, . . i on. V j -1 rrrt ftioriiin? (f crit Nfotl- t, , j tt i( i"in tun r u y 4J ntljr mif I e m t M i fcituui ., a m 'Inirt ?lllh I. t ril Mo(ll&.,. ISO VrtH. Ifi our rank-ia drllvrr the icr vrry Rimnfiig in every ri of thf tlly to oor tutt vfirra, anil rttr wanting It will pit Mew AdvcrUacincnta, Wanted, Man "Z. Z. l."m. United aHatea Martial crlc Wav Hon. AahTlHe, M. CJ LariTrna. aa.M Nosth. LoaoiTiina 3.3 wssr. liLavsTius, 2,fto faar. "Meteorological report for 34 hour ending at p. as., Man a a, IHHtf. TKMFKKATIKK. Northern Biposnrc, Hhndrd. 7aal2DaslD 1 1 Mas Win. I bally Mean. 23 51 SYo 3H I i4 Ua 8 1 4 3 T)RWl'0fKT: 7aa as linn 30 -ltBCnCMJt)ITV7lA UiaO. Hl'MltilTY. liallT MeaiTl iMlljr Mean. 1811 63 8 I "BAHOMETRR. PRECIPITATION. Corrected for altitndi and temperature. Rain and j Know Melted snow. Hepths. Daily Mean, lacbea, laches. O 0 39. HH Weather Clear. K. . RL'CK, M. I)., Observer. Jadlclaaa Advcrtlainir. CREATES many a new huine; ENLARGES many an old buiineu; REVIVES many a dull bimneu; RESCUES many a hit butineu; SA VE8 manr a fniline buiinex: PRESERVES many a large biuineu; SECURES MuccesM in any buntne . To adrertite iudicioutlr. nae the eol mmm of" The Cltiten." Everybody reudi It; and in propoithm to the return it yield! advei titer, it rate are the cheup- eit in toe eountt r. -T tba Clllicni of Aahcvlllc Tbc money eipenried on our new achool building, the paymenta unttie old tbc purcbaaing of furniture and other ei penaea, have been greater than the school Board anticipated. After a careful calcu lation we find that our fuiula will be ex hanstcd by the clone of tlie present nchoo' month, which it Friday, the 8th instant The achooli at that time must be cloned unlesa tome help it gotten from privatt tubacription, The tucrintendent report' that it will be impoisihle for the children to patt the grades with thitfive month term, but that aucb could I done if tlx tchoolt thould continue until June 14th To stop now will disarrange and dit organise everything, and yet the Board cannot continue the tchoolt unlcti tb amount necettary for this purpose made up by the people. To thit end a committee will cull upon the people and parents for contributiout. We npiwul to every citizen to come to our aid and d their duty to the end that our school may continue. It it the hope of the Board that a luflicknt amount will be raited to that the school may re-open Monday March 10th. Reipcvtfully, Wal. W. WBtT, D, T. MllXAKD, W. P. Randolph, 8. R, Krplkr, .... II. A. Gl'DGKN, Isaac Duon. Pavement Paragraph. No catet were tried in the police court yesterday morning, Gen, U. Doubleday has returned to the city from an extended northern trip. Mr. Geo, E. Jordan left yetterdny for Boston, where he will remain for some time to com. 'The street railway track down Patton avenue has been laid as, far as the Thomas house. . . Mt. Hcrmon Lodge, No. 118, A. V. & A. M., meets in regular communication this evening at 7.30. Rhea, the "Just in Tim"compnny, und the Hamilton opera company, are the next attractions at the opera hull, The west-bound mail train on the West era North Carolina road was over four hours late in reaching Atlieville last even ing. Transactions in leaf tobacco yesterday amounted to about forty thoutund pounds. Trices were good and the mar ket firm. Late arrivals at the Battery Park Inst evening were Henrv 1. Kiddle, of Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Atwuter, ol Springfield, Mas. Health of the Comity, Dr. II. B. Weaver, county superintend ent of health for Buncombe, publiahet the following in the bulletin of the North Car olina Board of Health, just received : There has been no epidemic of diwtates among domestic animals. The general sanitary condition of the county it re markably irootl, with the exception of little catarrhal trouble. All of the public buildings are in nood ami tarvcotulitlon We will aoon have the Hyatt avstem ol filtering water in operation. Then the water will be ltolutely pure. The health ol the inmates of the jail and poor nuuse it exccueni. Tb Invitation. Handsomely printed invitations have been mailed to each membef of the Gen . era! Ataeniblr and officer of the State f ornament, extending to them the free dom of Um city, and inviting them to -viait Aaherille at the niyournment of the legislature. Thf Legislature bus passed without op potitkiii a bill making it unlawful liir any railroad in North Carolina to diacrimi nate against freight received from the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad or to make rates by which, either directly or indirectly, by rebatea or otherwise, freightsmay be delivered at a let, rate when received from other roodi than from points along the Atlantic and North Corolina railroad in proportion to distance hauled. The violation of this act ib made a misdemeanor punishable by fine of not less than StOO for each and every violation. ' The new beach-railway at Wrightaville is well under way, and in two months will be completed. Since the selection of Wrightsville as the permanent encamp, meat of the State Gum d there has been a marked rise in the value of property there. 1 INANCi: AM) COMMERCE. Till; WOUI.UI maiiki: ti:i.i..m ai-ii. loncjr and tMrcurltlcst-Cotloii- ProvlaJoiia and I'roduce.tt.. HONavANDaactoiTiM. " f NawYoaa. March 6. Exchange dull but endr. Montr er asv Miili-I'rrasiirr l.alnii'-es Oilld, l.M.lfia,- OOO; currency, 17,13.,ooo. Oorcrnmilit lionils, unlet mil siruuy p" anu, $1 HO: 4" jier cents, $1.07. hunt. Donas neglected. AlaAlasaA 2ao 1115 IN. V. Central HIH'i Ala.ClaHH.aa.111 N. tit W. f.l'k .la. 7a. murt liiiU Northern "ac.,. dw. N.C. Cons., 0s.. .14 . C. Cons., 4a t4 4. C. Ilrown'a...l'4 N. V. ild tin' I'aohc Mail... Hmi HrailinK 4llU renn. Met., Sa... VI iHtitl. at Alle IH'i 4t !K. at W. I'oint.. 3S MS Hots lalaod U5W Vlralntatts Virginia Cona .orthweaura , ,,lo.a,ht. Haul ti t ..140 do pfil hi ..l0'iTe. Parilic 30' .. aa'.iTennCoalfclroq ... lii,,;l'iiton Pat'lflc St, do Did Del at Lack....... Kri liast Tenn Lake Shore ,..103;Mi'. Central VV4 Lou. at Nnah eiiMu. Pacific 70 vleni. ac Char. r 01 western I nion.. imf moh. at Ohio 11 Cotton-wed Ull Nah. ac Chat... U1V. Certificates Salt rfo racial mort KN'a COTTO. LiTtarooi., March . Noon Cotton 4irailv with fair demand American mid' JlinK 6,; aalra IO.Oihi; aiecnlution and es- port, llnnl. Keccipie n.iww, Anicricau fnutures quirt but steady, a . h. American cotton all advanced t-1 6 iur to-rla included M500 American March 44-n4 aellera; Marcn ana April bu m, sen srs; April and May, 6 4a-4, sellers. May and I unC o . June anu jm'J " juvcrs: uir anu Auuuatn aeneri nu u.t and Hrntembrr fi 43-4. sellers repU-m kt and iKtiirier o a rt. semrs; nrpuiuuc. J 43-04, si'llrrs.' Kuturea closed steaily. nkw vobk MHrcn O. CIHU'H ULrnor, tales to-da niiu liaica; upianns lun-io; ),u.m. in T.lu. I'.snorts i.rcai unv in a:il9 bales: Continent 175.t Slock 71)0 123 hales. Ktw viuk. Murcn n. oiion wi i- ripls 3in:ii gross oiv rui very sUady. kuies fl.tluo hales. tIdIs 3H43: gross 67U4 futures cloaca Uarcn ...io.uuaio.oi wpi. ....... iprll jo.07alO.OMHKt tlay lO.lOalU.lUlNov 9 911 9D .7iia V.7 W.HUa V lune. ...10.3d ilxc g.U7a tt.HU tf.77a V.7U iuIv . ..lo.lialO.SI'Ja me lu.doaiu.ai 71 liaLTBSTOM. March. 6. button steady; 10 t-l(; rccelpU 14U7. NnaroLK, Marcn o.-i5-l; receipta 7o7. otton auady; HsLTiHoaa. Marcn ottontulel,10 13- 10; receipts ot7. HOSToa, Aiarcn o. Jotton quict, 10"-i IO&-. .v.liita'JlM4. WILMINOTON, M. W., Mrtn 5,-V.unuu ui mi, racatpu 140. 1'IIILAHKLI'IIIA, Aiarcn U tuiwu uim wts, ,i!ceiits lid. Havahnsh. March 8. Cotton quiet and Arm; tt U-ltt; receipts ol. NKW UKLtANS, Aiarcn o. v.ollon mm l6-ltt; receipts HO. ';.. Mohilk, March?. Cotton quiet, 911-16; .ecelpts 144. MnapHin. March . Cotton very firm, U; receipts 357. Ai oi sTA, March 0. Cotton firm, 9't; re .ipts470. . , CHAaLBSTON, March 6 Cotton lirm, loVt,; reccipts57a. paovisioNS and raouvca. Baltiuokk, March 0. "lour quiet aud teudy. W beat aouthern weak i'ults l.oo Al.074; LouKiwrry l.u3ul.otl; Western firm lio. 2 winter red spot t3. Corn noutb m quiet hut steady; Willie, 4ua43; yeliuw U)V; Western nrin. l.ol'isviLl.a. MurchO. irain steady. heat No. 3 red B; Lougnerry Ml. Corn new .aUcd ailVil No 3 whit B4V. Oats No. 3 .niscd 37. Provisions steady. Bacon clear .ins 8.UO; clear 7.BU. Hulk meats clear rlus d.60; shoulders 0. Mesa pork 13.60; lunar .uied bums lM.S0all.3u, Choice leaf lurd .i Cincinnati, March 0. Flour easier. Wheat Jul! and nominal No. 3 red Vi. Corn scarce No. 3 mixed iKityuHd,. oats unreiy sieaay No. 3 uiucd UiiaO',,. fork lair demand, 43.3S. Lard stronger at 0 UOa7.00 llulk arais atruuu and hlitncr; short lilis D.3M. ducou lair deuiand and higiicr; short clear .tt J"a76. lions in nood demand aud Brin common and light o.76a4.7d; packinf and juuhers 4 0oa4.4. Whisaey steady 103. ST. Lot'M, Mo., March . Hour easy, iMjtl eeiita lower than last week 3.l5a3.Uo; .amily a 40a3.6u; puuuta S 10a38. W heat ,ower and weak early, but recovered later and prices closed at auout yesterday's liuisH. An. 3 red cash UHWatf4; May U4'1taudsi closed Corn cukb better and arm Alo. 3 niised cash 3(H; April 3Uh,a3V,. , lata Arm nut slow No 3 cash J-Ht, Ind: .vlny sold 37. W hiskey sieauy 1.03.. Pro visions ttrm and hlgncr but slow. Pork 13a iuu.v Lurd uriuie steamed nominal a 70 Dry salted uieats; shoulders 6M; longs and rlns 0.8O; short clear II. 30. Hacon shoulders d.39, lon;,7.00; nus 7.l0;suort ckar 7.3ua Chicaoo, March 0. Flour quiet and un changed. Wheat No. 3 spring WHmmi,; No. i red tm4atlU"A. Corn .No. 3 M44,; tlata No. 8 30''4. Mess pork 13 MOaia.ou. Lard 6 U7u7.o0 Hnort ribs 0.36h0.3u; sboulderaa.3Aa3.S7fi, abort vicar 0.Ouao.3. Whiskey l.o3. J .. Leading futures to-day ranged as follows: UKiiiug. Highest. Closing Wheat No. 3 March PKti May , 1.IHH Juns UH Corn No. 3 March May 3d June SO 9(11, 1.031s V7 Bill,, l.Ol HO', 84', 3444 3D NawVnaa. Mareh 0 Soulliem flour dull Wheat soot steadier, dull No 3 red Uoal)llV: elevator options Inirly active; No. 3 red March 1144. April HlHi, May 117 ti. Corn spot active and stronger No. 3,44a44t1,elevator options more active nigncr, iri.ng March 44tk, April 44 May 44i; steamer inlscd, March 43aa43. I nus, spot, steady and quiet, options dull and atcuily. March H04.U.U. Apill aiuSUa. May 33tsa33ti; No; J. soot Uiibsaik mixed western 3Hari3. Minis lalrly active, strong. Cutler options opened steady, 10 points down to 10 points up, lower, culiles closed firm at anaao points up, local siieculation, lair busiuens; March and April l7.onalT.3H, May 10nalT.3fl, June lT.Ofinl7.34, July 17.18nl7.4o, spot Km hiuhir. Inlr caruuea 19. Kllgar. raw stronger, liiir renning !V; centrifugals no" test 54; rtbned strong, moderate demand. Mo lassesforeign Hrin 0" test 33; New Orleans uulet: ooen keltic, kikh! to fancy 3Ha43 Kica, quiet und tlrni; domestic .4'V4ail1. Pe troleum hrm and quirt; relinrd 7.1ft. Cotton seed oil tiiin; crude 43a3; yellow 4. 1 allow steady. THE LOCAL MARKET, COSHSCTI1D DAILY. The following price can country tiroiluce: lie obtained for Cubuagea, nicely trimmed, per lb 14 sorghum Molasses, per gal .t.ia.iu Sides ilncon. perni t,au Irish pulHVoeSi per bu UllullS Wheal, r lw..-............T.'.V..'.:n..:'.'..".......l 00 Flour, iier cwt a.aoaS fto Corn, iK-rbu .-. ..(loatl.1 Chlckeua lWtjaao Kgga. per dot ...UalO Hulter, jier li UOaUS Tiirnl, per bu Carrots, jter lui, ft' Parsnips, prrbu 70 Onions, pcrbu l ot) Cow Peas, prr bu , TOal.UO Celery, wr bunch.,.,,,....... lleef, per lb gross aat Mutton, wr Ib imns. IHj A wicked Washington rt'Kirtcr snys that he found lulitor Shepntd at the Arlington hotel, tlie otlier day, gettiiij; up copy for his piiirr, the New York Mail and Express. He admired liditor Khrv aril's simple method it was to clip a numlier ol pniiiraphs from the Ililile, and send tliem on with instrmtions to slap them mi the cditorinl page. It nails like a joke, but it is quite likely that the Washington ucwpait'r man told the troth,' The ex-Coiilcilmtte Veteran's Associa tion of the State has been duly orgiiniicil. New ltema Ort'ered at Law's Clearing Sale: Seven liest plated Oravy Ladles at $1, worth $1.73; odd patterns triple-plated Porks and Smioiis at half price, 31c. ; best plated lluttcr Knives nt 5lc., worth from 7.V, to $1 each. Odds and ends (fine goods) are bring all closed out al most for a song. Call and examine goods. They nre all laid out on separate tables. At Law's, Opposite Postoflice. yATEP-MAN, We want a northern young man of good character for a few months un moderate sal ary. Work In the city, partly outdoors, and not heavy, tllvt rrltrcncra, when (Tow and what you hav dime. Address. - unrfdJt . t. it.," Aslwvllle P. t). The "line k t Store" htm a now supply of Window SluidcH, full hizoH, dilfcrcnt coIoi-h, at 33, 58 und 78 ctn. ouch with fixturoH all rom- plete, well worth double tho money. Wo ulno have Curtui n FixturoH und fixturoH for I'oIoh to be Hold separately. Curtain Poles in Ebony, Wal nut und Cherry, with DrtiHH or Wood Trimmings at about half the usual prices. Wood Tooth-Picks atoc.abox.usu- ally sold at 1 0. Don't know how many to the box, about a quart, though. Only a "Racket, Store" can sdlthem at ."i cts. and make any money on them. A small lot of Carjieting at your Own price, to close it out. One piece all-wool 3-ply at G5 cts., was 78; one 2-ply at GO cts, was 75 ; one piece Cotton at 40 cts., was 48 ; Hag Car pet at 25 cts., worth that to weave.it. 13 yds. Brussels at 03 cts., worth 85. Lots of new things in all lines. Come and see. (iEO. T JONES & CO 400 Uroadway. MISCELLANEOUS. Suannanoa Hotel. I'neicclled cuisine. Popular with tourists, families and buslnei men. lilcctric cars pass the door. RAWL8 BROH., Mildly Propr'a. FITS HV OLD HPKCIALI8T PHYSICIAN. Pottle of medicine Free. We war rant our remedy to pure th mni cases, and the only physidana whodo this to prevent your neina Imposed apoa by nun usIiih false aamea nnd who an aot Doctors. Ik-cause others fnlled la ao reason for not usItiR this medicine. Dive Hi press and I'ost ortice address. It eosts yon nothing. Addteas Asnhcl Medical llurean, 2l Hroadway, New Vor- jana7dwly II RMSIIlil) At'AHTMKNTU TO LBT. Rooms tan he hnd at No. 67 Colleirt Htreet Ikiuinnas the "Uavldaon Hoas'rl newly llirnlshed. Mrs. Hrwin has eharae of the cul inary driiartment and will lurtiiah flrst-rlasa table board If desired at reasonable ratea. knuuirt on tht premises. firbii.Vdlia JriiClAI. MKUTING. A siiedal mretlna of Ashevllle I'h.i.in 1 railed for Wrdnradar 6th, (to night) at S p. m. for Koval Arvh. Dearce work will heei- empiinen ny Mr. 11. a.- ahryork, of Marv- iniui. a mil aitennanceia earnestlvreiiuestrd J A. PORTER, II. P. B OARDINO. Two ilinilile ronimunk-ntluv rooms with ooimi, sultalile for a family of thre or four Persons, rossrsalon ran lie had on March th. Apply at once to Mrs. Trenholm's, siieei. Biarfl3t ,-0 R R K.N'f! ; : Two four room cottages anr one nlac room rmingc on lepol street. .Apnlvto tuarSdlw j. A. tCNKNT. JOTICB. ... m-iiniiie vonniy .Mruirnl HorletT meets the first Monday la each month at 7.30 p. m. Aav liDvslclan or ao.ul ..ai mA eligilik to'meniliership In the State Medical mxiery 01 norm (.'arvllaa, and residing In Western North Carolina, at ay become a mem ber of this society. febaOdlm M. H. FLETCHER. Are. (a OOD BOARD And comfortable rooms can be had by ap plying at NO. 88 WOOUFIN 4T. fcbiodlm wt fri an J"0 LOAN. $A.nOO on Ashevllle real estate. Klght tier eetit. la teres t. Apple to room No. 7. Legal Woch. ftbsadtl L"' A medliim slteil English setter dog. large black and white aoota, aaswertng to the nam of "Res." K suitable reward will be given n returned to DM. a. W. BATTLE, uiarVdHt sat ta th Mattery Park Hotel. liif ' & 1 f an fi . S - i S 5 I 0 i . 3 a "b 1 "s 1 i i i g I I . ' w ' 3 WW i 1i i 1 iiii 1 s ? ; ? t S I I I J I . J ! b ? I 1 I s i a . a- i 5 J t . y Cl'RIill ASHJ,' VILLB A 1) Full Holler Process. Wo Your (Jrocer for Atsheville ItlllUn; Company Flour and Meal W make tht following grades of floui: Belle, Take no other. Cash I'aid fur Wheat, Com, Oats and Ground to Ori'T. Do Cimtoin Grinding Old Depot. ASIIEYILLE COAL COJIPANY, H. T. COLLINH & CO. Superior Hard and Soft Coal Office: Baniurd Building, Patton Avenue. THE ASIIEVIIXE SANITARIUM, ASHEVILLK, N. C, lleautirully Inratrd In a icmve of oaks and white pine, with no dust or noise, at the cor ner ol Oak and Woodltn streets, near the Female Collee, and only three squares from the court house. All modem and latest Improved methods for trriilinir chronic diseases of the luntrs throat and nose, uy the inhalation of vaporised and atomised Maids hv the pneumatic and compressed air apparatua; also Compound Osvxen in connection with the vaporised Bal sam (the balsam obtained from the natural balsam trees near Asbeville.) We also manulaeture a Home Treatment of the Compound Oxygen, which is, In most cases, equal to the office treatment, and will be sent on application by e press, on receipt of price, $12. . Our success here for the past three years with this treatment has been phenomenal, hav ing cured many cases that were pronounced hoiieless, whose names and residences can be obtained by cnlliny; at the Baniturium. Hv permission we refer to the following well-known gentlemen of Anheville: B.J. Aston, ex-Mayor; J. K. keed. Clerk V. 8. Court; Krv.G.C. Ran kin, pastor First Methodist Church ; Rev. W. A. Nelson, pastor l-lrst Baptist Church ; II . T. Collins, Capt. Natt Atkinson. , Board and Treatment furnished to patients In addition to boarding our patients, we have a number of elegantly-furnished rooms to accommodate boarders, who desire a nice, quiet plncc, away from the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, good tare, Unit-class cooking, at reasonable prices. Also, hot and cold hatha. Dr. T. J. HARGAN, Proprietor. HERRING & WEAVER, THE SHOE STORE, NO. 30 'SOUTH. MAIN 8TREBT.' ' - '- While we Have the Fluert and Most Fasihlonable Cood in . V Our We also have the clieapest. Cull and THE BONANZA," TUB LBADINO W1NB AND LIQUOR STbRB OF THB 8TATK, No. 43 South Main Street, ASHEYIIXK, N. C. THE "HICKORY INN" WINE AND BILLIARD ROOM, - - " - . HICKORY, N, C, FRANK LOUGHRAN, dtfrhl'H9 PROr'KJKTllK. SPECIAL SALE FOR FEBRUARY. Clotting out Sale of all 'Winter GoodH. I am koIiik to make things lively at the "SPOT CASH STORB" for the next 30 days. I mnst have room for 8rinn goods and I am going to put prices on goods that will move them. , . J will offer my entire fine of I'nderwear at Just what thev cost me. to close" out Comlorts and Blankets nt half price. Chinese Black Fur Rugs at 3.50, former price f 4.00. Chinese White and Orcy Rugs at $2.5(1 former price 3.oo. Big line of I'mhrellas at prices that will suit any one : 18-rih 2M, 30 and 32 in. at M3c. A nice metal handle at 73c. A Cloriah Silk (gold head) at $1,110. A " " isilver head) at $1.92. Illg Job In Pearl Buttons at 2tAc. rjer dosen. $1 So'" dri'" litnt s"l,ocr' embroidered top, 7Nc, worth $1.00 ; liuthcr at VMt, worth Dress Goods at any price, to close out. I have just received a lot of Hall's Daiaar Forma, and every lady In Asheville who has any dressmaking to do ought to have one." It la a household necessity. Don't forget the place. . : , v 3V.IL,LEA, fcbldty WILLIAMSON & S6N, (StHXTaaorato Hart & WiltiamnonJ w SIANfKACTl'RKRIlOP SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Mouldings, """Stair-Work, Fine In terior Finish, Mantels, Etc., ASHEVILLE, N. C. ACHNTH FOR The Buckeve Puinp, Stwl anil tin Shingles, Floor and Hearth Tilra. fcbtdlj STOVES, TINWARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. ! Plumblns:, meant and Can Fitting. Tin Roofing Gutter! Bmido, only the Best Workman, do good work, and do It promptly. C. S. COOPER, febaodls VV.R TISEMCSTS. Guarantee Satisfart ion. Ask Hnllcr King, lvlvctric l.ijjbt, Carolina Kye. Ilorae und Cattle Feed Miiture for Corn Kye and Oati. Mill aud Yurd ttt at Wholesale and Ketail. Yard: Old Depot. at reasonable prices. Line, see us. pt Cash Store. No. 17 N. Main St. AI1HNTK k M'F'Rs. OF Hvrkit's I'atent Shen thing Lath. 39 South Main Street. II. T. COLLINS, I'Mii'lent. ASIIEUILLE ICE COflPAHV. Pure lee made from Distilled Water. Ice for sstorage in 10 ton lots 30 cents porliundivd. OUtceDarnnrd Duilding. I'atton Avenue. " ' FITZPATRIGK K & ROBERTSON Dealer In Wall Faper, VludowS!iaccaiirt I'atentllaiijjtrHr I'ainU, tills and Vanillic, M..sur's .Mixed 1'iiliils and Colors Wlndaw Class, balk. I rer .k mid American. ' We keep In stock Rt. Louis um nii ucky L - W. T. PKNNIHiK. -JOBHBKS AND HARDWARE ASIIEVILLE, N. C. AGHNT8 FOR ' ; DUPONT POWDER CO., RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORtLaND WAGON CO., ' OLD HICKORY WAGONS. STUDEBAKER WAGONS, . r MOLINE SCALE CO. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. fehUdly Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Clas Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, 18 Patton febiodtf LUMBER (aliO. F. SCOTT, I Successor to Doubleday rt Scott,)"""" North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - DOORS, Olass, Putty, Mine, Plaster- Hair, Shingles, Lath. Pendnn Posts. All kinds of Bulldina Wateriiil. iMTOrders will receive prompt attention. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. an Plans and Specifications' Furnished on Application We have thorough mechanics in cacn line who have hnd many years' experience in their business. We can safely guarantee our patrons satisfaction In our work, a low hKurrs, BALLARD; RICH & IJOYCE. feblRdly , CLOSING ALL WINTER GOODS, 22 THE BIG 2 2 22 PATTON dcbwturl FINE JOB WORK JufinECIALTYr AT NO. 6, ; NORTH COt'KT SQUARE. iors iwB - ---- hbh 19 AJT RUE TOILET VJ XUr'y! Or A880UTtL PURl lNa-ir.Dir.NTl EUTiriE3 Tut TtETH PRISCRVES THE GUVS. tTEN THE BREATH JN0 INJUrtY TO Ti. Er,AMEL ND AOBEEABLt' Without touat as a toilet ; r?EPArlA';iON. fBICt 29 CENT PER B0TTLE"" old bt all onuc jit8 '. M. WINKEIMANN f CO. eaoa CTIatcaM ariO Foranlebv J. t. GRANT, tlawtauZM I). i;.i:.C..N, Smelaiv f tni. leb.".dly w. a. riNNIMlM. ilAM & CO., MUl.IaS IN Avenue. YARD. fcblOdly OUT SALE -OP 1 -AT- AVENIE. JOTICE. Hv virtui; of a decree of the Superior Court of Buncombe county, rendered at the llrcetn- ,';'rT'r",.1J"", 1 on th th dav"f March lNNu, nt the residence of f I VanOilderon College street, in the city of h"h"tll-1Jr''"e auction for cash, to the hiKheat bidder, all the furniture and chatties, conveved by T I VanC.ilder and wile in certain deeds of trust to me Thin mmB1W,!",-"'r" rpct,, chulM. Iwdrooin. library, hall and parlor sets, and other usual household furniture At the same time and place, and under th. wm rVn.d.'i'Tr fi"'1 '" .4hf "a,,,e "'" " " will rent and let the said resilience for the term of on- year from the date of sale For liirther particulars enquire ol the un- dersiitncd at his office or of J 8 Ariiim. attorney at law. or Moore Merrick alt?! neys at law. at their resolve oriices I'ch li iao W W BARNARD leb 14, 18HB IVblodtmar4 'KHSK R. ST,RNIi8, fXIU-KTAKUR ANU KMliALMLK, Asheville, X. C. liven- reijiiisite of the business fur rushed. Plain u-nnd .....l..... d . , "xct, nuiiuil fir otll covered cuuLvia Vl...li: . i. . . , . - , , -w.,(,iiivvoaacia, l"""1 "o eitxaiuiv clrniied. Kobe of all qualities.. Hearse with lieavv wliitc or hliick draia-ry, ' All cilia, (lav or niirtit nn,,i.. twerctl. TeltVnjih and mail lirdcrg lironiat r iittetuln tn r xw.w. , t a Office nnd residence: No, 40, N. Main st.' unJUir.lF ; . .... ODD JOBS AT ODD TIMES, li:.i!Irr - ?ffer" hl" "ervi nrat- ii V.r . , ",i''i'.v on an Kind, of hue light machinery, and work in wood or metal. Has aome experience In opening and , .... .... - -. - iiah ntties, mssitlg AlOdelS. reimlnng Sunxvors' InstrumenU. etc. He S "2"iw f his workmanship, ,l...' """'V.entime that will eon. 1 lllcp nnv r..,.. n. l.. l.lll .. - i-Miii, no wora sonciteu. euut " rc,V,rr ,ki" n,, Keniui to tx- tnncent, j K. IHckersim ft t'o.'l ll.nl... ,varc tJ Asneviue. a. iliarSsllm . ' Value in Old Stamp?, Anv iturttcti 1tns.-i, .. r.. - . , huh n nurennsrr "mf..bvJr,"'l'n,t to nndei signed. i.i. .-.1 7.7 , "'t .I'ariicniarijr oraira- n i1! '""'"lies ara preferred. State prio. In each inatanca and send all enclosures to JY "Citlata Ihihll.Wng c"o.. "Wdawloi Aaaevillc, N. C.