The Cmr I. tbe most estrn.ivrlv Hrnl-j ltr,i a.,,1 witlriy read Brv.pMHrr iu Western hortn ( arollna. I la Him .i,,n of public turn and mrnaiir-. Is la the Interest f ptil,llt Intrsrltv, limirst fovemnimt, aud pl,iirrous industry, and It uows no pri sonail alltglaucc iu tirallng pub lic Isaacs. Iwt ithhm publlshra I he dispatches of 1he AsaH-iatrd I'n-.a, winch now corrre the whole world In ill acoie. It nna other faelli. ties of advanced Journalism lor gathering nrwa from all quartern, with tveryllilngcarc futly edited to otx-uty 4 the einallrsl space. rtpeeimea eonea of iu; edition will be sent free to any one tending their addrrsa. 7 la hi Dally, fl lor one year) S.'l for all atoattee: AO aenta for one month ; 10 centafor one week. Carrirra will drllver the fiaer In every part of the city to euliarrthera, mid par ties wanting It will please call at the Citizkm omot. AnvltTlBSO IUtks Reasonable, and made knowa on application nl thia ortirc. All traaant advertisements must be paid In s-aac. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 18H0. THEY Hl'NO THF.H I P, Of tht four hundred and fifty nomina tions Kilt to the Semite by tx-Presitlcnt Cleveland, during the last Congress, only boat one-hnlf of them were confirmed by that body. The reason for this inaction, and the only reason, it a purely partisan and political one, Regardless of their oath of office, regardless of their duty to themselves and tlstjsroplc whose servants they are, the Senate deliberately coat them all aside, "hung them tip," to ena ble the incoming President to fill these vacant' offices with men of their own party, and thin gain a political vantage point. . . - - - . We have referred to this action of the Senate before in theae columnt nnd doubtlcta shall again, for it is, a moat pernicious practice and cannot but work evil. Consequently It should be kept be fore the people. Those who ' have rend our telegraphic columns in full, have seen that those appointments are varied, and embrace many departments, and also that the appointees are not only good men, but some are men of a nutiomil rep utation, Many of the npjioiiitmeiiti are those which should be thee very farthest removed from partisanship, namely, those of education. Dut in their blind scramble for spoils, these men, high in honor shall we not sav dishonor forgot their position, and duty, and ullowed these appointments to go by default. Thus is established a bad precedent and an ultra-bad practice, 0 President Harrison could not do a more commendable act or one that would win him a greater laurel thitn by sending back to the Senate some of these very names for confirmation. Uy so doing he would rebuke senatorial laziness and po litical kuavery, he would place states manship above partisanship.- Hut "such an act, though possible, Is not, at nil probable. It would demonstrate that the much vaunted sincerity contained in his Inaugural message, was In a measure true, and that he meant to carry out his precepts and promises. No, we predict that no such happy sur prises are in store for us, however much we may long for them. No, the offices will be filled by men of the "old guard," men of the Dudley and Wnnnmaker stamp, who pursue polities only for the profits that accrue therefrom to person and party, Not for tlie good and honor of their common country. FAITHPVt, SERVANTS, Among the prominent events occurring at the Capital City on inauguration day and which, because of so much pomp ami gaycty, was unnoticed nnd .almost un chronicled, though none the less worthy was the resignation of the memliers of ex-President Cleveland's Cabinet to President Harrison. This is not an un usual occurrence, H hnt hiipjicned many .times iu the past, as it did on Monday last In due form of law, ami so it will happen many times in the future. And yet, it is an event worthy of note. The Cabinet of the President of the United States, in form, in composition in duty and Inrcspntisiu'lity is unlike that -of any other 16dy in the w6ild,"To fiave such council of advisors remain at their several posts of duty for the whole four years is something very unusual To this rule there are but two exceptions in ex-President Cleveland's official fami ly. The selections originally made bv Mr, Cleveland for the portfolios ofTreas nry and Interior were Hon. Daniel Man ning, of New York, and Hon. I.. Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi. The former was removed by death, andthelnttcrrcsigticd upon being appointed to the supreme bench by the President. Their plnces have been ably filled during the remainder of the terra by Messrs. Fitirchild and Dickin son. The severul departments over which these gentlemen have been the official heads have been well and ably managed, reflecting great credit upon the President, the country and themselves. Tbey retire from their responsible positions with the assurance of the entire people of their faithfulness, integrity and ability. No higher meed of praise could be given to any man. If the new Cabinet deserves as well and they can they to will be granted similar praise four years hence, Members of ex-President Cleveland's Cabinet, faithful public servnuts, fare well! Brer L'vie Halfortl proposes touctsstlie mother 4n lw of ttss dministration so far SI tlx newspaiKT correspondents arc concerisrJL Till'. IM-t MAI. AIlOltl.HH. What Slaiiy M il of Muuy Mlnrin IMW to Hay About It. New York Mo uld : ('resilient HnmMm's iumiuriil mldiess is un eminently rendu ble one, liccuue it isacoiispicuouHly hon est state piiiier. It is not iirccNRiiry to iigree with his policies to give it this ap proval. Men must irillcr in opinions and policies, but he wins the gratitude of o ponrnts who states Ilis ease clearly Oiul . frankly, and docs not condescend toouib-' ble, sophistry, evasion or double dealing. In that view we say that Mr, Harrison yesterday spoke, not ns a Kliticiitn, but as a statesman. . ' President Harrison is a protectionist,' and following his own poljtical faith and the impulse of party thirls he makes the issue of protection so clearly and posi-1 lively that il his party siioiiiu ncreuner attempt to run away from it they would huve to run away from him also. He commits his party so decidedly to the principles and practice . of a protective tariff that, until the issue lietween pro tection and free trude is decided, it must, we think, remain the one question on which parties will divide. The new I'res-1 dent sieaks so clearly as to leave no room hereafter for evasion on either side, j It is the first message in recent times in which a President has planted himself und his purty sijuarely on a protective j lann poncy. i Philadelphia Record; President Hnr-; rison's inaugural makes two things very j plain. He insists upon the maintenance j ol tlie protective system, anil upon Federal interference with the elections for Congressmen in the Southern States. Protection is urged as necessary to the. industrial prosperity 'of the South, and Reconstruction us ncccssury to its politi cal emancipation, - It would be impossible to select a line of Republican movement that would bet ter suit the Democratic otiirosition, what ever may lie thought of the- prudence or tlw wiMlmn nl ntiatunir to tlie mint An : : i. : .L : . .. . f . i. . I ,' ( issue in woicu u uiuwi uy wi cue jnzipic ui the I'ttited States have decided ndversely to tlie view of the President. His argu ment for Protection is flimsy and in--temjwrate. The necessity for tax re duction is bruslied aside with the sug gestion that there are "extraordinary demands," scarcely less iniperutive than the necessary excuses of government, which will eat up the surplus. An in crease in pensions, subsidies for American stenmship lines and larger expenditures for the navy are suggested. This is the extreme of protective partisanship. New York World: Tlie historical and the patriotic homilies in President Har rison's inaugural address contain nothing that is esK'cially noteworthy. It is what the new President hus to say upon the vital questions of the duy which interests the people. President Harrison, while "rejecting al together the suggestion of a sjieciitl execu tive ixilicy for any section of our coun try, nevertheless has a hundred pointed words to sny of the alleged denial of the right of voting to negroes at the South to one word of leeblc reference to the cor ruption of the sullrnge at the North. In deed, there is not in the address one word of honest denunciation of the wholesale buying of votes which is as notorious a fact as the disappearance of the negro majorities. The address does indeed say that "un nnlawful expedient cannot be come a permanent condition of govern ment." It is to lie regretted that the in timate relations of tlie new--President with Morton. lHidlcv.lhmv. Wiinnmulu-r and. the other contributors and users of boodle prevented liiui from uttering the truth that the corruption of the ballot box is us "unlawful an expedient" ns the suppression of votes. New York Sun: It is a modest, sensibly conceived, and excellently written essay on the state of the union. It contains no surprise, no novelty of political philoso phy, no startling announcement, of ad ministrative policv, The stiliBtiim-e of nearly everything that Gen. Harrison says on every subject lie touches could have been predicted six weeks ago with toler able accuracy by any intellgcnt student of contemporary Klitics, Good taste, good judgment, and a very shrewd sense of what it is better to leave unsaid at present characterize the document. It skirts the edges of the two obviously true without crossing over. It repents generallv accepted maxims and princi ples without cunt or assumption of"siiw rior knowledge. Chattanooga Times: I'pon the whole the address is ubout the country exected from Gen. Harrison. It indicates that he is going to give us a republican regime of the moderately stalw arttys?. In spite of his wuriiiugs to the scramblers that he and his cabinet will not be too patient of their iinHrtunilies, there is still a strong partisan flavor in this message that will make the heart of the sioilsmon glad. The big new broom may sweepslowly nt first, but it will sweep with vigor more nnd more ns time passes. If there is a democrat allowed to serve out his com mission he will lie a rare exception. There will lie no panicky elTort to reduce income. The new president wants plenty of money for "incidentals," so to sienk. New York I'ressrTluiruiitilil)- ;roiiiul ed in tlie dot-trine it'irotevtiuti to Amcrt enn iniliistry nnd lulmr, clear nnd deter mined in denouncing Irmids on tlie ballot, diKiiilied nnd just in alt relcreucrs to the Stmt hern States, honest nnd sincere' in the tnmtmiMit "of civil "efvu reEwinT"S triotic nnd jiidicial in iroHisinj; n strong but not H jiuo lorein policy, business like nnd conservntivc in the sng,i;estiiins itlKiut the siirplns, quick to see the neces sity of extending our ninrincnnd contin niiiK the work ol building tip our mivf ii ml fortilyiiiK our dcl'eiiKcless consts, the tiiiiiiKiiral 1 1 ill ens ol I'rrsideiit lliirrtson is one of the licst nnd most statesman like ever made by a ('resident of the United States.- ; " Richniond Pipatch; We do not wish to do the ('resident any iniustice; but we cannot help hclicvinu; that he is so full of prejudice nniiist the Southern people that lie does not himself realize that he has assumed all through Ilis addirssthat the Southern people are suppressers of ncRro votes, connivers nt, if not Tiietrn tors of, fraud, and fit subjects for tlie tv strnitiin hnittl ttftl f ttfterut power if not" lor the iron hand of military despotism. When he tries to iniliciid and treat the Southern Suites Hi a part of the I'nion entitled to all the rihls Hndprivilejres enjoyed by the "most favored States," he iii(jlorioiisly fails to succeed. ""lie 'goes up like a rocket but comes down like a stick." Atlanta Constitution : There is nothing in the address, so far as we can sec. to offend the taste of the most fastidious, to quote a phrase much affected by the side show pnihrssont; and . yet between the lines it is easy enmicji to read the an-' nounceiiH'iit that the Republican lion con-; stridor is to lie on view for the next four j years, and that it will reiiuire a Inrtre suii)ly of prti vender to keep him (piict. j Mr. Harrison savs that no iiivsu ent : enn have a sectional w ilu y, lint tie makes j it very plain to inose who have enrsthut he is in full sympathy with the Renubli cans who, for purposes of party conquest at tue eoirtn, nutiiiinin me ncro vole IS unlawfully suppressed at the South, (lis address deals with this subject Very pleasantly, but the linycr-mni ks of parti sanship cannot tie concealed. Ohr pnprrs for sale at this office, at 25c. per hundred. HhY GOODS. JEWELRY, AC. Great Excitement in New York City. K. II. Wright, of I!o8tic 1 Iil'OH Wright, find Charlie 1 j Bliintoii, fonnorly of Jlrf vtu d & IHanton, arrived in j ' ' j Now York City hint evening to buy the largest Htotk of Spring Goods ever brought to Asheville. Lookout for new advertinenient. New floods nnd New Prices. . I5ohtic Hkoh. & Wright. (H R Mt)TT0: Neat, Prompt aud Reliable IlritiK your repairing to headquarters. Watch, clock und jewelry repairing is a j leading h-iitiire of our business. , Work entrusted to us is certain to re ceive careful and intelligent treatment from cxi.-rt and skillful hands. Kliciitc nnd costly timepieces should lie entrusted only to thoroughly conie tent watclimakers. - -i f " All Work guaranteed. 1 'rices always reasonable. LANGi JEWELRY STORE, South Main St. - Asheville, N. C. vvtinarti The LeaOlnit Store of tht city for Ladles la HSTABROOK'S, aa 8. Main Street. The greatest variety of nice goods, such as Ilookn, Stationery, l ancy Goods, A Tots. Paltitlng-s),j I!iiiravlnts, Frames, Western North Carolina I Vfcwi, Novelties, Etc., Bte. " ! Everyone Is pleased and all satisfied with L what they bnv at this place. Their stiKk Is of tht best and prices alwava reasonable. Iltistness men will fiatl tht lar- j treat and heat line of Blank Hooks and Oftict ' 8tatlonery In W. N. C. j Art Ktuillo over store, where visitors can' obtain local sketches in oil or water colors. frbl-idtf HICIILAND HOUSK, ; Copier Main and IVpot, WAYNKSVtLt.E, N. C. Rotims newly furnished. Fare the best , the inurket affonls. GtHxl sample room. SATISFACTION C.I ARANTF.EO. r Terms: $1.00 per day. 0. l. L. ALLEN & SON, ! Proprietors. j KBNT. Ms-room cottage o Vance. trret in i.mTiiTTTi. appiyio lia w 1 111! I liLi, anarifuut a ....... MISCniLANMUS. FRESH SEEDS! (Jarden Soedn, Field Smln, Flower Smln, Onion KetH, Irinh Potatoes, Early Com, Peas and Beans. All Fresh Stock, No Old Stock, No Commission Seed. T. C. SMITH & CO., Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS. THK CITIZEN PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 0 North Court Square, Is pivptuvil to do high-jrrnde work ut he LOW RATES IUvmiHt thoy have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT.: riTIVI'V llttT iLtit,,, ' I I I I.r.N I'l ; Ill.lSJIIXfJ f'H . ... tv. KttAL ESTATE. Win. M. Cocke, Jr., nEALESTATE A?;3 IZERALEr.CICER, Aahcville, N. t. Can aril you one million acres of lund, in tracts from 00 to 100,000 acres. Have a : numlter of city Iota, Improved and unim. proved, w hich I cun aril on the beat of terms. If yoa want a tarirr or amull farm call on me. 1 If you want minerals of any kind, yon need KO no further. If you want timber lands, i this Is headquarters. In fact I can suit ynu ; j In anything yoa want In my line. , I Hervlcea of s first-class civil enKlucer and j I practical surveyor eiiKaa-vr) to show up all 1 property when required. I have had Altera i ' year' eirlcnce In the real estate business, I and think I know what will please. Prompt j I attention to all inquiries. ; l34dly - - JW. COKTLAM), ' Real Estate Ilroker, ' INVESTMENT ANO LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, , Patton Avenue, Burnartl Buildiii(. 1 febUillr . - D. S. WATSON Real Estate Ag:eiit, (Not a 8ieculator ) HavInK ly practical experience thorouKhl ayatematiied my sale, department, I offer 1 . 81'BCIAL INDUCEMENTS J To those wilhiug to sell, and BARttAINH to j thoar wlahtng to buy. 1 have aome of the beat property for sale In Anheville which can be bought low down. Alao, country property, ManKaneK, Iron, and Timber Lands. Call and examine my liat before purchaainK. D. S. WATSON, Southeast Corner Court Square, dtmayl Asheville. N. C. J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. School and College Text Books, a full line. Poets, His tory, Romance, Biography, Travel and Novels, Family Bibles, S. S. Bibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers' Bibles, Song Books of all kinds, large stock Stationery, Blank Books nnd Office a lid School Supplies. New line Ladies' and Gents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls. fehlOdlr N OTICE la hereby (riven thut applieiition will lw tnHlle tt ti ,,ru..,t UHi,,tt .,1' tht. I ,rlBln..v of North Carolina for the incorporation ol the "North Eastern. Land Company." S. W. BATTLE. W. T. PENNIMAN, T. W. PATTON, W. W. W EST, fell 10(11 ni W. B. GWYN. JANIvS FRANK, OKALKS IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS I Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. ! North Main Street, Asheville, N. C. i fcblOdly i ' j B. WOLFE, ! PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds of cement woik aooe. Jobbing and kalsomining promptly at tended to. Residence. Clavton St. Orders can lie left : with W. H. Westull Co. lebudtim THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main atrect, opposite the post orhee.. Open daily, except Sundays, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. in., and 4 until fi p. m. The terms of subscription are: One year 2; H in us . $l..riO; 3 inoi., $1 ; 1 mo., SOcts.; dailv 2 ets. ofticerj lor 1 SUB President, R. R. Rnwls ; Vice-President, Charles W. Woolsev: Sec. and Treas., U. 8. Watson; Librarian, Miss E. J. Hatch. Citiiens nnd visitors are cordially Invited to insiieet the entnlonue and inscrllie their nitnies as memliers. tebsdtf "MODEr STEAM'UUNDRY. No. 22 l'atton Avenue, Ulrdwood & Stlkeleather, - Proprietors. tft"A!l , Tilers promptly attended to. IchU-Uy QVKRSIiKRS WANTKDKVBKYWMKHK At home or to travel. We wish to employ a reliable ts:rson in your crmntv to tack uj Hdvertiscments anil show cards of Klecthc Uotnla. . Ad taekrd- iip-TT--ery where, ou trees, fences and turnpikes, in conspicuous places, in town ami country in all parts of the I'nited States and Canada. Steady employment; waxes $2.50 per dav; expenses advanced; no talking m uired. I.oenl work for all or part ol the time. Address, with stamp, KMOkVacu., Managers, 21 Vine St., Cincinnati. O. No attention paid to postal tarda. dtmar4 JKl!8TKB'8SALR. By virtue of a deed of trnst executed to me by A. B. Ware and wile, dated February 7, 1HMH, and duly reiristered in Book 111, Pave 1MH, to secure the payment of certain notes mentioned therein, I will sell at public anc tion for one-half cash nnd balance in six months, on the premises or at the court jiotine in Asheville, N. C, on Wednesday, .March 2ll IHNll, the property described In said trust, said proprrty lieinn situated In the City ol Asheville. on French Broad Avenue and Wil liam Street, aitioininf; lands of W. M. Coekc, jr., and Messrs. Bniril and Alexander; con tainiiiK two acres more or less with three dwellinK houses and other improvements. i ma tne tain tiav ol rcorunrv, ihmp --i- lclIUOR WAI.I.ACH feb 1 Will in Trustee. J. W.SCIIAUTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR 42 N. Main St. frbaodly IIKOOM FACTOR Y. i I IIANPORD N. LOCKVOOD. i I nX0-NAUB j ; llrooina, Whlk, Hearth and CelHnjf Urooniai. . Mill and Factory grades a specialtr. Ouo j tations and samples free. Iebl6il1y , IJOTICK. " ' Notice la hereby given that application will i i ot mane to the legislature of NorthCarollm, r . i. i for a charter incoHrating tht Western North ""."n, n pafely guarantee satisfaction. Carolina Medlral College. ' ,. , . . I. A WATSON, M. II. j Promptly attendee lo at all floors. . K T.'mKRIWKTHBm'm D i Ev,rytnm Pertaining to tht business al frb24dlm A.NUOTHBRS. ' '.' - wars on hand. leblBilAin .1 PKhn. carefully prepared hy lead- 1 ing mrmlieni of the Asheville bar inn i ! IVirJ nt ""7 ,"'"', I i "?'L rfrrr-T ,0'n," kn now C: 1 V ""t smi now " sale at the other of the Cmiaa v, ,.u. iu Co.. No. .North Conn Square ". lianmf MISCEU.AXLom. P017ELL SitlDEiT AUK TIIK CI S- tisfthinti of tlir public h tpp-nenii ami tlu-y pro iMitte that t'ven imhI v sliull iiuvt a ("". tnutr 11 thev tun hrlp them to it. l-.Miially ihuwt thut nave a tmrd tttnr wont "I th- yenr will timl them Inrinir fur tham, h uit 'hurdtu mitt, ttifticult to ntl'fv, YOU AUK TlliJ "vl ii- tomer we are after. We'll vi i nn. iilrne ; you, satiily yon, make win hnppy. W hat 1 more do you want. If you wnt tn know I whether we are able to keep ui.r uonl, whether we can lioek alt our brug with good ' eonaetentiouv iiertormanee, why ASK AN Y OLD CUS- tomer ui ours anrt we'll utand by hi trail ( monjr. A nmn that won't keep tun wunl, i that K back on hi prom I He, that triea to work up a imnp 1 HE ISN'T WORTH A CUS- nidore or any other cheap and naty artiele. VVe want to Kive you a good time. Are yon with ua? come to If no juat yet a move on you and POWELL & SNIDER, GROCERS, ASHEVILLE, N. C. dtmarlS 4 COWAN, B. H. COSHY, tSuccvaaor, !i7 Patton Avenue Iknlerin Watehea, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Uptieitl Goods. Gold Pens, tc., tc. . LarKe and varied assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold Watches at low price. Lnrgest assortment of Wedding kings in the city. All repairing in watches, clocks, and Jewelry neatly and promptly done at reasonable figures. SATISFACTION OI'AK ANTKUU. The present proprietor shall neglect no ef fort to merit a continuation of the patronage so largely bestowed during nany years upon his predecessor. dawtmarS. It ICHMOND & DANVILLE KAILROAII COMPANV. t Western North Carolina Division.) Passbnokr Dkpartmknt. 1 Abhkvillk, N. C, Jan. 1, lMHll. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE. In Effbct Jan. 1, 1HK9; No. At URSpm 4 H7am 947ara 12 4.1pm 7 35pm 9 20pm 300am 6 20am 3 30pm " S iiopm ' 75(iam 1 1 5am No. S3 I I.v. Asheville, Ar. Salisbury, " Danville, " Lynchburg, " Washington " Baltimore, " Phila., " New York, " Boston, " Richmond, "Raleiirtt," " GoldslMiro, M Wilmington 1 40pm 64Hpm 1020pm 1 iionm 700am 8 2.rum 1047am 1 2llpm BOOpin 0 15am Lv. Asheville, 8 30am 1 1 .loam 5 30pm 44opm JllOpm 905pm 615nm 1 4ilpm 1200 rn 1040 pm 7 25am 1 55pm 7 20pm No. 84 "tiopni 840pm Ar. Spartanbjg ' "CharlotteT " Columbia, " Charleston, ' Augusta, ' Savannuh, ' Th tville,Oii JackaonvJIIlc ' Atlanta, ' MontKom'y ' Mobile, ' New Orleans - - , "JNo. 50 I No. 52 Lv. Asheville. 70um 444pm 02onm 6111pm 110um NSOpm 015pm floatii 1145am 610am SUOpm 7 40am 444pm 9 20am 610pm 110pm 850pm 715am 64oam 11 45am 6 3iipm 6 3iipm: 7 4tpm 7 45 jm' Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville, " Chnttnn'ga, " Nashville, " Memphis, Lv. Ashevil.e, Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville, " Louisville, " Cincinnati, " Chicago, " 8t. Louis, 1UT Sleeping cars on all night trains. JAM. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINIU1RN. O. F. A. I), p A. SOL. HAAS.T. M, Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1, nt 0.30a. m. Car leaves Court House 6.30 a. m. " " " " 7.00 " " H.Ot) ' D.OO " I From then till 7 p. m. ear leavea court house ) every 30 minutes. ! Also, car leaves court house at 8.00 p. m. ' and u.oo p. m. FARE, PIVK CKNTS. T TLXNT IC COAST LINK, On and alter this date the following sched- i ules will Ik- run over its "Columbia iiivision." I No. 63 Leaves Columbia 5.20 p. in" I Arrives nt Charleston...... H.30 p. m! I No. 52 Leaves Charleston. 7.10 a. m. ! Arrives at Columbia 11.55 a. m I Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia & Au gusta and Columbia & Greenville Railroads. I Dailv. . T. M. WMBRSON, Gen. Pass. Agt. J. F. I1KVINK, Gen. Supt. ! UTICB. Application will le made tothe present aes. sum oi the General Assembly of North Caro lina to charter a turnpike road from South Hominy In Buncombe, to the ton of Mount Fisgah In said county. W. G. CANHLKR T. W. PATTON, H. I). CHILD. fcbl.Hdlm Bl CKLANll, I MIJRCII ANT TAILOR, Nl). 10 PATTON AVBNIIB, I "egs to announce that he has received his ... , simmics mr tne ensuing spring and snmmc ! in, tne imiuic to call nnd examine. SI'KLIAL ATTISNTION GIVEN "OCl.KA.N- ivi; ui.-p,iuiu,i . v.,, . . n y.... . Jllll2iltf J. V. BROWN W1" "'""""e the undertaker's business at his old stand over J. B. llickerson&Co.'s Hardware 8tre, under tht firm name of J. V. ItROWN & CO. I "svltig thirty years' exerience as nnder- ktT et,l,mer. and nneqnaled facilities j 1?INB FARM TO RBNT FOR CASH . " run v asm. Th nn1 r Western North Carolina, In the ! of Asheville to rent for cash Ar- in tne eoge Ol Asnevt le to rent forrash An. nir i-itt a -S-iV. . J .P" "ibaadOl ",'""IH"i' j 515am I 102imt 31upm - I 6 00pm I r "" r no. 55 HOTELS. STHICTLY FII'.ST CLASS I'HIVATE BOAIIO. i TIIK THOMAS HOl'SK. I XI! AH PATTIiHY I'AHk. Is now under entirely new niuinigcmcnu and M-ill In- kept in strictly fust-claw I style. TK.N: II-Xr UK KKf.ri.AN IMtARIihK TAKfM' Northern Cooking. Rules Kensonul ie;. MKS. li. LACY & I'roprietors. Si . dtf AITV kliaTAl KANT. PATT0S AVKM'K, I'lider Kedwood'F Store. Mrali at all hours. A', the drlieHcfesot the? aeaaon served in all nineties and III the beat style. Oyatera, Game, rUeaka, The Beat of Hot Coffee, Freah Norfolk Uyatera rciTirerl every day. The retail trade supplied. . Have added a new broiler: steaks, oyatera. etc., ete.. di ne to a turn. dtiarl8 . ... . T. J. Hl'MNUK. I fl"'1 IHTHH THAN EVER! THK STAK..OI' BI'NCDMflH, GRAND (ANTRAL HOTEL. ' IIN7 Arrivala Jnni'iirv and i M20 Arrivala January unci Helirunry, t8H7 I'ebruary, IMbS. THE MUST roi'ULAR $2.1)0 HOUSE'. 4X THE STATU. , , 13.IKI0 urrlvals duriiiK the past year more than every other hotel in the city. We bid fair to recister 23,000 thia year. F.!.!i?.T:SMl..'.;i KVEKV kksi'ect- Only hotel in the centre of the city. Give us a call. 8. R. CHKD1!8TKR & SON dtmar6 A DELIGHTFUL EXCllllWl ASHEVILLE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Tickets only 4.80. Including a full day's board at the MOUNTAIN PARK HOTPOT. The Baths in Marble Pools and Porcelain Tubs are the 'finest and most Inxurioss in America. The Hotel is VIMV It'll limcimnr "no i v r i no i -t i j. , In Hvery Particular. t'NliXCBI.LEI) IN ITS Ct'l8IM,s The place is a charming ajx.t, nesth-il umniig and sheltered by Pine-clad Mountains where there is no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely IMfrfect drainage. rtl'il20 If any dealer says he has the W. I,. Donclaa S!"" 'u,lout '." "' sr' stanipvtf oa the bottom, ut hiut down a a fraud. 17. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN, ?est In the world. Yvnmlnc bis -i'lfS 2,!"WI!'KD t KI.T 8HOK. a.OOaniHm.75 HOYS' HI 1KMIL SHOES. "". " m v .in i .a, ouiiou ana i ; W. L. DOUGLAS is3 OHIJIl waraisxars sTT aVm aT"a aTaw sjtasj ros Lloiri. Bst Material. Rast Btrla. Bent Fltttn If But kiW by your dealer, writ? mnmmm W. L. DOUGLAS, BKOCKTO!, MASS, ' Pur stile bv HERRING & WEAVER, 30 South Mnin Street, AslR-ville, N. C. 1 .,.,1(1,11.. ' lillllV . Lr,r' enrtfl sis ef a tnillKiunt hn-akin, out oa my leg, which esnsHt lutolenilile psln. It was tailed Bcw-ms by the tH-tor-roar of whom resled n, with no relief. I candidly ennrssihnt I men mr present good heallh m B. 8 B whirl, in my tstuustioa Is luuliul.le as s hlooil rsraedy. M" Juu DsWitt, tti7 N. us Ii SL, bt Loola, Mo. Our bihy when two months old was HlseKrri a th Kcrolula hkt t, . i. 11 Wiiwilestroyed her tyuslRht entirely, and T ."T- f".1? d,H,,,r f. Th o,s:iirs snleil to relieve bar and Bwirrt bpxcino. w'ileh a ..i entirely, and slit Is now halt md hesriy. Blo.l Uiseases and stlvlcfi lo ,u8,.rera, msili-d fret, Thi nwirr Krsriric Co.. iliswatt.Ailaata.Ga My.,a.,. T iimiyrvi-innaa iawnii.ui...J laa 19rkeod

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