' 1 it,. ia i - a of r- ' - tarn in e . '' Tt tti X- trrv , a- Nl t. an-1 r--. .-crftM i.iu..T. aaj it 1 so v-e a-jiaiaac la tfcmung pub- , . .1 , ... cUfc tint dispatches of the r.t DKh co era the , ,-, , , srat. , It ku other factu- A ; i.- -a lur ratbmag ' . . -eta wits everytttiagcara- r re1 -tl 4 oec pt tb smaiket sva.. " - ' ;tu wij las scat r - - r warj t nr all fc . . .. lur one monia ; 16 era ta for C uimii wtai deliver the paper la e--y r "t erf t cny to sstjaeribers, and par. - uu4 i ol fat rail at tae t. truss j .. . - Ar e i?s---lUasoaS aad assoc kaawa on a xauua at tiiia ofhec. All traaawat avdrcruacaseata maat ae paid aa aaV tlEAY. FEESXARY IT. 1889. , ,,TWAT CXTRA (CMIOK. wa.. a.-.. - .i ..... . . . . . 'is also pretty fwrally conceded, that an , session of Congress will to called 'ni" .. as i the new , admiakftra tioa dona its Stat clothes at Washing. Jtoa, Us reasons fcr such action are, to rednce the threatening surplus, to admit the new States, and pf coarse to fix op i trH.jwliUcal a-ncr. . Now, wx do not -'elans that m as accessary to call an .'aWt session, but we do naintala that ' aad the partie in Congress been more attentive, to the business of the country, aad leas itUnfjvt to their ' several politi- schemes ft would not now be ncccr ' tar? to call aa extra session. The sur f plus is, there , and accumulating all the f tlaje, the, tariff has been discussed and toaswad, but t no avail.' All tliis has been known to the country and to the & Congress as' well, bat still thr djpjrKWlpng .west a., Now the ques- h roaitiwill it do any good to call aa et .1 toa atsaioa Coold we hope for any bet v let reaulU from such action? If this be ,.f ?, H.H,t tbt iort of filibus tering tactic would be resorted to as amaarcd the proceedinp of previous 'CMgrtasem. Two dates are disctmsed ' fof the convening of the' extra arssioa - .'."is tet of Aprf aad tbe other No a wnber l, Qt these, ao doubt the latter would to she .eaoat advisable. ' For the MWiaaftnssasnan to do- any whole some k-jfialation during the wurrn sum- WAdtftls'Wiyti.i ifnoV intfrcly oat of the Question. Tto past is iufHcleiit " proof of tble. Besides, the aew admin- ' ratka, W9uld, bo have bad time to ajfJN t0f6 working order and the ..eaaaoea ait that little would be accom- pUahed of aay good to the country. If it be.cntjrned In November the arguments r,f PflVf (r", but atill there are ob :Jectiooa, ,T Citb! desires to see , some wbokeome legislation accom ' phshrd, and that in the near future,' and ' If 'eunot: be (ione other than by an 'l'trVsoB,1 wby, can the extra tet , 8UI1 we cannot at present ace tbr --svlvlsahillty of any baste in the matted !fthli'wthallhave occasion to speak later on. Congress has time to do much tMefuT legtstaUon now before its close and 'now b the time to do it. Wake up te trr-,. . '-'." ymt'thmu. iwap unm . r4 ,VJ ,Jwpotnt resolutloa intro- dated 4nt the Senate by Mr, Bdmunds, laad agreed to, directs the committee of txmimerce to take into consideration th 'questlqn of the expediency of purchase bf (,t vernnxnt of tbe ttfsmal Swam i.Uanal at a public highway fcr commerce, and also with a view of utilMng it watsw ferita protection of the metal VMsshof the Navy, i The history of the canal is an interest, lug one. " It was one of the first works of . mtemal unprovement projected oa this continent, the project having been enter tained in colonial day, and a company Maa aimed in 1764. which Included then, CdY George1 Washington, among its member, with purpose originally of .draining the large body of fertile lands Hlbarrgedby thI)isBml Swamp. Gen, Washington, who activity was cease teas In war or peace, who had traversed 'the whole country from the Potomac to the great lakes, and to the water of the Qhio, with, a view to connecting them by artincia water-ways, had also visited the regioa of th fjmpi wamp to as certain tbe feasibility of connecting tbe awamp of North. Carolina with thr waters of Virginia.' - . n.A charter was obtained in Virginia fur 'the const rtsrt Ion of a canal in 1784 ; and jaho Infjorth Carolina in 1791, to unite1 ,the wa,ter or Eluabtth river, in the for aw fHU, U ttoat of the Pasquotaak In Ah latter. 4. The work, after log delays, wsaeompk-ud with the aid ofthe United SUte. Commercially, it has proved profitable aa, a seawuiial highway, and fklso k brjogiag large hudlc of laad into snihavatkua,uid making accrssilile large todies aftaraabk timber. ' It importance' nationally can be made very great.' By' enlargeptent it can be made aavigable for ship of large draft, ia time of war 'oficnng a safe interior channel for commerce aa well aa for war vessels, a water, way that may to e jleadcd along greater portion of the At lantic Coast free from Interruptkm by a ful4ie eaaroiy.. , . t. ...The chief fcJr of tka aaa I b now, aad must always to, the Lake Drm asond, ia the centre ofthe swamp; a body of water sis miles long and three witla, i ti. exu,..u .: v in t..e swamp s s tajofNortb Carolina, of beir. twenty- one feet above tije water. Tlet conversion of this channel into a ship canal, navabfe for large veascU win be of vast importance to this State, greatly enlarging a traffic already large and giving a more direct and expedious route than that funuahed by the Chesav peake and Albermark Canal, a combina tion of natural and artificial channels. practicable, valuable, but somewhat cir cuitous and tedious. EDITORIAL POJXTm, Tbe deadly cigarette is "Rougli on Rat" on the boys. For further parti culars read your daily paicr. a a ---y. .v , a Old Pluvius seems to have had an aw ful grudge against the people of Ashe ville for the past twenty-four hours. However, we submit gracefully. a a a "Pretty moist," said a Northern vis itor yesterday during tbe rain, "but then it's paradise compared to a blizzard with two feet of snow and the thermometer away down in the bulb." a a a Mr. Jay Gould, is investing some of hi surplus in real estate nowadays. 'All right Jay ; come out here with a small bag full of your railroad coupons, and we win satiate your greed for tbe earth at least for a day. - ' -a a "' ; a Again are political affairs in France brought to tbe verge ofre volution In tbe defeat and resignation of I'remicr Flo quct by the Boulnnger party. Will un happy France never become happy pol- iticaJly? a a a ' Gen. Boulaugcr, of France, says he has no intention of marrying a St, Louis lad, as has been reported by the Ameri can press. Well, General, we don't care a snap whether you do or not; we can marry our own sons and daughters. aft a One C. C. Whitney, of Minneapolis Minn., is the leader of a new religious sect which asserts that the true Christ is now on earth and is none other than the Rev. Geo, J. Scb weinfurtb, of Rockford, III Will some one please send the fool killer out to Minneapolis., Wonder what the Gothumitis will find to amuse themselves with after the girl bicycle race fad is over. Perhaps they will send put an exploring imrty and if they can find that defunct Grant monu ment fund, of which we have heard so much. Curious town, that Gotham. a a a - Messrs. Harrison " and "Morton re ceived 233 electoral votes to 168 for Cleveland and Thurraan, a majority of 80, and yet, the latter received a popular majority of more than ninety-five thou sand votes. But tin is culled a vovcrti ment by and for the people. -- Funny, ain't it f a a seems to ne a foregone conclusion at least among the politicians tout the "Plumed Knight" of Maine, will assume tbe premiership of State, under the new administration. We had hoped not, for w think a better selection could be made for the good of tlie whole country, yet, 'tit none of our funeral an way, and if President Harrison wants Mr. Maine, so mote it be. a a a Well, the press has chronicled another brutal prize fight during tlie imst week. This time the mill took place in Indiana, and the principnlTwere jack McAulifie, the "bonny boy from Brooklyn," and Myers, "the Streator pet," "of Illinois. Sixty-four so-called rounds of fistic pum melling were gone through with,, and then the contest was decided a "draw,' It this tlie civilisation of which we so much boast ? And are we to welcome the twentieth century with scenes like these ? We vote an emphatic nay. rKRSOHAi, AND UEKIF.RAL The "mention" of Whitclaw Keid'for a Cabinet place has aroused Typographi cal Union No. 6, of New York, to action. in whk'h it has "Resolved, That Typo- graphical Vnion No. 6, resjiectfulty asks President-elect Harrison not to do vio lence to the feelings or alienate the sympathies of the organised toilers of this land by the apiRiintmeut of White- law Reid to any office within th gift of the Incoming administration." John Wanamaker would not cut up any high jinks in the cabinet. He does not smoke. He does not drink. Hedoes not patronise fust horses, billinrds.yathts, theaters or circuses, and his only re creation is superintending a Sunday school with 3,000 UH-mbcrs. Baltimore American: A woman in Franklin, Pa., says she died and went to heaven. She describes her visit in glow ing words and say she is sorry she came to life again. There is a fortune awaiting that woman if she goes on the lecture platform and gives "An K veiling with i the Angels. Rev. Snm Jones had tlie biggest and most enthusiastic meeting ever seen in Los Angeles the lust night of his stav in that city. The Tribune report 1.20O conversions during tlie meetings, . Mr. Jones has gone to Sacramento Hir a few weeks. Since Mrs, Ck veltind's historic waits with Congressman Scott site has been besought on all sides to attend various gentians. Slie holds; however, that at this crisis the administration should be careful how it countenance tVrmnns. Several presidents have been elected who had not popular majorities; but the people are not clamoring for the abolition ofthe electoral college. There are other features of our federal system needing reform worse than that one. Oa the door of the cabinet mav be pointed the words: "Buy your clothing at Wanamaker's." ZLKY.JLC. Ever ?" Ihpad n S th PV dpnnrtPcl j a(en w Jtj puniaSOH from tlie Leading . Dry - fiootl. r-KYCChlZS.JL House ol the cttv, Uul voir ever see such, a Leautif ulUiie fare larS"r than any pm-etling of all shades and qualitHH of Drens Goods and Trimminp month, allowing tttnady in to maUh?" i "And weren'Wthe lino T. aa T a .11 a ' luna LiiiwiiH, jtareuiei,Mrnftii checks and stripes, from 10 cts. to 30 cts. are perfectly lovely," added Miss Stylinh. "Their Edgings, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Nap kins, Corseta, 104 Sheeting, Pillow Casings, Wamsuttaa, Fruit of the Loom and many other domestics are offering at quick sales prices," - said Mrs. L. "And what bargains in their ltemnant counter I Did you notice their 2,000 yards 1 a1 1 . - asa oi oeauinui umgnams at i cts., worth 12ct.?" "Their Clothing is being sold at panic prices to make room for the large spring stock that is Boon to arrived "Their Shoe stock is the largest and best assorted in the city." "Oh, it does seem a real pleasure to the salesmen," said Miss Stylirih, "to upare no pains in waiting upon their customers." "Yes, their hearty hand shakes and pleoaant greet ing," continued Mrs. L., "will cure anv caseoi blues. And thus similar conversa tions are heard in , hundreds of homes pi those who have been ho fortunate as to do their puivhiwing at the lead ing Dry Goods House of BOSTICimOS.&WHI(JHT, .. ; ... ' Successors to Brevard & Blanton, at No. 11 N. Main street. Asheville, N. C. This firm has leen exceedingly fortunate in securing the ser vices of Jno. IV Morgan, I. L. Brown, Jno, M. Ramsey and B. G. Morgan, w ho will be sure to make it to your interet to spend j'our cash with them. , , Bespectfully, B0STIC BROS. & VlUGHT. The Leading Store of th city for Ladies Is KSTAttROOK'S. aa 8. Haiti Street. The greatest variety of nice (ooda, such aa HOOKA, STATIONERY, PANCV OOOl8, Toys, paintings, UiiKTavlngs, Frames, Western North Carolina Views, Novelties, Etc., Bte. Rvrrvon Is pleased and all satlsAed with what they buy at this plave. Their stock Is of the lieat and nHrea l..v. raasotialil. BaaliMasmea will Snd the lar grat and beat Hoe of Hluuk Hooks and Office stationery In W. M. C. Art Btndlo oref store, where visitors can obtain local skftihes in oil or water colors. OUR MOTTO ; Neat, Prompt and Reliable. Hring your repairing to headquarters. Watch, clock and jewelry repairing is a ! leading feature of our business. Work entrusted to us is certain to re ceive careful and intelligent treatment from exiert and skillful hands. Krlkate and costly timepieces should j be entrusted only to thoroughly compe tent watchmaker. 1 All work guaranteed. Trices always reasonable. UHO I JOTCW ITOM, South Main St. - Asheville. N. C. d&wtmarfi Value In Old Stomps. durias the tale war ar partHmlari ble and nf moat value. In all rases y orasra-; thoa aa ' onamai envelopes are Haiivd. 81 ate prks - - mm m bub-10. tiers to H. T. C . omee of Cltissa rWrhlt Co.. aiiSdawIni Aaheville. H C. away aownr juki tmnic or all shades Worsteds at 10e., : Bcription trade probably lar and bright new Henriettas at '. 24 4-4 cts. per yard," contin-geHt in -isheville, and no ued Mrs. Levelnead. ,"Tho8e X Bar MuHlins, Vie-; abatement. Iletail patron- Any parriea having envopa or adhere ' 0'1C,i,, siren that the derrt ''"J" r." P' 1 wdurlngthewar.where 1 ' "rt tlwir -"cieten, will make appb- varieties are desirable, can find a nurrhaaer to the Oeneval AaaemMv of North Car. !" by sadinai Ui AelT,. : '. at Ita ar-ioa of inn. Hue a charter ha. 8tamua iaaued be IK. r.ri....j.l ..." J I nrwratitia "Tk. A.k..ni. V ." ' r.:uoT,j:ou:.":3Ti2: W ro U a w a ioi. . I alCHCLS A .'IBIU IU TUB i'&fiftE u:::-.LLAXZOi:.. "FC ? A FACT." We move another step for - ward- 0ur sd for January crea in our buinehH. Pre- age increasing steadily in an swer to best attention and leading low prices. Our wholesale efforts bring good results, a realization of our expectations to date. We are making daily shipments to all near-by railroad points. These demonstrations assure us that Asheville is the nat ural diHtributing point for Western North Carolina. We are to distribute the Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, etc We curry u large stock and our prices are low enough to remove objections of buyers. We are pivpured to do the Drag business of this section, and no relaxation will be per mitted until this fact is intel ligently and practically- un derstood i T. C. 'SM ITII & CO., fading Druggists, Asheville N. C. - GREAT CLEARING SALE Winter - Clothing WHIT LOCK'S, In order to make room for Spring tioods, I will close out the balance of my winter stock at reduced prices. All gooda ar marked down and will be SOLD CHEAP. All broken lots of suits, odd Panta, Over. coata, bos Coats and Vesta, regardleas of coa. Now is your time tor Bargains. ; Children and Boy' Suit at Half Price. Call early and price the goods lieforc they ant sold. 00 dosea Uents' Ties at MSe. and ftoc , form erly 87c. and St. 30 doses nnlaundcrrd Shirts at 50c., worth II each. 00 dosea handkerchiefs, at 35c, worth 80c. each, at uwnrrLocKs. UebiM - - J W. CORTLAND, Real Estate Broker. MitSTaUNT AN. LIFI INSUUNCE A6ENT. Patton Avenue, Barnard Building. , RtbSdly T . CIARV, ASHBVILI.B, N, C, Brick Layer and Maker. Jobs of all kinds attended to. Artificial stone pavements and private roadways laid same as is used extensively in parks and private grounds ia Eastern States. WUI contract jo par, walka fi.r lea than "rick will coat wlthuat uliatraMl ' ad guarantee it to hut luajsvT and to be fai wtvtt way netter. Addresa as above. dawttnarS rZZ,T. .T"'TT"" v-orapaay." with Ita ,'r,.P,,,,'' buaneaa tn theCitv of Aah. , . v. This .nth day erf Jaanarv. I ana 1 C. D. BLANTON, Jau,, '.T.MWLa, 1 gTSAYRD. From mv lot on the night of Feb. 14, one I fiadi.. him imZTZuLZ SZTZL ??.V A.h.,,, IS. ! :o. 3 nan.:rdl ) School and College TVxt; liooks, a full line. I'oets, Hih-; tory, Romans, Uiography, I Travel and Novels, Family ; n;.i,, tki.i.v n.i T,f j xeic: i.la: jja a'xJIC 1GAI. V: '"'"' 5,toon.cthPablkhapuinca.andthcvpru- anient, Oxford Teachers i ' lJa" .... , ' r, r i a ,, il thev can help them to It. E(crmlljr thie Blblert,' Song BOOKS Of aIl',hreahrduiiiemoat of h. vearwUI mds, largestock Stationery, Blank Books and OmV-? antl School Supplies. New line Ladies' and Gents' Pocket - book's just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls. feblodly " t -STRAINS' RESTAURAN Tj . AND . j OYSTER PARLOR - la the place where yoa ran tad all the delica-! caes of the season, sack as I OYSTERS. FISH, DBVILEU CRABS, ( . GAME, i Also, Northern aad Western Beef, aad the only one who caa give a genuine Philadelphia Fry. , I have recently added to my Restaurant a large Range with latest improvements, such aS Broilers, Boilers, etc., etc. This enables me to fulfil! any order la from S to 8 minutes. Come and try a fine Philadelphia Pry or Bird on Toast, ia 5 minntes. I am also pre pared at short notice to furnish pinner qr Bnpper or Ice Cream for large or small par ties, as In catering my long experience of 12 years allows me to give perfect satisfaction. Remember, that this is the only Ladies' Parlor in the city and the only place you can get a genuine Philadelphia Pry. Very respectfully, frbSdtf . K.8TRAI SS, JsOTICK Is hereby given that application will be made to the present session of the Lrclalature of North Carolina for the incorporation of ine norm lutstera L.ami company.", R. W. BATTLE, . W. T. PBNNIMAN, T. W. PATTON, W. W. WEST, feblOdlm ' W. B. GWVN. OT1CB. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the present session of the Gen eral Assembly for a charter to' bnild and op. erate a railroad from Asheville northeaaterfv to the top of Craggy Mountain tor to some intermediate point S. W, BATTLB, T. W. PATTON, W. T. PBNNIMAN, C. W. WOOL8BY, , G. W.SWAIN. W. W. WADUILL, " - W, W. WH8T, . fe Ixldl in w. B. GWVN. JAMES FRANK, DKALKaiN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Street, - Asheville, N. C. feblodly N' OTIOB. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, and their aaaociatca, will makeapplicationto the General Assembly of North t'aroliaa, at its srsHion of 18H0, for charter Incorporat ing thi "lKll I 'aUnrlaw mtA D4I. . .. . i. I. Its principal place of business ia the t'ity of Asheville, N. C. This 24th day of January, 1SH9. A. H. ISBBkL. . V. JONKS, B. H. FULKNW1DBK, 0. B. GRAH M. Jan 2.1- THE ASHEVILLE UBHARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post office. Open dailyexcept Sundavs, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m., and M:30 until '8:30 p. m. The terms of subscription are: One vear $2 ; 8 inos., $1 .80 ; S mos., $1 j 1 mo SOcts.; dailv 2 cts. Officers for 1 SHU President, R. R. Raw la ; Vice-President, Charles W. Woolsry; Sec. and Treas., U. S. WaUon ; Librarian, Miss K.J. Hatch. Citisrnsand visitors are cordially Invited to inspect the catalogue and Inscrllie their namea aa members. lebMdtf BY VIRTtIB OF A POWER OP SALB con tained in a Deed of Trait rM'lltasI Ksr John M. Creas "n and bin wife, Kelxx-v M. Cnraaman. the andeTNivriril will as-ii ts msik. inrhVcltT'ofA. 11 r " . . " ' 1 ,,.. anuie, lying ana oemg in the county 01 nunconiDc. at tnack Mount 110 station, and more particularly described In a Heed of Tinat registered in toe office of Reiter ol Drede of liunc-jmlc county, in Book 14, page 227, of the Keeorde nf Mortuavea. tn whu-h ,..u, iu MtviKlV nUlC seenred bysaid Deed of Trust, together wl h the coata and expenses incurred by reason of the same 8. H. KHUI). rrfrivnM la hmh. mn.l . . . . r. . . i . JanlSdSOd , Trustee; MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 23 Patton Avenue, Glrdwood Stlkcleather, . - . iroprictors. . : -AII orders promptly attended to. lehttsiy JTESSH R. 8TAKNHS, r.NLiERTAKKR AND IvMllAI.MKR, Asheville, N. C. . Kvery reuiwte of the bumneiut ftir nished. Itain wood case, avalnn e chKh covered caskets. Metallic rnk..e l""'" mi cHgnniiv nrnneti. Kolies I ? ItI1 with t" hhe 1 k..1, ..in:.. 1 -1 .i ... ' ' All calls, cfnv or nkht. iiromotlv nn. ... --"l swererl. Teleirrnph and mail orders promptly attended to. Office never closed. fMrtce and residence: No. 40, N. Main st. dtmarlO NEAT, rKOMlT, AUTKATE. A REAL PLEASURE TO IK) VOI U ; .lm PUINTING j11 Ah you want it niitl whi-n vim I vvnntit. ; citizen pntLisinxu co. l s. f J .1 ARE THE CLS- t, dicnit to aaoar. j YOU, ' ' . ; ARE THE CUS- i j tomer we are aftrr. We'll rait yoa. pleaae row, aattat'y yoa, make ya hapv.- What; more do yoa want. If yon want to know . " ..... . . K w-v w WUI W ' , . . t whether we caa back an oar brag with good " ooas penormajKc, way ASK ANY OLD CUS- tomer of onrs and we'll stand by his testi mony. A man that won't keep' his word, that goes hack oa his promises, that tries to. work np a snap HE ISN'T WORTH A CUS- pidors or any other cheap and nasty article. e want to give yon a good time. Are yon wlthuar If so Just get a move on you and POWELL & SNIDKU, GROCERS, ASHEVILLE, N. C. dtmartS Q COWAN, B. H. COSBV, Successor, 87 Patton Areuue, neater In Watches, Clocks. Tewelrr, Silver and Plated Ware, Optical Goods, Gold Pens, Ate, Ac. Large and varied assortment of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Gold Watches at low price. Largest assortment of Wedding Rings in the city. All repairing in watches. clocks, and Jewelry neatly and promptly done at rrasimablc figures. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. The present proprietor shall neglect no ef. fort to merit a continuation of the patronage so largely bestowed daring many years upon his predecessor. , dawlmarS. UICHMOND St DANVILLB RAILROAD COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Division.) Passknobb Dbpartmbnt, Asiibvills, N. C, Jan. 1, 1S89. ' PAS8BNOER TRAIN 8CHBDULB. In Bfvbct Jan. 1, 1889: . TNoTbI T Nq'BS " Lv. Asheville, TsBSpm lilpm Ar. Salisbury, 437am 643pm " Danville, B47am 1020pm " -' " Lynchburg, 124Spm lOOnm " Washington - 7 35pin 7 00am " "v ' " "Baltimore, 920pm 8 2flam " Phiia., 300am 1047am " New York, 6 20ara 180pm J.'?-'!l,?njL 33Qpm 90Qpm 1 Jlkh-m2n5Ll 30pn8i0ani " Raleigh," 7SOam 103pm Goldsboro, 1145am 3l0pm Wilmington j--- --- J eoupnt " " 1 ' " I Nonas' Lv, Aaheville, TS 30am ArJSpartanbJg 1 1 50am JCharlotte, j 8 30pm o'bla, 440pm Charieaton, 910pm " A-uta, I 9ospro 8,T,!ShA 810am ThsvilleG. i4opnl jyacksonvllle 120,) m " Atlanta, 10 40pm H M0,80 y 7 25am Mobile, , BSpin .wrleans J Tliopm No. 80 NqB2 No. 84 Lv. Asheville. I 740am 4 44pm 710pm Ar. HotSpringa 920am 610pm 840pm ' Knoxville, 110pm 8 30pm Chattan'ga, 613pm 84)am Nashville, 1145am "Memphis,;. 6 10am J 8 30pm , Lv. Ashevll,e,"T"740amT 444pml" ' Ar. Hot Springs B20am 610pm Knoxville, 110pm 850pm "Louisville, 715am ''Cincinnati, 640am 1145am "Chicago, 6 30pm 6 30pm' St. Louis, 745pmJ 745pm' " Sleeping cars on all night trains. JAS. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINHURN. G. p. A. D. P A. 8OL. HAAS, T. M. N' OTICB. Apiilication will be nia'iie to the present ses- "ss w inc 'rvmcrHI AMfmhlv of North I'sss-.. ovrnini nanemiliv Ol North Ci .Kit feblSdlm I. W. PATTON, II. II. CHILI). Schedule fstreet Railway. To take effect Friday, Feb. 1. at 6.30 a. m. Sr '"i."" Conrt Ho 6.30 a. m, ,.7.oo ..8.10 ..8.40 e,,rc;,y,2ormi!!tc.P' " "o Alno, car leaves court house at 9.30 p. nil to connect with train to Salisburv. FARB, FIVB CENTS' TLANTIC COAST LINE, " I In mttA - n ..... . ... n..., HIKI iniBiince inr In cu- . u.l, 1 """'."' !w ""1 over Its "Columbia Illvi.i.m B--Leaves Columbia 5.20 m. So a .i.C ""l-ton 9.30 p.m. t. 10 a. m. Arrives at Columbia 11.55 am .LTIi rf!f to nl from 7 . .......... vnnnuiu, Columbia at An. "islirv" Colam,,U "vllle Rallro.,1,1 . LT- M- KMERSON, tn. PasslAirt J. F. DRVINK. thn. Supt. MAgt. BUCK LAND. MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 10 PATTON AVBNUB, su .. . L . . - "" " ne naa received his tHMmrr"c.rnnae:.min:mm" 8PBCIAL ATTENTION GIVEN To CI RAV . "BPA.RING AND A LTrtRINiS! .lanou JhOTlCB. wln.!m,J,Th,', vn th" ,h ""r.igne.l Aamhi. ,S;i"t.r",,," th. ( "of'wter, JAMHS 0. MARTIN. THOMAS A. IONH a.i.1.- .:."trj fNNi u -r . , a.... --- NIMAN, i.w. rATTON. niCIILAND HOUSE, Corner Main and Kepot, , WAYNI-SVILLE. N. C. J . k,H,m, furnished. Fare the lst kct aflureta, G,8M wmple room. wt'actuw gi arantekk. Tennic It. CM) pcrd.iv. D. L, ALLL.N ft SOX. I'riiprictors. i;itlls. "SIRICTU flfiST-CUUS P:i:UTE ECA"3. ' tiii: thomas liorsi:. XBAK BATTKBY p.vks. , omleT entirrlv new mnnKnmi, " k ' , ... , . . . , r and will Ije kept in stnilly firt-clasi stvle. TBAVSIK.VT OS RKG1 I.AK bUASUhkS TAKSX Northern CtHiking. , Kates Reasonable. MKS. li LACV & SOX. Proprirtors. ' dtf IT RbSTAI HANT. PATT0X AVENUE, '"V""" I'nder KedwoodV Sore. Meals at all hoars. A", the deUcaciesc4 th . season served ia all varieties and hi the best style. - , Oysters, Game, Steaks, The Beat of Hot Coffee. Freab Norfolk Orstera received eeerv j day. The retail trade supplied. Have added a new broiler; steaks, oysters, I etc., etc., dt.ne to a tura. dtraarlS ' T.I. SUMNER. ' I ISRICHTl than cvitm , II 1I,HTI H THAN EBK- Till' STAR OP BUNCOMBE, ' (1UAM) CENTKAL HOTEL. 987 Arrivals Jnnuarv and February, 1887. 2020 Arrivals January and February, 1888. THE MOST POPULAR $2.00 HOUSE IX THE STATE. 1S.OOO arrivals during the past year more than every other hotel in the city. We bid fair to register 25,000 this year. FIRSTjCLAss ,N KVFKy "kPKC t! Only hotel in the centre of the city. Give us a cull. S. R. CHBDKSTBR A SON dtmarG A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! ASIIEVIXLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets blily $4.50, Including a full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. The Baths in Marble Pools and porcelain Tubs are the finest and most luxurious In America. The Hotel is NEW AND FIUST-CLASS l.j . 1" Bvery Particular. UNEXCELLED IN ITS CUISINE. CTThe place is a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by Plne-clad Mountains, where there Is no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtiulUU tf any dealer says he has the W. 1. Ttanglns tba bottoiu, put bins down as a fraud VY. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE PON GENTLEMEN. JRrst In the world Fvamlne his " "airSi?.' !? W TH.mTl SHOES) All assaa In Conenaa. tuiiLn. iT " W. L. DOUGLAS U su ld bvvmir d,," rlttimg. w. l. Douglas, bkockton. arau, For'snlcbv herring: weaver, d hotith Main Street. 'Asheville. txTC. jnni'.Kii y .dniill?J"n inM' " shh oW ' Wsl, davvloued an dVit Ute. -aw'lt.. a. A. DiAUMdmi. rirKlaxI v... las ..rv brwmo Csx, tnwm I, AUsnts, Oa. las 19 ehrod aW'WlM" h. ,SU sL J?oa RENT, Two hnnara. 1 aVUHhl.it AppU at . NO. as BAILBV ST.