- tvrr-9 mnrt. .-u a lai I 00 , o , I. SO 60 IS wiu deliver tbc paper every -I m ewr pn of the stty to oar nt- - . son ponies iruuaf It WW pteaS c.. a w Ci4ja Ciiiue, T TVa office. Kt.uea (. J. Smith. -P. C. saclatrat- etrai fcroosa Factory iiaaJonl X. Lock wood. (it! IMjUM Msul crrlc tUk U, abvrllt, M. C LATfTTM, U SI Horra. Loam ii' as S2.2S w are. Bi.svrioa. a.SaO Fssr. Wctcorolortcal report for 94 hoars cadtag at a. ss, Fcbraary 14. !. 7aalpallpaia.laaia.Daily Mc SS.Sl 10 I 4 61 I 44 5. 47. T lla. ipi 4a I 44 j 43 Rsas aad Wow I anted aow.l Drptaa. I Dally Mea. iachsa. lacbea. I OK I 0 I SO M WsathasC lowly 3 pal Daily Uiu. 0 J HI Dfatrala. K. . BLCat, H. D., Observer, NOBTH CA MOLINA. r a Week is la Develop) aaent af tk OM Narrtmi Stat. . Bilesrille Shuttle-block Factory Cro well k. Irr hart started a bottle-block factory. Coaxord Electric Light Flout A company is being formed to erect an electric tig bt plant od estimates on ma- chiaery with capacity of 800 incandes cent lights art wanted by W.0. Craven. DaHas-Cotton Mffl.-R. W. Sandifcr is interested in the company reported last week aa being formed to baild a cot ton mill. The capital itock will be from $30,000 to $50,000. Durham Railroad. The Lynchburg & Dor bam Railroad Co. (office, Lynchburg, Va.) who arc building a road from Lynchburg to Durham aa previously mentioned, will bare their charter amended to secure privilege to extend the road to Fayetteville. Elisabeth City Saw MUl.-John Y. Old, of Porttmouth, Va., contemplate builduig a taw milt' Elisabeth Cky-MiH-AddiUoiwI ma chinery hat been put In Underwood 's milL HcndertonTille Machine Works and Spoke and Handle Factory T. C. liracl, reported Uft week M purchaaing ma chine worki and to overhaul the tame, will add new machinery. He will start also a spoke and handle factory. High Point Canning Fnctory. Mut ton fc Bensoa contemplate starting a canning factory and want information as to cost of machinery, ?;":" T Hops Mills Dam.-The dum. of the Hope Mill Manufacturing Company was washed away and will be rebuilt at once, Loss was $1 ,600. Hope Mills-Eleetrie Light I'lant..The Hope Mills Manufacturing Co., will put Lw-erla Utita In ttuir onttna mill mA have ordered machinery with capacity of 800 incandescent lights. Joaesboro-Cotton Factory.-W, R Burgess will move hie cot ton factory from Staley to Joncsboro. Morehead City School. The Farmers Co-operative School Co., capital stock $150,000, will be incorporated to build a schooL ' Morganton. The Tennessee River Land & Timber Co., Limited, is to be incorpor ated. Raadlcman Cotton Factory. The Naomi Falls Manufacturing Co., are not adding machinery to their cotton fnctory as stated last week, but will shortly add eight as w Whitln gravity spinning frames Reidsville Cotton Mill. Thecompany lately reported aa to build a cotton mill hare secured the machinery of the 6,000 spindlemiU of M. GaiubriU & Co., of Wil mington, Del., and will erect the same at once. A'J. Boyd, S. C. Penn and others arc interested. Rntherfordton Railroad. The Char leston, Cincinnati ft Chicago Railroad Co. (ofiee, Bock Hill, S. C.) have awarded the contract to build their road from Rntherfordton to Minneapolis, Va. 2oO miles, to McDonald & Shea, of KnoiTillc. Tenn. Time to be completed is 10 months. Rntherfordton Canning Factory. A company has been organized to start canning factory with W. J. Hardin as president, and 11. S. Toms, secretary. Supply-Saw, Lath and Shingle Mill, &c The Consolidated Land ft Lumber .ft Transportation Co.. owning 76,000 acres of timber lands, have reorganized with George B. Morton, of Baltimore, Md., as president. Tbey will build double saw mill, capacity 23 M fret per 10 hours, a S saw lath mill and shingle mm with daily capacity 15 M shingles. They contemplate building a railroad. They want bids on machinery, including a 65 bone-power steel boiler, new or second-hand, and 50 horse-power engine. The double saw mill to have all complete appliances, such as sawdust conveyor, eager, swing cut-off, saws to be 60 inches and 80 inches, log turner, line shafting, all accessary piping, about 3 heavy 44 inchbead blocks; belting to bt of best gum, live and idle rolls, &c. Also want a binder and trimmer for the lath mill, and a kindling wood saw mill complete. Salisbury Saw Mill.-J. B. Lauier has added a saw mill to machine shop and fonadry. Washington Electric Light Plant. B. P. Rodman will put electric light ma chinery in his iron foundry and may con tract to light town. Winston Pepot. Miller Bros, have been awarded the contract to build a depot for the Roanoke ft Southern Rail road Co. and have commenced work. It wiUbctOxUg feet. Only one cast before the Mayor tetter day morning. Defendant fined $3. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. THE WORLD'S MARKETS) TELEGRAPH. BT Moat; and Kecarltlca Cotloa- Proviatouut and Produce. MONITlUDIICCimU. Kiw Yon. Feb. 16. tcks )all. Moaey cut. Eschsnifc loo. lWei; short, 2. Stau boada, ."-V; Governnieat, 4dMla4. Ala. Class A 2sS 104VyN. Y Ccotral lot Ala. tka B. 6a.. Ill N . W. old (ia. T, man li4 .Sonhcra Fat.. 27" N.C. Coaa.. ...! 31 IN. V. pltl tsa-i N. C. Con., 4... t3U Fantic Mall 3S S. C. Brown .. .IU4-4 Heading....: 4-t-s Traa. act., aa.. 73V, Huh. t All 17 Virginias 4a ,K. U w. Point.. 27 VirKioia ton... S3 Kock Ulaad Norm wtcrn ...lottVj.at. faul 4t, do ytd ..14uii: do pfd yn"-4 Del atLckll.l4T. Panbc 83V, Erir . ji:Tnai;oalclro 34, aat Ta V iLoiua faIc... 6A4 Lake Shore 104 N J Central Vli Loa. v,Na..... 00V4 y Pacific 73V, Mem. 01 Char. 6U Mntrra I nion . Mob. Obio .. IK cotl'n-ed UU Naib. at Chat... 74 CrrtiOcam 00 KOfac.lataiort bVial " ' Bid. COTTO. 1 ijiiimoL. Pcb. 15. Noon Cotton dull aad pntr generally la buyer' favor Amm- caa BUuUUttg o w-io; aajc o.ow; .jjnuiKuua aad export l.OOO: rccelpu 14.000; Amerkaa 1,370. Jutare ruadr at decline. 4 . M. futures: l-cbraary S 8o-64,eller: Pebrnarv aad March 5 35-64, buyer; March and April 6 84-44, buyer; April and May, 5 34-4, buyer: May and June 8 34.64, buy er; Jan and July 6 3S-4, bayer; July aad Auguat 6 S0-O4, buyer; Auguat aad aep Umber 6 344. seller; September 6 S4-4. atUcra. future closed steady. NBW Yoaa, Feb. IS. Hubbard. Price A Co. ia their cotton circular to-day ay : The opening wa slightly lower thuolaatcvcnitig. One of tb more prominent house here, how ever, commenced to buy March contract aad the market quickly responded to the im proved demand, and a long a it continued prices were urm at a (light advance, again flroDoiaa back whea It appeared to be satia ted. . The house referred to is one whkh some dava avo wa a prominent buyer of a large quantity of aame position and their purchase within the last two weeks probably aggre- n-om BO.ooo to av.iHiu Daw. Naur Yoaa, Feb. 1 Cotton Net receipt 8N3; stom 34U1. future closed steady. Sales 41. (WO bales. Ceb . W.7(ia .76IAug 10.17al0.lt March ... p.hla w 3 sept v.7sa w.77 Aortl S.aua Il.tKilUct tt.Sea S.S7 Mar S.7a e.WH .Nov b.Boa 9 63 June lO.OSalO.oaiUrc V Sua S.B3 Jul 10.11al0.13Jaa... U.Sba .o Atlakt. Ga., Feb. 19. Cotton closed quiet, middlings 11-10. Kecccipu to-day 101. ' raovwioas and raonocc. LmisviLLS, Feb. 16. Oraln quiet, Wheat No. S red 88; Longberry Ul. Cora No. 3 mised 34aS4V: No. 3 white 3Sa.l5. Oats No. 2- mised 37Wa. Froviion quiet. Bacon clear rib 7.3S; clear 7.7S. Bulk meats short rllis B. 37ti; dear 1. Me pork prime 13, SO; new ugarnred hams 10.60a U.3S. Frlmc steam lard T.SO. Cincikk'ati, Feb. IS. Plour quiet ' Wheat quiet and firm No. 3 red 1.1)0. Cora dull No. 3 mlied 83a33. Uat quiet and ateady No. 3 mixed 37,. pork dull at 11.70. Lard 9 SO. Uulk meats and bacon qnlrt. Whiskey teady at 1.03. Hog quiet and lower- common and light 3.7Sa4.o&; packing and butcher 4.4Sa4.80. . . BaLTiMOig, Feb. IS. Flour quieter and ras Hpring higher, Howard street and Western auper 2 00u3.nO; extra S.SOa4.S0; family 4 SliaS.3S: City Mills, Mlo brands, ex tras. 3Sa8.SO. Wheat southern quieter and steady: Pultil,OAalO;Longlerry 1 07m1.13, No. 3 Southern l.OSal.litt, Weatrrn firmer, No. il winter red awt t)L,tii,. Corn Southern tirm, wanted; white 4143; yellow 40a43; Weatern firm. . St. Lot ia. Mo., Feb. IS Flour quirt and tradr. Wheat higher No. 3 red, caah -0U, bid: May UNy,. Corn lower No. 3 mixed eaah, 3N; May 3V Oat dull No. 1 tuh, 34a3AH; May 87I.i; but .nunc to lie had late under SSV,. Whlakey 1.08. Proviion Arm and better request.' Fork 13. Lard prime steam 6. AO. (ry salt inenta houlderaS.3B; long and rib 0. 13; (hurt clear tl.as. llacon boxed ahouldera 8.37U; longs and rili e.eoad.STi short clear 7,13Wi hams 10.03. Baaglog unvhanged. ... ... Chicxoo, Feb. IS. Flour ateady. Wheat No. 3 apring t.04al.04a; No. 3 red- l.u4a l o4k Cora No. 3 344, bid. Oat No. 3 3S4. Me pork tl.l3.,all.36. Lard 6. Oil. Hhort rlli AH.tfA; ahouldera SUaAt,: abort clear 6vfcao. Whlakey 1.03. The laadias future itMlHy ranged aa li.llow:. , . Opening. Illglieat. Closing waeai-rwa, 4 March.. May July Com No. 3 February .. March May Oats No. 3 February ., March May fcleas Pork March iJLSr. March. May July Short Ktbe March May Jiy - ...... 84V, 34W at antj 2Vii ...11 S3t 11.43 B.8S 8.B71S 0.T3W ,...-...6.aaVi ...L.eoo a.is 1.0K14 USVk 844 84 V. 86 3HV, 11 21H 11. uo eat, 0.78 6,834 8.STU 8H7V, 0 30 1.07H B414 34U 14 38 It 87i, 6 83 8 7 6.83 8.87V, 8.08 8.174 Law's C'leitrliiK ! Of crockery, gtai and plated wait, to close sut all odd tots and goods we are ovcrsiocKea witn. Aiuuy articles are marked (all in plain figures) at less than half cost. Cirvulnrs 11 inning articles, quantity and price are ready. We intend now to close out all but new stock at Law', 67 to 61 South Main street. Cull at Law's for burguiiis now. Their BualneaaHoviulnjf. Probably no one tiling has cnuaed such a cenernl revivnl of trnde at F. L. Iiicobs' drug store n their giving nwav to their customers of so ninny lite trial bottles of Dr. King s New Discovery for Consump tion. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures aud never disap Hints. Coughs, coliti, asthma, bronchi tis, croup, ami nil throat and lung dis eases quickly cured. You inn test it be fore buying by getting a trial bottle free, large sue $1. Every bottle warranted. Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the lift of the individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is grate fully hlt-ased. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health, to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic, If you are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, ill long or short standing you will survlv find relief bv use of Uln-trw Hitler &,j at 80c. ami $1 per bottle at K. L. jacolm' j drug store. UROON FACTORY. 1 IIANI ORD N. I.OCKWOOD. ' IIAMIt-MXIlS ( Broom, WliUka, Hearth and Celling Brooitin. i Mill ami Factory irrailea a anrctnltv iin,. ' tation anil mpie free. - lehlAiliy OST. Petwcen Rrdwood'a atore mm,I tie v i Htlllanl'a reairirme on (iouth Main iiiwi Solitaire IHamond tkarf-Fin. A lllieral re. wanl will be poid for the mine if left at rem mm Till OFFICR. N OTICB. Nnrlee la hnli .i... - u .-.j ... , ,,n. w.,mllln will be made to the llenrral Aaaembly of North I. arollna at Ita prearnt araaloa to inroruorat the Haatera Band of Cherokee Indian. Feb. G, IHhS. y HMT H IT1."- V.hkfK,"Un "" Cherokee Indiana. s THAVlin, From my lot na the night of Peh. neekled steer, wrisha I. tart pe.nn.la nmiini mm will ba paid fur their tronlit oa ilil hir rlillidyt 14. one F. C.MclNTIMH. Aahevlll Meat Market. UI.-CELLAXZQUS. Swannanoa Hotel. rneieelled ralsfsa. Popular with touriau, faaitlle aad bosiaess a en. Electric cars pas tbc door. BAWLS BROS., fcbldly Propfs. J. V. BITOVi'N Will continue the aadertakcr's haaiaeasat hi old stand over J. B. IHcfcersoa ft Co.' Hardware Btore, under the ana aame of J. V. BROWN & CO. Having thirty years' experience aa aader taker aad embalmer, and aaeqaalrd facilities for baying, eaa safely guarantee aatlsfactioa. Call promptly attended to at an hoar. Everything pertaining to the buaiaea al ways oajiaad.' frbl3d8m ASUZYILLE ADYEKTISZXZXTS. H. T. COLLINS, I . Ins V liVILLE ICE OOi.iin ii Fall Roller Proceen. Your Grocer for We Guarantee Satisfaction. Ahk, l ure Ice made from Distilled atfr. Jce for utornjro m 10 ton lota 30 cents per hundred. Office Uarnard Building. Tatton Avenue. Aslievllle Slillln Company Flour and 3Iealj F IT Z P A T R I G K 0 R O S., liata, (HI aad Taraiahca, Maauxy'l Mixed Paint and Colors. Window Glass, both D. S. WATSON,, Real Estate Agent, (Not a Speculator.) Having by practical experlencs thoroughly systcaiatixerT my as Lea department, I offer 8PKCIAL 1.VDVCBM8NT To those wishing to aril, and BAR0AIN8 to those wishing to bay. i have some of the best property for sale la Aaheville which eaa be bought lowdowa. Also, country propertyr Uanganeat, lroa, and Timber Land. Call aad examine my Hat before purchasing. D. 8. WATSON, -Houthcaat Comer Court Square, dtmayl Aaheville. N. C. SEEDS I SEEDS t SEEDS i Fresh from the genial boson, of oar owa Southern soil, and better adapted to all cot. toa and toliacco Isnds thaa any seeds la the world. Bxcept my ' Specialty," ' buncombe" Cabbage and my three Novelties Hybrid Tomato, Champion Corn and Uold Prise Oats ( which 1 sell at 10 ct. per packet, post paid), I sell everything at 8 eta, per packet, postpaid anywhere in the t'alted State or Canada, scad ror catalogue to J. W. VANIUVKH, Seedsman, felilSddtwit Wesvervllle, N. C. faJOTlCB la hereby (riven that the anderslgn. t ed will make application to the General Assembly of North Carolina, during Its pres iwwia,,ui.iM-urioraic inc tosraof mark Mountain, Buncombe county, N. C. . P. IIOUOHBRTY. J. M.8TBPP, JanSO-dSOd A. 8. MBLTON. rrom nm to zoo t. nestnut poles, ranging from 2H to fto fret In length and from 6 to 8 inches In diameter at small ends. Parties willing to contract tnr famishing tncac poics win picaac communicate at once with C. K. McCLl'BR, 8upt. So. Bell T. Ik T. Co., feblftdatwlt Richmond, Va. N OTICB. Br virtue of S decree of the Snnerinr rnari of Buncombe county, rendered at the Decem ber Term, 1HMM, aill, oa the 4th day of March. ltlHU, at the residence of T I V.nllllder on College street, fa th city of Aancviiie, seiir ai puuiic aurtioa lor cash, to inc nigneai oinuer, ail the furniture and chnttles, conveyed by T I VanOilder and wire In certain drcda of trust to me This mrniture constats of carppts, chair, bedroom, library, hall and parlorarta, and other usual houAcnotd furntturv ' - . At the same time and place, aad under ths aame conditions and ia the same manner I will nut aad let the said residence for the term of one year from the date of salt - 1'or further particular enquire nt the ua- aeraiKnea at ai omcc or of J a Adam, attorney at law, or Moore H Merrick, sttor neys at law. at their resiectire offices W W BARNARD Peb 14, 1SN9 feblodtmarS SPELLING DEE. A Contest for Prizes by Ah vlllc CMUem. On Priday Bvenlng, beginning at S o'clock, III Johnston Hall, WW be given aa old time spelling match, under the auspices of th Aaheville Vs. Admission Adults, 35c. children, fclil4dat 15c. i MOT'S DENTIFRICE .fJ?y.LT9.,LT. luxury. or asok.wTSL PUHC Imomioiints. CAUTIFICS THE TIITH. pwisiavis TMC GUMS. WCtTENt TMtMtA-T NO INJURY TO TMC BNAMtL Isl aNO ACRICASK. WITHOUT COUAL At A TOILIt" .FRiFARATION. "met as ccnts per lomi. OLD SV AU ORUOaiSTS. . H. WINKCI MANN 4 CO.. Mora, CTIat OA l MO. For sole by GRANT & WINGKRT. rliiwtati28 Dealers in Wall Paper, Window Shades) and Patent Hangers, We make the following grades of ioun Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina p Belle. Take so other. CasJj Paid for Wheat, Corn. Oats and Rje. Horse, and Cattle Feed Minore : Ground to Order. Do Custom Grinding for Corn R re and Oats. Mill and Yard at Old Depot , , ' ; ASIIEVILLE COAL C03IPANY, H. T. COLLINS CO. Preach aad American. I Wc keep ia stock St. Louis aad Ken tacky Lead. iebodly w. T. rixkiaxa. PEIIIIIMAII & CO., w. B. rxaxiMAx. Superior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Retail. josasas aao DsxLsa r HARDWARE Officer. Barnard Building, Patton Aeenue. Yard: Old Depot. af af THE "BONANZA," THB LBADIffO WINS AND UQI OR 8TOK8 OF THE? STATB, No. 43 South Main Street, ABBEVILLE, N. C. v THE "HICKORY WIXE AND BILLIARD ROOM, - - INN" - HICKORY, N, C, ASIIEVILXE, N. C. aGBNTS VOft- DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHIONO STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS. STUDEBAKER WAGONS, . MOLINE SCALE CO. " - ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. - M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE Ca . fchSdly . FRANK LOUGHRAN, Anything in the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES " )For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON dtfcbl'SS PKOPRIBTOH. -WILLIAJMSON t& SON, (Succeaaors to Hart & Williamson,) MANVFACTUVKKS op SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MouldingH, Stair-Work, Fine In terior FjniHh, MantelH, Etc., A8HKVILLE, N. C. reblOdtf 18 Patton Avenue. LUMBER YARD. CiEO. F. SCOTT, ( Successor to Il.iuhl.day & Scott, I JNorth' Public Square, WINDOWS, BLINDS. ACINTtroR The Buckeye Pnmp, , Steel and Tin Shingles. Floor and Hearth Tiles. fcbldly AC. K NTS 4 H'F'BS. OP .. BjTkit's Patent , Sheathing Lath. SPECIAL SALE FOR FEBRUARY.' Closing: Out Sale of all Winter Good. " C.lua, rutty, Mine, Plastering Hair, Shlnirlea, l.atha, Hcniing Ptwts. Material. ?r-Ordcrs will receive prompt attention. IJUOKS, All xlnda of Building fcblOdly PI IIMRIIJn QTCAM ANI1 PAO CITTIMP I LUItlUlllUy UlLlilll rtMU UMO ri I IllUy TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specification Furnished on Application I am goinc to make things Hvely at the "SPOT CASH STORB" for the next 30 days, t msst hare room for Spring good and I am going to put prices oa goods that will more thess. I win olfcr me entire line of Underwear st Just what they cut me, to close oot Comforts aad HlankeU at half price. SO, tfhlaest Black Par Ruga at S3 (.nine, wa Big line oft , former price 1 4.0O. Chine. White and Grey Rug at S2.60, former price S3.00. I'mbrella at prices that will suit any one : We have thorough mechanic in each line who hare hail many year' exierience In their business. We can sufely guarantee our patrons satisfaction in our work, a low fagurca. BALLARD. RICH & BOYCE. . febiSdlv l rib 2M. SO and 33 In. at 93c. A nice metal handle at 73c. A Cloriak Bilk (gold head) at $1 .90. . ... A " " (silrerheadlatllM. Big job in Pearl Button at 2Vic. per doaen. 1 60 driT" " Or0t' aPPer,i embroidered top, 78c, worth It.OO ; leather at worth Dress Oooda at any pric, to close out. I kavt ja.t received a lot of Hall' Basaar Forms, and every lady ia Aahevlll who has any dressmaking to do oaght to have one. It Is a household necessity. Doa't forget the place. W. II. LEA, bldl Spot Caah Store. No. 17 N. Mala St. A' NEW FIRM. C. H. COOPER, Succetwor to W. R. Bearden. 39 SOUTH MAIN STREET.- SEEDS AND Qsaaao lea liar 4 1 wl a 1 S3 ja. -f-.aaa nuufl,u S.U (.lit; iUUlII. Clover SeedH, GraM Seed), Garden Seeds, Seed Potato. ftesef ffarnltl. VMrfxata1 aaiH I.lnH.Al.. vi . . t - . vn a inuis, Ull. Carefully selected Heeds of the bet quality. Write for price and descriptive catalogue. Catalogue of Tested Seeds, Novelties, etc.. and containing valuable information mailed free. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, io South 14th St., Stoves, Tinware and House Furnishing Gobiltt, in con nection with a seneral Plumbing, Ga and Steam Fittinc nuoiunra, iviou tvuuuujr, uuiuennpf, (SO. ..,-,4!.. Mating employed the srrvka of Mr. Brown as Foremnn, who is a jiractical and eiperienced workman, together with several other of the best workmen in these lines, I am now prepared to make estimates 01. all kinds of work above men- tioned. HUMPHREYS' For Hortss, Cattls, Shttp, Oog. Hogs, Pourtry, 0 P A G I BOO K sa Traas. sassl .f Aalmalsaad t han Heat Fraa. E'rs. t'onieailSM, JaS.aimalVsa, -r-pisai .YiriiiHiiiis, miia Fever. 'Tlisa- Ftrlaa, l.asiesess, itk.assallaas. li' VK,"","f T' Z'Ti "TarfS. -II. p.- Hoi. r (ras. W.rata. lai-arrlaa. HemarrliaaM. II. II. I liaary and Rldaav I' I.' ' riuaiiva I'lseasss. 1. n.uiseas)s a I uiasat 01 aaa. l.a. MaMe 'ast, with Snsrtnra. Masaal " urn uaaci m ana Mini -star, I Irs, Slssl BnttlelnverNniaasi "aid by Draaslusi ar Meal Pre.a.4 as Rreelae af Prtea. Hiin.Bbryt'alad. Ca., tOS fultsa It, R. T. f.M 0 TILE ASIIEVILLE SANITARIUM, ASHETILLR, N. C, neaauiaiiy located ia a stot of aaka aad white pine, with andnst or anise st "U, .ear th. Female Colig, aad only threV snares from TbTI AH mndeni and latest Improved methods for treating chronic diseases of th. i. throat aad nose, by the inhalation of vaporised .ad atomised fluid, hy h7 one. m. tk ZP,7T? T" pS'.'!,'!;;l',0 yir In connection with the Vaunted bI sarn (the balsam obtained from the natural balsam tree, near Aaheville.) T,0,", "' We also maaatartarr a Home Treatment of the Compound Oaveen. which is la m.. prk7.' Jla" ' iH mC tPCt"""t' n,, "M " " sPPlWatlon ll;,,WrV. on'recel,", feti7dweilaat&w3m Richmond,' Va. 1.. SriT""' ere Pt three years with this treatment has been phr ."JI? """I.''"" ,hat wrrT renounced hnpelnw, whose name and reek obtained bycalling at the Sanitarium. By permission we refer to the followi" geatfeasea of Aaheville kia, pastor First Mrthodlsi Capt. Natt Atkinson. enomenal. hsv. residence caa be M. I. Aetna e. M.'.'.e I u U.l , uj. i. - ""IT rilat ftaai , B.-ua JN.i" ' v """j C, Ran Ckarchi Rev. W. A. Nelsoa, pastor first Bautiat Charck ; i II I T.' nTjurnaars' SOKXOriTSIO ff SPECIHC h Uli II ..... ft.Ltla lal RSI I f4 felraUn, iwi aai. ar ehw ssasas St aa vwl. ae t vuk sad la's i K.sae, to. a. Bolasi tariMt-ia ..Ml pMnlili. rnwataf Rnas. li.j.' ianato,lasw.ss. C dtathsalrswtaprao la ass ai iwt. t:USTAI!GLin!"EHT muss nnLiiOwnoRK, CAKFDPnoa, IJiaaoLlTION. The partnership hefrtnfnreexlallnghetweea Sheiuard, Mann A l..hna,m and I. V. Browa haa this Hsv brew dissolved be Umltatlua n. paa oluaa, Board and Treatment furnished to patients at reasonable prices. In addition to hoard tn oar nattent. are have a aamla. nr.i.....i- a ' aecomm.Hl.u boardera. who dealr. a nice, quiet place, away from the h "tel. sJtTZ'J? - a'" nmt-ciaa. cnoaing, at reaaoaaiile price.. Also, hot aad cold baths. Pr T. J. HARCAN, Proprietor. This Peh S. laau wbtodlw Issolvsd by limitation. J. V. BROWN CO. CUSTAKC UniHEUT CTBF..S PILES, m-RNj. tTTS, CORNS. BUt' WEli CUaLblAl8 A FUUMTBM HERRING & WEAVER, SHOE STORE, L NO. 30 SOl'TH MAIN STREET. The partnership heretofore exwtmjj: hetween Shepard, Mann A Johnson and J. V. Ilrown having tenninateil by limitation and the bu-siness transferred to ou Undertak ing and Embalming Parlors, No. 31 Patton Avenue, where Mr. Vr B. Brewton, formerly in thp employment of W. A. Blair & Co., an exjierieiii'etl embalnier him lindertiik-pp will be found at nil hours 1. 1 iff it . 1 1 1 1 iiiiu ujiy, ami wnere vt w ill U'ptlielargistand finest stock of whkU in this lint ever mn in Asheville. Our patrons can have the use of our rooms for funerals,, and boiiies will be kept ns long as 1wred. .Shipping )0ylVH n HJifciultjr nnd satisfaction i gmaranteiHl. leagintsfor tlie Bronze KleestOHfind fl l:t 1 . ("ir ni, ,.,. nie l askets. While w Have tbc Fines and Moul Fanhlouablc ;oo:a n f SHEPARD, MAK.1 & JOTOi. Our Line, Wealao narethechenpoit. Cull and 1 Till ai Hnd we our Invalid IVd. Tlie btt thing ever in vented for the comfort of th a y Si t 1 I 1 ? " X " 0 -g - i i - S a a be jO 8 r N 0 c y . t 4 r 4 rr-Ji o-f- N 'S .B g U ! S 5 J I I : J . 0 lis 0 j i sJ E ! n i ? 5 . s - a ' H I i z - S W - S 2 &' - .- . v. 5 '2 t am g 3 liit H t r fi g a I a i 2 c E I I I - 1' 5 t hlilr i a- 1114? -i I 4 .1 i J 1 1 1 1 J $ ' 5. J I 3 I g i 'i 1 1 s ' I 2 a -i I jtoi'Nir 1 , afflict?,. . - - I hbiudtw o. 1 irtovs Cotteaa Rtveet, two n.lM t i.i. The owner caa ret tt.. i,:L.. imiperty aad paying for r this ad. iwat

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