t::.v citiz::: f , rrTTmarnltir (rirrpt. Mon- r a it .i.uow.ng ru nuiiy tuh: . 00 . a.oo - r fri Hum..-. .............. 1.50 ." !C .....a ...............-....... ftO C r v?p S Hire trier nnil chiivrr the paper ercry o in eTcry part if the city to oar ub : ,.-r. n(J pMt url WanUlig it Will plcMC c.ii at tuc Ciiu.ua Other. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Till'. WOHLD'R MAKK..T" BV TIvIJF.C.M.APII. New Advertlocroenta. lulled States fnal Service . tion, Anfie-sli.es, J. C. LATrrrnn, 63 SS Nohtii. Uimwn 83.2S V.SAT. BLSVATIO. 8, 330 FMT. Metcoroloirlcal report for 24 hoara ending at p. hlinurj 38, 1S8S. "THMPEBATVRnV f ami 8 ?1 tifiW"p(yiNT7 apoi 0. Tep m M aaTil In. I bail y Mean. 60 I 62.8 I 86.6 49.4 PBCIP.f ATIO.K, Rala and Mclted-ftaow. Inches. 0 Boo Depths. lacbca. O "Bir'MnntV." none; ana avecnriuea touon- Provlalona and Produce. MOXr AKl)tKCl-ITIKi. New Yoaa. Feb. ,2. Exchange dull but trad y. t Money easy a.. ..-. hub-Treasury bslancesUOIO, lon.oo,- Ooo; currency, S17,42.IM(0. Covcrnmrnt bono, ami " ,i - emu. 61.2(1',; 4U per crnt. i o. Stale bon.ls Dull snn Ffiio". , la.tlassA 2aS 1S N. I.im ""7f Ala. Class B6s.Hl N w. pm (Ja. 7s, mort lo4Vj, Nortnrrn l-ac... ,C. Cons., lJi vuH ,V":i C. Cons., as .-acim.- oj C. Browa's...l04V4 Rending...... Tenn. Bet , as 7S!M, Kicn. at !".-;' Virgin.. Aa A M. " - rw.... 3 p m Kail j Mean. 0J 6u.S "BAROMBTBR." Pallj Mean, 80.48 Ta.Iwy Timid V. K. . BUCK, M. D., Obarrrer. Weather Report for February The weather report of the Asheville Signal Station for the month juat ended, and which if subjoined, shows a some what lower temperature than that re corded for January.. On the other hand, however, a much BTeater rain fall, better humidity and exception ally lair state of the weather is exhibited. Barometric indications alto make a good showing, and upon the whole the report is fully up to the excel lent average of preceding months. CnriD STtTBS 810KAL Sssvicn "TJTI0S.1 U. I aanitarium. Asheville. N. C. I Lat 88.88 N. Long. 83.36 W. Klevatlon Vim mrm Ul. 2.8fiOfret. Meteorological report tor month of Febru ary, isbb: Virginia Cons... 85 Northwestern ...lodVf do pia...i.M( Drl Lark...... Uric Eaat Trnn...... Lake Shore Lon. At Nash.... tn. ft Char. Unh A Ohio. Na.h. Chat... ! OFac.latmort w Bid uiic barer; Apii Mi TrRiiPBBlTtTBB XVfiRAftB." ' (Northern exposure, snanen, Tarn 13 p mp n Sa.B03.B7S6.BO pal Maximum High IMean ett.6 48.73 7 Mean 87 Minimum Low Mean o.o 30 TfUWIDtT STIVER ABe7 Tarn 67.18 3pm I 9pm Sir i 43.79 J- 66.W8 "- ran 60 "BAROMETER AVBBAGB (Corrected for temperature jmd altltnde.) 7 a ml3 p mji p ra 881J83jiSL38 Highest. Lowest. I Mean 30.37 "PBECiPITATIOtf." No. days on which ou.l or more rala fell. 4 NumberTTotalTtotai days on r'afall sn'fali which in In snow fell. Inches inches 4 I 1.36 I 4.64 Rain am melted snow. Inches. 1.68 WBATHBR." Mo. of INo. of INo. days cloudyl No. of days clear fair with or with- with no days. days. oat rain. sunshine. IT I 1 I 4 I 1 KABLTOH BUCK, B. a., M. D.,Obeerrer. BVLLKTII MO. a. Of Interest to rartuera and Deal era In Fertlllaera. Mr. II. B. Battle, Director of the North Carolina Experiment Station, announces that bulletin No. 62 of the Experimental Station will be issued during the present week, and will contain analyses of all fertilizer sampled by tlx offic'ul inspec tors during January and February 1889. This list is issued nearly three weeks earlier than ever before, and will embrace analyses of nearly all the licensed brands of fertilisers as far as it is possible to procurt samples. The valuations lor this season are higher than for last year, owiag to the fact of an advancement in price of all in gradients composing fertilixers so far as is known independent of each other, and are; For available phos phoric acid 7c per pound Against 6c for last year, ammonia 17c against 15c, and 6c for potash against 6c for lint year. These valuations are for the raw ingredients composing the fertilizers after cost of mixing, bagging, hand' ling, etc., is added. The relative commercial value of the fertil Uers therefore represent approx imately the price at which the fertilizer can be bought at the ports in small lots, under five tons, for cash. Of course, at interior points, freight charges must lie added to seaboard valuation. Bulletin 63 wilt contain also a revised and correct list of all brands of fertilizers for sale in the State, together with date of expiration of each license ; also rrgula tion in regard to the fertilizer control and Other matters pertaining thereto with which the furmers and dealers should become mort fully acquainted, Writs to the Esprrimcnt Station ft Bulletin No. 62. Tb Avaca Health and Rportlng Meaort. . A charming prospect of unusual enjoy tnent is in store for us, by virtue of an invitation, received yesterday morning from Hon. W, L. Saunders, Secretary of State, and Messrs. P. M. Wilson, R. Tucker ami Octartus Coke asking n to be present at the opening exercises of the Avoca Health and Sporting Resort, on April 16, 17, 18 and 19. This delightful resort is located on the Albemarle Souuri, at the mouth of the Chowan river, and is famous as being the Terr best fishery in . the waters oi North Carolina. We have long wished for an opportu nity to inform ourselves of the fishing interests of North Carolina. The descri- tion of subjects worthy of note in this grand old State is a tusk miuiriug a better pen than ours, but no one can be found who more fully appreciates North Carolina from east to west, from "Pas quotank, where bullfrogs jump from bank to bank" 10 Cherokee where we have another invitation to visit Chief Smith, of the Cherokee Indian reservation. Our readers, we hope, will bear with us patiently when we return from both of these trips, for our heart will I fuller than ever with State pride; and, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth must speak. Thanks, gentlemen; depend upon it, we accept the invitation most joyfully. Mew Itetua Offered at Law's Clearing Sale: Seven best plated Gravy Ladles at $1, worth $1.75; odd patterns triple-plnted , Forks and Spoons at half price, 31c. best plated Butter Knives at 50c., worth from 75c. to 91 each. Odds and ends (fine goods) art being all closed out al most lor a song. cU and examine goods. They are slljuid out on separate tables. At Law's, Opiosite Postomoe, ...14"-4 ... 3 ... e ...10'4l ... 6U4. 11V Kock Maud St. Paul do pfl Tes. Pacinc Ten n Coal Ail run I'nion Pacinc N. J. Central Mo. Pacific Western Union.. Cottonseed Oil Certilicatee an 3 B7 47 16 37 61 B7Vi H n 6n' 9514 71 80 SHVj The "Racket .Store' has a now HUpply of Window KluuloH, full nizoH, different colorx, at 33, 58 and 78 ctH. each with fixturew all com plete, well worth double the money. We aluo have Curtain Fixtures and fixture fori Polewto be Hold neparately. j Curtain Poles in Ebony, Wal- j nut and Cherry, with BraHH1. asiii: villi: a d vck tislmlsts. "i:uy uo:.iir.iAi)x: good:." II. T. COI.I.S, Pr.-Shl.-lit. I I! I- Kull Holler Proeen8. Your Grocer for We Guarantee Satisfaction. Ask flSIIEUILLE ICE'GQuhi Pure Ice made from Dint illed Water. Ice for Mornpe in 10 ton lotn 30 cents per hundred. Office Parnard Puildinpr. Patton Avenue. Asheville Milling Company Flour and Meal f J P fl T 0 I C K B R 0 Sij COTTOM. I.irnspool.. Peb. 3M. Noon Cotton quiet moderate Inquiry-American mio.n.na ..ts, sales 10,000; speculation and enport, l.ooo. Kecclpts d7,UOU, PIHM o.,uw I"'' . 1 I.IJIJ-. KIU. flalra in. day mcloded 4.3O0 American. Feb ruary 8 41 -4, sellers; ""ryand March 4144 sellers; Marcn ana " ' '. a Opril and May, o 4.i-04,seiitr; ic8 40-64, sellers; June and July 8 40-64, In . anil AuiTUMt O l-o. aiwi, fu nd ririitrtnber 6 88-64, sellers; Septem ber 6 38-64. seller. Futures closed dull. Naw Yoaa, reb. 3. voiion-nci iit.iH 1361: stoss 7BU6. futures cioseu iuici i.ui swady. Sales 78,600 bales. 1 .....I. II UMa U UM Wilt .f.lTaseBi z.(ru ril 10.06alo.oo im f ' utic ...lo.aoaio aiiucc.. ' ' ulv....-....10.37al0.3dan 970a 9.73 1.1 U I 63 bales: uplands 10 8-16; Orleans 10 7-16, kl.. II.Im.,,1 ncrltils. 8.4H4bales. Kl ports Great Britam 13.786 bales; Continent 9798. Stock 810.349 bales, . OAbVasTON, Peb. 38. cotton irreaTiiari , receipts 490, M Kokpolk, Feb. 38.-Cottoa Arm 818-16; Baltimosb, Feb 38. C ottos steady. 1014, receipts 1838. .1.,nlt. Boston, reo.aa. voiion niuci, ..T4...,7. recripUA09. A . Wii.aiMOTOW, N. C, Feb. 38.-Cotton llrm, f iiiLi.Ki.PiiiA,Fcb. 38.-Cottonflrra 104; reeeipts7. , . . ... SAVANNAH, rCD. , .-VUlluu u.m, frti recei)U909. . Nkw oklbans, Feb. 28.-Cotton firm, 9; receipts 3788. Monilk, Feb. 23. Cotton firm, 911-16; receipts 1M4. . Kl rufhis, Feb. 38. Cotton steady, Wt, recelpU3H38. Auousta, Feb. 28 Cotton firm, U; re CtlnUSHO. ....., Chaslnston, Peb. 28. cotton nnn, ju; receipts 876. .. . j ATLANTA, UN., rnj, An. i.uiwh , 9 ; receipts 67. . , rSOVISIONS AND rSMDIfCB. LntitsviLLS. Feb. 28. Oralu quiet, No. 2 red 9H; LonKiierry i 1 t UJ u'lll.' Nn '1 white No. 2 nilseo rruT.niu... .... Bacon clear rib 7.3o; clear i.m. dui .. .h..r. ril,. a H7U: clear 7. Mess pork prime 18.60; new sugar-cured bams 10.60a 11.38. Prime steam luru i.ou, IlALTIUONN, fCD. an. riour in., uriuaira, Wheat Southern steady, runs i.oa 1 08;Longlrryl.08al.0U; Western steady; No. 2 winter red spot 94. Corn Hnuthrrn scarce and Arm: white 40a43; HU.it' Wratrmflrtu. " ... . . 1 1 I . u 1.' I . . .. v . n mniiMilU. mand. w neat quiei no. iu dull No - - 2 mixed . a2Hn3, . ( axil No. 2 tnlxea nui nieavs huki. Bacon quiet. Whiskey l.tio. a i .ii. Hi, Pel., ill. Wheat No. 3 red (ash V; May sold W8oOHV,aUMH,. Corn strong and higher No. 3 mixed cash 28W; May 30ia30i,,. Oats quiet no - casn o; May 27. Whiskey 1.03. Provisions quiet and easier. Ciiicaoo, Feb. 28. Klour nnn. n neai No. 2 sin-ing 1.04 No. 2 red 1 r..r..K.. 'J 1V flats No. 9 38Vi. Mm nrk 11 luunl l.sn. i.aru o. io; iuu.1 clear6.12Vad 36. Whiskey l.oa. Leading lu tuns to-day ranged as follows: Openlug. Highest. Closing Wheat No. 2 March 1.041 May 1.07 Com No. 2 March May IM Oats No. 2 March...,, er May 37 Mess Pork- March 11. l May 11.3" Lard- March...., 6 72 Mar 6.88 Short Klbsay ,r... B.87V4 6.06 ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, II. T. COLLINS & CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Retail. Office: Barnard Building, Patton Avenue. Yard: Old Depot. Wr make the following grades of flout Belle. Take no other. -Vish 1'ni.l for Wheat, Corn, Oats and Rye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture OI Wood Trimmings at about j 0rolim) to 0nrr. Do Custom Grinding for Corn Rye and Oats. Mill and Yard at half the usual prices. Wood i old ih-pnt. Tooth-Picks at 5c. abox.usu ally sold at 10. Don't know- how many to the box, about a quart, though. Only a Packet Store" can sell them at 5 ctH.. and make any money on them. A small lot of Carjieting at your own price, to close it out. One piece all-wool 3-ply at G5 cts., was 78 ; one 2-ply at 60 cts, was 75 ; one piece Cotton at 40 cts., was 48 ; Itag Car pet at 25 cts., worth that to weave it. 13 yds. Brussels at G5 cts., worth 85.' Lots of new things in all lines. Come and see. GEO. T. JONES & CO 400 Broadway. Roller King, lilcctrie Light, Carolina Dealer In Wall Paper, Wlndo-w Shade and Patent Hangers), THE ASHEVILLE SANITARIUM, ASHEViLLK, n. o, Beautifully located in a grove of oaks and white pine, with no dust or noise, at the cor ner of Oak and Woodlin streets, near the Female College, and only three squares from the court house. - Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Masury's Mixed Paints and Colors. Wlndaw Class, hath French and American. We keep in stock St. Louis and Kentucky Lead. nrhodly W. T. PSNNIHAX. W. k. FSNN1MAS. PE & C0., -JOBHKKS AND DHALsBS IN- HIAIRIDIW AIR E ASHEVILLE, N. C -AGENT8 POR- AI1 modern and latest improved methods for throat and nose, by the inhalatl. Wheat l No. 1 84Ha.'l6. Oats Provihi. 1 04H 1.08 84Vs 86 27 11.82 6.86 1.94 1.07 84 as 28 27 11.10 11.37 6.70 6.80 e.oA 8.85 6.03 ...tin. , hr,,nir diseases of the lungs un of vaoorized and atiimixed fluids by the pneumatic and compressed air apparatus; also Compound Oxygen in connection witn me vaponxco o sam (the balsam obtained from the natural balsam trees near Asheville.) We also manniarture a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxygen, which Is, in most cases, equal to the office treatment, and will be sent on applicatioa by express, on receipt of price, 613. Our success here for the past three years with this treatment has been phenomenal, hav ing cured many cases that were pronounced hopeless, whose names 'and residences can be obtained by calling at the Sanitarium. By permission we refer to the following well-known gentlemen of Asheville: B. I. Aston, ex-Mayor; J.B. Reed. Clerk JIT. 8 Court; Kev.OC. Ran kin, pastor First Methodist Church ; Rev. W. A. Nelson, pastor First Baptist Church ; H. T. Collins, Capt. Natt Atkinson. Board and Treatment furnished to patients at reasonable prices. In addition to boarding our patients, we have a number of elegantly-furnished rooms to accommodate boarders, who desire a nice, quiet place, away from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, good fare, first-class cooking, at reasonable prices. Also, hot and cold baths. Dr. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. Swannanoa Hotel. Unexcelled cnislns. Popular with tourists, families and business men. Electric cars pass the door. RAWL8BKO8., felildly Propr's. JOOD BOARD And comfortable rooms can he had by ap plying at NO. 86 WOOI1FIN 8T. icnou.im we in su 44 J-! March May Nsur Vmt Feb. 'J8. Southern Aourstrady. Wheat No 3 red 97-V elevator options quiet, Vi.a'hi higher, nnn; No. 2 red nnmi(1t, Mav l.tMi. Corn No. 9, 44; elevator op tions moderately active M.n higher, steady, March 48,, May 4a48. Oats, spot, utii'tisnunl. ontions firm and unlet. March 80. May 81. Hops quiet and steady. Cotfce March April anil May 16!l8a40; snot Rio HrmMUV cargties 181. Hugnr, raw strong, fair reHniiig,4; eeutrilugals uo test A 9-16a8; refined steady quiet. Molasses forclm) uuict: New Orleans dull. Rice, quiet and llnu. Petroleum easier; refined 7.10 Cotton srel oil strong: crude 42n.'l; yello 4H. Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine steadv and uuict. Hides quiet and firm. Wool quiet and easy. Pork quiet. Beet quiet; tlcrced beef inactivtfeity extra, India mess 14al6; cut meats quiet; mid. lies quiet, lard weak; western steam 7.12, March 7.13 May T.14. Freights steady. THE LOCTiARKET. .-,..-. (COHSKCTSD UAILt.) The'following prices can be obtained for country produce: Cabbages, nicely trimmed, per lb 1 Sorghum Molasses, per gal.,.., wnn.HO Sides Baron, per lb Nall Irish potatoes, per bu nomlA Wheat, tier bu l oo Floar, r es t,- .u..,ll.l"'a Com, perbu MOatlS Chickens 12a20 Bggs. per dot alO Butter, per lb 20a28 Turnips, per bu 28 Carrots, per bu 70 Parsnips, perbu , 70 Onions, perbu 1U" Cow IVas, prrbn 78al,lHI Celery, per bunch.,.. ,v.... 4 Beef, per lb gross , 3a4 Mutton, per lb gross -3 Wayneavllle Whlapvra. Wnyncsvtll Courier. G. S. Ferguson & Sun, have opcned a rent estate office in the court bouse, Waynesvillc's future is bright. With her natural superior advantages, she is bound to prosper, Several cases were docketed in the magistrate's court Inst Saturday, against parties for failing to work tlie road, Two or three old crunk have stopjicd tlsfir PflDcr. thinking the? ean saffV $1.50 by borrowing from their nrighlMrs Six fnches of snow fell Friday night. covering old mother earth with a mantle of white. This is the first winter we have hud this season. If the David Allison State grunt, cover ing 250,000 acres of tutu!, can be stretched so as to make it cover more than 9,000,. 000, why not get our representatives to pass an act letting it reach over into Alaska and cover some of the fine gold de(Msits recently discovered in that dark comer of the public domain. ?INH FARM TORENT FOR CASH. The finest farm In Western North Carolina, In the edge of Asheville to rent fur cash. Ap ply to NATT ATKINSON a SON. ieb28dt ANBW UKIiil. carefully prepared by lead ing mrmtiers of the A.brville bar toa 6neat parebmrnt and heavy Aat paperl, cov ering all aewMMf-T tmliits, ust out and now on sals at the M-e of the Citixhn Pom.hih. inu Co., No. North Court Square. ItanlWtf if 1 1 1 i a I s i l I g ' 1 a i i ?j 'I f V- a S i ft " 2 8' S s ! S - S' i i -I s - - R J J. JTS ill 111 I t? I S-11iLi.ll U. 3 J I 5 i 5 1 J! - : & o - ' -i s. t S I - s . J I ; s u 1 ' HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While we Have the Finest and Moat Fashionable Goods lu Our Line, DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., " OLD HICKORY WAGONS. ' STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. ' M'COKMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. nrbOdly Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, fcblOdtf 18 Patton Avenue. LUMBER YARD. GEO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doubleday & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - Glass, Putty, Lime, Plastering Hair, 8hingles, Laths, Fencing Posts. Material. rj-Orders will receive prompt attention. DOORS,. All kinds of Building feblOdly PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, We also have the cheapest. Call and see us. THE "BONANZA," THB LEADING WINB AND LIQUOR 8TORB OF THB 8TATK, No. 43 South Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. . JhOTlCK. Notice Is hereby given that application will ne ninoe io me legislature oi Nortncaronna for a-charter Incoporatlng the Western North Carolina Medical college. J. A. WATSON, M. I., 8. W. BATT1.B. M. H F. T, MKNIWKTHBR.M. I fcb24dlm ANU OTHh'RS. MISSION HOSPITAL BENEFIT. Vmil lIATQPII lfll I LL IXLfl I UUII) IN THE BATTERY PARK BALL ROOM, Saturday, March , From 4 to 13 p. m. lancing from 10 to 12, ltitnth. ftir th .ulr nt MM,fi,1 anH f.mv ... tides. Ladles In costume. Oipsy teat, MasieJ Steel atternoon and evening, andotherattracionsf P(wi Admlssiiin ticket entitles to a cup of coffee and cake and a souvenir cup and saucer. Admission, 76 c,ts. Children, SO cts. Tickets for sale t the Hotels, lh-ug Stores, Banks, Law's and Kstabrook's. Icli2ltil5t FITS Cl'RBl) BV OLD SPECIALIST PHYSICIAN. Bottle of medicine Free. We war rant our remedy toeure the worst cases, and the only physicians who do this to prevent your being imposed npon by men using laise names ana wno are not Hoc tors. Because others failed is no reason for not using this medicine. Give Bx press and Post olhcc address. It costs yoa nothing. Addiess Asahel Medical Bureau, 21 Broadway, New Vurk. Jan27da'wly N OTICK. The Buncnmtie County Medical Socle tv meets the first Monday in each month at 7. .10 p. m. Any physician of good standing and eligible to membership in the State Medical Society of North Carolina, and residing in Western North Carolina, may become a aiem- uer oi inis society. wb20dlm M. H. KLBTCHKR, fax, LOAN. S6.0O0 on Asheville real estate. Bight per cent. Interest. Apply to room No. 7, Legal wi.iia.lu THE "HICKORY WINE AND BILLIARD ROOM, - - INN" HICKORY, N. C. FRANK LOUGHRAN, dtfcbl'89 PROPRIETOR. SPECIAL SALE FOR FEBRUARY. Closing Out Sale of all Winter Good). I am gifing to make things lively at the "SPOT CASH STORE" for the next 30 days. I must have room for Spring goods and I am going to put prices on goods that will move them, I will offer my entire line ofllnderwear at just what they cost me, to close out. Comlorts and Blankets at half price. Vhlnese Blnck Fur Rugs at S3. 80, former price $4.0O. Chinese White and Grey Rugs at $2.60, former price $3.00. Big line of Umbrellas a'tprices that will suit any one : lU-rib 28, 30 and 33 in. at B3c. A nice metal handle at 73c. A Cloriuh Silk (gold head) at 11.90. " A " " (silver head) at $1.92. - "" Big job In Pearl Buttons at 2c. per dosen. Big drive in Gents' Slippers, embroidered top, 78c, worth $1.00 ; leather at 99, worth $1.80. Ureas Goods at any price, to close out. . . I have just received a lot of Hall's Baxaar Forms, and every lady In Asheville who has any dressmaking to do ought to have one. It Is a household necessity. Don't forget the place, - - -:v,-;.; :.. W. II. LEA, TIN AND SLATE- ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specifications' Furnished on Application We have thorough mechanics in each line who have had many years' experience Is thctr business. Wc can safely guarantee our patrons satisfaction in our work, a low hgnrea. A BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. fcblRdly CLOSING OUT SALE -OF- t ALL WINTER GOODS, -AT- febldly Spot Cash Store, No. 17 N. Main St. WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson, ) MANUFACTURERS OF 22 THE BIG 2 222 PATTON AVENUE. d&wtapriJO FINE JOB WORK N OTICB. A SPECIALTY, AT SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, Staif-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Matitels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C. AGKNTS FOR The Buckeye I'ump, and Itn Shmules, . . Floor and Hearth Tiles. I fcbiiiy NO. 6, .NORTH COUKT(UAIE. AITKNTS ft M F RS. OF Hyrkit'g Patent Sheathing Lath. INOT'S DENTIFRICE STOVES, TINWARE, rTRuiT01; -AND HOUSli FURNISHING GOODS. Plumbing:, Steam and Gaa Fitting;, Tin Roofing, Gutter lug, Ac. limpioy only' the Best Workmen, do good work, and do it promptly. LUXURY. or aasouTtLY Pufll iNoatoitNTs BtAUTIFIES THC TEETH. " WW CRVCS Tfi E GUMS. . " ' WEETN9 THE BREATH WO INJURY TO THg ENAMEL. rc ND aoreeable! WITHOUT EQUAL AS A TOILtT" MEPARftTION. RRICC 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE. C S. COOPER, ft 39 South Main Street. fi-b20dlm OLD BY Lk OnUOGIfTS. ... '. H. WINKEI MANN 4 CO., Nera, ITIMOMC. MO. , For sale by ' "' GRANT & WINGERT. dawtau28 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the present session of the Gen eral Assembly for a charter to build and op erate a turnpike road from Asheville in a northeasterly direction to the top of Craggy Mountain (or to some intermediate point.) 8. W. BATTLE, T. W. PATTON, -' W. T. PKNNIM..! C. W. WOOL8UY, W. W. WAIIDILL. O. W. 8WAT.N, W. W. WEST. ftb5dlm W. B. GVVVN. N OTICB. By virtue of a decree of the Suoerior CnH of Buncombe county, rendered at the Decem ber Term, 1888, I will, on the 4th day of March. 1889, at the residence of T I VanOildcr on College street, in the city of Asheville, sell, at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, all the furniture and chn-ttles, conveyed by T I VanOilder and wife In certain deeds of trust to me This furniture consists of carpets, chairs, bedroom, library, hall and parlor sets, and other usual household furniture At the same time and place, and under tha same conditions and in the same manner I w ill rent and let the said residence for the term of one year from the date of sale For further particulars enquire ol the nn. dersigned at his office or of J 8 Adams, attorney at law, or Moore & Merrick, attor neys at law. at their respective offices W W BARNARD Feb 14, 1889 fcblSdtmar ' ESSE R. 8TARNK8. t'MiHKTAKlvK AND EMBALMEK, Asheville, N. C. - - ... . Every requisite of the business fur nished. 1'l.nn wood cases, walnut or cloth covered caskets. Metallic caskets. both plain and elegantly draped. Kobes of all (i mil i tic A. Hcurse with heavy white or black drapery. All calls, day or night, promptly an swered. Telegraph and mail orders promptly attended to. Office never closed. Office and residence: No. 40. N. Mnin St. dtmarlO Value in Old Stamps. Any parties having envelone or adhesive stamps used prior to orduringthe war.wheie varieties are desirable, can find s purchaser for same by sending to the undersigned. Stamps issued by the various citiesnnd towns during the late war are particularly desira ble and of most value. In all cases those nn original envelopes are preferred. State price in each instance and send aiienclosnreeto H. T. C. Office of Cltisen Publishing Co., frbOiiswlm , Asheville, N. C. ,

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