f Is,.': 1 , j ROYAL v,-f i Igjj. Absolutely Pure. , Thin powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, strength ami wlmlcsomenc... Morcccii tioutical than the ordinary kind., and cannot In- .old in competition with the multitude of jow teat, "hurt weight alum or phosphnte powders. Hold only in cans. Kovai. Hakims (owiikh Co., 100 Wall St., New York. ' dftwlaprlT " VKOFMSSIOML CARDS, . .' Tuns. A. Jonks, fllMO, F. Kuleigh DAVIIHMIN. AS. 0. MAkTIN, A.llerlllc. Asneviae. , ,ih D AvmsoN. MA.T.N , jos us,' 1 Attorney, and Counsellor. t l.aw. ' A.heriiie, N, c. win practice in the i nh-ojid i2ih Ju'KcitU I nr. . i ami In the KleraloVurts of the ; uvi..nt iiiHtrlct of North Carolina. Kelir to Hank of Asheville. iltacl jrUlVc. MARTIN, Attoanry at Law, A.heville, N. C. Titles nd ConvcvnnciiiK a .iKeiulty.' Col lections mnde. rrocticea in nil the courts. Oltiee: With Ouder Ik Curler, Mcl.oud Luw Building. dt22M , ciias.. mooke. m rr mkkkick. JIJOOKB MliHKICK, Attorneys and Counsellors ut Law, Asheville, N.C. . frnctl In the United Stntes Circuit and j ilHstriet Cvrts at Ashetille, Rtate.villc.Chnr 1otle d l.sl.oro, in the S"!'"'"'" at Unleiifb aud in the courts of the Twelltn ludieiai Witt 01 the State of North Caro- '""si'ieviat Bttcneioa )ivcn to collection ut "Cl Partnership does not extend to practice In lluncoinor Inlcrior Court. dtocJ . II. COHII. roBB & mukhimon, . UKKVIMON. Attorneys and Counsellors nt Low Vrnrtlci I" " t,lc courts Olliee: NOV " ltet nhnston builitinx. 1 ob.i. a. sin kohii. i w. w. JONKS. JONES ft SlU-HOIlO. Attornc.va at Law, Asheville, N.C. Vraetlw in the Superior Court, of e.teril . -v. ,iin,i the Suiireine Court of the -.,.1 ... Kedernl Courts Hi Asheville. Office te Johnston liuildinK, where one mem Jut of the fine n always oe amiiii. tftliovll" " " '' ; 1lllNSTONHJONHS), ATTOKSEV AKII COI XUKIXOK AT LAW, AStlRVII.U-:. N. c. i'ructiccs in the I'nlted States Circuit anil imtrict Court. t Asheville. iu the ftupreiiic Court ut Kak-iBh. nnd 111 the Courts ol the T welfth ludu iul lHstrict of the State of .North iCnraljna. and elsewhere, his ncrvlwa inay ibc required. lan.idtf JJ H. 1)(M0I,ASS. 0. U. S, DENTAL ROOMS, NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Over Crunt & Winijert's tlruis Store. Residence. No. 9H Bailey Rt. feMJy; REKVE8. 0. I). S. DENTAL OFFHUi In Connally BalldinK, over HcdwiMMl's Store, Pattern Avenue. febtadly ' JR7jlfT;ARKATT, ARTIST. tttudio 'overlooking Court Square, above Cooper's store. Studio Hours from U to 3. .,, Classes in OrawinK and Puintlng. Partic ulars on application. - lclil.1dty J F. Bl'KOIS. M. if. OFFICES New Orand Central BnildinK. over BlK M2 ClothitiK Store. fi 1.17(11 in J A.'TKKNUNT, ' .". Architect and Contractor. Ilaus, spedficatlons und csliinatcs fur bished. All work in my line contracted for, and no charps for drawings on contracts awarded me. . Krft-reacm w hen desired. Office: No. 12 Hendry Block, North Court l(niare, Asbe.Uie. N. C. lclilUdly r RAMSAY, Dental Olliee i In Barnard Buiklimt-Kntrtinecs. Avenue and Main Street. . frbaedly Patton I.XSIKANCE. JpIKB IN81RANCB. FIRE LIFE ATC 1 1) EXT. PULLIAM & At the Bank of Asheville ASHBVII.LE, N.C. CO. KepreKnt the fohowinK coiuiiunies, vis. . FIKK CASH A..KTS IN f. S. A.ln K...m,.. nrcalltorniu S2.4U7.HHS Continental, of New Vord 1 1 am har- Bremen . of Germ an v 1 . 1 H,m London Assurance, of England l,B4d,B!iS . tf.. Vork 2.2a7.U2 One.it, of Hartford -2I'S2 I'liirnli. of BrooklTn... 8.094.17S St. Paul I'lre and Marine, of Min- .r.tt l.Ol.Olll Southern, of New Orleans.....-.. - .4U,flwt Western, of Toronto l.n.l'.i.AtJ Mutual Accident Association. ,Ktna I-ife In.uranc Company. dtmar2S . . TUB EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society ' OF TIIS t'SITBD STATKS. Asset. '.....;....... 9(l,04 , Surplus., . o,74.755 ikanier man any mnr, v.uiuhij,.f Outstondinii Asuran...549s,',' l.OO Written In I5 l..MtMS-oo Tontior Policiee with in aim au year ic rlmls are the most popular and proOtolilt form of assurance. , . . For examples, rate, etc., confer with J" E. I. Monroe, Agt., Asheville. N. C. Office with Jaduc Aston. frbilSdora t:usTfi:aLi;;i:.:EiT Brrnrtn always be kept w phop, KITCHEN, BTAJILK AND FACTOEX I COURCE. UiH-auM I hu It sinful to drcpoBd. Anil will oi let l ha tmtanma, of life BmtJ me wild Imruliiff bwin but smjb beyond lla dituuit and Ita atrlfiii kteeeumi I lift my head aboa Ilia uul. Wuei-e Iba un aulas anil tlta (maul brantae low. . Hy every ray and every raindrop klMod That Ood'a km doth beeum. Tbluk ou 1 And ao blttaruaaa at U, Nu burdsa lo be boroa, liUal'liruillao'a pat-kr Tliluk lou lliaraaraau rnaUy luara U rail Bocaiiaa I kapp thaw back? Why aliould I bug life's His wllh cold nam, To cures niyarlf and all alio kiva nW Nay a thousand (lines niora Kood than I deserve (Jod Kivaa out nary day And in each one of thnw raimliUxw imtn. Kept bravely back, he makes a minium shine Orateful I take hia allcliteat gift, no Mr Nor any doubu are mine : Dark ikies ptuat caw, and when the clouds are part,. ' One itoldea day redeems wear, rear, Patient I llau-n. sura that sweat at uu. Will aound hi voice of cheer ' Then vex ma sot with chiding. 11 me be; I must be glad and grateful to the end, I grudga you not your cold and darkunaa; ma Ybe powers of light befriend -Cella Thaxter Sagacity af Shepherd 'Ifcia. A gentleman who has bud consider able to do with gheuherds and drover in England and Scotland, sneaking of 1 i the story published in The Oregotiian ! ' a day or Iwo since about a dog sopa- : , rati hi the ewes and wethers of a nock ! ;K ,: , " ?"t - no doubt but whnt it is true. He: has know,, dogs to pinto, drove of Hheep which WWH Inarkoil W,th Sev- , era' different marks and single out every one ueannir Ins nmster s mark, f"T, i,,r uoKa , by biking thoni along when puppies . unuer thi'ir care as tliey murjf the sheep, and the dog is thus taught to distinguish marks. lie stiys further that ut the shetp mui-kcl iu Islington drivers have thmr shwp marked with red or blue paint, and when thedrives get mixed a dog will go into the band land bring out all his muster's sheen, i telling them by the color of the mark ; ing. Bhepherd dogs are the most in telligent Bpenes of the cunine family, and when thc.V wo brought up among ' nerus oi sneep ami iraineu to tane charge of them it ic but reasonable to suppose that they might learn to notice marks of any kind on them. Port land Oregouiun. A Terrible Battle with lUts. Sila" Berry, of this pluce. had an ex citing Gght with rats in which be won a costly victory. He works on a farm near by. and yeslerduy morning entered a pit in which brewer's grain, is stored for feeding purposes. It is about ten feet deep and is entered bv a ladder. When Jierry reached the bot- om a j a rft nn 0 Liikt tmugers leg. He sliook it out wiien its squeals brought hundreds-of rodents to its help. Berry was in total darkness and was attacked from (til directions. lie at once shouted for. help and began ..fighting as best he could. After : twenty miullU's ins cries were lieartl and help came. V hen he was taker) out of the pit he wascoinpletely cover ed with blood. When fully convinced that he was safe he fainted dead away from joy. Ilis body is covered with bites and scratches and it will be a long time before ho recovers. Forty eight dead rata, some of enormous size, were taken from L'.i : pit. having been killed by Berry In his flwwraU light. ftewton Cut: iiujaUejphia Press. " Boraa CanTaslmek. brokers who have been dismantled by a stress of weather need no longer display their condition by eating sand wiches aud beer for lunch. A well known Broadway restaurant has evol ved a philanthropic scheme to hid the misfortunes of those of its custo mers whose eating and drinking arc regulated by the price of stock. It dady receives a supply of the ordi nary broad bill ducks which are now plentiful in Long Island sound. These are. prepared iu full canvasback form, with tlie accompanying diamond of fried hominy which ordinarily accom panies only the more aristocratic I owl. Thev are served for CO cents eaca, while canvasbacks can only lie had lor $4. When a regular customer in an audible voice calls for "a cuuvasback duck and a pint of extradry,' and tbea winks, he is served with a tiU cent broad bill and a 15 cent bottle of sparkling cider placed in n sil ver wine cooler and its label carefully removed. -Xew York World. Coufllctliut Opinions of Matrimony, 1 saw three curious things iu tlie public library the oilier day - But the best thing I saw was a pencil margi nal note to nn urtiele in Voruui. 'the passage in the text read "To marry is not an obligation, us might be thought from - current talk ' It is pti rely optrottnf. I le"Wbrr rci rains from wedlock und lather-hood cannot, in the overcrowded stale ol the glolie, be charged with a violation of duty to his fellows." The marginal note, in woman's handwriting, ran thus. "Tb globe is not overcrowded ami never can be; and the man who doeg not leave a life iu his place u. lit leaves this globe is a common murderer." Chicago Journal. A l.nrge Globe. In tlie center of the (,'liuuiisue Mars at the forthcoming Pans exhibition, there is to be a terrestiul globe aO "it 13 metres in diameter. It wiil t" a representation of the world on a s-ale of one-millionth : that is to say, a mil lion times smaller than the art mil world. To give some idea of the pro; portion, the city of Paris will barely cover a square centimetre. Tlie globe will turn on its axis like flu ordina-y school glolic, and is certain to lorps an interesting feature of the exhibi tion. Hoston Herald. ' A newspaper man has been luruing over the liles of The IVuing Gazette. He linds that it has been published continuously for 800 years There ia doubtless an impression gaming ground in the Chinese empire to the effect that The Gazette , has com? to stay. ( Bucklem's) Arnica Halve. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, nicer, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pny .required. It ia crnnranteed to trive rrfcct satisfaction, or money refunded, Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F.L. Jacobs. daw A man who goes into society with a cabbage head on his shoulders must soon expect to find himself in the soup. .'.USTAHG LIIIILIEIIT CURES HLF.3, BCENS, CUTS, CORKS, liUUltJEH, CUUJ1LA1SU I FROBTUITE8 III MINI M AMIS mjuiu hi;, ! John linlil is sum to liuvc iimtr toltl j JuKtin McCarthy tluit lie liml a piiKMon. I at low lor doing milliiiiL'. It is a sort . of Hi i; lit disease Unit has conie to j more than one Inv man. ...... "TIhic me two niooiiH this mouth, said Mrs. V addle, who hatl liceii rending the j puM.'i-s while wailing for hi-r IiiinIiiiiiiI, w ho hud just come. "Ziish, rijjht, said he. "Zuckly rilil I saw 'fin IniiIi 'ii come along llio street- Setter Than Mulclcle. I'roltHsor Arnold says: "An incurable dyspeptic is Iustilicd in coiniuiuiug sui- cidf. We will guarantee to cure any d -ieitic within three moiitlis hv Acker'n liiurliidi Dvnneiilic Tublet. T.'C. Smith iSt Co. feli'idawl w i Some one has said: "There is iu ex 1 cellence without liilmr." The nice younn 1 iiihii wh i stands on the utreet conierHlor ii living cHiinot lie made to think to. no Not Mufffer Any l.ouifer. Knowing that a cough can lie checked in u day, and the riint Htngentrconunip tion broken in n week, weliereliygtiariiii tee Acker' linglinh Cough Kcniedy Kiid i will refund the money to all who buy, lake it an ier tlircclioiii), find do not tind i our at ateiiK'iit correct. 'T, C. Smith & i Co. lelMilawlw Cyclones travel in the mime direction when tliey lire out for it time. If they met mid 'collided they might come to blows - Terrible Fort-wariiliiKH. . i :.a....i:.k c,ffi" J , U-kene.1 ...Is?, chilliliess in tt)e evMli ! swtntl, n't iwht, ullorany ,l( tllwJl. tlli)1KB ure tilv firHt tnjits ()fto. Bllml)tion. Acker lingHsIl Cough Kern edy will cure these fen rial symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarnntee by, T. C. Smith & Co. IcbSdawlw 'What .the deuce docs Mrs. wear so mnnv puff and things for?" nsked a lady nt the Von Schroeder ball last week. "Why," was the reply, "she has in dulged" so much in fashionable dissipation that she has Uehniiin trimmings. I'liiladclpliiaii "The jieople of your set tion used to l)e pretty tough, judging from all nccouuts, but I suunnsr tlie standard of morality is higher now, of course." Westerner "Yes sine. The whisky is better than it used to be," The FirMt HymptoiiiH of Heath, j Tvo ' Qneena. Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in Tlie fl1""!'." of Saxony (who was the various parts of the bdv, sinking nt the I Princess usa, once wooed by Na)0 pit of the stomach, loss of npjs tite, lever- j leon III) has a very homely and house-islim-ss. nil nnlis or sores, are all nositive wifely taste. She is extremelv fond evidence-of Miisoned blood. No matter j llow it necaine poisoned it must ne pun lied to avoid ..death. Acker's English Blood lilixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der ositive guarnntee by T. t'. Smith & Co. . fcliiidawl w "It must 1m; a pleasant sight," says Mrs. Snaggs,. "to see the I'l-esidcnt of Hayli surrounded by his black guards." ParenlH Criminally l.lahle. More than half of all deaths occur be fore six years of age. An army r inno cent, lovely children lire swept needlessly j away each year. Parents are criminally ; i-estionsiblc for this. The death rale ol ; '.'hildien In Kiigland is less than half this, j Acker's Iviiglish Itabv Soother has done i morcHo bring this uliout than all other 1 causes combined. ou cannot afford to lie without it. T. C. Smith & Co. Our Postmaster, Colonel Hardeman, having to employ a charwomun1 about the new l nitcd Mates Post l mice. singled out a colored lady and offered her the place. She declined it 1r the reason that there was too much work for $20 per month. 'What!" said the Colonel, "you could not make the half of it at anything else. Why at the North a woman will scrub the floor all day through the mouth for $10. "Yes, answered the lady of color, "but dem Yankees is raised to work and we isn't." Washington Critic. Anecdotes of Oeneral Cirant. (ieneral Grant, n his return to this country, is said to have been severely af- liK-ted with a couch contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub- lionily refused to yield to any treatment. A friend procured lor him a ljottle ol Symphyx, and by its use in a few hours he was entirely relieved. He remarked to his friend ;"Mcn look upon me tisa great soldier, but this bottle of Symnhyx is trre.'iter than I. My calling has Wn to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior of men. I shall never lie without it again." - d&w Montana l'elice Magistrate (to pris oner I What is your name? Prisoner John Smith. Magistrate (to officer) What is the charge against him ? Officer Whipping an Indian, your honor, We caught him in the act. Magistrate I sternly I John Smith, you will K)iind stone for thirty days. For anything' you know to the'eontrary the Indian vou whipped muyThave been a descendent of Pocahontasvou ungrate ful hoimd h' .....,-f ,,r .i,...:, The New DlHcovery. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You mayyourself lie one of the many who know from per soual experience just how good n thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, liecause the wonderful thing about if. is, that when once given a trial Dr. King'sNew Discov ery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used itvand should lie afflicted with a cough, cold or nuy throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money re funded. Trial Ikittlcs free nt F. L. Jacobs' drug store. "I never could understand Hruwning," said the mem tier of the Dante club, "but there's nothing difficult about Dante when you once get the bang of him." "Same way with Drowning," said the member of the Browning club. "When I tackled him first I didn't- seem to catch on, but he's just pudding for me now." A aound I.khI Opinion. K. Itainbridge Mumlny, Hstj., County Attorney Clay county, Texas, says: "Have used Kite-trie Hitters with most happy results. My brother also was very low with malarial . fever and jaun dice, but wits cured by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Hitters saved his life." Mr. D. I. Wileoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saving: "He positively believes he would have died had it not been for Electric Hitters." . This great rcincdv will ward off' as well ns cure all malurinf dinenses, und for all Kidney, Liver nnd Stomach disorders stands tinequnled. Price 50c. and $1 nt K. L. Jacobs.' drug store. Mrs. Society "Have yon invited all of your and your husband s gcntk-Mieii mentis : Mrs. He Fashion "All of mine, but I Iron ftitters, and vou will soon find your none of my husband's. If 1 should invite ; self enjoying perleit freedom from nelies, his he would misa them nt the club nnd i puins nnd general ill-health, feel lonely jsMir dear." I . tlUSTAKO LINIMENT IS FOK MAN AJIKA8T. rESETBATES UUSCLE 1 1TB11 TO T1IE VEUX BOKfi, , t.allhienlH'a Mmiertl AuiMaon. I Near Foic.it Italic It, III tliO mollll ttllliis alHive t'lilro. rrslili'S ytiLiutt ,ly w10 fr grit and pluck we'll tuki ntr nur i..,! to ihti-v limn. Tim hulv mixtion. Miss kutu Lucas, reside on a mountain runcli with her mother and brothers, the latter being engaged in furnishing the meal ued by the large lumU-r crews high up in the bierriu Mist Lucas is a tall, lithe and well built girl, with red. rcwy cheeks, jet black hair, bright, flashing eves, and is the acknowledged belle of that vicinity. She is an intrepid horse woman, and rides fearlessly and alone over the mountain slopes and through the ravines, rjlie scorns a saddle, and at times rides a llery mustang without either bridle or blanket, simply using a lariat, the end tied arouiid her horse's bead and neck bhe is a capi tal shot with the rille and has worsted muny of the crack shots there by her unerring aim. She has been out with her brothers hunting, and very rarely ti . j . i . .1 I. ...:i.i f laueu to uag a ueer or ouier wiiu ani mal which so abound in that section. Sometime the young miss assists in capturing the wild cuttle when they are required for the market, and then the lariat is twirled null a precision that often puts the vuqueros to shame. A few weeks ago, after a during ride after a pai ticulirly wild and Heel footed steer, which diowed tight from the start, the young lady laughed at the vaquero, who seemed afraid of the animal, and smilingly challenged him to throw a rope over the animal's head aud ride him. The vuquero de stined with thanks. Miss Lucas then displayed a piece of courage and dar ing worthy of the ancient liouian arena, (springing from her horse, she went up to the bound and bellowing beast, quickly and deftly tied a rope around his head and neck, and then told the vaquero to let him loose. This he did reluctantly, and the en raged steer was quickly on its feet, but equally as quick the fearless lusg was on its back. Then commenced a ride that is rarely witnessed, for half an hour the wild chase and ride was continued over hill and dale, through brush and canyon- when the steer gave completely out and the triumphant girl led her captive to the bouse. It was a bold font, and the during rider has made herself famous in that section of the country. Chico (Cul.) Enterprise. of making preserves, and actually at one time injured her health bv spend ing too many hours over her preserv ing kettles and charcoal furnaoes. But witlnd her manners are peculiarly royal and gracious. She iiossesses to perfection the art of making a bow that shall include in it salutation every member of an extensive circle. lie late queeu of Llollund, the first j wife of the reigning fcovereign of that j country,- was a most intelligent and no ' complished princess, devoted to liter ature and fully competent to share willi her husband the cares of state. There are letters extant which slie wrote to Napoleon 111 on the subject of the then pending war with Prussia. Had tho I'Veneli emperor hearkened to the advice which these letters con tained his son might today lie reign ing over France. Vet this ladv, of masculine vigor cf mind and intellect, was altogether feminine in her pur suits, bbo delighted iu embroidery on canvas, und one of the drawing rooms in the beautiful iialaoo near Tlie Hague called "The House iu the Wood is furnished throughout witll her work. The furniture coverings and the bands that border the curtains show a pat ern of clusters ofxdierries executed in worsted work on a ground in basket stitch of white floss silk. Tlie queen was a great friend of the American historian, Motlev, and placed "The House in the tfood" at his disposal when he came to stay at The Hague. Chicago Herald. A Strange Man. Ouo hardly expects a minister of re ligion to Iw a scolf'er, but luic Vos sius, the eccentric Dutch scholar, who died on I'eb. 10, K5S9, furnished a sti-dii;re exception to accepted usage. Charles II had made him canon of Windsor in 1CC4, soon after his ar rival in England. Never was a cleri cal olliee undertaken by a man who was m entirely until for'it. Although a canon of W indsor, he ditl not be lieve in the divine origin of the Chris tian religion, and he treated religious matters with contempt, although in other things he was -exceedingly credulous, (iharles 11 once smd of of biim "This learned divine is a strange ninnj he will believe anything but the Bible." When he attended divine service in thechael of Wind sor be used to read the poems of Ovid instead of the prayer book. Vossius knew all the European languages without being able to siieak one of them corw:ctly. On his death lied he reiused the sacrament and was only prevailed upon to take it by the re mark of one of his colleagues that if he would not do so for tho love of Godr he ought to do it for the honor of the chapter to which he belonged. Vossius took an odd delight in hav ing his bnir combed in a meas ured or rhythmical manner, and he would have it done only by barbers or other persons skilled in the rules of prosody. Philadelphia Times. In Chin. Contrary to the 'general belief, the lower clnsses, in China ed enough to eat, such as it is. Rice is the (rreat staple, and the poor eat little else. The amount consumed by each person where rice is the sole article of food is placed at about one pint daily. When vege tables and pork are obtainable .tlie quantity of rice is reduced. The con sul at tlimkow, in an interesting re port on rice culture, says that a fam ily of six persons, subsisting almost exclusively upon rice, can live at a cost of 20 cents per day. Good field hands iu the district named may be had for from $7.50 to $10.50 in gold a year. Chicago Times. Whv is it ao limn v sillier from rliruiiui-: tism. uelies, pains, kidney diseases, liver ; complaints, heart affection, etc.? It is! aimnly because tliey will not come and be ; liculed. All diseases begin from a want I of iron in the blood, Thisvant of iron makes the blood tbin, waterv and im- Dure. Iinnure blood enrrie wruknera j nnd distress to every part of the body' I SllOOtv this lflck of iron liv imitlfr ller,urn'a i HUSTWIG LIIIinEIIT HEAL8 INFLAMMATKiN, OLD SORES UAJUkU ilUIAHllS IflSliU't litlta 1 l'A'TS,ONI.VI'.t(TS, About Ai.liclllr iul riomv of Hit I't'oplt-. Asheville has now the most altia. tive hotel in the Southern Sin ten, and her daughter, Victoria, will soon have one , equal to it. - Asheville Iiiih graded sell. mis, which arc largely attended, unci saidlo tie ably con ducted in nil rchKilK. Asht vilk-has an ilecliic slid t railwnv in hiiccchmIiiI oKT.ition, unit to Is. ikUiiiI ed generally throughout the town. Asheville has live lirst-elass private in NtiUilioiw ol learning, w hich in character complete with any in the world. Aslieville has the most thoroughly drilled and equipped police lorce m Nort h ' Carolina, which is under the supervision of a ni((sl popular chief. Asheville has two excellent saniiari- ; urns, w Inch are exclusively lor the use ol visitors, as none of her own people ever get sick, Asheville hnsn licautful cemetery w hich ; is the only business here that docs not pnv, us during a whole month there was ' only one death among twelve and a hall i thousand inhabitants. Asheville has the very In-st business men in every line, of whom the vcrv ereine tie la civnie, will lie louml ml vcrlisiag in Tim Citukn. j Asheville is going to haveon Siilurdav, the 2d of March, a "Knffee Klatsch." We would tell yon what it is, if we knew,! but you can learn by doing a we do; go und aee it. Asheville lias three banks, all of which ' are absolutely solid hi every respect, aud j i in either of which your deposits will be : absolutely sale. " , Asheville has the liext newspaiK-r in the South, which will next week publish a ' picture of the new government building, i T. B. CKAKY, ASH liVll.l.lv, N. c. Ilrick Layer and Maker. Jobs of nil kinds attended to ArillU'inl .tone pitvenieiitK und itmnli.' roadwu y laid name us i. ucd cxien.ivcly in parks and private ki'duihIs in Utislcm states. Will eoiilrnc to pave WHlks for Icnr (ban brick will cost without obstructing the way, und icuuntntcr It to lost louxer and to Ik in every v better, Audnsa us alutvc. riawtmur:i FOH MEN ONLY!! 1 OAiTIVF rorlOBTorFAltnTO manTipod, ; tirUd.lllt OenertUand NERVOUS PEBllITYi PTTT? V WeiknrM of Body and Mind: Effect I J AJ ..) o'En ornor ExoeMftiii OU or Young, ! HfllmU, Until? RAMimillftitlr H. vtfi.i-d. Hw to uliff e and i 4lr?BkTthinWK4K,l Mf HdiW lKmii tNS it PAH I H of fctHlt. , 4bliltr tiiilIMn IHtttK IMkA. MT-H-i?li In i d. t Htm Ir-lin frutn 4? Slalra, Terrilnrlr, anil l'trtlrii('wiRlrlr. IffurnntTrttrUnm. KiHtk, fullrt.lnUon( tvnrl iirmtfainklM i eaawaifrw. iMi- Rlt MtulbAL CO., lUFFAfO, H. t ; feblUdawly . . tu th eat and Whlikey Hah. Ita en red at. home with oatpttiB, Bouk rf par." tloul.re wnt FREE, B M.WOOI.I.RV. M.Ik omaem WuiifiUU(m Ask Your Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OB TIIK JAMES MEAN'S $3 SHOE. According to lour Keeds. JAMES MEANS 4 SHOE Di.uilhtaiidityl.su, It tit. like r.tiHklns;, and RKnrilil S JiO-ltftEAKIMtflN.'Mw- ng penecuy euay tin- nrel time It Worn. It a III BatiHfV IhM mal kAUIIdlinis. JAMKS MEANS S1IOK It alwolutely llw jij .hw wi hp price wiik'D has ever been placed ex Iciulvclv on the mnrkot union aurauniiy cunaidereu betin. mereout t. MEANH & CO.. Beaton. Full Hues af the nbuve ahut-s fur sale hi Fa Sale by BoHtlc Bros). & WrlKlit, j ashevii.lk,:n, c. j febUttlHm ' tu th silt Drunkenness' Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured IT ADNrlRISTERIHa 01. HslH"8' 0010ES S'tCIIIO. It esiibe glvsn In cup ol coHc-e or tea. or In ir - Hcle.pl loud, without Hie know uvl pent the per. on laklnK it; It Is absolutely harmless ami will effect a permanent and siieeily cure, whelliei the patient Is a moderatedrlnkeroiHii alcolinlli- 1 mm pint cure to every Infttum o. 43 papo Wl w reel, it NEVER FAILS, we UUAKANTcE ! I" Ml- I" A tit I I 17Pd I II fjtlllllllfllt'.M. OLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 18ft Hace St., Cincinnati, a feblUdawly tu th .at HU M I'll KE YS ' For Horfis, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry, mm AUaai. tia. IcblOdawly aaV " M . JU ""'f SOO PANE BOO Ivou Treat. incut of Aiiiuia'sanil Churl hcnl Free. -T-nr Fevers, t'onycilmi., Inllnitonallon, V.A.-pliinl .i'. iiiiiiiiiIh, hll, I km. I!. II. Ml rains, l.uini-iK'.., KlK iininliain. '. .- IliaO'i-.JiH i . NiinoI Diai huia'ca. II. I, llolaor tirnhs, nuriMs. .. F..-(.iui:li i, lli-iivra, I'lM ii.ninila, F. F. foil.-or liripes. 11-II n. lie. :.. ;.- .lIlH'iirvliiKi-, lleinori Iiiiki's. tl. II,--1 i-iiini-y nnd Kidnei lli.euaoa. . I. -- F.vopli o liiwnew, itlHuge. . K Oiiu-asesol Oigostiou. Mable fnai". "'th SiKfinisi. MauuM, . Itch ii.,n'liiind t wlliniur, IST.OO V lee, Single BotiIc.-(ovirtOdi!.X .liO Hold by Di i.hI.ifi ar Mem I'renn-deiu ltneipt nf Trice. l'ip"phrrys,'W' 'l. Co., 109 rullon SI., N. Y ita.- ..sea.. litres? aiiEYS1 HOMEOPATHIC 1 icnrnirm In ufr . cf' f'll numdv foi I'ervGi! Wm Vital Weakness. viM-'Wdrki or otltpr PiiiflM 1 U.rt:" vtnl ittnilnr, tut .", t flr i liIwlMHIaalt. I. ilttitlinntrv w tapr'JO VUOMIT. A( ( thati:. A REAL PLEASURE TO 1)1) VOl' It PRINTING' Ah you want it und when you j want it. CITIZEN PUlil.isiiixc ro. HUSTAHG LIKIEEHT j CURES H0UX1WH0HJJ. f'AKEIlJIAOS, 1 UUUU & UOOi DIWAttE UN CATTLE ! MISCniJAMlOfS. I j ,.t . h . ...I . " t BLAIR FURNITURE GOMPAtlY, NO. 37 1'ATTON AVENUE, AV hole sale and Retail And l'iidertaker. 1'iouipt attention given to all ordejn day. Kcsiflcnce t 39 ' ftlil.ll y I'KOTKCTINO PROPERTY OWNERS. THE "CAMARET" GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES. Wc not only lve the puiher the best Roofing plates, but we protect him l'irst lly KlviiiK our Kuarautee. Second By stuuiplna each sheet with brand und thickness. Third lly excluding wastes. Fourth Hy branding the net wciKht of the 118 sheets on the bonj For tin- benefit of those wanting the very best Roofllng Plates, we assert, and are PRE PAKlil) TO PROVE, that teicepting the "Gilbertsoa's Old Method") there art ao other j brands of rooting tin being offered in the market cut guarantees given above by this house. Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, London. " THE WINYAH ASHEVILLE, N. C. Tor the reception of patients suffering of diseases of lungs and throat, and conducted upon the plan ol tlie satiiUijrfSAtfirBliersdorf and Palkensteln lit Ger-" many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, aud endorsed by the leading members of the ledical profession. Terms reasonable. KAKL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. I.IUVIS MAIIlt!X. Prca L. P. McLOUH, Vice-Prcs. lllkKCTOKS Lewis Maddux. .1. 1. Beardcn, 8. Powell, C. S. H. Reed, Oco. 8. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK 'ASHHviLLB, N. C, FBBRUARY 1st, 18S0. Organixcd May 1st, 1888. CAPITA.,, 30,ooo. . . SCRPLC8, 5,000 STATU, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. I toes n HcneniliHiinking Business. Ileposlts received. Exchange bought and sold. Col. lections made on all accessible points. The Saving Feature will receive special attention. On nil sums In this department, deposited for four months or longer, Interest at the rate of icr cent, per annum will Ik paid. -- .Specinl attention given to loans on real estate, which will be placed for long time on real suitable terms. Open irom 0 a. m. to a p. m. On Suturduys the Saving Department will be open till p.m. fcb2dtr THE FARMERS' i-Vt,WB a a : I 1 9iS AllLU I ; ! ! i e are i;lid to say to our triends nnd customeru that all grades have cousider i ably advanced since f'liristnias. Iti-iht wrapjiers, cutters and strips are highn than they have been in stveraUears, and show that Asheville is the place to sell tobaccos raised in Western North Carolina and East Tenneaaee. ' Thc-crportcra and iliaiiufaetiiitrs who ; section lutve their buyers on this market, win-re. ..J - - ; Wc would warn our customers against the drummers and agents who are paid ; bifj salaries to induce shipments to other markets than this, by promises to sell at reduced commissions. After your tobacco is sliipcd it is from under your control J ; an I when you receive returns there is always an excuse for low prices, claiming to- - j bacco to b.' 'damaged, etc., etc. We have, with great expense, made tlie Farmers' Warehouse t- .- . - "V . . "; ,'': IThe LciicHiig Warehouse in the State, I where you attend the sales of your own ; shipment:" Llsewhere we give a partial list of ihtwtiiprli! ' t). C. WbiIiIiII, l'rcsiilciit. VV. W. Ilnrnurd, Vice President. Lawrence Pulllam, CasMer. THE HANK OF ASHEVILLE, ' Asheville, 'N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY -OUlestt Hank in Wemtern Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE I ; CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. I EIUSTAnO UIIIL1EI1T CITRF3 FOOT ROT, KHOrjLPEH.ROT, BCKEW-WOlt !tf AND 8CAU IN tdlLi;r 1 Furniture Dealers. or night. Penland Street. to-day, by any Arm, under the four differ- MERCHANT & CO. d&wtaprl SANITARIUM. " J. B. RANKIN, Cashier. M.J. Tagg.J. E. Rankln.J. B. Ray, J, B. Reed, M. McLoud. WAREHOUSE, TOBACCO I need the type "of tobacco"raised in this' and are paying more for it here than elss tobacco, or huve it sold in a few days after. r t ' . . . actual sales made since the holidays. SMITH & ROLLINS, Proprietors. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE SURPLUS FE) $20,CI3. tlUSTAtlQ Li::i"E:iT CURES RHEUMATISM, LAME BACK AND BTli'E JOUSTS, liCB IU 1LUU) I

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