...'I IL CAKDS. fc.t SIMM! AND rLKAMfkK. FACTS, ONLY FACT. UISCELLA-Z01'S. Hast Tra. ha. i. j- Mahtik, Anc uie. AVIUSOS. MART1X A JONES. D Attorneys and Coonsrllors at Law. AtbeTiKe. N. C. Will practice u the 11th and 12th Judicial Pi.trt.ts, antl in the Supreme Court nf North Carolina. anU in tic rolrrsj Court. Ot the ' Western liatm-t of North laroliaa. Knrr to buis of Ax-tiJ. dtarl irui'sc. MARTIN. Attorney at Law, A.hrnlle. M.C. Titles and CoaTcyanciaf a inrv-ialtT Practices a all to courts. lartioaa mad Office : Wita Cadger Law Banding. Col- Cartrr. McLond dtnorlis CHU A. aoon roORB M BR RICK, ot-rr K(. 31 Attoraejt aad ConnscUore at Law, Asacrttlc. K.C, Practice in the Vnlted State Circuit and Uiatnrt Coarta at AsbeTille. Statesville.Caar lutte aad ticean.lwro. ia tne Saumac Cnnrt at KalciKB. aad ia the count of the Tttelita udwpal District of tar state ot aoni t.ar- ia- Special attention gieea to coUecUoa of claims. . , Partnership doea aot estcad to practice la Baacombe Inferior Court. dtoc3 in' c conn. BB MBRRiMUN, j. . Mssiaoa. Attorneys aad Caaaacllon at Law. practice ia all the court. Office: Noa. T aad 8. Johaatoa building, dtae w. w.JOMa. - W0NB8 Ik VHUPORD. cio. a. SMi-roaa. Attorneys at Law. Asheville, N. C. Practice ia the Superior CoarU of W cetera Nona Carolina, the Supreme Court of the ..rf tk. Federal Courts at Asheville. Office ia lobastoa lialldiuK, where one mem ber of the firm eaa always be loaau. dtncrvll fOHNSTONB JONBS, J arroascr o cofHrettoa at law. - ASHHVILLB, N. C. vtlM ia the United States Circuit and District Court at Asheville, in trie t.uprcme Court at Kakifh. aad in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial (Metric ufthestateof North Carolina, and elsewhere, at his services may be required. In33dtf I) " rf-N 1 ' ; a. v r 1 fZZh Youth is the time ol hope. When a man jrrts a little older be tos hoping and lie-ins reaching out for v. hatcver be can Ret. Soincrviiie Journal. In Uie provincial charter of 1C9L under which the Plymouth colour i and tli province of Maine were united with Muiavhutta, il was provided , IhMt all in a of the diameter of tweu- IX !ot Buffer Any Loner. j v.foftr (1l0iestind upward, twelve in Knowing that a couh can 1 checked clip froru the ground, growing upon maday.andthenrMtstaerotconump-j . . heretofore irrunted to any tKmbrokfflina wk,wbertbTpiaran:i , should be reserved to j the crown, for the furnishing of ma&U for the royal uavy. ; tee Acker's English Cough Remedy and . will refund the money to all who buy. takeitar"ior.juiaaoiiotnr . -oodi was our statement correct. T. C. Smith cc , , - . ... ,, ol Ihei luirter waa earned into effect. knot, my Near the const all white pniea of suit able dimensions were marked with Co. "Can too tie a true lovers' dear?" inquired Merritt. "No." replied Mamie, hiding her blushes ! with ber fan; "but our new ckvrgynian can do it vttt nicely. ti:e- m:: a 4 aasmaiawwxi .1 TOBxVCCO ! Va aW M. il, Alitclutclj Pure. A Scrap of Paper tuires) Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrai ! ping paper, but it saved her lifc. She was m the last stages of consumption, told by ! nhvsiciuns that she was incurable and could live only ashort while : she weighed ' less than seventy imunds. On a piece of I wrapping pairr she read of lh-. King's ;Sew Discover)-, and got a liottle; it i k.l.t h- K lumi'ht a larvr bottle, it This powder aerer Tarie. A marrei of pur-'. brlptd her more; bought auotber and SJZn&Sl eu.-d grew better tart continued it. use and is he sold ia romneUtioa with the maltitude of now strone. henlth v. rosy, nlump. weign- low test, short weight alum or phosphate : iiy nounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole. UrugKist.Fort j Smith. Tnal bottles oi tniswonuenm , Discovery free at F. L. Jacobs' drug 'store. powders. Sold only la cans. KoviLrtAKiKO Powuaa Co.. 103 waO St., New York. daiwtanrw LSSUKASCE. J?iltB INSl'R AKCB. FIKE. LIFE ! MereaAHt'sDauKhter "Mutlder. I h 1 1 had von diamond necklace." Fond Mother "Vcn, mei tear, you JJ H. DOUCLA8S, D. U. 8. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant A Winawrt Druit Btore. Hrttdruce. No. Bailee 8t:" febludlt H. RRRVBS. D. D. 8. DENTAL OFFICK la Connelly Building, oeer Redwood's Btore. Fatton Avenue. fcblSdty- HI K.J. H. OARRATT," , above Stadi OTcrtooklnc Court Square, Cooper's store. Studio Hours from 0 to 3. Classes in Drawing and PatnttnK. rartic ulars on application.- fel13dly JJ V, BURC.IN, M. D. OFFICE I New Grand Ceatral Bullduif. ever Bi 22 Clothing Store. PULLIAM & CO At the Bank of Asheville, ASHBV1LLB, N. C. - Rcpreseai the following companies, vis. : riaa. ' cash assrts in ii. s Anrln Nevada, of California...., Contiaentai. of New Vord.... Haabura-Bramea.ornennaoy...., l,lxv,o London Assurance, of Bngiand 1.B43.99A Niagara, of New York 2.237,2 Orient, of Hartford 1.667,692 Phorn x. of Brooklyn 5,0o.7S St. Fan! Fire ana Marine, of Min nesota l.oai.oni Southern, of New Orleans 43!,en Wesurn, of Toronto i.vhh.ms Mutual Accident Association. 4ttna LHe Insurance Company. dtinar2 AGC1DLN I . I ra:t .ill vour fadder has another below j cost bankrupt tale, and I'll speag do him about it. Terrible Forv4rtilnit. Cough, in the morning, hurried or diffi- in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in i the evening or sweats at night, all or any of tliese things are the first stages of con i sumption. Acker's English Cough Rem 1 edy will cure these tearful symptoms, and .$2.497,833 ; is sold under a positive guurnntee oy i . ,87S.23 i r Smith & Co. fcbSdawlw the "broad arrow - three cuts through the bark witb an as. like the track of a crow. This waa the king' oiai k, and Mr. Goold, in hut "Portland in the I a4," says that within bis re nienibruiic tree bewnng it were still siamhng. and were pointed out as eurnwilie. Long after the revolution bad obi it erutrd the royal authority, nien who had been taught in boyhood to re spect the king's mark be&iutted to cut such Ireea, - "Id felling a mast tree," says the ante writer, "il waa necessarv to 'bed it,' to prevent its breakiug. This was done by culling the suutll growtli, and placing the small tree across the hollows, so that there should be no strain upon oue auction more than an another, when the mounter piue struck the around." - The nuiat was hauled out of the woods oil one strong sled, whether in winter or summer, and so many oxen were required that the hind pair were sften choked in cmssiiin a hollo being hung up in their yoke by the pulling of those ahead of them.. A mast liauliusr was a great event, aud everybody within walking dis tance came to see Uie show. Youth' 'Uonijianiun. --- - About Aaheville and Borne of Her 1 People. Asheville has now the most attractive hotel in tlie Southern States, and her daughter, Victoria, will soon have one; equal to it. A new line of choice lamps, just in at i Law's. , Asheville hat graded schools, which are largely attended, and said to be ably con-i . ducted in all respects. Join in the rush to the clearing sale at ' We are glad to s:iy to our friends aud customers that all grade ha re to maid er-Lw'- . ably advanced siucc Christmas. Bright wrappers, cutters and strips art bighei Asheville has an electric street railwav than they have been in several years, and show that AshevuTe is the place to fell successful operation, and to lie extend- I tl,fl,voa raiarrt in Western Xorth Carolina and Fjiat T. ed generally inrougaout ioc un a, Silver tewelrv and novelties, a new and choice stock at Law'. All wool Dress Goods and Trimmings. 11. Kkuwoou & Co. r-THB EQUITABLE LIFE Atwurancc Society OF THS VNITKD ST4TSS. Asset S.04,Q-9 Surplus o,794,VISIS i Larger than any other Company.) Outstanding Assurance.. .9349,si6,is6.00 Written in 1HSH l5Jt9US3VOO Toutinc Policies with t8 and 20 year pe riods are the most popular and profitable form of assurance. For examples, rates, etc., confer with First man Yon iteem interested it that lady. Second man Not in the least. First man Who is she ? Second man My wife. - Bncklen'a Arnica Salve. The beat salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skiu eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay reuireci. it is miuranteeti to Give neneciaaiismiiiun. a - i. . ... . or money retundeo, fnee -o cents per box. For sale by r. L.jacoos. - aaw A Kew .,Vork.eiat-dal.-iHM-to"a' cousin who runs a restaurant in Hart ford as a "Connecticut filler." Vonkera Statesman. . E. D Office with Judge Aston, Monroe, An., Asheville, X. C. cb23dem i:- febl7dlm TBNNBNT, Architect and Contractor. Flans, specifications and estimates fur nishrd. All work In mv line contrBctc! for. and no charges for drawings on contracts, warded me. ' References WhH desired. ' v,r "v;- Dfllce: N. 12 Hendry Block, North Court! Square, Asheville, N. C. febl9dly BROOM FACTORY, j H ANFORD N. LOCKWOOD. HAND-MADS Brooms, Whlaka, Hearth and Celling: Broom. Mill and Pnctory grades a specialty. Quo tatlons and samples free. lebiedly jTwTCiiARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR j J. V. BROWN feb20dly 4a N. Main St. Will cuntlnae the undertaker's haslnessat h! old stand over J. B. Wckerson A Co.'s Hardware ' Store,' tirteftM firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO. Having thirty years' eiperience as under taker and embalmer, and unequaled facilities for buying, can safely guarantee satisfaction. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. Everything pertaining to the business al ways otChand. febl3d5m The First Symptom of Death. Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomnch, loss of appetite, fever ishness, pimples or sores, nre nil positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must be puri fied to. avoid dentil, Acker's English , Blood Klixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un j der positive guarantee by T. C, Smith & ; Co, " febodawl w ! Moses "Ciudv. whar s my razzer f I Cindy "Which one?" Moses "pcfightitt'-oner te Son of i t Harmony' and Fraternal Affection ia ; gwine to 'lect ossifers fer de ensuiu' year, I an' I may hah to do a little 'lectioneerin." i pareiitM Criminally Liable. ! More than half of all deaths occur be- ! fore six venrs of age. An armv of inno i . . , , 1 . - 11 1.. cent, lovely cnuoren are swept nccuicsMj awav each year. Parents are criminally respiiisihle for this. The death rate of children iu England is less than half this. Acker's English Babv Soother has done more to bring this about than all other causes combined. You cannot afford to lie without it. T. C. Smith & Co. How Cats Cling to Llfa, A few days aeo a New Haven citi en discovered that he was the owner' if Bve young kittens, which th mother had carefully secreted in an sniiity sugar barrt'l. A few hours titer making this discovery ha found that he tiad money enough to buy a bushel of potatoes, and he accordingly irdered the grocer to deliver that luantity of early rose at his house. The following morning the citizen visited his cellar to look at his krttens. He was shocked to find that the gro- 3er's man had emptied the bushel of potatoes into the barrel where the kittens were. He turned out Uie po tatoes for the purpose of removing the bodies, and found that the entire cat family had slept as comfortably under uie sixty pounus 01 potatoes as tney would under a roll of cotton batting. The little animals appeared somewhat anxious to lake a lunch, but other wise were not a bit worse by reason of their experience. Yesterday the citi- sun concluded that he would kill three of the kittens, and accordingly secured a pail of water and. after put ting the intended victims under the inlliiHiiee of chloroform, placed them in the water for the purpose of mak ing the execution certain. Judge of bis surprise a few hours later when he found lho.se kittens quietlv sleeping in a spot near the pail, where the warm aQtilig-hthud attracted them. ISew lluveu Palladium Asheville has five first-class private in stitutions of learning, which in character complete with any m the world. - Tost received, a large lot of Embroider ies and Torchon Laces. - 11. KEOWUOD 0. 10. Asheville has tbe most thoroughly drilled and equipped police force in North Carolina, wmcn is uuocr iue supxi vwiuu oi a most popular chief. For the Inauguration flew Clothing at low prices, at Wbitlock's. Asheville has two excellent sanitiui- nms, which are exclusively lor the use ot visitors, as none of ber own people ever get sick. - For the Inauguration 100 pairs extra pauti, all grades cheap, at Whitlock's. We are selling lots of Clothing Cannot say whether It U the-attraction ot the discount or because consumers must re plenish. H. Kgdwood & Co. Asheville has a beautful cemetery which is tbe only business here that does not pav, as during a whole month there was only one death among twelve and a half thousand inhabitants. Traveling suits aud crush huts ut Whit lock's. Asheville has the very best business men in every line, oi wuoin 10c very creme de la creiue. will be found ad vertising in The Cituhn. Handsome styles in Carpets. Art Squares, Smyrna Kugs, Oil Cloths, Cur tain Ooods, Lace turtains, etc., - ' -" "-H-.'KEDwdob 5c Co. . The exporters and manufacturers who need the type of tobacco ralati. it this .' section have their buyers on this market,- and arc paying more for it here toAa else- ' ' where. . f We would warn our customers agaiust the drummers sod agents who are paid ' big salarirs to induce shipments to other markets than this, by promises, to. SeU at -I reduced commissions. After your tobacco is shipped it is from under your crjsstroi) ,,1 and when you receive returns there is always an excuse for low prices, claiming to -bacco to be damaged,' etc.. etc. We have, with great expense, made the Farmers' Warehouse The Lending Warehouse in the State. where you attend tlie safes of your own tobacco, or have it sold in a few days after shipment. Elsewhere we give a partial list of actual sales made since the holidays. - dtwtaprl2 SMITH ft K01XIN8s v --- Proprietors, ( ! LliWIS MAUIlVX. Prea L, P. McL0U, Vlce-Prea. J. B. RANKIN, Cashlar, l)mCTOs: In-is Maddux, M.J. Beardcn, M.J. Fagg, J. 0. n. aeea, oeo. a. rowen, as. Mcioua. B. Rankla, J. B. Hay, J. B. sUKd, Asheville is eoine to hnveon Saturday, the 2d of March, a "KaffeeKlatsch." We would tell vou what it is, u we knew, but you can learn by doing as we do; go and see it. The best assortment of line Clothing in Asheville, at Whitlock's. Asheville has three hunks, all of which are absolutely solid in every respect, and in either of which your deposits will be absolutely safe. . , . Some great bargains in Children's Bill- moral Shoes and Colored Hose. H. Kkuwoou & Co, WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. ASHBV1LLE, N. C. FEBSUABt 1st, im. ' ' Organised May 1st, 1888. CAPITAL $50,000. . - SURFLrS, $ 5,000 , BTATB, COUNTY AND CITY PEPOfUTORY. Does a GeneralBanklng Busineaa. Deposits recelred. Exchange bought aad said, Cot lections made on all accessible points. The Baring Feature wDl receive special attention. - - On all sums in this deportment,' deposited for fonr months or longer, la teres! at the rata -of iercrirt-litr Wlhuialrllf oelplsWr?" Special attention given to loans oa real estate, which will bt placed fer loaf tiasa on rial sonahle terms. ' ... ; . , f j , Ones Irom 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will beopental f p.m. fcbadtf i ... .,.; i:,ciu n ANEW DEED, carefully prepared by lead ing members of the Asheville bar (on finest parchment and heavy flat paper), Co,- points, ju.i uui aiiu nuw erina all aaressarv on sale at tneomceoi im tmiiii rimwin no Co., No. S North Court Square, jaaltttf Nftbody will believe the absurd story thut a New York policeman ran from a ghost." On the contrary, he doubtless clublied the spook into a comatose state, but was too modest to say anything about it. $7,000 Seven thousand dollars worth of new fresh goods to be sold at GO ST FOR CASH. Shoes, Hats, Dry Ooods. Notions, Kublr Ooods, Blankets, Comforts, Shawls, Ladies and Cents' tnderwear, Domestics, Plaids, jeans. A good full stock of BROGANS FOR 90 CENTS. Ladies' Fioe Shoes, Button and Lace, $1 .Oil. A good boot for $2.00. Cotton j checks accents, Comforts from 55 cents to 80 cts. Coffee pounds for 1 . A big stock of nil kinds of GROCERIES. Brown's roasted coffee, truuks, valises, wnler-huckeU. tubs, tickli gs.flqnr, bacon hay and syrup. 11 lbs. granulated sugar for $1.00. 13 lbs. light brov sugar for $1.00. 31b.cansoftomatoesUcts. a can. . AH these goods must be sold at once. All persons owing Smith & Baird are notified to pay same at once, and save fosts. CloTer aud Oram Seed of all Kinds) For Sale. II. B. CARTER, Assignee ' Advice to Mother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrupshould j always be used for children teething. It ; sootlies the child, softens the gums, al ' lays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the 1 best remedy for diarrhu-a. 25c. a bottle. Susan B. Anthony is to lecture at the Hot Springs ojiera house Friday night on thesubiect: "What Woman Wants." tell, site could be yiallcviiie ilns ine west iivi oi ." South, vvhich ,wili n-week miblish jiicture of the new government building. wish, : If Miss Anthony can heard . . Anecelotea of oeneral Grant, General Grant, on his return to this country. is said to "have been severely af flicted with a cough contracted wnue crossing the ocean, and which had itu! bornly refused to yield to any treatment. A friend procured for hiin a bottle of Symphyx, and by its use in a few hours ; he was entirely relieved. Heremarked to his friend : "Men look uion me as a great j soldier, but this bottle of Symphyx is ' greater than I. My calling has lieen to ; destroy men's lives, but this medicine is , a victorious savior ot men. . I shall never i lie without it again." d&w "Sir," said the missionary to the de ' putting legislator, "I wish you would do all in your power to reclaim the poor ret! man of the West." "I will," said the law-mnker, heartily: i "I'll liegin with their reservations ht.U-j "j I Better Than Hulclde. I Professor Arnold says : "An incurable ! dysieptic is justified in committing sui i cide. We will guarantee to curt- any dys I peptic within three months by Acker's i English Dyspeptic Tablets. T. C. Smith !&Co. febfidnwlw Enpepay. ' Nam as aa Orator. Nero, the Roman emperor, is per haps best known by his celebrated pur formance on the lyre during the burn ing of his capital, although this legen dary episode is not mentioned by such htctruna,,. TnAilna M ffr.llaai1 formerly of the French school of Athens, who is making excavations "a la Schlicmann" iu tootia for the French iroveninisnt, lias found a stone in the sanctuary of Aixllo Ptoioi, or the "Aixilio of the Internal Regions." which presents the Roman tyrant in another light The stone has engraved upon it what IL Holleaux calls "a gen uine Bnuech of Nero's," that is to mi. one Which was not composed for him but uttered probably extempore when giving liberty to the Greeks. Nero plumed himself, of course, on his ver satility, and believed thut be was an "all round" genius, able to compose, to make speeches, to act, and to sing. The discovery of IL Uolleaux may, perhaps, prove thai the tyrant was i real artist in words at least, for, ac cording to the learned excavator, the fragments of oratory found on the stone were couched in strong, sonor ous and emphatic Greek. London Telegraph. Hnsy Manhattan Island. " It is doubtful if there is a busier snot in the world of the same sin than Manhaltun Island. With the year end ing with September the elevated rail roads of New York city carried more than 170,000,000 passengers. And that is a His.senger"trartic only four and a half million less than the whole truilic of the German empire for the same time, with its 18,000 miles of roads 1 In France, where there is more travel, the record is 205,273,340 passengers carried over her 2o,M4 miles of road, which is about IS per cent more than went up and down in New York and wandered to and fro in it during the same time. us country during the same time there were carried 428,225,513 passen gers over the 140,912 miles or road; but in this were included the 170,000. 000 of Now York's intramural recora. 8o it appears thut this trallic waa about 40 per cent of the trallic of the whole country, and it was carried on 321 miles of track. Indianapolis News Call for any sized Clothing you and. you will tmcl it nt wmtiocK . Zieglcr Iiros.' and Banister's Fine Shoes in great variety. H. Kriiwood & Co. Custom Clothing The finest goods in Asheville, made to order to fit. Prices lower than ever, at Whitlock's. The Grant monument cannot be called a put up job, Texas Sittings. It might 1 if other States put up the money for the Iwnefit of a park company in New York. . PjT miii Call nnd see tlie new springstylcs. Fine goods, ((rices low, at Whitlock's. V Would you make vour hetislay ? If so, buy a package of Imperial Egg Food, which is invaluable for young chicks and moulting fowls, put up by F. C. Sturte yant, Hartford, Conn, hot sale only by F. L. Jacobs. Most of the Americans who settle in Canada forget to settle here before they go there. Boston Courier. A few pieces Fruit of Loom Muslin left at 8c. Wamsutta, Pride of West Cam bric. Muslins in Lonsdale, Ikrkeley and Diamond Hill at 10c. at Whitlock's. BLAIR FURNITURE COMPAQ NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers.' Bastern young lady (to Western young man) "Is not cultivation extending rapidly iu tlie West, Mr. Breeiy?" Mr. Breezy"!), yes, ma'am; I have 200 acres under cultivation, agin about half that last venr." dwtfe2 For SMITH & BAIKD, No. 11, fatton Avenue. CLOSING OUT SALE -OP- ALL WHITER GOODS, This is what you ought to have, in i fnct, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. : Thousands art searching for it daily, and ) mourning because they find it not. Thou I snnds upon thousandsofdollnraflrrspent annually by our people in the hoiie that , tlier may attain this Imon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that I Klectric Bitters, if used according to di- reel kins and the nse persisted in. will i bring you good digestion and oust the ; demon Dvsiiepsia and install instead liu- I pepsy., We recommend Electric Bitters ; for bvsnensia and all diseases of the ' Liver, Stomnch and Kidnevs. Sold nt , 50c. and $1 per bottle by F. L. Jacobs, druggist. Susab B. Anthony. For forty years Miss Susan B. An thony has been worknig in the cause of women suffrage, bhe is still hope ful and active, though she probably dons not expivt to live to see the ful flllnviit of her dreams. It is likely that forty years ago she was more san guine of'iinmediute results than she is today, but. looking back, she is not dissatisfied witb the work site has done, and she bos no doubt thut the people s ill in time be educated up to the point of recognizing the civil rights of woman.-Washington Star. And Undertaker. Prompt attention given to all orders day or night. Residence i 39 Penland Street. liliMly THIS PKOTBCTINO PROPERTY OWNERS. . . THE "CAMARET" GUARANTEED ROOFINS PLATES. We not only Rive the pun-hasrr the best Kooiing Plates, but we protect him First By givlim our fruarantee. necund By .tumplnu each sheet with brand and thickness. Third By esrludinn wastes. Fourth By branding th net weight of the 113 sheets on the bos .! , .; . ; Fur the lient-fit of those wanting the very best Rootling Dates, we assert, and art FtB I'AREIITU PKOVB, that (excepting the "Oilbertaon's Old Method") tone ate , athas , brands of rfioflng tin being offered In the market to-day, by any Arm, aider the four dlflen ent gunrnntces given above by this house. .fuUjltu.. l'hlliiilrlphia, New York, Chirngo, Lonann. , dAwtaprt,,,',) , -AT- 22 THE BIG 22,-22 PATTON AVENUE. ri&wtaprJO A prima donna of the Wugnerinl school assured an interviewer lately that Italian opera is "in the desuetude," and that "Patti is over." Patti is not over, but she will lie over shortly, with another of those tver-charming farewells. CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 0 North Court Square," j U prejiared to do high-grade j work at "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM,' ASHEVULE, N. C. For the reception of patients suffering of diseases , of lungs and throat, and conducted upon tbe plan ot ' the snnitaires at Gcebrrsdorf and Falkenstein in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of tbe medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. I). C. Waddell, President. W, W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrence PaUlaai, Caahler.' THE RANK OF ASHEVILLE, Asheville, N. C. ' 4TRWJ riLKH. BURNS, CTTH, COBXfl BfTOTTLT) AI.VfATS BK KEPT IN SHOP, ULLlnUJ, ca04lL-JN8FUO811JlTL8 KJTC'liEN, BTAULS AS1) fACTOUX I When you feel youmelfgradunlly brenV. ing down don't wnit until you have taken to your bed. While you arc still able to lie up nnd nliout tight tbe griui monster nisertse try the ue ot proer re storatives. The liest remedy for tnalnrin, indigestion, weak kidneys, constant fn-i tunic, till ot dizziness, short breath and! At the large discounts on heavyweight i otlier complications of a disordered sys gnods any man's dollar will go a long I tern is Brown's Iron Bitters. Its magic way. Buyers have Shown theiriip)reX'ltt- j Influence in conquering diseases of an ei tioti and have taken the offering freely. I hnustive nature is most astonishing. H. Rkdwooi) & Co. - i LOW RATES HefauMrt they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT, DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY' Oldeftt Batik In Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE. , CAPITAL STOCK $100,000, soil's Fn :3,c:i r.:usTfli:G Lii:i"EriT r:.u3TAi:3 u;:i::.Eininusf aiigliiiioeiiti liustaijg LiinrEHTi hustaiig Lir:i:.lEif t hustahq L!i:i:.:HEjtfrJdT?i!;5 v CTOES HOLLOWHORN, CAKEPBA08, ' HEAIJ9 INFLAMMATION, OLD BORE3i UKC U at UOOi DlaAri IU C A T1L ! WAiLLU nutAtt 13 c ihoia; l Ullta I IH FOB MAN A RE AST,' ' PENETRATES MUSCLE A 'U1U TO TILE VLU V liO-Nt (TRT'S TOOT ROT. K nOULDER -ROT, rK 10. W-WOl! U A.N V BC AD IN BULL!' I CntEB RtlF.rMATn .,1, LAVS JlAOL' ANUKTUi'aomU ECULiilAif 4

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