ICS Tr ia MM ANU i-i.i:ah hi: Inn K UArrid Absolutely Pure. ilt aw This powder nerrr varies. A marvel of par ity, strength and wholesomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinarv kinds, and cannot ...id la competition with the multitude of low test, short weight slum or phosphate iMJwdcrs. Sold only in cans. Royal rUaiao i'owusa Co., 106 Wall New York. d&wtapr!7 flow People Huy and K-ll Tiicra A Trs j "There i proliuUy no dealer in oiJ books," suiil one of the bc-4. known ; nu n in that business iu this city the other day, "who has so itiut-h expert-1 , eiM o and sharpness as not toljo caught , i napping now and then. 1 send Uie ' must of my leisure time going about ' among other dealer, and it is wonder ful tt see what valuable thin;- they : will sell sometimes for a K'.iall price, and what absurd sums they will charge j for tiling that aj-e worth next to 1 nothing. The other day 1 was looking over tho books placed outside the dour ol a shop and I found, tic I up in a bundle, file of little uM r published at Urook Farm, thai expei-im-nt in co operation tried years ago tl West ilox bury. Mass. It is now one of tho mre t of American periodicals. Hie biudle was marked '00 cents.' I co'!.(soureely behove my eyes. 'Is thai the price you ask for this bundle! 1 said to the dealer. "lie looked at the bundle and then said carelessly: 0h, no, uo; j-ou can have that for thirty-five cents, if you want it.' "And in buying books people don't We pity Ur W.itei l.ury W.m Ii Com pany it it ever lui to mj up ils Inisi ness. tiale of Art Needlework. Mrs. A. T. Fogg of lloston will lie at the Battery Turk Hotel. Monday and Tuesday, March, II and 12. with a lull line of cmbro'ulcrics and fancy work tor sale, which ladies are invited to cull mid examine. ;;g M.mey lir flower. "I don't think there is anotler city in the country." sa ;J a well to do Eor "which in proportion to its sue siwtnls as much money for (lowers as I'hicago does. The appreciation of flowers is a tasto that must be culti vated if it is U attain respectable pro portions, and the rago for Bowers unmim l1li.HITiVlll. wilOfVLIl uHont it . ... . - - appears to increase lit inteiiMty season by season. Well known and wealthy ' f:mii 1 i.mi n-lui fiiteri:tin rerriihirlv all through thr winter, ruu up bills for MtijtAtrli Slid Slunuu l "The nion:v-teries weve freo'lent sources of ilul form of mental disuse which was supp-WAl to be caused by bewitchment From the earliest period it is evident that mon.-vslic life tended to develop insanity. Such cases un those of St. Anthony and SL Augustine are typical of its clteels upon tlie strongest mituLs; but it was especially the convents for women that became the greut breeding beds of this disease. Among the Lirge nuin bersof women aud girls thusasseui- amounts winch would pay all the li?- bled, many of tliem forced into con nig exensesoi a lauiuy in moderate eiivuiustances for the entire year. A, What dors it profit a flinn if he gain an estate and then leave it to be dissiKited bv wranuling beirs in the pavmcnt of legal tees Burdetter'Yod Eave been enpaijed lie fore?" be asked, with a sinking heart. "Yes. my own." murmured Gwendolen, reassuringly, "three times; but they airtn t connt. she added wUb a touch ol , the fashiouuhle world to coincide excitement in nunneries took shaiies miiinismt SfinilneKS tn h-r vmiY 'Thf-v I . . . . ..... .... I I Winter killed, every gaul blamed one of them." bill for HK). eitttl or $730 for Iloral de corations for ono evenings entertain ment is a very oniiuary matter, ana it frequently nadsc the thousand mark. . . ji ..-.... i i- ... . , 1 naturally iuiiik uowers cousutute i meniai uisease was uot uiuikcit to be . ri-i..i i l j i i. . ii. lue niOKt ueiijuiini ui luxuries, unu i ueveiopeu at any niouieuk (ivsierieaj uuciuetit against their will, for tho reason that thoir families could give them uo dower, subjected to the un satisfied longings, suspicions, bicker lugs, petty jealousies, envies and hatreds, so notorious in convent life. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Tiiio. F DiTOSOic, Thos. A. Jonbs, Kaleign- Jas. O. Mahtih, Asheville. Ashevilte. A.Vll)80N. MARTIN ft JONES, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Asheville, N. C." Will pact) t in the tlth and 13th Judicial "IMtrict. aa In the Bupreme Court of North Carolina, .u.d in the Federal Courts of the Western District of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of Asheville. dtsel UUU3 C. MARTIN. ; Attorney at Law, Asheville. N.C. -Titles and Conveyancing a specialty. Col- u.H-tlnnn made. Practices in an tne couns. (Irtice: With Gutlgcr Law BulldinH- Carter, McLoud dtnov2S Durr MBRRICK. CIIAS. a. MOOKS. JUJOORB ft MBRRICK, Attorneys nd Counsellors at Uaw, Asheville, N.C. rraetice In the United States Circuit and IHntrict Courts at Asheville, StaUille, Char lotte and Greensboro, in the Supreme Coiirt at Kalcikth, and in the courts ol the Twelfth JudWal District of the State of North Caro- ''"special attention given to collection ol A Partnership does not extend to practice in lluscombe lalevior Court. dtoc3 T. H. COBB. OBB ft MEKklMON, ). 0. HSKKIMOH. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. l'ractlee In H the courts, office: Nos. 7 sad 8, Johnston building, lllae W. W.JONBS. . f ONUS ft SHUI'OHD, 0SO. A. S1IUSOMO. Attorneys at Law, - Asheville, N. C. Practics in the Stierior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the -Sliitc, and the 1'edcrnl Courtii at Asheville. wiicc in Johnston building, where one mcm ber of ftie firm can always be found, dtnovt I. JOHNSTIINltJONUS, . . arronsKY au coiiNSKtLoa at law, ASHEVILLE, N.C. -n In the tinited 8tates Circuit and illistrwt Courts at Asheville, in the Suprernq u;urt at Kaklgh. and in the Courts of the Twelfth Judicial llistrict of the State of Mirth tTaroHaa. and elsewhere, as his services may Hie required. janJou J H. UOUOLASS. D. 1). S. OEMUL ROOMS, . NO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., "bver Jraot ft'Wintiert'Vliirug St"bre."" Hesldettce. No. 9 Bailey 8t. feblOtlly know, often, when they are getting a good bargain. Here is an old French book tluit few know anything about, but it is exceedingly curious. Libra rians see it on my catalogue, but they never beard of it before and think it isn't worth anything. Well, if some body doesn't buy it I shall double the price of it in my next catalogue, and if it doesu't sell then 1 shall double the price again, and by that time some one will be sure to want it" Do you never get hold of books jp h, kebves, u. i. . JJKNTAt, OFFICE In Coaaally Building, over Redwood's Store, ration Avenue. - fcbl3dly J Unit you find it imuossible to sell at all?" ' "No, never: I have had so much ex perience that I can tell when 1 see any book whether I have ever had calls for it or am likely to have any. "A good many queer things happen in this business, but hereisoue that sounds almost like fiction, though it is every word true. A man came into my shop here oue day and introduced himself, saying that though he iiad had a good deal of correspondence with me, ho had never seen me, but being in New York he thought he would cal 1, though for no other purpose than to say 'good day,' as ho did not want to buy anything at present. We talked pleasantly for a few moments and )io looked about the shop. 'What is in that big basket?' ho said ut last "The basket that he pointed to was the same one that is there behind you now, and it was full of old legal doo- unients. ' 'Oh. nothing of any consequence,' I replied, - setting the basket on the counter for him to look at "He turned over the jiapers, and finally asked me what I would fake for tficin. 'I don't know,' I said; 'what, will yo (five for tliemf ' 'I'll piye you $10 for the lot,' he paid, and I took the offer at once. ; "Ho picked out Jwo of-the papers and put them in his pocket, and then said: 'Send ma the rest any time; there is no hurry.' "'But now that you havo bought this stuff and paid for it,' I said, 'I suppose you won't mind telling me what you want of it' " 'Not in the least,' was the reply. 'I am the executor of an estate up in one of the uorthcra counties, and it has been impossible to proye the title to certain parts of it Nobody ever disputed the last owner's tft!?, and he was cureless about his pupcrs. - And how, here in yonr basket, I find the genuine deeds of the property.' "My customer was naturally de lighted with what he had found, and he wrote to me afterward to say that he had collected over $50,000 iu rents that h could not get before for want of those deeds," New York Tribune. witn this view is i or it to nut aoiiars i sometimes comical, out more treuer- in my pocket It is not only the rich ally tragical Noteworthy it is that pie who inauige iu uorai uispiays, tne last places where executions for The KDoch: Old Indv (who hns hist however. Lots of people who as a witchcraft took place wore nutiulv in bought a stamp, to drug store clerk I matter of fact cannot afford it do the the neighborhood of great nunneries. "Will you please lick that stamp on tor same thing. Siue-lenlns ol the costly and the last famous victim or the me, young man?" Clerk Excuse me, I floral tributes that go to the popular hundreds of thousands executed in Madam, but 1 m not verv well Uns I actresses of the day are paid for out of Germany for tins imaginary crime morning, and the boy w bo has charge of ti,e pockets of young sprigs who I was sister Anna Kemita Sanger, sub- that department has gone out tor a soit- woud do far more wisely to spend the prioress of a nunnery near Wurtburg. iKiiuau aiiusgiiuiu uu'is ""- i nionav lor riot Hex fir. rtetter all 11. I ha aomn tliinrr was cran aninnn save it up. Then of course there are young women exposed to sundry fa- the couuUess swarms ot eager lovers uatical Protestant preachers; insanity, who besiege the atiectioiis ol uicir Doth temporary ana permaneut was adored ones with handsome bouquets, thus frequently developed among the 1 pity them all, or course, but they I Huguenots or franco. nu has been are their own masters, ana ii thoy thus producea in America, rrom the will victimiw themselves for tny bene- days of the Salem persecution down nt 1 suppose 1 ought uot to complain, to the camp meetutcrs of the present You may set it down - for a fact, j time. Andrew D. White in Popular though, that Umcago is a liberal sup-1 Scicuce oumthly. porter of the llonst, and one who has a fair sized trade and understands his business coins money. Chicago Journal. BuckUeu'a Arnica salve. The best solve in tlie world for cuts, I bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pav renuired. It is guaranteed to irive uerfect satisfaction. I or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per I box. ror sale bv r . L. lacobs. , daw In Washington, mid cannon's din And pntrotic shout, One President is moving in, ' Another moving oat. Better TbanlTalclde. Professor Arnold says: "An incurable I ilvsiK-iitic is justified in committing sui cide. We will guarantee to cure any dys peptic within, three months bv Acker's English Dyspeptic Tablets. T. C. Smith & Co. feh5dawlw A German has discovered a process for converting cucumbers into sponges. The doctors are camping on his trail. Uo Not Huffier Any Longer. Knowing that a cough can be checked iu a day, and the first stages of consump tion broken tn a week, we hereby guaran. tee Acker's English Cough Remedy and will refund the money to all wiio buy take it us ier directions, and do not find our statement correct. T. C. fcrmth Sr Co. " fcbTtdawlw A Memorable Contest. Ou February 9, 1801, wheu tho sen ate began to count tho electoral votes. it appeared that no one hud a maioritv of the votes, consequently the choice was lert to the house ol representa tives. That body determined to sit until an election was had, and ou the first ballot the states of iSew York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, KT ,L 1! T ..... . I Ffn ionn luroiina, jicnuicKY aim ion- nessee voted for Jefferson, and Massa chusetts, New Hampshire, Connecti cut, Khode island, Uelaware and South Carolina for Burr, whilo Mary land and Vermont wew divided. Though ample tune was allowed to Burr in which to catch the necessarv Totesutid tne air wasiuied with ru Danville, Itw Fraud. Oue of tho most ingenious frauds who ever imposed ujioii geographers was the Frenchman, Douville, who lived in tho early part of this century. He told the most fabulous stories of his African travels, and as late as 1850 there were some geographers who still bcliovcd Douvillu was a remark- ablo traveler. Uo lived at a time when the entire interior of tropical Africa was a w into Kiiace on tho maps. This gi-oivt bhiuU ho undertook to tilL Though ho wus never moro than twenty or thirty miles inland in his life, ho claimed to have penetrated Coutml Africa, mid to have visited tlie chief town of tho far famed Munta Yamvo, All ho requti"id for tho work wasa fow interviews with native ivory dealers who ciiine fi-om the interior 0 ,,,, ": .. j ' ' - 1 y BLAIR FURNITURE MANY, NO. 37 PATT0S AVENUE, AVholt sale ami Retail Furniture Dealers, And Undertakers. Prompt iittention given to all orders day or night. Residences 39 Penlaud Street. Mildly . . . to sell their good They gave liiin a mors of bargains, Ue entirely failetl to th ttid of a bnllwi.tiiuaLHnation he expanded into a 'long story of i. -I II.. I.. 1 . It.. Bookseller. "No, but we have sudden anxiety at tho delay, and proposed a I r .i, .,.i. .,...i L nh ...u --1-- ,1.. , I i ... "i . .".- . ui wo viuoi ii.il i-l;,hvi io tnu lliany uc&i out wuu ojm luui i iuw vrenuuif uio cuiei lusuce uresi-1 ,; i. ..., i.i i. i,.. ui.. . . . uouiiLiira uu iriviviKteu lo iiuvo visiu'ii . . . . : Country customer (to city bookseller). "Have vou the 'Swift or the Dead?'" death for the question. A Michigan grocer is willing to admit that honest tea is the liest policy, but when it conies to coffee, he doesn't believe in running the thing to the ground. A Bound Ley;! Opinion. E. Bninbridge Mundny, Esq., County Attorney, Clay county, lexns, says: Have used blectrtc Hitters with most liappv results. My brother also was very low with malarial fever and jaun dice, but was cured by timely nse of this I gle, tho day after the Federal caucus. medicine. Am satished Electric Bitters Morris, of Vermont was absent and H. GABKATT, ARTIST. -Studio overlooking Court Sqiuirc, nbove Cooper's store. eitudio Hours from n to S glasses In Urawing and Paintinv. Prtic ,ulars on ainilication. fcbl.iaiy D. r P. BUXtilN, M Jkl-s OFFICE i Sew Grand Central Building, over Big 32 Clothing Store. , fcl17dlm JA. TENNENT, Architect and Contractor. ' Plans, specifications and estimates fur nished All work in my line contracted 1 for and no charges for drawing" on contracts Kffcrences when desired. ii.- No. 12 Hcrnlrr Block, North Court Square, Asheville, N. C. saved his life." Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson. of Home Cave, Ky., adds a Hke testimony, saying: "He positively Mieves he would Jiave died hnd it not been for Hlcetric Hitters. This treat remcd v will ward off as well ns rnrr all malariaf diseases, and for all Kidney, Wver unit Mflmach disorders stands uurqualed, I'rkv SIN;, unci f 1 at r . L. Jacobs drug store. Striy-at-Home "Hello, . George ; been to the Inauguration Dilapidated Specimen--' No; was on on a business trip and got caught tn a rail. road accident. Quick Repairing. . The steamship Monkseaton, of New castle, which lost three blades of her propeller when on a voyage from liverpool la New York, was placod on the pontoon dock belonging to the Wallsend Pontoon company, limited, with 2,000 tons of cargo on boaril, an4 her stern raised out of the water suill.- ciently high to allow the broken prxv peller to be unshipped and a new one fitted in its place. - Tlie operation of tipping the vessel took one and a half hours, and the whole time occupied in raising her and thanging tlie propel lers was oiijv twenty-throe hours. The Monkseaton is a yessel of 2,900 tons gross tonnage, and the saving of time and money secured by her not having to dischargo her cargo must have been very considerable. Soien- tuio Anioricao. Terrible Forewarning!. Cough, in the morning, hurried or diffi cult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness m me cncsi, quicsenea puise, Cllllimew in amuiDio and Kindly man and fcbl9dly J. P. RAMSAY. P. U S. Dental Office L , in Barnard Avenue and Mttln Street. feb'Jrtdly Building lSntranees, Patton JNSURANCIi. JflRBlNSURANCE. FllttV LIFtr: ACC1DKNT. PULLIAM & CO. At the Bank of Asheville, A8HEV1LLB, M. C. Kepreseiit the following companks, vlx. : riKK cmi asskts in P. a. Anirio Nevada, of CBllfomlo,...M.,.a,7.H:ia Continental, of New Vord , Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany London Assurance, of Bnglnnd Ninuara, of New Vork flrient. of Hartford Ih,l tit lleonslvn. ..,.....' St. Paul Hire and Marine, of Min- - nesota..... Soullarn, of New h-lcans Western, of Toronto Mutual Accident Association. WHna Life Insurance Comaay. dlmara 4,m7. oa;i l,ia,no 1,R4.3.S a,287.a i,flt7,m2 l,nt,oni l,U3U,a3'J ' TUB EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OS f BS CNITRD STATBS. s .. ao.04a.oaa.o Bnrplus". o,704.75'' I Larger than an other l'(imnyl AulataHilinsr A MlirMllt'C. AV.Stt.ds WlOO Wrlltra hi 1HHH I.VI.O.M,.s...V Tontine Policies with 111 ami au yenr n rf.i. mrr K. most uooular and prolitabW form of assurance. : Purcsamplcs, rates, etc, conler jta 1 D. Monroe, At. Asheville, M. C. Office with Judge Astoa. frbaadem The Telescope la Maine 100 Years Ago, Col. J. W. Porter of this city, who devotes mucri time to researches in early colonial history, has lately dug BJ Bofnotliliig of JnfercHl td iislroho mers, it being the fact that the first pbservat iou of an eclipse of the sun ever taken bv scientilio men in America, was taken on Long Island (Penobscot buy) on Oct. 7, 1780. Un that oc casion H party f roni ELvrvurd college, headed by the Hey. Bamue VVjlliams Hoi lis, having obtained permission from the British general commanding at Castine, landed at Kounty Cove, and made tho house of bhubuel Wil liams their headquarters. The totality of the eclipse was visible only iu IV noDscut uuy, ana great interest was felt in the result of the Harvard peor pie's observance thereof, which was very successful. Bangor Cor, New York J3un. Dislike New Clothes. Mr. Gladstone is said to be so partial to old clothes that his valet ias the greatest dililculty in persuading him to don n new suit when it i.s raidy for him. Although the serv.uitcni'efully lays the clothes nut in 1 ie ntoruiiig, the grim I old mail iicisisIh in dou ning the old ones. It it :ly by re moving these ut in;. I ii' -I leaving nothing but t io ticvv u ; . that Mr. Gladstone eo I. to discard lotin:i t positively sliaouy. ,.. .: Ohronicfe. In. i room ; iUiMlrHl i hV'Hne . ..iiciseo P3TAr.a Li::;:":iT Parent Crtralnnnjr Mahle. More than half of all deaths occur be fore sii years of age. An army of inniv cent, lovely children are swept needlessly awnv each rear. Parents are criminnlly responsible for this. The death rate of chi dim in Enclnnd is leas than half this Acker's English Baby Soother hns done more to bring this nliout than nil other muses combined. You cannot afford to be without it. T. OSmitn & Co. When colored barbers quarrel they art liable to razor row. :u3Tf.::3Li::i:.:EET CTTT'H nnTXOWTinitK, CAKED lUflS, dent At this, however, tlw middle states threatened a revolt and tho call of a new convention to frame another constitution. Not till after Jefferson had given a pledge that ho would not remove meritorious suliordiuutcs from oflice merely for political reasous, and and ho described scores of towns and status that had no existence. IIo be trayed his true character in a most ludicrous manner. He had tho auda city to invent a vocahuliu-y for ono of bis tribes, in which lie nmilo all the words end in tho otters x or i. Some :r.J .f.-. o... ' , I wunw oiiu in m '7i . "mj . lT BUVC "mV," studenUof Afrlean ian-nmws dissect l""-j ,uiuM vy mv iimiuriuiiy chunged, did tho Federalists yield their opposition and break the dead- iock. mo iiurty-sixih ballot was taken on tho seventh day of tho strug- ,.! n. ,.. r ,i. flj i .?. Crailt and lxier, of Marvland. cast blank "ballots. This gave two moro states to Jefferson find procured his ., ....... j, etoction. i'huadoiphla Tunes. Itritlsh School Training. I wasutanrivatriKrhnol. Tlinmnstor was an unmitigated rulliau. If we did ed this vocabulary and promptly pro nounced Douville a firat class fraud. This shallow deceiver long enjoyed great credit us a traveler, but ho lived long enough to stx? his pretensions pretty thoroughly exploded, C. U. Adams in rittsburg liullcwn. That Aelis In the Hack. An Albany physician, says a cou- i - ... x temporary, declares mat Americans sufl'er more gouerally from Bright's disease and nervous diseases than any otnor poopio, - and he says the reason is Unit Americans sit ..v ..,... ,.,vb .B pvmi.uoui u, no-R sii.,,, t ,!.: .,i. T urw u., n. sftvs; ''Ainnriemm a tho oW. lorm. the master suffered from Htm- ; -IT.' i r" 7" - bago, Periodically he used tocrawl in- Yfn ever K,M!W V, "ue. inii.a .... .it r - i. I niumieu, uermans aim rroncnnien v..o v pim i. iwup vucii wal. onrl xerein nr. American hnai. fom, an 1 ed toKiim ; ? ? to ft ,U with a canl ! believe ho thought "h Ti. Th I ' r lD Bion of the muscles of the back. Th - - "w..v wr . uwt. s. MMffW I I la I . U . A I . . . I wa3 tho head muster. He was an Mr"'1. . ""'Z"""11; 1 4J VVAAV' Y BUilt U11U H. lillfl I rt 1 1 wn I ' ,1 .. ... nn the evening or sweats at night, allorany rmntimnnn. Hn nrl,nl,l flr,rrW1 hrt,,t ua.UDy- .iuey lose uioir Tiiaiiiy.,. the of these thimra are the first staecs of con- ., i ..T.& Ridueys thoniselves soon become wenk gumption. Acker's English Cough Rem edy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by T. Smith & Co. tebodawlw All who want the Post Office let them 1 hold up their hands, iitiittiliUiiiiiii Indiana Ittnvs. '"r.c V1 ' vrago. d debilitated. if Americans would ;'; V.rn1? Ti exercise more, if they would stand at and, except on rare occasions, the ,bi.Mi,a-.,fV,Q.ii,.,., i ceitk pSic. a d f?r some years from nervous .prostrt, boy who hud a tasto for the thing might no a siiectato", ir the victim Anecdote of General Grant. General Grant, on his return to this country, is said to have been severely af flicted with a cough contracted while flinched there was a howl of execra tion. Far from objecting to this tho doctor ppproved of it 1 remember once Hint a boy tell on his knees and im plored linn to Kparo him. "1 shall not condescend to florr you, but 1 leave tion until it was recommended to him that he have a desk at which he could stand to do his work. Within a year be Was one of the healthiest men you ever saw. tlis dyspepsia and kidney troublo had disappeared, and he hud-an appetite like a . paver," (Scientilio American, crossing the ocean, and which had Utub- friends," said the M,I7f"m,tVTld i""n-vtTeni; doctor. . 1 happened to bo one of tho A friend procured for him a bottle of Syniphyx, and by its use in a few hours he was entirely relieved. Heremnrkedto bis friend: "Men look upon me asa great soldier, nut this pottle of hymnhyx u greater thnn I. My calling has lieen to dcstrtiv.-roeu's llvw, but this mvdlvfnc. is n victorious savior of men. I shall never Ijc without it aguin," d&w young friends, and 1 remember aiding in Kicking tae uoy round tho quad rangle lor about half an hour. llenn Labouchere in London truth. "THU WINYAH SANITARIUM," ASHEVILLE, N. C For the reception of patients suffering of diseases of lungs . id throat, and conducted ujion the plan ol the sanitnlivs at Gabcrsdorf and Palkenstein In Ger many. Ours is the only such institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. THE FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. 5 TOUACCO ! TOBACCO! We are glad to say to our friends and customer that all grades have consider ably ad vamx-d since Christmas. Bright wrappers, cotters and strips are highet than they have been iu several years, and show that Aslieville is the place to tell lobuccos raised in Western North Carolina and East Tennessee. , The exporters and manufacturers who need the type of tobacco raised in this section have their buyers on this market, aud are paying more for it here than else where.! ' . . :- .-, ; , We would warn our customers against the drummers and agents who arc paid big salaries to induce shipments to other markets than this, by promises to sell at reduced commissions. After your tobacco is shipped It is from under your control, and when you receive returns there it always an excuse for low prices, claiming to bacco to be damaged,' etc., etc, f .:. . . We have, with great expense, made the Farmers' Warehouse " Tlie Lctulinir Warehouse in the Slate where you attend the talcs of your own tobacco, or have it sold in a few days alter shipment. t 1 r .... .. I-lscwlierc we give a partial list of actual tales made line the holidays, - - d&wtapria SMITH & ROLUNS, ' Proprietors. PhotiOtfidrTier (losing patience) I tell you once more, don t loos so gium. Will vou sinue r Kentuckian Sim Had No Time to Tend Birds. rvo.iio. un. cent vi.ll vj VUUIlli- TllldU 1V;IVI1IK WUi I rm . . . elnrlfBl'nwl,o'.,..(l,inT jStldWlCll iiilltndS. vswvsu auT asass u uvyillvilll iu UUIUUU in tho way of clocks, sir. When the hour begins a bird comes out from the Dig Prices for Postage Stamps. Tho highest price that was ever paid for old and rare stamps was paid re cently t; u resilient of Denver by the Scott Stnmp and Coin company of Now York, l he stamps wore the lirst issue . of tlie two cent, uyo ceut and thirtqen cent numerals ol. the liuwuitun or They Were kuown is tho missionary stamps atid were issued about lb39. Thero are only two PROTECTING PKOl'BKTY OWNBRS. THE "CAMARET" GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES. We not only give the purchaser the beat Roofing Plates, but we protect him Hirst My giving our guarantee. J -.- t - Second tly stum ping each sheet with brand and thickness. Third By excluding wastes. . . Fourth By branding th net weight of the 113 sheets on the box For the benrlH of those wanting the very best Kooning Plates, we assert, and art PRB I'ARKIJTOPKOVH. that (escepting the "Oilliertson's Old Method") there arena other brands of rooting tin twtng offered hi the market to-day. bv any firm, under the (bar differ ent guarantees given above by this house. T r MERCHANT & CO. .PhlbuUlidila, .Mew Vork, CMcngo; tontliili, "" ' d&wtaprl . top and nings "Cookoo." For instance. I turn tho hand, to 3 o'clock, and now other specimens known to ho extant and thesn were found on Bomeold letters and saved us curiosities by tho finder (gettingout ofthechair) the bird comes out and sings "Cookoo" ana ved us curiosiuc-s py the under inger, 1 don't keer if 1 do' three times. Jill t he Now York dealers, hearing of " ivi iu..!..:...ii ... tlio (Ind. olrcred lirst t50 for the three. Thanks, Strang The Mew Discovery. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You mnyyourself" lie one of the many who know from per sonal experience just how good0 thing its. If you hove ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing nliout it m, that when once given a trial Dr. King'sNew Discov ery ever after nolns a Place in tne nouse, uniutryman (enthusiastically, to """t or(f,.iRv m,m Mo.;.,- .i.,i ii,.:i u..i but gradually raised the price, finally su us ac VsstSs 4UWIUU. UUIIk tlltLL UCUL I ... ....... m .i . , ' Bljl " " olloiing H3buu ror the throe, taking WifrvTi,o i.i. , j them at that price, ine stamps were it IIV 'Sliut HII1U J tYJ IV V UU I sss-.s t.s s fur people who've trot lots of tinm but at onM. ll.lom 10 wou1.1 '.7 wl it'd take me half the forenoon eVerv 'octor tor (rbSO.-Uonver Uopublican. day to look after the bird. Harpers bazar. You ofton seo two ladies together Mo Two Hats Alike. ofton seo two ludios on tho street or in the theatre dressed - The Lick Observatory. 'I '1 1 a l,nml 1 tb nliAQMinlnM, rt fl.. I ! I kmi.iI In .,IM.A ilia aQllnl .Knu.mrnw ,Br!,5aW-rr? .'h il nr ,,v fomia. fop Purposes of oWrving would supiwse. But if you will look afflicted witl i cough c hi or any Uetiomena. a fiulure. Bcintr closely vou will find that whilo their lliroiu, lung or c .est trou. ic secure in-11.f illB " . ,.; - A' 'A ,mb. , n.rv in iKittle at once nun uive it a mir inai., it . , , t: , , , ' . , , . . r, . is guaranteed ever? time, or money re- atmosphere by the heat of the sun, the least in cut, color 'or materia , llieir funded. Trial k.ttlcsSiec at F. L. Jacobs U"!goes that phonoinenon you may hats do. No two hats of exuetly tho rivoo at., " v notice ut any time m the air Btirround- same stylo and dooorntion were ever drug RIUIB. . . ..- m..l, : l.,-.il ,.,,1 htr n milliiF Itv lliia 1 ,V,J oiu, a I1U.ACII1IU I fclW4Wl.V . .. ,, i..,t . Wir,l hill" Is the movcnient that blurs tho vision. The mean, of course, tnmmod hats. A.ny fill UVVUI m.iv..s " I .... . I . . . . . headline in a Chicago ncwapaiicr. This L4ek observatory, in the daytime, is one whodoubts theassorliou can easuy ,11 , . : . . . i..r.. biihmiiiiu ml i . aim i n ,i.... a maV lit Siarillllg nilll llHCl.Tllllg lllllll- ; ' wuiruvy uj juo, nuvii . VUHUIUUU U mntinn in the city by the lake, but on the this. 1' or nocturnal observations tho senliourd the bourd bill usuully settles Lick bbsorvutory is unequiiied. . For the actor. solar observations it would be better if the observatory wore looted on a level plain. Professor Nisjier in Globe- Democrat. Wife (to husband who has been to the inauguration V " Well, my dear, did you get an omce? Iluslutnil ImiMiinivi no I Whv is it sn mnflv aiirler from rnriinm "You didn't ? Did vou tell tlie President tism, ftchr. pains, kidncv diseases, liver you had faithfully attended every Repub- complaints, heart affection, etc.? It is licnn iiiBiiaurntion since l.incoln't and simply becnuse they will not come and lie be convinced. Take some matinee afternoon and watch the army of la dies us the v cn tor tlie theatre, kxam me the heiulgear carefully, and it will be found that no two of the number have trin i mod hats exactly alike. lit Louis Globo-Democrat The Flrat Ayiuptoina of Heath. Tired k-ehnu, dull brndnehe, pains tn various parts of the body, sinking nt the you had never asked for n office yet ?" "Yes." 'Wasn't he much uftVited ?" "He wus. He shook me. by tlie hand and said: 'My patrotic friend, jieriiiit me to congratulate you. 1 ho)ie you'll be able to attend many more inaugurations of iron hi the blood. This want of Iron mnkea tlie blood thin, watery and im pure. Impure blood carries weakness and distress to every nrt of the body Supply this lack of iron by using llrown t Iron Hitters, anil vou will sinfindv'iur- snd snr the same thing to every Prcsi- self etijoyiiig jierfect freednm from aches, dent.' pains and general ill-health. healed, . All diseases lrgin from a wnnt I of llie ttomach, loss of apjirtitc, fever- r.usTAi:G li!ii::e!it r.;usTAi:G liihl:eiit lTF.AT.fl ITfFLA MM ATU )S, OLD HOKEJi CI'RF.3 PrtF.S. m'MNR, CTTH, COItNa, UUtLSLS, CHiJJlLAi.NS Jt 1'UOb'l WXiiJ inline, pimples or sores, nre nil positive evidence of poisoned blood. No mutter how H became poisoned it must la; puri fied to avoid death. Ackers Hnghmi lllood Clixir hat never milcd to remove scrofiilous or syphilitic poisons. Sold un der positive gnarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. . h'libdawlw nUSTAHQ LiniLiEIIT IS FOR MAN A lil'.AST. rKNFTRATF.fi MUhHJUiilillJiiKlOTllIiYLJUXllO.NK I.KWia MADDUX, l'rcs L. P. MCLOUB, Vlct-Prct. J.B. RANKIN, Cashier. Diukctokb: U-wi Mmlihix, M.J. Hcnrdrn, M.J. Pagg, J- B. Rankin, J. B. Ray, J. B. Reed S. 11. Reed, Geo, 8. Powell, C. M. McLoud. , WESTERN CAROLINA BANK ' IA8IIKVILLB, N.C, FEBRUARY 1st, 1S80. ' Organised May Jst, 1888. , CAPITAL, $30,000. 8CRPL1S, f 5,000 STATB, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. ' ' 4 iwi u Oincrnl llunking Business. Ik-posits received, Bxchange bought and sold. Col lections ninilr 011 ull accesHilile points. The Saving Feature will receive special attention. On ull sums in this department, deposited (or four months or longer, Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum will be paid. 8H-ciiil attention given to loans oa real estate, which will be placed for long time on real sonablc terms. ' " J ' ' " t)H-n Irom 0 a. m. to 3 p. m. On Suturdays the Having Department will be open till 6 p.m. . . JettiMtf D. C. Wuildrll, President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President, Lawrence Pulliam, Cashier. THE BANK OF ASHEVILLE, AHhuville, N. C. DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY Oldeftt nank In Wcn(ern Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. surplus Fui $:3,a. nusTAnc uniuEHT L:u3Ti::a li:::::::;t ntftEH FOOT ROT, KnoTTIJ)F,n-ltOT, CPKTiR RHEfM ATlr.M, T.AVS T-KCK, BCKliW-WOUM ANDSCAJJ IN Bllthr"! AKJJ bTlFJ JUUNia. ItCB IN UAU I

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