; I) 1 Kuj I'll : 1 f.MK. ...fi'fi. , f.nnliv iliew up. ami ..cci.(ric.l ty Mr. and Mrs. KumkU j Kaiilsun. ami Mr. and Mrs. MiKee, Ir. f , olt, tht gray-haired father of Mn. Il.irrison, Jiiii.je Scott, of Indiana, Mrs. Harrison' brotlier, privet secretary Halfurd and Mr. Halford, Mist Halford and Lieutenant J. F. Parker, U. S. N., and wife, who ia a niece of Mn. Harri son. Following them came the servants' car riages and those provided for Ultimate friends. There was no delay and all the carriages immediately drove off. Ten minutes later the Presidential party ar rived at the One Hundred and Forty Eighth street entrance to Willard's Hotel, and were escorted to a room which had been handsomely decorated in their honor. It is located on the second floor in the southeast corner of the building. On a table in the interior of the room stood a Urge vase filled with American beauty roses. On the piano, mantel and window sills had been effectively arranged large boo nets of roses and lillies of the valley In the corners stood several varieties of the Southern palm. , THE FIRST TO AlnlVK. Gen. Harrison's immediate party was the first to arrive, and were soon followed by Mr. Morton's party and other mem bers of the two households. After a few minutes spent In receiving the congratu lations of privileged friends, General and Mrs. Harrison accompanied by the Senate reception committee, re-entered their carriages and were driven to the Executive Mansion. Great crowds ol people blocked the streets in every direc tion, and as the distinguished party made their appearance they were re ceived with cheers. Scenes in the vicinity of the White House were PARTICULARLY INTBRUSTING. The people began to assemble at the gates early in the morning, and as there was no effort to keep them out, they passed through and gathered about the doors and windows opening out on the portico. They were not allowed to enter the house, however, and had to content themselves with a partial view of the main vestibule with the stuccoed walls and stained glass partitions. About 1 o'clock the police apieared on the scene and cleared the grounds. Guards were stationed at all the gates and no one was allowed to enter after that hour except those connected with the ceremonies. The Seventieth Indiana Regiment, headed by their band playing lively airs, marched into the White House grounds at 11 o'clock and took up a position along the eastern driveway. At 10,30 O'clock the President-elect entered the grounds. He rode in a closed , landau-buggy drawn by four beautiful gray horses, and was accompanied by senators Hoar and Cockrell, of the Sen ate inaugural committee. The main doors were thrown open and they were soon joined by President Cleveland and hit cabinet. A second closed landau drawn by four Spanking bayt drove up to the White House immediately behind General Harrison's carriage. In it were Vice-President-elect Morton and senator Cullom, of the committee, They also proceeded to the Blue Parlor. At the carriages entered the groundi the Seventieth Indiana Regiment drew tip in line and saluted the President and occupants of his carriage at they passed Their recognition of Gen. Harrison, their old commander, was particularly enthu siastic. At 11 o'clock the President's carriage drawn by the ' well-known seal browns and two fine bays, and driven by Albert Hawkins, the President's coachman, drew up at the entrance and the party within were informed that everything was in readiness for their departure to tbecapitoL There were about twenty people oa the portico, including corres pondents and policemen, and at a given signal a passage way was opened. The carriage party walked out in the lollo'w ing order: President Cleveland with Sen- ator Cockrell, President-elect Harrison with Senator Hoar, Vice-President-elect Morton with Senator Cullom, followed by member of President Cleveland cabinet in couplet. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND Wat the first to enter the carriage, He was followed In the order named by Gen - Harrison and Senators Hear-and Cock rell. The President and General Harri son occupied the rear teat with the for mer on the rignt. Senator Cockrell sat opposite him, and Senator Hoar sat opposite Gen. Harrison. They all wore heavy coats, closely buttoned. Senator Cockrell wore a large slouch hat, but all others wore the regulation beaver, A LAROE WHITE BEAK-SKIN RVtt Wat thrown in the carriage with them, and at an additional protection against rain, two umbrellas were raised. Presi dent Cleveland held one over Gen, Harri son and himself, and the other was held by senator Cockrell over himself and sen ator Hoar, President Cleveland seemed . in good spirits. The President'scarringe then went ahead a short distance, anil the second carriage drove up for its oc cupants. These were Vice-Presidentelect Morton and senator Cullom. Both gentlemen were heavily clad and had an umbrella raised. Their carriage, like its predecessor, was an ojwii Inndnu. ' There were five other carriages. Secretary Bayard entered the first of these, with as sistant secretary Moore. The second con tained secretaries Whitney and Kmlicott, the third, secretary Fairchlld, the fourth, secretary Vilus and postmaster-general Dickinson, and the fifth, attorney -general Garland and secretary Coleman. Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Folsnm wit nessed the embarkation of the party from an upper window, and seemed to be specially Interested In the proceedings. When the President was fuirly seated he glanced up at the two ladies and raised his hat. They both returned the salute, smiling and waving their hanker chiefs. Mrs. Cleveland watched the carriages drive away and waved an adieu to the occupants of each. Eh also re turned with a smile the salutation of the several correspondents who cniae.l their The Kill l'MHtM-d- ASIIEVILLE ADVi:KTISi:Sti:STS. "buy ixojie-siadi; good:;." huts to lwrss she turned away. In the meantime the two carriages containing'. A private telegram received by a gen- the Presidential party had taken then tlemun of this city yesterday, contained positions in line. The Seventieth Indiana j tlie information that the bill validating Regiment fornwd into two sections oi i the Allison anil mount grains, in u. two romnnnits each, one preceding and i counties west of Buncombe, had passed n. iw f.illnwinif the two carriages. .I,, Senate, and thus become a law. This! Word was then riven and the party moved ures the people of the counties named, J' nil KOllCr 1 TOCI'HH. to the avenue and joined thefirstdivision ti,e property which they now own and j , in the nlace assigned to it. As the first mve possessed for years. , I our limit! lor carriage entered the avenue ACREATsiioi' n;.i,i,iini,i ihromh Kcv. i A 4i1ivll li HI I1 1 1 n ? Ci-stiit liitiv Kloiir iiitf! Meal D....u.1i.wm ) ci multitude tnai . . " i .-"-- - 1 s iunv si um , was continued lor some time. The car nHirtn niiiuvimiK nuu i ihuihi.m Roller King, Klcctric Light, Carolina II. T. COU P ASIIEVILLE ICE GOuiy, WeOuarantSjitisfaction. Auk I Vun Ice made from DistilH Watnr. Ie for atom h, 10 ton lotH 30 cento ir hundroil. Office Itarnnrd HuilSin" Patton Avenue. ""' Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and Rye. Horse and Cattle Feed Mixture i Old Depot. Valuable Property Isold. Rt. Rev. Bishop Leo Haid. through Rev. Father White, has purchased the K. J. . ir Armstrong and I'resbvterian lot. corner riagca containing llflVwM.r! and Flint streets. Father, VT, niL ih Mlnwin crudes of floui waited until the entire Iirst envision nuu -- --v ----- - nnssed and then entered the line. " ,MI , , -i ju fake no other. e . ... .: I iv renovated at once, ana in me near in- Proinut V at 11 O CIOCB me esvoi img , rrompuj ai .... JiMit mrtnn. iinrt of the lot. 'a , iw tnnrcn to tne cbohoi. n ... 1 l,at.tf.il ftinrtel W rnnirrntlllnt Our , , . r r. r u.. in..,- flll Vurd at file of mounted police cleared tne way lor i i, round to utvr. uo LUiiorn onnuing lur tiiro sve uuu . ... tu:.a u.i.,nt of Artillery. V. S. A. Catholic friends upon the acquisition ol t IUC A UHU rts.jjs.....- - w - i 1 t I . tu, m. .h, nnval contingent, a mue- this valuable property I iuu - r nificent marine band playing gaily and Returning Home, almost filling the avenue. Between the Thx sorrowful widow and sons of Ret. curbs, swept along in front of the marine i ()l g Carter, deceased, reached the . .... .ii -I., j :M u l1j kiv J. uauaiions, an emu ... c,ty on gunday evening. on their return hundred seamen with cutlass and car- from Murfreell)or0i N C ( wuither they binc.followinginmarchingliocsthatcora- . . t .. ,.;, wilh tho pared favorably ith any other body in q( m kindre(, rlieJ spent the night Rt the procession. ,; ., Dr. Carroll's, and left for their desolate Following was a light battery oi sail- . ii,nderinville vt-Hnv ors, sixteen in line, tugging at six shining lorni brass howitzers. General James A. Beaver, chief marshal of the day, with susen cr.ce.. brigadier-general Daniel Hastings, chief! Trinity P. E. Church Ash Wednesday, of staff, special aids and aides-de-camp, I to a. m. Friday, 10 a. m. All other FITZPATPiiCK ORGS. & RQDERTSO:! Dealer In Wall Paper, Window rlidesaudrateutIIaiiSvr. PsinU, Oils and Vmib, Als.nry's pt. sad Colurs. Window botfc 1'rciieh and Americsa. . I ; We keep In stock Rt. Louis and Kentuckr Lcsd. W. T. rSNMIlAX. w. a. rssNDiAs. . mounted on high stepping horses, came days, 4.30 p. m. . . . . ..it.A.t- - ..... 1 - " next , in order, immeuuue.y p.u.. Cai,t. j08c))h S. AdalM i, returned seventy-nve oi tne personal em.orv u. .u. fQm 8tate8TiUe President-elect. The President and Pres ident-elect. and vice-President-elect, in "Harrison weather," was whnt they their carriages, were sheltered by urn- called it yesterday brellas from the penetrating rain, but were l iure nnd ")mwn autj py thiat" plainly visible to the populace, wnun at Opera Hall this evening. .1 I - A ul.,...t ila Wi-li'tim at I KIKXim BU I A, ll. . A . I Atilv two rnim ntr vnrant at tli Itaf. Another section of the escort marched 1 1 l lt. i ... terv Park tut crest hAS harn th arrival TL. il.l.J .f lh.(ir.t I ' " UC11IIIU. AIIV IUI.U uiik""- ...-v v.. . f . . . ft.... J vision was made up by the District of ' Columbia National Guard, under com- Mr. Isidore Samper, son of the editor mand of General Ordway. A Gatling of La Courier dei Etat Unit, of New eun battery, with their curious death- York, who has been spending several dealing machines, brought tip the rear ol weeks in Asheville, leaves for his home the first escorting division. tnis morning. The plaa in front ot tne capitoi ana At mettma of th. -.niun commit- adjacent sidewalks, porticos and every t vesterdav afternoon, nil arrant coigne of vantage from which even a menU for the reception o( the men,bers glimie of the Presidential party could of the Assembly and State t ootainea was oiucs wun peopie. iuv officials, were perfected, nolice were keot busv clearinil the road- r " way alon which the escorting procession was to move. The organization to take unered at Law s (.fearing Sale: part in the return parade, marched with Seven best plated Gravy Ladles at $1, bauds playing side br side dowu the worth $1.70; odd patterns triple-plated streets and avenues to the places adjoin- rorks and Spoons at half price, 31c. jng the cupitol grounds where they were best plated Butter Knives at 50c., worth to assemble. On all sides there was a from 75c. to $1 each. Odds and ends commingling of marching, tnusicandper- (fine goods) are lieing all closed out ul- fect Balx-I ofmusical chordsand discords. 1 most for a song. Call and examine The shrill pipe of the files, rap of the goods. They n - all laid out on separate drums and blare of the trumpets filled the tables. air. The noise of the bands wasdrowned At Law's, Opposite Postofhee. inl.ivti1a ri- t It lutnm rmir of the I - - " " ' " " rriw, lilll.. Oi. l crowds as it erected w th Sim ause iwivct HUB U some favorite organization. At 11.45 o'clock the musk of the bands and ASIIEVIIXE COAL COMPANY, II. T. COLLI & CO. Superior Hani and Soft Coal fit Wholesale and Iletail. Office: Bumard Building, Patton Avenue. - Yard: Old Depot, THE ASHEVILLE SANITARIUM, ASHEVILLE, N. C, Beautifully located In Krove of oaks and white pine, with no dust or aoinc, at the enr ol Onk and Wuodlin streets, near the Female College, and only ner ol'Uak and Wuodlin streets, near the female College, ana only three squares Irom the court house, ill mndrrn and latrat imnroved racthocl for treating: chronic diseases of the luntr throat and nuit. bv the Inbiiliition ol vauoniea anil atomiieu nums dv tne wieamatic ana compmsed sir apparatus ; alao Cnmpound Usyxen In eonnection wun the vaporised Hal SSni (tne DSJaam OOUUUCQ .rum tne natural uu..Hm ireca near Aancvi.H;.; We alio manufacture a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxvuefl. which Is. In most cases, equal to the umcc treatment, and will be sent on application by express, on receipt of price, S13. Our succms here for the past three years with this treatment has been phenomenal, hav Ing cured many cases that were pronounced hu)ieless, whose names and residences can be otitalned dv cat in? at tne nanitunum. dv permiaaion we reicr 10 xne loiiuwina wcn-anown rentlemen of Asheville: B. J. Aston, ex-Mayor ;,J. K. Reed. Clerk IT. S. Court; Kev.G.C. Ran kin, pastor First Methodist cnurcn; kcv. w. a. nelson, pastor vtm Baptist cnurcn; rt. r Collins, capt. nan Atainion. Board and Treatment furnished to patients at reasonable prices. In addition to boarding; our patients, we hare a number of elegantly-furnished rooms to accommodate boarders, who desire a nice, quiet place, away from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, good fare, first-class cooking, at reasonable prices. Also, hot and cold baths. - Dr. T. J. IIARQAN, Proprietor. PEIIIIIMAI1 & C0, -JOHBKSS 1111 DUALKHS IN- HiMRLDi W I A I RTET ASHEVILLE, N. C. AGENTS FOH , DUP0NT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON frn OLD HICKORY WAGONS, , STUDEBAKER WAGONS, WOLINE SCALE COU ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. fcb9dly i Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST, PRICES For First Class Goods. , REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING, BURT DENISON, now supply of Window cheerinjf of the crowd announced the ar- SluuleH, full 8iZ0S, different nval of tot van of t lie escort to tne , . President's party. At that time the Colors, (it i.J, J5 UlKl 78 QW chief of the cnnitol tK.lice. attended bv I . i -.i n , tiicii vt'irn nvrin-uu tin aim. six of his assistants, descemlcd the mar- " " .v v w...- blcstejis of thecast portico of the Senate plt'te, Wt'll Worth double the wing to keep the crowd from intruding . itself within the preiwiixd Rnrfu. money. We also have Curtain X fuu. Ir ill tii.u.1 ri tliv I m.m.m.v. ..v. .... ,.,,,1 n4. f n..rr.n,l.i.,.r r.ion nin.le its flm.fir. ""' "AtUlfB lur; H.raVm.....B , , a-..-. ance, having left rensylvama avenue and p0l,,H t() yw hoj(j He)ar.ajte1v going through tne soiitiiem part oi tne capitoi grounds, passing the House ol ClU'ti till PolOH ill Ebony, Wal L) ....a...; - ............ n 1.U nal I ICurCBCIlkllt.IVtTslt nuu willing uiv vnsi 111 . front to the Senate portico. At eight mit 1111(1 tllOITy, WltH,IirttH8 minutes to 12 o'clock, while the ruin m. Ti imt,.iT... was fullinu the heaviest and the crowd cheering the loudest, the Presidential half the USlUll pficeH. Wood party made its apiwnrance. rretuticni- elett Hurrison and vice-I'residenUlect lootll-l lclvS &t OC. tt UOX.UHU Morton acknowledged the applause ol nii i i . r. the multitude by raising their huts und ' bowing. Alter going through the door how nUUiy to the box, about President Cleveland went imnictliiitly to the President's room in rear oltheSennte" H (liat't, tllOlldl. Only a "Hiicket Store" oun Hell them at o els. ana make any money on them. A small lot of Carpeting at your own prii-e, to clone it out. One pjetlilQol Don't know loliliy, and Presidentelect Harrison and vice-Presidcut-elcct Morton went to the vkt-Presitlcnt's room at the other end ol the lobby, and adjoining the marble room. AT OPl.RA MAM,. Prrswiitatloit of "DHinon and fy thlHH" This Kventn John Barum's great play of "Damon and Pythias" will be rendered by a com pany of home talent, at oierU hall this evening. The caste as follows, being well-known to our citizens, will insure without futhcr comment a lurge and appreciative audience, and the perfor mance being given under the auspices ol the Knights of Pythias will readily sug gestto all unfamiliar with the plot, its character it being one of intense interest, Pythianism having been founded upon the principle of friendship therein demon, strated. Damon.... 11. 0. 1 limes Pythias.... J. A. CampMl Iliunyisitis. ,,.F. A. Hull Damocles................... ....C. Ii. llilliard Pnxles J. M. Young I'liilistuis ........V. L. Jacobs Lucullus... ., D. W. Piirmnn Servant to Pythias E. K. Urown Senators anil" Soltliers... Child of Damon Miss Carrie llrown Calanthe.. ....Miss Khotla Campbell llcrniitnic ...Miss. Annie Moore Arria . M. Voung Reserved seats now on sale at F. L. Jacol' drug store. New stage effect and attractive costumes, coronation scenes and tableaux. A meeting of the managers of the Kitchen (iurden AssiK-iation will be held at Mrs. Sawyer's on Tucsilur, March 5, H'k p. in is to be decided, so a full and prompt at tendance is (icmieii. By order of the president. " 1 . - . Our townsman, Mr. 0. H. Henry, who has been" absent two' months, and for many years represented the- large whole sale grttccrr house of Wilson, turns & Co., Baltimore, will return about March l 10, with a full line samples to show his many customers throughout this section. llow do you like the ring of the Inaugu ral address? HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. While we Have the Finest and Most Fashionable Goods in ; our Line, We also have the cheapest. Call and see us. THE BONANZA," THE LEADING WINB AND LIOt'OR STORK OF THB STATE, ' No. 43 South Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. THE "HICKORY WINE AND BILLIARD ROOM. - INN" - HICKORY, N. C fclilOdtf iS Patton Avenue. LUMBER-YARD, GEO. F. SCOTT, ( Successor to Doubkdny & Scott, ) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, . DOORS Ola... Putt,, Wms. Plastering Hair, totoUtoVg' AU U.da of ZZ." Material. C Order, will receive prompt attention. feblOdtr PLUMBIMSTEM TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, Architectural iron work. Plans and Specification? Furnished on Application, We have thorough mechanic In each line who have had many years' experience in tllir business. We can safely sruarantee or patrons satisfaction in our work, a low fwures.. BALLARD, RICH & BOYCE. feblSdly CLOSING ... OUT SAH2 FRANK LOUGH RAN, dtlrbf9 PROPKIETOR. SPECIAL SALE FOR FEBRUARY. Closing Out Sale of all Winter floods. ots.v was 78; one 2-ply at GO eta, wan 7."; one piece Cotton at 40 ctw., was 48 ; Kap Car pet nt!2:S ctH., worth that to weave it. 13 yds. Brussels at Go ets., worth 85. Lots of new things in all lines. Come and see. oi:o. T. JONES & CO. 4GG llroadway. MISCELLASEOL'S. Swannanoa Hotel. I'nexcrlled enlaine Popular with toniiata, fainilie. and buiara men. ... Blrctrlc ears pass the door. KAWLB BROS., fcbldly Propr's. QI'KR IIOI WK. Tuesday, March 5. t am goinK to make thinirs lively at the "SPOT CASH STORB" for the next 30 days. I must have room for Sprinic good, and I am going to put price, on good, that will move them. -- I will oftVr my entire line of Underwear at.iust what thev i-o.t me. to clone out. Comlort. and Blanket, at half price, ehinrac llluck Fur Kugs at S3. 50, former price S4.O0. Chinrat White and Orey Rug. at 2.80, former price f 3.011. Big line of Umbrella, at price, that will miit any one : IB-rib aM, 30 and 82 in. at 3c. A nice metal handle at 73c. A Cloriah 8ilk (gold head! at $1.9(1. A " " (ailverhrad) at1.9U. Big job in Pearl Button, at 2Vc. per doien. Big drive in Gent.' Slippers, embroidered top, 7Hc., worth tl.00 ; leather at worth SI, DO. liren Ooods at any price, to close out. 1 hits Just ncaiad a lot ef Hall's Bataar Vormsrand tyery lady In Ashevilie who has sny dressmaking to do ought to have one. -It Is a household, necessity. Don't forget the place. frbldly W. II. LEA, 8ot Cash Store, No. 17 N. Main St. WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hnrt & Williamson,) MANt'FACTURKKS OF -OK- ALL WINTER GOODS, -AT- 22 THE BIG 2 2, PATTOIS AVENUE. 22 d& w.tapr2( FINE JOB WORK A Sl'KClALTY, AT OROU DOORS, BLINDS, iwiij iwwilVf UklllUUl Mouldings, Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C, AOKNTS FOR The Buckere Pump, Steel and tin Shingles, Floor and Hcnrth Tiles, fcbtdty NO. .6, NORTH COURT SQUARE. JJOTICE. wnlS?j2? that tbj T!.S (tal 5acmblyf,,aiws!,m""' erate a turnpike rVfrt" bu.ld! a " op- northra.Urlvdiree Tom A,lu"rf le In a Mountain lor to tion,to tne P Craggy " some intermediate' oint ) 8. W BATTU T. W. PATTC M W. T. PBNXI M KS' C. W. W(Xll SKY IcbMlni ('.. W. SWAt W U W17U1 ' yr'. b."gwvi ;.' . M"otice. hnJ " -?rmilr. COM"ty, reii.lerr d at the Pecem- will, on the ia aornts a m'f'ks. OF BjTklfi Patent . Sheathing Lath, N, PYTHIAS KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ENTERTAINMENT. AH.M1HSIO.N HHSliKVKII SB ATS.. ,..o ets. 7 " Tkkets tne sale at Jaeolw' Drug Store. F N KKNT. Two four mom eottam and on. ala rooai cot (age ua lriot strntt. Aimlvtn nmrSdlw J. A. TliNjiHNT. STOVES, TINWARE, ' ' AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Plumbing, Htcam nd .a. FlttHuf , Tu HooflnK, cuttt.r. ' iir,c, - ; : . . Kmploy only th. P.t Workmen, do good work, and do It promptly. I i m SNOT'S DENTIFRICE AT.H .? T 1 LET VJ X URyI 5MWTJit TH 'tTlCTM'; "f.j.yif THtwMj, TC N T HE ' a'ii t TH '.PtN 0 G t CABU.' 'TM0UT tQUAt A TOiut" , , ,r?5..r.Aii?iow- IT ce of T I the dtr of ior cash, to ftirniture and TaanC.lldrr and bcr Term. 188s, chittlil l.r-. the wn m -. . J ........... furnitures." J! .oec" of ru.' I So me This lrury hll . ni f rPrts. c! larrs. bedroom. honCdfu"tuPrerl0,,Ct,'i 14 "th-""' samVmidU? tin nd Pa. un'hr h win rent and Tt f?1 lh' " m mannrT 1 UrL rttZ!,' ?"" for the ' law. at their rr.pettWe 0 Febl. 18HK W Wfc f sale x ol the uu J S Adams, trrlck, attor. (Bee. ARNARn 10iltmar4. C. S. COOPER, ft t2im L 39 South Main Street. OLD atl DRUOaiBTS H. WINKCIMANN sV CO. ,, , CTIMOSiE. Ma. For sale bv J. . GRANT. dawtao2 JB88B R. 8TAKNK8. l'N'tKRTAIvEk Axf) t-MBA. LMEK, Asheville. X. C. n'shtd. i'l, wood cuses, w(. cloth w.vered caskets.. Metallic ol n,'l"'r"dc,1,CKnnt,Jf r- t hlT ,t,C8, Ht''lrae with hea or black ilrniiciy. All calls, tlav'or ni.,1, sweml. Telcnnk Fn,pt,v aiX. tZZZ dtmarlO KM fur hjut or . csmkets, . kolies 7 white thp nn onleis closer). Iain st. Value in Old Stan An nartlea I, . hie and of n,."." " ""cularly original enelo, . in each in.tan and Km i -ii i "J dliealTt r, where irrhaaer rsignril. d town, on ite prk-e r. to Co.,