ii r n y iii'M itliifr ( r t1 M - ii. i ; v l m It : , .inDli ?'!! the iiir evrrr pn.,.,ug i rvrr? ai imiHii, ami piMti rtt v tu our tu It Wl 1'M' --isinl -Alr.nrt In , K 1' am 1 a,d- Nouc 1. . M. V. I uu-1 -. t .."Ml IMrvIca - loss, Atvlll, M. C. LiTiTftim. as Mourn. Loani-rmia 83.38 Wnar. hi sv.rioa, 8,3ot rT. Mrtorol'.iH. l report for 34 hour ending I at p. m., I oo.ua. r aa, lw. S!S:S' 3 TBMI'KHATllltt!." y,mlpmio m(U a sTi W in. f 'lilwTKaa. 38 6) ) I I 60 l3i) 8 n 1 "MtW POISt." lolly Mean. 4. "pit KcTr-mtflr'tiAtoMBtfeH" "llala and Kaor Mcltrdttnaw. lwptba. DaJljf Mean, larhaa. Iacba 0 u 808 I'ullitt-CUar. K. . KVCK, M. D., Obamrcr. Indication. By TcWrrapk to th Cltlira. WAiHrxoTON.D. C, Feln-uary 20.-Foi North Carolina Fair, exceut local rain on the coatt: wanner; variabli wind, Kcnerally caitcrly. Otm HICKORY LKTTKR. A CnHona Accident to an KiikIm- m acr Tobacco Work. naruvd Down, Etc. Proa our Special Corrpoiidiit. . Hiceoit, K. C Peb.26.-A rery eurioui ret orrioua accident orenrrrd on the rail road near beryeMrda v. W. W. Pltta.firfr man. wai nnderneath nil enuiiie cleaning ont the accumulated athea while it atoou ide-tracked at Cono ver. The macuincr) beinf old and defective waa suddenly mi in motion br the action of the eacapini. team, although due precautions againit any mishap bad been previously takei by Pitta. Kecognixing in a moment hit inability to extricate himself from tbt moving wheels, with great courage and pretence of mind be clung to the axle and lower break of the tender, though tin motion waa thumuinir ana bruising; hit body frightfully. It is impossible tc aurmiae what the end mif III have beet. had not an open switch a hundred yard. away derailed and, atopied the train He is here under proper medical attentioi and, if there art uo internal injuries, will recover. TbeJ'eweet 8ixteen" smoking tobacco factory with all its apparatus and stock was destroyed by firs at 8 o'clock thit momiwr. Owinc to the boar, the con flagration Waa not widely known am. little or notning was savea. naacniner and tobacco were well insured by tbt oronrietorsand no loss results as to them The building, an interior one, belonged ti. the hotel company, and was uninsured. The movement Hi business circles hert to reduce the trade to a cash system at nearly as possible is meetinu with genera approval. A new firm, Messrs. bliufom k Shuford, whose opening day is Marcl. 1st, will conduct a "one price cash store' on an extensive scale, Tbcy claim that no compromise upon these terms will bt made under any circumstances, nud eay thia nlan it the onlv one uuon which fa successful business can be grounded. A most delightful dance was tendered th viiuttnff lurihpa liv the vntinff irentw- men of the city at the Inn lust evening The music and all arrangements of tbt beautiful hall were superb. The young men here take just unUe in the dunce. and suootrs they irive. but no recent oc casion has been more thoroughly enjoya ble than thia last. The successful man agement is due in a treat measure to tbt popular proprietor of the hotel and bis way. taocubersrer Hall, Hi venacrort. An article appeared in the Citiirn, thit morning, copied from the Church Year, which makes an erroneoui statement about this building that calls for correc- , tion. It states that the building huf been completed, but plainly implies and conveys to all readers the im nrcraion that a debt of two thousand dollars rests noon it. and adds that "the authorities' have no idea how tlie debt is to be nnid. The building ia the noble gift of Mr. lohn A. Shoeuberger to the Diocese ol North Carolina, as the . home for iu training; school for the ministry. It is a very substantial and commodl out bouse, admirably fitted for its pur pose, and it baa been provided with an excellent turnace, a range, ana compictt Elumbing arrangements, good out uildings, and much of tlie grading done, and all without debt ; and I apprehend that no building was ever erected in Asbeville, the bills for the erection and completion of which were more promptly and satisfactorily paid than in this in stance. - P. Illl.t.!IOVl Bl'KL, Princiml Ravenscnift Training School Snoenberger nan, tto. JV. CaalnLKlalatloit. Raietgh News aad Obaerver.) . . Here's news, sure enough. A "dog law" baa actually passed one house of the Legislature the House of Representa tive. It did so yestcrduy and on its third reading. It it Mr. Gilxton's bill, known officially at II . B. 040 for the en couragement of iheep huibandry. It pro vides that when any one has a sheep kilted or injured by a dog be may swear out a warrant ngninit the supposed owner of the dog and upon proof that the person named in the warrant is the owner of the dog that did the killing or - injury the J. P. shall require him to pay the owner of the sheep $3 for each sheep killed and $1 for each sheep injured. It provide further that any dog found at tempting to kill or injure any iheep shntl be killed. Now, who has anything n.orc7J(uimIvi.'..Amnn); mm M to say about tbe fear of legislators to pas a dog law? Of course the bill isn't foingto become a law. It isn't going to pass the 8enate at it bat passed the House. But with this explanation we are ready to assent to what Mr. Gibbons says to si in a little note abont the bill, and that is: "This ia the only dog law that hat passed the legislature of North ! vnrviiu. M liu i.rc in i ii 1 1 1 w, 1 1 1 1 tl ll 1 1 1 li now.". Dr. J. P. Ramsay returned to the city yesterday after an absence of two weeks. On Friday the 1st of March, he expects to open a dental office in tbe Barnard building, and beg a share of the patron age formerly extended the firm of Reeves k Ramsay. Meeting ofMt Hermon Lodge, No. 118, . r. a. m inn evening at 7.30 o'clock, for work lB tbt third degree. - Viaituij brothers Invited. -V "Cherry kip" at Opera House to-uight. I'rice 25 and S3 cents. . INANCI. AM) COMMKRCT.. Till'. WOf-Ml'l MAMKI.TH I U IJ f.UAI'II Money and H-'urltlr-1 ollort -rollu. and I'tcmIhcc Moaitv AMPiauiairtK. Nw. Yo, Frli. 3d. lischange dull but Wimrf .aav. ul- 1 reaaury l.aluil.rs (.old, 1 1 oO,.i'.iO,- I 0M; lurrrlli y, 17,KH,II(M. Uuvciiiiirot lion..., nun nut strauy larr Cell!.. l prr OCHla. SIOU. fclal bond. Hull outslcsdy. Ala.ClauA 3aB loft IN. V. Central lnu's Ala. Class II 6.. 1 1 1 N. Ik W. pld 63 Oa. 7s, mutl H'Vj Northern 1'ac... 3't N.C. Cons., ...! a N, I'. pld W't N. C. liiw., 4s U I'atllUi M ' a. C. Hrown'a.liiiladlng 47 cmi. net., its 73V,glen. fit Allc I "J Vtrittiita I"- w- '"" W't Vllglllia Colli... n oc ismuu Mill Northwestern .luil,hl. raul.... do DlU.. uo lw ....... Del & Lack 141 WTe. faerie Uric illi'jl IciiuCoulArlron li tl.') lft:'4 TIS hU Oh. kul Iron W I'liioll I'ha-MiC. Lake lihora l'i N.J. Central, Mo. I'acilic Wtfttrra I'nion.. Lotton-accil Oil CcruniHtri Uia. At Na.n no Mr m. At Char 60 Mob. StUblo 11 W Na.h. a Chat... kUWj NOi'at.Ulniurt SUVa CUTTOS. I i..noi. Pli, a Noon Cotton oulct with limited inuirv Anieman mul'llmn &; alca H.ooo; Biiciulutlon anil rxH,rt. l,tHu. Ktx-eipui 1H.OOO, Amtrunn 17,VOU. ruturn dull at decline. . .. . u r. m. American nililiiilna o1.. nam to. Jay lO.OOO, Incluilinx ll.AH) Amtritau. i'eo ruar 641-U4. aclirrai r'rliruarv anrt Murth .o cllrra; Nina hhu aiih u .Ti; April and Mny, 0 :iu-U4, Mlk-n; May and june 0 aiMt-, value; junc nnu juiy u .-i, !lien;Juiy anu aukuii d o-o tamt. m- auat anil Hepumiier o az-o. aenrr; wpiera- jer a aU'V, aviicr. ruiuici utwu .Mady. , naw wtlaa, mi- an.-wiiwn--mi msiH" ISO; groan H717. l uturen tlomd qultt but tteatly, ai- au.nm imu.. , Keb B.u:iauk iu.anaio.iiu March .,. U.Mliu v.:iiM'ii v " u . A prll l.wiali.ji'l,'1 v.oa w nn jbfay 10.07alO.HHNuv. b.66a W.B7 une lo.lfialO Id Ijcc U.Cifta B.9M July:. .,.10.aalU.t(jttU. v.nm w.fin w VoK, rct at). cotton ateauy; aaiea im,; OrlcHUi HIV Net con.oli.lnlcd rrveiiila, 1 3,3tll liaJca. Hit- tirta tircut ttritaln ItiliMtt balci; Contluciit Una. atoca n.il.'Ml naic.. Oii.va.roK, ttu. ati cotton ateauy, v, receipt, nut). KOMjroLK. feu. ao. voiiunaicatiy. v lo-m, reerlpta MHO. ualtimuii, reoao. vutiunouuiinui, iov. receipts I low. Boston, feu. au cotton quiet, toy.?t; rceeiit33H4v Wii.MiNtTON, n. c, rco. ao cotton nrin, i; recelpta 113. fiiiLAiiKLfliu, reu. i(D. coiionnnu iut; pM-rinUtlA. HAVaNM.it, fen. at) cotton timet ana tead. bW recrlliU It I HU. Mtw OttLKAnR, rcu. ifo. cotton nrai, a 1.1H: recrillM ttO3 MoniLN, Feb. 31. Cotton ateauy, Vll-10; recritita 1053. MKHPiua, rrD, no. cotton iieaay, receitit. NH7. auuumta, reu. -ja. cotton nrm, xe ceipu 074. Cha ai.TON, Feb. S Cotton firm, 10; retil)t.fUll. Atlanta. Oa., Feb. 30, Cotton steady; J; receipts V0. raoVMONt AND FNonucx. t.otnavn.t.S, Peb. 36. Orain tjulet, Wheat .Ko l r.1 it: Lonulwrrv HI. Cunt No. 3 nixed 8-4a34V4; " a wnite ,wn.i.). Data o, d mixta -fvvan. Provmiona Quiet. Bacon clear rib 7.3ft; clear 7.73. Hulk neata short run e.aTM,; citar 7. port prime 1 a. Ml; new auxar-cured hann 10. 00a tl.va. fnmc attain ihiu i.ow. UaI-Timons, reb. au. flour qturi arm tteutly Howard strict anil Western atiicr i.o7aj.to: extra a.wat.ou; lauiny t.am 1.35: dtv mill.. Klo brands extra n.xnao on A'heat Southrrninmlive, easier; Hulu l.Oa I.OU; LotiK'ierry l.oual.oH; Western quiet and a.: No. u witiur red swot u .aii4',a. corn Kuuthern quirt and steady; white 4ila-tJ vllnwAll.A: Western eusv. CTNCINN A It. reil. ao. nourin m.iurT.irur nand. Wheatduli No. 3rcd UtlaU7. Com lull No. 3 inUrd Oats dull and lower No. 3 ml it'll 31). I'ork quirt all loo. I.ard itronn and hiHlirr at 70. lima niratii-qult l Hapcin inHrt. W nilKev 1 .U3. " ' BT. Louis, Mo., I'eb. 3o. Wheat No. a red :h utna7U; May sold t7ta7',. Corn trotis and hiiiher No, 3 cash 37'vn37; Muv !ii)i.nHtV. tints lower No 3 cah 2 i Mnv 37a37-hi. Whlokry l.OH. lJrovisiuna tuiiilr. w ilh iiood lob nntl ortlcr tritiku CIIICAOO, fell, an. rimir nrm. n nest No. 3 spring l.U4il-04fo No. 3 red 1 u Hi.tH. Corn No. 2 H4Vi.tt.H4H. Oats No. 3 35. Mess pork 1 1 Kiall lrt. Lard 0.77 an. no. Hnottitirrs o.aoo..i yt; an.. t.13Vi0 3ft. Whiskey I DS. The le lort clctt ; leading iu tures lo-oav ranvrn ns totiows upruwg. siifsncsi.. cuiini Wheat No. a May l.OBt, I.ilr U4!-a t.OIHj, 1 oH U4', Corn No. a April nn May U5V, Mess I'ork 3S a.iv May . It. in 11. 38 ii a-jv, 11.40 ii.asvi 11. 40 June Lard- May June A 90 8.U3V, 0 07Vj 13V, 90 U uo euNVk fl.OTI 0 13' Short Kiba May., ...(Ml June 0.O7V, Naw Yoaa. Feb. 3d Southern Hourstendy. Wheat si.ot dull and tvndv; t.ption. fairly active and hixher. Corn spot tirm iatrty act ive No 3 4:t;V4; options m.Hleratt-lv active and nrtn. tint, spot nrmrriiiiKirriticiy active, options fnir and a.Htve. Cotlce option, opened fnirly strndy; Murch 1H IiihIiI SO. Sugar raw strung; lair rt-mting 4 i;t-in;. yellow 0tany Molaasea rorelgn Iirm;fi0-M test l; tew tineans tittii. Kice stentiy ami tittlrt tlt.tne.tir 4-tta4-ta. I't-trolettiu atea.lv. Cottonseed oil strung crude 40a43. Hoain tendy and tptlt-t strained common t.07tjj l .io. TtiriKtitine steady ami runner at it. Pork mik't. lieef tniiet. Pickled meats shutilder onAUt; hunts tit,aiti; li.-lhi-. ti. Middle quirt; snort eirar o o. i.itrti nun but alHiut steatty; weatent stentti 7.30. Freight steady. I. lulu 41). THE LMAL MARKET. (cmascTin paii.v ) The following prl.es can be olitnlnr.l for country produce; Calil.agea, nliely trimmed, perm.. ,.,, 11 Sorghum Molstst-, jicr gal 3.a3ti Hide. Bacon, per lb Mtnii Irish potatoes, per bu unuHA Wheat, per I.u. a 1 till Flour, per ewt 3 flOnH fto Corn, lierbu HtlaoA Chickens , .,.12Vvn30 lif K. pee dm... ,...m....,..tial0 Mutter, per Ih 3t'a3S Turnips, jier bu.. ta. ...3fl Carrots, jier bu 70 PnrBiiiM, fierliu , 70 Onions, perhu l oo Cow Peas, perhu ..j.... 7,'ial uo Celery, ier liun. h -. 4 Beef, "per Ih gross Cin4 Muttons, iter Ih gross At) IjHw'a t'tearltiK Hale Of crockery, glatm und plated wmr, to clotie ut nil odd lots mid goods we hit oterstockt'd with. Many urticlcs' itre miliked (nil in plain figure) nt less than half ctu(, Ciivulnis nainitit articles, quantity and price me ready. Wc intend now to close out all but new stock nt Law's, 07 to 61 South Mninstrrvt. Cull at Law's for I'luaiiu now. i! ii: j i. '.i . it. cultuietl people llrowuing is now even more popular than Sliakenre." Mrs. llighnn "My goodness! It's lucky we luuiitl that out. Have Marie remove thnt volume of Shakespeare on the pnrhir table and replace it with copy f Urowniiig." " J. P K VMS.VV. 1.1 i.8. Uental Ofllcc t la Barnard Bnlltllng Kntrances, patton Avenue and Idaia Street wl.3dly N OTICb, The Buncunih Cot.nly Xtrtllcnl Society meets the 8rt Mon.lav in each month at 7 Ht p. m. Any uhr.hlan of go,Hl standing and ellglhre to Mrailarrshtp in the State Metllcal tVH-irtyof North Carolina, and midlug m be"lf' t" dlt,"ru bcr,m" " fciiSutliia M M. FLBTCHCR, See. I 0 SALB. or i,ni., dratcry., To he sold for ea.h. or on time with good j All calls, day or night, promptly an seeorlty a well-bred luck, sevea years old. ia i Iwered." Telegraph and mail O filers TuZtVukJZ? spect. Apply to A I Brevard P. O., Trsa.y sasyieaala Co.. N. C. vsuanit Tin- 'il.iUt Kiorti" liana IK'W Hllpjlly Ol WIIMlOW Slunlt'H, full h'uc-k, diffcrvnt colorn, at 33, 58 and 78 (tu. each with flxturen all eoni l(tte, well worth doublo 1h money. Wp alno have Curtain Fixture and flxturen for I I 1W 1 olfH to bo wold Hepnrately. 'urtain Poles in Ebony, Wal nut and Cherry, with Brawi Ol' Wood Trimmings nt about j inlf the usual prices. Woodj()llllV)"t' Toot h-Picks a 1 5c. a box.usu- ally sold at 10. Don't know iov many to the box, about a quart, tnougn. uniy n Racket Store" run sell them at it cts. and make any money on them. A small lot of Carpeting at your own trice, to close it out. One iece all-wool 3-ply at 05 cts., was 7Q; one 2-ply at 60 cts, was 75 ; one piece Cotton at 40 cts., was $ ; Rag Car )ct at 25 cts., worth that to weave it. 16 yas. ui-usseis at G5 cts., worth 85. Lots of . art a j . new things in all lines. Come and see. GEO. T. JONES & CO 4(G Broadway. MISCELLANEOUS. Swunnanoa Hotel. t'ltexcelled cnlaine. PopulHt with tourists, families add buiineaa men. Electric car paaa the door. HAW 1,8 BHOS., fcbtd1 Propr's. FITS CL'KUl) BV OLD 8PKCIALIST FHYMC1AN. Brittle of tnedU-lne Free. We war. rant our remedy toeure the worst uses, and the only physicians who do thia to prevent vour being Imposed aiNin nv i using false names and who are not Doctor. Hecause others tniicd Is no reason for aoi ii'iiig this medicine. Cive Bxpres and Post- oirl.e address. It costs yon notning. Addi Annhel Medical Bureau, 301 Broadway, New York. jan37datwly JOTICB. Notice la fierrhy given thuf the undersigned will apily to tlie present session of the Gen. era! Assembly for a charter to build and op rrttr a turnpike road from Asheville In a nortlteuaterly direction to the top of Craggy .Mouuiuin tor to some intertneutitte point.) 8. W. BATTI.K, T. W. PATTON, W.T. PKNN1MAN . C. W. WOOLHKV, W. W. WAHDILL. H. W. nWAIN, " W. W, WKST, frliAdlm W. B. tiWYN. JTOTICB. Bv virtue of s decree of the Superior Court of Httucomlie county, rendered at the Iiecera iwr Term, 1HMH, I will, on the 4th day of Mnrch, IgnB, at the residence of T I VanGilder on College street. In the city of A.hevilie, sell, at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, all the furniture and chnttlrs, conveyed by T I VanOllder and wile In certain deed of trust to aie This 'limit ure consist of carpets, chair, bedroom, library, hall and parlor arts, and other nsaal household furniture At ike same time and place, and ander ths .nine conditions and in the same manner I will rent and let the said residence for the term ol on- year from the date of sale For further particular enquire ol the un deraigned at hi office or of J 8 Aditmi, attorney at law. or Mont A Merrick, attor neys at law. at thelt resiiective offices W W BAHNANU - Feb 14. 1888 fV19dtmar4 OPKtvC HOV8K. " Four Night), Commmciujc Wednesday, Feb. 27. Lngngcutcnt of the Young, Bright and Tal ented Actress, CORA VAN TASSEL Rupportrd tiy kr rtcellrnt rtnpny of Com ctliana, luctntiiug MR. EIWIN YOUNG, Presenting on Wednesday Bvenlng the beau HI id and realistic picture ol New England life, entitled "CHERRY RIPE." Rutin Chang of Bill Nightly. I'OITLAR PRICKS ... 38 and 30 cts. No Kxtra. No Higher. Reserved seats now on sale at Sawyer'. 34.1. 'It N OTIC V.. Notice Is hereby given that nppllention will lie made to the Legislature of North Carolina lor a charter lncomrating the Western North Carolina Medical College. J. A. WATSON, M. p., 8. W. BATTLU, M. Ii., F. T. MHKIWKTHKH t IV. fel.34dlm ANUOTHKRS. MISSIOP'OSPITAL BENEFIT, KAFFCE KLATSCII, IN THE BATTERY PARK BALL ROOM, Saturday, March a, From 4 to 13 0. m. Dancing from 10 to 13. Smiths ftir the salt of tiseful sad fancy r".'j tides. I.ndics In cwtutiie. GIimv tent. Music altrrnoon and evening, and uthe'r attractions. Admission ticket entitle to aenpofvolleeand cake and a sonrenir cap anil saucer. Admission, 75 CIS Children, 50 ets. Tickets for sale at the Hotels, Drug Stores, Hanks. Law's and Kstalirook'. teli30d3t fKSSB K. 8TAHNKS, . " fNI'KKTAKUR AND EMBALMEK, Asheville, N. C. Kve minisite of the business ftirwl 1 litsltrd. I'laiirWiKld cases, walnut or ' fth ttiveretl caskets. Metallic caskets. ' rnith plain and ek-gantly dra,rd. Kol-es j Pxnptly attended to. Office new closed. ' anil residence: X No. 40, N. Main st! tltniarlO Asm villi: Ahvr.KTiy.r.Mt.sm. Full Holier ProccHH. Vour Orfx-er for AhIicvUIc Mlllins: Company Flour unci Meal! We tiiitkc the following grades of flour: Ut ile, Take no other, liib Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and ("'""m, 10 tr'"'- DJ Custom Onuding for - - ASIIEVILLE COAL C03IPANY, H. T. COLLINS & CO. Supplier lliird and Soft Coal Office: Barnard fluiltling, Patton Avenue. THE ASIIEVILLE SANITARIUM, A8HEYILLK, N. C, Beautifully located In a grove of oak and net of Oak and coart house. WoocWn streets, near the Female AI1 modern and latest Imprtived methods for treating ehrnnie disease of the lungs ist and nose, lir the Inhalation of vaooriied and atomiied rJuida bv the eomprrasrd air apparataa; also Compound Oxygen in connection with the vuporited Bal aam (the balsam obtained from the natural W also manufacture a Home Treatment of ease, etiual to the odiet treatment, and will be Prtc. 13- I Our nSfcfaft past three year with this treatment ha been phenomenal, hav cured.inejiy, rasrl ' i were pronounced hopeless, whose nnmra and residences can lie ained Jaa. i alUng ij inf Sanitarium. By permission we refer to the following well-known gentlemen at-Ashevillertl. J. Aston, ex-Mayor; J. B. Reed, Clerk V. 8. Court; Hev.O.C. Ran kin, pastor First Methodist Church; Rev. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church ; H. T. Collins. Capt. Nutt Atkinson. Board and Treatment furnished to patient In addition to boardln accommodate boarders, new furniture, good far, first-claas cooking, at Dr. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. , . While we Have the Fluent and Most JFatriitonable Good In Our Line, We also have the cliejqiest. Cull und see us. THE "BONANZA,"! TUB LEADING WINK AND LIQUOR 8T0RB OF THB STATU, ' No. 43 South Main Street, ASIIEVILL1C, n. c. THE "HICKORY WINE AND BILLIARD ROOM, - ' - - FRANK LOUGH RAN, dtfebl'80 PROFMF.TOR. SPECIAL SALE CloMln Out Sale I am going tu make things lively at the "SPOT CASH STORK" for the next 30 day. 1 must have room lor Spring goods and I am going to put prices on good that will mov : them. j I will offer my entire line of Underwear at Just what they'cost me, to close' out. t Comlorts and Blankets at half price. ; Chinese Plack Fur Kugs at IS 5u, former price $4.00. Chinese White nnd Grey Ruga nt $3 50, former price S3 110. . , Big line of I'mbrellas at price that will snit anv one : ' lA-rib 3H, 30 und 33 in. nt B3c.' A nice metal handle at 73c. A Cloriah Silk (gold hradl at 81 im. A " (silver head) at 81. W2. I Dig job in Pearl Buttons at 3'4c. per dosen. . - - , Big drive in (WmU' Slipiarrs, embroidered top, 78c., worth $l .oo ; leather at 8!t-tt. worth i 11.60. . . lire Goods at any price, to close out. ! have Just received a lot of Hall's Bataar Forms, anil every lntly ia Asheville whn has ' any dressmaking to do ought to hare one. It is a household necessity. Don t birgrt the i place.- - febldly WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLK, N. C. Ar.HNTS FOR The Buckeve Pump, Steel and tin Shingles. Floor and Hearth Tiles. febldly STOVES, TINWARE, -AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. ; PluinblMK, Steam and iim I . Ing;, Kmidoy only the liest W nrVmen. do good C. S. COOPF.R, nb3udlm We Gunrnntee Siitinfaetion. Auk I Roller King, Electric' Lixbt, Carolina ! Rye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture) Corn Rye and Out. Mill and Yurd at i - i ' - - - -rr nt WholeHale and Hetail. Yurd: Old Depot, j white pine, with so dnat or noise, at the ror- College, and only three square from the balsam tree near A.hevilie.) the Coinnonnd Oxvurn.. whirh la ia mnat sent on application by express, oa receipt of at reasonable prices. Ing oar patients, we have a number of elegantly-furnished rooms to who desire a nice, quiet place, away front the hotels. Nice rooms. reasonable prices. Also, hut and cold bath. T. J. IIARGAN, Proprietor. INN" - HICKORY, N, C. FOR FEBRUARY. of all Winter (iooda. W. II. LEA, Spot Cash Store, No. 17 N. Main St. . . ACKNTS M'K'RS. OF Byrkit's Patent Sheathing 1-nth. ! lttliiir, Tin Roofing, (.litter- Ac. work, and do It promptly. 39 South Main Street. , ' II. T. ('(iLI.INS, v,..l,-.tt. ASIIE'JILLE IGE COLIPAHY. Pure Ire made from Dint illnl Water. Ire for Moraruin 10 ton lotH 30 cents perhundred. Ollire Parnard Ituildin:, Patton Avenuo. FITZ P AT RICK BROS, , DvalcrM iu Wall I'aper, Wtudow ,,loi" - 0 Varnishes, Uasnry'a Mixed Preach and We keep fax stock at. Louis and Kentucky Lead, W. T. FgNNUIAM. PEIIIIIMAI1 -JOISKaS AND HTAIRiDlWIATRTEr ASIIEVILLE, N. C. AGKNta OUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., OLD HICKORY WAGONS." STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. " M CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. fcl9d1y Anytliliiir iu the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DEN ISON, 18 Patton leblOdtf LUMBER YARD. t.i:0. I SCOTT, ( Successor to Douhledny & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, Shingles, Material. tfrOrdcr will receive prompt attention. PLUMBING, STEAM TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, Plans and Specification? Furnished on Application Wc have thorough mechanics In each line who have had many yean' experience In their business. We ran safely guarantee oar patrons satisfaction In our work, a low figures. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. . - fehlftdly - - - . . - ASHEVILLE y." North Plauosv A. B. Chase, Smith, Chit kering from $225 to $000, according to make ' and style On Instalments. -- " i Organ Mason and Hamlin, WHcoi & White, Kimball. Every Instrument j Warranted for Six Years From $65 to $150 Sold likewise on Instal- J nu-iits. BanJoM From $2.S0 to $12.(W). (aU.tar From $5.00 to $25.00. j Violins From $2.50 to $25.00. I Flutes, Harps, Acctirdeons, &c. Strings for all instruments, warranted not to j break by projier use. j Tuning and Repairing by an expert. For. descriptions, cutnlogucs, terms, bhtnk leases, etc., address, KALK. i ja201amdftwty . FINE JOB WORK f AT NO. 6, N0KTM COURT SQUAHK. UNors . M flFMTIPRinC ui.ii a ii muia A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. Or 8tuT.tr PURE iNORCDif nts! . CAunrrcs tm 1 1 1 th. MtStriVESTHC GU.VIr -WtlT.tN THE BREATH NO INdUflV TO I,, tt MAIM EL,""" AFt AND AGRalABLl. WITHOUT EQUAL AS A TOILET Ptli AftA", ION. I?C5M ctNT O-mtT OLD 8 Alt, DSUOGirrn. ' N. WINKEI MANN 4 CO.. 180 P 8 'CTIK081. MO For sale lir ' GRANT A WINGKRT. dawtau28 LOST- LilHrral raw ard paid tor hia rrromr. 2d9 JOHN JORDAS. i:. i: i , .. ;v ntni Hadt-eiand Patent llaiigera, Paints and Colors. Wlnd.w tflaM, b.(b Auierltaa k-hftdly W. 1. rSNNIMAX. '& C0., DIALS IN POB Avenue. Laths, Fencing Pout. All kind of Building frblOdly ANO GAS FITTING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. MUSIC HOUSE, Main Street. 5! ll I? o e 0 e B cs W, x H 0 4i 5 P3 X V. o m v 0 I i s i K ! Hi Ml , J! 2 I 5 I . a St tti ANA - ksa B. tt I sc N .1 x aj . u i y St N N c e b. .a 'JV RUNT. ' t!aaS e0t"8 ? v"trert. Apply t. rehJldnt lR. W. 0. HILLIAKO.

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