i ( i y rtd wpr m Wcuer K"-: C uro oft. t iii ttt inrrt of juiite mtrwrtty, bf-t n fi to t. ad prvr-roi inOustrr. Rim tt ba bo pcroojrj ftutii&acc ui treating jmtv 1 frf l twy pv-iVitHr the dipUtn of tht .mtrtl f- rx , n tc h now corrm the wkow world la ui tcopc. It other f-nli-t- o? 4 rop'UTi lor (ratbennf wi 1 Lij , . itn teithing care ful' to (xutif tnc STnallevt ipac. 4S , n. i mm cove of any ediuoa will be srat free t - - s-n tacHr Mrr. Ti fur oac year; $3 for sis os ; f j rmti far one nioatb : 16 anitafor owe . t rrwra wul dc Hirer the pancr in ercry rt 4 to city t a&aeiibera, and par Ufa t ai It will pteaat call at Um CtTUiN A o -. .Tsrw T Reasonable, and aianr hiovi r arnxieatioa at ts is otti oe. Alt mat M psud la a SCXDA Y. FEBEUAXV 24, 1&89. MWvnuAt raoouM in THE SOOTH. No better proof of the industrial pro- (tcm of any country or section can be formal, than ia noting the increase and de velopment of pew linet of railroad. They art aiwayt a source of material proaperitj to that Stat or iertion which they traverse, and the commercial boii aeas. of towns, eitiea, and State can largely be attriboted to their success. For the past decade the North and West have shows the larger percentageof gain in railroad building. ' Various cause have combined to bring this about, chief of which are, the opening np to settler and capitaTUts of the last grain prod no ing country of the Northwest, which fact ia itself, was a sufficient Inducement to the great competing raOroad lines of the East, already trading ia that direction. But, Joe the past yea a noticeable change has Veen wrought, which, we are happy to say hi largely in favor of the South. The statistic of railroad building for the past year as recently published ia the Railway Age give a total of 7,105 miles. Of this grand total 2,878 mile or nearly 40 per cent!, a noticeable increase over former year, 1 to be credited to the South, , , Thttrne interests of the South, both material and Commercial, will best be subserved a doing everything possible by State law and by private act to invite the capitalist to our States." For this purpose and to this cud, a just and conservative State railroad commission bill is at present an all-important necessity.'. It ha been for thin aim and reason alone that we have from time to time laid before our reader our fcwi upon this question, and we shall continue to so do, Just a long a wt think the interest of the public aud our State can be benefitted thereby, k new tide of induattial progreH has set in to wards the South. Let us as citiwns ol North Carolina do everything in oar power to advance it and nothing to re tard ft. AMR YOV OOINOr Areyotsgaing to the inauguration? This i thf most popular question among a large class of our citizen at the present thne. . The answers are of course varied and uncertain. No doubt the "City ot Magninoent Distances," will be the na tion's attraction for the next two weeks. Ia fact, the inauguration Is already go ing oa in so far as Washingtonian bay- window, hotel and restaurant proprie. tor are concerned, The chance to cam an extra dollar off tbethonaaitoa of inauguration pilgrims will not be lost sight of by the cunning pleatereriof the capital citr. It win be a mixed multitude of politician, granger and sight-seers, all striving to gain a rantajr point. The hotel and boardlnf house win be packed like sar dine hi boi, and the weary pilgrim will be fortunate indeed if he can charter landing room even for leep. The weather, Which is never orer-pleainnt at tbisseaaoaoftheyraris most likely to be ttry disagreeable and the pneumonia that will follow tail day of exposure, for a httk pleasure, cannot be estimated Tat average- Congressman will be be seigtd byhl constituent and country cousins to provide place where the ighu and ceremonies can be viewed with advantage; but of course this will beii possible the town hnt large enough. Of all place In bur country we surmise that Washington, from the first to the fourth of March, will be the most unsat isfactory, certainly the most-uncomforta ble for the pleasure seeker. However, to the unitiated and curious we would aay, go by all means, for there is nothing that will so take the love of the distinguished and inquisitive out of a person as to get into the inauguration swim. But to those more staid ia habit, more detirou of genuine pleas ore aumingled with noise, pomp and political furor, we would give the advice that ruck gave to the fellow about to get married, "Don't." AM INTERESTING CAREER. The recent death of Jamr C Flood, at HridelW;, Germany, the California mU Bonairt, and Senior member of the booanta combination of Flood, Mackay, Fair aad O'Brien, ends a peculiar, aa well remarkable carter. Ho in poverty and with a limited educatloB, and do In '; Ve starts out in hit alone, and ia the .paca of fifty year aaa amaaaed a fcrtnoeof" tmr tea taWion of dollars, lo ao other coaatry that the tan thine upon, cou.J or Lave stun rousis ever bee ,bicvtj bjr a ii!t,k maivi.!uai. i J U turt, tit life u lived in a favor-1 !e period, and bis lot wa. cast in a peculiarly favorable locality. But place . ........ nfhilf nannnl liuvru Tlr IVHUritfll in w. " -w. - - indomitable pereverance and a keen in sight into men and affair. These were hi chief characteristic, these were ti c instrumental factor of bis succrs. True it is, give a thousand men the same ad vantages that James C. Flod bad, and not one per cent, of tbem would achiere the (uccrss that be did. The time and opportunity for amassing such princely fortune are rapidly dUapjjear ing even in this country, and no doubt, a combine like that of the bonanza kings, and able to wield such powerful finan cial influence will never be known again. The career of Mr. Flood Is an interesting one, a showing what can lie accom plished by an untiring industry in a pur suit that few could have followed so suc cessful. EDITORIAL. POINT. Canada seems.to be a poor refuge for English criminals. A squad of British detectives are scouring toe Dominion in quest of the murderer of Police Iniector Martin, 'Ti a pity the United Slates ran't send a police force over the line and bring home and to justice some of our delinquent bank cashiers. - It is said that a conservative nxmlicr of the Canadian Parliament will soon in troduce a bill authorizing his government to purchase the eastern State of the American Union. Same old gnme; if (ohnny can't have the whole codfish, he don't want any. Master John, we sur mise the scheme won't work,. Mt de Freycinet and M. Tirard, have, fter many difficulties formed a new cabinet for the government of France. Whether it shall endure for a day or longer, depends very much upon the whims of the French people, usually a rather nnastable commodity. - - ' -- "Damn the Cabinet" and the "Cabinet may go to bell for all I rare" are the characteristic utterances of Hon. John Sherman, and Senator Plumb, respect ively, according to the Springfield Re publican. Rather guess Benjamin didn't invite Messrs. Sherman and Plumb to sit at his table at least hope not. The democrats in Congress seem to think it of more importance to fight among themselves, than to turn tlieir guns upon the common enemy and enact 'some wholesome legislation. Perhaps it is, but we are inclined to think otherwt However, time will tell. . ..... -T-r -r - "How much brain has the pig"? is the momentous question that is puzzling some of the scholiasts up in New Jersey. Well, we have seen pigs that we thought didn't have any, judging from their action human pigs, we mean of course. A happy co-incidence the admission of the new state Washington, on Washing ton's birthday. In society we meet many whom we thiiilt would muke excellent wives for other. The Leading Rtore of the city for Ladies Is ESTADKOOK'S, ta 8. Main Street. The greatest variety of nice goods, such as Boeka, "? stationery, Fancy UoodM, Toy, Palntliijr), Ungravings, Frames, Western North Carolina Views, Novelties, Btc, KW. Rvsryone it pleased and all satisfied with what thrv bur at this ulncc. Their stock is ol the heat and prices always reasonable. Business mm Mill And the Inr gest and best line of Blank Hooks and Office ntationrry in W. N. C. Art tttunlo over store, where vltltort can obtain local sketches In oil or water colors, fcblsdtf OUR MOTTO : Neat, Prompt and Reliable, Bring your rr)niriiijf to lieu(l(uurtent. Watch, cka-k ami jewelry rentrin; is n leading feature of our business. ' Work entrutet! to n i certain' to re ceive careful and intelligent trcntmcnt from exiiert and skillful hand. . Delicate and costly timepiece should lie entrusted only to thoroughly com tent watchmakers. All work guaranteed, rrice nlway's reasonable. LANG'S JEWELRY STORE. South Main St, Aslieville, N. C. d&wtmarfl - pi'RNlMIIBI) APARTMKNT TO LKT. Rooms eaa be had at No. T College Rltwt Ikaow aa tb "Uavhlsoa House'') aewly mratshrd. Mrs. Rrwla has chara of the eal. tnary departmeat and wUI turnish first-rlass talil board if dratrrd at reasonable ratea, fcuquir oa the premtw. rbU34llm Jf It? Sk i ai urfl.v..v. uai,au 'TtnT(fTvtl r .-er ? jj jjj gjyl to n. Ipvt'lhfn.d flS they depart. '! I",-), i w r n Z ! tha I illln Tiff I IrV ItflA m. IIIV . - . v, . - . . House of the city, "Pil you ever 8oe nucha beautiful line of all shades and quality of Dreps Good and Trimmings tn mnth?" 'And weren't the nrieen i - away down? Just think of; nil shades Worsteds at 1 0e., ; neription trade probably lar and bright newllenriettaf-atj 24 4-4 ct. per yard," contin-Jgwit in Asheville, and no ued Mrs. Ijevelhead. "Those X Bar Martina, Vic j abatement. Retail patron- tona Lrfiwns. ijaraenies j-maii t t l1 1 " w, fa.M 1A Lnf?" nC' EZiw lo. iu -- r Handkerchiefs, Glovefl, Nap- kins, Corsets, 104 Sheeting, Pillow Casings, Wamsuttas, Fniit of the Loom and many other domestics are offering at aukk sales prices," said Mrs. L. "And what bargains in their Remnant counter I Did you notice their 2,000 yardR of beautiful Ginghams at 7 cts., worth 12 cts.?" "Their Clothing is being sold at panic'prices to make room lor tne large spring ktatw won to arrive. Us that Asheville is the nat Thfir Bhoe stock is heJ. largest and best assorted in nionmVa f n the nlpmpn " no pains in waiting upon their customers." "Yes, their hearty hand- shakes and pleasant greet ing, continued Mrs. u.t will cure any case of blues." And thus similar con versa- i! 1 1 I J.l lions are nearu in nuuureun 1 . a 1 oi nonies oi inose wno nave been so fortunate as to do their purchasing at the lead- ing Dry Goods House oT B0STIC BROS. & WRIGHT, Successors to Brevard & Blanton, at No. 11 N. Main and no relaxation will be per street. Asheville, N. C. This firm lias been wcmlingly m,tted untn thi8 fact ,(4llitel. ItJI LUIItltrf ill WfUl llifj WltJ ocr vicpsof.fno. P. Morcran. E, L. Brown,-Jno.- N-Itarasey and 13. G. Morgan, who will be sure to make it - to - your interest to sjiend your cash with them. Resentfully, BOSTIC BROS. & WRIGHT. jjUtfa R 8TARNB8, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, Aslieville, N, C Every requisite of the business fur- .,,il,,i PlatM wiuul hum walnut rtr cloth covered caskets. Metallic caskets, both nlnin and elegantly draped. Robes of all qualities. Hearse with heavy white or i acs. orapery. ... All call, aay or nignt, promntiy an- swered. Tcleeranh and mail order ....ntt I. tn flff!rwnvri.lnrl 1,1 wiiipvij n,ltlll4.U ,u, wu.v -."- . Office and residence: No, 40, N. Main it. dtmnrlO KBALESTATB. Wm. 31. Cocke, Jr., REAL ESTATE AND MINERALBROKER, Aahevllle, N. C. Can sell you one million acres of land, ia tracts from SO to J 00,000 acres. Have a numlier of city lota, improved aad unim proved, which I caa sell oa the best of terms. If you want a large or small farm call oa me. If yoa want minerals of say kind, yoa need go ao ntrther. If yoa want Umber lands, this la headquarters. In fact t can suit yoa in anything yoa want la my Has. Services of a first-class civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to show up all property wbea required. 1 have had Altera years' eiperience In th real estate busiaeas. nd think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all. inquiries. , ' frbilsdly W. CORTLANIt, Heal Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, I'atton Avenue, Barnard Building, fel.udty D, S. WATSON, Real ICatate AKent, (Not a Speculator.) Having by practical eiperience thoroughly systrmatised my sale departmeat, I offer SPECIAL INPl'CEMlNTi To those wishing to aril, asd BARGAINS to those wishing to buy - . I have some of the beat property for" sale la AshcTtllc which eaa be bought low dowa. Also, country property, Mangaaeae, Iron, and Timber Laada. Cad aad eiamlae my Hst before purchasing D. ft. WATSON, Aoutheast Corner Court Square, dlmayl .. Asheville, N. C. yANTKU. Young whit nana n hoy IT to to year old, able-bodied, wanted for outdoor employ ment about Ms weeks. Wage TB erst a a day and board. Mast kaow tbrare well. Address IKAILhK. City PoatoAe. ftbifJdUt JV) LOVBRS OP GOOD BRBAP. Having prrfreted arrangsmeat I am aaw prrpartd to furnish grata H.usd liua Bassa to all partir at B ornn pre loaf m. u. v RLiHiM, S3d.1t 30 North Main Stmt. j I We move another step for- wanl. Our niIph for January are larger than any preceding month, showing uteady in- mtue in our bumnfna Pre- S reusing steadily inan- ... , . leading low, prices. Our . wholesale efforts bring good , results, a realization of our expectations to date. Wt? are making daily shipments . to all near-by railroad points. These demonstrations assure ural (liHtributing point for Western North Carolina. We are to distribute the Drugs, Medicines, Fainta, Oils, etc. e carry a large stock and our nrices are low euouirh to a rtmnva i,;;,,, vova rf eare prepared 'to do the DrUf? buMneR8 of thl8Bert,oni ligently "and practically un derfitood'r" T." C. SMITH & CO., leading Asheville N. C. Druggists, GREAT CLEARING SALE Winter Clotllitlfr I S9 at II I A A II I A ym II I I I II I1 If ' V f II I I I 11 ll IV Ui I . W w w la order to make room for Spring Goods, 1 will close out the balance of my winter stock at reduced prices. All goods are marked down and will be SOLD CHEAP, All brokra lou of suits, odd Pants, Over coats, boa Coat and Vests, regardless of coat. Now is your time for Bargains, Children.' and Boya Suit at Half Price. Call early and price the goods before they are sold. SO rtosea Oenta' Tie at 36c. and 30c., form erly 87c. and $1 . 30 dosen anlanndered Shirt at 80c., worth f 1 each. 80 dosen handkerchiefs, at 23c, worth 5oe, each, at WIIITLOCK'S. dtfebSS . T. B. CRAHY, AS11FVILLB, N. C, Brick Layer and Maker. Job of all kinds attended to. Artificial stoa pavements and private roadways laid same a is used eslensivelv ia parks and private grounds in Bastern States. WIN contract to pave vfttlka for less than brick will cost withont obstructing the wav, and guarantee It to last longer and to be la ever)- way oetter Address as alxr. dawtmarS NEAT. MOM IT. ACCURATE. A REAL PLEASURE TO DO YOU It PRINTING Ah you want it nd when yon want it. rmzKV Prm.isTiivn n ............v. -. m:sczlu:,ous. "FOR A FACT." ki::ccllas:.ovs. No. 3 BamartlUullil z j Sc-hool anil College Text Books, a full line. Poets, I lit- j tory, Romance, Biography, Bibles, S. S. Ilibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books and Qthce and School Supplies. ew line Ladies' and Gents' Pocket books just owned. Fancy Goods and Dolls. fcbiodljr STRAIN' It ESt'AU RAN t ANT OYSTER PARtOR It the place when yom caa Bad all the dHra- j OV8TBRS, PISH. DEVILED CRABS. OA MB. Also, Northern aart Writers Beef, aad the only one who can jfiTt a itaniae i Philadelphia Fry. I have recently added to my Rrataarant a large Range with latest Improvement, aaeh as Broilers, Boilers, etc., etc. This enables m to fulfill aay order ia from I to 6 iaatoa. Com and try a Im - Philadelphia Pry or Bird on Toaat, in 6 minute. I am also pre pared at short notice to famish Dinner or Sapper or lee Cream for large or small par ties, aa ia catering my long eiperience of 12 years allows me to give perfect satiafaetina. Remember, that this Is the only Ladies' Parlor in the city and the only place yon can get a granine Philadelphia Pry. Very respectfully, -M.Sdtf K. 8TRAl'B8. r OTICB Is hcrebv aivra that annlicatlon will be made to the present session of the Legislature of North Carolina,. fnr. Uk Imwpomtion of the "Sorffi Eastern Land Company." . . BA 1 ILK, W. T. PBNNIM AN, T. W. PATTON, W. W. WEST, fcblOdlm W. B. GWYN. JJOTICB. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the present session of the Gen eral Assembly for a charter to build and op crate a railroad from Asheville northeasterly to the top of Craggy Mountain (or to some Intermediate point. 8. W. BATTLE, T. W. PATTON, W. T. PBNNIM AN, C. W. WOOL8BV, - O.W.SWAIN, W. W. WADDILL, W. W. WEST, fcbBdlm W, B. CWVN. """ JAMES FRANK, . niuuK m FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Street, Asheville, N. C. fcblOdly N' OTK'B. Notice Ishereliy.giventhat the undersigned, and their asociutrs, will make application to the General Anwmhly of North I amlina, at its srssion of 1HH9, for a charter incorporat ing the "lubrll Calendar and Pile Co.," with its principal place of business in the City ol AKheville. N. C. This 24th day of January, 189 - A. H. IS irrll. B. V.JONliS, K. H. Pl'LBNWIDBK, U. B. GRAH AM. Jan 23 RjT'BrwOLPB, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement wot k none. Jobliing aad kalsominlng promptly at tended to. Residence, Cluvton St. Order can be left with W. H. Wrutnll & Co. febUd6m THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Room on Main atreet, opposite the post office. Open dally, eicept Sundays, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m., and 4 until 6 p. m. The terms of subscription are: One rear S3; 6 mos., $1.60; S mos., l ; 1 mo., 60cts.; dailv 't cts. Vice-ITemdent. Charles W. Wools. , '; Sec. and" Treas., O. a. Watson; Librarian, Miss B. J. Hatch. Cititens and visitors are cordially Invited to inspect the catalogue and InscrilH' their names a members. febOdtf MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 23 Pattoo Avenue, Girdwood & Stikeleather, Proprietor. Mr All orders promptly attended to. lehU41y Value in Old Stamps. Any parties having envelope or adhrsire tamp aaed prior to orduringthewar,where varietie are desirable, caa find a purchaser lor same by smiling to the undersigned. a,.. i...m h ,i,.....i.i j.r." during the late war are particularly desira- j--" "j v,i'r.ni.. ,uw,ii, oic aaa oi most value, in all cases those oa original envelopes are preferred. State price ia each instance and scad all enclosure to II. T. C, Office of Citiien Publishing Co., febSdawlm Asheville. N. C. '0TICB Is hereby given that the undersign i ed, and their associates, will make appli cation to the Oeneral Assembly of North Car ollna, at its session of 1MN9, for a charter in corporating "The Asheville Loan. Construc tion and Improvement Companv," with its principal place of business in the City of Auhe ville, N. C. This 2th dav ol Januarv. 1NM9. C. 1). BLANTON, C. T. RAWL8, Jan3-d30d , . . QVKRSBKR8 WANTEH BVBR V WH BKB At home or to travel. We wish to employ a reliable person in your county to tack up advertisement' and how card of Klectric t.ootia. Aavertistments to be tacked un e. ery where, on trees, fence and tnrnitike, in .....-,.. vwm.. hhit in iu.n ing country in an inns oi tne i nueu mutes and Canada Steady emplovmrnt; wage $3.80 per day: ' riprnsra advanced; no talking required. Local work for all or part of the time. Ail dress, I with stamp. KMORV A CO., ! M snagm, 341 Viae St., Cincinnati. O. I No attention paid to postal cards. dtmar4 pRl'STBB'SSALB. By vlrtne oft deed of 4ru.t eieruted to me by A. B. Ware and wife, dated Pebrnarr 7, ltM, aad duly registered la Book 13, Page ' 8ia, to secure the payment of certain notes mentioned therein, I will sell at public auc ,..rn n.r onr-naii casn anil balance ha aii ; months, on the premise or at the courthouse I In A-Ivm, N, C on Wtilnrsdny, ilarvh 3U, ' . 1n. the nmnertv drsrrilM-it la piticitj Hnnrmisstrn in tne lltr ol j Asheville. on Preach Broad Avenue and wl. ; nam Street, adlolmna lands of W. M corke ' Jr., and Mean. Balrd and Aleaaniler; eon- tabling two acres more or Iras lik th ' I dwrlllng bow. and ether hnpraremeat. I xn"'"2WXZvn IrlilUdlm Tru.i ila : r :.IJ 11 ARE THE CIS- tndi.ni ot ibe jmbHc aa(Ma J" , pot that efrrvbody SJirr a ind time! th.t hare a hra tiav aioat of the mr wtU ad then laruf for taern. U yua hard to , ait, dub emit to Mtisfy, YOU - ARE THE CUS- j tomrr m air after. W-tl nit yoa. plraat j roo, atiafv yoa. make yoa happy. What I more do yoa araat. II yoa araat to know ) whether we are able to keep our word,,, whether wc caa bark aO oar braf with good . cuaactcatloas perform an cr. why j ASK ANY ! OLD CUS- toawref oartaad we'll ataad by ki tratl-1 nun;. A aiaa that woa't keep nu wora. that goes bark oa hi promiaea, that trirs to work ap a snap HE ISN'T WORTH A CUS- pidore or any other cheap aad naaty article. We want to give yoa a good time. Arc yoa : withn? If so just get a more on yoa and come to 1 . . . I . POWELL & SNIDER, GKOCEKS, ASHBV1LXB, N. C. dtmarlS c. COWAN, B. li. COS11Y, Successor, ' V7 I'atton Avenue, Dealer ia Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Optical Goods, Gold Pens, Ac, c. Large and varied assortment of Ladies' and (lentleraen's Gold Watches at low price. Lsrgest assortment of Wedding King in the city. All repairing in watches, clocks, and Jewelry neatly and promptly done at reasonable SATISFACTION Ut'ARANTBKD. The nresent Dronrietor shall neglect ao ef fort to merit a continuation of the patronage so largely bestowed daring many years apon his predecessor. dawtmarO. RICHMOND ft DANVILLB RAILROAD COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Division.) Passbnokr Dbpartmknt, '1 AtHEViixa, N. C, Jan. 1, 1HH9. - PAnSBNGBR TRAIN 8CHBDULB. ' Ia KrrscT Jan, J. 1RH9: . I No. 61 No. S3 L. AahaVttHVU Ar. Salisbury, ' iianviiie, " I.vnchburg, - Washing Um " Baltimore, " I'hila., ' New York, JKoton, " Richmond, "Raleigh. " Goldnioro, J! Wilmington 9 65pm 437am 947am 1 40pm 8 43nm 10 20pm 1246pm loonm '7IKHUH S 26am 1047am 1 20pm 9O0pni 51 flam Tsapm 8 20pm ' 8 OOam 6 20am 8 30pni 830pm 7 S()am 1146am 102pm 3 10pm 8 00pm lo. 68 RSOara 11 60am Lv. Asheville, Ar. Spartanh'g "Charlotte," " Columbia, ' Charleston, 830pm 440pm JI()pm 9 06pm 6 16am 1 4(pm 12OOm 10 40pm 7 25am 1 65pra 7 2pm No. 64 "VtOpin 8Opm " Augusta, Savannah " Th'sville.Ga " Jacksonville Atlanta, ' Montgorn'y " Mobile. " New Orleans No. 60 No. 63 Aaheville. I 7 40am I 444pm Ar. HotSpriag 9 20am I 8 loiun Knoivillc, 110pm sSOpin Chnttan'aa. filSoml 640am " Nashville. 11 45am J Memphis, 810am 5 30pm Lv! Ashevif.e'. "1 "7 40arhT4 44pm Ar. Hot Springs 920am 810pm Knoivinc, liopm Boopm " Louisville, 718am "Cincinnati. 640am 1148am Chicago, 630pm! 63im " M. Louts, J 4-'Jm T40pm tr Hleeping car oa all night train. JA8. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINBl'RN, O. P. A. D. P A. SOL. HAAS, T. M. Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, Feb, 1, at 8.30 a. m. j Sfr C".Vrt Ho.?M- j ., .,. ,. ' 6. SO a. m. 7.0U " " " ' " H.10 " " K.40. " I'roiu then till 7 p. m. car leaves court house every 20 minutes. Alio, car Irave court house at 9.20 p. m. to connect with train to Salisburv. PARK, PIVB CENTS: jfTLANTIC COAST I.INB. On and after this date the following sched ules will he run over Its "Columbia Division." No. 53 leaves Columbia 6.2o p. m. Arrives atCharlcston 9.30 p. m. No. 52 Uavcs Charleston , 7.10 a. m. Arrives atCotumliia 11.65 a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia At Au gusta and Columbia Greenville Railroads. Daily. T. M. FMKR90N, Oen. Pas. Agt. J. P. DBVINB. Gen. Supt. N OTICB. A T.ntlna ,1. ,n .III ... ,L. . . i .H"-""i i mi. oi ut-nmi Miinimy ol .North Caro- una to charter a turnpike road from South nominy in Himcomue, tobc top of Mount Pisgah in said county. W. 0.. CANI'I.KK, T. W. PATTON, fcbl.ldlm H. I. CHILI). JBliCkLANO, : MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 10 PATTON AVBNUB, Begs to annonnce that he has received his samples for the ensuing spring and summer and asks the public to call aodcaamine. SPKCIAL ATTENTION OIVRN TO CI.BAN , INC., RHPA1R1NO AND ALTBRINO, Jan2dtf - JlgOTICB. Notice l hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the present session ol the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina for a char- ter lor a coporation to be styled "The Title 1 Guarantee and Trust Company of Western : l .uua. IAMBS O. MARTIN, THOMAS A. JONF.8. W. TALBOT I'KNNI MM AN, fthSdln T. W. PATTON. mcil LAND HOUSE, Cottier Mnin and IVKt, WAYSESV1LLE. N. C. kooms nrwly rurnialieil. Far the best 1 tie mntket aflords. ChmhI aamnle nuim a.';. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Term; $1.00 per Hay. 0. D. L. ALLEN SON. Proprietors. ATE l THE THOMAS HOl'SR. NKA BATTERY PARK, Is now under entirely new nianagrment J .""ntuirni. style. TRANSIKNT ( SECl-LAI BVAKPI; TARRX Northern Cooking. Kate Reasonable. ' MHS. E. LACY & $ON. - -Iroprietors. dtf - . rjITY BE8TAI RAKt! ' " PATTON AVENUE. ; Under Redwood's Store. kfrala at all houra. A', the dencacieaot the ataaua arrred ia aO varieties aad ia the beat tyle. Oystcra, Game. Mteaha, The Beat of Hot Cotfc. Preali Norfolk Oyateta recti red every day. The retail trade supplied. Have add d a new broiler, steak, oyrtera, etc., etc.. di ne to a tura. dtmarlS T. J. 81MNRR. - ; YttlOHTi'M THAN KVKK! TH. STAR OP BUNCO WBB, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. vv amvaia January aua rcoruary, lks. THE MOST POPULAR $2.00 HOUSE IX THE STATE. 13,000 arrivals during the past year more than every other gtcl in the city. We bid fair to register 28,000 this year. FIRST-CLASS LN EVERY RESPECT. Only hotel ia the centre of the city. . Give as call. S. H. CHKDHSTBR ft SON 4 dtmar-' A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS ! Round Trip Tickets only $4.80, indudiug a ! full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PAHK HOTEL. The Baths in Marble Pools and Porcelain Tub are the finest and most Insurious la America. The Hotel is NEW AND FIUST-CLAS8 In Bvery Particular. - I'NBXCBLLBD IN ITS Ct'lBINE. The place is a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountains where there is no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant w liter, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtiu!29 If any dealer aay he has th W. L. Donglaa Shoe without nam aad pries tamped a ta bottom, put bins dowa a frauu. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE row QENTLtMIN. Jteat ta tho world Kwarbfna hto KNriNF HAXD-UKWID'HOK, AMIwMKWIrii ui it aukie. M.OO H AN I 00 ft SO P KWKl Wr.I.T Ml OK. 0 POUCK AND FAHMKHH' SUOB, 0 KX I KA VALtlK CAI.P SHOlt. S.Mand a 1.7 HOYS' H HHf. ftBOfaaV All made la Contrast, Builou sad Lao. Wl i nnnri ar S3 SHOE SOU lad i tta: ..Beat Varartal, It sot told hyvnu ttatartad. RMrt fftvla, Baa nutaa. ' nssier, write w.i.; DVOLAa, BUOCKtOir, VUt, !?yFor"sn1ebv HKRRINGIft WKAVER, 30 South MnintStreet, - Asheville, XX. jmilDrlty fjvrnts Sptrram has CTr4 an of a Irudlgnant hraakln out sd sir leg, whir enurd lalolsraMe pain. It wa called Kcartua y Ike 4 einr-fbor of whom ''" with no telisf. I eaadkllr Confess lhat I Mn MM MhkaI mmJ W 1 1 L 0 "71 8. S. 8.. hlrh in sir asiiaiailo ts iavalosuleasa Wil u-nusty. Mim Ji u PiWrtT, tVI N. ink 8L.8I. Loaas Ma, Onr hsm hen two Mniia aid vs 0 .muesra wilt Scrofula, which for a I i with Kerofiils. which for akou rar4 her ej.lrht nllrrlj, d a t d.iwlr of ar lira. Tha V rl d'CUirsfailrdlnrelH-vsksr. snd w rsv Swrrv's erwinc, u' leh saoa eurnl her aaitlrely. and sh I sow aals snd hearty. L V. list, will' Point, Teaa. w w4 tor knok rrrtng history of Mm lMwasrS tirf J.lc o suffrrers, ataia4 fna, 11 fwiwr ar-artrw IKv. aaawsra, AOaata, tia STR.CTLYF. 4 iii X,-' laal raeod

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