I) COMMERCE, LTI ; iaJ Heroic fctav , A ,e! e, Jt. C. r.' Nosth. I.oorr'n 93. 26 . I blATloa, 2.K lSKT. Wfret"- ' or fnt 34 hoars cadiaf at a a. -, k..a a, ' 1 i ... . A It k 8. Kr-lwTa 1- -.ur, bnaded. 7 IS v h, i i hi. I Daily Mtu. 25 ) a. t 5 j r a ad 4j1'-7S 1 n :sf. 7 a as 1 3 pa I Bp 3 So I S tFirHrMIDtTY APSO. hfMli)ITVT 2 p mTltmay Mriu. lMliy'Mraa. 8T 1 0 ' I BABOMSTHH. .PRECIPITATION. Conwwl for aliunde aad temperature, and 1 Saow . . laeiwd miw. DentSa. Daily Meaa. lathes, laches. a O I 80.IT Weather Clear. K. Rt'CK. M. P., fHiarrrrr. JMUC AdTertlalaa;. CUBA TES many aew butinem; ESLARdES many aa old btuinea; HE VIVES many a duO butioeu; MESCVES many a htt bmtinmi SA VES man Hulinr busineu: PRESEK VES many a largt buiinem; SECURES success io any buiinea. To mdrtrtut ktdkioutly, us the roA omaa of" Tbe CiUtrn." Everybody rtaih it; aad in propottion to tot rrturns it yield adrti titer, it rale an the cheap- ett ia toe coast r. : AT MOKOANTOBI. snrfco njoerlot' Coorl Tfca Wert- ' mm Iihm Aajrlaaa, Etc. (Pcoea Oar Regular Cor epoadent.) Kkkort, N. C, March 9. Any newt whkh jronr correspondent nay bar to communicate, ia gleaned from a visit to the old, and highly reatiectahle town of Morganton, bring in attendance upon the spring term of Burks uperior court, aw ia amion. This ia the regular circuit of fail honor judge Connor', but by reason of an ex change contented to by the Governor, the presiding Judge is that distinguished gentleman and lawyer, Col, R. P. Arm field. Though newly clothed in the ju dicial robs, he bears ft with that grace and dignity so characteristic of the man. The veriest criminal ia his presence feels that while there will be no swerving from the line which duty points, yet jus tice wdl still be tempered with mercy, That force of character and power of mind which gsve success to the lawyer and eongrestman, will give abundant success to tbe Judge. The business of the court is being dis posed af in aa expedite and satisfactory - aaanncr. t nc criminal docket is com posed for tbe most part of misdemeanors aad petty offences. An indictment for murder, the only capital felony, has been i.s uah nr. A I'll. 1 1 o '... I i t:r't. 1 e cm.- of Cruf.4 ami WtJir, o;';ic. a J from t'.c Surnuc C'otut of C a bi,te to tlie Supreme Court of tbe t"i ::! States, has been set for argument before t: I. Ci 1 1 w ukK. Kt carUtf a C'otl a and rrodoct. JSIIKUUaifTIU. Xln titbant dull bat " t eT. irruiT limner-Gold, $13,100,- r'linsnt tmnl, dull bvt Xrntl t t ,; percaiU, S1.U7, A io5 losi N. V. Ccatral. Aia. Cim U.a..lll IN. W. tt.. 7. ntort ic4 .sitrtaera 1" N.C . L .. e...i t N. C. Cuaa.. 4a a. C. Bruwa'a...!" Teaa. hrt., 3.... 724' ...10Rl M. P. )1 . l' Haofic Mail.- S74 Kixling 44S Huh. tc Alkt... 1 A4 H. t W. foinc MS latter tribunal on tlte ISth iust. Mr. W. R. lienrr, of counncl for tlse dtfrmlajiti, 11 leave for Washington on the 12th inst, and will argue the ease before tbe Supreme Court on the 13th. The argu ment will be heard by tbe whole bench. Attorney General llaridaon will re ) "re- tent the State. NewsOliaerTer. v,n,. Coaa. SS Mock IdaaS . Nuriliwcatcea .loft!it. Paol...-..- S3 do ptd...l-Kl do pM DHkiLaek ia. Tea. Paolie Brie. TenaCoalfclroa 8S fcai Trao ;t'aloa faotve. H. I, Ceatral Mo. Paalie 7 Wcatrra laioa.. do k.-otton-aica' Oil Ceruncatea.. 07! Laa Shore... lO'i Lorn. N.h fiV.' MrakSiLliae 01 Moll. Ohlo.. 10 Kuh. at Chat... SUVU MOPac.lataiort B corroa, Lnriaroot, Marck . Mooa Cottoa 3tiKt wltk limited Inquiry Amerv-aa mid iuia SI 1-1 : aalra H.0O0: atwcalatiua aad eiport, l.ooo. Kteeipu 7.000 Amertcaa A loft. Ptttnna ateadr. 1 P. a AmcrKan atiddlina 8 11-16. Sale of to-day Imiwled S.Hoo Aaierkaa. March B-o arurra; aiarea ana jurw o-r. J. acllera; valae: lone and Ittle 6 46- aad Auiftuit 6 40-6, bayera; Aatraataadacp jaly taaibcrSl-4, arlk-ra, Ueptcaioer aad Octo ber a 4W-&4, acllerai Hcpumbcr 0 -, ru ce. Patarea cluacd aUady. Naar Voaa. March . t'ottoa steady. Sales to-day U hales; last eveoinn apiaads 10 -16; Orleans I0 7-1B. Mspoeta l.real Britala 1 l.ooo bates; Coatiacal S37. Stotk Hum Voaa. Marck B. Cottoa Net re- eelnu 330; groaa 063S. futarra closed easy Itata A7 7IMI Inlca. Marck ...to.ta) ISept 9a M April ....10.oa K-t.. . .J4 7 Msy.10 13al0 1No.... V.SAa 9.67 ,.10.2lal0 VV.Imc... ..lo.a Haio au.Jaa.... S.Hiia . P. 7 5a S.7S laae.. July., av..u ...iu.aoaiu.ao GALTaaroa. Marvk 9. Cottoa Sna, 10 S 1; receipts SUA. NfmruLi, Marck 9. Cottoa steady; 10; iceeipu BO. BALTisioaa. Marck 9. Cottoa quiet, 10 S 1S: faceiuta JOT. Boston, Marck S.-Cottoo quiet, 10!4 recelpUMS. WiLuiaoToa. N. C, Marck 9. Cottoa Arm, 9; reccipta 71. PuiLAiiKLPHiA,Marck Cottoa nria 10H; fieeiptsSUia. UAVANaAH, Marck 9. Cottoa quiet and Srm: U U-1H: Ruriots ISO J. Naar OsLEAas. Marck P. Cotton quiet, 9 ia-lA:rsceiots MHlll. Mosils, Marck . Cottoa quiet. 913 18; tiMvliita atMI. MaarHia, Marck 9. Cottoa very Brm, V, asceiota Auovsta, March 9. Cotton Arm,' 10; re- celpts lo3. j Chablrstok, March 9. Cottoa Brai, lOr, reveipu luos, V paoviaioaa and raomics. ' lULTlMoaa, March 9. Flour steady at aawhaaaed valuea. Wheat Houtbera quirt aad steady Pulls BHal.OH; Long berry 1.0'J al.07; Western weak No. 3 winur red spot and Marck 91Aa4. Cora Bon Ihera Bom inslly steady, anile tlaa, yellow Oalrii Western quiet, Lodisyii-lb, Marck 9. Jrain steady. Wheat no. a reu i ingiierry vt. worn aew allied SBU: No whits 84.V. Oats No. aaiasd 31, f ro visions steady. Bacon clear rllw 6.90; clear 7.00. Bulk meSts clear ribs 6.00: shoulders 6. Mess posk 13 60; sonar eared hams 10.60aU.3o. Choice leaf lard p. Cincimuatl March 9. Ploar dull. Wheat dull, nominal No. 3 red 96aur); Cora weaker No. il aiixed 85. Oats quiet No. 3 iniied 30V4. fork barely steady 13.3S. Lard easier 8.W0 Bulk eieat aad kacoa steaily. H bia- keyaulet 1.03. St. Louis, Mo., March 9, Flour firm but market Inactive owina to Hunt demand, Wheat lower, all other markets on dowa Jrades aad general advices of bearing ten. ency std to free selling and decline of AsaVt; buying was active and dose waa somewhat flrater with May W and lulyHahoTC bottom No. 3 red cash MU. May Mluiunu. July SltaiHIlVa. Corn weak No. 3 mlied cash 37. May 80', July 83a83H. Oats easy- No, 3 cask 3A, bid; May 37W. Whlsie; steady t.oa. Provisions quiet. 1'ork 13.87 ro. A Michigan gjadkaU is doing an im mense amount of work in Robeson coun ty, draining 80,000 acres of swamp land and cleaning out Lumber river, so that steamers have beeij placed oa the latter. UISCELLAXEOUS. Swannanoa Hotels Unexcelled cniaine. Popular with tourists, faaslliea aad bashsesa Blectrie cars paas the door. RAWLS PROflw fcbldly P rope's. 1 1 1 ? 1 1 T" f ' - V i 0 H 0 ti El'ILLE ICE n ! I s Full It!!er I'riMt-jw. Your (irot'or for We (Juaranttv Satisfaction. A.k Ashcville r.IIIHn2 Company Flour and Meal We make tlic following grauts of floui- Kollcr Kin, Ekx-tric Light, Caroliua Utile. Take no other. Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats and Kye. Horat aad Cuttle Feed Mixture Gronnd to OnW. Do Custom Grinding for Corn Rye and Oats. Mill and Yard at Old Depot. ASIIEVIIXE COAL COMPANY, II. Ts COLLINS & CO. SujxTior Hard and Soft Coal at WholfHule and lfetuil. Office. Barnanl Buiding, Tattou Arciiue. Yard: Old Dciait. THE ASIIEVILLE SANITARIUM, ASHEVIIXE, N. C, neantuuiiy ieateri fa a grove of oaks and white pine, with no dust or aoiac. at the c.,r- the Female CoUckc, and only three squares from the ace of Oak and Woodfia atreeta. court hoase. An modern and latest tm proved methods for treating chronic diseases of the lunas . , . .mi auHuiieu nutoa ny uie pnramHtic a KSS? P!"r"t":,so Compound Oxyarn ia omncction with the rapohicd fi saa (the balsam obtained from the nataral balsam trees near Asheville.) eaara. equl to the omc treatment, and will be scat on applicaUos by express, oa receipt of . - - . - One neceaa here for the past three years with this treatment has heen phenomenal, ha 3 i.i3fk lr . ?f wnX Pron""''' hopeles., whose names and residences can be 7i,. Z. r.Vr.k.iii . S ,. ""'" l"?1"" w rrtcr to the following well-known r ... l.V" f; A- "". "-mayor; j. n. aera, t4rrl i. g. Court ; Rev O C Ran- b,in?C Board and Treatment furnished to patients at reasonable prices. .mS?1.tl'.'"h.t T'"? T P"""1'"- "" a auinlsrr of cku.intly-fumli.hed rooms to IA.tf.? ,'1 .d,re 'et place, away from tlie hotels. Nice room., aew furniture, good, tars, nrsulaaa cooking, at reasonable prices. Also, hut aad cold baths! Dr. T.J, HA ROAN, Proprietor. HIINHMtiHtiMIII THE i HERRING & WEAVER, SHOE STORE, NO. 30 SOUTH MAIN STKEliT, While we Have the Fluent and Mont Faahlouable Hoods In our Une, - We also hiive the clieapest. Coll and see us. t'ui,..,!.,. LI Mrcl. u wflnur nuie and MBUnued. Burks count baa heen Sir a I chanaed. Wheat No, it siirllia k.. Mass I-..I- s-j -.i.. .1, -i .N s-!!Wi s mtm "a fx vw iviiis vi I uata o. an un- ifnlH nork U.U.'iuiaoo. It a bar. , I Lard .S5a.7V4. Short riba S.M0. Whiskey The home of the Arerrs. Pearsons. Br-1 Leading futures to-day ranged aa folio !. n . ,. ..... : I upsmna. uia wiiis,ejssmaDu vincra iu oaf BOW I Wheat No. 3 nnmors DEIITIFRIGE March. , atay,,,Mw.. juiy Cora No. 9 March........ May..,...,... ...at Jans (one, who added to much to the legal splendor of North Carolina, It Is ret her ride to boast Justice ot the Supreme Court and a recent! appointed Judge of the Superior Court, besides plenty of ris-1 Oats-No. a inf tuatrrud for future vacancies. The directors of the insane asylum at Morgaatoa met there in regular session Testerda. A full board was present, with the ctceptioa of Dr. Fuller, of Ral eigh. This immediate section was repre sented by Col. J. C Hsrper. of Cald well, d Hon. J, a Hall, of Catawba. Mai. Wilson, chairman of tbe board, presided A a. t . . a . ana iuc regular routine business, was isromptl tratuMcted. An examination of the building found everything perfect la Ha arrangement and order. Perhaps other public structure in tbe State is under such efficient management or con stitutes so enduring a monument to the philanthropy and humanity of our pro- pie. 101 V 8S B4H So'Z SO 84tt anil SO March.. May,M....... luae..., Mess Pork- March Maa' atMl as IS June 111. 07H Lard Marck ..,..,..., fl.STVi May ... 8 OS Juae 7.08 Short Ribs March May ...e.!17M June.... S.87Vi iiik-heat. 8U l.Oj " B4V 8(t 8SH S4'4 Ur)4k laws ia.7Vk savi S.P7 T.oa tiosina. A TRUE TOILET LUXURY. Or SBSOLUTILY PURC iNOaiOICNTis" 664. put 84H Soli son 3 an US .... THE BONANZA," . oAiunu TTinn awu l.yuUH BTUKB OF TUB STATE, No. 43 South Main Street, A8HBVILI.K, N. C. KAUTiriES THC TtlTH. RtStRVC TH( QUMt. tWCITCNSTHC RCATH NO INJURY TO THE CNAMEL. TIIE "HICKORY y;;:;e ad eiluard room, - . . INN" HICKORY, N. C. 87ri 6.40 11.80 lif 88)4 u.ao e.ua o mi S.30 . HafC AND AORttARir.. without iauat toiut" PREPARATION. PRICK II CENTS PER ROTTLE. FRAN K LOUGH RAN , rf,akfaa . . . .... - " PROPRIETOR. THI LOCAL MARKET. (COSBKCTBD DAILT.J The follnwina D rices can be obtained tnr country prouuee (.ahbaaea, nk-ely trimmed, per lt..,,., It4 Sorahum Molasara, per gal. IWaHO miles Macon, perm ...,HV.a poKiun, per uu. ......... ,.... tMlallO vvneat, ier !).... ......... Flour, ner cwt Cora, nerbu...... V iik sens Kkks, per dos..,.... nutter, uer Iti I Turnips, per liu... Carrots, per bu Parsnius. ner ba I Onions, per ba Cow Peas, per bu... Celery, per bunch..., neet, per m Kros.. ...... Mutton, per lb gross. ...l.tMl ,..a.808.no ...... ..HoaHfl lVali0 ualO .0a2(l liS 70 70 I (Ml 75at.lMi 4 3a4 M,.,,,oa4 ROLd ml Alt OftuQaisra. '. H. WINREI MANN 4 CO.. fSOPt (.Tisjoac. ato. For sale by J. . GRANT, dawtauU8 JfURNlBHBD APARTM8NT8 TO LET. Rooms can he had at No. AT Collrcre atiwet (known as the "ItavMsoa House") newly furnished. Mrs. Krwia has rham nf k m.1. Inary drimrtmrnt and will furnish Srat-dasa lame noam II desired at reasonable rates. ouquire oa ine premises. frlillSlii SPECIAL SALE FOR FEBRUARY. Closing: out Sale or all Winter Goods. ! IamgolnatomaksthlngsHvelyatthe"8POTCASH BTORB" for the .. n. a.... 1 mart kavt room for Borina rnorla aad I i. i . .. ; - f. pi on iwrai mat will move them. cSSiS'.K r.fhX'r;rr at Ju,t what thcjp ""i tthineae Hla. k Put ; KuKs at S3.nt, former price $4 .00. Lhlnese hits and Grey Rune at S2.flo. ft irmer oriiw a.l iwi Hi line of Uuihrellna at prices that will suit anv one I R RUNT, Two rour room enttauea and one nlae room ronaac oa uepot street. Anpiv to J. A. TBNNKNT. marSdlw were items f.:0I!EY TO LOflll. GWY1S&WEST. marUdSt stiatoaltor. mw BapcHiiUry CnrroR Citukm Rclerrinf to the mooted tjiieation as to the ctirm'tnetis of the term "depositary," as used by tbe s-iiai rtatninai nana in eontraiiuitinction to the supiMMcd generally correct one, "depository," I bes; to eire tbeauthoritv rhitB, 1 truat, diapussa of itbeyonrt quea- Gflered at Law's denrinu Siile f In tbe National Bank act. under whkh a!"?' " h national banks bold their powers, only wortn odd patterns trii.le-pluted the word ''depoaitaries'' ia used. Pwks and Spoons at half price, 31c. ; Section 6153 declares that all aati.m.i heat banking aasociationa desiirnated for hat fZiZi u 7, ? . "? 'jrt- P"er of sale contained l. . MrtaW ".hall be 'deeatlES ,om 70e- 11 mh- Wh and ends fe'j?'".! b! . J- Moone, money that tliey bImU iwrform sll uco ""' nil doted out ul npiD.UK urn an oeymaiiaries oi pub-1 "'r ng. can and examine and "e.ei e aasneiatinn , ...i ' rexarei or 'oVptMuUry' of the publk t Law's, 0ipoite rustoffice. money shall take and receive at par all mL.m.,..I. L 1 1 1 t . IB-rib UM. 811 and aa in. at o 1.. . A nice mctnl handle at 73e. A Cloriak Bilk (Rold head! at $1.1)1). A ' ' (silver head) at SI. uv. Bin .Mi m Pearl Buttons at 2Vyc. per dosen. rlia drive In tlcnta' Milnn-r. ,Hi,..,.i..w.j , . u.. . . ... $1.0(1. inc.. wono ai.uo; leather at "!, Dress floods at any price, to dose out BavejastrecTedaiotorHaH'BaaarForins.aiid.verv l.d. I- ...... . rf...l.l. ... ...... ' ., wiiu ni ' a iw nave one. it la a household necni. t i . : W. II. LEA, Spot Cash 8tore, No. t L' : ' i l! fcbldly N OTICB. aad Sarah H. sinned will sell hi T. his wile, the under-1 paoiit aurtloa lor eaah at I Mooary IV I the court house door in the City of Ashevill.. of the national currency bills bj whatever I IV tWou'TU,N ntk K. aaanr4atirB iaaiawt I . " n-rr,itirv esistin un der the Srm name oi W. II. Westall r. In a subsequent amendment nf th l. mis tnese tmtititutions are arnin snokeool ss National llank "Deuosita- hi occn inn pank-uiar In HIT qsmtatsona, inasmuch as there has been no little dispute as to whether a bank thus selected ahould announce itself at a OTTmetlt nteponitarj" or "UeKa- Tbe act says they shall he "l)eKiita. -i i . , . . .in. unv uimii no n. Mum. . . ii. nesiaii win mun't u ... i - .. W HIIH HI1U RU. 1 1 ..,'HHnl. . i mmlA S ... .7 March l,ls.,., ... ', r. W. II, Westall will continue h. I. lamlier, aash, doors, blinds, cements, plaster and etc, atthe same niaee. and h. ..w. . continuation of the eery lllieral patronajre of .... rh nereioiorc heen bs- ......u ine ihu nrm. mariodl n. v., oa tnc ntk day of April. IMMU. two In.. provea lots, known as Noa. SM aad 8H In Shelby Park, corner William aad Silver streets I in the city of Asheville, aad more particularly I J" "J Reistrof Ifeedaof Uuneomlieeounty ,j, run in, m ine records of mort- " .VT- V. wnicn rerrrrnee la nereby made, to I aosiy ine note secure By the said deed of I J. W, CORTLAND. Biar04t sat Trnauv QUIUIINO 8 A NO Pen SALR At sand lot oa the Pranrh nn4 iu. sw,ve the railroad trestle. Tickets can lie hd " r t the oni and yard of the r "in T lie Hnil V. II SI I I (1 m lia Sk as ss slu. v jok ftwuitr, wniKi ItNmdtt. """ l. K. (Ul M II i V WILLIAMSON & SON, (Successors to Hart & Williamson,) MANIIFACTURKSSOP - SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, .Moulding!, Stoir-Work, Fine Iu terior Fininh, MntitclH, Etc., ASHliYILLiS, n. c. vcn . AOKNTS FOR Tlie Ruckrre I'mnp, Steel and tin Sliink-, Floor and Hearth Tiles. fcbldly AliKNTH MVP. OK Byrkit's 1'dUnt SltcathitiK Itth. Tun1 Ice mailo from DistilliHlWiitci-. In for Mnn'f 10 tonlot.soOct'iit.six'rliuinlifd. Ollict'Uariianl JluiMir. I'atton Avenue. ' in w. T. rsKKiasK. w. a. ruMaii. FE!l;I!.,.!ilI3 & GQ..E -t.insia ANO nKALEHSU- HIAlRIDIWiAiRTE ASIIEVILUE, N. C. -AGENTS FOR- DUPONT P0DEH CO., . RICHMOND STOVE CO., CORTUNO WAGON CO... OLD HICKORY WAGONS, "STUDEBAKER WAGONS, M0L1NE SCALE CO'.- ENGINES, SAW BILLS, ETC. M CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE CO. frbudly F1TZPATRICX BROS. & ROBERTSON, Dealers lu Wall Paper, Viudow Shadesand Patent Haugei ,. Paints. Oils and Varnishes, Masury s Mucd PainU and Colors. Window Glass, both- French and Auicrkan. We keep in stock St. Luuis and Kentucky Lead. fellSilly Anything In the Jewelry Line at LOWEST riUCJSS For First Class Goods. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING, BURT DENISON, fchiodtf 18 Patton Avenue, LUMBER YARD. til0. F. 4SCOTTt (Succciwor "to DouMvdny & Scott, J North Public Square, WINDOWS, - BLINIIS, . BOORS, Olaas. Patty, Lime, Mastering- Hnir, Shin pcncing ,.,. A Mr-Orders will receive prompt attention. fcblOdlj PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, TIN AND SLATE HOOFING, ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Plans and SpecIfictUoiit' Furnished on Application We have thorough mechanic, in each line who have had n.ai.y .,.' eaperlence la their business. We van sufcly Kuarantee our patrons suOsfa'ction in our work, a lo w hgurca. BALLARD, RICH frblSdly & BOYCE. CLOSING OUT SALE -OF ALL WINTER GOODS, -AT- 22 d.Xcwtapr2it THE BIG 22, PATTON AVKNUE. 22 C. II. CAMPBELL,' Manufacturer aurj WholeaaI 8lilppr of trrCIIAOTPAHKlT cidkr;1 SARSAPARILLa, UINGl'R ALIi, , LI-1TION SODA, MINERAL WATERS, i CARBONATED WATER Factory, (17 Haywood, mt. uv, JC., I ONIC BEER, IN SIPHONS.!. FINE JOB WORK V tSn-XIALTV, AT LlT' Kcllglooja Not leva. thristmaChunh, corner Bailey street While drlrini to the slstlna a .m.ti ki. .. . . . - ana rattan Arena Sunday school and JsJOTlCB. L- ' "uzTSSxi wr, r,,rathe Ccatral Methodist Church-Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Preaching by the pastor, Rcr. C C. Rankin, at 11 a. m. j WANTBU' l ira, ninj at 7.30 p. m., by Ke. C. M. r.thop. QOOUpOARU KbOdlm MMsa Idly nasiacaa. ImiuIm . I.. I ... " I --. I soarlOdlw. yatil, near court . 1 UNNHNT. A white aarsc of some einrrtr-o ll I ears oi rhlldrea. l.ll-ral . to tas ri.ai A ik ! a ti . I . n -t - w m msi omtt, ajt The pronle or BUtesyUlc have rolxd down the rtroposition to establwh a sys-1 t'-!Tl rf ;-rniica cnoola. 1ms Just iMatcd the fifty- t m thejoorney oflife. of ths Huiuc wrrt held JJ0S8B rt SALR. r r Canital hnavv aad uH,tl . ,.i . syrarsold. tioand and rt-cllY arntlr ' ' Hinit.piurHi. . n ii 1 1 ii. ... ...,. iTBlVIOI i.0 " - Fn.ai aty rrsldrnca oa Bailer street, a white id hlak SIHiltrtl row, A ImvJ n.,.t will be iod iur her retara. JOHN HART. STOVES, TINWARE, AND - HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS eyes atteq ana at (naraateed. A coin. plett stoch of the abort aooda at GRANT'S DatG STOHE, SOl'TM MAIM STRHKT. OeuMsta preavrlptioaa a auerlalty, fcbrrdoia . riuoablus;, Stram and tUaa Flttiiis;, Tlu Roofl t lnr,&cs Btaploy only the Bret Workmen, do (nod work, and do It promptly. "K, Cutter. NO. 6, NOUTH t'OUI SQUAUR C. S. COOPER, arliirodls 39 South JSaln Street. CCD JOSS AT CCD TKES. OTICB. N orSrc , -r icntl, 1MHH, I will ,V '"Ct:, Ai.rii .. '."". he an, ..: ,i. "j April. Ihmu, at u ... . . "l ine mtri..H. . v v.. ...n.Hineroi, Colktte atreet .1."' . r I r.ne c. scll.nt pnUlic .ori " " thr highest ennttlr hidd'er. i "h, mm THlm to inntti... conveyed by T I Van - . . "n,, le n certain deed, of trust to ii" ......nroninin, orcarneta chnir. V 1 "ran,, hall and parlwseU and .,it1'",,,'m. household fumitan nd othtrumioi .ou-;,idfnu;r;"or - Aft I lass , i a """it iinhT nnn filsatwi j term ..f dene. trui H..r further particular ni dcrsurnci at his ol. . ?' he attorney at law, or Moore St MrVw! '''"hs. cys at taw. at thslr restiectir,,' "rl March H, 1K89. W.BA"NAR)' rUdtKir, H8.SU K 8TARNB8, UNUEKTAKER AND EMBALM, Asheville, N. C. Every nislied. lilt or cloth cowed csk,-t. ,...' .!'" Mh plain ami eloK,lntv in an ipiiuiiKi. Hear w,th iL or hint' (IrniK-ry. "iHvy ,,itr All enlla, rlnv r swereil. tint- of or nt.ri,. . Telerah m,mlly an. ironiitlv nttcmhrtto In '"' nr'lerit " ' rwi(enrc. rhisrtl. L.V. RrnwNoffrra hi rrv imi y"mm marmnn . rsirrtniiu .n k ..t Hjrht mn htiMt-v ssd ..h i.. I H! ! H""rtrinHT in rMsniiitnni (Httinii rirf I'riM.I Knh-si. ntsitifiia MtMirU, rr' KiirTrytta' I mitiirn t, etr. He run h w aunt tmiisi tit hi w.i. L " " '"'isi I, 1 I nf Htinpna.U . i!;:. ""T"1 ''-": . the bn in OMu at J. K. I'.tww O.'i lUro Mora, AitTTtii. h. c. ir.,i th.: 1 nif"W m- V'1 r f pOTIC B. Thr Pttnrrtnika. at . " vimts a. p m. Any phLj 'V"ech,.-..,rry r"e'i.lr t., m,.wr: '! s,.".?"7.ao ( K ..H-I, ,rf K,rlh 'P w ths atai. "d 'inT I sa ""Wtlli. MB "HER..

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