duly citiz The Crrrn In the lfiat eatenalvelv cirvo. li.t.d an.l nll read acwapapcrln Wcatriii r,nh i. arolnia. Its diM-nMKin of ptil.lir men nnd rwaiiurfs i la the intrrrat of jmlilk inti'Kritv, honest Eovernment, and promierow, iniiuatry. and it now, nu crsouiil alltgianocin treating pub lic Isaue. Thf e itk rmtilishr the dlapatrhet of the Aasoi-uitrd Press, which Do eovers the whole world in itji scof. It hum other facili ties of advanced journalism for fcathehnK lews from all quarters, with eeerythiiiKcaxo fullv edited to occupy the smallest iut. fciiecimca coptea ofaar ediuoa will be sent free to an J one sending their address. Tssais Itaily, rt for one year; .t for sis monihii; fto rrnts for one month ; 15 cents for one week. Carriers will deliver the pa-r in every part of the city to saliseribers, anil par tin wanting it will please call at toe ClTusn office. ApvssTMrao Ratbs Reasonable, and made ksowa otj application at thia ofhee. All trauKBt advertisements must be paid la a- SATURDAY. MARCH 9, 1889. MM LAST ACT A I'ONHKND ABU! OF.K. The last official act of ei-I'resiilent Cleveland was to affix hi signature to the Senate amendments to tneiutcr-Stiite commerce act, which that body panned during iti closing houri. The measure wai a genuine surprise to railroad men, especially in the Wert, who did not ex pect that the amendment! would even pas the Senate, much less meet the np- proval of the President. There ii much diUcreme of opinion ex isting among prominent railroad officials as to the probable effect of the bill upon their interests. One curious fact is, that while the presidents of the various large trunk lines in the West are almost unani mous in its favor, the under officers and employes, such as general freight and passenger agents are death on the bill. But this opposition is easily accounted for. The illegal cutting and manipulation of . rates, which the bill wosspeciully designed to prohibit, is the work of the general managers and their agents, and hence it is that they so violently oppose the meas ure. Heretofore, when a manager or agent could influencealargeconsignment in favor of his road by cutting rates he would never scruple to do so, knowing full well that if any punishment came it would be in the nature of a fine and thut the company would readily sustain it. In this way the company itself was com mitting a crime, though indirectly, cer tainly approving of one. Now, under the new provision of the taw, the punishment for such an act is made imprisonment, and as this must necessarily be borne by the offender, it promises to work a speedy reform of the abuse. Infractions of the law from this time nn are refrain to m Laa ami the great community of small shipjicrs can not but be benefited thereby. It will also prove of material benefit to those railroads which have heretofore pursued an honorable course in not adopting the cutting of rates rule. - Th. ImI -.r . I fj.... Cbappell, of the Alton railroad, is heart ily in sympathy with the amendments. He says; "They are exactly what we want; they protect the roads which honestly uphold the law. The public is deceived, how ever, in the supHist'd effect of legislation upon ruilroad mutters. There was ft decreuse in earnings Inst year among western roads of over $2U,(MKi,(MMi. This means that freight wus carried at less rates, but can you buy a pound a ihiuiuI of coffee ur sugar for kssou account of .it? . . , .... '. ' "The cost of transportation cuts a very small figure lu the cost of an article. You pay from twelve 'toeighlccn cents pound for beef, but we charge only a quarter of cent a pound for its transportation from Kansas City to Chicago, an amount that does not in the slightest degree af fect the selling price. We take a barrel of flour from here to New York for less thaiv the drayman charges you to de liver it to yonr home from thcdqxit. The point of this is thut the consumer never gets the benefit of a reduction in rates. Toe only icmons benc6ttcd are tlic com paratively few shipirrs, and these men are about the only ones bent-fitted by this - sort of legislation." - Thus it will be seen that the Semite measure which ex-President Cleveland made a luw is a step in the right direc tion. It is good so fur as it goes, but there remains much to be done yet in tlie way of purifying our railroad business. If there is any one business or enterprise in which, fair play, honesty and equality should be the prime factors it is in the matter of our railroads. ' ' .' They are institutions that affect all, be they high or low, rich or (toor, and no chance for favoritism ' between such should be allowed or even made possible, Mr. President and gentleman of Con gress, let the good work go on until the intcr-Stitte commerce law is BiiutLft UlMV as will exact and tlcmtuid equal justice from all. KIIPI BUCAN HI'NVliK, . No sooner hail the bill which admitted Dakota into Statehood become a 'law and Henjamin Harrison kissed the ltible as tlie new President of the United States, than be received iwutlon signed by every Republican member of its territo rial legislature asking for tlie immediate removal of Gov. Louis K. Church, It is the wail of a partizan elan who have been thwarted in some of their nefarious schemes, concocted and passed by a pur tiutn legislature, by tlx vetoes of an holi est and fearless executive, Gov. Church. S.ud memliers of tlie territorial k-L-uU-1 raisin ture have beta suttuift l nishu of lule to plan ii nil put through smiic of their t scJkhks that would enahlc tin in to make things "solid" for their party greatly to the detriment of the Slate. Gov. Church holds his xisitiou by virtue of appointment from ex-I'rcsidvnt Cleve land. As a mciiiU-r of the k-gihlature of New York Slate in lH82,('ov. Church was one of its foremost reformers ninl defenders of the tieoplcs rights, us against the schemes of the jioliticiaus uud mo nopolists. lie is a democrat, honest, fearless und true. He has ever worked for the good of the State and its sropk-, and was not afraid to stand up in defense of their rights mill veto unwholxmic bills. For this, the mrti.uii Republicans of the kg islature demand his removal of the new President. He hiutbut a few more months to serve at best, and for President Harri son to remove him now for the reasons stated above, would he placing a pre mium uMin partisanship. This is but one of tlic many temptations that a President must meet and overcome in the discharge ofhisonorousdutics. Whut action, if any, tlie President may take in the matter remains to lie seen, but had the Dakota partizans waited until Ben jamin had hud at least one square meal in the White House, his tenqier would doubtless have been better and their chances for a new Governor more favor able. A NOIII.F, IMARITV. Generosity is one of the shining virtues. Benevolence is one of the first principles of our Christianity, It ought to be, and is, a creed in itself if rightly exerted. Hut how often do we see these factors for good heedlessly overlooked and disre garded in our evcry-dny life. Men who are princes in wealth are as a general rule the trust inclined to benefit their fel r low mail. The great charities are in the main originated and sustained by those of limited means. A few days ago some of the noble hearted, generously Inclined women of this city conceived the idea of getting U a "Kaffce Klutseh" entertainment for the benefit of our Mission Hospitul. It was not an eusy task; It could not be accom plished in a moment. It required time, skill, tact nnd much lubor. But willing hands and hearts went nt the work and in due time It wiis c(iiiipkteT'1'lie "en ter tuinment was held. Our ptiiplc responded generously, nobly. The sum of $1,003 was realiized for the Mission Hospital, Too much praise cannot beglven to the lady managers, their assistants and the people in general who solilierallv patron tiictl the entertainment. Such deeds of benevolence as these cannot well be over rated. Tlie? nppenl to tlie respect and sympathy of nil. Wouhbthat there were more instances of a like nature to record. They Mp to throw off many a burden, they cheer many a heart, they benefit common humanity. l.lli rOKIAI. POITM. An industrious laborer in Mexico can command eighteen cents a day. . s m .'What Benjamin Harrison thinks alxnit a second term he keeps to himself. Wise man. lolin Wumtitmkcr's is tlie first instance in American hwtorv.ol'u mail's advertis ing himself into a cabinet position. President Harrison has been made an honorable memher of the New York His torical Society, of which lion. John A. King is president. The Harrison babies are yet to come, - - - m m leaving out Hakolu and the District of Columbia, thirteen IVmocratic anil twelve Republican Stales were repre sentetl in the Harrison inaiiguaration parade by orgunucd liodics of men. T1, .HrXLof .Washington's uiuthcrr nt I'rcdeiickslnug, Va will probably lie sold ut auction this week. An apiieal has tieeu made to tlie imtiiotio women of the country to buy it and keep it out of the hamls ot siKt-uUitors. It is rcMrted iimn pretty reliable au thority that John M. Huston, the famous polilk'ul wire puller of Indiana, is to be First Assistant Poslmnster-tU'iicruh If this lie true, it will lie rewarding low ini mical trickery mid fraud with a veil getutnec. A military deputation from the Japan ese government ure making a tour of tlie I nilcd States to- examine onr niilitnrv and naval systems. When they come to see our squad of defunct ironclads tlie legacy of rive Republican administrations they will doubtless return home sadder but not much wiser men. - - There is a great deal of growling among tlie friends of the party managers at the treatment they have received; but sena tor Hvnrts. who was fur Piatt "first, last and nil tlie time," oddly enough, goes nround saying, "Remember, gentlemen, this is mi adniiitist ration to swear by, not at." mm m An item Is going tlie rounds of the press that "It is ex-Presidents Cleveland and Hayes now." No, brothers, you are all wrong. Mr. Hayes uever was Presi dent of the I' ii i ted States, lie was not even a fair substitute, but only a fellow who got in by crawling under tlie tent like a small bov nt a circus, and the neo- pkr were fools enough to allow him to re- ,-i i . .... . . . MJetctliml must btnr tlie distinguished I honor lone. MISCELLASLOL'S. Great Excitement in New York City. E. II. Wright, of ISoHtit: Ih oh. & Wright, und Charlio 1 Hun ton, formerly' of Ihv vurd & Wanton, arrived in New York City last evening to buy the largest ntock' of Spring Goods ever brought to Ashevillo. Lookout for new udvertwement New CJoods und New Prices P.OHTK! IJltOH. & WlUGIlT The UuiIIuk Store of the city (ur Luilles is ESTAllllOOK'S, aa 8. Main Street. The KiYRteat variety of nice goods, luth as Hooka, Htatloucry, Fancy ood, Toys, PaintlngM, tiiiKruvltiK. I'runica, Wtatrrn North Curulins Vkws, Novvllka, Htc, Btc. Itvrryone I plmwd anil all snllsHiil with whnt they liuy at thia plnee. " 1 heir tK la of the liest ami prim always rrnminHine. iinsinrsa me will nml the hir xent anil Ixwt llnr nf lllnuk Hooka and Office Stalli.mry in W. N. c. " Art muillo over loir, where vlaitnni inn uiiinm iihiu ineunea in ull or water colura li'liUillf Ask Tour RotaJler for th JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE TSI JAMES MEAN'S $3 SHOE. According to Tow Needs, VUiihtanitUTi:h. n 7. i!L "r torn,,- ,) BKOIT1KKH 1 W-HRrUKlNflN,l 1 iw perMcUy ewe the Snt dm. a U Will aally in, j-"ia. w HrHMtluielv In, r w w iw anc wnivs mmm ,Tpr imen tilaMil . leorirrljr on tha aurkrl wnirn annuiliy ooDlklaml lwlir. Ruut Ww4 Akfli.l.- V7 Sufr .Wr- ItMiuK Saw Air Boys J. HKANS CO Bsatn. Vail llaas sf Ik aaava ak,e, far sals kf HniCSale; by lioxtlc Broa. Jk Wright, ASIIKVILLB'N. C. frli'.'lU.lm t th ant 1IUMP1IETS roinoPAT2it;vxTiuiKAB7srrcinos For HortM, Csttlt, Shssp, Dof, Hog, Poultry. 300 PAtll BOOK Treat. sr.at afAilmliui Chart eVral rraa. n sj- Fevrra. I nnimloaa, lallammallaa, . . halaal Hi ulimli uniaiiia, milk irvrr. i. I - ail rata. I.anieai-Mj a, HSeamatlaaa, lllM'haraea, K. K.-i'nlirnr fJrll (.. 14.-ll..rrla U. Jl.- I rinnry ani I. f. - Knii'llvo 111 J. K.l)liM.aaiaal I "tP." laner Itlaraaas, ifiHraw. uiatHMlaa. Ma hie Caw, with Snaelflra, Manual, t llrh lUarUilsml Mrtlaaloe, t7.9 V r 1 en, eUitslp lkmlo tw so Waal .o fota ht DraiilMai ar Heat PreaaKaaKarclMarrrlns. Hwrtihrayi' Mad. Co., 0 rultow St., W. T. nxjnpnEExs EOKEOPATSIQ SPECIFIC Ko. ull Horvous Ocbllitf Jital Weakness, t4 PraalraUon, nui iiaai aik ar athae mmnI l aw nal or t ..!. ,ad hrm vial nowAm, In. at, att4 ST Ihumh ra raentWMliMilloapeMaiW JMaw,,- SMBHaat., las raaaaab,. f dtuthMt(kwtair20 FOR MEU OIJLY! I POSITIVE Ts,rmn rm)Ti, flTTTlTl wkaaw mt M,u4 mmt, tflMk) JJ U XV XJ ,f trrmr, m Bsala 01. w t staM, mm. aaaue nii, i.. s tmtttiZH ,ik.ain.Miiii.ihii iisuias m r.sra.i Siwi. l) SiSta HIMIS THItaUT.hBKi bite hlMlllMUM,1miaki,MhAhlIl i llta SmS. Ml.trimiW. tm kmUmI aaaasa Ull IHSHiAl m ISl IMS, I. ( ftblMawly ta th sat V v.amn t . 1 .-- IMal(kaiaer, Naanl I'.. k.'-Caank. Ilrxra. sea, rMlya, llrmarrHa MISCELLAXIXHS. FRESH SEEDS! (larden Seedrt, Field Seeds, Flower Seeds, Onion Sets, Irish Potatoes, Early Corn, Peas and Deans All Fresh Stock, No Old Stock, No Cominission Seed T. C. SMI?il& CO. Wholesale and Itetail DRUGGISTS. TIIIC CITIZEN PUI1LISIIING COMPANY. No. 0 North Court Square, Is pivparetl 1 o do higli-gratlt work at LOW RATES lUfuiiNu they have a FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. S 1 f CITIZEN rUBLISHXd CO Kl-.XL LSTATIS. Wm. M. Cocke, Jr., F.ALESTATEAK3!,:;::EF.ALEr.CKER, Ahhcvllle, N. C. Can aril yuu une million aiTca uf liuhl, in tract, frurn So to loo.ooo ami. Have a Dumber uf eity lota, improved and unini liroved, whkh 1 can at 11 ua the otal uf U-rtua. If yoa want a large or amul! farm call oil tue. If you want minrrula of any kind, yuu iifi-d Ko no fuiihir. If yon want tlinU-r lumla, thia kt hradiuartera.. In fait I can suit you in anything you want tu my line. Services of a firat-clna civil enuinrcr and practical aurveyor enKatfcd to show np'all property when required. I have had iiltcvn years' ex i writ-net in the reul cutiiLc buaincaa. anil think I know what w ill pleoae. Troinpt attentioa to all inquiries. fcli24dlr W. CORTLAND1, Ileal Estate llroker, INVESTMENT AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, FhUod Avenue, Burnard Building. fcliOdly D. S. WATSON, Real Etrtate Agent, INot a Speculator.) Having by practical cxciicnce thoruuijlily systemutiied my sales driwrtment, I offer 81'UCUL 1NDUCBMBNTH To those wishing to sell, and BARGAINS to thoae wishing to buy. 1 have some of the best property for sale In Ashevllle which can be bought low down. Also, country projierty, Manganese, Iron, and Timber Lands. Call and examine my list before purchasing. D. 8. WATSON. Southeast Corner Court Square, dtmayl Asheville. N. C. J, N. MORGAN & CO., No. 3 Barnard Building. School and College Text Hooks, a full line. Poets. His tory, Romance, Biography Travel and Novels, Familv Inbles, S. S. llibles and Test aments, Oxford Teachers I Holes, Song Books of al kinds, large stock Stationery Blank Books and -Office ant O . 1. .1 L1 1 1VT 1 neuooi Dunimes. iew im Ladies' ami Gents' Pocket books just opened. Fancy Goods and Dolls, : fcblDdlv JOTICB Is hervhy jrlvrn that npiHcnH.in will tit mnnr m inc priM'nt session ol tne l.e;iiilaturc of North Carolina for the incorporutioa ul iiiv Bimn uuBicrn L.nncm;(immnv." 8. W. BATTL'B. W. T. PKNN1MAN, T. W. PATTON, W. W. WEST, fchllWlm W. B. GWYN. J A 51 ICS FRANK, DKALKS IS FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Ajseitt for Reeins Crwrk Woolen Mills. North Mnin Street. . Asheville, N. C febtodly WOLPB, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER. Alt kinils of eement woik iioiu. JohliitiK anil kalsomiuiiig iioniitly ut- HUWII L.J, Krslilvnec, Clnyton St. Orders enn lie left wiin n. tt. entail i Co. feli'JilUm THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Rooms on Main street, opposite the post' .Frn umiiv, exeepi nununvK, from 10 a. m until I p. m.. anil 4 tmtil i o. ni The terms of anliaeription are: One year j; o mos., i.; 3 mos., 1 ; 1 mo., 511 eta ilailv 2 eta. (lAievrs fur 1 KH'I Prralrlent W U.... I. Viee-l'reMiilcrft, Charles W. Woolaev; See.nni1 Trens., II. S. Wataon; Lllirurlan, Miss E.J Hatch. Citisens and visitors are cordially Invited to insiiret the catalogu and inserilie their uames as nienioers. fehMdtf MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, No. 22 l'atton Avenue, talrdwood & Ktlkcleathcr, Proprietors. W All orders pruniptlv attended to. febOl y JRrSTIiES8ALB. Ilv virtue of a deed of trust exeeuteHJo me liv A. B. Wnre and wile, dated 1'Vbniary 7, ..n.., nl,(l uuijr nKiGirred III nook i'J, rixxv . i, i aeeurv me payment ol certain notes mentioneil therein. I will sell .... lion for one-half enah anil l,i.l,,... i Ti- imaun,un in nwmiaea wat-thr-cntrrt hilllst' ill Ashevllle, N. C. on WednrstlnyMHreh 211 1NKU. the proliertv desert l.l In ...I. I sniil property twin'sT situated in the Cltv'ni Asheville, on I'rciieh Hrond Avenue and VVil- limn otreei. noioillltlLr Inmla i.r w .f jr., and Messrs. Main, and Alexiimler: .-.m iiuniiiv iwo acres ninrr or I,. u..ti. i-i. u n"u" ano otner Improvements. aoh, uujr oi reiirnarv, 1MNII. .k.., 1S11KIR WALI.ACII, fehlM1m Trustee. J. W.SCIIAttTLK, T TAILOR 42 N. IaInSt. srhaorlly ItHOOn FACTORY. IIANFOAU JN. IOCKWOOI). HAND-MAIIS HrooniM, WhiHkH, Hearth and CcllhiK ltroouiH. Mill ami V actor, vrnrfr. . ..lio.! " tations and samples free. . fcli'j'udi. 'iV'''ICB. O roll " '":rV,,,nK Western North J. A. WATSON, M. II., S. W. HATTI.lt. M. Ii.. 1'. T . MliHIWHT'llliR.M. II, ANllOTHBKS. fell 24d Im HICIILANI) HOUSE, Corner Main nnd leot, WAYXI-SVILLU, N. C. Kin.ms ikyyIv I'tiniislad. Fiu the Ixnt tlie murkt unonls. Omul wniinlc r....... SATISI-ACTION 0:ARANTEi;i, Terms: $1.M jier dny. . I). L. ALLKN & SON. 1'rojirk-tors, MERMAN : -.. iiriinirnnnAAA i Misa:u..xi:rs. powcll c, mm ARE THE CUS- ttwlinnit trt thr fMtMk- haiMnnt-M HMi tht y prtt-jmmh- hat rvrrhiHl v liavi u ihh! tunc tt til V CM II llvl( t hi 111 tl 11. iiillv ttlOM- that liuvc n hard linir must tit the yc;ir will fiiul Oh mi In viiitf for thiiii. it uu Iturd to uit, di Hi cull tosiitiniy, YOU ARE Tim f-l S- tomrr wr art after. We'll nuU '.rni, jil nsc yuu, witisly you, make yuu happy. Whut ii Hire do ytu wunt. If you uu I t know whether we are aide tu Vctji our word, whether we tun buck all our liraj; with iftjutl cunM.'i(.nt.oun pcrioriiiuiiix, why ASK ANY old crs- tomtt of ours and we'll tttnnd hv his tvntl muny. A man that won't ka p Iiih wurii, that kucm hack on his proiiiim.il, thut tries to work up a snap HE ISN'T WORTH A CUS- pidore or any other cheap and iianty article. We want to ive you a kow time. Are yon with us? If so juttt Kt a move on you uud come to .POWELL & SNIDER, GKOCEKS, ASHEVILLE, N. C. rttmnrlS KICHMONU & DANV1LI.B KA1LKUAK COMPANY. (Western North Carolina HivMon.l I'ASSENIIHK DKI'KTUKNT, I ASI1KVH.I.K, N. C, Jan. 1, 1HMI). f PASSKNOEK TRAIN SCHBUULI5. - - In Bffbct Jau. l, 1S9: NoSl No. 53 Lv. Asheville. Uo5pm 1 4upin 64;lim 10 2Hpm 1 Oilum 71111am B 25am 1047am 1 2tpm 000pm Ar. Salisbury, lianvillc, . . " Lynchburg, . M WashitiKtoa. "Baltimore, " Phila., , New York, ' Boston,, ' .Richmond, " KaleiKh, " Goldahoro, Wilminiiton 47am U47am l'J4npm '7 3.ripm B 2iipin Swiara 6 2l)am saiipm 3Rllpm SlSam 7 51 lam 11 43am 1 02pm I .110pm 600pm I ' I s'aonm ; 11 .loam I 5 30pm Lv. Asheville. Ar. Spartanb'g "" C harlot tej " Columbia, " Charleston, " AuftTUsta, I " Savannah, " Th sville.Ga JJaeksonvJllCj " Atlanta, MontKom'y " Mobile, " New Orleans 44ipm 0 10pm ' 9oripm 615am . 1 40pm 1 2 oo in loio'pm 7 25am 1 B5pm 7 20pm No. BO 7 4i lam 21 lam I liipm II 15 pm 610am 74(iam 9 21 lain 1 10pm 11 H lam fiaopm 7 45pm No. 52 No. 54 444pm I i lopni Lv. Asheville. Ar. Hot Spring " Knoiville, Chnttnn'tfa, " Nashville, M Memphis, Lv. Ashevii.e, Ar. Hot Springs ".Knoxville, ""Louisville, . " Cincinnuti, ' Chicago, ' St. Louis, oiupm 8 4iipm nuopnl 540am 1 1 45am 5 30pm 44 1-pin 6 10pm 511pm 7 1 nam 1 1 45am 6 aopni; 7 45pm" Slccpinit cars on all night trains. JAS. L. TAYLOR, W. A. W1NHUK N. G. P. A. D. P A. SOL. HAAS, T. M. Schedule Street Railway. To take effect Friday, Murch 1, at 6.30 u. m. Cur leaves Court House 6.30 a. m, " " ' " " 7.00 " " X.00 " " " " " ll.llll " From then till 7 p. m. ear leaves court tiouar every 30 minutes. Also, ear leaves court liuusc at 8.00 u. m and O.oo p. m. PAKE, FIVE CliNTS, TLANTIC COAST LINK. On and after this date the following sched ules will Im; run over ita"Colunilila Division." No. 53 Leaves Columbia' Ct.'Jt) pm. Arrives at Charleston il.3o p. m' No. 52 leaves Charleston 7,m a. m. Arrives at Columbia 11.55 a. m Coiinectinii with trains to ami from nil points on the Charlotte, Columbia Au Kusta and Columbia t Greenville Railroads. "Ilullv T. M. KMBRSON, Gen. Puss. Aitt. J. F. HBVI.NB.Gen. Supt. N OTICB, Applicntion will In- made li.lh.. ...... sion ol the Central Assembly of North Curo Ima to charter a turnpike r.md from South ....... ,h.v in nuneoiniw, to inc top of Mount ........ ... luuui,. n . t,ANIM.Iil ,,,,. T. W. PATTON, febl.Sdlm H. U. CHILD. fw lire k i. a mi a ; - MliRCHANT TAILOR, NO, 10 PATTON AVHNI'B. Bi:K8'to announce that he hns mTivcil hK anniplcs lor the ensuinK spring and summer and asks the public to call and eimnlne. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVBN TO Cl.liAN- l o H'f AND ALTERING Jan Jott J. V. BROWN Will continue the nndertuker's business at his old stand over J. IS. Dickcrson Co.', Hardware Store, under the firm name of J. V. IIROWN & CO, Having thirty years' excrtcnee as under- taker and embalmer, nnd unr-pinled facilities for buying, can safely Ruarnntcc sntisfuetlon. Calls promptly attended tu nt all hours, BverythliiK iHTtninlng to the business al- wars (in hand. t bttiMm . " i " saiiir soilll isrciiie. jm hudi ii; u is sbsolnUily hsnnTeii and will sffeot permanent and an.iTl!!w !n, w111 UCbwIsaitLa frbldawly tu th sat FITS Cl'HBl) BY OLD SPBCIAL1ST rn IJMCIAiN. nottle of mnli v ine krt. iVsa .... rant iinrrfmii.lwi..u.i i'-'nV-whoM Aa'aH-Vl' .'SKI i'.1.'"'1" "J.tnln.. Addles'. York. .uiviiii, m itrotniwn nw Jnn27d.Vwly 1 NEW IiliHii, car.fnlly prepared b lead. f:'n" n.emlH-rs f the Aahivilk- bar H iwrvnnieat and heav, flat pnierl to, on sale at the olhce of the t itukn Ph., Co, No. 6 North Court Vuire iaami III IIIIHtfllllHiTls.1 Ksf I UIII1II llllllaal , Wm HEeiH8'eTulK8lCll...., ft IK)Ti:i.S. STRICTLY FIHST-CLASS PI1IVATE EOAI.D. THE THOMAS 1IOI SH. NLAK UAT1KKY PARK, Is ii iv unikr tiitirt'ly new rti;m;ij;iiiit in, ami will Is.- ket in stiktly l,iit-i.lai..s sty If. TRAIKNT UK 111:1.1 LA K lIDAHKl.ka TAI.fcN Xoiihcrii Cookinjf. RaUh KeuMiualilc. MRS. ii. LACY & SON. Proprietor!). M ITY RL'STAI RANT. I'ATTON AVliXL'E, TJndcr KitlwoudV Store.' Meals at ull hours. A the delicacies ol llnf scuson served in ull vuiictics and in the best style. Oysters, Came, Stcuks, The Best of Hot Coffer. Fresh Norlolk Oysters received every nay. The retail trade supplied. Have add'.d a new broiler; stcuks, oysters, etc., etc., di. lie to a turn. , .dtinurl3 a T. J. SUMNER. . A DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ! ASIIEVIIXE TO HOT SPRINGS. Round Trip Ticketa only $4.50, iuclutling a full day's bourd at the MOUNTAIN I'AUK IIOTKL. The Buths in Marble Fool, uud I'oreelaiii'. Tubs are the finest nud most luxurious in America. The Hotel is NEW AND FIRST-CLAaSS In Every Particular. UNBXCBLLBu IN ITS CUISINB. The place is a charming ariof , nestfesj among and sheltered by Pine-clad Mouutums where there is no foK, no dust, au iimlariu. Pure and abundant water, and absolutely K:rfect druiruiKe. dtjul2'.l NEAT.. rnoMUT. ACCUKATE. A REAL PLEASURE TO DO YOUlt PRINTING As you want it and v1ku y0u want it. CITIZEN rUIUalSIIINJMJo: If any dealer says he has the W. I. nawa-raa. Shoes without name and urki t,tLJ,?.F tha Uittom, put hiiu down aiTk toauit" W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE !;;?? J5 I: Kxamlna his SHOES, W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE Lafd7. ' W. U UOUOLAli, BBOCKTOK. AB For sale bv HKRRINQ & 'IjhM'" Street, Asheville, N. C, X ass??. myjffir"rm r a the ,uu ;:rf;,! u vaaHMON t, fleveland vnifula. Bln,rfT; ..'' Prmsn,nll)r ran Itlnisl Piiiu. u i . .' "weer sua lontaii(sm " ""-wiq CO., Dr.,,, , AlimtK Gt laa lOeheod iiasw..! .iwttA. 5.04MI K N II N K H tV i'sKWKo tTlftt tint k.HLw1