i i.ni io..L c'.ii'.s' I) utH. 1 Inm A. .It M laTIH, Anil A-iri llll. VVtliwH. MK I IN i JUSIIN. I f I Mill' ll. Atlornrvn ! C'mwllir at I, aw , Anlirvlltr, N. I Will iliull' I" II" '" ,,J,h I"""1'"1 (Haul l, ,,c aii"-ine tnliil ill Nor II t molliia. ami i h I'nlcial I'nuit il Un Wni.in Hlniiul ' Nutlli I milium. Hcirr ti H"l "I Aluvilli-. ilt-rl I I. II HC. MAKTIN, Alinniry At l.avt, A.titvlll. N.C. Title- mill CiMivrvaiK-laa n mini lull v . Oil In tlmi mn.lt. I'Tiu ta-c in all tli' i"iirt. ,nr with llinlui-r & Curler. M.l.u.nl Lull ItululliiK. iltnuvJH cm. A. ummii. riHiKK MKHKICK, urv MHlmlCK. 1 'It: A I torn') and Counwlliim Hi Law, AxllrvllU. N.C. I'rn.-tU In the I'nllrd Htatr Clmilt anil lil.trkt Court at Anhcvllle. Htnlrat lllr, Clmi--loin anil Crtrnliiri. In the Hiiurrme Court at KHlrlKh, ami tnr eourt "f the Twilitli uilivtMl Ulauivl ul the Btate ol North Cam- Hlieelal attention given to i-ullretloii ul claim. , . , . . r'urtnimliliuliK'tmitntnid to practice la Hnncombc lulerior Court. UloeJ t. h"coiiT j. o. assamoN. OBB MUKKIMON, Attorney auil Counsellor at Law. Practice In all the eourla. .,.,. Office: Not. 7 anil tt, Johuiton liullillng-. dtae w' w.joNM. ' "Ktt. A aurrnan. JOMBl 8HUF0MI). Attorney at Law, A.hevllle, N. C. Practie In the Suuertor Court, of Wentern North Carolina, the Rnjireme Court or the State, and the Federal Courta at Aihevllle. Office In Jiihiwton Uuiklintt. where one mem bcr of the firm eun alway be found. Utnovll . k. C Abschrtcfy Pure. Thl powdef fierer Tarlen. A marvel of pur ity, nm-nslh anil wboleaomene. More eo nomlial than the ordinary kind, ami cannot be told In roniietitlnn with the multitude of low tint, horl wclicht alum or pho,halr powder. Hold onlv la can. Koval Hakinu I'ovmjk Co., loa Wall at., New Vurk. dtwtaprl7 , LSSUKAXCH. JflRB INSt'RANCB. FlUE. .LllfE.' - ACCIDENT. JtlHNHToNB JONKS, a-rroNKKV ap ch'mi.i.iii at law, A8HBVIL1.B, N. C. Pructlcea In the t'nited Statrn Clh-ult and DLtrict Court at Anhevllle. In the apmnc Court at knleiKh. and In the Court of the Twelfth Judicial ftiatrlct if the State of orth Cnroliua. and elewhere, a hi Krvk may be required. . ' 'a" j!l!L JJ H. DOUGLASS. D. 0. S. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Oraut & Wlngerf lrug Store. Realdence. No. 9H Bnlley St. ' fcbiudl 5 IIhTrKRVB. I). P. 8. DGNTAL OFFICK lu Conually HuildinK, over Kedwood' Store, Patton Avenue. febl3dly . ' ijfj JR. J. H. OAKRATT, AKTIST. Studio overlooking Court 8iiiure, ubuvc Cooper' torc. Studio Uour i'roin 9 to it. Clasc In rtrnwinis und Palntine. Pnrtir ular on application. feblKdly fT BIIRC.IN, M. II. OFFICE I . New Grand Central Building, over Ui Tl Clothing Store. febl7dtm PULLIAM & CO. At the Bank of Aihevllle, ASM BVILLB, N.C. Ill HIM 4 AMI 11.1 - A HI' I I''.. A li w pine I'rnit of I.iikiii Munliii It-It at K,i; WiiniHiilItt, I'ri.li- Wtut tain lino, MhkIiii in I.iiiibiIiiIi-, hrrki-lry anil I'laniimil Mill ul Ha-, ut Wliitl'.ik'a. JoiiiiIi wn tlie liml aecrettir nf tlie in . li i iur. Iluchlt-U'u AlllU'H hitlic. I'lir Itctl aulve- til the wnilil fur t;iil, lii'tii-. uivit. iiKti. iill ilitiiin. li vi-i ' arcH, tftier, tliaiKil fuiitln. ilull lniiif, C'iriia. and all akin vrititun, wild mv liwlv cure pile. r " l'.v rc:iiir'il. It ij!iiiiraiilici tn (-ivc ik'i Uvl a.iii-l'iu'liuii, in- inonrv rt-limilril. Tritx' i!." ivnla ier link, t-'or aalr liv I'. L. JacoliK. tlaw i Kochratrr Hxprcai; Life in iipnrtnietil ( ImiiHra ii, tliey uy. thr next tiling to I French Huttery. New iriti(? atfHik of licntlt iiiiii'a Ikt die, Crtibli UhIh, etc., ot WliitliH-k a. , i -. ! Mr. Myaer "Now that nil ia over la. ! twitn iiaVMU Udblou. I prt-mmic it ! woiiKI not If out of plai to re(itrt j return ol the baublcti that I litviahrd on ' you in the (Iclfriiinl of n tnitphu'ed uffco lion. Miaa Cluhton "With plenaure, air; here they are. Will you plctote give me a receipt in full?" I.nnre atm-k of Hamlinrt: iolrndifl Ktock of Torchon Liter; 11 ter itock of Oiiinhnmii, ClniinhrHV . Seermtekera, 8at- inca, reiciilei ana rnnu yn bimiwh n WhitliR-k'i. . . Touifh Citiien (to fellow-crookjuiit out of pnitenttil )' Well, Bill, you've tried Imrnbiry, anon. liisliw.iY robhery, itickhiK nocketa and counterfeit U'S '' j-ot i-niiirlit at it everv tune. Iwt are n - - t . you Kotnii to dt) now f Hill i liiiirrH-l "I am coiimto join firm tifschool-ljook publinhcra." ChicaRO Tribune. All wool IhTiw (IoimIh und Trimming H. KBDWtHll) it Co. JOHN WANAMAKt R'3 KHCHCN. It U m A Intr, aud l KM"ltly Nulml l.nr llix MtiM I'Uw. I John VVaiiniiiulior lnu ono of tlin . I)iftfet kiU-liciiH ia tlm world. It ii in tliu hawiucol of hia l'liiliuli Iphia ; Uirf. vtliei-B no mla arri tnli-inl.-d and i no tlaiiiiu s IH irtruiiU4'd l ia.'Ui tinto. iVaiiaiiiukT tukoa j-rwit pridn in thin kilcheii, ita lie dia-a in avcryt jing eon litt U'd with hia Uir. Oflin lio front down lo the liii? aicnm riMikin miik, 1.1 U thf lid, UtU' tlio aoiip, owim at I boililijf pt.UitofH. or ilihpecla the little I iHin t'hiin itn in which the-charlotte . i .i ritHMiia acrvrHt. wunainuiter ia ntiu-u I for hia riclt charlotte ruiwo, and tlia dtilicucy ia nmdt) from a recipe tur niMhrtl the chief cook hy Wanuntukcr liiiiVH'lf. Wauanutker like to tuko viaitora tlirouf;li hit kitchen and ak them to aunipla lha fool in all iU 1 HtnLtw of ort'imrHtioiL Ilmixoita of tl , . i a( ra,oM.v i'A as AImiuI Aihevllle ! Wwiue of U-r lvuplc. Anhrvillc ha now tin- niiiht ultra, live hotel iu the StmLtu ru rUntc, mill her liiii;liler, Vietoria, will anon Imve one eiml to it. Juat mvived, n lnrj;e lot ol Lniliroidcr ira and 1 ortlmil Ln- a. II, Kkiiwooii Hi Co. Anhevillc liaa Ufd-dehiil. wliii-li uif hirxelv utlciiileiT, ti'.i.l auid to la-nlilv eon- fltictctl in nil rcHtccin, lllack find Cn am leravya, Mn lot Keiuiianl jimt nnnle, Cull curly Whitlock'a. mi:;cu.lam:ocs. Rcprencnt the follow ing comianic, vii. : rillK. ' CAHI AKT IN V. . AiikIo Nevada, of California $a,7,SH.t t,ni o,T.i ,i 1.1 H, 6U4 1,A4H.0'.A l,7.6!ta S,Ofi4,t7U Continental, of New Yord... Haiuhura-Hremen.of Oermnny London AMttrance.of Knjrland Nlanara. of New Vork.fc , orient, of Hartford Phteuix, of Brooklyn..'. ttt. I'aul Hire and Marine, of Min- ntHnta.. Southern, of New Ortcana, Wmtnra, of Toronto Mutual Accident Aaaociatlon. .;tnu Life Inaurancc Company. dtinar2U tJVl.Olil i,oaa,2:ii EQUITABLE LIFE Atwmrauce Society or THB t'NITKP TATK. Aim t 093,O4.tM.1t6 Surplu.. ao,74,73.l3 ( Larger than anv other Coinimny. Oiitntmidint; Aurani.-...)S4,ji6,Ili.oo Writ ten in I53.9JJ.3 .Vo Tontine Policies with 1R anil 20 year p rlod nre the uumt . popular and profitable form of aMtirance. For esample. rate, etc., confer with E. . Monroe, Agt., oliice with J win Anton I "Thev tell ine vott are inHrriil aain, Pat ; w that ao r . i m,r .' "How are you autialicd with the pbontre1 ?" "MoiL'ht? wtll.aoir, Ivf the Hrnt Mrs, McOlachet ty was aloive the day meow n lv rejjret wutl lie that Oi hadn't married me aecond woile lirst. At the In rue diavonnta on heavy weight "ootid nny mail's dollar will ro a long wav. H ii vera have ahnwntheirnppreeta- lion und have t.tkeu the offeniU; tiIv. H. Ki-nwoon & Co First HolUiciil Boss "Well, are you aalistied?" Second Political Boss t looking over list I "Yea, that enliinet will suit me. "All riirht. I lielieve it atill miiiirt Hnmson'a niL'nnttire. H it does I'll tell him aUiut it." . Atheville, N. C. febU.SdOm- -W-A.'BNNliNT, : J I Architect and Contractor. 1 Plan, pecincation and estimate fur nished. All work in mv line contracted for, and no charge for drawing on contractu awarded me. i Reference when desired. Office: No. 13 Hendry Block, North Court I Square, Asheville, N. C. fcblitdlj- BROOM FACTORY. H.4NFORD J. LOCKWOOD. HANU-MAla Brooms, Wliieku, Hearth and Celling BroouiH. Mill and Factory (rrade a apectBlty. Quo tation and aamplc free. teblmlly j7SCilTRTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR J. V. BROWN Will continue the wudertaker' huaintasat hia old stand over J. R. Dlckcron8i Co.' , Hardware Store, under tbe firm name of J. V. BROWN & CO, under- fcbWidljr 43 N. Main St. Having thirty year' experience a taker and embalmcr, and unequaled futilities for buying, can safely guarantee atil'actlon. Call promptly attended to at all hour. Everything pertaining to the business al wayaonjiand. feb!3d6m Adiict: to Mothcrn. Mia. Window's Soothing Syrtipshould :il-:iv4 lie nsetl Ibrchiltliea teething. It aootliea the child, sottens the guins. al ia vm nil iMtina. etiR-s wind colic, and isthe best remedy lor diarrlnca. 25c. a Untie Visitor (to Boston lady I Is that your I daughter in the next room, Mrs. Yalcio I hear aoilleUitlv sillllilltf." ! Mrs. Waldo "Yea, thnt is I'enelope, She is aiiiyw. 'Ho. Bob tlaemere Ho 1 We Boston people, vou know, Mrs. Wa i t.iisli. like to become lamihar with our favorite writers." ' Klanituu Fire in tli Vfii. We hold nositive nroof that Acker Knirlish Itlood Elixir cures ull blood poi sons wiicre cheap aatsnpai iljus-and so called Diirilicrs tail." now.iiir this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on a positive gnnrantee. T. C. Kmith& Co. Minks My stars! The worst has happened. 1 cannot pay ten cents on the dollar." . Winks "You are luckier than 1 am. When I failed I had so much property left that I had to pay fifty cents on the 10 few great kiu-hmit 111 the world hiclf a inuii inay go through uiid cuuie on I witii a goou upixjuia. Waiuimukur'a kitchen laactuully an oiK'tiicr. The irreal merchant ia novor ao happy aa when running a knife into the Lancaster county but ter und. paaaing it around for visitors to Uvste. lu V anauiaker's reeitaurunt from 4,000 to 8,000 puraoua are fod every day. and VVanamakur is not too proud to lunch in hia own shop. In summer he tuakaa and sells there 8,000 quarts of ice crwun daily, and in oya ter season frioa 80,000 oysters. Waua- niaker knowa hia trade and cater to it aa 'carefully aa an apple woman on the atitM'l corner, luai ia lite way uo pe cam rich. . ' An instance of thia ia to be found in the order lie once gave his restaurant maimer about nunce piii. "Have onlv the best mince pica thatmouey will buy, he uud, "even 11 you nave to toll at a loss. I con afford to aink $10,000 a year in mince iiiea rather turn have people say t do not give them gootl pies. The people of Phila delphia ran t bo fooled 011 mince pies." V ,. W.,r,,,..,..bu .,,.1 ivilK hi. 11CIIU..I Villi , IMIIIUIIUIlll, 1 uauul curefuluess iu auoing thut all bin orders ai-e carried out to the Idler it was for a long time his custom to blip downstairs and aauiplo the pin every day. Wanauiaker ia now famous for Ins mi nco pies. W hen vv nmnimkcr lirst suirteu up hia restaurant, then a niuoh aiiuuler place than it now is, his manager or-dei-etl W dozen assorted pics in untici- patioji of a big run by tuo V huaaei phiunson their favorite pastry. But the custodiers were acurce the next ' day," and wliciithotitorcclosed 11)7 dozen pics were btill on hand. The restaurant muiia-rcr was in consteruuliou. He utoucsoubrht Wauanutker, whom be found in his oliice alter all 1 110 em nlovuM hud fone home. "Are the Dies still g'idf" asked tho great Uierelmiit alter listening to the manager's story. "eii; tiiey will uogoou an out w niorww. but not after tbat.'' vWell. then," said anamakcr, -"put an ad vertisement in every uioruing paper to-morrow unnouncnig that lor tuis day only we will sell choice, fresh pies at a cent a cut. See what that will. do,". ...Nest moruing the Pbihv delphians rcatl Wanauiaker1 pie ad vertisements and by nightfall there was not a piece of pio left iu tho bouse. In telling this story Munuger Gilhtni iijtkd: "Tliut is the way with Wana ina!.:r. IIo will have onlythe best thul is to be laid, and when the goods "von'l move bo makes tuetii move." Cor. ( hicago Ti iLiuuo. , . . ... Asheville has ail electric street railway in successful operation, and to U' extend ed generally throughout the town. We are selling lots of Clothing cannot say whellicr it is lla.' attraction til' Uie i discount or because consumers fiin.it re plenish. - It- Kiiuwoou ill Co. Asheville has five first-vlaas private in stitutions ol kariimg, winch in character complete with any in tbe world. Asheville hu the most thoroughly j drilled anil euuipied police force iu North Carolina, which is under the suiiei vision of a moat popular hk-f. , CarlMt Motiitsm. Mauy mothers have permitted tbejr chililtx-u to die before their eyes wheutliey might have been saved. Any mother who keeps bouse without a bottle ot Acker's linidish . Baby Sootlier . at baud, runs a risk which she may some time regret. It has saved the lives ol thousands of children, and is doing so every year. For sale by T. C. Suiiih oi LO. ft X 1 : t u 1' ' ., ' v, v -"I . W -' ViV SfcMT ; f GLAIR FURIIITURE COmPWIY, NO. 37 I'ATTOK AV'ENUB, WliolcNulc and Retail Furniture, Peajert, And Vtidcrtaker. Prompt nttention given to all orders day or night. Residence i 39 Penland Street. Mildly Asheville has two excellent sanilari. M aiiw.X. Pre. U. P. McLOU.. Vlce-Pr... J. B. BANKIN CaaUar. ' , urns, which are exclusively lor the use ol ihknctonk: Uwl Madiius, M.I. Heard, M.J. Pagg, J. B. Ranaln.J. B. Kay.J. .Racd, visitors, as none of her own people ever ! s. il. Kcrd, Geo, s. i'owcll, C, M. UvLoud. . , WESTERN CAROLINA BANK ' ASH BVIl.LB, N.C., FEBRUARY 1st, 1888. Oraanl J War 1st, 1SSS. ' CAPITAL, 950,000. - - '. SVRPLVS, f 5,000 8TATB, COUNTY AND CITY llEl'OeUTOHV. 1 line a tleneralBaiiklna; Uuinea. Depodt receired. Bxchangt boturht and sold, Col led loin made on all accessible point. The Saving Peatnra will reedy special attaatioau On all um In this department, deposited for foar month or longer, Interest at tb rate ia' 4 ier cent, per annum will be paid. Speeial atuntlon given to loan on real tatatc, which will be placed for long time pa real ANEW DBKD, carefully prepared by lead ing members of the Aheville bar (on finest parchment and heavy Bat paper), cov ering all necemary point, jut out and now r.n t the otHl-r nf the ClTIZKS PUHLISH- ISO Co., No. e North Court Square. ianlWtf $7,000 Seven thousand dollars worth ol new fresh oods to be sold at G O ST FOR G ASH. Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods, Notions, Rublier Goods, Blankets, Comforts, Shawls, Ladies and Gents' Underwear, Domestics, I'lnids. Jeans. A good lull stock of "'"'"'"'IrOGANS FOR 90 CENTS. Ladies' Fine Shoes. Button find Lace, $1.00. A good hoot for $2.00. Cotton checks 5'4 cents. Comforts from 55 cents to SO its. Coffee' 6 pounds for $1 . A bit! stock of all kinds of GROCERIES. dollar." New York Weekly. Ia CoitHuiuption incurable ? Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, of Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with ahscess of lungs, and friends and physi cians pronounced an incui ulilc consump tive. Began taking Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, and am now on my third bottle, and ahle to oversee the work 011 my farm. It is the finest medi cine ever made." j Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: I "Had it not been for Dr. Kiuu's New Dis- i covery for Consumption I would have 1 tlietl Ol lull iiuiiuiio. i.hok..'. "f 'V i doctors-. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at Jacolis' drug : store. ' She "No, it cannot he, but 1 will try to lie a sister to you." He ion ve never lieen nnytlitng else, j You are the most sisterly girl I ever met." "Sisterly?" , j "Yes. Yon huve taken all that you j could get oul of nie, und have never given I me anything in return." Klectrlc Bitten. I This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need 110 special men tion. All who have used Electric Bittes sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed, lilcctric Hitters will cure all diseases of the Liver ; and Kidnevs, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum und other nflcctionscatisedby ! impure blood.-Will drive malaria from ' the system and prevent a well as cure ' all lnalartul fevers. For cure of head i ache, constipation and indigestion try I Kteetric Bitters. Kntire satisfaction I iniaritnteed or money refuiided. I'riccGU A 111 earn llwllxcd. ' I i!in not "a liplii'ver in divanis" iu (he coininoii at'fpptitncp of the term, nit 1 Imvu rift'iitlv bad nu experience Ihul. to suv. the lctu-,1. .wtis rcniai'Uuijlo. I will relate it siuiplv its 11 matter Of fact. Dotasaiari.'iiiiiciit. Few ticople in K. luis have entirely ftrgtitten the laniom lu ilv trusyily. wlm Ii r.-ciirretl ubout llvo years ego. tkfii';?' Keily, a river pilot, killed his wife? uiid then committed buicido. 1 was un old time friend of lteily, and Wb ut hi bedside lsjforo he du d. null while liewusaut- feriiiir from the self inflict'.-d wounds. IttttondoiJ his funeral ;n:dji:ive dier- ished his inemory es tliut t'f uu un fortunate friend. Thomas D. Freeman, of Monroe City, Mo., Wusa longtime mend of both myself ami y,v. K: ily. On tiie lOtli of January I.. si, whilo tukimr mv mornins niit), 1 tlivanied that Geoigo Keily t-iiiit to muand told me Unit i'rxH-man laid died ul J o'clock that moruiuir.. 1 told invwifeof my dream, but us wo hud not heard that Mr. Freeman wns ill we thought little of it. On the 1 a tli of January 1 re- ceiwd a pi'per from Monroe CHty con- laiuuif? a notice ol U10 uealn 01 -Mr. Freeman, vt hich I subsequently learned luul oceiinvd on the very day and ttt tl'e very hour 1 hud dreamed. Mr. Freeman v,;is assistant pttniust.er at Monroe City when he died Cor. (jlr.lie lmocrut. get sick. Some great bargains in Children's Hal-' moral Shoes and Colored Hose. i 11. Kuuwooo 61 Co. Asheville has a Iwatitful cemetery which ! is the only Ijusim-ss here that does nut pay, aa tinting a whole uionllt there was , r..i ' j ...1. .. 1... ., 1...11 : nny one tlCUkll aillliug lvn lliiu n mm ! l,..'..a..,l i,,llttl,l fllll d I Asheville has the very heal business I men in every luic, 01 wnoui tue very creuie de la creine, will Ik Ibnntl ml- vertisingm TiuCitukn. - Aslievtlle is going to naveon satuitiuy , ,Btti,e term. the 'it! ot March, a "KaileeMaisch. Ve wotiltl tell you what it is, if we knew, Init you can learn by doing as we do; go and see it. j 1 .. . Handsome styles in . Cans-Is, Art Squares, Smyrna Rugs, Oil Cloths, Cur tain Uootls, Lace curtains, etc. 11. Khiiwooo & Co. ' Asheville has three banks, all of which are ubsolulely Bolid in every rcsiHXt, und in either of which your deposits will lie absolutely side. ; Asheville has the best newspaiier in the South, which will next week publish a picture of the new . government building. No matter if a woman hasn't but three lines to write on a page of letter paier, she can't resist the temptation to write two of them on the side margin and then sign her name upside down over the date. I Better Than Bloody Buttlea. General Wheatcroft Nelson says: "My experience in the English army as well as in America, convinces me mat notmngso purifies the blood or adds to the health, vnrtir anu me as Acaer s r.nuiisn diuuu llixir." This great remeay is soia unuer 1 1... T 1 cm:.t. k. a positive uunitiiiLcx uy 1. v. nmnu h Co. Ouen from V a. m. to 8 p. m. On Saturday the Saving Department will beopeatllj t p.ai. THE FARMERS' WAREHOUSED TOUACCO t TOBACCO! Dynpepala, Ueapalr, lteatb. These are the actual steps which follow inthtrestlon. Acker s miglish uysiK-psia Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful ot diseases. Guranteed by T. C. Simth & Co. W are glad to say to our friends and customers that all grades tart ondf . ably advanced since Christmas. Bright wrappers, cutters and atrip art Mghei than they have been in several years, and show that Asheville is the place 'to,' fell tobaccos raised in Western North Carolina and East Tennessee. 1 . - The exporters and manufacturers who need the type of tobacco raised in this section have their buyers on this market, and arc paying more for it here tkaa Uc- where.i - ' ' .- - We would warn our customers against the drummers and agents frka (use pid big salaries to induce shipments to other markets than this, by promisst to u at reduced commissions. After your tobacco is shipped it is from under your control, and when you receive returns there is always an excuse for low prices, claiming to bacco to be damaged, etc., etc. ' Anecdote ofUeneral Uraut, General Grant, on his return to this cotintrv. Is said to have been severely af flicted with a cough contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stuli- bornly refused to yield to any treatment A friend procured for him a bottle ot Symphyx, nnd by its use in a few hours he was entirely relieved. He remarked ti 1 his friend : "Men look upon me as a great: soldier, but this bottle of Symphyx is irreater than I. My calling has been to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior of men, I shall never lie without it again." d&w Brown's roasted coffee, trunks valises, wntei -buckets, Jubs, ticku s. flour, bucon hayandsyrup. 11 lbs. granulated sugar for 1.00. 13 lbs. light bro sugar for 1 Art O IK -ontt nf tnmatnea It cts. a can. ' store in tu. emmia mat ta aotd at once. ' i Amerkun Admiral ( m tl next . c.i,i. ftiiieH n,.tif,rH to nuv same nt .ii.ee. and save ! "The foreign men-of-war are steamingup au peraoiii. vuik - ........ - costs. ' , Clover and (.rant) Seed of all Kludn For Sale. !) It Rain S'Uhf j NodouH you havo read stories of , fikh and tudjioles cominjf dowh In the r rain, uiid perlutps you were puzzled ! about such strange things. Isn't this a very reasonable explanation of the j mystery ( A party ef travelers once encamped orer a diicd un iiond in Africu which guvc little evidence of ever having held water. Soon after a terrific rain storm came on, tilling the plact so that thev were compelled to move to a higher location. One of the men, re- hiMiinr 1 1 1 u nttas fi m v, n 11 ttctitfiin tn ,ru.MKll jkt bottle at Jacobs dras watliu J u, the mte of tlio camp, found. to hu amarement, tnat trie water was war We have, with great expense, made the Farmers' Warehouse : ... - The Leading Warehouse In the i State, where you attend the sales of your own tobacco, or have it sold in a few days after shipment. " .. .. .. .1 lilsewhere we give a partial list of actual sales made since the holidays. d&wtitprl2 SMITH & BOIXINS, . Proprietors, PROTBCTINO PKOPBRTV OWNERS. t ! THE "CAMARET' GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES. Wc uut'only give the purchaser the brit Roofing Plate, but we protect him l'irt By Kivlntf our guarantee, , - Recoml -Py tamiing each ht with brand and thtcknea. ' " J ' Third lly deluding waso-. ' 7" , , ' j l'ourth By braudiug tht net weight ofthe 113 theets on theboij j For the lu-ntfit of those wanting the very beat Roofilng Plates, we aaaert, aad art PRR PARKU To PROVB, that (excepting the "Ollbertwm's Old Method") there art so 'other ! Iirnuil ul' rooniiK tin tieing offered in the market to-day, by any flrm, aadrr the foar dlfcr- ent guarantre given above by thl houe, - 'l ' ' T ' - II. B. CARTER, Assignee dawtfeSH For SMITH & BA1K1), No. 11, 1'atton Avenue. CLOSING OUT SALE -OP- ALL WHITER GOODS, nnd trettitur reatlv their 200-ooiinders. j Now's our time. Have the oil spouted ' into the river until the surface is cover d." , ,...,, I Subaltern '"Tis done." 7 "Good! Now start out the torpedo 1 1. ir... . I.:.... j. 1, 1 1.. uonts. ii uue liiiii iii'ii 1 num will. We'll show 'em," "Tis done." "Glorious! But wba what's that?" "The enemy has set. fire to the oil and 1 steamed out. ' " ' I, "Great snakes! The torpedoes! the ; torpedoes!" i "Too . late," Fizz! bung! boom! crash! "Come, boys, let's skip before those gun-boats get back. These new I fangled wnys of defending cities don't 1 seem to work very well." alive v. ill 1 fishes. Opinion wits divided aa to their ori gin ; part of the men thought it was a case of sjxiiitaneoua geticruliou, while tbe majority felt positive tiiut they had rained down. The truth was that the rain , had soaked down to the im- f rihouetl mud llshes. releasing them rom their baked cells uud surtvund iiig them ouce more with wulcr. Tlie air bludil'rs of these fishes are divided into coi.iiiaitment!?. and have all tbe ttSrequisiti s of a true lunff. and they are aa truly omplumotis us the frogs aua toad. -' Philadelphia Times. -AT- 22 TIIE BIG 2 222 PATTON AVENUE. detewtaprifl! CDSTABQ LIIIILIEIIT: nUSTAI.GJ.IUU.IEHT The fact that good health, strong mus cles and sound nerves are attainable should encourage every invalid to an earnest endenvnr in the right direction. Kcmemlier all disease owe its origin, more or less, to a lack of iron in the blood. Iron in the blood mrnns health, strenirth and vigor. Annlvze the blood r . 1 II..1. 1: ...III I.- 01 an mvaiifi anu nine or no iron win nv found. Healthy men's blood is full of iron. The best method ot supplying this lack of iron is by using Brown's Iron Bitters, a snre cure for dyapeima , general debility, weakness and all wasting; dis eases. ( When il is one minute after 8o'cIock it is nast S When it is thirty minutes after 8 it is onlv half .past r- Uere is another discovery to mnkft the world pause and f;vl sad. Detroit Free IVeaS. UUSTA!IQL!!!IE!1T CrK9 HOI-IjOVBORN, oakkdtiagr, UHUU k UUOF iilbhAhK IN C ATTLt 1 How Doctor Conquer Heath. Doctor Walter K. Hntnmotid savs "After a long exjicrience I hnve come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the deaths from coughs, pneumonia and con sumption might 1 avoided if Acker's Uiiglish Cough Remedy were only care- fttllv used in time. 1 Ins wonderlul Kem edy is sold tinder a positive guarantee by T. t. Smith : Uo. Zk'glcr BroHaiid Banister's Fine Shoes in great variety. 11. KkiiWooo & Co LlUSTAliS LI'iH'EIlT HKATiB IVFLAMMATUiN. OLl HORE CAKED liUlUisl'd i. LNblXT WTLS I THK I'hllailclphla, New Vork, Chicago, London. M THE WINYAH SANITARIUM." CITIZEN PUBLISHING. 'COMPANY, No. i North JCourt Siuaiv, Ih invpuml to do high-grmle work at LOW RATES Bcchuho thoy have a FIRST-CUSS E0a!?!HT. r.USTAIIG LIIIILIEIIT !fl FOB MAN A ItEAST. rENETRATES UUbCLK 11 k lliW TO TIIE VEltY liOKK ASHEVILLE, N. C. For the reception of patients suffering of diseases of lungs and throat, and conducted upon tbe plan ot . the sanitaircs at Gocliersdorf and Falkenstein 0 Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of tbe medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S. M. D. D. C. Waililell, I'reideiit, W. W. Barnard, Vine President. Lawrence PalUaas, Cashier THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, Anheville, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Uldeat Bank In Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. siTiFLL'SFu::;::, nusTAHa uiHLmnosTnra u::;";.:.r CVMV.H FOOT HOT, HMOTJIiDF.R-KOT, CURES RTIEUM ATtiNf,' tA" t (T SCltEW-WOUH AND bCAB IX bUEEl' I AND BTLUT JOINTS. tCll IN IXAtW I