I, f . ; n u:.v citizen V ,11 be p,ilH-brd every morning learrpt Mon rUrl nt ue lotiowmg rulea ttnttly ta.n.' c Vr.r ' 1 Month 3 OO 1 nrr MwiillH.,.. 1 Ml (i,r McimU t' One virek ,n Our carrier, will deliver the paper every Biortittiir In every part of the city to oar aub-M-nliera. and partua wanting it will please call at the CiTiixn Other. FINANCE AM) COMMERCE. TIIK WOKIJI'd MAKKKTH MV Tl.l.l.t.HAI'll. New Adyertineroentft, Attention City ftchoola P. P. Claxto. I'alted taisa alg-ual Hcrrlcc tui tion. Aabevllle, T. C. l.ATrrrnii. 88. aa Host. I-osnrron 83.36 Wsrr. buavAiioa. 2,8Su FT. Meteorological report for 24 hour ending t p. at.. Marca 7. lMHav 7 a nt 8 TKMPERAf L'KK.' Northern Bxpo.ure, Bhnded. l2pmifpmMax. Min. Dally Mean. 148.(1 I 89 lftl.8 I 8S 1 40.7 TUWT6lNt7 7am 25 Horn 3- "ABrtO. HUMIDITY: 'BBCTHUUIDITV: 2 pm I Dally Meaa. 83 Daily Mean. 1 833 Honey and tlecurlllen lotion Provisions) and Prnduce, iimir jnuiecriiiTiKi. KKWVomt, March 7. Exchange (lull tint fairly steady. Monry eay. . . .... . .. Hub-Treasury balances tiolu, 13l.o.i,- lUMi- eiirn-tii'V. S17.4:fl.lHNI. j ' . . i i liovernmrnt bonu, nun V crnta, S1.2U4; h cents. ktal hl.nf Ifhl 1 It lltUUI. 1I. ( I.A 2aS H6 I.N. V. Central lONH Ala. Claw B.0S..1I1 N. VY. pld lia. 7s, mort ion, j:oruicrn .VC. Cons., OS...W 1-- r f" N. C.Cons., s u ll'aeihc Mall.., r Hrown's...lnA Heading lenn. tiel.. bs,,. 7amicn. at auc Viruiniatia at . I'ullll,. Virginia Lima... 85 Kock Island. rtur in western .loSt. Paul do UU1...1 U. on piu tb.1 A, I .ark l-HH.-.Tex. Pacilic li,it .... SJUVsiTcnnCoulAtlron , liaat Tcnn im4 Union Pacilic 'l i ul. Km.rr lO.'li.N. I. Central 0 L.011. a Nh eiVtiMu. Pacilic. ....... 7l' Fac... 2l( 8 40H 17 2V tt4 2"-i I BAROMETER. PaBCIPITATION. Corrected for altitude and temperature. Rain and I Snow I ' Melted Snow. Depth.. Dally Mean. Inches. Inches. 0 O I 29. hti-hi Weatern Inion.. Cottonseed Utl Ccrlilitalr. o ASHE VllLE A I) VEK TISi:.lETS. "BUY IIOMK-7.IABK GOODS." Full ItolltT Prtxi.-Hs. Your CJrowr for We (luiiniiitv Satisfiu tion.. Tlit'"It;i( k't Store" has u" iif.'W HiipiJiy oi window ShadcH, full HizeH, different roloi-H, at 33, 58 and 78 ctH. ea h with fixturcH all com plete, well worth double the money. We alao have Curtain Fixtures and fixturen for JAHheyille 3IiUing Company Flour and 3Ical I'oleH to be wold BeparatelyJ . We make the following grurfes of flout : Holler Kinu, liUvtrie I A)ih, Cnrolinu llelle. Take no other. Ciuh Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats ami Kye. Home aiitl Cattle Feed Mixture Oroimtl to t in'f. Do Custom Grinrlini; for Corn Kve and Oats. Mill and Yard nt Wood ! Old Dr,Mt. - II. NT, COM. INS. I'uiiil.nt. i:. i:.i:ac.an, Sectct..( A S 11 E V E L L E ICE COLiPHHY, sicl Pure be made from Distilled Water, be for xtonte in 10 ton lots 30 tents perlmrKiivd. utiue narnaru imihiinr. l'atton Avenue. W. T. I'KSNIM S. , J, I'KNMMAN, Curtaiii PoIph in Ebony, Wal nut and Cherry, with HruhH or Wood TrimmingH at about half the UHual prieeH. K. . BUCK, M. D., Oliaerrer. CONNeUV' RKTl'RK. The Departlns ex-Clerh ef Iredell nperior Court at Home. taUaTitle Landmark. "Tuesday evening's train from Char lotte brotight a surprise to the people o Statesville. J. B. Connelly, the default ine ex-clerk of the Superior Court, am v ed on it, with his wife and youngeni child They took a carriage at th station and were driven to the residence of 0. M. Connelly, on Front street, ant' yesterday Connelly was on tin' street shaking hands with bis acquaintances He does not look as well as when he left and says his health has not been the sarm but his spirits are fairly good and his confi dence in his own integrity is unshaken He said on the train, on his way up, that he was neither ashamed nor afraid tc face bis enemies. It was supposed when it was learned that he was in town, that he would be at once arrested. but Sheriff Allison was in the country Tuesday night and yesterdny and so he was not disturbed. The sheriff is in town this morning but no stqm had been taken hi the case up toll o'clock. Et-Judge Montgomery, of Concord and ex-Solicitor Adams, of Asheville were here lust Saturday having beet retained in Connelly's interest,' to as certain of Solicitor Lone what bom' would probably be required in case of hi: return, and it is believed that the rctun of the fugitive is a result of the visit ant in pursuanctnof the advice ofhiscouusel.' Poraonal Uonalp. 1 Alderman Miller returned from Wash ington yestcrdar. He states that he had a good time generally, and that the rest - of the Asheville delegation will return borne to-day. Late arrivals at the Battery Turk yes terday were, R. H. Wright, of Augusta, Ga., A. L. Kobinson, Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. S, Parmelee, of Cleveland, Ohio. The many friends of Mrs. A. J. Lyman will be glad to learn of her return to tbt city. Mrs. Lymnn has been absent over ; two months, during which time sht visited Hartford, New York, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Washington and Rich mond; In all of which cities she was the recipient of many courtesies. While in Washington, she was the guest of Miss Patterson, called and shook hands with President and Mrs. Cleveland, and at' tended receptions at secretary 's Whitney 's and secretary Endicott's. While in Rich mond, she was the guest of Miss Lyons, and her fortnight's visit there was one round of gayety. Among the entertain. ments in her honor was a large theatre party given by Mrs. Connnlly, a full notice of which appeared in the Rich- Blond papers and the New York Sunday Herald. .viein. at Char 01 iloh. atOlno lOVa uta. a Chat... v rfofac.lattnort BU COTTOH. Liykspooi.. March 7. Noon Cotton HnaincM good at unchanjjid uiicta Amert- an muilliuk- oll-io, aici apeiu- ailon and eiport. I.ooo. Receipt 3.0O4J, American 2.2oo. l-'umrre quiet out aliauy. 'i . a. American kooo niHiuuiijc o jo-i". .niiidliDK Sll-lo, low middling- QVi, Ifoou jrdinary r, oruinary 0V4. io-lay incluilrd a:mm American Mann i,- aciltra; Aiann iouavim .ra; April and May. 0 4-0. acllera; May and une u O-, atliera.june uuu juij " -rm-i-m. elltre: lu v anU AttKual n o-o. aillera; au- ut and hcpumlier B aeilers tiepU'in- ,er ami uctoicr o w-o. acinra. hiuini i , scllira. Future. Kluta irregular. NSW VOKK, M.rcn O. COUlin nrm, quiet. ,alc. to-ilay 4HU balea; uplaou. 1U 8-ib; ir.M 10 7.1U. Kxuortii t.rcai oni- iin UHJvl hftiea; continent noio. rrouve OIMj. btoca 7UU.0W- balea. MW Yosk, March 7. Cotton Net re- eipi. t4; groaa 8621 Future, cloacd U-aUy. bait. P, low oaica. ; darch ... V.vMa U.UUibept B una WD 4urU lo.oriaio.oiiiuct .7a .7tt 4ay lo,13alO.J4No b.U5a .67 nne........io.viuiu iiec w o.wo ,uly lu.27ulu.2M,jan v U.7u U.70 kug.... ...lo.aaio.uo OALVKilTUN, aiarcn. ,. motion nrui, &i'r. receipt 5i3. N0KP01.K, Marcn 7. cotton nrnii - v 18-1 ; receipt. UALTiMoaa, Marco 7. cotton quiet, to o- 18; receipt. . hobton. Murcn 7. cotton quicc, loi; receipta427. W ItUINOTIIN. . c., Ainrcn COllOB uriu, J; rccvipt. . I lliLAhKLPlllA, Murih7 Cottuu nrm iOth; eccipt.4Aii. ' aAVAMNAH, Ainrcn o. cuuud uuki anu dnii; 9 " lrt; receipt. 4os. Nsw OnLKAKa, March 7. cotlouuuiri.no eteady; M 15-1 ll, receipt. x 124. MiiMil.K, Marco i. cotton nrra, via-in, -ccclpt. A0M. MKHrllia, Marcn 7. cotton very orui, v 3-1H receipt. 23U7. Aiiot'.i A, Miinh 7. Cotton Arm, 10; re- .elpl. lurt. C hamlk.ton. Marcn 7. cotton nrm, lull, receipt.- . PHOVIMOM. AND rUMCR. Baltiuokk, March 7. 1'lour moderately Tooth-Picks at 5c. a box, usu ally sold at 10. Don't know how many to the box, about a quart, though. Only a "Racket Store" can sell them at ." cts. and make any money on them. A small lot of Larj'ting at your own m ice, to close it out. One piece all-wool 3-ply at 65 cts., was 78; one 2-ply at 60 ctH, was 75 ; one piece Cotton at 40 cts. , was 48 ; Kag Car pet at 25 cts., worth that to weave it. 13 yds. Brussels at 65 cts., worth 85, Lotn of new things in all lines. Come and see. (1E0.T..10NES.&C0, 406 Broadway. vmm & co., ,Ri;t.HtM UrCLhKH H AiRIDH W ! A i Ri E ASHEVILLE, N. C. ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, II. T. COLLINS & CO. Sujrerior Hard and Soft Coal at Wholesale and Retail. DUPONT POWDER CO.. OLD HICKORY WAGONS, ENGINES, SAW MILLS, ETC. fel)9dly AGENTS FOR RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTLAND WAGON CO., STUDEBAKER WAGONS, MOLINE SCALE CO. M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. Office: Barnard Building, Patton Avenue. Yard: Old leiot. THE ASHEVILLE SANITARIUM, , ' ASHEVILLE, N. C, Beautifully located In a (trove of oak. and white nerot oak and WoodUa street, ntr the Female court hottae. . te pine, with no duat or noiae, at the cor Collcxe, and only three aquarca from the All modern and latent Improved method, for treating .chronic dineane of the tunx throat and noc, by the inhalation of vaporized and atomized fluid, by the pneumntie and compreaaed air appnratua; alio Compound UxyKen in connection with the vaporixed Bal aam (the balaam obtained from the natural buuuim tree, near Aaheville.) Wheat Southern earner aio manotactnre a Home Treatment or the Compound Oxvifen, which l, in most cam, eoual to the ortice treatment, and will be sent on application by exprc... on receipt of price, fi 14. Oar .ucce. here for the na.t three veara with thi. treatment hM hwn ohmommnl. K inn cored many caae that were pronounced hujielcH., whoae nnmea and reaidencea can lie obtained by callinK at the sanitarium. By permianion we refer to the following well-known gentlemen of Aaheville: B. J. Aatan, ei-Mavor; J. E. Reed, Clerk V. 8. Court; Rev.G.C. Ran kin, paator First Methodi.t Church; Ree. W. A. Nclnou, pastor Fimt BapUat Church ; H. T. Collin., Cupt. Natt Atkinaon. Board and Treatment furnished to patienta at reasonable prices. In addition to boardlnx our patient., we have n numlier of elefrantly-fumiHlicd rooms to accommouatc ooaniei., who ueaire a nice, quiet place, away troiu the hotels. Nice rooms, new furniture, g-ood fare, nral-cluss coukiuK, at rensounble prices. Also, hot and cold baths. Dr. T. J. II ARGAN, Proprietor. FITZPATRICK BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealers in Wall Paper, Window Shade and Patent Hanger, Paints, Oils and Vurnishca, Mnxury's Mixed I'uints mid Ci'lore. Window Glaa., both .French and Amcricfiii. We keep In stock 8t. Louis and Kentucky .end. Mindly Anything; In .the Jewelry Line at LOWEST PRICES For First Class Goods. Active and atrauy. -Fulti Uflal.uil; l.oiiKlierry l,uoal.07: A'eatern atvoiiK No. 2 winter red apot and March u;i'jitw;ii. Coin Kotittarru steady o hrin, white and yellow tou-il; Western inn. 1.0I ISVILLS, March 7. ra)n steady. Wheat No. II red HU; Lunulierry Ml. Corn new niied aV; No U white Oala No. II nixed 27. Frovimon. .teady. Bacon clear ,loa tl.uo; clear 7.00. Bulk meats clear rilM I, rill; shoulder, a. Mess pork 1.1. So; .ugar -urtd bam. lU.Qoal l.a5. Choice leal lard J. Cincinnati, March 6. Flour .teady. Wheat .teady Nu. X red UflttUT. Coin ttroiiKcr No. U iniscd 85. lints flrnier No. 4 mixed aoaatH,. Fork 1'J.US. l.uid light .leiiiaiid, lower to a. II, at tl.Himtt.U7U Bulk meat, quiet and hrm. Bucon .teudy and iiichanxed. Hog. hrin common andliKtit l iniH .711: paekmi and butcher. STiaVhlN, rV'Inskcy steady Mr. I.oi'is, Mo., March 7. Flour steady demand and busines. liKlit; Wheat hluhrr No. ii red caah UUHIM.I, hid; May Uou-Sa MlVt Corn eab higher and hrin No. U .nUcd caah VMl,; May at, bid. Out. lower No 2 cash V Mai closed KYI, bid. Whiskey Heady 1.1)3. Provision, .trongcr. Fork lii.H7V. Lard prime .teamed o 7a (ill. Dry .alted llieuls; shoulders 5 115; longs and ribs 0.41; short clear tin. Bacon shoulders d.a.i, loiigs and ribs 7.10a 7.1), .ilort clear 7 rirhaiii. lllalW. Ckicauo, March 0. Flour quiet and un changed. Wheat No. Wapriuti l.diHjitl l'i4 No, ii red 1.uoat.(loLt. Ouls No. J -Jf,. Men pork lV.oi'al.l.oo. l.itril ll.wouil mil,, .short rib. n.iriail.'J '.; .houldcran.aa5.a7ti; short clear 6. tVoaU.tlUVi. W hiskey l.UH. Ltading luturc. t-riuy ranged a. follow.: Opening. Highest. Closing n neat no, is March May l.ii'Ji 1.114 June UMVs UHU Corn No. 'J March ., MS May .Mil am, Tuae, ao?i. an Hats No. 11 March 2.114 May U7 h 87V Juuc unt MISCELLANEOUS. Swannanoa Hotel. I nexcelled cuisine. Popular with tourists, families and business men. lilectric car. pass the door. RAWLM BKOH.. fe 111 illy Propr'a. t 2 REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. BURT DENISON, febHIdtl' 18 Pattou Avenue. LUMBER YARD. THE 1.0(11 l.tWU .H7V S.1I 811 1, 3'a a.iti 2, 2UV, Pavement raratrrapha. cuiiureu ot the city schools are re quested to meet at their restiective schools to-day at ten o'clock. Tobacco sales yesterdny aggregated about forty thousand pounds. Trices food; quality of offerings medium. Buncombe superior court convenes Monday morning, Judge C.ilmer on the Mrs, Com Married. Charlotte Cor. Richmond Dispatch, Quite a sensation was created here this afternoon in society circles when it became known thnt Mrs. Alice W. Coxe had wedded Amos J. Wnlkcr, a prominent broker of New York. Mr. Walker arrived in the city four days ago. The nmrringe ceremony was performed nt the residence of the bride's mother, Mi s. S. E. Wil liams, on Tryon street, no one but mem bers ol the family being present, The wedding took ptn.ee nt 4 o'clock this afternoon, and the couple immediately boarded the train for an extended bridnl tour through the West. The bride is quite a favorite in Charlotte society, and is the divorced wife ofFruiik CVxc,, oj New York. ' "- ' " ' :"' Henderaonvllle News, From the Time. Capt. R. H. Maguire, merchant of this place, has made an "assignment for the benefit of his creditors. the Mud Creek drainage bill hs passed both bouses of the legislature. We hope soon to see its provisions carried out, which will give us the best count r in the State. Dr. T. A. Allen, who was recently appointed by the governor as a delegate to the quarantine convention at Mont gomery, Ala., left for that city on Mon day morning last, and will be absent for several days. Maj. L. J. Pace is taking in the inaugu ration festivities at Washington. He is hilly eighty, but will enjoy the fun equal tq the jolliest youngster in the lund. We bopt to bear from him on his return. Durham had only two deaths in Feb ruary, soys the I'lant. THE LOCAL MARKET. COMHHCTIP DAILY. The followiiiK price, can be obtained for country produce: Cabiiaitra, nicely trimmed, perth l1 8orHhum Molasses, cr Kui it3u;io aides Bacon, peril) ,..,.Mt,4Iu Irish potatoes, per bu ..OiiailA Wheat, per bu 1 oil Flour, per cw t 3.50a:i (in corn, perbn ..Hnaiin Chicken. 12t,a20 Biota, per doa UnlO Butter, per lb , 201M Turnips, per bu, , 25 Carrots, jier bu , 70 Pur.-nilis, isrrbu...,,,, ,,.70 Onions, per bu , .....1 .00 Cow I'ras, pcrbu..... , 7onl.(Mi Celery, per bunch , .4 Beef, per lb uross. ...... .3a- Mutloa, per lb uros. 8u4 On a High Plane and the Policy Liberal. Ilrndrraonvillc Times. We HtfyritTtTwStorte WPHiniUv provement made in the Asheville Citizen under the new management. It is now conducted on a high plane, and the pol icy is liliernl. It is a aper that all can rend with pleasure and then recommend to their neighbor. Mr. Ii. McMimi has been a)iKinted correMimlcut and agent at Ilendcntonville. This is a wise selec tion, and as we know that the talents and energy of Mrs. McMitm willdomuch for the town mid comity in this new field, we liespcak for her the encourage ment of all our people." New Iteina QlTcreil nt Law's Clearing Sale; Seven Vst plalod (Jrayy Ladlis .at $1, Worth $1.75; odii pattenis triple -plated Forks and Sioon at half price, 31c, ; best phitetl Hiitter Knives nt 00c., worth from 75c. to $1 each. Otitis and ends (fine goods) are lieing all closed out al most for asong. Call and exumine goods, tiiey are all laid out on st parate tables. ' A Law's, OpMw.ite l'ostnmce. ! I j 1 1 r a - a I U p " ' sill 5 2 .S a 5 f4 a 5 i. I $ i $ i I i 9 s J i s i 2 ll l i-'S ill'-? al ls l !S ' 1 fi 1 1 fi H r a s , j a i K s p g K I S 2 -S X S 5 " 8 I Z S k s i I. ... ?, HERRING & WEAVER, SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET. .KO. F. SCOTT, (Successor to Doubleday & Scott,) North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINDS, - iJoOttg Glass, Putty, Lime, FlnsterinK Hair, Shinule., Laths, Fencing- Posts. lli,, ... ' Material. AO lunu" Buildlnif Order, will receive prompt attention. . fcliludly While we Have the Finest and Mont Fashionable Goodwin Our Line, We also have the cheapest. Cull and see us. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING TIN AND SLATE HOOFING, THE "BONANZA," THB LEAKING WINH AND LIUl'OR 8TUKB OF THB STATE, No. 43 South Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and Specifications' Furnished on Application We have thorough mechanic in each line who have had many ye!lr experience in their busines.. We can safely guarantee our patrons satisfaction in our work, a low hKures. BALLARD, THE "IIICKORV WINE AND BILLIARD ROOM, - INN" - HICKORY, N. C; RICH feblSrily it BOYCE. FRANK LOUGH RAN, dtfebt'ae PROPRIBTOR. FITS CPRBIl BY OLD 81'bClALlttT PHYSICIAN. Pottle of medicine Free. We war rant our rrmrilvtoeureih. u-r.. cases, and the only physician, who do thi. to ,r, your oeiiiK imiKiseu uHm by men using lulsc name, and who are not Doctor Hocaur others failed Is no reason for not using this medicine, (live Ks press and Fo.t- '1 Z C"M nn nothing- Addtcs Asnhel Medkal Bureau, 2111 Broadway. New ork.y- jan27diwly INOT'S m nFMTicpinc Ukll I II IllUla SPECIAL SALE FOR FEBRUARY. . Closing Out Sale of all Winter Good.. I am going to make thing, lively at the "SPOT CASH STORK" for the next 80 days. I must have room for 8pring good, and I am going to put prices on goods that will move S them. I will offer my entire line of 'Underwear at Just what thev cost me, to close" out Comlorts and Blankets at hall price. ,ini, Chinese Black Fur Kugs at S3.50. former price 4.0(. C hlnese White and tlrey Rugs at 2 fin. former price 3.(M. i Big line of I'mbrellns at price, that will suit any one : l-rib 2K, 3i and 32 in. at 83c. A nice metal handle at 7.1c. A Cloriah Silk (gold headl at $l.m. ,. i.i ,A.. " " (silver headl at $1."2. Big . lob in Pearl Buttons at 2Hc. per doren. $1 B0 oent.- nuppera, embroidered tup, 7c worth $1,00 , Dres Oood. at any price, to clusr tint, CLOSING OUT SALE ALL WINTER GOODS, -AT- 22 THE BIG 2 2, PATTON AVENITE. 22 dcicwtuprl) leather at W, worth ! I have Just received a lot of Hall's Baiuar Forms s, and everv ladv In A.h..vin ...i.n ........, , My uugni io nu-Tconr. ii I a hemsetiotcr necessity place. ftbldly Don't forget the W. II. LEA, Spot Cash Store. No. 17 N. Main St. ! WILLIA3ISON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson.) MANCFACTI KKKS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, HijCAlWEBELL; ManafaOtnrer and Wholesale Hhlpper of GINGER ALK, CHAMP;NE CIDIJR, LEMON SODA, SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATERS, TONIC BEER, CARBONATED WATER IN SIPHONS. . Factory, No. 217 Haywood St. P. O. Boxa84. FINE JOB WORK N OTIC 15. A TRUE jo 1 LET LUXURY, or soutsly oflf iNaatoitNTSx tUTirU TMC TIITH. MMlSlVt TMf COMS). twCCTCN THC "ICATh" MouMiuks, StniMVork, Fine tenor Finish, Mantels, EU-. ASHEVILLE, N. C. In- V SFKCIALTY. NO INJUflY TO THI CNAMtL. rt AND AGfUEAtU. Without cqual as a toiht" r;CrAHA;iON. IC 88 CENTS PEN BOTTII. TTBSTIOM 8C1KM1L CHlLliRKM. All pupils of the el(v school, are reiiiestrl to meet at their resiectiv Miools to-day at IO o'clock. p. I, c l.AXTtiN,' dlt Mupt. City School.. JJOOD BOARD And enmfurtablt room Hiving at Nil. nbiiodlm we fri su old 111 eauoaiaTf, I. H. WINKCt MANN 4 CO.. F0 j CTIMOSt. Mo For sale by J. . GRANT, dawtauL'.H ran be hsii tit- n ,w no. aa wimm in St. jjiiakhi.no. Two double communicating room, with board, .ultable for a family of three or four persona. Possession ran b had on March 7th Apply at tuica to Mr. Trenhuim's, Academy street. niardiKIt j?oa RBST.. Two ftmr room entisrr. and one nine room rottaire on Detiot atrert. Anniv to J. A. TK.N.NHXT. mrUd! w AllKNT FOR The Buckeve I'tinip, Steel and tin Shingles. I'loor and Hearth Tiles. Wildly AlihNTSHi M F RS. (IF Hirkit Patent Sheathing Uith. AT Bv virtue of ,1.....-, r.. ., Ikt Term i Imi1 " the lecein- housenold ,n?uJrlor,'t'- "ther usual STOVES, TINWARE,! NO. 6. -AND jri'KSlSHHll APARTMBNT TO LBT. Room, can 1 and at Ko. 7 College atreet (known a. the "Davidsoa Hoaar") newly fiimlahrd. Mrs. Rrwln has charge of the el Inarv department and will ramiak Srst-clas. table board If desired at rcaaunaiile rate. H nunlre on the premliw.. tl,2.1-d 1 m yANTBI-MAN. W want a northern young ma of good character flir , .w on aioderau mI- are Vi nrk the city, partly outooora. and not heavy. ilv. reference, where rrom and what yon have done. Addreaa, mar7d2t "jt. I. X.," Aaheville P, 0 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. PlumblnR.steai,! andGa Fitting, Tin Roonn,f, Inc, &c. utter- i , JKSKE R. 8TARNBS. t'NDEKTAKER ANO EMBAL.MER.- . Asheville, N. C. livery requisite of the b;i "lied. Wain wood en v wn T, h,r' swet,,,S-rT:J'llt..P"..npt,y,, """'"'n ann mm ,.i XOUTII COURT tSQUAUE. 000 JOBS AT ODD TIMES. Rmplojr only the Iknt Workm m. do gniM Work lind do prnmi)lv . iiivmi. ii, work in v.wi ... . rnriHi. iimm vn i " i can she. . i 'tc, He C S. COOPER, K-b20dlm IO Son fit M . 39 Sonth Main Street. I .,. ,. ncH. ' n..radtmm0re' A,h7'"'N t- dtmnrlO JOTICB. The Rnncomlie Countv Medical H.H-ietv and nin. ii,. V. , A.;S l?-lN.t 7.ao eligible tomemtiershlnin .ku. Weero Nonh c .ro,,"""' """ling t berol thi. ,i. B1v l-eeomeamem- fcbaodln, M. H. FLETCHER, Sec,

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