r , iii 7 f i . -, L 1 "COVIANCHE JACK'S" RECOKO. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of par ity, strength and wholesomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot lit told In competition with the multitude of low tot, short weight alum or phosphute powdera. Sold only In cam. Rovai. Hakinu 1'owdhr Co., lot) Wall fit., New York. , dtwtaprl7 la nit tlCeilma Ha Hat Shot Thlrty-ant Mtm ai.d llelptd Hang Roventtaa. In this westrirn city on tho streets ami in tlm hoU-l lobbies every day on mints with many of the most noted wi-Mi'rn characters of the day. Ure I llarte would hre tinil mitiiy subjects lor wild wehtoi'n history that would throw tome of his previous creations of fiction into the khudr. The Indian territory in near by. where there is employed a large number of brave and hardy men us cinpuly Jl'uilcd Htatu marshals who ix'ar periodically in the largest city most convenient to their working place, so that V ichitu is often culled upon to entertain vmi tors of almost as much notoriety ait "15i)lv the Kid' or Jesse Juinua. Chief among this number i.l'piitv United Hiatus Marshal Jack Still well, now stationed at Fort Reno, L T. Jack, or rattier "Comanche Jack," as he is familiarly known, is a handsome looking chap, with a laughing blue eye, curly hair slightly tanged with gray, for this noted borderuiaii is just au years oi age, aooul o leti vj or 11 inches in height, and of massive build. He is also the acknowledged crack pistol shot or the west, and even in the day s of that Kansas cyclone known uf "Wilii itill " wli.t nnvA nMttttad fi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Timri. P. Iuvidsox, Thus. A. Joxks, Raleigh. Jai. O. Maktin, Athevjlle. Ashevillc. ' JJAVI08ON. MARTIN JONKB. Attorneyt and Counsellors at Law, Aaheville, N. C. , Will practice in the 11th and 12th Judicial Districts, and in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Courta of the Western District of North Carolina.' Refer to Bank of Asheville. dtsel JULIUS C. MARTIN, ' . Attorney at Law, ' Aaheville. N.C. Titlct and Conveyancing a iecialty. Col i .:... mu,l Prn.-tirr in all the courts. infii-e: With Oudaer Carter, McLoud Law Building. dtnoviiH .-mas. a. hooks. wrr mkhkick. JIJOORB f MERRICK, Attorneyt and Counsellortat Law, Athevillc, N.C. Practice ia the fnited States Circuit and lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Court . uolrk.h and in the courts of the Twelfth . .. , . .s... ... fc!,....!. Punk UdlCial l-Miinct OI LUC omw ui " attention given to collection oi ma. Special claims. - - - " " Partnership doet not extend to practice in Buncombe Inferior Court. dtoc3 tTh. COMB. J 0. MKKRIMON. 0BB & MBRRIMON. Attorneyt and Counsellori at Law. ' Practice in all the courts, .office: Not. 7 and 8, Johnston building., dine W. W.JONKS. C.RO. A.. mil'FOKII. JONKS & SHUFURD. Attorneyt at Law, Athevillc, N. C. l'ractie in the Suiierior Count of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of Hie State, and the Federal Courts at Aslieville. Office in Johnston building, where one mem ber of the firm ean always be found, dtnovll JOHNSTONE JON1SS, ATTOK1KV AMI COl KSKI.UIK AT LAW, ASHBVILLB, N. C. Vraeticea in the t'nited Statet Circuit and INttriet Courts at Athevillc, in tne Supreme Court at Raleigh, and in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of North Carolina, and elsewhere, at his services may be required. lanaadtf J H. DOUGLASS. I). I). S. DENTAL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Grant & Wingert't lrug Store. Residence. No. 9H Bailey St. fehlOdly us WHO bill, who never missed shot, Jack Sttllwell ranked liijb. The nunifwr of meu killed by Jack is variously estimated at from twenty live to tliirty-ono, and it is known that in addition he has aided in send ing seventeen other men over the val ley of .death by means of the hang man's noo?e. "liven m this country, where ."killers" are to be met with every day, "Comanche Jack" Stillwell is a curiosity, and is pointed out to strangers witu a strange mixture ot awe and pridtt By this it must not be understood that this gallant deputy United States marshal is a Uesxrudn who goes about glorying in his bloody work. On the contrary. Tie ia rather retiring in his disposition and only when lie lias been drinking boasts of his deeds. W hen desjierate work is to be done or a bad desperado is to bo taken Still well is always the uiun who is detailed to accomplish it. Tho territory desra does and cut I h routs all know and fear the intrepid otiicer. and are aware of the fact that if he goes after them he will get them, dead or alive. Many are the traps that have been laid to kill him, but he is as cunning as he is brave, and has always managed to evade the snares that would have caused the death of a less accomplished plainsman. Brought up as he was among the .Comanche Indians, Jack has, never exercised the right of franchise, and at the age of 50 has never cast a vote. He speaks the Comanche and sever.d other Indian languuges as well as the Indians do themselves, and during the sitting of the United States court-in this city it is always an amusing sight to see the Indians, dressed in their primitive way, following the great ''White Chief,"-a-they call. Jack,, about the streets. He calls them his "menagerie" and says they are a lot of dirty, thieving wretelies lor the as well as tne most ucconi II HIXI H AND l-l.i: INI Mi:. Rprim; bonnet mnr la- i lu umr tliiiu usual, but tilt v tire nut iniicli iowrr in tern limn buck wats. I'll tt Tramp (who realize tlif atcni neit-Ksit v nl practu incj I'nnl, we'll have to cliecl. our ncliU-. Second Truini A good ijcy ; wo can check it ru;lit through to 'Frisco so it won't bothct us on the way. On the tombstone of tin-late Mr, Tij'lit- grip apin'ineil it has .clicl like this: 'That's old Tiulituiin cxactlv," said Jones, as lie surveyed the monument. He never ordered more than one. Iwr nt a lime in his lite." Science diintifies with nanus the com- nioncst sort of diggings ami findings. A professional mummy hunter is now called an Egyptologist. It is all right to talk about champion sprinters, but if you wish to see the rec ord broken start u running account with the grocer or provision dealer. Heller Than Nulcide. Professor Arnold says: "An incurable dvsnentic is iuslilied in committing sui cide. We will guuriinlee to cure any dys peptic within three tiinnlhs bv Acker's English Mysiieptic Tablets. T. C. Smith ci Co. febridawlw TRIALS OF A YOUNG MANAGER. There are no bob sleds in Boston, They nre nil Roberts. ... Old lady (in lloston grocery store:) "Hev veeimy lavvy coffee, boy r' liov: "No, ma'am, we only keep the luhvah." Do Not Huffier Any I.onavr. , Knowing that n cough tun x checked in n duv, and the hrst stages of consump tion broken in n week, we hereby guaran tee Acker s lvnglish Cough Remedy und will refund the money to all who buy, take it as cr directions, and do not lind our statement correct. T. C. Smith & Co. leboduwlw Jack Colonel Kentuckius is dead; did you hear ot it ? Jim No; what did he die of? "Water round the heart." "Impossible. How did it get there? Terrible Forewarning). Cough, in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in tnecnest, qiucKeneti puise, cnuuness in the evening or sweats t night, nllornnv ot' these tilings are the first-stages of con sumption. Acker s hnuusli Cough Kem edy will cure these fenrtul symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee hy I C. smith & Co. tetuxlawlw "Thank Hehben," said an old colored woman, "dat mv chulun am all bn an'not vallcr like what some cullud folks is." "Why, Aunty ?" "Kase dey dont show dirt.'' The Flrwt MyinptoniHof Iteatli I ned lechng, dull hendachc, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of apiietite, lever ishness, pimples or sores, nre all positive evidence of powoiied bhiod.- .No niiitter how it lieeame tioisoned U must lie puri fied to avoid death. Acker's English Wood blixir has never tailed to remov scrofulous or syphilitic-poisons. Sole! un- T. C. Smith febSduwlw listraut Pallur nt m Hoy'1 itttmpt to rrinluc I'lsy. Frederick lsli'!, the actor, told an amusing stor1 to a reporter. "When I was quite a youngsler," he suid, "some isiys and myself constructed a play, and we called it 'Walker's ltuin.' My molher at that lime owned several small houses at Woolwich, F.nglund, and iu one of lhe.se we nirged up a temporary '.nre. We exhausted all ot o n capital in buying wil! puperlor scenery, so we hud to lix up the stage a iiest wo could In many places, there- lore, it was quite weak, these d. in gcrous sjxits were indicated by chulk marks; so that, ir we happened to gel too near them in the midst of an ex cuing scene, we could skip over them. 11 was uudignilieu, perhaps, qui u couldn't be bellied. (Jnce, unfortu nately. I tin staire did rrive way. 1 was delivering an impassioned love speech, and lorgot all about the chalk murks until ' 1 stepped over and disappeared from view with a creat crash and clat ter. But 1 am anticipatiu?.. As 1 said, we had exhausted all our funds on scenery, so we wrote out a Dill and iiosied it on the front gate, slating that the charge for admission: would be a farthing a bead. Ul course it was only natural that the bovs livintr in these houses should putratnze the landlady s son,- and we 'soon had a good sized audience, With the first farthing taken in we sent out and bought a rush light W ill) the second we did the same, and as the audience grew larger so did the number ol lights increase. At last a start was made with the play, and then the villain became refractory. lie objected to being killed in the first act, as we hud planued, and in spite of our assurance that it was absolutely necessary ios tne success oi me piece that lie should die then he remained obstinate, and repeatedly informed the audience lie was not ret dead. . tlow ever,' we finally got him to die on the understanding that Imshould have the best part in the next play. v ell. we hud no more than settled this di fa culty and got to working smoothly agaiu when my uncle appeared on the scene and demanded to know if it was true that we had charged each boy a farthing for admission. Upon being told that it was true he ordered me to return the money to them at once. protested that it was impossible, as we had spent it for caudles. 'Then give them the caudles,' said my uncle, and we did. Hie boy who came in Hrst FACTS, ONI.V FA -r. About Aslie llle lift ttonu-of Hrr lconle. Ashevillc has now the most lUtr.a live itel ill the Southern States, nnd lax daughter, Victoria, will nooii have otic equal to it. Ashevillc has graded school, which ure largely ntu-iulcd, ami said to licalily con ducted in all respects. Ashevillc has an electric street railwav in successful 0K-ialion, and to lie extend ed generally throughout the town. Aslieville has live hrst-class private in stitutions of learning, which in diameter complete with any iu the world. Aaheville has the most thorom-lilv drilled anil cmiipid police force in North Carolina, which n) under the suiiervisiou of a most popular chief. Aslieville has two excellent sanitari ums, which are exclusively for the use of visitors, as none ot her own iwople ever get sick. Aslieville hasn hcautful cemetery which is the only business here that does not pay, as during a whole month there was only one death among twelve nnd a halt thousand inhabitants. got the smallest piece or candle, and the one who came in lust got the larg est, tress and K.uickbocker. most part, pUshed liars In the world. Wichita der positive guarantee by (Kan.) Cor. St. Lsouis l'ost-JJispatcli. j Co. Madam, haven't you anything JP H. RE8VE8. U. I). 8. DENTAL OFFICK I in Connally Building, over Redwood's Store, f'attou Avenue. feblSdly M R.J. H. GARRATT. ARTIST. Studio overlooking Court Square, above Coouer't store. U.t.ln IT.ixr fnim ft tn S. 1'lasses in Prawine and Paintina. Panic ulart on application. fell 1 3d I y lit P' Bl!KGIN M D- office: t New Grand Central Building, over Bin 22 Clothing Store. fcul7dlm J TBNNBNT, Architect and Contractor. I'lant, specifications and estimates fur nished. All work in my line contracted for, and no charges for drawings on contracts awarded ine. References when desired. Office: No. 13 Hendry Block, North Court ' Suuare, Asheville. N. C. felilHdly F. RAMSAY. V. U.S. - - - Dental Office . " In Barnard Building Kntrancea, Pattou Avenue and Main Street. feuUOdly Sht Whipped tha Mather. A small crowd of men and women, just out from the theatres, witnessed an odd street tight on Washington street, near the Adams house, on Sat urday night As usual there was a urowd of loungers, who are to be seen in that locality at all hours of the day and night They were leering at pass ersby in their usual fashion, when a gentleman with two ladies made his appearance. Une of tne women was separated from her companions by an accident, and a would be masher ap proached her with his face wreathed in smiles. He was clad in a long yel low ulster, and wore a derby hut. As he lifted his hat and was about to ac cost her. she wheeled around like a flash ana hit him a smart slap on his face, with the words: "What do you mean by insulting me, sir!" She didn't stop there, either, for as the man rushed upon her and attempted to strike bcr in a most cow ardly manner, she took a true pugi listic attitude, and his blow glanced harmlessly off. Before anybody could interfere, she had thrown her muff to the sidewalk and was delivering blows thick and fust upon her antagonist, who, although he tried to strike back, could do little. A powerful blow with her right hand finally laid the young man on the sidewalk amid the cheers of the crowd. He picked himself up and walked off at a rapid rate, while the young woman joined her compan ions, not at all the worse for her ad venture, seemingly. Boston Cor. New York Tribune. hungry, freezing gentle- 111 give you "good INSURANCE. r JJMRB INSt'RANCK. FIRE. .LIFE ..ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. At the Bank of Asheville, ASHBVILLB. N. C. Represent the following companies, vlt. i Vine. ' ' " ' "'" C ASH ASSHTS IN C Anglo Nevada, of California a,97.HS;i 1,1 211, l 14 1 .K43.BUS I,7,mi2 fl. 054.1 79 1,54.1.001 43!l.4 l.OiiU.IiXi Continental, of New Vord Ham burg-Bremen, of Germany.. London Assurance, of hnglanu Niagara, of New ork. Orient, ol llaruorn : l'hrnl, of Brooklyn at. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min nesota aouthern, of New Orleans Western, of Toronto - Mutual Accident Association. Ktna Life Insurance Company. . dtmar2U -THB KQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OF THB ('SITED STATES. Assets 9,,04,9a.9 8urplns o,7M.7iS-3 (Larger than anv other Company. I Ontstninling Assurance. ..J4,li.I.M Written in HH I.VI.VIJ.5-JV00 Ttmtint Policies with IS and 20 year pe riods are the most popular and profitable form of astitrnnce. I'or example, rates, etc., confer with Iu D. Monroe. Ajft., AsheTllle, N. C. Office with Judge Aston. febU3d0in Death of a Pamout Hone, Tlio equine hero of the battle of Gettysburg, Old- Gcneralhas depart "d this ' life, at the aire of 35 years 1 1 was ridden at Gettysburg by a 1'iiion oflicrs, and, losing his rider, headed a column of troops and led a deadly charge, receiving a ball in the neck", the scar being always afterward pluinly visible. Being disabled therebv he was brought to Bangor and fell into the hands of. Mnj. Crosby. He fuiled rapidly lately and his owner hu manely decided to end his days. Some one said fifteen grains of morphine would do the work, and this was given him, but General only became frisky and coltish to a high degree. Then a rifle was procured, General was led to his grave and a ball was sent in just below the spot where entered the rebel bullet of years ago, and out went the life of another veteran atid hero of the Union army. Bangor (Me.) Whly. Tat, It's So. Here is a warning to the beauties. Fanny Davenport says she has never passed a day without pain since she attempted to correct nature. When ever 6lio hears of any one who is about to try tho process, she sends for her and warns hor against it. But her warning ia seldom heeded. Most actresses would rather tuffer and be shapely thr.n be healthy and fat. Isn't it so, girls (-Phoebus ia New York Press. ' ' ; Bncklen'a Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlieum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, l'rice 25 cents ier box. For sale by F. L. Jacobs. daw Tramr. to give a poor, man f Woman Oh, yes : morning. Trniup Thank you, madam. Now, couldn't you give me something to wrap it up in ? . Parents) Criminally Liable. More than half of nil deaths occur be fore six years of nge. An army of inno cent, lovely children are swept needlessly ttwnv each vear. Parents are criminally responsible for this. The dentil rate of children in England is less than half this. Acker's English liabv Soother has done more to bring this about than all other causes combined. You Cannot utford to lie without it. T. C. Smith & Co. At the breakfast tabic; "I see there re two accounts of cremation in the pnjiers this morning " "Yes: they are becoming quite com mon." " I suppose before long they will have to change 'see that my grave is kept green,' to 'see that my ashes ain't spilt. Anecdote of General CSratit. Oeneral Grant, on his return to this rountry, is suid to hnve lieen severely af flicted with a cough contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had 8tul bornly refused to yield to any treatment. A friend procured for him a bottle ol Symphyx, and hy its use in a tew hours he was entirely relieved. He remarked to his friend: "Men look upon me as a great soldier, but this bottle of Svmphvx it- jrrvnterthan I.. My calling has liecn to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is j a victorious savior of men. I shall never lie without it again." d&w of Indiana.! an ounce of quinine the other day. He is now Colonel Thomas Ghost, MISCELLANEOUS. Ashevillc has the very Iiest business men in every line, ol whom the very creme lc Iu creme, will be lound ad vertising in Tiik Crnzh'K.. Asheville is goinii to hnve on Sntunhiv. the 2d of March, a "Kaffee Klatsch." Ve would tell you what it is, if we knew, hut you can learn by doiui; as we do; iru and see it. ! A a i . ... i ! "iji - .., y- BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, Falsa Sympathy. Letters of condolence and congratu lution, if written from the heart, are as drops of balm anc apples of cold. But written for form's sake, they are no better than so many little pellets of paiiilcu wood, without lite or mean ing. Thoy, toor are things which must be done because of rule and law, but things which hnve no power in inetn eituer to sooineor to reioice And funeral wreaths and wedding presents sent out of politeness, not from real feeling what a mass of folly 1 That funeral, not so very long ago, where the flowers sent weighed tw tons could any one who had the smallest love of flowers bear to hear of tho waste, the sacrifice? Bloodless cer tainly, but a sucritice as senseless as that of the barbarous chief who lias his horse and his dog, his wife and his slave shot by the side of his grave, that their souls might bear him com pany in thecloudy land to which he has gone. And wedding presents! Fifty years ago they wero for the most part of papier mache abomina tions of every kind, with llaringcolor ed flowers eked out by bits of mother-of-earl. But fashion has gone fur ther afield and into richer regions since men, anu gold and pearls, sil ver and diamonds are the ordinary gifts of the moderately endowed to the wealthy. These two things funeral Bowel's and wedding presents have become, utterly conventionalized and are no longer the expression of friend ship and sympathy. Let them go save when the tender prayer, the lin ing thought, the heartfelt 'smile, ' lie the tear that is us a drop of one's own life's blood accompanies them. Lot don (jueen. Asheville has three banks, all of which are nbsolutelv solid in everv resiiect, and in either of which your deposits will I nosoluteiy suie. Asheville has the best newsiiiiDcr in the South, which will next week publish a picture of the new government building. Advice to Mothers). Mrs. Winslow's Soothiui; Svrup should always lie used for children teething. It sooiiieHinccniKi, solicits me gums, al lays idl pains, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor diarrhu'u. 2oc, n bottle. New York Herald : Mrs. Van Alstyne was engaging a cook in a Sixth avenue employment bureau, audafter the details of the engagement had been arranged got down to kitchen etiquette. "Now, Aloysa," she said, "how many followers huve you ?" "Only one, mam, an' he's little an' wake, nn' don't nte much." : An observant patriot upNorth remarks that twenty-seven years ago Abraham Lincoln proceeded to Washington in tin ordinary passenger couch, and took a ! three dollar room nt Willnrd's Hotel, j preparatory to lieing inaugurated I'rcsi- j dent. ..General Harrison started from In-; diauapolis in a gilded palace-car, valued j at a nunurea tnousnml dollars, Iielongmg to a railroad nabob of fabulous wealth. Times change nnd men change with them even humble, modest, simple men like Benjamin Harrison. The Attorney-General gives an opinion in response to a request by the House, that the State's rights of eminent do main cannot be used to authorize private companies or enterprise to condemn lund for rights of way. NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers. And Undertakers. l'loiupt attention given to all orders day or night. Residence t 39 Penlaud Street. fell t l I y THE FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. TOBACCO ! TOBACCO ! We are glad to say to our friends and customers that all grades hav consider ably advanced since Christmas." Bright wrappers, "cutters and strips are highei than they have been in several years, and show that Asheville is the place to -sell tobaccos raised in Western North Carolina and East Tennessee. - The exiiorters and manufacturers who need the type of tobacco raised ia this section have their buyers on this market, and are paying more for It here than else where.; ? We would warn our customers against the drummers and agents who are paid big salnrics to induce shipments to other markets than this, by promises to sell at reduced commissions. After your tobacco is shipped it is from under your control. nnH when you receive returns there is always an excuse for low prices, claiming to bacco to lie damaged, etc., etc. We have, with great expense, made the Farmers' Warehouse The Leading Warehouse In the State. where you attend the sales of your own tobacco, or have it sold in a few days after shipment. Elsewhere we give a partial list of actual sales made since the holidays. Old paer8 for sale 25c. per hundred. SCplone) Thomas Gharstr drank a pint ol wluskv conimmng Smurthing About Flowers. Cyclamens are in full bloom, the seeds of which were sown in Novem ber, 188?, fourteen months from the tune the seeds were put in tho ground. soon as iiiftre enougii to bundle. As The New DlHCovery. . You hnve heard your friends nnd neigh bors talking nlxiitt it. You may yourself lie one of the many who know from per sonal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you ure one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial Irr. King'sNew Discov ery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should lie afflicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a liottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money re funded. Trial bottles free at F.L.Jacobs' drug store. L'USTACG UliinEUT CrRESPU.TvS. JUTItNH, CtTTR, CORKR, liUUSLS, flilLWALNS A F110STBITE8 A man who goes jnto society with a cabbage head on his shoulders must soon expect to find himself in the soup. 1 j "Weren't you knocking at the side door j a moment ago ?" inquired St. Peter, as ! he cautiously oM?ned the main entrance, j "es, sir.' ' "Well you can't come in. We have no use for jieoplc who frequent side doors." A Hound Mfical Opinion. K. Ilainbridgc Mundny, Esq., County Attorney, Clay county, Texas, says: "HavrWd Electric Hitters with most happv results. My brother also wus very low with malaria) fever and jaun dice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Hitters saved his life." Mr. I). I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky pdds a like testimony, saving: "He positively believes he would nave died had it not lieen for Electric Hitters." This great remedy will ward off us well as cure all malarial diseases, and for nil Kidney, Liver nnd Stomach disorders stands mtequnlcd. Price 5l)c. and $1 at F. L. Jacolis' drug store. , "Doctor, how do you find your patient to-day." "Oh, Mr. Knnsom is no worse." "Do you anticipate a fatal result ?" "Mrs Knnsom, my medicine has never the seedlings were transplanted about an inch apart in shallow pans, where they remained until they had pro duced several leaves, ufter which they were put singly into two inch pots, and shifted into larger si7.es as tiicir need required, until Ausrust. when tkey.ai.eia gi van -their final -shift into.1 live ana six inch xts, according to size. The soil used was two parts Gbrou.s iiium and one part thoroughly ueconqsiseu cow manure; to tins was added hullieieut sand to insure the free piissugo A tho water. Good drainage was given und during summer they were kept in a well shaded creep house. Tbey had an unchecked but slow growth from the time of vege tation until their flowers were pro duced. Some people always prefer nlants iu pots, even if they are uot troubled for want 01 room, and now hardy peren nials are gaining so in nomilaritv thev prefer them in this way. Many kinds can oe giown witn little or no heat, and tome ttand lorcinc to Derfection. The cultivation of roses, hardy lilies aim oiu'jr uuius is uimosi universal, and in addition the Day lily, the va rious campanulas, perennial phloxes wnitn want plenty or stimulants. The American Garden. Anfllcnt Industrie. Yes, daughter, yes; you do right to model in in v. to paint the lights and shadows of dvspensiu on clniia and fire your work. That's what I'd do with it if 1 got the chanoe. Pottery is tho oldest industry in tho worli Admit was made of clay, and Cain gol up the Hrst kiln, Accent heavy ou ine n. jjoo ijurueue. nt this office, at THE d&wtapr12 SMITH & ROLLINS, Proprietors. I) C. Waddell, l'ri(lent. W. W. Barnard, Vloe President. Law react Pulllam, CatMrr. THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, Asheville, N. C. CITIZEN PUBLISHING DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldest Bank hi 'Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE 8TATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS FUND $20,000. COMPANY, No. (I North Court Squun "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " ASHEVILLE, N. C. Ih prt'iiarctl to do high-grmle;. work n t For the reception of patients suffering of diseases. oI'Iuuks and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol :-thc sanhnires ftt GicTiersdiiiTahd Falkenstein i in Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. . KAKL VON RUCK, B. S M. D. LOW RATES I5tK'UiHn t hey huve n FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. ; LliWIS MAIIDI'X. Pits I Iiiukctuk: Ix'w Is Muililux, 8. II. Kveil, Cure) 1,. P. McLOUli, Viee-Pres. J. E. RANKIN, Cathttr. Vet failed to do its work.' v ny is it so many sutler trom rneuuia lism, aches, pnins, kidney diseases, liver complaints, heart affection, etc.? It is aimtily ls?cniise they will not come nnd be healed. All diseases hcjrin from a want of iron in the blood. This wnnt of iron j makes the blood thin, watery and im ' pure. Impure blood curries weakness nnd distress to every part of the body Supply this lack of iron by using Brown's Iron Bitters, and you will soon find your self enjoy ing perfect freedom from aches, pain and general ill-health., r.USTACG LI.llI.lEHT i HUSTAIIG LIIllI'iEIIT KUSTAIiG LIIHLIENT BHOttLT) ALWAYS BE KEPT IN PIIOP, i CTEEH HOLI.OWHOTtN, CAKED BAOS, KITCHEN, BTAIiLE AND FACTOEY I 1 GKUI1 A HOOF DISEASE IX CATTLE I IS FOTl MAN BEAST. PENETRATES MUSCLE 4 ITBUE TO THEVEBY BONE CITIZEN PUBLISH X(8 (X), M.J. Henna n. M.J. PnKK, J. li. Kankin, J. B. Hajr.J. B. Rtrd, 8. Powell, C. Kr. McLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK ;ASHKVILXR, N. C., FKBRUAKY lit, ISS'J. r VrKnnlM-d May lit. 1HS8. CAPITAL, $50,000. . . SURPLUS, f 5,000 STATU, COl'NTY AND CITY DKPOHITORY. liiK-s a Crn?ralltunklnK Hiislncss. Deposits received, liii-hangt bought and told. Col Iri'tiiitis made on all accessible points. The Having Feature will receive special attention. (in all sums in this department, deposited (or four montht or longer, interett at the rate of 4 K-r cent. K-r annum will be paid, - - ' 7 Special attention given to loant nn real cttate, which will be placed for long time oa real tonnble terms, Ofirn in mi 0 a. m. to ; p. in, Ou Sulunluys the Saving Department will beoptntill p.m. febadtf . . . : PROTKCTINt) PROPERTY OWNERS. THE "CAMARET" GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES. We not only give the purchaser the tiett Hoofing Plates, but we protect him First lijr giving our guarantee. Second By stamping each sheet with briuid and thickness. Third By excluding waste. Fourth By branding th net weight of the 112 theett oa the box For the benefit of those wanting the very best Roofilng Plate, we assert, and art PRB j PARED TO PkOVB, that (excepting the "Oilliertson't Old Method") then are ao other : brands of roofing tin being ofTered in the market to-day, by any linn, under the four differ ent guarantees given above by thlt bouse. I MERCHANT A CO ! PhilniU'lhia, New York, Chicago, London. dSxwtaprl .'.USTAIIG LlllinEIITi HUSTAIIG LINiMEIlT HUSTAIIG LY.T.IM HKAI.8 JNFLAMMATKiN, OLD SORES CAKED VKEAblrf &, INSECT iilTES I (TIHFS FOOT EOT, KHOULDElMtOT, CFEES KHETTMATISM, LAME BACK SCUEW-W'OUat ANU SCAB IN SUEB1" I ANU STIFF JOINTS. BOB IN HAW) I

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