coporation to I atvlrd "The Till Tr"LTr C"- ""tern JAMBS 0. MARTIN I HUM; -. . W. TAI tAS A. JUNES. -BUT 1'BNNIMAN. tcboillm T. W. PATTON. ItlCIILAND HOUSE, Corner Main ttnd Dejiot, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. KiMims newly furnished. Fnre the l the market aff.ir.1s. Cood sami.le nnm ' yMOtl aml "ini. ' SATISFACTION GUARAXTElil). : ' Trrra: $1-00 per day. ' r n T inr. c. G D' ALLE! SOX, ' 1 Proprietors. i;ot::ls. STKXTLT F.F.ST-CU3S PliiVATE COAi'.l THE THOMAS HOCSE. KKAU BATTtKV PKHK, ((W um!cT fnt;ITl tllatli,rnirn, . n mil will I Kept in stnclly rtml-class stv le. TKAS.-IE.NT I'M khl.t'LAK BUA8DKIIS TAKkN Norlheni Cookii Rutes Keaaunalile. MRS. E. LACY & SON. Proprietors. dtf RESTAIRA-ST, - PATTON AVEXL'E, I'lider Redwood's S'.orr. Meala at all hours, k', t'le dcHcadesol the season served in all varieties and in the beat styled , , Oysters, Game, Steak.. Thr Petrt of Hot Coffee. Freab Norfolk Oysters received every day. pie retail trade supplied. Have added a new broiler; ateafca, oratera, etc., etc.. done to a turn. dtmarlS T. J. SCMNER. JJRIGHTHK THAN KVBK! THK STAR OF BUNCOMBE. GUANP CENTRAL HOTEL. t7 Arrivals January and February, 1KST. 3030 Arrivals January and February, 1Mb. TlIEMOST POPULAR $2.0O HOUSE L THE STATE. 13,000 arrival during the past year more than every other hotel in the city. We hid fair to register 35,000 this year. ' FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY KKSI'ECt" Only hotel In the centre of the city. Give us a call. 8. K. CHIiUliSTIiR & SON dtmarrt A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION I ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets only $.50, including a -. .full day'soardt the' ' v " I MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. The Baths In Marble Pools and Porcelain Tubs are the finest and most luxurious in America. The Hotel ia NEW AND FIUST CLASS In Every Particular. UNEXCELLED IN ITS CUISINB. The place ia a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountains, where there is no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtjul29 If any dealer says he has the W. L. Rrniglss the bottom, pot htm down a. a frmuJV V. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE roii OENTLKMEN. Beat In the world. Kxamlne his Si-Si! !?A'kwkd wkit shok! ND-SKTI S i?J5 w 1 NO H A N'SHHOK""" All niatle lu Conna, Outtuu and Lsca. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE LArDr.. .J sfstarirt, Bat Stria. Utmt rutlac It sol aolU by your dealer, write W. L. DOUGLAS, BKOCKTOlf, MAK. For'snlcby HERRING' & WEAVER. 30 South Main Street. Asheville N r JiinlSldly -cTj m!-fSn ,r, ' ilh old LL S lnx,?"s of Mercury and Pol... a a a hi us, r,.H 53 JSTTS? Tl'h ESS 2s,. r.rfula SZlL .hwh Permanently eurea h"A las swin ttrscvio Co, Drawer I, AUaats. Oa. laa IB cheed Wm -iMn : v, . . m , i pOR RBNT. Two houaes. fchlOdlU Apidy at NO. 88 BA1LBY 8T.