. .... ' , INGENUITY OF THE AFFUCTEO. Hl tilMI X!) AND n.i:Ai R- Absolutely Pure. This oowder never varies. A marrel of par ity, strength end whoktomnna. More eco nomical thaa the ordinary kind, and crniM be sold in competition with the multitude mf low trot, short weight alum or phosphate nowder. Sold only in cam. RovalBaki pownin Co., 106 Wail St., New York. datwtaprU PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Thho. P. DiTiotoM, Thos. A. Jokes, Kaleigh. J- O. Maktih, AiheTllle. Ashevtllc. wjAVIDSON, MARTIN JONES, Attorneys and Counsellor at Law, Asherille, N. C. Will piVet! in the 11th and lath JudicUf District. . ajl in the Supreme Court of North Caroliu. -.id in the Federal Courts of the W cittern District of North Carolina. Kd'er to Bank, of AsheviUe. dtsel JULIUS C. MARTIN, Attorney at Law, AsheviUe. N.C. Titles and Conveyancing a specialty. s in an i offlce: With GudKer t Law Building. Col- Carter, McLoud dtnuvUS - na. moors. ovrr mbrsick. JLJOORB & MERRICK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, . Ashevllle. N.C. u i- h. United States Circuit aad Diatrkt Courts at Asbeville, Statesvllle, Char intiTind Oreensboro, in the Supreme Court no,.uj i tw courts of the Twelfth fudidajTistricttf te Stat, of North Cnro- 8dl attention given to collection ''"partnership doe. not "tend to P'acita Buncomoe mien - T. H. COBB. -roBB & . O. MISSIUOS MEKRIMON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice in all the courts. Offia: Nos. 7 and 8, Johnston building, dtse w.w. jones. 0o. A. shufo.d. JONES 8HUPORD. Attorneys at Law, AsheviUe, N. C. Fractics In the Superior Courts of Western w,,-, Carolina, the Supreme Court of the sttt.and the Federal Courts at Aaheville. om in Johnston building, where one mem- iber of firm ean always be found.. dtliovll J1'" HOBBV AMDBUUSLLOH AT WW, A8HBVILLE, N.C. " iPractlees In the United states viryu v ..... : r"lV 'Jl. A.k..iii. in the Kunreme and in the Court, of the T welfth Judicial Mistrict of theStateoi ortn t. be ia7JunaJ,Vnd daere, a. hi. WHss- ' M,. DOUGLASS, P- D, S, ftO. 24 SOUTH MAIN ST., Palnwea Without Haaols To Tonga Mot Hum ry la IpMsk. Few example of human ingenuity are more interesting than Uie devices winch have been employed by crip ples U enable Uieni to pursue some calling, and there are few subjects nmru inicnwiini; and curious man I lie means by which the deaf have heard wliat was iMuHino: around them, and the dumb have made themselves understood. ranking nver the well known case of Mi.-a Bitliu. who, though born without hands or aims, attained considerable eminence as a miniature painter, it niay be noted that there are abundant instances recorded of persons who could notonlv write, but paint toler ably well, willi their toes. TAiere was. for instance, at CogirPS hall, in Vnrcx, a man named Carter, who wax so thoroughly paralyzed that tie hud quite lost the use of his hands, and was obliged to be on his buck. He iartly supported himself by his beautiful drawings, which he did with hit mouth ; and lie could copy an old uod cut or platt) to closely that it VBtsliflicull to distinguish, it from the origrrjitl. Sir Charles Bell too. tells us of a Russian liejjpir born without hands, whofretnieiiuvl the high road to Mos cow, and committed many murders before he was discovered and exe cuted. His method of work was pe culiar. He used to throw himself against a person who was giving him alms, and. having stuunou. him, pro ceeded U seize him with his teeth, and ur&s bini mto the wood. There are tliemfore many occupations which can be toHtAVttd even if a person have no hands. To nrt)rhat the tonsme is not ab solutely necessary for speech would be an easy niautsr, since mere are many authentic case of persons, who, hav ing lost their tongues owing to some accident or operation, have yet man aged to speak distinctly. But to con vey thoughts without speech, to speak without words is another matter. Per haps the most curious example of this form of ingenuity either in fact or fiction is the means by which the paralytic old Noirtier. in "Monte Oris to," was able to sieul( to anybody who understood his system, fie, it will be remembered, had sight and bearing Ic.Tt to him, and he expressed approbation, by closing hiscyes, his re fusal to any proposal by winking them several times, and if he had tome desire or feeling to express ho raised them to heaven. By this code, together with the aid of a dictionary to arruuged that he could see a page as a linger was rapidly run down it, be contrived to hold converse on any subject. Alter such examples of devices to supply the places of missing senses or niembers or the body as those we nave pientioned, it would be indeed surpris ing If there were no natural way of overcoming the many disadvantages Incidental to deafness. But a a mat ter of fact there is a method, and a very simple metliod. by which many dca? people em liaur, and that, too, without uiiuiciai instrument, in ''King John," Hubert says: I saw a smith stand with his hammer, thus, The wbIM his iron did on tee anvil cool, With open mouth, swallowing a tailor's news, Scott, too. has passages to the same effect, and we ofwn Jiear or a particu Edith (after the oirar I would lite some LimlMirer cheese, dear Harold (family No darling, not when you have your skunkskin saoiue on. Malt: of Art Needlework. Mrs. A. T. Fojgj of lioston wilt be at the Hattery Park Hotel, Monday and Tuesday, March, 11 and 12. with a lull line of embroideries and fancy work tor sale, which ladies are invited to call and examine. A PHANTOM PLOWMAN. TenIA ft rarairni VVt-hd Him aa Hs Tlirt-,1 I'pllx Holl rarfeetly In lite vi .-.liwes'ern comerof Lower vw... I- ty u raised iv ao iti:o .II:-.I W-. nm fnii:1i:rj jiieri:!- I -- : v i . . . , w:!y l l ' "-M. ;t lllliin. lal . nislic . ns''i;. Montgomery coun I !! i!iK hubbub has been t iiantom farmer, who is v.i iiiott'iiii; in a lisld. Tlie w;is tir.t discovpred about r -ti .by a f.-nn was returning late a prclty maio. a wooded isith an old forest for was startled to hear Philadelnhia liulL'e V hv did, you, a hitherto respected and pacific citiien, kill your wite f Prisoner Well, you see judge, its aw fully dull at home on Sundays, and ! wanted a little excitement. Buckten'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world far cuts. liruisra. sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever tores, tetter, chanued hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures Diles. or no nay required. It is cruarantced to uive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price' 25 cents per box. For sale bv F. L. Jacobs, daw It is stated that Senator Everts is am bitious to become a Judge. Should he ever hold that Dosition convicts would inevitably get long sentences. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothine Synlp should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lays all pains, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhiea. 25c. a bottle. Jakev "I vas goin' to tell you a shoke, fader. Der vas" Mr. Oppenheimer (ex citedly ("Don't you tell no shokes here, Jakev. Dere vos two customers in de store, and if dey laugh de new suits vont last till dey get to de door." Flaming Fire In ttic vetna. We hold oositive woof that Acker's Knirlish Blood Elixir cures all blood poi sons where cheap sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail. Knowing this, we will sell it to all who call at our store on a positive guarantee. T. C. Smith at Co. it voue continu tiding sxkioj in aoiuti FACTS, OMV FACTS, B. nrTi WOWJ, Mt W)rrt's Drug Store. BaHey at, febiodly Over Gi Residence, N H. KBKV1. R. O, P. 8. j DENT A. In Connally Building, Patton A feb13dlv OFFICE I veer K4vood's Store, vue. JjJR J- H- GARRATT, ARTIST. Studio overlooking Court Sq CooicrIs store. Studio Hours from 9 to 8. , Classes In Drawing and Painting. . ulars on application. fcb J F. BURG1N, M. V. OFFICE I New Grand Central Building, over Clothing Store. febl7dlm Big Si lar person "swallowing it all in" L e., listening with bis mouth wide open. Now, mere a souna pnysio- - . . . ,!. il logical reason ior opeuiug toe mouui under such cirounistunces. There are two opposite openings in Jbe ear namely, the external opening, which la known to all of us, ana uie internal ppeniug, called trie eustachian iudc, Wllltl pusses irom too inieriuu huui tory organs to the back of tho mouth, just where the nostrils ppen into it ll tuererore rouowa ma a person whd opens his mouth has It better chance of hearing than If be keeps it shut Id short, the inner opening is an auxiliary to the outer one. There Bohliv l to voune Fentherly "What kind of music were vou playine on the n;r loct nihf Mr. Fentherlv ?" Featk e,lv "What kind ofmusic, Bobby ? Why, I played selections from different operas. "Tim Clara was wronur. I heard her tell mn that you had been entertainine her with some alleged music. . . 4 Dyspepolat Deapalr, Deatta. These are the actual steps which follow indigestion. Acker's Eniflish Dyspe)sia Tablets will both check and cure this most fearful of diseases. Gurauteed by T. C. Smith & Co. Wife "I see that our neighbor, Bonds, is down aeain." Husband "What is it this time ? Wheat, 1 suppose ?" Wife "No, 1 think from his anoearanoe it was rye that has floored him now. And I don't want you to dabble with it anymore either." Better Than Bloody Battles. General Wheatcroft Nelson says: "My experience in the English army as well as in AincriCtt, tUIIVim-XIB IIIC IIIU, iwimiifjinf nnrities the blood or adds to the health, vitror and life as Acker's Enirlish Blood Elixir." This great remedy is sold under a positive guarantee by T. C. Smith & Co. Mrs. Pemmican, "Now since I've given vou something to eat, you can take this shovel and clean the snow off my side- wa, . -i Childe Vittlcs (a tramp). "Bcgpardon ma'am ; but 1 see that shovel was made by a non-union firm, and my sentiments reirardine the dignity of lnbor wont't permit we to handle it." Anecdotes of General Grant, General Grant, on his return to this countrv.is said to have been severely af- flirtril with a couch contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment. A friend procured lor mm a ootue . oi Symphyx, and by Its use in a few hours he was entirely relieved, He remarked to his friend: "Men look upon me as a great is at least one case In which the latter soldier, but this bottle of Symphyx u ppMurig ulone lias had todopervice, as greater than I. My calling lias been to r n J a- MAa !. Kisf r Ins nrlifM n ifi J.A TKNNKNT, Architect and Contractor. Plans, specifications and estimates fur nished. All work in my line contracted lor, and no charges for drawings on contracts awarded me. References when desired. , Office: No. 12 Hendry Block, North Court Square, AsheviUe, N. C. fcbldly J- P. RAMSAY, D. D.S. Dental Office i a fcafriard Building-Entrances, Pattor. Avenue and Main 8treet. fcb20dly INSURANCE. JJIRB INSURANCE. FIttE. the following adyertuement from a copy oi Tho Daily Post of some thirty years ago will clearly shows "Missing on Sunday afternoon, a young man of weak intellect. The lobes of his ears re closed, but when apoken to he opens his mouth, and is then ftbl (o near.'' It is clear, then, that the ae cideiifcil tlt'struction of one or more parts dix n4 necessarily destroy the atmse of hearing, provided that the injury docs not reach the pore essen tial nrri of mechanism, the PWn. Jjoudoii Tid Bits. (last Bis Way. VThcro singular man," ob er et u Woodward avenue grocer as s 1 rmntlinilll flUMDU vui "im destroy men's lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior oi men. i snau never lie without it again," d&w a si-ini'tiim '. . ... it. i.. ., i : ..l ..i Vani ll i:;:ll lir iimihcu in vain the dI:-.c. (or a moment or two. and was ntxuit moving on again when the sume Mtiod f'll on his ear. A shiver crept down his spinal column as he heard . tho c reaking of an unseen har ness, and this terror was far from being allayed by the whinny of a horse utmost directly before him At that moment the new moon stole over the iit-ighl-oi'itig tree tops, and ill its miKty light tlie rural swain plainly saw" the phantom farmer. It was ch arty oullMied aguinst tlie dark back ground, and its two hands held in steady j;i jisji the projecting handle of plow Before it marrheU a Miir of spirited horsiM, dimly outlined in the misty ligiiU Uieir neuus erect ana their eyes Hashing fire as they moved hastily along, me young man waiieo another moment to reassure himself, and wn ubtmt to take to his heels when nlov.-maii. horaea and plow sud donly vanished. Then he. too, (led in wilU aluriii. Al Silus llrowti s comer grocery on the night succeeding this the young nun. AH fit I wilier hy name, told this startling story. Brown, like many of the loungers iu the store, smiled incredulously, and advisee! Uooiior to "reform." A discussion anwe. in which hot words were ex changed, and neverul bets were made that tjooiier wasurawingtne long Dow. The uUBiiot of the matter was that the crowd adjourned to tlie alleged scene of the irlioril's oiierutions to verify or disprove l'ooier tale. Thev liutl not lonir to wait. Willi mil the noises that had warned Cooper the night before, the phatilon fanner upneared beloiv the eyes or the seven men who Kit umui mo (once, or. lo ue moiv lut-urute, who almost foil from il in lernir His long white hair and bum! xtreuuieHl lit the passing wind. o hal vvus on ins lieau nor couiu any p-irlidii of his face be seen except the glistening eyes. 'These shot out from a lieiijht of more than seven feet from the git mini, indicating that the spec tral gruiirrvr was taller than the aver ago of human kind. About his body, which rould not well be traced, there was a phosphorescent glow which diualcd the eyes of the terrified spec Ulors and shown far aliead of the steiulily moving horses. The plow he leaned on seemed of skeleton frame, but it IoshI olf the soft, moist earth as easily as a bteunier turns the river waves. On he came, the horses seem ing tft exhale lire, their heads erect mm arching, and fxtfallB as firm ond clear as any tho wutehers ever heard. Al the corner ot the licltl lliev Uil'iiou obediently ut a word from their spec tral driver, and again passed before Pie affrighted spectators, who there uxn piH in haste. On the following morning a crowd of rustics determined lo go to the Held unU sue whctiiur uny trace ot the wr ior could be found. As they iwiic siirht of the inclosure nno of 1 ;c number exclaimed in astonishment: I'll be d nrned if the thing doesn t plow, huiv enough." lie was right. One-naif of the Held hod been gone over, evidently bv no novice. Tho furrows were not quite so broad us Uiomj iniido by on oitlinarv plowman, out iney were less ragged unu more diii, and were as strmsrlit as the most exierieiiced eye could liiuke them. A day oi I wo alter the same, group went out lo view tho liclds aguin, uml this tinia lliey found that tliepliuntoui had uhlied liis work. The owner of the field was ono of the number, and he look a solemn oath that lie had not turned a sod in the inclosure. St. Louis Globu-Democmt ... . About Aaheville and some of 11, cr i People. Asbeville 1ms now the most nttniclive hotel in tlie Southern States, and Ikt daughter, Victoria, will noou huvc one eual to it. AsheviUe has graded schools, which are largely attendexT, and said to be ably con ducted in all respects. AsheviUe bas au electric street ruilwav in successful operation, and to lie exttuJ ed generally throughout the town. MISCELL.iSr.OVS. Aaheville has the most tliorouihlv drilled and equipped jHilice force in North Carolina, which is under the supervisiun of a most popular chiei. Asbeville has two excellent sanitari ums, which are exclusively for the use of visitors, as none of her own people ever get sick. AsheviUe has a beautful cemetery which is the only business here that does not pay, as during a whole month there was only one death among twelve and a hall' thousand inhabitants. AsheviUe has the very best business men in every line, ol wuom tne very creme de la creme, will be found ad vertising in Thb Citizen. AsheviUe is going to haveon Saturday, the 2d of March, a "Kaflce Klatsch." We would tell you what it is, if we knew, but you can learn by doing as we do; go and see it. A A. " a ?. V N t, r" BLAIR FURNITURE COMPANY, NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealers, V t t - 4 - And- Undertakers. Prompt attention given to all orders day or night. Ill LIFE. ACCIDENT. PULLIAM & CO. At the Bank of Ashevllle, """"" ASHBVIIXB, N.C. "Mr. President," said Lice, sympathet ically. "I wish I could think of some way of getting nd of this horde otofnee-sekers who pester you so. well." remarked tne i-resaiem, meui tatively, "I rumember when I was work ing, or endeavoring to work, op my in n ii tniral address vou persisted in wnist- j ling 'White Wings.1 Vou might try that. A Safe In-ventment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring nriRfartrM'v results, or in case offuil- iire a return ot purchnse jn-iee. On this safe plan you can buy from our adverr tirrl Drueeist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptions-it is guar .,i.1 in hrinc relief in every case, when .rl li r any affection of the Lungs Bron .UiU Asthma. Whooninn Coueh, Croup. etc., etc, it is pleasant anu aj;rixauie; iu pacaga under his ariil . -T.,,ar MiniruluMS.' - 'lie alW'iys begins Dusiness ty ing if "wo imvo any strawberries. 4 seaeon we W.y yc and out pi seasou J-?;-" . afe and can a,wayi if we have era ne aoesn i - r . .. : ri wou f t v we sav no. i we nave em i uuwu ---i . J?-. rV " ,i.' l,.w Vm ha looks (lis- rkpended upon. uu v , ii vviv" 77, . Trial bottles free at L. Jacobs' Drug Store. BpooinloJ for a minute and then gives hisordor- His trade is wortufJ,uyu ft p.ui.'when does vour breach vear to m& 1 lost " oQC0 anu uau w ,uit takc Clara ?" Clara aooloirize toVhim. .ohhinel "T to-morrow." Ethel (sym- "Howl" . , , , nnthiringr "I am sorry to see yon so "1 hud a smart aleck of a clerk who overeome, Clara, dear." Clara "Oh. it s replied that we had no strawberries nthing, Ethel ; I am simply practicing but lota of chestnuts, anu toe oju mtiu for the jury : walked outuHSUttasaianmio, lapoio giaed, disclia,i-ged the clerk, and ho re turned, lie my strawberry as long as we use him welL" Detroit Free Press. Merit Wlna. Represent the following companies, vis. . Anglo Nevada, of California, Continental, oi new i.nu Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany London Assurance, of England Niagara, of New York - Orient, of Hartford l'hirnii, of Brooklyn 8t. Paul Fire and Marine, of Min nesota Southern, of New Orleans Western, of Toronto Mutual Accident Association. itna Life Insurance Company. dtmarZU cash sssitTS m v. : ..a.7,H3 ,H7B,HZ3 l,129,flO 1,B4.1.lwa 3,a37.!l l.7.fl3 6,ir4,17 1,61.001 4.'IB.4 l,03,3a THB EQUITABLE LIFE fr . . Assurance Society Or TH tlSJTSD STATBS. Assets ,,4,'.,.?t Surplus o.74.7I- Outstanding Assurance.. .S!4.",,i2 Written in 1Hhm I.M,MM.M Tontine Policies with IS and 20 year f i i- - k m,M iM.tiular and DronlaiHe form of assurance. For examples, rates, ete., confer wltB IC D. Itlonroet RTtM Asheyllle, K. C. Office with Judge Aston. fru!13dBm r.usTAi:GLii!i::.EtiT artom.n always br kett rs pnop, Docks la Chtoa. Tf ifsfctittpd tlot there are more duck a In China-than all the world outside of it. They are kept on every farm, on the nrivatxv roads, and on all the lakes, rivers, and small streams. There are many boaUxm each of which as many as 2,000 are? kept Their eggs con stitute ono of Vine most important ar ticles of food. They are nawnea in establishnieuuiflttod up for the pur pose. Some of ;liaem turn out as many as 60,000 young; ducks every year. Hal I Ad and smoked Que us are sum ui all the towns, and many of them are exported U countries wnere cuina- men iwae. utuoiuyu awgia How Doctors conquer Death. ri . Walter K. Hammond says . innn TnrricnceI have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all the j . i nt,frns. nncumoiim u vw- :,... n.rhr IV BVUIUTU il - '"' ""I ""1 "l l. rare. t.-n..i.aH i-rtiurn Kcmcoy a This wonderful Kern ItlllY Umru in viiss.. . edy is sold under a positive guarantee by r. r. .. o. I ' n T. omun ot w. AsheviUe has the best newspaper in tlie -.hi h will next week publish a inrture of the new government building, w rlwiire to sav to our citizens, that for vears we have' been selling Ir. King N ihsrovrrv ior i.uraniiiira, k'ino'a New Life Pills. Bucklen's Arnica ci. nnH Electric Bitters, and ha ve never handled remedies that sell as wen, or that have given such universal satisfac. tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee i.m rvrrv time, and we stand reaay refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their mernts. 1 n I , . ........ rW-i. .r.Tta- AsheviUe has three banks, all of which are absolutely solid in every respect, and in either of which your deposits will be absolutely sale. Wnulrl vnu make vour henslav ? If so. I buy a package of Iniierini Egg Food, which is invaluable for young chicks and moulting towts, put up by r, t.. hturte- vant, Hartford, Conn. For sale only by F. L.Jacobs. . Blaine is expected to Samoan Bayard did on the little war Germany is having with herself. Kansal City has beaten Chicago in the divorce record. Pour divorces In six minutes were given In the circuit court of that city out day last week. "," ; Vice-President . Morton 'paid $0SMM) for the Bell residence in Washington and he will spend $10,000 more in repairs. It costs something to be Vice-President We believe it was an Australian pajier that announced the electiou of "Gen. ex- President Grant" to the mayoralty of New York State. When the Queen of Spain asked Perry Belmont if he thought Oliver Wendell Blaine would appoint Levi P. Harrison to a Cabinet office, Mr. Belmont fell into a swoon with laughter. ., As President Harrison steps across the threshold of his official abode there steps with him the leaden-footed conviction that for four long years he wilU rartlS llf out of hearing of a brass band, 4 "What a large and handsome vice president you have, Mr. Harrison," said a lady as Mr. Marton passed by "Yes," replied Mr. H., with a monest smile, "It have no small vices." - A silver piiie, inscribed on which was the inscription.. "Presented by Major General Harrison, U. S. A,, on behalf of the United States, to the Shnwaese tribe of Indians, 1814. "has been presented to President Harrison by a gentleman who secured the relic in Indian Territory, The quality of Private Secretary Lige Halford'i. conscience is superior even to the temptation presented hy a lost um brella. Senator-elect Higgins left his umbrella in the Harrison mansion at at Indianapolis, and Secretary Hal ford returned it to him in Washington. febltlly Residence J 39 Penland Streets "THE WINYAH SANITARIUM, " : ASHEV1LLE, K. C For the rcccptiou of patients suffering of diseases of lungs and throat, nnd conducted upon the plan oi the saniluires at Gcebersdorf and Falkensteia in Ger many. Ours is the only such Institution in the United States, and endorsed by the leading members of the medical profession. Terms reasonable. . -KARL VON RUCK, B. S., M. D. THE FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. TOBACCO I TOBACCO ! We are glad to say to our friends and customers that all grade have consider ably advanced since Christmas. Bright wrappers, cutters and strips - are higher" than they have been In several years, and show that Ashevillt is the: llace to tebaeeos mined hi Western North Carolina and East Tennessee. r-jmr- -J " . . . The exporters and manufacturers who need the type of tobacco raised in this section have their buyer on this market, and are paying more for it here than else where.! .- "1. ; : .:' V .... . , : J . - . ... Wc would warn our customers against the drummers and agents who. are paid big salaries to induce shipments to other markets thaa this, by promise to sell at reduced commissions, After your tobacco is shipped it 1 from under your control, and when you receive returns there is always an excuse for low prices, claiming to bacco to be damaged, etc., etc. -s -n; Wc have, with great expense, made the Fanners' Warehouse . The Lendinsr Warehouse in the State where you attend the sales of your own tobacco, or have it sold in a few day after shipment. - , , . . - r Elsewhere wc give a partial list of actual sales made since the holidays. ' ' ' , That the people of New York city know a good citizen at sight is evidenced by the cordial welcome that has been ex tended hi the metropolis toGrover Cleve land, lawyer, statesman and ex-Presi dent of these United States. These evi dences of high appreciation and loyal good-fellowship go far toward sweeten ing existence; and it is your strong, self- reliant man who hest knows how to prise them. , , ' Colonel Dan Lamont, the prince of presidential secretaries, has accepted the presidency of an Important street car I corporation in New York, of which ex- An Old I'lnno. A liltlu picco of note paper iiusled on toil of 1!k piano His tho history of its wanderings and its owners, limns thus: 'This pwiio wna inirclinrwl in liiv don, A. I) I K0X, by John C-m'umi, of Korkiiigliuni county. Virjrinia, being the liit ono brought lo tho county. lUci .1 w: J. I'. ii. 'U it iii:'iii"l r.n heirloom in the Grulinni family, doiceiidihg Qrst to Ins d,ui;:li! T. t-:um Urulium, who marvi-. -.l jiicol) Ko.niU, by whom the music Ii !' i'.vcoiiipiiiiyiiig the iuslru mciit wu.i co;k iL. it wua then in the r..n . list .tf Ii 1 1 1 1 1 I :no lin loivlnti r d&wtaprl2 SBIITH ROLUNS, : . ' ; ; ! Proprietors' wln-iv H it-.'.ir.tmti niiniy yars, no scciKiiirt to lln1 ft'.niil.v of lii.i ilaiijfli ter, I';: ;:; id C. vli liutiTiui Dr. Ki".!lj( i ; ji iiv, clicro it wits (luring the civil win- Mia. dminflitcr of Dr. n,wniw Hummer. I will tell you can didly, every glass of li(tior you drink is a nail in your coffin. Bummer well, ooctor, yraraiii" pect a fellow' coffin to hang together without nails. Mo-iif, wli i intirricd Newton Lui'l: lioltlci'. nt'sl cuinc into possession. (1111 v.liom il was purchased by Mrs. uri:i (' C .uv. gmnddaughlor of the original owner, wno uouaicuii ionic n r i a..-:i Ullicago i tiniwriuui BUUIClJi, HMO, 'Hie music book is indeed a curi osity - All the netesre written .with pen and ink. and Ihoumouiit of lubor espended oil the preparation of tho score must Imva beon great. It has a ''hand inado" titlo pugo, and on a page preceding till this is some elaborate writing uml scroll work which lolls of its possession by Maria Grnham. now long laid to rest, and listening to and possibly making more heavsiily music thai) over caino from the yellow and worn keys of llio old pianoforte. Tho whole ikxik is a curiosity. 113 leaves are ;f heavy rough paper. The ink which forms tlie uotes Is of p. rusty hue, uml the paper itself is yd low unu Mtiinru. l ne notes ure tjuiif legible, bowevsr. -Cliicago Mail Dr Krusa. i chemist of Munich, 1 has succwdod in decompomng cobalt snd nickel, both of which liavt niUj- im1o been supiiofeu to bo elcmontary lubstanrt's. owners. It is signincant that Whitney has captured Dan, and it -may be that they will lie heard from in a political way before long. Whitney knows a good thing when be sees it. Mrs. Harrison ( fondling a pet dot; I- "Such a dear little fellow as he is! I wish he could talk." The President "I don't, He might ask for an othee." Mr. Cole Darke ( wrathfully )" Whaffo, yo' tell Miss Yallerby dat 1 was in finan cial diffcrcultk'S, Winfield ? Is dat de way to cut a feller out ?" Mr. W. Scott CltilT "Keep cool, chile; yo' might .bust de dub tons orTn dat swell olicrcoat, an' let de whole street see yo Cardigan jacket!" ic, rnaihl man 00' wealth to h.otth Sume lew have both: very many haven't neither. Well, you may have i l. ...ill ..h tnk' hrst CnoitX. mnvu mi, o , " Vcrv wc : what S your on limn... ---V .r... ., A little of evervthuiK. wnats the cause? 'Illootl out ol order, aioncys weak, diifcstion bad, heart's action irreg ular." Ves, and every disease enn lie traced to these same anurce. Jut take a few bottle of Brown's Iron Hitters, it in rrmnvc the cause of disease and re store vou to robust health. CUSTAtlGUIIinEIIT CTTHE8 H0LIX)Wn0KN CAKEDBAOfl, HHtin.lJ AliW!" or. ci i i.' p"vnjwi " ,Jr7J. iu rirn I KI'rCliEN, BT AiJLK AN1 rACTOlt. I J GKUU U00F DIUtAbE IS CATTLK I MUSTAHG LIIIir.ENT W FOE MAK A PF.A8T. PENETRATE8 M UBCLE oV tlWiB Tu TUfi ViUi Y liOHli. mm ..: II IVi flRlTIFRIflF A TRIUE TOILET LUXURY. or AaaoLUTtLV PURI iNamoiiHT BCAUTiriCS THK TtlTH. PROTBCTINO l'KOI'EKTY OWNBK8, ' " THE "CAMAREF GUARANTEED ROOFING PLATES. . ; We nut only give the purchaser the best Roofing Plates, but wc protect him . Plrst-By giving onr Kiinrantee. "- ",. Second By stamping each sheet with brand and thickness. , , j . " i. ;' Third By excluding wastes. , 1 ' , ,v n t ., , Fourth By branding th net weight of the 113 sheet on the boxj ,4 For the benefit of those wanting the very beat Roofiing Plates, wt assert, and art PRE AKUU TO PROVU, that (esoeptlng the "Ollliertson's Old Method") there 'are no other imrnrniNTAm Phllnilrlpliia, New York, Chicago, London. ' - diwtaprt LUW18 MAU1IUX, Pres L. P. MeL,OVk, Vice-Pres. J, 8. RANKIN, Cashier. Iiirhctuks: lwls Maddux, M l. Beardrn, M. I. FagK, J. B. Rankin, J. B. Kay, J. B. Raid B. Ii. Keen, oeo. 8. 1'oweu, M, fticliuu. . . f WESTERN .CAROLINA BANK ' IA8HBV1LLB. N.C, FBBRUARY 1st, 18H9. . ... ., : 1 -Organised May 1st, 1888. -.-i. 1 CAPITAL,, 50,000. SVRPLV8, 5iOOO STATE, COUNTY AND CITY DBP08ITORY, ', Iloes a General Bunking Business. Deposits received. Bxchange bought and sold. Col lections made on all accessible polnU. The Saving Feature will receive special attention. On all sums In this department, deposited fur four months or longer, interest at the rate of per cent, per annum will bs paid. S ": '"" ' - Special attention given to loans on real estate, which will be placed for long time oa real sonablc terms. ' ' ' Oiicn from S a. m. to 3 p. m, On Saturdays the Saving Department will be open till p.m. febSdif -..-! ' PfttSCnvtSTHC GUMS. SECXCNSTHC BRCATH NO INJURY TO Tr.t ENAMEL. Carelca Mothers). Many mother have permitted their children to die before their eyeawhen they miuht have been nvea. Any mother who keeii house without a bottle of Acker English Haby Soother at hand, run a risk which she may some timercirrct. It has saved the live of thousands of children, and is doing so every year. For sale by T. C. Smith & Co. AsheviUe has five first-class private in stitution of learning, which in character complete with any in the world. AFC AND AGRtEAOLIC. WITHOUT EQUAL A A TOILET PREPARATION. D. C. Waddcll. President. W. W. Barnard, Vice President. Lawrrao Pulllsm, Cashier. THE BANK OF ASUEVIIXE, AsheviUe, N. C. i DESIGNATED STATE DEPOSITORY PRICE 29 CENTS PER BOTTLE. SOLO St ALL OaUOaiSTS. Ik H. WINKEI MANN 4 CO.. Vno CTIK0Sl, MO For ale by J. 8. GRANT, dnwtau2H .... Oldctit Bank In Western Carolina. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ITATI: ' .; v CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. SURPLUS K53 ,i3,a. l:ustaiig LiiiinEiiT i:ustai:o u::cebt Ct'RES ni.KS, litRNH, C1TTS, OOUNH, llUllWEH, CUUJJUA1NU AFU0STU1XEU HEAIA INKLAMIIATK'N, OLD BOUES I flAKF.11 UKtAbXd A IWstOT r.lUSTAIlG LIIIILIEIIT KUSTAIIO Li::i:.'.H3T OIBF.R FOOT HOT, HHOULPCT-ItOT, CTTKES BHKUMATISM, LAME BACK BClUW-wOUIt AND bCAJi IN WIEEP 1 AHJJ bTll'F .OlNm HUB IN 11AJU) I