t:.:: daily cxtiz:::'. , TV Citits I the moat rvtrnsivrlv .-rcu-ktrd and wi-u-iy read newspaper in Waitu It (iim of public mn and meamire la In the tnirnrt or polilK rntrrrltv, bmn( govertimetit, and prosperous industry, and it to.w. no personal aitrgiaaceui treuo pub lic t-roe. . Te emus publluhe the dispatch of the Aseemated Pre, whKB now cover the whole world la it rope. It ha other facili tfr. of advanced journaiista for gathering Kfwi from ail quartern, wits everything caxe fl edited to occupy the stn silent space. e,ne,i.nea tws n any eiiuon will M seat rW to ay Me sending their addres. Turns luilr. ) lor one vrar; 3 ror mourns; 60 cents for one month ; 15 cents tor no week. Carrier will deliver the paper in every part of the city to aaiiaeribera, and par tie wanting it will please call at the ClTuaa "'a'oTKlTlwao Rites Reasonable, and made Ihwi oa application at thia orhce. All traasieat adrcrtiaemcata maat be paid In ad-vaao. TUESDAY. MARCH 5. 1889. GBOYER CLEVELAND. The world move. Retrospection proves this. But ifH did not, a day's record of the evolution of American politics would. Yesterday, Grover Cleveland, waa the chosen President of sixty millions of peo ple; to-day be is a respected and honored private citizen. Let na take a brief retro spect. Four year ago, Mr. Cleveland was called to the presidency. He was then unknown in national politics. Hit tenure of official positions had been few. As a prominent lawyer in Buffalo, be was elected mayor of that city in 1H80, the following yea be was chosen chief execu tive of the Empire State, and ere his term of office had expired, was sent to Wash- . ington as the nation's president. His rise bfld been sudden, if not phenomenal. To have been infallible during these year of official care and responsibility would not have been possible, for "to err is hu man," but that Mr. Cleveland, has not shown, in word and deed, during his of ficial career, sturdy integrity, a devout honesty, and a seal and singleness of pur . pose for the good of his country and the masses, no one can truthfully gainsay, not even his most vituperative enemies Hi fearlessness In the cause of principle and right has been his chief characteristic Derite the cries of the croakers, and the party pessimists, of what might hare been, and surely would have been, had the President not done to and so, the manly and patriotic stand taken by Grover Cleveland, for revenue reform as set forth in his message to Congress of December J, was'ths crowning act of his administration, By this single act, Mr. Cleveland placed himself above mere party and personal gain, and in the fore front of political reformers and benefuo tors of the people. His defeat has been attributed to this one courageous step for equal rights to the laboring masse. But this we deny, Granted that the message did in a meas ure predicate defeat, that It was some what premature in that a year was too short a time to educate the people up to the reform principle therein kid down, yet, tht vote in the great manufacturing k districts of the North, conclusively proves that such was not the verdict rendered by the people. Mo, far from it. The tar iff reform message of Grover Cleveland was not the prime cause of his defeat Hod it not been for the lavish, unmrupu lous, and unprecedented use of money at the polls to influence voter in behalf of hi opponent, Grover Cleveland would be President of the United States to-day, in stead of Mr. Harrison. No; Mr. Clcve land' bold stand in fnvor of tariff reform was not a mistake, but, on the other hand, it was a manly, progressive, op portune art, In direct line with the needs of' the people, and, a such, will be wrought out in due time for their benefit, "But he has killed hi party" sneer our opponent. Not o however. Parties may perish, but principles never. The party of Jefferson, of Jackson, and of .. Tilden, ha suffered many a drft-nt, but never because it forsook a principle. To suffer defeat rather than forsake - principle is victory. It is this fundamen tal tenet that ha enabled the party through all the year to rise after each defeat atronger, purer and better than - before. This it will do again, so undeceive yourself indulgent enemy. Grover Cleveland, has given the conn try for the pnst four years, a conserva tive, business-like, honest administra tiou. He has endeavored to be thePresi dent, not of a class, a section or a party but of the whole people.' Under date of February 25th lust, a partisan paper in New York State, ' printed this sentiment: "One week more and Grover Cleveland will step down and out with few of any party or no party to regret his departure from the White House." In the year 1707, under date of March Gth, The Aurora, then a lending colonial paper primed the following : "The man Washington who is the source of all the misfortune of our coun try, is this day reduced to a level with hi fellow citizens, and is no tonger pos sessed of power to multiply evils upon the United State. This day ought to he a jubilee in the United State." ' Less than two months from now repre sentatives from every State in the Union will assemble in New York to oek-' Iwate the centennial of the establishment of constitutional government in America. All parties and all people yield homage to-dny to the purity and patriotism the man who first took the oath of office as President of tlx United State. But from the alwve we see that there were part'uans in those days as there are now. However, Father Time's soothing in fluence has change.! all as regards the Father of his country. May we not be judged unkindly pro phetic if in the years to come, Grover Cleveland, may he remembered among the Washington", and Jeffersons and Adamses, lor they an represent a'principk. THE NEW CABINET. The new cabinet as announced in an other column is composed of Messrs. Blaine, Windom, Proctor, Wana maker, Tracy, Noble, Miller and Rusk. It is" a "dark-horse" cabinet, if ever one could be designated by that term. .With the exception of the two first names it is a cabinet of only fair ability, pcrhujis we ought to say medio: ere, in so far as any special knowledge is concerned as regards'the appointed and their respective portfolios. Mr. Blaine's ability no one questions or ever did, but is honesty ha been tested and found wanting even in the house of and by his friends, while his statesmanship has been called, only "smartness" by the lender of his own party. '" Mr. Blaine elected Mr. Harrison, President, but Mr. Har rison could have cnosen a mr better man to the Secretaryship of State for the good of the whole country than will Mr. Blaine prove to be. Mr. Windom was Mr. Garfield' choice for the treasury portfolio, but did not have a chance to demonstrate hi ability. He is considered an able financier. Mr. Proctor is an honest Vermont heep raiser, and what he know about war he has yet to Warn. His only claim for the war portfolio was, that at Chi cago, he led his State delegation in vot ing for Harrison "first, last and all the time." Mr. Wanamakcr has hut! a phenomenal business career and is a millionaire of his own-making. His debut in politic was made by a $400,000 subscription to the Republican campaign fund last fall. Hi reward at the hands of President Hani son is the Postmaster-Generalship. Per sonally he is a man much to lie admired, but the principle of making a cabinet selection or the grounds of .a . .re gift campaign fund is pernicious in the ex treme. Gen. Tracy, of New York, who has been assigned the navy portfolio, is an able lawyer and will doubtless make a creditable secretary. But hi selection wa unfortunate in that it i a reward for political work of a lowf Order. To Gen. Tracy was entrusted the boodle and the repoibility of carrying King county for Harrison, and he succeeded in reduc ing the normal Democratic vote enough to defeat Mr. Cleveland In New York State. Mr. J. W. Noble, of Missouri, for the interior department is doubtless a good appointment, He was a good soldier and since has proved himself a cultured lawyer and gcntlcmun. Mr. W, H. Miller, of Indiana for the Attorney-Generalship, is Mr. Harrison's low partner and a man of good state reputation and ability. , Mr, Rusk, of Wisconsin, for the newly created portfolio of agriculture is well known in his own State ami will doubt less satisfy the demands of the position All in nil it is not inch a cabinet a was expected from Mr. Harrison. It will not please his friends, his party, or in the end, himself. It is not great in ability; it is not well chosen geographically; it is wanting in political integrity. WHAT SHALL TIIK HARVl'.HT lWnjamin Harrison is President of the United States. He was elected to that high office liy an electoral vote of 233 to ION for his opixinent, but at the same time received a minority of almost 100, 000 of the popular vote. He has for mally, been installed into office and is now the othVinl head of the nation, ready to perform his duties anil to lie held re sponsible for his acts. To the peaceful quiet citien, to the on-looker and non sharer in (Hililicnl aflmrs, it is ertinriit to ask, at this the threshold of a new ad ministration. "What nlntll the harvest Mr. Iltin tHtxi assumes the presidency at an opportune time mid tinder the most favorable conditions. He stands at the bend of a great party whose representa tives have a good working minority in both branches of Congress. The nation is prosierous and ceful at home and abroad. Surely, one would anythe new President is setting sail under the most fn torubte of auspices. But, on the other hand, there, are difficulties to overcome, foreboding of evil to dispel. When in 1840 the cider Harrison as sumed the reins of government at Wash ington, such a hurtle of office-seekers and and place hunter swooped down upon him thnt the battle scarred old general. who had keen tried on many a field of battle and never found wanting, wna ac tually compelled to give up, and the turmoil and worry consequent thereto of soon ended his life. The tlnrrison of to-dny represent the same party, the spoils hunters and the HKiils have increased forty fold and more in the forty years, and their apjwtites, always good, have been sharpened by their recent fast of four years. It is a party like all parties, containing both good and bad men, leaders who are un scrupulous and Waders who are true. Yet, Mr. Harrison does come to power at an opportune time, but under circumstances that are varying and diffi culties that are great. Indeed, "What ; will the harvest be?" The, harvest will; depend entirely npon the sowing. If Mr. Harrison decide to be president himself, uninfluenced by politicians and partban hot-heads, all wetland good, but if not the result will be leu favorable. He has been in public life before and is not ignor ant of the force that tend to good or ill in official position, hence his responsibil ity is greater. For the good of our common country, and all it people, we trust the new President in , hi official duties will be guided more by common sense than by partizanship, more by personal judg ment than by party politician. If this be done there will be less of discord, and less cause for personal censure at the har vest time four year heence. ' DRY GOODS, JEWELRY, AC. Great Excitement in New York City. -K..1L Wright, of Bostit Bros. & Wright, and Charlie Blun ton, formerly of Bre vard & Plan ton, arrived in New York City last evening to buy the largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to Asheville. Lookout for new advertisement. New Goods and New Prices. BOHTIC BUOS, & WltlUHT, The Leading Store of the city lot Ladle Is ESTABROOK'S, aa 8. Malii Street. The greatest variety of nice goods, stu b a Book, Stationery. Fancy Goods, Toya, Paintings, Kngravlngs, Frames, Western North Carolina Views, Novelties, Bte., Btc. ! Everyone la pleased and all sattafiee) with i what tBev buy at this place. Their .tack Is of the beat and nrleea alwav reaaonable. Business men will find the lar gest and beat line of Blank Books sad Office Stationery In W. N. C. Art Rtutlio over store, where visitors ean obtain local sketches in oil or water colors. J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker' buatneaast hi old .land over J. B. IHckenwu A Co.' Hardware Store, and re the Arm name of J. V. BROWN & CO. Having thirty yearn' tiprrkac a. vmtor taker aad tmbalmer, sad iueqaakd facllltte for baying, eaa saStly gaaraate satisfaction. Call promptly attended" to at an hour. Berthing pcrtalalag to the baataeas al Tohan4 wblMOm DRUGS ASD MEDICISES. T. C. SMITII ik CO. Have their Piewription Pe- I i-tinorir lrwiirxjul iilini-o IloineH do Hot Conflict, where silence secures accuracy and the work is executed by ex perienced and co m jetent Tier sons, professional exi'ierts. Only the very best materials are manipulated and the pub lic are sure to get medicines which give best results. Their stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Seeds, Cigars, Tobacco and Toilet Articles is the largest in Ashe ville, and an increasing trade warrants the statement that they lead the drug trade of Western North Carolina in all goods carried by them. Don't forget this. REAL ESTATE. ' Wni. HI. Cocke, Jr., REALESTATE AND MINERALBROKER, AihevHie, N. C. Can sell you one million aires of land, in traft. from SO to 100,000 acre. Have a number of city lot.,- Improved and unim proved, which I can sell on the best of terms. If yon want a large or amall farm call on me. If yon want mineral, of any kind, you need go ao farther. If yo.u want timber land., thi. Is headquarters. In fact I can iult you In anything yon want in my line. Services of a first-class civil engineer and practical surveyor engaged to .how up all property when required. I have had liTteen yean' experience In the real estate business, and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all Inquiries. feb2dty JW. CORTLAND, Real Estate Broker. INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Patton Avenue, Barnard Building, febedly WATSON, Real Estate Agent, (Not a Speculator.) Having by practical experience thoroughly systematized my sale department, I oner SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS To those wishing to sell, and BARGAINS to those wishing to buy. I have some of the beat property for sale in v Asheville which ean be bought low down. Al.o, country property, Manganese, Iron, and Timber Lands. Call and examine my. Hat before purchasing, D. 8. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, dtmayl Asheville, N. C. NEAT. 1M10MIT. ACCURATE. A REAL PLEASURE TO DO YOl'K PRINTING Ah you want it and when you . want it. CITIZEN PUBLISHING CO. Jf I RN1HIIKD APARTMENTS TO L8T. Rooms eaa be had at No. 67 College Street Ikaowa a the "Davidson House ") aewlv ! rarai.neei. Mr. Krwin ha. charge of the cul In.r. rterrttnent and will rurnish first fc"Hn,r ' premhwa, feb23-dlm JJISCELLASEOUS. N. MOlicAN'.' & ij. N. SIOIIuAN . a-'i CO.,; No. 3 Barnard Building: School and College Text; Books, a full line. Poetn, Ilin-j torv. liomanee. Biography, I Travel and Novels, Family! Bibles, S. S. Bibles and TeHt-itrrfianil0flhCp0bljChaplneWiMjthITO. nniPTit Oxford TeneiiPPH p""e thRt everybody tc a good tune a infill, jnn ii i 1 iw m i r , fan Mi thrm u u t ..pn,. thoM BibleS, SonS BOOkS OI all , that have a hard timr m,t ,rf the rear will ,. , " , .,. find them laving fur th,o. If v hard t kinds, large stock Stationery, j .nit. dimmit to satisfy. Blank Books and Uttice ami School Supplies. New line Ladies' and Gents Pocket- books just opejied. Fancy Goods and Dolls. febtOdlv STRAUSS' REST A UR AN T ASIV- ' OYSTER PARLOR. I. the place where you ran find all the detiea- de of the waaon. uch a. OYSTEHS, PISH, DBVILBD CRABS, GAME. Alao, Northern, and We.tern Beef, and the only one who can tfve a genuine - - Philadelphia Fry. I have recently added to my Keatanrant a large Range with latest Improvement., anch a. Broiler., Boiler., etc., etc. Thi. enable, me to fulfill any order in from 3 to 8 minute. ' Come and try a fine Philadelphia Pry or Bird on Toaat, In 8 minutr. I am alo pre pared at short notice to furnish Dinner or Supper or Ice Cream fur large or small par tie., a. in catering my long experience of 12 years allow me to give perfect sati.faction. Remember, that thi. Is the only Ladies' Parlor in the city and the only place yon caa get a genuine Philadelphia Pry. ' . Very respectfully, fcbSdtf B. STKAl'SS. OTICB 1 hereby given that application will lie made to the present session of the Legislature of North Carolina for the incorporation of the "North Eastern Land Company." 8. W. BATTLE, W. T. PKNN1MAN, T. W. PATTON, W. W. WK8T. ftblOillm W. B. OW YN. JkJOTICB. Notice I. hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the present session of the Gen eral Assembly for a charter to build and nn erate a railroad from Asheville northeasterly to the top of Craggy Mountain tor to aunte intermediate point. 8. W. BATTLK, T. W. PATTON, W. T. PKNNIMAN, C. W. WOOLSBY, O. W. SWAIN, W. W. WAMI1LL, w. w. wBsr, W, B. OWYN. fehSdlm JAMES FRANK, ..... . ... DRA1.KS IN - FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reem Creek Woolen Mills. Nortti Main Street, . Asheville, N. C. fell 1 Oil ly yfj WOLFE, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement woik done. Jobbing and kalsomining promptly at tended to Residence, Clavton 8t. Order can lw left with W. 11. Wesiull & Co. febU(16in THE ASHEVILLE. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post office. Open dally, except Sunday, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. ra., and until 6 p. m. The term, of subscription are: One year 2; 6 mm., $1.50; 3 mo.., $1 ; I mo., SOcts.; dnilv 3 cts. Officers tor 1 H89 President, R. R. Raw). ; Vice-President, Charles W. Wooliey; Sec. ami Treas., I). S. Watson ; Librarian, Mis B. J. Hatch. Citliens and visitor are cordially invited to insect the catalogue and inscrilie their names a. members. feb8dtf MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 23 Patton Avenue, Vlrdwood & Stikeleather, Proprietors. 5y All order, promptly attended to. febttly 1 QVERSUBRS WANTED EVERYWHERE -At homem In trawl, W. wish to employ a reliable person in your count v to tack up advertisements and show cards of Electric Ooods. Advertisement, to lie tacked up ev erywhere, on trees, fences and turnpikes, in conspicuous places, In town and oountrv in all parts or the United State and Canada. Steady employment; wage $H.r0 per dav; expenses advanced: no talking required. Local work for all or part of the time. Address, with stamp, EMORY & CO., Manager, 341 Vine St.. Cincinnati, O. No attention paid to postaj card, dtmari 'jMtUSTBE'8 SALE, By virtue of a deed of trnat executed to me by A. B. Ware and wife, dated February 7, 1MMM, and duly registered In Book 12, Page 218, to secure the payment of certain notes mentioned therein, I will sell at public auc tion for one-half cash and balance in six month, on the premises or at the court house In Asheville, N. C, on Wrdnestlav, March 20, INKS, the property descrilied in said trust, said property being situated in the City of Asheville, on French Broad Avenue and Wit liam Street, adjoining Innd of W. M. Cocke, Jr., and Messrs. Balrtl and Alexander; con taining two acre more or less with three dwelling house and other improvement, Thi the l(Uh day of February, 1MNU. 1S1DOR WALLACH, fcblMlm Trustee. TT17 CRARY, ASHKVII.I.li. X. C, Brick Layer and Maker. Job of all kind attended to. Artificial stone pavement aand private roadways laid same as Is nscd extensively In park and private ground in Bastern States. Will contrail to "pave walks for Irs than brick will cost without obstructing the wav and guarantee It to last longer and to tie In every wav better. Atldresa a above. dawtmar.1 J. W.SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 4 N. Ulain St. Icb20dly irRooin'ACTmY7 j II AM O AO N. LOCK WOOD. HANn-H.bS j Itrooma, W hUku, Hearth and Celling nrooniav. J Mill aad Factory grade a .pecisltr. Ouu- tation and samples free. kbt6dly MISCELE.WC'K S. IPOUELL a DM ARE THE Cl ii- YOU ..7'are the crs. ; tomer we are after. We'll anit you, nleaar you, satisfy yon, make you happy, what more do yon want. If you want to know whether we are able to keep our word, whether we can back all our brag with good conacientiout performance, why ASK ANY- OLDCUS- tomer of ours and we'll stand by his testi mony. A man that won't keep his word, that ffors back oa his promises, that tries to work up a snap HE ISN'T , WORTH A CHS- tildore or any other cheap and nasty article, we want to give you a good time. Are you with us? If .o just get a move on you and conic to POWELL &, SNIDER, GROCERS, A8HEVILLB, N. C. dtmarlS c. COWAN, B. H. COSIIY, Successor, 27 Patton Avenue, Dealer in Watches, CliH'ks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Optical Goods, Oold Pen., &c, 6tc. Large and varied assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold Watches at low inice. Largest assortment of Wedding Kings In the city. All repairing In watches, clock., and Jewelry neatly and promptly done at reasonable figures. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. The present proprietor shall neglect no ef fort to merit a continuation of the patronage so largely Destowea aurmg many year, upon hi. predecessor. uawtraaro. RICHMOND & DANVILLB RAILROAD COMPANY. (Westers North Carolina Division.) ' ' ' Pauknmkr Drparthknt, 1 Awibvillb, N. C, Jan. 1, 1HH9. PASSBNGBR TRAIN SCHEDULE. IX Kfpsct Jam. 1, 1HHU: No. HI No. S3 Lv, Asheville, Ar, Salisbury, " Danville, " Lynchburg, " Washington " Baltimore, " Philn., " New York, " Boston, 9SSpm 437am 947am 1245 pm 7 Sfipm 9 20pm 3 00am 6 20am 3 30pm S 30pm 780ain U4Aam 1 40pm 643pm 10 20pm 1 00am 700am 8 25am 1047am 1 20pm 00ptn Richmond, Raleigh, Gold.horo, Wilmington 0 ISam 102pm 310pm 600pm iJoVSB' Lv. Asheville, Ar. Spartaub'g Charlotte " Columbia, " Charleston, " Augusta, " Savannah,. " Th'.ville.Oa J" Jacksonville '"Atlanta" " Montgom'y " Mobile. 830am 1 1 511am 30pm 440pm 910pm 905pm 615am 1 40pm 12 (HI m ioiopin 7 25am 1 Sopin 7 20pm 2fu. B4 TlOpm 40pm 11 New Orleans No. BO 7 41 lam" 9 2am 1 lUpm 8 (Spin ai'inm " 740am 920am 110pm 640am 6 30pm Jfpm No. B3 4 44pm 610pm ftsoptn 3 40nm 1143am 6 30pm 444pm 610pm 850pm 7 15am 1145am 6 30pm 7 45pm' Lv. Asheville, Ar. Hot Spring " Knoxrille, 41 Chattun'gat " Nushville, " Mempbl, J Lv. Ahevil,e, Ar, Hat Spring " Knoxville, " Louivillc, " Cincinnati, " Chicago, " St. Louis, PIT" Sleeping car on alt night train. JAS. L. TAYLOR. W..A. WINBURN, G. F. A. U. V A. SOL. HAAS, T. M. Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1, at 6.30 a. m. Car leave Court Mouse 6.30 a. in. " 7.00 " 8.00 " " " " B.00 " Protn then till 7 p. m. ear leaves court house every 30 minute. Also, car leave court house at 8.00 p. m. anil 9.00 p. m. --.-;,!?: Pa R BmVg C ENTS TLANTIC COAST LINE. On and after this date the following sched ule will Ik run over its "Columbia Division." No. 53 Leaves Columbia a. 20 p. m. Arrive at Charleston...... 9.30 p. m. No. 52 Leave Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrive at Columbia..,,.... 11,55 a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all point on the Charlotte, Columbia & Au gusta and Columbia & Greenville Railroads. 'Daily. T. M. KMRRSON, Gen. Pas. Agt. J. F. DBV1NB. Gen. Snpi JJ OTICB. Application will be made to the present ses sion of the General Assembly of North Cam lina to charter a turnpike road from South Hominy In Buncombe, to the top of Mount Piagah in said coupty. W. O. tfANDl.HR, T. W. PATTON, feblStllm H. D. CHILD. 'J BT'CKLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, NO, 16 PATTON AVKNl'B, : Beg. to announce that he has rrerlvxl hi. , samples for the ensuing spring and Summer and asks the public to call and examine. ; SPKCIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CLEAN- INC.. RKPAIRINO AND ALTERING. ! Jan2dtf JOTICR. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the present session or the lien ernl Assembly of North Carolina for a char ter for a eoporatlon to be atvled "The Title Guarantee and Trust Company of Western North Carolina." JAMES O. MARTIN, THOMAS A, JONHS. vv. TALBOT I'ENNIM AN, T. W. PATTON. febSdlm mCHLANI) HOUSE, Corner Main and Depot, WAYNIiSVILLE. N. C. Rtwims newlv nirnislietj. Fare tlw best tlie market nffords. Good snmik room. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Terms: $1.00 jierdny. . D. L. ALLEN & SON, ProprWtor. HOTELS. "sTRICIuKnST.CUCsV.luiEla,:!' THE THOMAS HOl Si;. NEAR BATTERY PARK. Is now under entirely new manapemem, mid will be kept in strictly first-vlas. atylr. TRASSIKST UN REdl'LAB BOARDEKs TAKRS Northern Cooking. ' " " Rates KrosoiiKhle MRS. E. LACY & SON. i Proprietors. dtf ITV KUSTAI-RANT. PATTON AVENUE, Under Redwood'. Store, Meal, at all hours. All the delicacies oi the sraaon served in all raiietie and In tht beat style. , Oyater. Game, Steaks, The Beat of Hot Coffee. Fresh Norfolk Oyster, received every day. The retail trade supplied. Have added new broiler; steaks, oyaters, etc., etc., done to turq. dtmarlS T. J. SUMNER. R1GHTHK THAN EVER! THE STAR OP BUNCOMBE, 1 GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. K7 Arrivals January and February, 18ST. 2020 Arrival. January and February, lyaaj ' THE MOST POPULAR $2.00 HOUSE IN THE STATE. 13,0O arrivals during the past year more than every other hotel in the city. We bid fair to register 23,000 thi. year. .........VI FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECTv Only hotel in the centre of the c4ty. Give u. a call. ... S, R. CHBDESTBK & SON dtiuarfl A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Ticket only $4.80, ttcrtntfog; a full day's board aV the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. The Bath. In Marble Pool and Porcelain Tubs are the finest and most luxurious in America. The Hotel I NEW AND FIllST-CLASt In Bvery Particular. UNEXCELLED IN ITS CUISINB. The place is a charming spot, nestled among and sheltered by Pinc-etnd Mountains where there is no fog, no dust, no malurla. Pure and abundant water.. and absolutely perfect drainage. dtjumtk If any dealer ay h ha the W. 1. DonglaS Shew without nam and prlea stamped oa. Uu bottom, put him down a a fraud. Y. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE !1.K) OKNIUNK H AVJI-S1 VI , MIIOKk f t.nn kxtka vai.uk cai.p siiok. H.UO and l.7S HOW M tlool RTIOEaV All auul In ConiniH. Rstton sad ijm. VV. L. DOUCLAG S3 SHOE tArD,R.. BewS Mat rial. Beat Stria, Baa nuisutV If not sol.l hv r ai JlsT? W. L. DOLOLAS, BHOCKTOIC. HAM. For sale by HURUING ft WKAVUR, 30 South Main Street, .Asheville, N. C. janlOclly Kwtrr. Rrarmo has enn4 in of a n.llgnant breaking out oa my leg, which esnsed Intolerable psln. It waa ealled Kcxeins by the diwumrbar est Winn treated In with no relief. I candidly eonfes (hat I owe my present good health M 8. R. B wl.li li In mr aaumatkMi I. lavaluabk) at a bliid remedy, Miss Jiiua DsWitt, tW K. HKIi Ht, BU Lou la, Mo. 0) Our hhy when two amnth old ws ItUekeel with Mr.mdil., whirh for sloni Urn. destroyed her yelghtntlrelv, .nd ua us to dniwir of her life, 'I h Otsiuw tll to rvlier her, snd we rsv . birr, (irirmo, which soon eared lire enlm lr, snd she I bow bsl. and hearty. . V. iu(. w ill'. 1 oli Tesu. rffSil for bonk rhrlnf hlntnT "f Bits4 !.-.. SS.'S and atlvie ia nift.rera, 10 atslied Ifm. Tub Kvrv dewieit: Cov, lMsww t, Aiisula, t (an tAcheod

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