t;::: daily citizzin. The ClTiraa la the mttmt citrnslvrlr rlrru li1 ami Mirijr rritU acwauapcr in WeaKsn r-crlll 1 arohna. Ita i1imunmii irf public mea and measures la ia lb In lervst of public intrant v. horn-at Covernmrnt, and pro.K-rous lliilustiy, anil It nowa ao personal allegiance ia treating pub lic taaor. Imi itiik publishes tht dispatches of the Associated press, which now cover tlir holt world In ita scoiw. It hat other faclli tie of advanced journalism for gathering nrw. from alt quartrra, with everything care fully edited to occupy the amalteat apace. rifiecitnea copies of any edition will be sent free to any one sending their address. TaMa Daily, for one year; $3 for ati sioataa: 60 cent for one month; 10 erntsfor OM week. Carriers will deliver the paierln very part of the rity to aulisriitwrs, and par ties wanting it will picas call at tin CiTuaa office. Advbsthsso Rstss Reasonable, and made hsowa on application at this office. All traaatcat advertiacmcnta wast be paid in as- FRIDAY. MARCH 8, 1880. EADV FOR WORK. The pomp and show of inauguration in OTcr. Tbe pilgrimt from far and near nave returned to their rarioui homes unltM it be few who havebren retained "on duty." Tbe new President and fam ily arc tnugly fettled at the White House for a four-year aojourn, while the chief executive bat been "shown the house" and if now at hit desk ready for work. He has already had a foretaste of what the future bat in store for him. For the patt three days hit time hni been chiefly pent in receiving numerous organiza tions, botb civic and military, and the thousands of visitors who remained a few days after the inauguration that they might sec and greet the new I'resi dent. In these their first atteraptsas national host and hostess, General and Mrs. Har rison acquitted themselves very credita bly and the bearing and hospitality of both promises well for the future social life of Washington. But, though an essential part of tbe duties of the Presi dent, the social side is not the most essen tiaL -To be able to greet with a smile and an approving word the many thousands of visitors who annually make their way to the executive mansion is all very well in its place, but it has very little to do with the welfare and prosperity of the manses. Shaking bands with the Porduuk Valley Harrison Campaign Club, one hundred strong, is not shaking off the burdensome taxes that oppress millionsof hard-working freemen. To greet with hearty wel come, and perhaps appoint to an office, a - brother partisan who successfully mnnip- ..ulated the wires and the boodle in his district, is not the most commendable way to reform the civil service or purify tbe ballot. The President is ready to do good work, is expected to do good work and win tooa have a chance to demonstrate to the people, whether or not their confi dene or judgment was misplaced in electing him to the highest office within their power. President Harrison, the eyes of the nation are upon you. Pro ceed. ALL, WUNO. The Senate branch of the fiftieth session of Congress extended into Sundar on March 3rd. Senator Riddleberger al ways bibulous, at this time became so intoxicated that he actually disgraced his colleagues and the high position he then held. His conduct tiecame so marked and his attempts to clog the closing business of the Senate so trouble- ' some that he was ordered to be taken from the chamber by the presiding offv cer. His disgrace was known and rend of all men, for the press heralded it broad' cast over the country in few hours. It was also written on the official records of the Senate. Out man's sympathy for his brother man is always great and so by vote of that body the personal actions of the ex-Senator during the time men tioned were ordered to be expunged from the records. This was alt wrong. They should have been left where they were, upon the ofti cial record. Erasing them from the book did not blot out the disgrace. Such ac tions on the part of the ex-Senator were of two frequent occurrence to be easily forgotten or erased, hence they should have been left as a warning to future like offenders. Thank fortune, the Senate ofthe fifty-first Congress will not number among Its members the cranky, bibulous Virginia Riddleberger. ' THE END IS) NOT VKT. Although the forger Pigott is dead, the end of the I'arnell commission triul is not yet. It is slowly dragging its way along. New evidence mostly circumstnn cial it being duily brought to light, and charge and counterchnrgesAfe'limdc and disposed of by the attorneys anil courts. It now transpires that several prom inent Englishmen, whether by their own free will or by being duped by Pigott is not fully known, were in duced to give aid, by money and influence to help Pigott "unmask the Pnrnellites." Many of these arc now in sorry plight over the matter and as their letter arc found and brought into court considera ble interest is created. It is but another instance ofthe evils of letter writing. Enough testimony has already been unearthed to prov that the man Pigott was an arch-demon, and that the plot he laid and purposed carrying out was one of prodigious proportions and one that, Ii.kI it m n idi (I, would have worked iu-eiili-iiluMc injury to many of his fellow men. The people of many nations tire watching the probers of the trial with i great interest, and the complete eiouera- j tion of the pntriot leaders of Home Kulfj for Ireland is expected and hoiied. tmky wii.i. hk i-hi;i:kvi:i. , A bill has recently passed the I'nited ( States Senate which provides for tbe : preservation of the inaugural addresses of all the presidents. Ten thousand copies of the addresses will Ik printed at first. They will be arranged in chronolo gical order, with certain historical data connected with the inauguration cere monies, brief biographical sketches of all the presidents, the Declaration of Inde pendence, the Federal constitution, the farewell addresses of Presidents Wash ington and Jackson, a steel engraving of the presidents and suitable index by sub- jects. 'Three thousand copies are to be for the use of the Senate, six thousand for the House, and one thousand for the compilers and editors. This will prove a valuable work of reference for future stu dents, writers and historians as well as make history of an important part of our political literature. ' Grover Cleveland's courtesy to his suc cessor, Mr. Harrison, from the latter's first arrival in Washington until he took the oath of office as President, was the subject of much nntioual comment of a moat flattering kind. Herein the ex President showed himself to be a true gentleman. The day following the in auguration Mr, Cleveland and party quietly left the cnpitol for New York city, bis future home. Yesterday morning in company with his law-partner, Mr. Stet son, he as quietly passed from his quar ters in the Victoria hotel to his law of fice and nt once entered upon the active work of the luw. Thus is demonstrated the beauty, flexibility and majesty of our system of free government. Thus is dem onstrated the modrsty, the sensibletiess, ami the true gentlemanly character of Grover Cleveland. F.UITOHIAt, POINT. Poor, deluded, unfortunate I'igott lies in an alien's grave in fur-off Madrid. ' " Hon. Win. WiiidimiTcreiary of the treasury, has resigned his position as president of the Atlantic and Pacific Railway Company. Of course he will continue to cut c(Hions from the stock hs owns therein. There are severnlother monopoly concerns thut he might with propriety resign from while holding n Cabinet position. After sixteen days of "cut and try" a jury of "twelve good men and true" have bttui found to try Tlumuts II. Kerr, of New York city, on the charge of having bribed the aldermen of t,lic houi d of 1HH4. If the millennium doesn't come before those New Yorkers get through with that bribed boatd of aldermen it won't be be cause it isn't afar off. s t . Judge Charles P. Ditty read a pnjier at the recent meeting of the New York His torical Society on the "liench and Bar of New York in 1789." Judge Daly said that in 1780 there were only 151 law yers in the whole State, of wluim sixty were in that city. This yenr thee ore 3,531 in New York city alone, while the number in the State outside is almost beyond computation, TARIFF MPI.INT1CKM. "An,V man who carries a tin dinner-pnil which is taxed, without his consent, for purposes other than to defray the lawful and legitimate expenditures' of the gov ernment, Is not freeman, because the right to impose such a tax carries with it and implies the right-to tax or take the property of the eitieti in an arbi trary manner and without justice, and uny State that does that is not a democ racy but a ttc!tHjttstn, and the taking is not taxation but robbery. More than this, if out of this whole nation of 65, 4HK,(KK1 only one man should JiroicsT, he is entitled to redress, or the claim of the preamble of tlir l'edernl Constitution, that it was ordoincd to establish ittstice. is but the merest figment of words." David A. Wells. General Katulall is n great godsend to tlie Republican. Their terror has been that they would he compelled to vote on tlie Senate tnrin' bill. That curious Re publican production which lays a duty on cabbages and makes sauerkraut duty tree, which raises the duty tin wool anil lowers that on woolen goods, which in the name of protection to home tunmi lactttrers dermises every legiiiinutc indus try in the country and favors only mo nopolixts has lieen the terror of the Uouse Republicans. To pass ittbev fore saw would In- to receive the sure condem nation of their constituents. To vote against it nicy tiiu not dure, liecnuse It is a party meusuie. To amend it thev did not know how. New York Herald." ' As far as the West and South are con cerned, the tariff gives them no prolcc tion from New Knglmid and Pennsylva nia. . Alabama iron meets Pennsylvania iron in the Louisville market. Tlie mills of Augusta meet tlie products of the nulls of Lowell in Memphis, in. St. Louis, in Chicago with no protection whatever. If there is ttnv virtue in protection, it should lie applied now between the States ; ii ever tne inlitnts ot .New linnlHtiil needed protection from comiietition with Oltl England, our mills and factories need iirotectton irom cniietttioti with tlie lung established mills and factories of t he- East. This is the test which demon. St rates the insincerity of the ltd vocntra of tlie tarill'. Henry Wuttersou. President Hnrrtaon's eutoKv of tlie pro tective system bttrdly conifHirt with liis wnniiiiR to Rrent corporations to ntore tcrupuloiisly olmerve their lc;nl liniitn tions ntid tlutks. mitl with hit nphorsism that Kit unlawlul exeilient cnunot lie come prnmineut cotnlttion of government- A yoke is yoke, wbetlier it be formed ol leather or of (jld ; and Mono oly could not cit unless tupported br n unjust aystem of tariff Iitwi. i'hiln delphia Kecord, DRY GOODS, JVWKLKY, AC. Great Excitement in! New York City. E. II. Wright, of Ikwtic Hros. & Wright, and Charlie Wanton, , formerly' of lire vard & Ulanton, arrived in New York City last evening to buy the largest wtock of Spring (roods ever brought to AHheville. Lookout for new advertisement. New Goods and New Prices. HosTir Hiios. & Wukjht. OUR MOTTO : Neat, Prompt and Reliable. Hriiir your repairing to beutltuarters. Watch, clock and jewelry repairing in a leiuliiiK fentnre of our business. Work entrusted to us is certain to re ceive careful ami intelligent treatment from epert and skillful hands. lVlicatr and costly timepieces should " i he entrusted only to thoroughly com)-; tent wntclinwikers. ;AH work ptmranteetl. Prices always reasonable. - - LANG'S JEWELRY STORE, South Main St. Asheville, N. C, tl&wtmarG The Leading Store of the dtjr for Ladles la KSTABROOK'S, aa H. Main Street. The greatest variety of nice Kunda.'such as Hook), Htatlouery, Fancy tUoodu, To, ;'"""" Paliitltnf, Kngravlngs, Frames, Western North Carolina I Views. Novelties, Etc., Etc. j Kvervone Is phased and all sattafted with 1 what they hay at this place. I Their stock Is of the Inrat and prices always ' reaaonable. Huaineaa men w ill had the lar-" gest and best line of Hlank Books and Olhee ' Stationery in W. N. C. 1 Art Studio over store, whet visitors ran -obt aln local sketches In oil or water colors. ! tebl4dtf HICIIUXl) HOUSE, Corner Main mid Dqiot, WAYSESV1LLE, N. C. Koumt newly fumwlwd. Fr tlie best i tlie market fford. Good tumple room, j SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Term: $1.00 per tiny. G. D. L, ALLEN & SON, Froprirtor. , j po RENT I to In Wi-rom suarildut I '.r ." -ocesireet. Apiilvto UK. W. ii. IllLLlAku. V MISCELLAXi:OVS. FRESH SEEDS! Garden Seeds, Field Seeds, Flower Seeds, OnioifSets, Irish Potatoes, " Early Corn, Peas and Beans. All Fresh Stock, No Old Stock, No Commission Seed. T. C. SMITH & CO., Wholesale and Ketail DRUGGISTS. THE 'CITIZEN PUDLISIIING COMPANY, No. G North Court Square, Ik prepared to do liijih-ii-fide work at LOW RATES Hemline they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. nimmmi PUIILISIIXO CO. j : KI-AL LSTMi:. j Vii..W."cckc," Jr.," Irealestateakoi'eralehcker, Atilievllle, N. C. Clin wll you one milium arm of It ml, in trniHn from 50 to 1x,mm) mm, Ilavr n aumhrr of city lots, tin proved and unim proved, whiih I can aril on the bent uf trains. , If wots unl m ltirirr nr amul. furm all tin nit. ! If you want minerals .if any kind, you need Ko no further. If yon want timber lands, I I this is heail(uurtrrs. In fait I can suit yon in anythinx you want in my line. Services ofa first-clans civil engineer und practical surveyor engage to show up all property when required. I have had fifteen yeura' experience in the real estate business, and think I know what will please. Prompt attention to all inquiries. u V 2 f W.JJOkTi.ASU, Ileal Estate Broker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Pattun Avenue, rlomard Building, feblxlljr D. S. WATSON, Real Estate Agent, (Not a Speculator.) Having by practical experience thoroughly yitematiied my sales department, I ofl'er SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS " To those wishing to sell, and. BARGAINS to those wishing to buy. I have some of the best property for sale in Ashrville which can be bought low down. Also, country property. Manganese, Iron. and Timber Lands Call and examine my list before purchasing. D. 8. WATSON, Southeast Comer Court Square, dtmayt - - Anhevtlle. N. C. J. N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. School mid College Text Bookw, a full line. Poets, II iw tory, Itomance, PioTuph.v, Travel and Novels, Funiilv HibleH, S. S. Bibles and Test- iiminitu- livf-ivl T',,,,,.1,, i. 'i i ' '"," v it-iniir-in I Bibbs Son?? Books of nil K1IUIS, l)ir!XeSt()('KritltH)nei,V, lr'atl5' uml Promptly done at reasonable Blank Books and Office and i u""' School Supplies. New linei satisfaction guakantkbu. iuiies aim uents books just owned. Goods and Dolls. feblodlr Pocket ; Frtlicy sOTICB la hereby icivrn thut anoliention nlll l- 1 marts 4o th present seaaion of the brsHalature i ot isortn Carolina for the Incorporation ot j the "North Baatern Land Company." .vS- W. BATTI.Ii, I W. T. PBNNIMAN, ! T. W. PATTON, W. W, WKST. febiodlm W. B. GWY.N. JAMKS FRANK, DKAI.HS l."t FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Recms Creek Woolen Mills, North Main Street, . Asheville, N. C. feblOdly yB. WOLK14, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. All kinds ofermcnt woik ilom. Jobbing and kalsomining proniptly at tended to. Residence. Cluyton St. Orders can be left with VV. H. Westall : Co. fctiVdein THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main atreet, opposite the post office. tliien daily, except Sundays, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m., and 4 until 0 p. m. The terms ol subscription are: One year $f; 6 mua., S1.50; 3 tnos., 1 ; 1 mo., So'ets.: dully 2 rla. Officers for INM'tl'rraident, R. R. Rawla : Vice-President. Charles W. Woolsev; Sec. and Treaa., D. S. Wataon; Librarian, Miss B.J. Hatch. Citisens and visitors are cordiallr invited to inajiect the catalogue and inscribe their names as members. febftritf MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 22 Patton Avenue, talrrtwood & Stlkeleather, Proprietors. (!-t- All ordc leb41y promptly attended to.- QVKRSliliRS V. ANTliHK BRVWHb'RB At home or to travel. We wish to employ a reliable person in your county to tack nil advertisement and ahow cards of Electric I'.ooda. Advertisements to be tiukvil up ey, erywhtl. iiii trees, fences and turnpikes, in conapicuoua i)la. in town and comitrv in all parts of the I'nited State and Canada Steady employment; wages $2.50 tier dav expenses advanced; notitlkingrequimi. Lociii work for all or part ot the time. Address, with stamp, KMORV t CO., Managers. 241 Vine St., Cincinnati, O, .No attention paid to postal cords. dtmnr4 f Rl'STBB'SBALB, 1 Bi VPH' nt rtecH of tr"" executed to me VLm nt anil wife, dated February 7, hhh and duly regiatered in Book 12, Page .1 H" thr iwymrnt of certain notta mentioned therein, I will sell t public auc Hon for one-half cash and balance in six months, on the premises or at the court house iiihII,"e- N' C" m Wednesday. March 20, 1NMJ. the protierty dcscTilie,! in aald trust, said proiHrrty Wing situated in the Citv oi Asheville, on French Broad Avenue and VVM Ham Street, adjoining hinds of W. M. Cocke jr.. and Messrs. Bnird and Alexander; eon' taming two acres more or leas w ith three dwelling hilliaea nuH th. i I Thia the lHth day of Pebrnarv. 1k.su jebindlm J. W aSCIIAUTLE, 1 1 7 MERCHANT TAILOR 4a N. Main St. fcb2odly ROOM FACTORY. H AM OrtO N. LOCKWOOD. UASD-llADB ; Krooms, M hlskN, Hearth and Celling Broomst. j Mill and Factory grades a specialty, uuo : tations and samples free. fcb'lOdW 'jkOTICB. .... - I j t!S, tilTi'T!lt'n f" ! ColinaMlb'conegc Nrth I J. A WATSON, M. t).. VNOiTlVB'Sl,'KK",'M'-I','EVW,th,n,rt,ta" iK b"n" ! . I wars on hand. ft.1,1 -i.in KbiMdirn A ,NKW PKBtl, earerully prepared bv lead. bar (on nerl. m. """ i""vnmini anil hem w na - . rtn nil -s. ... . V Klri, ary nomta, Juat out and now lmn. ..f (k. . lNn N - -- r-i'ai.iaii. 1 o Co., No. 6 North Court Square. Itautwtf . 7. - , M UTi&iSJS-A't estate. Eight r misci:llai:oi s. POWELL & SriIDER ARE THE CI S- Indians ..I the public hnpniiiraa Mini III. v pro-1 ,,,,,1 entitx-lv new lliiilULeuit ns )H,r that evei yliod ahn.l have good tune . ...i.t. us. It tllev eun lit Ip t h'-m to it liaivciullv thoael' . ... . . . tnut nave a nnni tiuii-moat ! mc yrarwiu ?."'! 'fe J.V;ri" 'VL.l.h' If you hard to YOU ARE TI'iE C'US- turner we nre after. UVII ui- "u. pieiiM. j (inure do you want. If you v:int to know' vou, satixlv voti, mukc vm utmjy. vtbat' whether we are able to ke.u our word. whether we can luu-k all our limit with good j conscientious performance, why . I ASK ANY OLD CIS- tomer of ours and we'll stand by hit. ttrttti mony. A man ttaot won't keep bin word, that k back on his prominett, that ttien to work op a snap . HE ISN'T WORTH A CUS- j imlore or any other cheap and nasty article. with us? If so just gets move on you and come to n e wuni to give you a guou time. Are you POWELL & SNIDEA, GROCERS, ASHEV1LLK, N. C. dttuarlS COWAN, B. H. COSHY, Siicccasor, 27 Pattou Arentic, i Healer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silver 1 anil t'latt-d Ware, Optical Goods, Gold fens, t ! Aic., ike. : Large and varied Hsortnient of Ladies' nnd trfntlemen's Gold Watchoa at low price. , Largest assortment Of Wedding Kings in thAairin(finvvatthc,clwk,,anil. w. The present proprietor shall neglect no ef-. fort to merit a continuation of the patronage j so largely liestowed during many years upon i his predecessor. dawtmar5. ; IMCHMONU & DANVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. I Western North Carolina Division.) PASSKNOKK PHrKTaHiNT,. 1 "'AfllViLLE, N. C, Jan. 1, 1WH9. , PASSENGER TKAJf SCHBDi'LE. In Effkct Jan. 1, 1889: 1 No. 61 No. 53 " 140pm 64Jpm 10 20pm 100am 700am 8 2oain 1047am 1 20pm BOOpm Lv. Anheville. 955pm 437am 947am 1245pm 7 85 pm 9 20pm .HOOam 6 2iiam Ar. Salisbury, " Danville. " Lynthliurg, " Washington " Hultimorc, " I'hila., " New Y'ork, " Boston, 830pm Richmond, 30pm 5 15am Raleigh. 7 50am 1145am 1 112pm 3 10pm floopm Goldsboro, Wilmingtort I 'I No. 55 j Lv. Asheville, ArSpartnnb'K " Charlotter : " Columbia, ; 'JL'harleaton, ' " Augusta, " Savannah, " Th'sville.Oa I 8 3(iam j 1150am j 5 30pin 4 40pm 0 10pm 905pm 15nm 1 40pm 12 00 111 i040pm 7 25am 1 55ptll 7 2tlpm Juckaonvllle ' Atlanta, ' MnnlKom'y ' Mobile. ' New Urleunsj lNo. 50 I No. 52 I No. 64 Lv. Asheville. 7 Klnm 444pm I 610pm 8 5opm I 54ain 1 1 45nm 5 3(lpm I Ar. Hot Springs " Knoxville. " Chnttan'ga, Nnshville, " Memphis, Lv. Ashevil.e, Ar. Hot Springs " Knoiville, " Louisville, " Cincinnati, " Chicago, " St. Louis, 7 lOpni 8 40pm U20am 1 10pm 15pm 010am 740am 9 20nm 1 10pm 444pm Slopm 850pm 715am 1 1 43am 640am 30iim 6 3iipm; 7 40pm J45pmj Mr Sleeping cars on all night trains. JAS. L. TAYLOR, W. A. WINBI'RN, O. P. A. i). p 'A. SOL. HAAS, T. M., Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, March 1, at 6.30 o. m. Car leaves Court House 0.30 a. m. " " " 7.00 ' ), " 8.00 " Prom then till 7 p. m. car 'leaves court house every 30 minutes. Alao. ear leaves court house at 8.00 n. m and U.00 p. nt. 1 FARE, FIVE CENTS. TLANTIC COAST LINE. On and after this date the following sehed ules will be run over ita "Columbia Division " No. 53 Leaves Columbia , s 30 p m v(, Arrives ntChnrleston 9.30 p.' m. No. 52 Leaves Charleston 7 10 a m Arrives at Columbia 11 ..83 a. m' Connecting with trains to and from nli points on the Charlotte. Cnlnmhia jt. .. ! K1i".,.'',.R,,,1 Columbia Ik Greenville Railroada. 1 'liny. 1 1? .,T-..i)LoRN!KRSON- "' ,ss. Agt. J. P. DEVINK, Gen. Sunt. JkoTlCB. Application will be made to the prracnt sloii ot the (ieiii-riil Assembly of North t scs una to charter a turnpike road from South P'isgan' jedlm JZtiZt-' '( Bl'C K LAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, aro NO. 10 PATTON A VBNt'B, IVgs to announce that he has received his samples for the ensuing soring and ' ,L ami aska the public to call and exnmine. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN 10 CI kav Jnntf KHFAIRINO AND ALT BKIN& J. V. BROWN Will continue the undertaker's businessat his old stand over J. R. IMckerson & Co.'s Hanlware Store', under the firm name of J V. RROWN & CO. Having thirty years' esperience as snrirr. U'""r "nd "'". ne.,uled facilities ,"'-V,,"S ,Bftl " 'M-cl ction. i Calls promptly attended to at .11 hours. .fo LOAN, eent. rn HIiKk. .-... interval, jtnul In v v . l.l. ' I. l-egai STRICTLY FIHST-CLASS PHIVATE BOAIIO. Till! THOMAS ilOI'SK. Mi A H HATTER V PARK. ' "" """'j uift-ciiisy 1 I stele. TKA.XKIr'KT ON kl-.l.l LAN IMlAKIlKHS TAKKN : .virulent Looking. K;ites Kcnwiuiiiik. MRS. K. LACY & SON. ' ! Proprietors. lltf ; ITV KKHTAI KANT. PATT0N AVENl'E, I'nder Redwood' Store. Meals at all hours. Ai the deliendes M the season served in all aiieties and In the best style. 1 , Oysters, Game, Steaks, The Besf of Hot Coffee. Fresh Norfolk Oysters received every : y. ' n retail trade supplied. . j Have added a new broiler; steaks, oysters, I etc., etc., done to a turn. " j dtmarJ3 . T. J. Sl'MNHK. IJHIGHTI K THAN EVEN! THl- STAR OF Bl'NCOMBB, i (HtAND CENTBAL HTEn. i . - . i WM7 Arrivals lanuarv and February, 1mm7 j 20S0 ArrivalB January anil February, AHUH. THE MOST POPULAR $2.00 IIOISE IN THE STATE. l.t.ooo arrivals ilurim. ih. j than every other hotel in the city. I We bid fair to register 25,ooo this year, ! " . c ;.!."?.HIr.....EV' P'ect!' Only hotel In the centre of the city. Give us a call. d,,ur S- R CHW'BHTKk So Tdelightful Excuasioin ASIIEVILLK "TO HOT SPUINGS. , .wuuu , np 1 icKets only S4.80, including a J full day's board at the I ! MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. U. 1 w . The Baths in Marble Pools and Porcelain Tubs are the finest and most luxurious in. America. The Hotel is NEW, AND FIUST-aA! In Every Piirtlindir. UNEXCELLED IN ITS Cri8INItv The place is a eharming, spot. stle, among and sheltered by IHisrlad Mountains where there is no fog, no dust, no malaria. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely lierfeet drainage. dtll2 Ifany dealor saya h has thW. I,. Dm, via Shoes w II bout naiua and pric 11110?. the bcttoui, put liiu down as a fxaiX W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR CENTLEMEN. his HHAIL i 4.IHI IIANI-SKu'V-li H ?V5 J.V. .1 ptiur;, fi.su watKiiM.tv.lA';f-!lolk' W. L. DOUGLAS W. L. 1K3UOLA8, BKOCKTOIT, MASV For mtlebv HERRING & WEAVER, elwif-rs Rraenaiii It mm m-mm . msllgnsnt tmaklng nnt on my leg whlrK eaused Inlnlmhk. palnT U Wm ttlkd enui by tin, 4tor-loif 3 id, r Mm 1 . . .. -'hiel u aiy sUmatioB ! tW N. loth 8L, SU Louis, jjn, Osr bsh when two Biogths oht w ttuckad ,,h Hcrofi.lt which fue kTn? U""'irw?M,.lw' y1frht entirely. ,,,3 . Z.-..T. y" "er ills. Tlio Sirr brscinc. w k-K o.,. svs hot ur and whTTrth Jt V. Dun, n Ul i 1'ou.L ttaas. n HT8nn for kouk rtvtnf hl.tory of "d s.Ivkxi to suBorom, oiiasi tllsm Uslledfrca. laS SWirr KnrnuHI.. j.mm.,WM :'s Manssss ln , Allsaut, tJa frIC'akltf las ldcheod

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