rAtiAONLV rACTS, Miser: llas:: I KOrCSXSAL CAM. Tuen F riYinv Tlir A I.vsfs K.tia. J. MiiTiM, Asiicviin. A he, me. VIISON, M A B T 1 S (t JOSES, Attorneys and Counsellor at Law. Asheville. s. c. Will nrm-tire in'the 1 1th and 12th Ju'lwial titrictv ami in the tjuorrrnc Court ot North Carolina unit in trie Federal Coarta of the Wmu-rn 1'ii.trH-t ol Korch Carolina. grsrr to haaa of AsSeville. - -disel JL LII SC. MAETIS. AtturnrT at Law. : Asheville. K.C. Title and Conveyaneiag a a)iedat-. Cot Icrtton m xfe. Practice in all the o'srti Office: Auh Gaujvr at Carter. MrLoud Law Building. dtnoirUS Dt pr muio. CHS. A. MOOIS. JOOKB A MERRICK. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. AsherUle. N.C. Practice la the t'nited State Circuit and IHstnct Court at Asheville, Stutcsirille, Char lotte and (ireeo'horo. ia the 8ireme Court at HalcifH. and in the courts of the Twelfth judiciai lttnct of the mule oi North Caro- Special atteation girea to collection oi claim. . i Partnership doe not extend to practice ia HnneomlK luirrior Court. dtoi-3 T. H. COBB. pODB ft MBRRIMON, . j. o. tuimw, Attorneys and Counsellor at Law. Practice in all the courts. Office: No. 7 and , Johnstoa building. dte r. W.Jtwa CIO. A. sutroau. JONES 8rJJFORD. , Attorney at Law, AsheeUle. N.C. i.-tie in the Snrjerior Coort of -Wentern North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the reaerai tourn at AsncYioe. Other in iobbmoo omuiing bcr of the n firm can alway be found. dtnorll JOHNSTONB JONB8, . rrmsr aro coi'mBLLo itti, ASHEVIL1.K. MfC. Practice In the United State Circuit and District Court at Asheville. in tiw Supreme - Court at Haleiahr and iu the Vonrt of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of N'orth Carolina, and elsewhere, a hi service mar Ik-required. - - lauaatm JJ H. DOUGLASS. U. l. 8. DENTAL BOOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST, Over Grant 4 VYingert' lrug Store. Residence, No. 91 Bailey St. tVblodlY H. RBBVES, D. 1). S.' DENTAL, OFFICE!,. Ill Conually Building, over Redwood' Store, Patton Avenue. febl3dly ' JJR.J. H. GARKATT. ARTIST, : '..Studio overlooking Court Siiuarealiov Coogirr' tore. Ktmllo Hour from 9 to 3. l lne in Drawing and Painting. Partlc ular on avjiliCHtion. fehlSdly B. WOLFE, - V.... PLAIN ANB ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. - . : t ' All kinds of cement woi k 00,11-. - jobbing and kalomininj utomptly tendril to.. - -- - - Residence, Clayton St. tinier n tie left with W. H. Westall & Co. feb9d6m at ms,ss,.j ' J It- A I'ittsburg ma horse KveTjrthiny goes Puci. has named his l.u-t ; beta use everj'thinj; I Sittren yonnp Indies in Lowell have lurmetl a whist eluh, and rueet .rekly Urr practke. It is said that the neij;lilHr j can hear them play whist kir three block i away. Somtrrille Journal. j Fiftf designs for the Grant monnment 1 rt strefi'ty o hMl. Ik-sicn Inrraiairf; the money to build it are nut on hand. Sn Francisco Aha. The ncienee of tannelini; is an exacting ; one. One who engage in it must nnder stand the hole business. New York News. "AUitil-iely-Pure. dffcwtfebta Thetr BnolnmalloomlUsT. Crobablr no one thing hns caused such a )mcral revival of trade at F. L. Jacobs' i , irng store ai tbeir giving away to their j customers of so miiny free trial liottles f j , Ir. King's New Discovery for Consuntp-; nun. t nerr tranc is simpcv enormous in this very valuable article from the fact I thnt it always cures and never disap i points. "QougTis, ctiTs, astnma, hnjnchi I tis, cronu, and all throat tend lnne dis ! ....a, i- i v .. MM Thi rjowder never varies. A marvel of our. .- u.:...V.. . -i c Ity, strength and whoksomene. More eco. ! uu,u" J K""S nouucal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot I nt l. r. very iwunwammBii' ' be sold in competition with the multitude of j low test, abort weight alum or phosphate The (oIIowttil' is the correct answer to powders. Sold only in cans. .Boyal Bakino P K Rrnurn'.n.hn. TK.;.oi;..l Pwbkb Co.. 106 WaU Bt., New Ysrk.- i " . n l " " ; were omfttea in an uic answers: As long as people marry and are given i in aiarriase, so king will the belles and ; beaux exchange )htOKrailis, and so long VCCIDKNT. wi" finlt cln? K"1'1- ' Mi in great ninoi ui oiu oiiu lun , vim uiiu juuii, rkhaail poo. - - A fine seJertionofpicture frames, albums 'id cases Mwiiv oJ h.uvd at B. E. Rrowm New.Soiith Art Stadio. T & 9 Paikfcn Avtwoe?' fetisfacfTonfeu.-tranteed on all photographs. .Call and see our styles and karn our prices. dlt. How Doctor Conquer bcath. iKK'tor- Wnlter K. Hammond snvs : "Alter a king experience I have eome to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con sumption might, be,, avoided if Acker's Bnglish Cough Remedy were only care fully used in time." Tnis wonderful Rem edy fa atild under a positive guarantee by T. t. Smith & Lo. pIBB INSURANCE. FIRE. LIFE. PULLIAM '&C0. At the Bank of AsHerille, , ') A3UBVILLB. N.C. Hepresent the following eomnnniea, vis. i ta"t"cAi Ats mJw?. Anvlo Nevada, of California S2.497.H33 Contioeatal, of New Yord .,H7ft,a23 Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany 1. 129,60. London Assurance, ot Knglana...;-..n3.3 Niaitara. of New York 2,37.493 Orient, of Hartford ,887.693 Phtrnii. of Brooklyn 0,084,179 St. Paul Fire and Marine, of Mm- nesota. - Southern, of New Orleans , western, of Tomato ................. Mutual Accident Association. , .Ctna Life Inanranat Coiapaay ttmar2a STbea 1 s-courtia Harthy 1 n pane a poor conki ha. But tnu didat m bm in m i or she bad faith us nat. Ebe korw I had (rrtl and courja, an a-asBl im tart to sttrk. As saa was resiy sal siLua Todoheranansf work . , I remember oar weddia' saumal'. A how aba aald to sm "Tou'r pone an I'm poor. RooarL : . Thaaai aitlasswj That k. as suuia !. racoa. But our harta K rn-h a lova, Aad Iwo'U null hanther. And trust ta (h Lord above. Then sh raacacd ap and kaned Baa, And said as aba did this. Then always stun lien thai, on trout. An UMfV beip aunMUmas ia a hast " I ted roa wbsa It Is, sir. I feU w stroojT u in, AflerlliAlkssi(riwna. Aa I Jul aud out to win. " aaraMH,' We've mohejr phsoiy An the aomfons H am trivej; . We've s bom, sod wo'vs got each other, Aad a few more year to Ifra IV I issuer mf hearts ft 1 - I'd think of AaNis4 bosne, .- Aa ueiehow wrjodaa wsjrk saay As UKht tul aight ttme'd come I tell ion thai kavof Harthy ubearthaa bsof ROld. TheriricieaomfoUoaa't reckon An tiitax thai dost rrow old ' I sbouklst ha' been, vltbout It, The mas that ! (Ot to ba. an Martby shall have ttf crvdjt i For the help ah1 be tome " I -Itxm C Bexford is Vanka Blade. Abxat AatiatUlw sm! teat of Her A.-'Kvillc is the capital of Buncombe com tv. wludi oruiiuiiilv erubracea all oi i the icrritorv between 31 and 3t North i latit d rd from the Blue Kidge mountain-. "on the east to the Pacific Ocean on ! the .est. t Collins, Caskcta cnA 1. 341 .081 4.19.6M4 l,o:i.232 FINE JOB WORK A STEl'fALTY, , A Has rrap m ,: . ;A-ilrea.-torK. building mi &Kmd way close . totlie water JrooL wik;bi lisa teeaipicfjty LfDii(f"a aartniairi outfitting slore. 44 recently Wacated VVorknlcn are how" cleaMnsr and retltuug tbe place, and they liave discovered a. trap for decoy iiig " unwary seaman. Behind the frotiV' room are- situated two rouais adapted for the nefarious traffic. On the side of one room a door ooiis upon a long passage and in the other room is a closet which, froni V) eiiterwr,' Sresemblea a cup board. The floor of the closet is a trap diwr, operated by a WH-higJ;' Be low the door is a cetlur, wnicli adjolus the old water front line, affording am ple facilities for talcing men otT in a boat fteK Oie had TVeefll5TK)d hrodgh tbetiisri i Inr Tufce can Kerery wity eti utlupiea ror Tue pur 1 nose of sliancrhaing meu. av anr one Careleaa Mothers). uropiHxt through the jTapjyojjdJa.r) 'TtRnTTnbthers ha 'ta?mitted' thwr'""'?' cWctTaiall to get away. -Sua children to die before theireves whenthev ranctsco Ctironicle. Hank clerks don't catch cold more tliun ottiertlerb. eldtwithstandinif there ate drafts sB!i(r"trirotiRh the bask jcon tfinay.WaShingtiin Critic" AT NO. 6. mif;ht have been saved. Any mother who kecs house without a liottle of Acker's English ffiuiif Soothe', ;' 4t hand, runs a risk Which she mar some time reirrct. It hns saved the lives of thousands of children, and is doing so every vear. ror Lo. r The Way tlie Mouey Ooe. iToWel are ad for holders.. . Nap ttus are used as dish wipers. Soap is left to soak in wuler. Clothes ar uiiioAi f i,ia,,Ae in tliA uriiwl Mania Vitf mit, Autt lHiwe Aitoli,and get' full of f 1 1 ? V ! 4 , V "aldori's Tai coffee and SDices The PreideniScVrctA! elweeti' V NORTH " COURT SQUARE. OYSTER SUPPER, TwesdayVi-'cb. 19, 1889.' flTS An oyster supper will be given by the younjr. ladies of the Methodist Church in the W.C. T. U. roornB.ii. the Johnston building, over T. C. Smith & Co.'s drug store, the proceeds to be devoted to furnishing the Methodist Parsonage. All who want to help a good cause and get an oyster supper as well, are in vited to attend. febl3c:iw CTJRBD BV OLD SPECIALIST PHYSICIAN. Bottle of medicine Free. We war rant our remedy tocure the worst and the only physicians whodo this to prevent vonr bcinK imposed upon by nun nsinK falie name and who are not. Doctpra. Becaude lithem failed i no reason for not usinif this medicine. Oiye fixpress and Post office addreaa. It coat yon oothine. Addieas Asahel Medical Bureau, UU1 Broadway, New York. Jana7d&wly JOTICE. Notice i hereby gHren that the nndeealinied Will applv to the present session of the (ien eral Assembly for a charter to build and op erate a turnpike rond from Asheville in a northeasterly direction to tae top of Craufry Mountain (or to some tatcrmedlate point.; 8. W. BATTLE, T. W. PATTON, W. T. PBNNIMAN - - c. vr. WOOLSBY, W. W. WADDILL, G. W4 8WAIN, W. W. WUST, fcbSdlm W. B.OWYN, ANEW DBKD, carefully prepared by lead Inn members of the Asheville bar (on nnesl parchment add heayjr Hat paper), co, cring all necessary points, Just out and now on sale at the office of tbe Citiirn Piibuh ino Co., No. North Court Square. fjanl9tf Ouav and the rest of the, State bosses tlierc is onlv one place in the Cabinet left for me to fill." . , ) Private Secretary (groaning I "True; too, too true, sire. .-1 ''I was just wondering how it would do to give that last portfolio to Samlo. He has been a faithful servant to me for years." "Ah! Good idea! It'll tickle the col ored vote." "Well, Lige, I wasn't thinking of that hut 1 really would like to have one man in my Cabinet that 1 could have some Influence with." When disease racks the frame, when sores cover the nerson. when aches arc in every joint, when the rhuseks are soft and flabby, when the least exertion gives fa tigue, when the mind is filled with gjoom and c1esx)ndency, what is there in life worth living, and yet many eke out just such a miserable existencelivingonly for those who love them. When it is gener ally known that Brown's Iron Bitters will cure the above disorders how many hearts will be made glad ! How many homes made happy 1 DyHpepala, Despair, Death. These are the actual steps which follow indigestion. Acker's English Dysepsia Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful of diseases. Ouranteed by T. C. Smith & Co. '"aJdiJpei'h. T4 fcotf'ee and spices Vjwi Mii afii kwe their strength. Coal u wasted, . Vegetables are thrown kwav flint wtmld warm Jver nicely, iiibbii 1 hashes are left to warp in water.. Bits of meat are thrown away tliat tmila make a good soup or bash. A pint, more or less, of dough ia left sticking to the bread pun. The cork is loft out of the molasses jug and flies take possession. The extravagant use of buttt'r, sugar and egg in eoolrerr. Pails are allowed to sun dry and fall apart Krt;j ja.id Wtawfl ool fee made loo strong, careless brealf age of dishes. -Rural New Yorker. ' ' J - .'l r Aneedota" of Oen. "ft -r' ckson. BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, - j r - NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealer. And Undertaken. Chamber Suit a sinvinlty. Hoarding Ihmiw.h and Hotels furnished iiiptirt orentire. Wardrolies, Sidelwards, Bed nnd Single llninge. . Aji old citiien of, this city who died Ohly a few years ago was in Kentucky in lttfa when Cfen. Jauksou was acan Uidale for president, and Gcii.j Jack son, when traveling, stoiuicd in tite town where he lived. The, canvass was at fever heat An eccentric Clay man took Becial . pains urine most empuauc manner 10 snow ui uosuiiiy to (Jen. Jackson. Finally,: cominff close up to tin general, lie, with greut emphasis, said ''Yes, sir, I want you to understand tbut I am not innng to vote for you." Gen. Jackson, rising up and looking bun full in the eye, wnd; "bir, 1 liars given much of uiy life to my country, and it was thut von might have ttus pnvilege. Piastivuie Auiencau. $7,000 Seven thousand dollars worth of new fresh goods to be sold at COST FOR Shoes. Hats. lrv Ooods, Notions, Kublxr CiMids, Ladies and Gents' Underwear, Domestics, Plaids, Jeans Blankets, Comforts, Shawls, A good full stock of BROGANS FOR 90 CENTS.' "If any one calls for me," wrote the ! : escaped convict to the warder of the jail, 'Hell him I jxm out and you don' know when I'll be back." Buckleft'gAriilca Valve. The best sal It W the world for. cuts, i bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever j sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, ! corns, and 'all skin eruptions,' and posi I tively cures piles, or no pay required. It : is guaranteed to give perlectsatisbtction, i or money refunded. I'rice 25 cents per : Ihix. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. daw Ransom I thought you said you were . going to move your hoase, Smith f Smith M'll I .1! J .11 1.... ... . 1. . neii. i urn iniiiK oi iii. uwt cnmi tu uic conclusion it couldn't be done. Kahsom Why not? Smith -The mortgage would break the jacks. Flainlnii Fire In the Velnn. We hold positive proof, that Acker's English blood Elixir cares all blood poi sons w lie re cheap sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on i a Hisitive guarantee. T. C. Smith & Co. Time i Jnm Bostoa : Mrs. - Berkeley-' 1 Have jros seen those new prayer rugs at jl'hnrr's? Mrs. Cluuridose Yes. , Aren't I they lovely ? But do you know thatsince l the Concord school has made the occult I so popular I'm getting to prefer my tiger mat tor supplicative puqioses .' j Advice to Mothers. . j Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should l nl wavs be used for children teething. It i soothes the child, softens tbe gums, nl Inys all prima, cures wind colic, and is the liest remedv for dinrrhiea. 25c. alottle. t Li.dies' Dogskin Oloves, new, at Whitr Slocks. '" AiSevihe is the capital of Buncombe com ty. whkh gave origin to the workl nW nroverb "Talking for Buucombe," ! whku some people, not ourselves, still I nersist is dome. i . Ladies Castor Gloves for riding, walk ing nd shopping at WhiUock's. Atbevik bss about 12,500 inhabitants, hII of w hora are industrious, orderly, well behaved people, and regular subscribers and warm admirers of The Cmiajt. Ladies' "Suede 18-button Gloves lor dress, just in at WhiUock's. Asheville is situated on a succession of ridges, terminating in high bluffs over- tvuiKing tne neautuui rreuco Droaunxr t Us elevation is 2,300 fcet above tide level. Blixk Undressed and Glace Kid Gloves, just in at Whitlock's. i AshrvQle is surrounded by three beau tiful suburban villages, touching her bor ders on tlx south, north and west, each of which are in easy walking distance ot tatir DSreot. ana anora acngnutu ram bles especially suited to the requirements of young ladles and their male attendants. Harris' best make Kid Gloves just hi, at WhiUock's. .iff-; Asheville's southern daughter is Victo ria, and enibrBiysthefamous"Connafly's View," which ia too well known through out the world to require any description. Once seen it is never forgotten. 'Something; nice in Colors nnd Black Kid Gloves tor 9c. at Whitlock's. Asheville has a signal station of the United States Weather Bureau which is under thecharge of an eminent scientist, lr K. Von Kuck, whose reports made to tne lBVOtiatthe -siitioiial capital are priiiUd in Tim Citukn daily. "Somcthinir 1 can do for you ?" asked the clerk in the drug store, corner of Main stree; and Patton avenue, of a country man who walked in vesterdav looking as .1 .1. L- I I I..-, 1.:. !.. "UVII t(lUU,U IK UU IUD1 ilia inn iiilhw. : .,, no nothing just now," was the reply, but 'fKitg f atoig hbotit fi ve minutes upon incs'.ixaui i enuincry , tuiivt nim-m, Pate-it Medicines, Cigars, etc., he quest ioner! in the most earnest manner imag inable, "Have you'ns any grindstones AU kinds of cases, tor old or yoong, from plain to tbe fiacst, kept eowstast :y en hand. Prompt attention given to ail orders day or night. Orders rotsaaroad will receive prompt attention. We have also employed a rsilass Undertaker of many years' experience, to take charge of this special feature of our ba $ .'.'If i ,rr li IlfHitlenw, 39 Penland St. . 1 u 4 4 No. 37 Fatton Avenue. CLOSING'' OUT SAXE -OK- JILL WHITER GOODS -AT- 22 THE BIG 2 2, VaTTObI AVI2NI7E. ,t- hi m 22 d&wtapr20 J!l rt Jli SIlJ 1 LHWI8 MADDUX, pre DlKCTos: Lewis Maddux, L. P. VIcLOUD. Vice-Pre. .M.'J. Beewden, M. I. Pnaa J. B. tXmHin.CmMn. here V As! icville hns an aunropriation of $100 000 from Concress to build a Federal court house, postoflice, etc., which no dptifviBe iiKte nnoer ipe uDeriii, wise ind patriotic administration ot Mr, Benj! nun Harrison. Wi hout retard to the weather we art now 'losinir out all odd niotesjitjessthan halt price, at Law's. I. Beardcn. M l. Put. 1. B. Rankin I. B. Ear. 1 . keed. H. Kcetl. Ueo. S. ruwell, C. M. McLuud, . uMu' WESTERN CAROLINA BANK.".. IASHBVILLB, N.C. FBBRUABV 1st, 1889. , . i , ,'ii..i ". 1 , Organised May let, ISSS. i . - ....ii - CAPITAL, 50,000. rj'0 STATE. COUNT AND CITY PBPOBITOKY,, . v; 1(l ; 1 Does a General Banking Business. Deposits received.. Bschaajt WscM ao4 sasd. 'CoU lection made on all accessible points. The Savins; Feature will receive special attention. ' On all sums ia thi department, deposited tor four month or longer, interest at the rate of 4 rjer cent, ner annum will be uald. - Special attention given to roan on real estate, which will be placed for luag Usee pa real sonable terms. . . , , ( ; .,. -.v-..i: m - i-' ' " Open from S a. m. to 8 p. m. Wn Satntdays toe Saving DepartaeaS will bcapea (SIS p es. a,. .:... Vl;, y..,i .. . i '.V'..::ii' battf,ai;ni'.iJ JJ '. js ;-Jii.nsT S twnBJ TliErlLW ) ; ' " ' . fi ,. ) U'la'Wtl.l'li (" ' TODACCO! - ' ' ; ,V 1,1. f, :Jfti'i , i I TOBACCO : Asl.eville has a cotton (fi&nvCAf 2G4 kom 1, 5.0(H) spindles, consiimiiir 5,000 bales cotton and making a,000,0Ot yard Of pli lns ptf annum,---' --- Old stvlcs, bad styles nnd nil undesira blugimds, that nolrody wants, are being closed out for a song at Law's. We are j(lal to say to our friends and enstomm that all grades nave consider, ably advanced since Christmas, bright wrappers, cutters ' and strips arc 'hhft than they have been in several years, and show that Asheville is the place to sell tobaccos raised in Western North Carolina and East Tennessee, . ,, , j, , - AsV.rvillc ha the " vcrv" best" daflv and weekly newspaper published in the State ot No--th Carolina, Httordimj tue Dest aa vertisitiii medium in the South. Its name is This Citizkn. Get one of the price lists of Luw'sclenr ing sale., , Asheville's climate is descrilied bv the eiirnul station for January, 1SM9. as fol lows:' ; Unitbd Stats Sionsl Bssvn-s Station . i Asheville. N. C. tat. SS.SS N. Loag. S3.2S W. Elevation above aea level. 2. 850 let t. Meteorological report for month of Janu- "TEMPER AfURBAVBRAOB. tnneau's Important GltiMn. ' - JuoesurAlaaka; boasts tf sr titrman being of more than ordinary iniport Stics. rWk false is Jules Curie, and several tears mro hs "died to all in- "teitts, pTffpoSes and appeuraiiues, and in due tune his remains wi-iv deposit rd in tM luHt)JBtuig'1)laea Before tho eurlli began lo liide his colli u from sight be showed signs of life and was resurrected. Carle now avers that during his limited stay in lhe spirit land be learned how to make a supe rior cuii of eott'ee. Iiavinir the nronert' of comforting and cheeringniHiikitid. Jupeau is U Co tMgttujluU)d on such an acquisition lo iu Hipul;iUou. ,Mf Cale would le '6k'oine in many towns, and particularly in muny ho leis. --1 oniauu vregoiiiuu. '" The LatcsS In Strike. The school bov strike is tlie latest tl velomneul of the trades union spirit. The boys in an academy in Grotou, Mass., struck for the nsiiyiiiliuu..uf tlieniale jirinciuf unif demanded the tiiSUllmont Of his fenhI al-!i3tant. The latter allowed au adiiiirable spirit by si .wee resigning, but the boys stuck to their point and carried it The crinHpul bus gone, and the assistant bos boon brouglit back in his place. -New York Tribune. , . , SiapnlapaflniUlmnmTMnuinam IMeag f HlgblMean LowlMe'n -:.5.3 3R.g;59.8X8 jS J JSS.S fan 33 7 a m f 'B pm I 9pm 7K.7 B.B I "O.l pm I .6.8 J Mean 66.3 TrrftTiMBTBirVBffAefi: (Corrected for temperature and altitude.) 7 a m2 p n 30.ii430.11 9 p m I High 80.22 1 30,' Highest. 63 Lowest. I Mean. "62 J30.21 No. day on whieh 00.1 or more rain fell. 9 JPSBClPltATioU Total I r-nfall in llnches 2.67 Nomber dar on whics now lell. 1 ' Total I sa'fall in inchral 0.20 Katn and melted annw. Inche. 3.S9 The exporters and manufacturers woo need the type of tobacco. ; raised , M iUs section have their buyers on tbis market, and arc jaying more for it here taaa slse- where. i , ., .,: , ? .,.5 . u' j' We would warn our customers against the drummers and agsn whs an paid big salaries to induce shipments to other markets than this, by promises ts sell at reduced commissions. After your tobacco is shipped h is from under your costrol, and when you receive returns there is always an excuse for low prices, clsJaiinfBf to bacco to be damaged, etc., etc. :'-' "'" ' '. We have, with great expense, made the Farmers Warehouse The tcadins: Warelibuse in the Sfiite, , ,- -i.i i ; where you attend the sules of your own tobacco, or have it sold ia a few day sifter shipment. : " -' ' Elsewhere we give a partial list of actual sales made tines the holidays. ' '"' : it.i '::!! n"itiS xi.X'4 ' rioi'.ll lUi'f aMtiir sBnifsil ! J d&wtaprl2 iity.ii'e'Ji rM lid l.i' Proprietors. Ladies' I'iue Shoes, Button and Lace, $1.00. A good boot for $2.00. Cotton cheeks 5V4 cents. Comforts from 55 cents to 80 cl s. Coffee C pounds for $1. A big stock of all kinds of GROCERIES. Brown's roosted coffee, trunks, valises, water-buckets, tulis. tkkii , flour, boeon hay and syrup. 1 1 11ms. granulated sugar for $1 .00. 1 3 His. light bro a sugar for $1.00. 31b. cans of tomatoes 11 cts. acan. AH these goods must be sold st once. , AH persons owing Smith & Baird are notified to pay same at once, and save costs. No.oflNo. oflNo. days cloudy evwr I rair twits or wiu fT.l flavs. I outrain. m , No. ofdn.vs - with no ." siuinhine. . 2 ' KARL vok KUCK, B. 8.. M. D Observer. Bcsure to attend tlie clearing Sale at Law's, (kiothi to be : closed put. All murki'd in plain nKures. (et circular naming quantity and price. Kclic-hunters will Bow strive to get the corkscrew iu the knife with which Senator tool. (alraore American. First Wife. htrnhnnd erernnted swore hC would haunt me haunt." Limit a Tidings, Now kt him ' lroa Pig, Fifty -eiglll hdrse slioe haili, twen ty -seven pieces of iron, a piecs of horse shoe and a link from $ Jiearj' trace chain, an iron bolt, several iron nut and tliHitaen niece of struii srera "Why did you have your founfj' j,, uuimueh of a hog killed fited?'' Second VVifc. He M West Union, X)liio. The honest farmer who sold it at live weight cer tainly gut the worth of his money. ftttsburg Commercial Gazette. " 1 i Thai Krltlm I he 0,nmtla, Tlie ipifstxin "Who wore Pha cnoli s (UugliU-rs:' hiislx-cn agitated in Utaolosa'al m le If s UHsdwn-reply will n'tiie tin' vexitliiiimtinii. it night lie atiiLCNtiil Unit f:mis daughters, in tla ,Nii"ii s'litli century, arc toot and Kino m "l.nti-nltv Pittahiirg liulletin. tetter Than BloeMIy MjiUIm. Oneral Wbeatcroft Nelson says: "My exjierience in the English army as well as in America, convinces me that nothing so purities the blood. or akl tq the health, vigor And li. fkS Acker's Luglish Blood nlixir." This great remedy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. . i i , ., , Depositor Is the cashier in ? The Janitor He is, ma'am, frr ten years. Perhni ttf assistant rashicr'll do, ma'am. Judc. ttco 9t UesMrl Orant, The trunnition fnm long, lingering ntul jm in ful ikkneim to rolnat hralth.mwk liesera tfr-nf, on ms nm, to tnis - ,. lij! A ii l I rsj save been severely sf. ' ; . . . II. n. CAUTi;it, Algnee dwtle2H CU3TO U"I"E!1T CU3TT.n3 oncEnr CrRES HLES, BVRNrt, CUTS, roRKH, fcl'lbtsl, L'lULiJLAlNr; ArBOblBirti. roisnt rm ia 1 flk-ted with a couh contracted While tW memory snd the agency whereby tbe I crossing tlie ocean, snd which had stab- good health has liren sttained is grate ! bomly refused to yield to any treatment. I fully blrsned. Hence it is that so much is A friend procured lor him a bottle of ! heard in prnie of Elect rir Jlitters, rHq ! sysipnyi, asti try us use in a lew mrurs ! many len tnry owe tneir restoration to he was entirely relieved. He remarked to I health, to the one of the Great Alterative I his friend: "Men look upon me asa great land Tonic. If you are troubled withany soldier, but this bottle of Symphyi is I disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of preuter than I. Mvcalline has lieen to ! km or short standing yon will surelv I destroy men's Hves, but this medicine is ! find relief bv use of Electric Bitters. Sold HiTOrLT) ALWAYS BE KEPT TS ffjinp, a victorious savior of men. 1 shall never at 60c aud $1 per Uittle st V. L. Jacobs' sUTCIlO, HTABLE ASU FACTOtj I i lie without it again." uw i drug store For SMITH 8t BAIKP, No. 11. I'utton Avenue. PROTBCTING rROPBRTY OWNBRS. THE "CAMAREF f.cofp plates; We not only give the purchaser the best KooHng Plates, but we protect him ' '' Pirat By giving our guarantee. Second By tamping each sheet with brand and thleltne. ' ' Third By excluding waste. ' ' - Potrrth By branding tht net weight of the It sheets on the boij ) '! '-'! !! -fl-. Por the benefit of those wanting the very liest Roofllng Plates, we nsaert, and art PARKUTU I'KOVB, thaieeeerJUngthe-llIWrtsod'iOld MrhqcV',)j.'tbsr arc no otSev brands of roofing tin being offered in the market to-day, by any inn, under the four. dfr ent guarantees given above by thi house. Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, London. , I (, J.I if sli; MERCHANT $ THE CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, " No. 0 North Court Squai-e, In p f pnml to do high-grade wor'i at . .. . . lowWese J 1 -f - - ' , Wx nm they have i ! FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. ! " I "THE T .i . i V:iiliiV!!l. " SANITARIA, M i j a : t ' MHEViUE, H C. r.'i'i Ml' M it -.1 ,.i r S t ; ( n :,i i 41 ' For the reception oi patients uflerirtg of diseases ' of lungs and throat, and conducted upos the plan ol !;. the sanitaires at Ocebersdorf snd Falkenstein in Ger- " many. Ours is the only such Institution in the tlnltedj States,' and endorsed by the leading members of the , .. u .W medicid profession. Terms ressonsble.""r , ' . KARL VON RUCK. B. S., M D. ' 0. C WaddHI, President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrraec PnlHarS, Cashier. i(fl 9 J.i, M S ' 1 r ' (' '' ' THE BANK OF ASnEVUXE, Asheville, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY. . Oldest Bank Iu IVestcruZCarosin. " " INCORPORATED IT ACT OF THE 'GENERAL USEMBLY OF THE ITATL: ' I I Ill iiB CAPITAL STOCK. $100,000. pi"pi li rj 1 17 p-n . Wbiil Lbil ftaivvMi ciTKieN runusiiNO co. nj3TA!:5u::r(ffdcr.3:)T flF.AT. INn.A sfMATlON, OLTW1BEa CTRTa ITOTjinTn'R.jr, 'CA rTT F A f.H, CKKEJ) lUukT4 at LNMsXTC HIJIH I UKUB A HOOF DlUEAbE IH CATTLS I

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