I'Hol i.:;siox.L CAklts. I'mho. H. l)AVtim, Turn. A. Ihh, HialrtK1 Jas. I,. M "TlN, Aalirvilk. Aali, , rut IJAVIflSOS, SJAKTIN A JONKK, Attorneys anil Counsellors at Law, A.hrvlllc N, C. Will nrartlre In ! I I Ih and 13lh u(llll fMnmi'l l, anl l tlw Hunrrme Coui t of North nrollna. anil In lh I'cilrtnl louita ol the VSralrru lHin t ol North Carolina. Kdcr to Huns of Asheville. dtsel wTl.llVc," MARTIN, Alton"? at Law. Ashevlll. N C. Titles and ConvevnatliiK a aiwi'Ultv. Col lection nmoe. Prat-lire In all Hit vourta. oiri.-e: With Guilder (k Carter, Mil.mul Lw liulliliOK, dlnovatt ciiasT aTmcmimii. Dirr Msaaics. JJOOKB St MKRKICK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Ashcvttlt, H.C. Practice In th United tUvUi Circuit ami District Courts at Asheville, ttatesville, Char lotte and Urr-nsloro, in th huurvme Court t Kuleiuh, and In tht cnurU of the Twelfth judicial Wr ct of tbe State of North Caro- u.iwal attention liven to collection of Partnerahlf doe not titend to practice In Bnacombc imenor vuuri. T. coaa, f0B Sc MBRRIMON, j. a. HxaviuoN, Attorneys and Counsellor at Law. Practice la nil the court. Offlce: No. 7 il . Jonniton building, due r. W. JOSS. f ONUS SHVFOKD. ao. a. iirroRD, Attorney! at Law, Asheville, N. C. .1 in ih, ftnnerior Court of Western Carolina, the Supreme Court of tht Slate and thv Federal Caart at Asheville. Olfice In Johnston buildlnR, whereone mem. ber of the firm ean always be found. dtnovll , JOHN8TONK JONB8, ATTOSMIY ANU COUKSB1.1.0 AT LAW, ASHKVILl.B, N. C o,.rflcM In the Vnlted State Circuit- and Di.trlct Court at Ahevllle, in tne supreme t Ral.lKh, and in the C.arU.of tht t " ir.1. iHirnl iMntrtct of the State of North Carollua. anil elaewhere, as hit services mar be required. ian.i U. DOUGLASS. D.D. a. t ' DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST, Over Grant Wrngert' Dmf Store, gealdence. Nu. H Bailey St. fcblOdly H. BBIiVES, l. V. S. DENTAL OFFICE In Connally Building, over Redwood' Store, patton Avenue. fcblSdly JIJK.J. H.OAKRATT. ARTIST. t.Mi nvrrlooklm Court Square, above Cooper' atore. ' ihi In Drnwine and Paintlne;. Partlc ulars on ayplkatiou. , f'd.1J, j "fTbVROIN, M. D. - . OFFICII I ,.,, . Abtclattly Pure. Thla nowder never trarie. A marvel of our- Ity. atrrnxth and wholeaomencM. More eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only ia cans. Royal Bakimu 1'owiim Co., lue Wall St., New York. dKWtleDlZ piRB INSl'RANCB. FINE.' LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO.; At the Bank of Ashtvllle, A8HRV11XB, S. C.V Represent th following companies, vti. : mi. cawt AtsnTt im r: a. Anitlo Nevada, of California $2.7.aS Continental, of New Yord 4.H7V623 Hamburg-Bremen, of Oermany 1,129,604 London Assurance, of Bngland l,S4!i,B9S Niagara, of New York 3.237,402 Orieat, of Bart lord 1.67,V2 Phornli, of Brooklyn 8.054,179 8t. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min nesota 1.841,061 Southern, of New Orleans...... 439,64 Western, of Toronto. IiWmj Mutual Accident Association. tna Life Insurance Company. dtmar29 iti aini hi AMI rt.l.AM III;. ! It Not tuner An) linger. j Knowing that cough run lie cli- Ur.l j ! in a iluv, noil the brat aliiK-aof connii m k- , tinn lirukrn in a wo k, wclirreliy Rtiittnr) ; tee Aikrr'i linglmh Coiinh kfiiiedy and 1 will reltmil Hie iiwincy to nil whi; Iut. take it hi ier tlircctiuiia, ami il not liml our atuteinrnt correvt. T. I'. Smith it Co. frl.rnlnwl w i ( Full ninny a k". filihetllrom tlwdenlcr'i itotk, The dark and dismal nwuhoa bold w ith care; Pull many it stolen watch iiplnced inhibit Wber three Imlli dmiKle o'er tht thor- i oiiRhfnir. . A ftcrap of Paper Her l.lfe. i It whs just an ordinary acrnp of vrny jiinx iairr, but it saved her lilr. She wai in the luit itnKr of consumpt inn, told by j hyaiciani that the wi incurable and i could live onlr short while; the weighed Wat than seventy lioumlt. im a jnece oi wrnpmnK paier ine read ol lr. King New Ihicovery, and got a bottle; it hel)ed her; she bouijht a large ImiUIc, it heloed her more; boucht another and grew Iwtter tint, contiuuei ita tite and ia now strong, healthy, roiv.piuinp.weign ins 140 uoundi. For fuller pitrticulura aend itnmp to W. H. Cole,lruggit,Fort Smith. Trial bottle of thi wonderful IHacoTery free ut F. L. Jacol' drug tore. ' , . Modern MinUter'i Wife! "Vou look worried, dar. Can't you find subjects that will interest the congregation f Modern Minister (gloomily): "It's eaav enous-h to find subjects that will interest the congregation; the trouble is to find subjects that will interest tfce newspapers. ,- ; Better Tlui a Kuictdc. Professor Arnold says; "An incurable ! dyspeptic is iustifietl in committing sui- oilier. mil Kun.nMwv j oeotic within tliree months by Acker's English Uvsoeutic Tablets. T. C. Bmkb &Co. fcl6dawlw The reasons of the Admirufof the North Atlantic squadron for cutting Luce from it at this particular juncture arc nunor able to him and to the service. OUOS A.NQ IMH. WANT TO If It I.IT.ilONI A ent lrii t oSUiu lauM antidols 1 TltCSH-iitliiicnlat Kalclgh Hrgaid. for tli ixliir of tinniua. Two Indira hnv ln'tm lictwl bank tliixi Uirs Ml AUniiUi, (ia. Ther ara S,(KMl,lK) women in lli. CliiUd BlaK-s ewirning tbnir own liv Four things torus tit Ixn-k th siMiLen word, tbef mk1 arrow, theixwl i . .i ri..-. LIIWIH M AlllHIX, I'lva L. I". MlI.OIU), VM I'IM, ..Hew Grand L'cntral Building, Clothing Store, fcbl7dlm over Big 33 FINE JOB WORK A SPECIALTY, AT NO. 6, 1 NORTH COURT SQUARE. W. CORTLAND, iionl V.ttinie- llrnkcri INVESTMENT AND UFE INSURANCE AGENT, J l'atton Avenue, Barnard Building. j fcbdly Architect and Contractor. Plan, specification and estimatis fur nished. All work in my line contracted for, and no charges for drawings on contracts awarded me. , . Kefcrences when desired. . office: No. 2 Hendry Block, Nin-th Court Square. AshevJlc. N. C. . ftl.19dly V. BROWN VNEW l)Ki:n. carefully prepared by lead ing metnb-rs ol the Asheville hur (on finest parchnunt and htavv fiat paK.rl, cov ering all necessary points, just out and now :.- .7.1. .k. ..fKcr nf the ClTIZRN I'l HLISH- 1N0 Co., No. 6 North Court Square. lianlStt Will continue the undertaker' business at hi old stand over J. B. Wckersoa Co.' Hardware Store, under th Brm name of J. V. BROWN & CO. - Having thirty years' experience a under taker and embalmcr, and nneqaaled facilities ror buying, can aaitly guarantee satisfaction. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. Everything pertaining to the bnslnea al- way onand. TcrHtl Parewarolnca. Couch, in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in tne cnest, quickeueu puise, cuunncsa in the evenise or sweaU at night, allorany of these thmks arc the first stages of con sumption. Acker's English Cough Kenv edy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guurantee by T. C. Smith & Co. - -rb6daw 1 w - When, two by two, the animals To Noah's vessel came, The distant camels hud to hump, But they got there ftll the same. , j The rirat Symptom of Death. ! Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in , various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, lever, ishness, pimples or sores, are all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No "-matter how it became poisoned it must be puri fied to avoid death. Acker's English Blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or svphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive guarantee by . T. C, Smith 4k Co. fcbGdawlw Tramp (atter ringing door-liell) "Pleaae. ma'm. I've seen betterdays " Housekeeper "So have 1. " It's real foggy to-day." Bangs the door. "parent Criminally Liable, More than half of all deaths occur be fore sii years of age. An army of inno cent, lovelv children are swept needlessly nwnv each' fear. Parents are criminally responsible 'for this. The death rute of children in England Is less than half this. Acker's English Baby Soother has done more to bring this about than all other causes combined. You cannot nfford to be without it. T. C. Smith & Co. lifts, the) iiPglucUI opportuuity.-IJUl UU. Tourists on th rivor Nils are now taxtvl. lbs rwiults of this tux go to the prtwirvtttion of lb moniinienu 01 tbo country. An Dnglish naval orrioeir estimate that tlir-r are tU)0,0tHl In fold and silver under th sea, wbicb could br reached by good luck. A tid-To bov near Camden, H. C, Lot a dollar that bolonowd to his mo- thnr. II Ml baoly shout it that be began crying bitterly, and did not stop for Iwenty-four hours, and then be died rroto einauiuon. rhamfoni onos said: "bociety U eompoaod of two rrt rluanes. thos urlin hnva more BPnctlw limn uiiuitir sod (hose who Lave more dinner than sppotit. Pride), ill nature and want or sense sre the Hire great sources of ill man ners. Without some one 01 tnese ae fivta Tin nuin will bobave liintsell ill for want of experience, or what tn the language of fools is called knowing the world. wiiv flemn mne exn tracts if it Is wet orr rone twenty-five fepilofiff lashort ne in twenrr-foar feet on brinr wet And it ahnuld not be forcotten that s vrvtrofw has sly about ona-thrrd cf Uis strength of a dry on while If satu rated witn gresas or soap 11 weaker still ' There is fashioa even in tombstones. Whits marble monuments are going out, and but few headstones are now mail a for the fashionable doad in whits material. Granite in dark ahuli is all the ram. and nearly all the new monuments sre being mads in that matsruU. . i ' v ( Mr. Edith Dans has organised I London a Lady's Quids association Ladies desiring to adopt the profession uss an examination, ana, u ac- Iiik tlic Volley of Mr. Harrlaort, Tbt KiwYoik tlcruhl of meut dme contain' d the following corresMnleuit from Kuliih, hih goes fur to show tlie h-eling ot North Citroliuiitns towurd Mr. Ilurrisoii and bis so-called Southern xil- y: "In Older to ascertain wbut proniinent imn brio think Mr, Hurnsou should tlo lor the huuili. I interviewed tins alter noon M . Sititr Whituker, chumuuii of the Deimicrulie Stuw comimtlee, who auid: '.'he I'renilent should treat the South u part aud parcel of the L uiou and ma it no mentHin of the South as such in .us iuauguruL 1 here is no more rcusou .by spcciul mention should lie made ol or attention lutid to the South than to ,he East. West or North. South em neoi le are as thoroughly Union men and as I 'vnl to tuc oiu nag as are toe oeooie 1 1 auv scctiuuui iuc nimu AU thut they ask is to be allowed thut orivilctrv which is uiven the East, West ami Noi.h to manage their own local utiuirs id to be treuted ia every respect as part l this Union. To be singled out uud con meuted upon bv the 1'resident ol tne Unit d States iu his inaugural as somethi ig diucrtnt from other sections of the ct uutry is to be treuted as Ireland is by tin yuccu iu ber sietxue to l'urua-menl.' Mr. l.C. L. Hams, secretary of the Kcpublit tn Statttcommittee, said : '1 en dorse ah that Win taker says. 1 think the I'res dent should work to secure the pasarge it a tariff bill to reduce the rev enue;, and we should be given the Blair mil. a j aiionsi election iuw 1 aexucu which wdl seiMiralc Slate from national elections, so ss to have thera on ditlerent days.' NOTHINO WANTRD. 'Attorney-General Davidson said : To sum it ail up, let us alone. The people of the St uth ask no favors. They, stand rcodv at all times to belo the people of the North to iret rid of the infamous tariff.' "Com niissionerof Agriculture ' ' obinson said thut Mr. Davidson's view were his also. 'It the South is let alone, he said, 'it will work out its own salvation. J. a. SAMUrt, t It B.y.J li. luiaiToHs; lv.1 Maddus, M. I llmtilm, M, T fan , Jf. B, iiiVIu, J . II. iikcii, l,iu. H. rutttll, L, m. MiLuii4. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK ASIIUVILLn, H.C, FKUKUAHV 1st. 1SHS, Organised May 1st, 1SBB. CArrrAir, 50,000, a a et;ari.t,9 - a STATB, COUNTY ANU CITY UBPOSITOST. Docs a Oeueral Banking Business. Iiepodu received. Biehaag baagkt aaa as at. C lection made on all accessible points. Th Saving Kcatsra will raestv apwtal attaaauaaw On all sums in this department, deposited for four month or longer. Interest ft tk rats. , of 4 per cent, per annum will b paid. m h -. Special attention given to loan on real eslute, which U1 be placed fur long tins pa ral onable terms. Open hom S a. tn. to 8 p. m. On Saturday the Saving Department wlU.bpptsUU p.m. . 1-1.IJLJ-I.ll hand will receive prompt attention. Vit have also employed a first-class Undertaker af many years' experience, to take charge of this special feature of our business. '' I1LAIU KUHNITURU COMPANY, ' Ili8iden(e, 39 Peuland St. . No. 37 Patton Avenue, I ACTS, OftLV FACTH, fcbl3d6m . tiev n $7,000 thnusand dollars worth of new fresh goods to be Sold at GO ST FOR CASH. Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods, Notions. Rubier Goods, niankets. Comforts, Shawls, Ladies and Gents' Underwear, Domestics, Plaids. Jeans. A good full stock of BROGANS FOR 90 CENTS. Crimsonlieak. "I understand Dr. Quack has sold 25,000 bottles of his patent medicine." Yeast. "Well, all the fools are not dead yet." l.nmsonrjeaK. .o, out 11 tne mnui a business keeps on they soon will be." Bncklen's Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bos. For sale by F, l Jacobs. daw Mr. Backlot (widower). "1 s'poseyou j know that our farms J'in, Mrs. Land- bankr Mrs. Landbank (widow) "I dew, Simon Backlot." Mr. Backlot. "S'pose we dew the same." Mrs. Landbank, "I'm agreeable." must nuaa eepted, are supplied with an'MgrtTfri badg They must be tamiliarwith the geograpny or uonaon, cao, ouuii bus and mlroftd routes, public, build ings, fees, etc. Tliey also sssut in the care of needlework and packing. The following eipression from The Boston Globs is a fair indication of poblio opinion t "The lesson taught by the growing rersatility of women, ss shown in recorded results, is that she ought to have s fair chance. The bulk 4 . progressive and fair minded men are now readf to concede this, Hie result msy tip over some of the cherished notions of our grandfathers' days, but the sge Is ours, and a ngnv fufshars of its opportunities belongs to woman." . The flanntu Ta Plant. The plant from wbicb the Chinese snd Japanese obtain the tea is called bv botnniftts Theabonea. It it a small evergreen tree or shrub, closely allied to the camellia indeed one of the tat ter, called warratah, is also said to fur nish s certain class of tea. The bush of the genuine tea plant grows from three to six feet hitrii. bushy, branch es numerous, leafy. The youneshoote. finely silky, are evergreen. The floweiT ar? while and not unlike myr tle, but longer and usually two to gether; Hie anthers and stigma are yellow ; it flowers in August and Sep tember in its native country. It was first introduced into British gardens in 176R The black and green teas, as we obtain them, depend for their color upon the process of drying. About Aabcvllle and stontc of Her i People. Asheville is the capital of Buucombe countv. which oriuinallv embraced all of the tern orv between 34' and 30- wonn latitude and from the Blue RidL-e moua tains on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west. Asheville ia the capital of Buncombe county, which gave origin to the world, wide tiroverb "Talking tor Buncombe,' which some neoplc, not ourselves, still persist In doing. Very voung leaves and shoots give tne nnri lea. isan rrancisco rroui. els. Ladies' Fine Shoes, Button and Lace, $1.00. A good boot for $2.00. checks 5 cents. Comfort, from 55 cents to 80 cts. Coffee JV f,r big stock of nil kinds of - - - - GROCERIES. Cotton $1. A Brown's roasted coffee, trunks, valises.' water-buckets, tubs, tickii fcs, (lour, bacon hay and syrup. 11 lbs. granulated sugar for $1.00. 13 lbsJight bro a sagai -for $1.00. 31b, cans of tomatoes 11 cts. a can. All these goods must be sold at once. All persons owing Smith & Baird Pre notified to psy same at once, and save costs. II. n. CARTER, AsHlgnee Anecdotes of ueneral irant. Cw-nfrnl P.rant. on his return to this country'i is said to have been severely af flicted with a cough contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub born v retuseu to vieiu to any irnunnii. k friend nrocured for him a bottle of Symphyx, and by its use in a few hours he was entireiv reneveu. ne remaraeu w ' his friend : "Men look upon me as a great (soldier, but this bottle of Symohyx ia , I greater than I. My calling has been to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is I a victorious savior of men. I shall never j be without it again." d&w i Dentist: "What can 1 do for you, madnmf' -' ..,...,..,..,,.,. " "Mrs.0'Raliiily (suddenly rich): "1 want yes to be aftherpryin'theamalgum fillin' ont o' me back tooth an' puttin' in crmild. Since Dinnis srot the contract on ther new aquedock 'tis not the expense WC ue Hlinuiu .m ,. j A Tf U t Do Baggsr. A well known figure in the oeigb borhood of the Block lixchange is an old man villi a long gray beard and watery eyes, who dresses in shabby clothes and plays doleful airs upon niccolo. His appearance is so miser able that many people drop a dime into his battered hat. This was what a nrominent broker was about to do when one of Inspector Byrnes' dotoc- tivfsntomRxI him and said: "Thnl old fellow is a fraud. HI bet he has more money in his pockets now than you hare. We looked up his record the other day and discover ed that he wss worth a rood many thousands of dollars, but he will not ston brctTinc." The broker returned the dims to his pocket snd ths old piccolo player glared with his watery eyes at tha de to tive. New York Journal. Cofllng, CattkcU and , Burial Robes .i All kinds of cases, for old or young, from plain to the finest, kept constantly ss; Prompt attention given to all orders day or night. Orders from abroad i.i! I '.-iii5 4 CLOSING OUtt SALE -OF" ALL WIIITER GOODS, -AT- 22 THE BIG 2222 PATTON AVENUE d&wtapr20 -ETIIE FADS' 7JIREI!0USE, A full line of I. Faust & Son's custom made Gents'. Ladies' . and Children Shoes, ail warranted, can be found at Brown, ludger &Co. s. Aalicvile has about 12.500'jnhalitants, all of whom are hidustrious,lordcrly , well behaved people, and regular subscribers and warm admirers ot 1 uitiikk. Asheville is situated on a succession of ridges, terminating in high bluffs over hanging tne Deauuiui rrencn uroaunvcr UUU LB i 1L VHIHJH W UTV im '' , levtl. . -! - ' Ashevi le is surrounded by three lnu- tiful sub irban villages, touching her bor ders on Lite south, north and west, encn of whK-l- are in easy walking distance ol tueir pa- cut, ana unora acugutiui ram bles estKcuiliy suiteu to tut reouircmcuts ofyounj Indies and their male attendants, Ashev:'le's southern daughter is Victo ria, and embraces tiie-iamous-'t-ounauy a V irw," vhich is too well kno wn through out the vorld to mpure any description. Once see 1 it is never forgotten. Ashev. le has a signal station of the United f ates Weather Bureau which is under th charge of an eminent scientist.Dr K. von 1 uck. whose reports made to tne Depart n ent at the national capital are printed i 1 Thh Citizbh duily. TOBACCO t TORACCOJ Ashevi le has a cotton factory of 264 looms. &.000 snindles. consumini; 5,000 bales co; .on andmakingS.OOO.OOOyards of plaid!, per annum. Aahrvi le has the verv best dailv and weekly n wspaper pnbfished.in the State of North Carolina, affording the best ad vertising medium in the South. Its name is Thh Citizen. We are glad to say to onr friends and customers that all grades have eontidsr ably advanced since Christmas. Bright wrappers, cotters and strips are highs t than they have been in several years, and show that Asheville is tht place to 'ssl tobaccos raised in Western North Carolina and East Tennessee, "; , : J ! ' The exporters and manufacturers who need the type of tobacco raised ia this section have their buyers on this market, and art paying mors for it hers thaa sJss- where. We would warn our customers against the drummers and agents who art paid big salaries to induce shipments to other markets thsa this, by promises ta seQ at reduced commissions. After your tobacco ia shipped it is from under your control and when you receive returns there is always an excuse for low prices, rislsainf to bacco to be damaged, etc., etc. . '. . 1 - We have, with great expense, made the Farmers' Warehouse The Leading Warehouse In the Sate, where you attend the sales of your own tobacco, or have H sold in a few days afW shipment. . , ; , j - , -: ,t t, Elsewhere we give a partial Kst of actual sales made since the holidays. dwtfe2 For SMITH & BA1KD, No. 11, Patton Avenue. BLWR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers, And Undertaker. Chamber Suits a ipecialty Boarding houses and Hotels furnished is part orentire, Wardrobes, Sidebosrds, Bed snd Single Lonnges. When you (eel yourself gradually break ing down don't wait until you have taken to your bed. While you are still able to be up and about fight the grim monster disease by the use of proper re storatives. The best remedy for malaria, indigestion, weak kidneys, constant fa tigue, fits of dizziness, short breath and other complications of a disordered sys tem is Brown s Iron Bitters. Its magic inBuence in conquering diseases of an ex haustivc nature is most astonishing. j New York Woman : "Och, but me bye I Pnddv rsaswoiseasnnowl.soheis. It's a -I great sthatesman he'll be some foine day," Patron: I am aiwnys inierrneii ui ambitious young men, lie works very hard I suppose.'' "Indade be does that. He's already been promoted three times and now he's third bartender in Mickey Mulligan's saloon an' a candidate fur tbe police foorce. , Boston Cousin: "What a lucky girl i vou are, Abby, to catchtherich widower. You'll be the envy of ftll . ahnsh avenue. I beard two or three girls say to-day thev'd Hke to bein yonr shoes.'' The Chicaeo voune lad v smiles sweetlv. but when she is alone she is beard to mutter under her breath. "Two or three girls in my shoes? Tbe hateful thing! Two or three I The Idea! allocking th Inakas, According to a German scientific journal, they are using electricity in India to prevent snakes going into dwellings. Before all tbe doors and around the house two wires are laid, isolated from one another and con nected with an induction apparatus. When the snake attempts to enter the bouss . or . go under it,- hs - com pletes the circuit ss hs crawls over the two wires, and if the shock he gets doesn't kill him it is likely to frighten him so that hs goes away rrom there as soon as necau. tnuu Leslie's Newspaper. Aa Im Olvlda. "Tbi world is nrettT evenly divid ed, after all" said ths butcher as he craped away at bis block, "Howl" . . , ,. , , . - ' "Lady in the diamonds and seal skin gets out of her carriage snd comes in here and inquires for 'SBSSaga.' " "Well?" "Well, other folks hsve ths money and us butchers have the eddecashua. Makes me foci more content." De troit Free Press. pi - d&wtaprl2 smTH & ROU4?i9, Proprietsra. : PBOTBCT1NU PROPBRTY OWNERS. THE "CAMARET GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES. We aot only give the purchaser the best Rooflnf Plate, bat w protect alas Plrt By giving onr (uaraiitr. ' , --- - -- 7 - Second By atamplng each sheet with brand aad thklin. Third By exeluding waste. Pourtb By branding- th aet welfht of the 113 sheet oa ta bast Por the beneSt of thoe wanting th very best Roofilng Plat, w assert, aad ar PRB, PARED TO PROVB, that (excepting tbe "Ollbertson's Ol Method") there' are SS ejtlsV branri of roofing tin being offered in the market to-day, by aay flrat, faitt tail 'ouf jaA, eat guarantees given above by this nouar. MERCHANT tO. Philadelphia, New York, Chleago, London. L;usTat!aLi!icEnT:u3T;.::sii::;::iirr A ?olond woman testified st a trial in Stanford, Kv., "tliat she would have bwn killed had slis not soen the bullot, which wns coming straight at ber, and dodged it. CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. (5 North Court Square, Is preTired to"lo"hiRl)-Krale work at LOW RATES Bet:au.He they have a FIFST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. " THE WINYAH (vupepsy. SH5ITA3SP" ASHEVILLE, It C Por the reception of patients suffering of diseases of lungs and throat, and conducted npon ths pfsn of the sanitaires at Guebersdorf and Falkenstein in Oer many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S M. D. Aaltevillr hiisaiiBpiroiirintiimof$1(Xi; 000 from Congress to build a Federal court house, postomce, etc., wbichno doubt will lie increased under the lilieral, wise and patriotic administration of Mr. Heujamiii Harrison. This is. what vou oueht to have. fact, vou must have it. to full v eniov lite Thousand are searching for it doll v, nod motrmine because thev find it not. Thou sands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by 'our people in the. hops that thev mnv attain this boon. And yet it mnv be had bv all. We guarantee that Klcctric Bitters, if used according to di rections and the use persisted tn. wiO bring vou good digestion and oust the (1cirlnfl Ovspepsia and install instead Eu- iiriMV. We recommend Klcctric Hitters lor byspepsia and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $1 per bottle by P. L. JacoU, druggist. ! I). C. Waridcll, President. W. W, Barnard, Vloe President. Lawrence Pnlllan, Cashier. THE DANK OF ASIIEVILLE, Asheville, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY. -i Oldest Bank In WetnCCaroUna. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE.", 'CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SUHPLUSO .tl 3. liustatiq Lini::EriT?no3TAr:a u::: CITIZEN rUBLlSIINO CO. CURr"H FOOT ROT, HUOULDFTI-UOT. 6CUEW-W0BM AMD SCAB IN tjUKl f CTtRKS BHKUMAT1HM I,VTJ HAfX AND BTIFV iOlMS. ( tCB IS ILV. J I r

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