T'if Crrn ! Hit moat extensively cirru t -. -1 i read newspaper in VSesurn a of public men and mea.tire' . r.t oJ public iotrirrlty, h. .r.l M in the Interest of lu fo rem hi rut, and frti-f oua imluatty, ami II navi bo pciaoaai nitciauicc ui treating pub lic isor. latl irti pabtlahr the dl.patrhe of the Am-ta(rd I'ttm, winch now cover the au (urlit lii ! m. It but other facili ties o' !,' 4 ' ums'i-nn fur rathering as iiyiM rtiaewrytlnngcare fui'V euitcd to occupy the ttn sliest apace. e --.-a e---" a of put edition will be tent !hi . -j ! Jin thaw auldrcsa. Tsan Dane, H for one year; S3 for eix Mtfei; &U ecuia tor on an oath; 1 5 imti for DM werk. Carrtrr will deliver tb paper in rrerr east of UM eity to abarxlber(, and par tie uiui( it will plea 4l l toe, Cituxs iarunawvl traa Reaaon able and made fciow oa apubcailoa at thta ottiiY. All truant a4rcrUaraeBt Boat be paid la a4- TptSDAY. PEBRUARY 26,1889. "ouica tn nuNCE. Politics in France arc as much of a farce and auisancc, even if not a nonentity so far as an food is concerned, as they art In on r own country and time. The Friici people arebjr nature Impulsive, fanciful and much fiven to pomp and show. , These characteristics are at no ticeable ia matters ofsUU as in social relations. The term "unhappy France" aaapp',toiuPoUtirt,,d tateitman hifi ia prowrhial, and at the same time not inapplicable. The recent failure of M. BieUoe,to form a cabinet when author ised to do so by his chief, is not a sur prise to any one at alt contrersant with the present state o French politics. It was sailnrs through fear rather than for any want orabllltT. rreawjeni vanwi" PrWdent Orery. He lacks hit firmness, hi foresight, his ability to cope with and master the whims of the French people. Theas wtr the essential qualities ofci rresklont Crtvy'amakt up, they are en tirdy lacking in the character and ad ministration of the present President ot Foacf. Hence, it it no wonder that M. Mslirw, hesitated and finally failed to call a cabinet. It would have been perchance but the cabinet of a day, a mere play thing, or caprice and. liable to be blown way at any moment by the slightest brscx of discord. The same is likely to be the fcte of the present cabinet, formed by - . . . . aaw a. a ... 0 a.t. M. de Freycinct ana M. I iraru; out ior welfare and perpetuity of conservative, repabhean France, we trust not. Cen tral Boulanger it a typical Frenchman. He ha won temporary victory and prom inence bp playing upon the fancies and humors of hi people, rather than upon theif good tense and Judgement. He hat the pporhtnity to moke bit tuccess the success and welfare of all France. But will he do it? This It the question that . - f . i i . i. i a . It uppermost in every r rerun v to' day. . Will he prove a Oambetta and quell the dissordt aad distractions of bis own a a . 1 1 1 1 Mfl na vnwi Aflau -unH ft Ifiw moterr If so, all will be well The past history ofFrnce and the course of her has tily and chance mads statesmen will not warrant it Ia gnat crises, France, unlike oar own country, has not had great men and deliverers, raised up to guide her ship of Stole, On the other hand, she bat drifted from revolution to revolution and oftentimes her very existence has bsea imperUeil. W't are not pessimists, we aim not to teach pessimism, but the present state of politics in France is such that ifcare and caution benotthechicf in grcdicnttof her statesmanship for the coming months, a political upheaval will tartly U the result. The true lovers of Republican France, the true lovers of uni versa! peace hope for a better end. WHAT ARK THEV THKRK FOR When we read that members of the United Senate descend to the plane of urn lignlty tnd blackguardism in debate, and even let their tempers so get the bet terof their judgment us to grapple with each other at if in mortal combat, we deem it pertinent to put the question "What are the there for ? " When our KprftenUtlvct in Congress are con fronted by a large and rapidly accruing surplus, due to the Inequalities audop- prtaaton of a Ugh tariff which imposes upon tai-ridden people unnecessary and onerout burdens; when appropria tmn bills, necessary for the transaction of the nation's business and the Individ ualwcal of all, are delayed passage by the filibustering tactics of members who itlt again time to ask, "What arc they fotV Such is, and has been, the action of Congress for the past few weeks and such it it likely to be nutQ the session , closes. Vhea tbeueoidekarn to dtKxrn. and then to decide, between the good and the bad, between the laboring and the buy member of Congress, then shall we tec party and personal bickerings made sultservicnt to wiseand whole some legislation for the mosses, and not until tben.y The ntemlier who is diligent and faithful in behalf of his constituents should be kept in service, but the lag gard, the political trickster should be Invited- to remain at home. The closing Congress hat one redeeming feature, it will afford the public an excellent opiMir tunity for pulling the noxious weeds. If Thomas JenVrson's shade ctiuld re vhrit Wsshinjrtoa and get a peep at the preparationt for the inauguration page- t,-what a dansal peaaimuitic sigh that hade would tend tvrollins; and rever berating along the Une of Pennsylvania rennet. I itlTOUIAL POINTH. 1 me maid ' of 'Aslieville, do you ra ti-tl5tljt. ' i I P. T. Barman hits had a woman ar- i rested lor swindling him. We hardly see . . . . i i how a humbiiK can I hnmbiiei'cd. Again some one a lucre m a hh . in Harrison's cabinet. We surmise it is only season check canned hy the cold ; If present reports are true, it aorius ns if no one can do for brave Stanley what lie did for the lamented Ir. Livingston find him. "How shall we preserve the fish in our streams?" is an important question among the foresters. Send the boys to Sunday school would be our way., . France has at Inst formed a cabinet, but we are still without one, though our newspapers have been turning them out at the rate of forty a week. The French people are not so slow after all. a a It is estimated that there are three thousand faith heelers in the I'nited States; Granted; but there are three times three thousand political "heelers" within the same extent of territory. There is a bill in the Ohio hgislature to prohibit doctors from advertising. What would our barns, fences and way-side rocks do for clothes, if it were not for the patent medicine vender? Ohians, you are all wrong, kt the doctor alone. a a . a 1 England is fitting out a score of ves sels at Victoria to go on a seal cruise in Alaska waters next Summer. Perhaps Uncle Sam will have something to say concerning those Alaska seals ere the ex pedition starts out at any rate, he ought. a There promises to be more dead ducks in the Albany, N. Y. Leg'ature this year than ever. The Assembly ceiling jobbery is the cause, and the toiling tax-payers who have been swindled out of $100,000 by their repi-esentatives, still cry : On to justice. a The city of Atlanta, Georgia, is su- posed by many, and especially Northern people, to be the coming metropolis of the South. Well, Atlunta is a pleasant town and no doubt has a future, but she is decidedly behind the titties in tome things. For instance, it will be months before she will have her first electric rail way, while our own Anheville hut a sys- tern well established .and is already en joying the fruits of this, the greatest ol modem inventions. Score one more for enterprising Aslieville. Pl'.HttONAI. AND jE9I;MAI The Richmond Times calls Ktxd, of Maine, a "pallid statesman." This, ap pellation is a miafit. There's nothing pallid alxmt Krid. Miss Minnie Wanamnkcr, the pretty lark-eyed dimeter of John Waimmnkcr, has had her lile-sized portrait painted by M. Ilrontik, of Paris. M. Meline is finding it up-hill work to form a French Cabinet. General Harri son might cubic bis condolences. It is not the paucity but the glut of material which is troubling the President-elect. At last the reul and true causes of the death of Crown Prince Rudolph is out. It is officially stated that for some time he had been very fond of a punch, nuide of champagne and cognac and had taken large quantities of it daily. Mrs, George II, McClcUnn mid her daughter, Miss May McCtcllan, are among the few Americans to lie pre sented at Queen Victoria's next drawing room. Miiis Chanler, a sistcr-iii-lnw ol Amellie Rivcs-Chanler will also lie pre scuted. The American colony ot Montreal has been increased by tlx arrival of James A. Moore, the Connecticut Lite Insurance defaulter, mid John U.JSulUvati; the de faulting City Clerk ofliidianupolis. They I are not very well known yet among the j older and more nrisbocratic members ol j the Exiles t lull, but their position will be assured in time, A New Yorker who makes -his winter resiilence.ii Florida has oflcred a premium of $1,000 to the city or town in that State which shall in July 1 next present the most cleanly condition in public and private premises. This may serve to ac complish what failed to! brought about by warnings ami by mere appeals to self interests. The Leading Store of the city for Ladle I ESTAimoOK'S, 8. Main Street. The grrntrat variety of nice good, mu ll at BooJim, Htatlouery, Fancy Good, PalntliiKH, Bngravlng. Prame. Weatem North Carolina ' View, Naveitie-a, KUv, Utn - Fvervone I pirated and all aatianvd with what they buy at thl place. Their atock It uftlie lieat and price always reaaonahle. Hualneta men will nntl the Inr rnl and lieat line of Hlank llouka and Othce Htationery in W. N. C. Art Btudio over ttore, where vlaitora ean obtain local tkcU-hc in oil or watrr color. fcbl-tvlU FOR LIEN ONLY! I PfKITIVF Foe LOST rTAn.IWO WAHH00D, HrUMIIIKaMtmlua RSRVOUt BULUTTi riTTT T' Wnkam W tnly ta4 Iia4. Erttrt J J XltXi , Frror, er Ki.w I Ola a laaaf. !. S-A4. StMilMIt fMll. -.l4, - I B.Iw mm4 iiwiaaKa.iMii'Kiiirtwiai.it p.ara.isoav. tMai.li aaui4 Miaa iiitHT-a.u a, u R -m hM.tr, Trm 4 1 m.im. T.ll.iwfc .wl t, f.t.lihi. tMw.HifiiM. sm. rnii.iMM4w,ta peMattMiMMj uit ntsitAi utmiAit,!. i ta th tat rhtVilawl.T JfVRNISIIKll APARTMENTS TO LET Room ean be had at XS. 7 Collrgt Rtrrri ixnown aa ine "liavinaoa House- I newly mraiahrd. Mr. Krwtn ha char of the eul. I inary rtepartment and will rurnish ftnt-claas I table hoard If desired at reasonable rate. ! Uuqutr oa the premises. a-hilS-d 1m liK'C(h bSJLU t.l.KY, S. C. "Did You I'.vcr ? . (Jl,l MiUJ Qf.-l;,!. Mm TVilhfiul OS tllOV flprmrt.fHi. laden Witll IIUmiaW'H from . . TTwiun. rif rha ii4-. T1 wl t'ill ' . i iv ii ni'ir uiwi mwh n iioiiiiririil mu:",v rv' ..., r1"1"" . .' , , , , lif , J A, . 1 Divts Goodrt and Trimnunp to mateh?" "And weren't the yr'wH t-wiitv in our UuHincHH. Ti-er ,iniy down? Juwt think f- nil shades Worsteds at 10c. wi iptioi) trade probably hir and bright new Henrietta! at j 24 44ct. per yard," contin-;Ht in Attheville, uud no ued Mrs. Iievelhead. "ThoHe X liar MukHiih, Vic-; abatement. Ketail patron- . t m r . Jii...- ..,11 1 a lona kawnH, jiarneuuw.hiimu checks and ritripea, from 10 ctH. toiiO rta. are perfectly lovely, added Miss Stylinh. "Their IJdginirfl, LaeeH, Handkerchiefs, (JloveH, Nap-. kinn. Corsets, 10-4 bheetinir, I'illow Cawinirs. WamsuttaH. Fruit of the Loom and many other doineHticH are offering at quick sales pricoH," said Mrs. L. "And 1 what bnrsmhm in their Renmnnt conntefM Did ,'ou notiee their 2,000 yards of beautiful Oinsrhanw at 7 cts , worth 12 ct.?" "Their Clothmcr is being sold at panic prices to make room lor the large spring stoek that is soon to arrive. "The ir Shoe stock is the argest and best assorted in the city. ' Uh, it does seem a real pleasure to the salesmen," said Miss Stylish, "to spare ho pains in waiting upon file.: uirii tunioiurin. "Yes, their hearty hand shakes and pleasant greet mg, continued Mrs. 1., "will cure nnv case of blues." And thus similar conversa tions are heard in hundreds of homes of those who have been so fortunate as to do their purchasing at the Iead ing Dry Goods House of B0STIC BROS. & WRIGHT, Successors to Brevard & Blanton, at No. 11 N. Main street. Aslieville, N. C. This tinn lias leen exceedingly fortunate in wcuring the ser vices of, Jno. PMorgan, K. LT Brown, Jno. N. Ramsev and B. (J. Morgan, who will le sure to make it to your interest to spend your cash with them. " liespectfull v, " B0STIC BROS. &aYIUGHT. JESHK K 8TAHNKS, UNDERTAKER AND EMIULMBR. Aslieville, N. C. Every rriiuisitc of the business fur nished. Plain wood caws, walnut or cloth covered caskets. Metallic caskets, both plain and elegantly draped. Robes of nil qualities. Hearse with heavy white or black drapery. All calls, Jay or night, promptly an swered. Teh-graph and mail orders promptly nttendedto. Office never closed. Office and residence: No. 40, N. Main tt. dtmarlO 0UK MOTTO : Neat, Prompt aud Reliable, Bring your repairing to headuuarlers. Watch, clock and jewelry repairing is a (ending feature of our business. Work entrusted to us it certainj to re ceive careful and intelligent treatment tVoni expert and skillful hands. Delicate mid costly timepieces should I entrusted ouly to thoroughly com)ie-U-nt watchmakers. All work guaranteed. Prices alwayt reasonable. UNCI JEWELRY STORE, SouthTtlnin St. V - Asheville, N. C. tl&wtmartl T. B CRARV, ASHH VII.I.H, N.C.. llrlck Layer and Maker. Join of all kinds attended to. Artificial atone pavement and private j ,n. mm nwni riim.iTriJ in park and private ground ia Kattrm tttatra. Will contract to Htv walka for let thaa brick will eott without ulxtrucAing th wav, and guarantee It to but fcaagrr aad to be in everv war I letter. Addrrw aa alHiv. dawtmarS ?iiTICH ia harrhv givm that the undcraign- ed. and their aaaociatea. win make ..ll catloa t the ttrvterai Aaaemblt af North Car olina, at lit traabHi of IHHW, foe a charter In r,r iMrnt m "The Athevtlu, I n., i-..... ' tioa aad lmrormrat ComiNuty," with It prtncliial place of buainea In the City of Aahe- viite, n. w. That ifttthala at January, ihhs C, D. HL ANTON, t". T. RAWLS, Jana-d3od MISCCLL.WIXHS. 'FOR A FACT." We niovo unothcr rstt'ji for- , 1 I ii i i .l I In v U'i Liu fit . I i mi n rtr ru hi iimi T 1 1 9 II 11 iiv m-tw-u I mil- uwitirli wlinivintr utunAv in iioung hteruij in age increasing steadily in an swer to best attention and eading low prices. Our wholesale efforts bring good results, a realization of our expectations to -date. -We are making daily shipments to all near-by railroad points. These demonstrations assure us that Aslieville is the nat- ural distributing point for Western North Carolina. We are to distribute the Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, etc We carry a large stock and our prices are low enough to remove objections of buyem We are prepared to do the Drug business of this section, and no relaxation willbejier mittetl until this fact is intel ligontly and practically un derstood. T. C. SMITH & C0 r licad i ng Druggist s, Asheville N. C. REAL ESTATE. Wm. HI. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERALBROKER, Akheville, N. C. Can ssll yon one million acres of land, in trsAa from SO to lOO.OtiO acre. Hare a number of city lot. Improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the beat of term. If yoa want a large oramull farm call on me. If you want minerals ol any kind, you need go no further. If you want timber lands, this is headquarters. In fact I can tuit you In anything you want In my line. Services of a nratlaia civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to thow up all property when required. I have had tiiteen year' experience in the real eatate buainea. and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all. inquiries. fcb2dly W. CORTLAND, SiReal Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Patton Avenue, Hurnurd Building. Ieb9djy D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, t.Nut a Speculator.) Having by practical experience thoroughly ayatematiaed my sales department, 1 offer BPKCIAL INDt'CBMBNTS To those wishing to sell, and BAROAINS to those wishing to buy. -I have some of the beat property fur tale in AthrvUle which can be bought low down. Alto, country property, Manganese, Iron, and Timber Land. CsU aad examine my liat before purchasing. D. 8. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, dtmayl Atheville. N. C. PROMPT. ACCURATE. A REAL PLEASURE r TO 1M YOUlt PRINTING An you want it and whnyou want it. CmZENPrTLTSHIN(5 CO. pan Va Xwaasao, as isSoa. . " ss4 WkMvTllaW SaranaiuiHKMtiiu. tksilaraaent FKI - i wm. b M W1SIU.BT.M - tMhMswaisteUM. Nsuasaul tu tli sat SfbUKIawly K';sci:u.i.ocs. : J. fi. ;:o:tr n ; CO., No. 3 Barnard Bulllug;. ! School and College Text Books, a full line. Poets, His-, tory, Romance, Diogrnphv, j Travel and Novels, Family; IJlbleS, S. S. Billies aild 1 est- anientH, Oxford Teachers' i Bibles, Song Books of all k; 1 I . . , intls, large st(M-k htatumery, IWank Books and Office and School Supplies. New line Ladies' and Gents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls. feblOdlf - : Rr f- rm a t a . i E S T A U It A N T j AND OVSTER PARLOR ' la the place her- yoa ran find all the drlira cie of the araaoa, such aa OYSTKKS, f ISH, HBVlLKIl CRABS, - OA MB. AIo, Northern and Weatern Beef, and the only one who ean give a genuine Philadelphia Fry. t have recently added to my Restaurant a large Range with latest lmprovemmta, such as Brollera, Boilers, ete., etc. Thia enables ' me to fulfill any order in from S to 8 minute, i Come and try a fine Philadelphia Pry or i Bird on Toast, in 3 minutca. I am alto pre- r pared at abort notice to furniah Dinner or ' Supper or Ice Cream for large or small par-! ties, as In catering my long experience of ly'i years allows me to give perfect (atinfaction. t Remember, that this is the only Ladle' Parlor in the city and the only place yon can get a genuine Philadelphia Pry. Very respectfully, ftbSdtf B. STRAI SS. N OTICB I. hereby given thnt application will lie niaile to the present arurion of the Legi.lature ot North Carolina for the incorporation of the "North lUtau-rn Land Company. ' 8. W. BATTI.B, W. T. PKNNIMAN. T. W. PATTON, W. W. WEST, feblOdlm - W. B. OWVN. . x. .- I N OTICB. Notice ia hereby givrn that the unileralgncd will apply to the prcacnt session of the Gen eral Aatembly for a charter to build and op erate a railroad from Atheville northeaaterlv to the top of Cruggy Mountain (or to tonic intermediate point. S. W. BATTI.K,' T. W. PATTON, " W. T. PRNNIMAN, C. W. WOOLSHY, G. W.SWAIN. W, W.- WAPDILL; W. W. WKST, febodlm W. B. GWYN. J49IKS FRANK, . DHALKR IN FAMILYGROCERIESANQ PROVISIONS Agent for Recma Creek Woolen Mill. North Main Street, - Atheville. N. C. feblOdlr yB wt" PK' PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kind, of cement woi W none. Jobbing and kalaoiniuing promptly at-' tended to. ' Resilience, Clnvton St. Order ean he left ' with W. H. Weatull He Co. fcuDilem ; - I THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Roomt on Main street, oppoalte the poat- office. open daily, except Sundavt. from 10 a. m. until I p. m., and until 6 p. m. The terms of subscription are: One year 2:Hmos.. (1..10: 3 moa.. 1 : 1 mo.. BOcts.: dailvacts. Officer for 1NXH President. R. R. Rawls : Vice-President. Oh uric W. Wuoltev; Sec. and Trem., II. S. Wataon; Librarian, Mis K.J. Hatch. Citiirns and visitors are cordially invited to iiiscct the catalogue and Inscribe their j name at niemlK-rs. feb8dtf I MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 82 Patton Avenue, Glrdwood & Stlkeleather, Proprietor. tT All order promptly attended to. fcbtHly Value in Old Stamps. Any parties having envelope or adhesive stamps used prior to ordtiring the wnr.whcre varieties ar desirable, cun find a purchaser lor aame by aeniling to the undersigned. Stamps issued by the various citietand towns during the late war are particularly desira ble and of most value. In all cases those on original en vclope are preferred. State price in each instance and send all enclosure to H. T. C, Office of Citiien Publishing Co., frbfidawlm Asheville. N. C. JV) LOVERS OF GOOD BRBAD. Having perfected arrangements I am now prepared to furnish Stkah Hakku Chkam Bssad to all parties at 5 cent per loaf. 8. . WBLDON. 23d3t 36 North Main Street. CJJVERSKKRS WANTED KVBRYWHKRb" At home or to travel. We wih to employ a reliable person In your count v to tnck up advertisement, and ahow carrit of Electric Goods. Advertisements to lie tacked np ev erywhere, on trees, fence and turnpike, in conspicuous places, in town und country in all parts of the I'nited States and Canada. Steady employment; wnires t2.5o per day; exienses adranceil; notalkingreivaircd. Local work lor all or part ol the time. Address, with stamp, ..... . , EMORY & Co... . MaiiUKers, 241 Vine St., Cincinnati, O. No attention paid to postal cards, dtmar4 Py virtue of a deed of trnst ..rented tn me By A. R. tt rr and wife, dated February 7. I and duly registered in Hook 1 2, Page 318, to secure the payment of certain notes mentioned therein, I will aell at public auc tion for one-hnlf cash and balance in six month, on the premises or at the court house in Asheville, N. C, on Wcdncsdav, March 30 1MS9, the property described in aaid trnst, anid property Wing situated in the Cltv of Asheville, on French Hrnml Avrmip nmi ton. Ham Street. aiMolnliiK landa of W, M Cocke j ir., and Messrs. Iiatrd and Alexander; eon-1 tainlng two acres more or lea with three-1 dwelling houar and other improvement Thia the 18th day of Februarv. 1mh ,. ISIDOR WALLACH, feblttillm Trustee. Orunlienness Or thl Llqiar Habit, Positively Cirec! I lilsw1ff1SIUIlBi BK. alalHTs BalUal nitta TLT "s "i aoaoiute y harmless and wili I IffseA a imi msnent an.1 .T, " ! ' .T. ' ' tlujpsuntla moderat drinker n, .: .T'l 7,1 i n upbt pan m wmm mii I1D. mtmr-m. ia i.j-. ":-wt i .u'w ww in vrftl T ini s rompltn bkBOImeiFicco i IcUuduwly mi lllawoi s. i r r "n ' (J , . ( - .Lllll ARE THE CUS- Mlian. of tht ch app)ntM and tl leypro- . ! w unW rntirr-tv ne-w .i,n,i .... r that rody .hai have . k-J t.n,e(lHn"w ""'"""entirely new management It thrr ean help tbem to It. Miwcmllv thum- that have a hard time moat of the year will ftad them laytna for toe cu. Ii jou n art! to ituit.dcuit to aatiaf,, , YOU ARE THE CUS- turner we are after. We'll milt yon. plraae j you, aatiafy jrim, make you happy. What j more do you want. IX you want to know. wnetner we art aoie to aeep our mm, i whether wa ean back all our brag with good rfora"w-wb, ASK ANY OLD CUS- tomer of ours and we'll utanrl by his testi mony. A man that won't keep hi word, that goes back on his promlar, that tries to work up a snap HE ISN'T WORTH A CUS- tnrlore or any other cheap and natty article. We want to give you a food time. Are you withut? If to jutt get a move qn yon and come to - ' POWELL &. SNIDER, GROCERS, ASHBVILLB, N. C. dtmarlS c. COWAN, B. H. COSBY, Succeuior, 27 I'atton Avenue, Pealer in Wau-he. Clock, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Optical Good. Gold Pen, Ace, Ac. l.arire and varied ntwnrtment of Ladies' and (Gentlemen's (.old Watche at low price. Largest aaaortment ol Wedding King in the city. i All repairing in watcne. eiit.. ana (eweiry neatly and, promptly done at reaonable "Kurs. SATISFACTION Ot'ARANTKKIl. The present proprietor shall neglect no ef- fort to merit a continuation of the putronngt- ! o lurgely bcntowcd during many year upon bit predecessor. aawtrnarn. U.CH MONO & DANVILLK RAILROAD COMPANY. (Western North Carolina Division.) PASSKNOKI DSPARTSIKNT, I ASHKVILL. N. C.Jan. 1. lHxJ. I'ASiSBNGER TRAIN SCHEDULE. 1m BrpacT Js. 1, J8S9: f Wo". Bl No. 03 I.v. Atheville, Ar. Suliabury, ' Danville, " Lvnchburg, " Waahington M Baltimore, " Phila.. " New York. ... Boston,---" Richmond. , ' " RHlclgTi, " Goldaboro, ; "Wilmington . OSopm 37am 047um 1 2 -tfipra 7 35pm 9 20pm 8 ("mm 6 211am 8llim " 3 3(lpin 1 .)pm 6 4:ipm 10 20pm I OOum 7O0am 8 26am 1047am 1 20pm 900pm 5 15am 7 .loam 11 V,am 1 02pm 310pm tl OOpm I No. SB 8 30ara 1 1 BOam 53()pm "SOpm lllOpm Lv. Atheville, Ar. Spartanb'g I ""Charlotte, " Columbia, " Charleston, ' Augusta, ' Savannah. 1 Th'aville.Ga 1 Jacksonville r Atlanta," -' Montgom'y ' Mobile. U05pm 0 1.1am 140pm 1200 tn 1040pm 7 25am 1 55pm 7 20pm No. 64" 710pm 8 40pin ' New OrlransI I ' " I No. B0 7 ib in 9 21 lam 1 10pm 615pm 6 10am 7 40am 9 20am 1 10pm A 40am 6 :tOpm 7 45pm No. M 444pm 8 10pm 8 BOpm 54t)am 11 45am 5 3opm 444pm 610pm 8 BOpm 7 15am 114Sam ' Lv. Aahcville, ' Ar. HotSpringa " Knoxville, ' " Chnltun'gu, ! " Nnahville, " Mcmphia, . '- . . Lv. Athevll.e. Ar. HotSprings Kuoxville, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, 63lpm;j 7 43 pm f- Sleeping cars on all night train. JAS. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINni'RN. G. P. A. D. P A. SOL. HAAS, T. M. j Schedule Street Railway. i To take effect Friday, Feb. 1, at 6.30 a. m ; Car leave Court House 6.30 a. m. 7.00 ' " ...8.10 ' r u .. .. g.40 ' From then till 7 p. m. car leave court house every 20 minutes. Also, car leave court house at 9.20. p. m to connect with train to Salisbury. FARB, FIVE CBNTS. TLANTIC COAST LINK; ' On and after this date the following sched ule will tie run over its"Columbia Division." No. 53 leaves Columbia 5.2o p. m. Arrive at Charleston...... 9.30 p. m. No. B2 Leave Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrive at Columbia 11.53 a. m. Connecting with train to and from all point on the Charlotte. Columbia A Au gusta and Columbia Ik Greenville Rullroada. Dailv. " T. M. EM BRSON, Gen. Pa. Agt. JF.DKVINK.Oen.Supt; JvoTICB. Application w ill lie made to the presen "ten sion of the General Assemble of North Caro lina to charter a turnpike road from South Hominy In Buncomlie, to the top of Mount Pisgah in said county. W. G. CANDLER, T. W. PATTON, febl3dlm ri. ii. i. ttll.u. 1 MI'CKLAND, . : MERCHANT TAILOR, NO. 10 PATTON AVBNUB, Heirs to announce that he has received hi minutes for the ensuing spring and summer and ask the public to call and examine. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVRN TO CLEAN ING, REPAIRING AND ALTERING. . janUdtf. v.. . . ..,,-,....-,,.,.-.. .. .. JsOTlCE. Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the present session ol the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina for a char, ter for n coporatinn to he atvled "The Title Guarantee and Trust Comutny of Western North Carolina." JAMES 0. MARTIN, I HUMAN A. IMAS A. JONES. W. TALBOT PBXNIMAK. ft'bodlm ' T. W. PATTON. RICHLAND HOUSE, Corner Main and Depot, WAVXL-SVILLH, N. C. koouis newly turnislietl. Fare the best ! t,,c "r'rt.nfi'rrts. Good sample room. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Terras: $1.00 per day, 0. D. L. ALLEN Ic SON, Proprietors. hoilus. sthictly first-cuss pkivate board. tiie tiiomas iiorsr.. NUAK BATTKRY I'ARK. . ,, , , . "U'I v. ill lie kept in strictly firstt la tyie. THAIHNT oil KMit l.AN HUAKlir.KK TAKKK j Northern Cooking. 1 Kates Reasonable. MRS. E. LACY & SON. Proprietors. dtf MTV RBSTAl'RANT. FATT0N AVENUE, Under Redwood's Store. Mrala at all hour. Al. tli riinnMni u eason aerved in all varieties and in the beat tyle. Oysters, Came, ftteak. The Best of Hot Coffee. Kreali Norfolk Oysters received every day. The retail trade supplied. tlave add-d a new broiler; steak. oysters,,., etc., etc.. d lie to a turn. dtmarlS T. J. Bl'MNBR. JJRIGHTi K THAN BVUR! TH H STAR Or BVNCOMBB. GRAND CENTRAL HOTELr 8H7 Arrival January and Pehniary, 1SST. iSOUO Arrival January and February,!. THE MOST POPULAR $2.00 HOUSE v. IN THE STATE. 13,000 arrival during the past year more than every other hotel in the city. We bid fair to n-giater 35,000 tlii year. FIRST-CLASvS IN EVERY RESPECT. Only hotel in the centre of the city. Given a call. 9. R. CHEIIKSTKR & SON dtmar6 A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. ' Round Trip Tickets only VS0, including i ! full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PAHK HOTEL. The Baths in Marble Pools and Porcelain Tuba are the finest and moat luxurious in America. The Hotel is 4 NEW AND FIRST-CLASS In Every Particular. ' . UNEXCELLED IN ITS CUISINE. The place I a charming spot, nestled among and heltcrrd by Pine-clad Mountain where there is no fog, no dust, no malaria. Tare and abundant water, and absolutely perfect drainage. dtlulJS I'any da!tr says he has the W. L. Donates Shoe without name, and price, stamped aa ths bottom, pot him down as a fraud. V. L DOUCLAS $3 SHOE for QINTLtMEN. Best In the world. Kxnmlne his OO (JRNriNF HAMB-SKWyl) HHOK. ,00 HANK-MKWKD ll'KLT SHOK. ii POLICE AND FAKMfcKS'HHOK. IS EXTRA V AUTE CAI-F 1.84 WORKING WANT 8 HI 2.00 and l VI ll w lit ii, IIOK. SCHOOL SHOES. All nusl in Ce-nrrett, Button sad I Laos. W. L. DOUGLAS 03 SHOE laW... ,.r WaSsTial, Best Style, Bess TlUlaMm ITaot told bvyoor dealer, ant W.Ii. POCGLAJJ, 11 JUOCKTON IsT AU. .. . ... . . p0J, gflij, HERRING WEAVER, 30 South Mitin Street, Asheville, N. C. jimlUillv m " r -f iwirr . srei-i'i,- enn d me of n-slUmani l'ii .iinjruTI hsd lain if,-,d in V11, uith Mi .fsli-.-d reasi-diss o' Merrn-v aid Potash DM . n:ily cimd the B:U pmsnn. i ui relh-ved lln .lenmatlsBi whtrli ess etu.,-l hy th, nolwisii. ilucrjl. b,il BOV tXL, IMtt Id Avenue, N. Y. , N,-rofnU deselnrsd nn my daughter -.welling sill mis nn Im neria wa ,. :, ,,. d Uie result ww wond-rfnl and the cure pr.ai-.pl. .,. "ON I. Cleveland, Ten lT RI-KiSic It emlrely veeruhl. reniedr, id is In mily Bieuklm. ohisb nermanently eiirr ,?."iBl00d.H'i,l!0,,iC'"',CM 0m.glo.i. S L"ViJ,JTl ' llw Slot Hkla inspsie. mailed free. Ta Swu-r Hrsutrw Co., Drswac , Atlanta, Us. isn IS cnetid tu th ant