JiS. Ttd I)UII,S' i M. A -hoi. S. MAM TIM Ik JONES, A- J'NES, Aacvi.K. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, AsheTillr. N. C. Will practice in th tlth and 12th Judicial Insirtcts, and in the bunrrme Court ol North t artkima, and ia Vic Federal Coiirta ot tbc W rtrm I)llnct oi North Carolina. KcK? to bank of Asacvillc. dMl lit ttl.Xl.rr! AMD PI.EAS1 SI!. JI LIV8C. MARTI!. Attorney at Laa-, Ashc-rille. N.C. Title and Conveyancing a specialtr. Col lections made. PractR-es ia all tlx courts. Other: With, Oadgrr & Carter. Mc Loud Law Buildm. dtnov28 cult a. noon. roOBB MERRICK, Dt'pr MENUCS.. 31 Attorney and Counsellors at Law, AsberiUe. N.C. practice in the I'nited States Circuit and District Courta at Asheville. SlatcaTtlk. Char lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Court at Raleigh, and in the courts ol the Twelfth Judicial District ol the State of K.ma Car- "iTllccial attention given to collection crt Partnership does not ettend to practice in Buiwoinbe Interior Court. dtuc3 T. H. COSB. BB MBRRIMON, J. S. UKKKUION. A Homers and Counsellors at Law. Practice in all the courts. Office: Not. 7 and H, Johnston building, dtar w w loss. uao. A. SRt'roKD. JONES ft SHUFORD. ' Attorneys at Law Aiherillc, N. C. Practice in the Superior Courts of Western Nnrth Carolina, the Supreme Court of the ami th- Federal Courts at Asheville. Ortice in Johnston building, where one mem ber of the hi dtnorll Bnu can always be found. JOHNSTuNli JONES, 4TTOBN BY AND COl'HSKLI.O AT LAW, . -. ASHHVILI.E, N. C. "" Practices In the United States Circuit and Asheville. in the Nunreme Court at Raicigh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial listrict of the Mate ol .ortu Carolina, and elsewhere, as his services may be required. JJ H. DOUGLASS. D. D. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST. Over Grant ft Wingert's Drug Store. Residence, No. 68 Bailey 8t. feblOdly j H. KKliVBS. D. U. S. DENTAL OFFICE I In Connally Building, over Redwood's Store Patton Avenue. fel)13d1y " jjjjR.J. H. OAKRATT, ARTIST. above Studio overlooking Court Square, Coo)cr's store. Rt.tiltn Hours from 0 to 3. Classes in Drawiuu and Painting. Partic ulars on application. fcbl3dty yK. WOLFE. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. At tbc large ciisctiunts oil ht.ivjc-ht ! gixxls any uuin's dollar will (jo a long I way. Buyers have shown tlKirspprecia I tion nnU have tulcn the orTcriiiR freely. I H. Redwoou & Co. COILED COVVN. CITIZEN PUBLISHING CO. T A m-ta. ha advertised for : open o'sters witharelerence." I believe it can be done. "a boy to i We don t tHirl i A full Kite of J. Faust & Son's custotn mnde Genu', Ladies' and Children'! Shoes, all warranted, can be found at Brown, Gudger & Co.'. ! "I used to think, Said I'nck Exra, "that ; this thing of gals kissin' pug dogs was i purty rough, bnt since 1 eome to town ! an" are some of the dudes well, maybe I the gals ain't much to blame after all." Merchant Tr refer. All wool Dress Goods and Trimmings. H. Redwood & Co. Absolutely Pure. i, First North Carolinian Say, Colonel, there's a Mormori elder down the road preachin' to a crowd of young women, and unpin' "Would I were a bird !" Second North Carolinian. wen. i am furnish the feathers." You git some tar This powder never varies. A marvel of par- i to Stick em on. notnicai than the ordinary kinds, and cannot 1 1 i A i- ih k :....- ' low test, short weieht alum or ohoaohate i General Wheatcroft Nelson says: "My nowaers soia only in cans "oval bakiho t,eneoce in the English armv as well as row oca io., too wau ut new tore. . -. .t,. .l,i ij-yri-blll , 111 nuniAO,iuu.iiii n v ..u..... wv i ii i . " i. nitrifies the hlond or adds to the health. vigor and life as Acker's English Blood Elixir." This great remedy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. Better Than Bloody Battle. JJIRB INSL RANCB. FIUE. LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. ; At the Bank of AshevOle, i ASHBV1LLB, N.C. Represent the following companies, via. : MBit. CASH ASSKTS IM C. S. Anglo Nevada, of California. .12,497.833 Continental, of New Vord 4,875.623 Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany 1.129.A04 London Assurance, of England 1,643,983 Niagara, of New York 2.237,492 Orient, of Hartford 1,67,92 Phcenix, of Brooklyn 8.08, 179 St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min nesota 1,51.061 Southern, of New Orleans 439.64 Western, of Toronto 1,039.332 Mutual Accident Association. Aitna Life Insurance Company. dtmar29 FINE JOB WORK A SPECIALTY, AT NO. 6, "Veil," said Mr". Tsaacstein to his clerk as he took off bw coat, "how -vos pren ness vile I Tos oud ?" "I sold a $2 pis tol," replied the clerk. "Dot tos goot, Iacol--firoot." "Ie sHentleman vanted to blow his brains oud." continued Ja cob. "Oh!" said Mr. Isaacstcin, du biouslv. "dot vos bad. very bad. He vould had paid five tollars."...Z.iie. Just received, a large lot of Embroider ies and Torchon Laces. H. Redwood & Co. "The Hidden Hand"-Tne flush that the poker player has up his sleeve .Dansville Untie. How Doctoral Conquer Death. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says "After a long experience I have come to tlie conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con siimntion miL'ht lie avoided if Acker'i English Cough Kemcdv were only care fully used in time." Tuis wonderful Rem edy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith fit U. JFirst Lady What arfimperiuM dicta- tonal, arrogant man that Mr. romuusis Second Lady Yes, you know he has never been married. Some great bargains in Children's Hal moral bhoes and ioiorta nose. H. Redwood & Co An kinds of cement woi k , u . lobbinir and kalsouiininif promptly at tended to. Residence. Clayton St. Orders can be left with W. H. Weatall Sc Co. feb9d6m OYSTEI1 SILPEU, . Ti5day, I'eb. 19, 1889- NORTH COURT SQUARE. A southern hotel advertises among its attractions a "parlor for ladies thirty five feet wide." We trust this paragraph will catch the eye - of the woman who occupies three seats in a crowded car. 1 onkers statesman. FITS CURED BY OLD SPECIALIST PHYSICIAN. Bottle of medicine Free. We, war rant our remedvtocurethe worst ruses, and the onlv ohvslcians who do this to I prevent your being imposed upon by nun i usinK fale names and who are not Doctors, i Because oth' failed is no reason for not uning this medicine. Give Express and Post office address. It costs yon nothing. Addieas Asahel Medical Bureau, 291 Broadway, New York. Jan27dwly Au nvkvter, sunnor will be aiven by the young ladies of I TV . tr .ii in. 4-t, Tiiie iueLiiuuinu iuui vn in uic W. C. T. U. rooms in the Johnston building, ov?r T. C. Smith & Co.'h drug store, the proceeds to be devoted to furnishing the Methodist Parsonage. All who want to help a good cause and get an oyster supper as well, are in vited to attend. 9 febl3dlw r mOTIC?--- " Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will aonlv to the oresent session of the Gen eral Assembly for a charter to build and op erate a turnpike road Irora Asheville in a northeasterly direction to the top of Craggy Mountain (or to some intermediate point.) 8. W. BATTLB, T. W. PATTON, V. T. PBNNIMAN C. W. WOOLSEY, W. W. VYADDILL, G. W. 8WAIN, W. W. WEST, fel.5dlm W. B. GWYN. A NEW DUKD, carefully prepared by lead i- ing mrmliers of the Asheville bar (on flnHl nnrrhment and heavv flat DaDerl. CO. erlnir all necessary nolnts. lust out and now .air at the office of the CIT1ZRN PUHLISH- no Co., No. 6 North Court Square. ianl9tf CareleM NotherM. Manv motlie rs have permitted their children to die before thcireyes when they might have been saved. Any mother who keeps house without a bottle Acker's English Baby Soother hand, runs a risk which- she mar some time regret. It has saved the "lives of thousands of children, and is doing so very yean tor sale uy I . l. smltn fit Co. "Field Marshal'" asked tlie blockaded Haytian commander Hippolyte, "bow are we off for grub ?" "Just finished the lust corporal, sir; but the enemy began on their sergeuuts lust week." jVew 1'orA Herald. King Ja-Ja, of Wert Africa, is J2 yean of agts, aud ban only 200 wive. Thowillof the laus William Osir. of Httsburff, leaves over $1,000,000 to kinsfolk in Ireland. Th) statistics ol New England prove that seven out of every ton women left widows under the aj of S3 marry again within two yetrs. , ' A Turkish bath for horses is the latest wrinkle in New York. Thoy are put through the sanie sweating and cooling- processes as human be ings. Amonir the Chinese heaven is odd. earth is even, and the numbers one. three, 0ve, seven, nine belong to heaven, while liift even digits are 01 the earth earthy Cd in the topmost branches of a Urae tree that was felled near Win chester, O., recently a petrilied fish was found, supposed to have been dropped by au eagle or auru bird of prey. ..,. A bullet fired into a Tennessee negtv who was stealing a pis struck him in the right arm, ran up to the shoulder, passed down to the left side, twisted around two ribs and dropped at bis feck. The haiinineesof mankind is the end of virtue, and truth ia the knowledge of tlie alcana, which be will never seriously attempt to discover who has uot habitually interested Uimseu m the welfare or othora-lcridge. " " It is estimated tint thcr are Art American citizens who are worth t30, 000,000 ewch, fifty worth $W.OOO,000 each, 100 worth $5,000,000 each, 200 worth 13,000,000 each, BOO worth tl, 000,000 each and 1,000 worth 500,000 each. Remember that he is indeed the wisest and the happiest man, who by cousUut attention of thought, dis covers tho greatest opportunity of doing good, and with ardent and ani mated resolution breaks tbrougu every opiiosiliou that he may improve -, these opportunities. uouunuge. Cremation is still illegal in France, and bodie have to be taken to Italv lor the purpose. A fa mi an wua car ried to Milan for incineration accord ing to tho direction of his will, when the Italian customs authorities levied 70 import duty on the body . when it entered tho country, and charged the bame export duty when the ashen were tukuu biick tor ranee. There is 11 great increase lu the con sumption of African teak wood in the caea. W uerever a surface or iron or kUx.1 couies in direct contact with one of the wood, this material is in valua ble. It contains an oil which pre vents iron from rusting. It is easily worked, but wears tools away rapidly on account of the quantity of ailex in it . At a matins: of the American Orni thologists' union, Ernest E. Thompson, of Cunudu. said that some birds, espe cially sparrows, have veutriloquial powers. Cuds when surprised in the net of sinking will be silent for a mo rncnt, and then give forth a faint song tlmt setnns to come from a distance, though the singer be not farther than ten feel away. Thrushes and robins. tho lecturer said, also have this power. The chief object of the New York Working Women' Protective' union is to see that workiug women are paid for their work. Most of the officers couuected with the union give their service gratuitously, and through their elForts many friendless working girls luive been enabled to neeure the salaries out of which dishonest em ployers and "confidence" business men would have cheated them, n: :ci j ns:::r. Covins, Caslicts and I All kinds of cases, for old or young, from plain to the finest, kept constant Prompt attention given to all orders day or night. Orders from k! hand j ea will receive prompt attention. We have also employed a first-class Undertaker of many years' experience, to take charge of this special feature of our business. BLAIK FURNITURE COMPANY, Retsidenee, 39 IVuland St. No. 37 Patton Avenue. CLOSING OUT SALE -OP- ALL WHITER GOODS, -AT- 22 THE BIG 22 22' PATTON AVENUE. d&wtapr'iO LHWI8 MADDUX. Pre L. P. McLOUD, Vlce-Prts. NEAT. PROMPT. ' ACCURATE. A REAL PLEASURE TO DO VOUU PRINTING As you want it and w hen you want it. InascToas: Lewis Marldux, M. I. Beardea. M.J. Pan, J. B. 8. H. Keeti, Ueo. S. Powell, C. M. McLoad, J. fc. KAKKIN, CaskW. Rankla, J. B. Kay, J. 8. Read. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK1 . IASUBV1LLB. N. C, FBBRUARY 1st, 188." Orjaaised Maj 1st, ISSt. CAPITAL, $50,000. . iBITRPLVSt 5,000 '.(.'.-. STATB, COt'NTY AND CITY DBPOSITORY. Hoes a General Banking Business. Deposits received. BxchanfT boagtit and said. Col lections made on all accessible points. The Saving Feature will receive special attention. On all sums In this department, deposited for four months or longer, interest at the rate .- of per cent, per annum will be paid. Rpccial attention given to loans on real estate, which will be placed for long Mm on teal onable terms, Open from a. m. to 8 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will be ope till p.m. fcbildtf " :- '- -U'-. Dyspepala, Deopalr, Death. , These are the actual steps which follow indigestion. Acker's English Dyspepsia Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful of diseases. Guranteed by T. C. Smith & Co. BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, W holesale and Retail Furniture Dealers, And Undertaker. Chamber Suits, a specialty. Boarding bourns and Hotels furnished in purt orentiie. ' Wardrobes, Sidclioards. Bc1 ami Single Lounges. . Some men are cruelly inconsiderate We have known young men to go along the streets late at night, singing, utterly regardless of the poorly paid policeman, fuithfiilly sleeping on his beat. Spring- hehlU.) Aevs, We are selling lots of Clothing cannot say whether it is the attraction of the discount or because consumers must re plenish. II. Redwood & Co Wife ( who has just lieen . through his pockets). "You wretch, you have been playing the races again." Hubby. "No, my dear. I spent the evening" at the ladies' baznar." ven- ing Sun. Flaming. Fire tn the Vein". We hold positive proof that Acker's English Blood Elixir, cures all blood poi sons where cheap sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on a positive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co. THE FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. TOBACCO ! TOBACCO I $7,000 Seven thousand dollars worth of licw Itvsh goods to lie sold ut GOST FOR CASH. Shoes, Hais, Dry Goods, Notions, Rubber Hoods, Blankets, Comforts, Shawls. Ladies and Cents' Underwear, Domestics, Plaids, Jeans. A good full stock of BROGANS FOR 90 CENTS. Ladies' Fine Shoes, Button and Lace. $1.01. A good boot for $2.(M. Cotton checks 5W cents. Comforts from 55 cents to 80 els. Coffee 6 pounds for $1. A big stock of all kinds of GROCERIES. Brown's roasted coffee, trunks, valises, water-buckets. tu1, tkkii k, flour, bncon ' hay and syrup. 11 lbs. granulated sugar for $1.00. 13 ll. light Imn ... sugar for $l.no. 3 lb. cans of tomatoes 11 cts. a can. All these goods must be sold at once. ' AH persons owing Smith & Baird nre notified to pny same ut once, and save icosls. ' II. B. CARTEK, AHMignce " Handsome styles in Caniets, Art Squares, Smyrna Kugs, Oil Cloths, Cur tain Goods, Lace Curtains, etc. H. Kkuwoob & Co. Anxious Citizen Mr. Secretarv. I hear that I'eru intends, to loose the dogs of war. Doesn t it make you shake f Secretary linyard Oil, ao. - Peruvian bark is Not a good shake. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. r or sale by t . L. Jacobs. daw Zicgler Bros.' and Banister's Fine Shoes in great variety, It. Redwood & Co (UwtfcJH For SMITH & BAIKD, No. It. Patton Avenue, K'JSTa UKEnT f.!USTf.!!0 LEI-HIT cmr.H Ft kit hot. BHnrr.pr.R-KnT m for man a beakt. py.jntTHATF.8 au.W CU Jt AND SCAB ' H WBtlLr" ' MUi jCLE A. i'UUtE to TH K VLltV HQ Anecdote of ueneral Urant. General Grant, on his return to this country, is said to have been severely af flicted with a cough contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment. A friend procured for him a bottle of Symphyx. and by its use in a lew hours he was entirely relieved. He remarked to his friend : "Nlen look upon me asa great soldier, but this bottle of Symphyx is greater than I. My calling has been to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior of men. 1 shall never be without it again." , , , d&w The Hyde (Col, I Topicsnays that when a brnkeman on s passenger train entering the town calls oul the name of the station the passengers all tet down and crawl under the seats. They think it is a rond agent. Advice to MotherH. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Ryrnp should alway be used ftir children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pains, cures wind colic, sua1 is the best remedy for diarrhiea. 25c. a Ixittle. "Another lie nailed," said the clerk, as he nailed a "Selling Out at Cost" sign on ' tlie door. B rough's Tears. Liouul' Enough, who, though best knowu us a comio actor, boa every claim to be heard on the miostion of pethos, writes as follows: "In moving situational always cry. I can't help it. My voico goes of iu own -accord. In a certuiu pathetic sueue of a melo drama which . i played iu Liverpool with Miss Phillis Hill, we used every night to agre 'not to make fools of ourselves,' a we called it; and ever' uifrht there would be mutual recrinn nations at the end uf tlie scene, as 'I thought you promised me you wouldn't cry i' Answer (in the same tearful voice, with the all make up washed otf): 'So you did, titupid.' But neither of us ever regretted the tears, or tho way, in which the scene went otr witn me audience. 'If ever I play a pathetic scene with a child (and in tnoiit cases a woman) 1 am sure to cry. With men, not so; as in any domestic trouble of my own should etideaver to restrain my tears in telling my sorrows to a man, but should five liiem treo vent in the presence of tho other sex. I don't think mi actor ever cull bo said topluy ;..;;...-(-' .,..1,.,.. i. fu :i " Tlione ulio have seen Mr. Trough's axlniirabie iierformance of the old cab owner in "Retiring" will realize tho value of his observations. Masks and Faces. Tlx Book Star pooh. The nc as depot spook, if. such be may be termed because of haunting book stores and pawing over toe papers and books on the counters, raroly pur chndesmivlliiiig, but is harmless. A a rule, you will Bud him thoughtful and cuui-Uh us, and be will readily make room lor a customer. lie never reads much, but seems to postiew an insatiublo desire to take a cursory Slimpse at the inner pages of every ling exposed for safe. The veteran newsdealer can recognize him when he saunters in, mid therefore but little time is loa on linn, lie exists every where. No city in the country u without its news depot spook, and we would lilies him sadly if he should suddenly disappear from his accus tomed huuuia. bU Louis Ulobe-Demo crat THE CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. (5 North Court Square, Is prepared to do high-grade work tit "r We are glad to say to our'friendg and customers that all grades have consider ably advanced since Christmas. Bright wrappers, cutters and strips at big ha Vhaq they have been ia several'year-, and show that AabcviUe is the place to- aeU tobaccos raised in Western North Carolina aad East Tennessee. Tlie exporters and manufacturers who need tbc type of tobacco raised in this section have their buyers on this market, and are paying more for it here thaa else. . .. where . - ' ' . " - ' We would warn our customers against the drummers and agents who are paid big salaries to induce shipments to other markets than this, by promise to acd at ' reduced commissions. After your tobacco is shipped it is from tinder your control, and when you receive returns there is always an excuse for low prices, claiming to- bacco to be damaged, etc., etc. ' - We have, with great expense, made the Farmers' Warehouse The Leading Warehouse in the State. where you attend the sales of your own tobacco, or have it sold in a few days after shipment. 7 Iilsewherc we give a partial list of actual sales made aincc the holiday. smith: noixrris, d&wtaprt2 Proprietor. LOW RATES: Ilocuuae they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT, PROTBCTING PROPERTY OWNBRS. THE "CAMARET" GUARANTEED ROOFINS PLATES. v - . s We nut only give the purchaser the best Roofing Plates, but we protect hint First By giving our guarantee. Second By starairing each sheet with brand and thkkaess. Third By excluding wastes Fourth Br branding tlx act weight of the 112 sheets oa the boidj . .. . . ..For the benefit of loose wanting the very best Roofllng Plates, we assert, aad an iRU PAKBII TO PROVB, that (excepting the "Ollbertsod's Old MethoM") there an no other brands of routing tin being offered In the market to-day, by say inn, under the four differ! ent guarantees given above by this house. ' MERCHANT A CO. Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, London. - - dikwiaprt . r i ? fHi I f f : - When disease racks the frame, when anrea envrr the nerson. when aches are tn everv joint, when the musclesaresoftand Uaboy, when tne least exertion gives iu tigite, when the mind is filled with gjoom and desiKindency, what is there in lift worth living, and yet many eke out just such a miserable existence, living only for those who love them. When it is gener ally known that Brown's Iron Bitters will cure the above disordera, how, many hearts will be made glad! Ho many borne made happy 1 , ' Alabama journalism is spreading. The Huntsville (Ala.) Mercury recently re marked : "The bug-enting editor of the conglomerated semi-weekly on tlireorner came out yesterday morning bubbling and boilinir over with invective and inumdo. While we cannot stoop to the ill-bred style of journalism of which he is such an spt master, yet we propose to defend the fair nam and fame of our city." IT H 5 CITIZEN JUBLISHNG CO "THE W1NYAH SANITARIUM. " ASHEVILLE, K C For the reception of patients sutTeriug of diseases of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan ot the sanitaires at Gccbersdorf and Falkenstein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution In the United . States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. 3., M. D. U. C. Waddcll, President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. LawrcSct Pufflaai, tastier. THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, Asheville, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY. Oldest Bank Iu Western'CaroUna. INCORPORATED BY ACT Of THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE." CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. r:u3TAi;Hi:;i"EiiTt;u3Ti::aii: sun?LUS fu::3 $:3,t:3. 1 PTTOT'I.T) Al.V'AVa TJE hETt IS fiirOp, .CUBES TtTTF.rrVf HTlB tAV r"1 JUTCUKN, HTA11LE AND l ACTOlia I Ml) tiTli t JOUiT. HC8 IS U

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